Healing properties of pumpkin seeds. Pumpkin seeds, treatment What diseases do pumpkin seeds help with?

Pumpkin seeds have been known to human civilization for more than 3,000 years. In South America, their consumption began during the heyday of Aztec culture. This delicious product contains magnesium, calcium, potassium, iron, zinc, vitamin K, omega-3 fatty acids and other nutrients.

10 important properties

  1. From cancer. Pumpkin seeds contain specific compounds cucurbitacins - substances characteristic of plants of the Pumpkin family. They have powerful anti-inflammatory properties and help in eliminating cancer cells. German scientists have found that eating pumpkin seeds reduces the risk of developing breast cancer by 23% in postmenopausal women. A total of more than 8,000 people took part in this study. In addition to pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds and soybeans showed good results.
  2. For prostate health. Pumpkin seeds are an excellent product for a healthy male diet. No wonder pumpkin seed oil is used in the treatment of benign prostate hyperplasia. A number of phytochemical compounds contained in pumpkin seeds have anti-inflammatory properties and treat prostate diseases. Similar substances were also found in flax seeds, soybeans and saw palmetto berries.
  3. Reduces cholesterol levels. Pumpkin seeds contain phytosterols, which prevent the assimilation of cholesterol in the digestive tract, therefore reducing its volume in the blood. According to the latest scientific data, regular consumption of pumpkin seeds reduces the level of “bad” cholesterol by about 13%.
  4. Improves mood and reduces hot flashes. Returning to the topic of women's health, it is impossible not to note the serious contribution that pumpkin seeds can make. A 2011 study proved that this useful product relieves hot flashes, headaches and joint pain, fights mood swings in postmenopausal women, and relieves depression. In practice, oil extracted from pumpkin seeds has proven to be more effective than wheat germ oil.
  5. Reduce the likelihood of diabetes. Animal studies have led scientists to conclude that substances contained in pumpkin seeds may be effective in preventing diabetes. Now Chinese doctors are working on creating a medicine for diabetics.
  6. You can also use pumpkin seeds for weight loss. They are rich in nutritious proteins and dietary fiber, so they promote long-lasting satiety and help avoid overeating.
  7. The antifungal and antiviral properties of the product are provided by special lignan proteins, including pinoresinol, medioresinol and lariciresinol. In the human body, they affect the interferon gamma molecules responsible for immunity.
  8. Help with arthritis. In 2005, pumpkin seed oil was shown to reduce inflammation that causes arthritis. The effects of this natural product are comparable to those of indomethacin, an anti-inflammatory drug often prescribed for people suffering from arthritis.
  9. To prevent kidney stones, it is recommended to regularly eat pumpkin seeds. They prevent the formation of stones by promptly removing the substances that form them from the body.
  10. The “pumpkin” amino acid tryptophan acts against depression. On its basis, serotonin, melatonin and other mood-improving neurotransmitters are formed. Strengthening the nervous system, normalizing sleep and reducing anxiety is also facilitated by the high level of B-complex vitamins contained in pumpkin seeds.

so beneficial for the body, it can be valued in gold. It has no contraindications or side effects, and is suitable for all people, healthy and sick, due to its unique composition of several hundred.

Pumpkin salad according to my recipe instantly alkalinizes the blood after consuming it, and this will stop the development in the body cancerous cells and improves functioning immune system. The body activates a self-defense mechanism with increased immunity at the level of mesenchyme and adaptive reserves of self-regulation. This salad is valued as an aphrodisiac for men and women; it also improves and stimulates the hormonal system of adolescents, both boys and girls, and is especially useful for endocrine underdevelopment of youth. How powerful liver cleanser and biliary tract, simultaneously stimulates the entire composition body juices and improves the biochemical reactions of anabolic and catabolic processes occurring in human fluids, primarily the composition of blood and bile. Salad- balm pumpkin gives birth to a beneficial wind in the vascular system, with a powerful analgesic and neuropsychostimulating power. Slime the resulting fluid nourishes the entire skeletal and muscular system, and dissolves old pathogenic mucus, followed by its removal from the body.

