The former member of the Federation Council received a suspended sentence. Provkin, Igor Yurievich Senators under investigation

The court sentenced him to 4 years probation for raping a student

Provkin committed the crime in the summer of 2010. He offered the student a ride in his car, drove her into a dark alley and raped her. At the trial, the former senator fully admitted his guilt, but “shared” it with the demon. The humane court, under an article that provides for up to 20 years in prison, sentenced the rapist to a suspended sentence.

Let us recall that on the night of July 1, 2010, at that time, the then-current representative of the Republic of Kalmykia in the Federation Council, Igor Provkin, saw a 24-year-old student from the capital, Marina, near the Udarnik cinema and invited her to take a ride in his Lexus GX 460. The day before, the girl and her classmates I received a diploma from the university and went to celebrate the joyful event in a restaurant. The girl accepted the offer of a respectable-looking man. Provkin took her to an alley next to Crimean Val and there he raped me.

The court found that in the process of abuse, the 43-year-old federal politician beat his victim, striking her in the stomach and back.

Before committing the crime, he gave the girl his mobile phone so that she could call her brother. Thanks to such carelessness, the criminal was detained.

At the court hearing, RIA Novosti writes, the former senator condemned his own action: “I really regret what happened, it’s as if a demon came over me,” Provkin told the court. “I completely repent and admit my guilt. I recently had a child, for me It’s stress, maybe something happened, but in any case it’s my fault.”

The court sentenced Igor Provkin under Article 132, which provides for up to 20 years of imprisonment, to 3.5 years of suspended imprisonment, but replaced it with a four-year suspended sentence. “The accused, at the meeting, which was held in a special order, fully admitted his guilt and repented,” said court press secretary Evgenia Pazukhina.

Provkin was not only a member of the Federation Council and chairman of the board of PV Bank. He is also the father of five children.

"Connections / Partners"



50 million for its shareholders. Ulyanovskenergo is preparing to pay dividends

The authorized capital of the company is 27,668,620 rubles and is divided into 20,751,430 ordinary shares with a par value of 1 ruble each share and 6,917,190 preferred shares of type A with a par value of 1 ruble each share. Thus, it is planned to spend almost 50 million rubles on dividend payments. As Mr. Mudarisov explained, 22.47% of the shares of Ulyanovskenergo belong to the Cypriot Hosmaline finance LTD. Three individuals control about 45% of the company's shares. In particular, ALFIA KAMALDINOVA and IGOR PROVKIN each own 17.97% of the JSC, ELENA POLIKARPOVA - 8.98%. “These are not employees of the enterprise; they acquired the shares at an open auction in April 2008, which were held as part of the reorganization of RAO UES,” noted the portal’s interlocutor.
link: 5809


Yesterday, Ulyanovskenergo announced that MSK's share in the energy company had decreased to 32.66%, and the company had new shareholders. Alfiya Kamaldinova and Igor Provkin bought 13.06% each, and Elena Polikarpova bought another 6.53%. According to SPARK-Interfax and the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, Kamaldinova is one of the founders of Yasen LLC (her share is 33.33%), and Polikarpova is the director of several companies from Tatarstan: Elena LLC, Nadezhda LLC and LLC Elektrostroy". Provkin heads the Moscow investment company CJSC IC R.B. D.”, and is also a shareholder of 10 companies, including brick factories in Saratov, Bryansk and Aksaysk.

Ulyanovskenergo will pay dividends for 2009 in the amount of 1.7 rubles per share

The authorized capital of OJSC Ulyanovskenergo is 27 million 668 thousand 620 rubles and is divided into 20 million 751 thousand 430 ordinary shares and 6 million 917 thousand 190 preferred shares /type A/ with a par value of 1 ruble. IC MSK Securities LLC owns 14.6 percent of the company's ordinary shares, Alfiya Kamaldinova - 18.89 percent, Elena Polikarpova - 9.54 percent, Igor Provkin /member of the board of directors of Ulyanovskenergo/ - 18.89 percent.

