Without plastic surgery: stars who are not afraid of old age. Celebrities who don't age without plastic surgery (Photos) 10 stars who age gracefully

Some stars go to plastic surgeons more often than to the store, while others defend a woman’s right to age. Diane Keaton, Salma Hayek, Meryl Streep and other stars who oppose plastic surgery.

Heidi Klum

Heidi Klum is no longer just a beautiful model. She is an actress, producer of her own Project Runway, businesswoman and mother of four children. And she doesn't need surgery. It’s worth learning from her how to love yourself and your appearance.

“Why do I need plastic surgery? What can she give me that I don’t have?” – says Heidi Klum.

Eva Longoria

“Desperate Housewife” Eva Longoria is the darling of fate. Nature gave her a lovely figure, velvety skin tone, plump lips and a graceful nose. She really doesn't need to change anything. The actress adequately evaluates herself and does not want to spoil anything with operations.

“I think we are created the way we are for a reason, and I don’t intend to change anything.”

Salma Hayek

Salma Hayek is sure that beauty is inside every woman, it needs to be revealed and improved naturally. In the process of aging, the actress does not see anything terrible, and remembers her grandmother, who always looked great.

“Every woman has the right to fight to preserve her youth. However, plastic surgery has become something of a generational uniform. And the results are not always so beautiful.”

Kate Winslet

British actress Kate Winslet considers interfering with beauty with a scalpel immoral. Together with actresses Emma Thompson and Rachel Weisz, she created the British League Against Plastic Surgery.

Kate Winslet is simply the embodiment of naturalness. She does not exhaust herself with diets, is not embarrassed by her size 41 feet, but always looks feminine and confident.

"I will never give up! This goes against my idea of ​​natural beauty. I’m an actress and I don’t want one expression frozen on my face.”

Meryl Streep

Rarely does anyone in Hollywood boast that they are not afraid of old age. Meryl Streep is one of these daredevils. Her career blossomed after her 40th birthday as an actress. Just remember Miranda Priestly in The Devil Wears Prada. The actress has a negative attitude towards plastic surgery and laughs at her colleagues who are trying to preserve their youth in this way.

Isabella Rossellini

For 12 years, the actress was the face of the Lancome cosmetics brand. When they stated that they needed a "younger face", Rossellini terminated the contract. She was offered to rejuvenate herself a little, but the actress considered it beneath her dignity. According to Isabella Rossellini, plastic surgery is for insecure women. The star always answers that she is young at heart and does not need plastic surgery.

“I didn’t do plastic surgery because it had become almost a mandatory event, like the Chinese tradition of foot binding. I will never do this because I don’t feel that bad about myself.”

Julianne Moore

The actress has never had plastic surgery or rejuvenation procedures, and she is already over 50. Julianne Moore can afford to age naturally and does not believe that surgery can help women become more beautiful. The secret of success is not in appearance, but in naturalness and self-love. The actress rarely wears makeup unless she is filming and considers her red hair, green eyes and high cheekbones to be a sufficient decoration.

Diane Keaton

It's hard to imagine, but Diane Keaton is already 70 years old. But with age she began to have even more roles. The actress does not see the point in operations: she has no need to change her appearance and prolong her youth. Her best friends– activity, proper nutrition and natural cosmetics.

“I want to look my age and be authentic. Why do so many people try to imitate other people's looks?

Emma Thompson

Emma Thompson is one of the organizers of the British League Against Plastic Surgery. The actress gives advice to fans of plastic surgery - spend your time working better. Emma Thompson does not intend to hide wrinkles with “magic” injections. The actress worries that the current generation considers surgery as natural as makeup, and very often performs operations unjustifiably.

"This is madness. This is not normal, and the culture we have created that accepts this as normal is also not normal. Why do people ask to be cut open and have foreign objects inserted inside them? What are we doing to ourselves?

Sharon Stone

The beauty of this woman is timeless. At the same time, the actress is not trying to maintain the appearance of a 20-year-old girl. The secret of her beauty is healthy eating, regular sport and skin care.

“Yes, I’m getting old, but it seems to me that in the art of aging you can allow yourself some “imperfections”; they add sensuality and sexuality to the image. I’m not against plastic surgery, it’s much worse to live with complexes caused by flaws in appearance, but remaking yourself just like that is not normal.”

Julia Roberts

When Julia was 40 years old, she said about plastic surgery: “Never say never!” But I didn’t do such procedures. The actress became a model after 40, and notes that age has a positive effect on her new career. It’s more interesting to pose when you’re not 20 years old, but 40.

“Your face should tell a story about you, not about your trips to the doctor.”

Jodie Foster

Clever and beautiful Jodie Foster is against plastic surgery, but believes that everyone should choose for themselves. The actress looks great and maintains her beauty through exercise and proper nutrition.

“I would rather say something about myself, about who I am, rather than trying to actually talk about the fact that I’m embarrassed of myself.”

Cate Blanchett

The actress’s husband joked that he would divorce her if she had plastic surgery, because she is a real beauty. Kate doesn't understand the desire of actresses and other women to improve their appearance with a scalpel.

