Sergei Grushevsky was arrested. The producer of a children's pop group was charged with new episodes of pedophilia

MOSCOW, April 7 – RIA Novosti, Anton Razmakhnin. The Investigative Committee of Russia petitioned for the detention of Sergei Grushevsky, producer of the Omsk children's pop group "Denim Boys". He is accused of pedophilia. Read more about the situation in the RIA Novosti article.

Investigation version

Sergei Grushevsky, a 45-year-old Muscovite originally from Omsk, is suspected of committing a crime under paragraph 6 of Part 4 of Art. 132 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (violent acts of a sexual nature against a person under fourteen years of age). The investigation's version is as follows: from 2014 to 2016, under the pretext of music rehearsals, he invited young boys to his apartment, after which, “suppressing their will, he repeatedly committed violent acts of a sexual nature against them.”

The investigation plans to bring charges against the defendant in the near future and has already submitted a petition to the court to take Grushevsky into custody. Investigators are also trying to identify other similar episodes. The article under which the charge was brought is one of the most severe in the Criminal Code: if the verdict is guilty, Grushevsky faces from 12 to 20 years in prison.

It is known that at least one resident of Moscow contacted the Investigative Committee, who reported that “an unknown person named Sergei, from August 2014 to March 2015, committed violent acts of a sexual nature against her minor son, born in 2006, in his apartment on Mira Avenue.” Other sources speak of three boys, all no older than 12 years old.

What's called a "setup"

Meanwhile, acquaintances and colleagues of Sergei Grushevsky generally do not believe such accusations. And they even suggest that the producer was “framed”.

“Having known this man for more than a quarter of a century, I cannot correlate the accusations circulated today with my idea of ​​him,” says Omsk journalist Elena Zavyalova. “And I am sure that this is either a mistake, or what is usually called a frame-up.”

“It was impossible to even think such a thing about him,” Grushevsky’s friend, lead singer of the Casual group Alexei Yashin, told reporters. “Sergei is a normal guy, we were friends and are friends! And never any hints of anything like that!”

Denim boys

Sergei Grushevsky, founder of the production agency "Music of the Sun", has many professions. He is an actor, a poet, a musician, and a TV presenter. But now Sergei’s fate hangs in the balance because of his favorite project - the Denim Boys group. This is an ensemble made up of very young musicians - 11-13 year olds, who perform songs on children's and teenage themes to the soundtrack. The permanent soloist of the group is the son of Sergei Grushevsky, Vlad; other members change quite often.

“It’s just that someone’s mother decided to make money,” commented Alexander M., one of the former lead singers of the group. “I won’t believe it without evidence.”

All children from all members of the group have parents, says Alexander. Children, according to him, do not come to the studio alone (they are not from orphanages), and their parents are usually wealthy people.

“Was there” or “wasn’t” is a question that only the investigation and the court should answer. However, it is already clear that for a professional who deals with such music, and for young artists, and for parents, a “boy group” is a potentially very dangerous format.

“If half a century ago, child singers, such as Robertino Loretti or his Soviet colleague Seryozha Paramonov, enjoyed success, and no one thought about anything “like that” when they saw them, but now different times have come,” says record collector Yuri Sukhanov. The aesthetics of pop music have become too sexualized, so performances in this genre almost always turn into provocations."

Parents of 10-12 year old children interviewed by RIA Novosti recognize the aesthetics of the “Denim Boys” as very controversial. “The director’s unhealthy imagination, ugly rhymes, bad music, disgusting plot,” indignant Muscovite, mother of three children Alina Evgrafova. “Besides, young children - about 10 years old - sing about first kisses, which they themselves are probably not interested in in principle. It’s disgusting when children are turned into vulgar adults.”

The problem is that often the children whom pedophiles lure into their networks receive more attention and care from them than from their own parents, notes the father of two boys, Anton Pukirev. But, according to Pukirev, it is possible, if the accusations are true, that this is the very case when “a pedophile really loves children.”

Today in Moscow, the producer of the children's musical group “Denim Boys” Sergei Grushevsky was detained. According to the Investigative Committee, the man is suspected of pedophilia.

From 2014 to 2016, Grushevsky, under the pretext of rehearsals, invited members of Moscow musical groups to his apartment and committed acts of a sexual nature against the boys, senior assistant to the head of the Main Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of Russia in the capital, Yulia Ivanova, told the Moscow agency. - The mother of one of the minors contacted the police with this information.

However, the former member of the musical group, which, however, was called “Batman” in the 90s, does not believe these accusations.

This is some kind of nonsense. He's a normal dude. I didn't notice anything like that about him. He helped me a lot when I came to Moscow from Omsk,” Ivan Kondrashin, an actor at the Moscow Regional Theater for Young Spectators, told Metro. - I've known him for twenty years. Grushevsky often came to my performances with his guys.

According to him, in Lately There was turnover in the group.

One soloist is permanent, while the others change frequently. Maybe someone was upset that they were no longer in the group and decided to slander him? “I think everything will work out,” Metro’s interlocutor is sure.