Rapist in special order

The Zamoskvoretsky District Court of Moscow yesterday handed down a verdict in a criminal case against the former member of the Federation Council from Kalmykia, the main owner of PV Bank, 44-year-old Igor Provkin. The ex-senator was found guilty of committing sexual assault against a Moscow student and was sentenced to a suspended sentence for this crime. The trial took place without the participation of the victim and her representatives, who still have the right to appeal the lenient sentence in the Moscow City Court.

The former senator showed traits of a sexual maniac

The Zamoskvoretsky Court of Moscow authorized the arrest of the former senator from Kalmykia Igor Provkin. Most often, officials of this rank are caught committing corruption crimes, but Provkin is suspected of sexual violence. According to investigators, this summer, Provkin, who held the post of chairman of the board of directors of a large bank, raped two girls in the capital. Meanwhile, six years ago, the ex-official was already involved in a similar case in the Pskov region.

Kommersant: Ulyanovsk PV-Bank stopped processing payments and issuing client funds
Problems with the quality of PV-Bank's assets came to light after the change of its owners, the publication's interlocutor points out. In July, the composition of shareholders in PV-Bank completely changed. Former senator from Kalmykia Igor Provkin, who received a four-year suspended sentence (accused in rape cases - editor's note), sold his shares in PV-Bank. Six individuals became the new owners of the bank, each owning 16.33% of the shares; Igor Provkin’s wife Svetlana owns a little more than 2% of the bank’s shares. A number of new shareholders of PV-Bank already had negative experience in the banking sector. Thus, Mikhail Surkov served as chairman of the board of directors at the Interregional Investment Bank, which was left without a license in 2009, and another shareholder of PV-Bank, Igor Kruglov, also worked there. Gennady Meshcheryakov, the former chairman of the board of Svyaz-Bank, has an even richer negative experience, for the reorganization of which more than 140 billion rubles were spent.
link: bank-perestal-provodit- platezhi-i-vydavat-klientskie- sredstva.html

The Central Bank revoked the license of PV Bank

IN Lately The bank was accompanied by scandals: the ex-owner of the bank, former senator of the Federation Council from the Republic of Kalmykia Igor Provkin, was tried in 2010 for raping two girls, and the bank itself suspended the opening of new and replenishment of existing deposits in April 2011.

Igor Provkin sold his 98% stake in Ulyanovsk PV-Bank to six individuals

Ex-senator from Kalmykia Igor Provkin sold his stake in CJSC PV-Bank (Ulyanovsk) to 6 individuals. This is stated in the materials of the credit institution.

Banker-rapist Igor Provkin has stopped accepting deposits

The PV Bank, owned by ex-senator from Kalmykia Igor Provkin, stopped accepting and replenishing deposits. Employees of the credit institution explain this by problems with software. By the way, a rape case against the ex-senator is ongoing.

The son of an ex-banker convicted of rape issues microloans

Although ex-senator of the Federation Council Igor Provkin himself left the business last year, selling the Ulyanovsk PV-bank, Financial services His son, Yuri, continues to provide assistance to the population. As Marker learned, he heads the Small Lending Store company, which offers short-term loans to individuals under the Bystrodengi brand. Today it is one of the leading organizations in the microfinance market.

The Zamoskvoretsky District Court of Moscow yesterday handed down a verdict in a criminal case against the former member of the Federation Council from Kalmykia, the main owner of PV Bank, 44-year-old Igor Provkin. The ex-senator was found guilty of committing sexual assault against a Moscow student and was sentenced to a suspended sentence for this crime. The trial took place without the participation of the victim and her representatives, who still have the right to appeal the lenient sentence in the Moscow City Court.

The criminal case against Igor Provkin was considered by the court behind closed doors, since the former member of the Federation Council was accused of a crime related to sexual inviolability. The court hearings themselves took less than one hour. “The court hearing was held in a special manner (without disclosing evidence in the criminal case, as well as interrogating witnesses and the victim.- “Kommersant”), since the accused fully admitted his guilt and petitioned for an expedited consideration of his case,” press secretary of the Zamoskvoretsky Court of Moscow Evgenia Pazukhina told Kommersant.

Igor Provkin was born on February 17, 1967 in Omsk. In 1992 he graduated from the Gubkin Institute of Oil and Gas. Since 1994, he has headed the Russian Banking House bank. In December 2001, he was appointed representative of the People's Khural of Kalmykia in the Federation Council. In October 2004, he left parliament of his own free will in connection with his nomination for governor of the Pskov region. Spent a scandalous election campaign, which was led by the famous political strategist Modest Kolerov, but took only fourth place with 8.3% of the votes.