Decrease acidity of liquids body and alkalization Cell juices and intercellular space deprive free radicals and tumor cells in the body of nutrition.

Pumpkin balm salad improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, affecting the excretory and digestive systems. Under the influence of lettuce, pathogenic microflora are destroyed and the number of beneficial microorganisms in the system increases.

Hypothyroidism and myxedema of the thyroid gland go away in the initial stages and their diseases are treated with prolonged use of salad balm for more than a year according to the indicated scheme. Hyperthyroidism of the thyroid gland and increased functioning of the thymus gland are normalized in a short time, and in the future maintenance use of salad balm is required.

Neurosis and psychosis are most easily amenable to the influence of salad balm, both organic and central in origin of the disease. If you season a salad with a large dose of SSSE1, nervous diseases are treated, and if you give it in small quantities, it heals mental illnesses.

The dose is set individually for each patient for all diseases differently, through bioresonance test or pendulum. Here lies the whole secret of treatment. Of course, it takes me a lot of time to diagnose: a long interview, hardware and pendulum examination of each patient from forty minutes to two hours at the first appointment. But the work will pay off in the end. So sick Having visited all the doctors and healers, they consider me the last resort. If they fail, they decide to trust in fate and not turn to anyone else.
Pancreas an invisible and inconspicuous organ in the body. Ancient doctors did not completely notice its function in their practices. Galen (131-201 AD) and Vesalius (1514-1564) did not describe the ductal function of the pancreas in their descriptions. For the first time in 1642, Johann Wirsung discovered and gave a detailed description of the main pancreatic duct. In 1720, Vater described in detail the anatomical structure of a diverticulum located at the junction of the common bile duct into the duodenum, which was called Vater's nipple. Therefore, traditional medicine has little knowledge of the work and functions of the pancreas. Moreover, raw salad balm not only helps the functioning of the pancreas, but also eliminates secondary diabetes and acute and chronic pancreatitis not in advanced cases. In severe forms of diabetes and pancreatitis, patients receive visible relief from salad, and their doses of medications taken for life are significantly reduced.

Diseases of the prostate gland in men and ovaries in women occupy a prominent place among diseases of the genitourinary system. Constant consumption of salad balm eliminates symptoms prostatitis and adnexitis, and stops the growth of prostate adenoma tumors and benign tumors of the uterus and ovaries. And in malignant forms of the disease, it significantly improves the condition of patients and extends their life by several years.

Salad balm especially in diseases of the elderly, such as atherosclerosis, cyanide dementia, urinary and fecal incontinence, neuropsychic ailments, supports their health. Gives them strength for normal self-care and communication skills. Helps normalize digestion and the proper functioning of the excretory system, which are the most vulnerable point for elderly people.

Allergic reactions in patients are not expected from balsam salad, if prescribed correctly and prepared according to all the rules. On the contrary, many pass allergies due to the deep cleansing of the entire body from excess. But those who violated my instructions and consumed alcoholic beverages and beer during treatment received noticeable swelling throughout the body, with disruption of the liver, kidneys and vascular system. Not immediately, but gradually. Correcting a mistake is much more expensive than treatment.

Pumpkin salad balm is an indispensable remedy in human nutrition. immunodeficiency affected by generalized viral and other types of infectious diseases. They will have the strength to fight diseases, due to the increase in immunity, self-defense and self-defense from pathogenic elements begins in their body. Immunomodulatory power and immunostimulant properties of lettuce will bring back lost hopes for a cure in hopeless patients in many intractable diseases.

Composition and preparation. I used to think instead pumpkins choose avocado. Since avocado, like pumpkin, has many beneficial and medicinal properties. But I thought that avocados were much more expensive than pumpkins and were not readily available to people, so I eventually settled on pumpkins.

First we prepare SSSE1 - syrup salad sikanjubin Ergashaka1. Prepare a large amount of CCC1 if you are a healer, after preparing the syrup you will distribute it to your patients. It’s another matter if you are a consumer - you cook only for yourself, then you expect that at least the syrup will last for 2-3 years. Unless, of course, you seriously decide to treat yourself, and after receiving positive results, you recommend Salata to your loved ones.