Meanwhile, according to him, Grushevsky is not married and has no children. As another source, who wished to remain anonymous, told Metro, the producer may be of non-traditional sexual orientation.

At the end of 2013, I talked with him about cooperation, but it lasted for two weeks and I broke all ties,” said Metro’s interlocutor. - From the conversation, I realized that he was gay, and then a former member of the “Denim Boys” group said that this was so. But I'm not 100% sure about this.

“Denim boys” often performed at concerts and filmed videos. Shortly before his arrest, Grushevsky managed to shoot a new music video for the group, which was already published on social networks.

Nice, positive guys! Our girls from the Multicase group, who also performed at Grigory Gladkov’s creative evening, simply fell in love with them,” Nina Kareeva, director of the Center for Culture and Arts of the city of Elektrougli, told Metro. - So fiery, dance superbly, brightly dressed, very memorable!

What awaits the group is still unknown, and the fate of their new video is also in question. Investigators are now checking information about the man’s three alleged victims. In the near future, the Investigative Committee plans to bring charges against the producer.

Let us add that Sergei Grushevsky is not only the co-founder of the Denim Boys group, but also a TV presenter and poet. He also wrote lyrics for a musical group performing songs for children.

Producer of the musical group “Denim Boys” Sergei Grushevsky was detained in Moscow on suspicion of sexual violence against a minor. This was reported by the Moscow city news agency, citing a source in law enforcement agencies.

The mother of an 11-year-old schoolboy contacted the police with a statement that a man named Sergei had committed sexual assault against her son. According to the woman, this happened in an apartment on Mira Avenue from August 2014 to March 2015.

As REN TV writes, citing a source, there was more than one crime. According to the channel’s interlocutor, the man invited children to “additional rehearsals” in his studio, and there, under various pretexts, he undressed the children and committed sexual acts with them. The source claims that the man was molesting schoolchildren for six years.

A month ago, on March 5, law enforcement officers detained Grushevsky in his apartment. A criminal case has been opened against him, a source from AGN Moscow reported. However, Sergei Grushevsky actively maintains his pages in in social networks and his records show a somewhat different picture. None of his accounts contain entries dated March 5, 2017, but already on March 6, the producer easily shared jokes from the show “Evening Urgant” with users.

Since March 7, the musician took part in concerts on the occasion of the International women's day. From the entries on his page it follows that even if Grushevsky communicated with law enforcement officers regarding suspicion of child molestation, he was not detained. Apparently, they did not take a written undertaking from him either - on March 19, the producer was in Riga.

Sergei Grushevsky is a TV presenter, poet and producer. In 2013, with his participation, the children's music group “Denim Boys” was founded. Grushevsky also wrote lyrics for a musical group performing children's songs.

It is worth emphasizing that only media sources indicate the producer’s connection with these crimes; law enforcement agencies did not provide official confirmation of this information.

Later, the press service of the Investigative Committee announced the detention of a 45-year-old man who is suspected of this crime.

“According to the investigation, from 2014 to 2016, the man, under the pretext of conducting music rehearsals, invited students from one of the Moscow musical groups to his apartment. After that, suppressing the will of young boys, he repeatedly committed violent acts of a sexual nature against them,” the department said in a statement.

Now the detainee is in the department for investigative actions, the Investigative Committee noted. In the near future he will be charged and a preventive measure will be chosen. Law enforcement officers are identifying all possible episodes of the man’s criminal activity.

In April, 45-year-old producer of the children's pop group "Denim Boys" Sergei Grushevsky was arrested on suspicion of pedophilia. The basis for the man’s detention was statements from the parents of the alleged victims. At the same time, a criminal case was opened against the show business figure under the article “Violent acts of a sexual nature against a person under 14 years of age.”

A few months later, Grushevsky was again charged with indecent assault. According to a source of journalists in law enforcement agencies, the man repeatedly committed acts of a sexual nature. Thus, according to investigators, from March to June 2013, the producer entered into a relationship with a boy, and a couple of years later, the show business figure began a criminal relationship with a teenager aged 12 to 14 years. Both incidents took place in Grushevsky’s apartment, located in the center of Moscow - on Mira Avenue.

“On Tuesday, August 1, a new case was opened against Grushevsky under Part 4 of Art. 132 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Violent acts of a sexual nature against a person under fourteen years of age”) and Part 2 of Art. 135 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Depraved acts committed against a person who has reached the age of 12, but has not reached the age of 14”),” correspondents quote an informed source.

Earlier, Sergei Grushevsky’s colleagues stated that they were shocked by the accusations against him. They could not believe the information that the man allegedly persuaded his wards to engage in sexual acts. During a conversation with reporters, Omsk journalist Elena Zavyalova said that she had known the producer for more than a quarter of a century. According to the woman, some kind of mistake occurred. The lead singer of the Casual group, Alexey Yashin, agrees with the show business figure’s friend. He considers an acquaintance normal person, who has never demonstrated unusual tendencies.