In 2004–2007 he worked in advisory positions in Federal service on drug control and the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs. Since 2007 - General Director of CJSC "Investment Company R.B.D." (Moscow). Since 2008, he has been the chairman of the board of PV Bank located in Ulyanovsk (formerly Povolzhsky Bank), in which he owns 98.01%. Member of the board of directors and owner of 13.06% of OJSC Ulyanovskenergo. He also owns shares in a number of other commercial organizations. Candidate of Economic Sciences. Married, five children.

The Zamoskvoretsky Court of Moscow found Igor Provkin guilty of a crime under Art. 132 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (violent acts of a sexual nature), and sentenced him to four years in prison. But given that the former senator fully admitted his guilt and repented of his actions, the court considered it possible not to deprive him of his freedom, replacing the sentence with a suspended sentence. It is interesting that the consideration of the criminal case against Igor Provkin took place without the participation of the victim and her representatives, who did not appear in court. “The victim and her lawyers have the right to appeal the verdict within ten days,” Evgenia Pazukhina explained to Kommersant.

Let us remind you that Igor Provkin was detained on September 27, 2010 in the building of the investigative department in the Zamoskvoretsky district of the Moscow department of the Investigative Committee of the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation, where he was summoned for questioning. A day later, the former senator was charged with the fact that at about four o’clock in the morning on July 1, 2010, on Krymsky Val Street, he volunteered to give a ride to a girl he didn’t know who was voting by the side of the road, who turned out to be a Moscow student returning from a nightclub, where she was celebrating her graduation. school year. On the way, Igor Provkin stopped the car and by force, against the will of the girl, forced her to oral sex. At the same time, the ex-senator struck the victim several blows in the abdomen and back.

It is interesting that immediately after his arrest, Igor Provkin completely denied his guilt, testifying that he had not raped anyone and had never met the victim. “This is a monstrous slander, and we will definitely prove it in court,” his lawyer Irina Poverinova promised Kommersant then. The management of PV Bank, whose main owner is Igor Provkin, took a similar position. “Igor Yuryevich is a decent, sensible person with an impeccable reputation, a wonderful family man, he has five children,” Vladimir Smirnov, adviser to the chairman of the board, explained the bank’s position.

Yesterday, after the verdict, PV Bank refused to comment on the situation. It was not possible to get a comment from Igor Provkin’s lawyers.

Alexander Zheglov

Igor Yurievich Provkin(born 1967) - former senator from Kalmykia. He ran for governor of the Pskov region. Received a suspended sentence for rape.


Born in Omsk in the family of a teacher and an oil worker, then the family moved to Surgut. After graduation high school married in 1985. After serving in the Airborne Forces, he graduated from the State Academy of Oil and Gas in 1992. Became a candidate for master of sports in boxing. Since 1994, he headed the Russian Banking House JSCB, which was part of the financial group of Vladimir Kogan. In 2001, at the Higher School of Privatization and Entrepreneurship, he defended his PhD thesis on the topic “Organization of the activities of commercial banks in investing in the real sector of the economy (using the example of housing construction)” ( scientific adviser Dan. G. L. Factor).

In December 2001, he was appointed representative of the People's Khural of Kalmykia in the Federation Council. He was a member of the Committee on Financial Markets and Monetary Circulation, as well as Deputy Chairman of the Commission for Monitoring the Activities of the Federation Council.

In October 2004, he left parliament of his own free will in connection with his nomination for governor of the Pskov region. Modest Kolerov led his election campaign, but he managed to gain only 8.29%.

In 2004-2007 he worked as a consultant at the Federal Drug Control Service and the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs. Since 2007 - General Director of CJSC Investment Company R.B.D. (Moscow). Since 2008 - Chairman of the Board of Ulyanovsk PV Bank (formerly Povolzhsky Bank), in which he owned 98.01%. Member of the board of directors and owner of 13.06% of Ulyanovskenergo.