I'm warning you right away. The most responsible and difficult job is preparing the balm and its syrup. It is this that contains all the magic of the salad balm. It will take you at least a month to learn how to prepare SSSE1 correctly. But the salad will meet all your expectations. You will have a powerful cure for many diseases. Moreover, having learned how to prepare one medicine, you will master more than half of the secrets of preparing medicines from a folk pharmacy. You will learn more than a thousand names of traditional medicines.

Before preparing the salad, carefully read the article “ Milk and honey - two miracles" on another site and the following materials on this site.

Take ten parts vinegarhoney(sikanjubin), two parts of balms Aftimuniy, Molokomed, Granatomed, Ainush-shifo, , Gulobe and add five grams each of rose oil and hing gum powder ( feruli). Shake until the hing powder is completely dissolved. Also take twenty parts of thick beet syrup.

Making beet syrup. Take five parts of sugar beet juice and two parts of red beet juice, approximately 5 liters per 2 liter. In a water bath over low heat for several days, evaporate the moisture from them until the mumiyo becomes thick.

Mix all ready-made balms with beet syrup by slowly adding in parts over one hour, stirring with a wooden spatula. Pour into small porcelain or non-transparent glass dishes with tight-fitting lids or heads.

Now the rest is up to the housewife. Choose a beautiful pumpkin with golden flesh. Chop or grate a small amount so that it is enough for one-time use. Grate another quarter of the amount of red carrots. Prepare in advance from all types of cabbage, not forgetting to add seaweed to their composition, combined fermentation. In this case, you need to prepare enough fermentation to last for 2-3 days. You should always cook without salt and freshly, adding the previous brine each time. Add enough cabbage to the salad so that it does not overwhelm the flavor of the pumpkin. No salt or seasoning required. Because there are plenty of them in SSSE1.

From the pharmacy you can purchase pumpkin oil intended to increase potency. Two tablespoons of oil, add one tablespoon of SSSE1 and pour over the salad, stirring thoroughly with a wooden or silver spoon. One tablespoon of SSSE1 is enough for general health improvement for people who consider themselves healthy. As for the prescription for treating sick people, you should consult with me via email or another way convenient for you. I will draw up a yearly treatment plan for them.

Pumpkin seeds are often called a “miniature pharmacy.” They got this name for a reason. The thing is that the seeds of the vegetable have absorbed almost the entire list of existing trace elements, minerals and vitamins that are so necessary for the normal functioning of the human body.

What do pumpkin seeds contain?

Pumpkin seeds are enriched with a number of useful substances. They contain oils, fats, carbohydrates, fiber, and proteins. Minerals include selenium, magnesium, zinc, manganese, copper, iron, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, as well as arginine, folic acid, glutamine, niacin, lutein, choline, cucurbitin. They contain seeds and many vitamins: all B vitamins, vitamins E, K, C, A.

Pumpkin seeds: treatment of a variety of diseases

From the outside looking in, it seems like such a small seed, but in reality it has just a huge list of beneficial properties for our body.

The benefits of pumpkin seeds have been known for a long time. They have been considered medicinal since ancient times and are used in the treatment of many diseases.

Many people use pumpkin seeds for deworming because it is the safest method of control. Not only folk medicine, but also traditional medicine will tell you this today. The advantage of the seeds is obvious: they are non-toxic and absolutely harmless to humans. And worms are afraid of them thanks to the cucurbitin present in the seeds, which is harmless to humans. This property will not interfere even with small children. The antihelminthic recipe looks like this: seeds (300 g) are ground into powder and honey is added to them. The resulting pulp is eaten before breakfast, then any laxative is taken. Or you can do this: for 2 weeks, consume one handful of seeds per day with cottage cheese or milk. And at the end of the course, take a strong laxative, for example, a spoonful of castor oil.

The seeds of this vegetable also contain a lot of linolenic acid, which is necessary to strengthen the arteries.

Pumpkin seeds are quite unusual, as they contain large amounts of omega-3 and -6 fats, which protect against cancer, counteract inflammatory processes, and reduce the risk of cardiovascular and other diseases.

As we already know, pumpkin seeds contain a lot of magnesium and calcium, and they are necessary for bones, muscles and nerves, and the presence of iron determines the property of treating anemia.