Sergey Grushevsky is a graduate of the Omsk State Pedagogical Institute. The show business figure is well known in narrow circles. In the early 90s, the future producer himself was in a boy band - at one time small homeland Among men, the group “Batman” was very popular, which was compared to “Tender May”.

In 2013, Grushevsky founded the pop group “Denim Boys”. IN different time its participants performed with Vladimir Levkin and Roma Zhukov. Shortly before the band's producer was arrested, he was preparing to present new clip wards. Due to the fact that Grushevsky was detained, the video was never released.

The man is currently in custody. In April, a resident of the capital contacted the police, saying that the producer had raped her son, born in 2006. Later, the investigation concluded that Grushevsky repeatedly committed sexual assault against boys. Employees law enforcement It is believed that the show business figure invited young artists to his home under the pretext of rehearsals. After that, he, suppressing the will of the children, persuaded them to enter into a relationship with him, reports City News Agency "Moscow".

On April 5 it will be exactly one year since the arrest of Sergei Grushevsky. A popular music presenter and producer was arrested and accused of unlawful acts against minor artists. His friends and colleagues were shocked by this information, and the accusations were perceived as completely absurd. But then most of the people who were considered friends, as often happens, “fell into trouble” and disappeared. In the huge stream of media publications broadcasting an a priori accusatory version, I found only one that gave an unusually balanced presentation of the situation...

Despite the fact that Sergei has a lot in common with Omsk, we have never met in person, but we were mutual friends on social networks, occasionally exchanging likes, shares and retweets. Knowing how easy it is to modern Russia to fall under the pressure of a subservient security system, I, of course, was worried about this story, and the almost complete lack of reliable first-hand information gave rise to the darkest speculations.

Finally, I decided to put an end to the unknown and turned to the famous human rights activist Anna Karetnikova for help: to begin with, I limited myself to just asking for help in finding Sergei in order to try to establish direct communication with him through the FSIN letter... The first attempt ended unsuccessfully: the letter was sent to the pre-trial detention center -3, returned with a notification that the addressee was missing. Then Anna more thoroughly “pierced” her sources and reported that the suspect Grushevsky was in the hospital of pre-trial detention center-2, better known as the FSB detention center “Butyrka”.

On March 16, I sent a short letter, ending with the words “I will be glad to receive any answer from you in order to understand the main thing: that you are alive and do not lose hope for an early release.” And exactly a week later I received an answer.

Unfortunately, Sergei did not clarify, as I asked him, which points can and should not be made public. Therefore, I decided not to give his entire text, but to present it in the form of an interview. I hope my journalistic instincts did not let me down, and I managed to preserve all the liveliness of my interlocutor’s direct speech without violating confidentiality.

So, here is this interview letter:

Sergey, hello. I just found out, with the assistance of Anna Karetnikova, that you are being held in the hospital of pre-trial detention center-2, and I immediately decided to write to test this communication channel. Before this, it was not possible to find out any details anywhere.

Hello! Very nice and unexpected! I have been in pre-trial detention center-2 since April 2017. After the Serbsky Institute in September 2017, I was locked in a mental hospital in order to deprive me of my usual connection. That’s why I don’t know what they’re pouring on me in the wild 😞

- Tell me what your current situation is in the “case.” Is assistance needed, and if so, what kind of assistance?

All the information is only from my common-law wife Lena and my sister Natalya. Contact your sister, she runs my affairs. Find S.Ch. on Facebook. - he is in the subject of where the water flows from. I can’t write my thoughts here.

And yet, at least briefly comment on your position in order to at least slightly compensate for the muddy wave of speculation and insinuation that many media outlets have noted.

There is no dirt on me. They immediately worked out everything around me, like I confessed, I’m giving testimony, etc. 😊 Nothing like that! I do not admit guilt, and I have Article 51. (note by VK: article of the Constitution of the Russian Federation guaranteeing the right of the accused not to testify against himself).

I didn’t please someone, I walked too wide 😞 In fact, it’s a reservation. We worked with three former members of the studio from 2013–2015 and persuaded them to sign. They worked on the story for a long time, looking for both money and connections. No one leaked except these offended mothers. Only a dictated statement, no witnesses or incriminating evidence (after 10 months they gave away my four computers, two trunks of storage media, cameras, cameras, etc.). Studio partner A. is a bad person 😞 I have only a few true friends with me.

- Is the investigation over yet?

Yes, the trials have begun. No light...

- How are you feeling, your mood? How do you cope with separation from loved ones?

I immediately sent all my people from Moscow to ***: it’s safer and away from the press, they fly to me here. There were no dates for 10 months, permission to sign with Lena was not given 😞

In everyday life: from the very beginning - everything is humane, no harassment. TV, I get books from OZONE, I continue to study ENGLISH 😊. Warm, 8 bunks + 2-3-4 people always still on the floor. Healthy in head and body. I maintain my weight at 88 kg. 😊 I smile, but in reality 😞 This is not my quest 😞 Of course, they support me, but alas, I’m in a trance 😞.

Note: Most of the text is carefully reproduced from the original letter, including all the emoticons - both smiling and sad.