For beauty, she eats the right food, uses natural cosmetics and plays sports. It requires a lot of effort, and it’s more difficult than just going under the knife, but she protects her body from the consequences of operations.

“I will not tell women from the podium what they should or should not do. I just know what works for me. But when I see 20-year-old girls getting Botox injections, I feel sorry for them.”

Rachel Weisz

The wife of “James Bond” Daniel Craig captivated her husband with her charming naturalness. This is her life credo. The actress agrees with Kate Winslet: facial expressions are extremely important for an actress. In addition to their confidence in the power of natural beauty, actresses want to prove this to young women.

“What kind of expressiveness can a face pumped up with Botox have? It's an iron mask, not a face. Botox should be banned, just like steroids are banned in the world of professional sports."

Despite expensive procedures and consultations with the best beauty specialists, Hollywood stars inevitably grow old. Some apply for help from plastic surgeons, but there are celebrities who are lucky with genetics - over the years they have hardly changed. TrendSpace.Ru remembered the stars who look like they did 10 years ago.

Cindy Crawford

The 49-year-old model still actively participates in photo shoots - Crawford is not even afraid to show off her body without photoshop. Daughter Kaya, who has already tried herself as a model and actress, followed in the footsteps of her star mother.

The mother of three has not aged at all over the past 10 years. This is facilitated by Gwen’s unique style - the artist prefers bright makeup, voluminous hairstyles and unusual outfits. In addition, the singer is actively involved in sports.

Jennifer Lopez

Regular workouts and proper nutrition help Jennifer Lopez look great - this year the star's body was recognized the most attractive in the world, overlooking models and younger celebrities. But JLo has already celebrated her 45th birthday.

Sandra Bullock

Another representative of Hollywood Olympus is actress Sandra Bullock. Despite her 50 years, the star still looks amazing. No wonder People magazine named Bullock the sexiest woman on the planet.

The 46-year-old star of the series "Friends", whose hairstyle was imitated throughout America, continues to be one of the most attractive women in Hollywood. Fans are still waiting for Justin Theroux to take the beauty to the altar.

Angelina Jolie is working out charity, acts in films, directs his own films, raises children and looks great. The celebrity is regularly included in various ratings of the most beautiful women on the planet.

Not long ago it became known that Charlize Theron broke off her relationship with Sean Penn and canceled the wedding. The 39-year-old actress can afford to scatter suitors - with such an appearance she has plenty of fans.

Gwyneth Paltrow

Gwyneth Paltrow is known for her love for proper nutrition and all kinds of diets. The result, as they say, is obvious. It is not surprising that soon after the divorce, Gwyneth appeared in public with a new beau.

Four children did not stop Klum from building a successful modeling career and maintaining an excellent figure. At 42 years old, Klum can easily compete with quite young models: every year she becomes more fit and attractive.

Cate Blanchett

Cate Blanchett hasn't changed much over the past few years. The charming and cheerful actress still demonstrates an excellent figure, well-groomed skin and hair. Small facial wrinkles do not spoil the star’s appearance at all and give her a special charm.

Christie Brinkley

Helen Mirren, at 70, hits the red carpet in tight designer outfits and looks amazing doing it. The actress says that she has never been a fan of the gym, but she can boast of discipline: every day she devotes 15 minutes to a set of physical exercises, which she has been doing for half a century!

Meryl Streep, 67 years old

Oscar-winner Meryl Streep is one of those stars who has never relied on outfits, but at the same time manages to always look elegant and feminine even in the simplest basic clothes. Meryl is not interested in plastic surgery or diets, but she is distinguished by her special - noble and natural - beauty.


Sophia Loren, 81 years old

The record holder of our rating is 80-year-old Sophia Loren, who even at such an advanced age manages to drive men crazy. A woman's age is often revealed by her neck and décolleté - Sophie still allows herself quite open dresses, in which she looks great. The secret of her youth is healthy sleep (the star goes to bed no later than 9 pm), a Mediterranean diet and a good mood.

Jane Fonda, 78 years old

The creator of aerobics, Jane Fonda, is a truly unique person. It's impossible to call Jane a grandmother, because at 77 years old she boldly wears the tightest dresses, and we can't help but admire her waist. And it’s all very much to blame active image life - not a day without aerobics, take example!

Catherine Deneuve, 72 years old

Catherine Deneuve is the embodiment of French chic, no matter how old this already legendary woman becomes. Catherine does not try to look younger than her age, while remaining a very attractive woman with wise eyes. By the way, the actress has been smoking all her life - she is not ready to give up this little weakness even for the sake of beauty.

Irina Allegrova, 64 years old

TASS / Salynskaya Anna

We also have our own heroes - for example, singer Irina Allegrova, who recent years 15 doesn’t seem to change at all! Irina watches her diet: she eats only fruits, vegetables and seafood. The star completely abandoned meat, since after a certain age it begins to play against the youth of the skin.

Jessica Lange, 67

Actress Jessica Lange, at 66 years old, also remains a very attractive woman. Jessica doesn't try to look young; she chooses a strict style and voluminous hairstyles. Lang's image can truly be considered impeccable - that's what absolute taste means!