Pumpkin seeds are a rich source of zinc. And it is of great importance in the life of the human body. Zinc normalizes pancreatic function, helps produce insulin, balances blood sugar levels, normalizes digestion, helps you look young longer, accelerates cell regeneration, fights excess weight, blurred vision and strengthens the immune system.

The male body is especially in dire need of zinc than the female, since the mineral has a beneficial effect on the function of the prostate gland, normalizes the secretion of testosterone, and in addition, it is also used for prevention and treatment in men. In addition, scientists say that abundance in Zinc in the body helps reduce alcohol dependence.

Pumpkin seeds also treat diseases of the bladder and the genitourinary system in general. Often, seeds help children with cases of bedwetting.

Pumpkin seeds have a positive effect on the functioning of the liver and gastrointestinal tract. Pumpkin seeds also have antidiabetic properties.

Pumpkin seed oil is one of the richest vegetable oils in composition. It is effective for diarrhea and dry nasal mucosa. Pumpkin seed oil is the basis for the medicine “tykveol”.

To treat the kidneys, a decoction of pumpkin seeds helps, and you can also apply compresses to the kidneys. To do this, 100 grams of pumpkin must be crushed in a mortar, diluting it to a paste. It is also possible to use pumpkin seeds for angina pain, and the microelements they contain have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart muscle and arteries. Pumpkin seeds are used in the treatment of baldness, because... The zinc in it has an excellent effect on the hair follicles.

Thanks to the seeds, it is also possible to get rid of depression.

For cystitis, cholecystitis, and chronic hepatitis, pumpkin milk is used. It is made from 50 grams, 20 grams of sugar and 80 grams of water. Grind into a mass and take before bed.

The seeds contain many substances that have diuretic and mild laxative properties. Therefore, you can take them for constipation, flatulence, and they also remove heavy metals from the body, in particular lead.

They are simply necessary for anorexia, as they help to regain weight.

For a common cold, the seeds will lower the temperature and significantly soften the cough. If you have problems with restless sleep, you need to drink seeds infused with milk or water. This will help you relax, calm down and fall asleep faster.

Even if you do not have the above disorders and ailments, a handful of pumpkin seeds will be an excellent preventive measure against them.

Use of pumpkin seeds for healthy skin and beautiful hair

The large amount of vitamins, fats and minerals in pumpkin seeds allows us to classify them as very important products for maintaining your beauty. A mixture of omega-3 and -6 fats makes the skin moisturized, soft, elastic, and adds shine to the hair.

The presence of zinc helps maintain healthy skin; it is especially important for teenagers who lack this mineral, because its deficiency leads to acne and infectious skin lesions.

The iron in pumpkin seeds helps with gray and dull skin, which occurs precisely when there is a lack of this mineral in the body.

Vitamins B3 and B6, together with zinc, help renew skin cells and maintain hormonal balance, ensuring clear skin.

Pumpkin seeds in cooking

Oil and paste are prepared from the seeds, and they are also often added to cereals, soups or baked goods (bread or muffins).

Pumpkin seeds have no side effects, so they can be safely consumed by all people of any age. You just need to take into account that the substances described above apply to the top layer of seeds, but not to their interior. And to preserve the healing properties, the seeds should not be processed (that is, not peeled or fried).

Who doesn't love cracking toasted pumpkin seeds and enjoying their aroma and taste?

While feasting on them, we don’t think at all about the fact that pumpkin seeds, like the pumpkin itself, are a real natural pharmacy where you can find remedies for many diseases.

Zinc is an important element responsible for skin health. With its deficiency, especially in adolescence, acne appears and infectious skin diseases occur.

With a lack of iron, which is also found in pumpkin seeds, the skin takes on an unhealthy “gray” appearance.

Vitamins B3 and B6, together with zinc, promote the regeneration of skin cells and normalize endocrine processes in the body, which is also important for skin health.

And for good health and mood, a recipe that will appeal to many.

Roasted pumpkin seeds

Required: medium-sized pumpkin, 15 g butter or 1 tablespoon olive oil.