Criminal case

On January 12, 2011, Judge Natalya Susina found Igor Provkin guilty of an act under Article 132 Part 1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (Violent acts of a sexual nature) and sentenced him to 3.5 years in prison, replacing it with 4 years probation. The state prosecutor unsuccessfully tried to appeal the verdict in At the Moscow City Court on July 31, 2013, Judge Irina Gapushina left without consideration the petition to cancel the suspended sentence before the expiration of the probationary period and to remove the criminal record; the appeal to the Moscow City Court was rejected.

According to the official representative of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation Markin, the case involved 2 episodes committed on 07/01/2010 and 08/03/2010, respectively. There were reports in the media about a similar incident in the Pskov region in 2004, but no criminal case was opened, and Provkin himself called the incident the machinations of election competitors.


His wife, Svetlana Vladimirovna Provkina, is the owner of the OK Stock Trade Center company and the cruise company Trim Express. The eldest son, Yuri, runs the Small Lending Store LLC, which provides services in the microcredit market under the Bystrodengi brand.

The Zamoskvoretsky Court of Moscow authorized the arrest of the former senator from Kalmykia Igor Provkin. Most often, officials of this rank are caught committing corruption crimes, but Provkin is suspected of sexual violence. According to investigators, this summer, Provkin, who held the post of chairman of the board of directors of a large bank, raped two girls in the capital. Meanwhile, six years ago, the ex-official was already involved in a similar case in the Pskov region.

“43-year-old Igor Provkin is suspected of committing a crime under Part 1 of Art. 132 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (violent acts of a sexual nature),” Sergei Marchenko, assistant to the head of the investigative department of the Moscow Investigative Committee of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, told GZT.RU. He also added that the investigation currently has information about two criminal episodes related to sexual violence.

Two criminal cases

Provkin's first victim, as investigators suggest, was a young girl who had just graduated from one of the higher educational institutions Moscow. On June 30, she celebrated her graduation from university. The celebration ended after midnight, and the girl called her brother to meet her at the Udarnik cinema.

At that moment, an executive Lexus pulled up next to her, and the owner of the foreign car offered to give the girl a lift. But she refused. The car drove away, but soon returned. The driver got out of his car, introduced himself as Mikhail and started a conversation with the girl.

But then my brother called, who could not drive up to the exact place where the graduate was waiting for him. Then Mikhail again offered his services as a driver and promised to take her to the meeting place with a relative.

Unfortunately for her, the girl accepted the offer. When she was in the car, the man sharply pressed the gas and rushed completely into the opposite side. He took her to an alley near the Krymsky Val and raped her there. At the same time, the attacker, as they said in the capital’s investigative department, “inflicted several blows on the victim in the abdomen and back.”

When releasing the victim, the rapist even asked her for her phone number, impudently offering to meet again.

The girl was still able to get to her brother, to whom she told about what had happened. Relatives contacted the police.

As specified in the capital's investigative department, a criminal case regarding sexual violence was opened by the investigative department for the Zamoskvoretsky district on July 16 of this year.

“The victim contacted the police. There, time was spent collecting materials and sending them to the SKP unit, since the investigation of this type of crime falls within the competence of this particular department,” the capital’s investigative department explained such a long time interval between the moment the crime was committed and the initiation of a criminal case.

As a result, the investigation was able to identify the suspect “Mikhail”, who actually turned out to be Igor Provkin. On September 23, he was summoned to the investigator, where he was detained.

But while the investigation into the first crime was underway, Provkin, according to the Investigative Committee, managed to commit another rape.

“During the investigation of the criminal case, Provkin’s involvement in committing a similar crime committed on August 3, 2010 was established,” said the investigative department of the Investigative Committee for Moscow.

They clarified that this case was initiated by the investigative department of the Nikulinsky district. But now they will be combined into one production.

Meanwhile, as follows from the case materials, Provkin himself has five children, and three of them are minors.

Ivan Provkin represented the Republic of Kalmykia in the Federation Council from 2001 to 2004. He was Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Financial Markets and Monetary Circulation.

He left his job in the Federation Council in November 2004, when he ran for the post of governor of the Pskov region. During the election campaign, he spent several months in the region. At the same time, his name surfaced in the case of the rape of a young local resident.