Sofia Rotaru, 68 years old

TASS / Yuri Samolygo

Sofia Rotaru can definitely be proud of how she looks at 67 years old - even Demi Moore could be jealous of this! The singer has grown-up grandchildren, and she herself remains a very attractive woman with age. It is obvious that Sofia Mikhailovna visits the cosmetologist regularly, but the star has never gone overboard with procedures, unlike her Western colleagues.

Laima Vaikule, 62 years old

Laima Vaikule, a star with an unusual style and sensual voice, only becomes more beautiful over the years. Laima herself says that she appearance- the result of discipline. “I have a clearly scheduled life,” the singer said in an interview, “I try to find time for all the essentials: creativity, a healthy lifestyle, sports. Appearance is of enormous importance to me!”

Carmen Dell'Orefice, 85 years old

Carmen Dell'Orefice is our role model and role model! The American star is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the fashion model with the longest catwalk career. Carmen is beautiful precisely at her age: sophisticated, with noble gray hair and a mysterious look, she does not hide her age, but is proud of the rich life she has lived.

Christie Brinkley, 62 years old

Christie Brinkley isn't just aging gracefully, no. Christy doesn't even know what it means to grow old! This is perhaps the only example where a woman at 60 actually looks 30. We already suspected Christie of black magic, but in reality the model simply leads a healthy lifestyle and thanks genetics.

Susan Sarandon, 69 years old

The magnificent Susan Sarandon can afford boyfriends 30 years younger, although she herself does not try to deceive nature. It's clear that men are attracted to Susan for more than just her firm skin and flat stomach.

Jane Seymour, 65

British actress Jane Seymour, at her advanced age, has everything that any girl could dream of. Jane has a charming smile, smooth skin, magnificent breasts and a thin waist. We want to look like this in retirement too!

Michel Mercier, 77 years old

Another French diva on our list is actress Michelle Mercier, star of the film Angelique: Marquise of the Angels and its many sequels. In her youth, Michelle was an incredible beauty, but with age she did not lose her charm and charm.

Joan Collins, 83

British actress Joan Collins made her film debut 64 years ago! Times and eras change, but Joan is still the same sophisticated beauty. Maybe the secret of her youth is in her stormy personal life? The star was married five times, and her fifth husband, Collins, is 32 years younger than her.

Diane Keaton, 70

Diane Keaton looks great for her age, although the actress had very serious health problems. In 2011, the star was diagnosed with skin cancer, which she managed to defeat. At the same time, Diane managed to be an ambassador for L’Oréal and pose on the red carpet.

Sigourney Weaver, 66 years old

Sigourney Weaver does not fight the increasing years, but calmly accepts them - this is the secret of the actress’s beauty. The star says about herself: “I am not interested in magazines writing about celebrities. They want young actors whose lives are full of events: gained a couple of pounds, lost a couple of pounds, spotted at a resort with this, spotted at the pool with that. Every day they bring sensations. But it’s boring to write about me: I’m always in shape and I’ve been married to the same person for many, many years.”

The Iron Lady in the world of television, Oprah Winfrey, has already celebrated her 61st birthday. Unexpected, right? Over her long career, Oprah either lost weight or gained weight, changed her style and hairstyles, but at the same time she always remained herself - a charming and smart TV presenter who knows how to find out any secrets.

Caitlyn Jenner, 66 years old

The last heroine on our list is Caitlyn Jenner, who has the hardest time looking stunning! And it’s not just a matter of age, but the fact that until recently Caitlyn was a man - former athlete Bruce Jenner. Now, at 65, she finally wears feminine dresses, flowing locks and poses for magazines in sexy bodysuits. Isn't this the true ability to ignore your age?

The golden rule “less is more” is what you need to remember when embarking on the difficult path of fighting age with the help of contouring and plastic surgery. It was this knowledge that was lacking for the stars, who not only wanted to maintain their youth, but also tried to look sexy in their far from young years.

Janice Dickinson (60)

Host of the show Model school Janice the Witch,” herself a former model, has changed so much that it is difficult to recognize her as the girl on the covers of the major fashion magazines of the late 1970s and early 1980s. At the time, she was a regular partygoer at Studio 54, and, as she admitted in her autobiography, was on a cocaine diet and was also being treated for alcoholism, drug addiction, anorexia and bulimia. Of course, this did not leave its mark on the appearance. After the birth of her son in the 1980s, Janice decisively took care of herself: she had a face and neck lift, rhinoplasty, liposuction, and periodically enlarged her breasts and lips. Apparently, being a passionate person, Janice cannot control herself in matters related to plastic surgery and cannot stop.

Melanie Griffith(58)

The actress, who once had a doll-like appearance, at one time refused to put up with aging and went to great lengths trying to preserve her beauty. She enlarged her lips with injections, sculpted new cheekbones and had several lifts. Subsequently, all the implants were removed, but they left an indelible mark. All this has led to the fact that Melanie’s face leaves much to be desired and constantly becomes the subject of discussion on social networks. However, she herself calmly takes the constant rudeness addressed to her, sometimes responding to haters with messages in the spirit of “yes, I am like that, so what?”

Meg Ryan (54)