Heat the oven to 150 degrees. Remove the seeds from the pumpkin (if there is a little pulp left on them, it’s not a problem). Pour the seeds into a container with vegetable or olive oil, then place in one layer on a sheet of baking paper and place in the oven.

Dry the seeds for about 45 minutes, stirring occasionally until they turn golden brown.

Pumpkin flowers also have healing properties and serve to treat and prevent certain diseases.

Remedies for severe cough

Pumpkin flowers (can be combined with viburnum flowers) are baked in dough and these cakes are eaten when you have a strong cough. This is both a treat and a good cough preventative.

No. 2. Flower decoction

2 tbsp. spoons of crushed flowers pour 1 glass of water, boil for 5 minutes, leave for 30 minutes, strain. Take 0.5 cups 3 times a day before meals.

And in conclusion, a few more useful recipes.

Remedy for emphysema

Pour 50 g of dry crushed lemon balm herb and 20 g of dry meadow grass inflorescences into 1 liter of dry white wine, leave for 24 hours, shaking occasionally, strain. To treat pulmonary emphysema, drink 100 g 2 times a day, as well as in case of an attack of the disease.

Shortness of breath remedy(especially in obese people)

Pass several large heads of garlic through a meat grinder or a press. Squeeze the juice from 3-4 lemons, mix with garlic and place in a wide-necked jar. Tie with gauze folded in several layers and leave for 24 days.
Shake before use. Take the infusion 1 time a day before bed, 1 teaspoon mixed in 0.5 cups of water.

Flu remedy

This remedy is useful for maintaining immunity, as well as for preventing colds and flu in the spring and autumn.

Pass 1 kg of peeled lemons and 10 large peeled heads of garlic through a meat grinder. Add 1 kg of honey to this mixture and mix well with a wooden spoon. Place on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for a week. Stir before use. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 2-3 times a day before meals.

Sweet remedy for bronchial asthma

Drink tea with carrot jam as often as possible.

Carrot jam

1 kg of carrots requires 1.5 kg of sugar.

Finely chop the carrots and boil in sugar syrup made from sugar and 1.5 cups of water. At the end of cooking, add 1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon.

This remedy cleanses the bronchi well of excess mucus and helps treat cough.

During therapy, specialists try to control the symptoms of the disease with drugs such as paracetamol or ibuprofen (to relieve pain), alpha blockers (tamsulosin) (for problems with urination), sometimes the patient is recommended a course of antibiotics from 4 to 6 weeks (ciprofloxacin). The goal of treatment is to reduce discomfort to the point where it no longer interferes with daily activities.

As maintenance therapy patients often seek help from folk medicine. These treatment methods are safe, since the components included in the recipes consist entirely of natural raw materials. Often these methods are as effective as first-line treatment methods (antibiotics, painkillers, suppositories).

Is honey with pumpkin seeds used to treat prostatitis? Treatment for prostatitis depends on the underlying cause of the disease and its type. For example, antibiotics are prescribed if the reason is bacterial infection. But all forms of prostatitis require maintenance therapy to control pain.

Therefore, treatment with folk remedies, and, in our case, pumpkin seeds for prostatitis with honey suitable as prevention And treatment as a chronic form, so bacterial, infectious, and acute forms of the disease.

The treatment is suitable for men of any age, since prostatitis is the most common problem among men under the age of 50. Both ingredients (honey and pumpkin seeds) are safe and natural. Men over 50 years of age and those with chronic or acute forms of the disease can also use the recipes given below.

Beneficial features

Benefits of Honey

Honey consists of glucose, fructose, as well as from beneficial minerals such as iron, calcium, phosphorus, sodium,chlorine, potassium And magnesium. In addition, honey is rich in vitamins - B1, B2, B3, B5,B6. It contains various types of phytochemicals with a high content of phenols and flavonoids, which have increased antioxidant activity.

Let's list the most important benefits of honey:

Depending on the brand of honey, its nutritional properties may vary, but it typically contains high amounts of carbohydrates, protein, simple sugars, vitamin C, quercetin (an antioxidant), rutin (an anti-infective agent), beta-sitosterol (used to treat prostate hypertrophy), kaempferol (used against ovarian cancer).