On October 24, 2004, a 21-year-old girl was returning from a cafe around three in the morning. To get home, she stopped a BMW in the Summer Garden area on Oktyabrsky Prospekt in Pskov. The driver took the passenger to the radio plant area, where he raped her. True, he then took the victim home. In the morning, the victim contacted the police.

According to the victim's testimony, the car was found. The girl was able to remember part of the car number and the characteristic tricolor instead of the region number on the registration plate. Such license plates are reserved for senior officials.

It turned out that the number of the rapist’s car was assigned to the senator from Kalmykia Igor Provkin. The gubernatorial candidate himself testified that he had not used his car for several days. But the parking lot watchman reported that on the night when the girl was raped, Provkin took the BMW and only returned in the morning.

Investigators tried to inspect the senator’s car, but he refused, taking advantage of his immunity as a member of the Federation Council.

The case remained unsolved, and his supporters called the mention of Provkin’s name in connection with the rape the machinations of competitors in the race for the governor’s seat. However, he lost the elections.

In recent years, Igor Provkin has been involved in business. He heads the board of the Ulyanovsk Povolzhsky bank, which recently changed its name and became a PV bank. As a matter of fact, Igor Provkin is actually the sole owner of the financial institution. He owns 98.01% of the bank's shares. By all indicators, PV Bank is among the top 500 largest banks in Russia.

["Kommersant", 09/30/2010, "The girl identified the banker": Igor Provkin was born on February 17, 1967 in Omsk. In 1992 he graduated from the Gubkin Institute of Oil and Gas. Since 1994, he has headed the Russian Banking House bank. In December 2001, he was appointed representative of the People's Khural of Kalmykia in the Federation Council. In October 2004, he left parliament of his own free will in connection with his nomination for governor of the Pskov region. He conducted a scandalous election campaign, led by the famous political strategist Modest Kolerov, but took only fourth place with 8.3% of the vote.
In 2004-2007, he worked in advisory positions at the Federal Drug Control Service and the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs. Since 2007 - General Director of CJSC "Investment Company R.B.D." (Moscow). Since 2008, he has been the chairman of the board of PV Bank located in Ulyanovsk (formerly Povolzhsky Bank), in which he owns 98.01%. Member of the board of directors and owner of 13.06% of OJSC Ulyanovskenergo. He also owns shares in a number of other commercial organizations. Candidate of Economic Sciences. Married, five children.
[…] yesterday, official representative of the Russian Federation Investigative Committee Vladimir Markin promised that in the future new charges will be brought against Igor Provkin for several more episodes of violent acts of a sexual nature. He called on all victims who recognized ex-Senator Provkin from the photograph not to be afraid and to contact the investigative committee. - Insert]

Senators under investigation

It should be noted that both current and former members of the Federation Council quite rarely become involved in criminal cases. And officials of this rank are mainly held accountable for corruption or property crimes. For them, so-called “everyday” offenses are rather an exception to the rule.

Thus, in July 2008, a guilty verdict was handed down to another senator from Kalmykia, Provkin’s successor in this post, Levon Chakhmakhchyan. He was found guilty of fraud. As the court found, in 2006, Chakhmakhchyan and several accomplices extorted a bribe of $1.5 million from the Transaero company.

For this amount, the senator promised to hide from the prosecutor's office and customs the results of the audit of the company, which was allegedly carried out by the Accounting Board. It turned out that no one authorized such a check and, accordingly, did not conduct it.

Levon Chakhmakhchyan was caught red-handed in the Transaero office when he was receiving the first tranche of a bribe of $300 thousand. First, he was deprived of his powers as a senator and then arrested. He was sentenced to nine years in prison, but later Supreme Court commuted his sentence to seven and a half years in prison.

In addition, the case of former senator from Bashkiria Igor Izmestyev is currently being considered in the Moscow City Court. His powers were terminated early in 2006. The reason was the accusations against him that he was engaged in entrepreneurial activity, although this is prohibited by law.

In January 2007, he was arrested in Bishkek and transported to Moscow, where he was taken into custody and accused of organizing a series of contract killings and terrorist attacks. Later, other charges were brought against Izmestyev as part of a criminal case regarding non-payment of taxes by Bashkir oil refineries amounting to more than