Along with supporting optimal prostate health, honey is suitable for treatment of immune system diseases and helps reduce some allergic reactions.

Attention! Honey is safe and well tolerated by patients even in large quantities, but if you are not sure whether you are allergic to it, consult an allergist or physician and take a small amount of honey under his supervision.

Benefits of Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin seeds have unique properties, they especially useful for men patients with prostatitis or those with benign prostatic hypertrophy. Pumpkin seeds prevent the proliferation of prostate cells And contain carotenoids(class of pigments) and fatty acid(omega-3). Men who consume the optimal amount of carotenoids in their diet have a lower risk of developing prostate hypertrophy.

Pumpkin seeds contain high concentrations of zinc, which helps relieve inflammation of the prostate gland. Zinc may protect a man from developing prostate cancer and ensure optimal testosterone production. The seeds also contain arginine(used to prevent prostate cancer) and phosphorus(improving the properties and quality of sperm).


Both ingredients (honey and pumpkin seeds) alone are effective in fighting inflammation. When mixed, they enhance each other's properties, providing a powerful anti-inflammatory and healing effect. Pumpkin seeds with honey for prostatitis - recipes:

Recipe 1. Honey pumpkin balls

Honey balls are used in courses, course – 2 weeks 2 times a year. The balls are taken orally on an empty stomach half an hour before breakfast. They can be sucked or chewed. The effect will not change.

Recipe 2. Honey-pumpkin mixture

  • Mix crushed pumpkin seeds (about 500 grams) with 500 ml of natural honey (you can use a mixer or whisk);
  • Place the resulting liquid mixture in the refrigerator for several hours.

The honey mixture should be taken 2 times a day for a month (in the morning on an empty stomach, in the evening before bed). The course can be repeated after 3 months.

Helpful advice: Reception 80 grams Pumpkin seeds a day is an effective home remedy for prostatitis (and also for treating urinary problems). The seeds can be taken either raw or as a food supplement (as a side dish).

Important! Pumpkin allergies are very rare. Moreover, it will also extend to such vegetables as squash, zucchini and cucumbers. Therefore, if you are not allergic to at least one of the above products, you most likely are not allergic to pumpkin.

Usually allergies can be checked by touching the flesh of a vegetable or to the seeds, in sensitive people even such contact will cause skin dermatitis or urticaria. You can also check for allergies by inhaling pumpkin vapors during its preparation.

Relief usually occurs within a month (provided the course of treatment is completed completely). Men note a decrease in pain and restoration of normal urination.

Attention! To prepare recipes for prostatitis with pumpkin seeds and honey, use unsalted pumpkin seeds.

Additional treatment and prevention

Try the following methods as additional treatment.


  • Your daily diet should consist of steamed vegetables, fresh fruits, whole grains and soy;
  • Drink plenty of water (at least 10 glasses a day to improve urine flow).

Helpful advice: You can take pain relievers such as aspirin, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, or acetaminophen without a prescription. Follow the instructions on the package carefully.

Foods to avoid:

  • Spicy foods and seasonings, sour or salty foods;
  • Food products containing starch (rice, barley, corn flour, rye bread, oatmeal);
  • All types of cheeses;
  • All types of meat (consumption of red meat is strictly prohibited);
  • Food products containing white refined sugar (sweets, candies);
    Coffee and alcohol.
  • One- and two-day fasting days are useful; during such days you should drink a lot of green tea (herbal tea, and monastic or urological tea is also suitable);
  • Avoid sitting in front of the computer for long periods of time;
  • Take up brisk walking or yoga;
  • Perform Kegel exercises, which involve repeatedly squeezing and relaxing your pelvic muscles;
  • Drink cranberry juice, it displaces bacteria from the walls of the bladder.

Prostatitis responds well to treatment. Therapy should not always begin with serious antibiotics. Will pumpkin seeds with honey help treat prostatitis? Treatment with folk remedies can and should be used as maintenance therapy. It has shown good effectiveness in the fight against the disease. Remember that prostatitis does not increase the risk of developing prostate cancer, and with treatment, its symptoms quickly go away.

Useful video

See the video below for the beneficial properties of seeds: