What to do when representatives of different temperament types are bored.

Finance In 1986, psychologists designed a test, known as the Boredom Proneness Scale

(BPS), as a way of distinguishing between those who suffer transient boredom from those who suffer chronic boredom: In 1986, psychologists developed a test called the Boredom Proneness Scale (BPS) to distinguish between people who experience boredom. temporary nature

, from people with chronic boredom:

The statements to follow can be answered using a 7-point scale - from ’1′ (highly disagree), to ’4′ (neutral), to ’7′ (highly agree). On next questions

  1. must be answered on a 7-point scale from “1” (totally disagree) to “4” (neutral) to “7” (totally agree).
    It is easy for me to concentrate on my activities.
  2. I easily concentrate on what I'm doing.
    Frequently when I am working I find myself worrying about other things.
  3. Often when working I notice that I am worried about something else.
    Time always seems to be passing slowly.
  4. Time always seems to go by slowly.
    I often find myself at “loose ends”, not knowing what to do.
  5. I am often at a loss, not knowing what to do.
    I am often trapped in situations where I have to do meaningless things.
  6. I often find myself in situations in which I have to do pointless things.
    Having to look at someone’s home movies or travel slides bores me tremendously.
  7. I really miss having to watch someone’s home videos or vacation slides.
    I have projects in mind all the time, things to do.
  8. I constantly have new projects and plans in my head.
    I find it easy to entertain myself.
  9. I easily find entertainment for myself.
    Many things I have to do are repetitive and monotonous.
  10. You have to do a lot of repetitive, monotonous things/activities.
    It takes more stimulation to get me going than most people.
  11. It's harder to motivate me to take action than most people.
    I get a kick out of most things I do.
  12. I do most things with great pleasure.
    I am rarely excited about my work.
  13. My work rarely arouses my great interest.
    In any situation I can usually find something to do or see to keep me interested.
  14. Much of the time I just sit around doing nothing.
    I spend a lot of time sitting around doing nothing.
  15. I am good at waiting patiently.
    I know how to wait patiently.
  16. I often find myself with nothing to do, time on my hands.
    I often have nothing to occupy my time.
  17. In situations where I have to wait, such as in line, I get very restless.
    When I have to wait (like in a queue), I get very anxious.
  18. I often wake up with a new idea.
    I often wake up with a new idea.
  19. It would be very difficult for me to find a job that is exciting enough.
    It's hard for me to find a job that's interesting enough for me.
  20. I would like more challenging things to do in life.
    I would like to have more difficult tasks in my life.
  21. I feel that I am working below my abilities most of the time.
    I feel that most often I work below my abilities.
  22. Many people would say that I am a creative or imaginative person.
    Many would say that I am a creative and imaginative person.
  23. I have so many interests, I don’t have time to do everything.
    I have a lot of interests, but I don’t have enough time for everything.
  24. Among my friends, I am the one who keeps doing something the longest.
    Among my friends, I can do the same thing for the longest time.
  25. Unless I am doing something exciting, even dangerous, I feel half-dead and dull.
    If I'm not busy with something interesting, even dangerous, then I feel half-dead and bored.
  26. It takes a lot of change and variety to keep me really happy.
    To be truly happy, I need a lot of change and variety.
  27. It seems that the same things are on television or the movies all the time; it's getting old.
    It seems like TV and movies always show the same old stuff.
  28. When I was young, I was often in monotonous and tiresome situations.
    When I was young, I often found myself in boring, tedious situations.

To find out your own tendency to boredom, add up the total of the scores you gave each question. The average score is 99, and the average range 81-117. If you scored above 117, you become bored easily, and if you scored below 81, your boredom threshold is very high.

To find out your tendency towards boredom, add up the scores for all the answers. For the average person, the score is 99, ranging from 81 to 117. If you score above 117, you are easily bored. If you scored less than 81, then you tolerate boredom very well (your boredom threshold is very high).

Note: If you are not a completely boring person, then you might be interested to know that in Scotland there is a village called Dull, and in the northwestern United States there is a town called Boring. Both of these words - dull And boring- have general meaning "boring"Do they really have boring people living there or do they at least have a sense of humor? You can find out by reading and listening to the material."

Susceptibility to feelings of boredom - can be both a cause and an effect deep personal problems, irrational life choices, apathy and satiety. According to Viktor Frankl, the eminent Austrian psychologist, “boredom today confronts us - both patients and psychiatrists - with more problems than desires and even so-called sexual desires.”

There is nothing unnatural about a moderate need for new experiences and a desire to receive information and be active. But this does not pose a problem until the escape from boredom takes on the painful nature of dependence on information, on constant irritation of the senses, on work, and does not take on a certain form of internal restlessness, haste and pursuit of sensations.

In order to find out how susceptible you are to feelings of boredom, whether it’s time to ring the alarm bell or relax, take the following test, which I compiled specifically for this.

A little test for you

Only two options a) or b). If you can’t choose either option, then take what’s closest to you.

  1. How much work are you comfortable with on a daily basis?
    a) I love it when there is a lot of work and things tear me apart.
    b) I like it when there is little or no work: I like doing nothing
  2. Do you often make unnecessary expensive purchases?
    a) I love shopping, I like the process itself
    b) I rarely do it or never do it at all.
  3. How would you describe your leisure time?
    a) I like to spend my holidays actively: constantly traveling from place to place, I can’t live without entertainment: clubs, restaurants.
    b) Mostly I spend my time in a quiet environment: reading, relaxing in the country, just walking.
  4. Do you smoke?
    a) Yes
    b) No
  5. Imagine that you have some minor illness, but nevertheless you need a hospital. You are admitted to the hospital for two weeks (no injections or torture, just a comfortable hospital, which you really can’t leave within the specified period). Your reaction.
    a) Horror! How can I bear this forced confinement! What am I going to do there for two WHOLE weeks?
    b) Hurray! I'll have a good rest! Or a two-week hospital stay will not bring me much discomfort.
  6. Do you drink alcohol more than once every two weeks?
    a) Yes
    b) No
  7. Imagine that you lost your job. On the way home, we bought a lottery ticket and suddenly won $1 million. This should be enough for a lifetime somewhere on the ocean shore, but a life without extravagance and luxury, although quite worthy and without any special need. Will you still be looking for a new job?
    a) Yes. I can't sit at home doing nothing.
    b) No. Are you kidding me? I have a million!
  8. A long train ride awaits you on vacation (several days) in a comfortable compartment, but alone. What do you think?
    a) I wish it would end soon. I will do everything to make this painful wait pass as quickly as possible.
    b) Well, okay! I will look out the window, read and enjoy the beautiful views!
  9. On this train you came for a holiday, which you mainly spent on the beach and hiking, watching natural beauty. After two to three weeks, the vacation comes to an end. How are you?
    a) Well, finally, although I liked everything, I can’t wait to get back to my usual business, since I’ve gotten bored here.
    b) I really don’t want to leave! I would stay here again!

So if your choice is option a) in the sum of the answers, then it’s time for you to think, you are tormented by boredom, you are most likely subject to internal anxiety and do not know how to relax. So I strongly recommend that you read the text at the link, even if, for now, you don’t see a big problem in this: over time, this may turn into something more serious...

And if you answered all or almost all questions b), then I congratulate you, you most likely do not experience discomfort from loneliness, you are at peace with yourself, mostly calm and relaxed. You do not have to read the linked article. Although it also doesn’t hurt to find out what you avoided, but what you should still be wary of.

Boredom affects everyone negatively—that's a fact.

The individuality of each person is reflected in his character and temperament. Differences between personalities extend to their perception of all life, emotions in particular. Does this apply to boredom? Do sanguine, choleric, phlegmatic and melancholic people feel this sensation to the same extent? And most importantly: how and what to do when you are bored - use a universal or unique method for each temperament?

I'm bored - what should I do?

The boredom of a choleric person harms those around him, while the boredom of a melancholic person harms himself. The bored state of a phlegmatic person remains unnoticeable for many, merging with his usual mood. Sanguine people often try to ignore this feeling, thereby worsening the whole situation.

Reactions to boredom are completely different, based on the reasons for the experiences that arise. That is why to find an answer that is applicable to everyone to the question “What to do when you are bored?” almost impossible. The same cannot be said about individual solutions. Why are they suitable? The answer is simple: what helps a melancholic person can be disastrous for a sanguine person; a reasonable solution for a phlegmatic person will create more problems for a choleric person. Our website will help you determine your type.

What to do when a phlegmatic person is bored

A person with such a temperament is prone to constancy of feelings, interests, and weak expression of emotions. He is slow, but smart, always thinking through every decision to the smallest detail. His mood is characterized by stable calm.

Because of such qualities, only the closest friends and relatives are able to notice a change in the behavior of a phlegmatic person. Even a person of this type himself does not always grasp the turning point when melancholy begins to overwhelm him. Prolonged boredom makes phlegmatic:

  • sluggish, lazy, even slower;
  • poor in emotions and their expression;
  • monotonous (repeats only familiar actions);
  • indifferent to others, depressed.

Since a phlegmatic person takes a long time to wean himself off the standard pattern of behavior, a chronic bored mood can last for weeks, months or even years. The more he plunges into sadness, the more difficult it will be for him to change later. better side. How can a phlegmatic person get rid of the problem?

A little activity

Inactivity and constant monotony can turn even the most avid activist into a weak lazy person. What can we say about phlegmatics! However, for representatives of this temperament it is extremely difficult to delve into active image life. What to do? It is not necessary to choose an activity with a fast pace; something in the middle will do, at least a little more active than ordinary leisure time. For example, if it is dancing, then it is not hip-hop or paso doble, but contemporary and waltz. If it’s a sport, then it’s not wrestling, but swimming. Instead of fitness - yoga, instead of rally - a climbing wall. And so on - fortunately, there are a lot of options.

Nice talking

It may be difficult for a phlegmatic person to establish new contacts and quickly become close to barely acquired acquaintances. But heart-to-heart conversations with close relatives and reliable friends are pleasant for them. You can use this. Meeting in a cafe with a good friend, fishing with best friend or a family evening is a great way to relax a little and gain some positivity.

There is another method - interest clubs. In them you can:

  • in the tenth circle, express your passion for “Harry Potter” (a book lovers’ circle);
  • present the resulting pie the fifteenth time, assuring that it was prepared for the first time (Association of Home Cooks);
  • boast of growing a baobab in your backyard (gardening or dreaming club).

The list can go on for a long time. The advantage of such meetings is that no one forces participants to immediately enter into discussions or necessarily answer questions. All members of the group have the opportunity to slowly, gradually get used to the situation, get to know everyone better, and then begin to actively participate in general conversations and activities.

What to do if a melancholic person is bored

A bored melancholic is a real tragicomedy. The situation looks comical to others, as it is accompanied by quiet sighs and seemingly theatrically feigned sadness of the main character. For the melancholic person himself, this is a severe spiritual tragedy. The reason for this is that individuals of this type tend to take everything to heart. They are excellent empaths who can sincerely sympathize. They often find themselves in creativity and succeed in it.

If a melancholic person is caught in the clutches of prolonged boredom, the following symptoms appear in him:

  • deeper emotional vulnerability;
  • isolation, silence against the background of acute melancholy;
  • alienation, isolation of oneself from society;
  • the emergence and development of neuroses and phobias.

People with a melancholic temperament are more often introverts and often suffer from affective and anxiety states. If the greatest difficulty of a phlegmatic person is getting rid of boredom, then for a melancholic person it is maintaining a craving for life. That is why such individuals must fight boredom at its first manifestations. There are several ways to achieve this.

Less soul-searching

Melancholic people tend to indulge in old bad memories - defeats, failures, feelings of shame, humiliation, and so on. In most cases, they consider themselves and their own character traits to be the root of evil, and therefore come out of these thoughts as losers every time. The mood worsens for a long time, the desire and strength to do anything disappear, and boredom appears.

If negative memories still come flooding back, it’s better to try to think about what kind of experience they gave. You can try to imagine how and where new knowledge will be useful. The main thing in this task is to direct the flow of thoughts to thoughts about a necessarily happy, successful future.

Looking for positivity around

It would be a good idea to start a diary for these purposes in order to write down everything, even the slightest positive achievements, that happened during the day. At first it will seem that there is very little or no good in one day. Then several small bright passages will appear in your memory.

The neighbors decided to forget about the repairs in the morning, the cook in the dining room smiled and wished bon appetit, the naughty cat correctly found the litter tray, and on Sunday they surprisingly provided hot water - these little things make up all of life. By noticing and summing them up, a person becomes happier, kinder, and gets rid of boredom and negativity.

What to do when a sanguine person is bored

Sanguine temperament is a fireworks display of rapidly changing, mostly positive experiences. These are active, cheerful people with pronounced emotions. They are easy-going, sociable, and enthusiastically perceive new ideas and changes.

Inconstancy, frivolity - negative traits such personalities. Boredom can soften these qualities. Naturally, we are talking about mild short-term forms of its manifestation. Therefore, there is only one piece of advice for sanguine people.

Acceptance and analysis of boredom

You can start from three ideas at once.

  1. Against the background of negative experiences, positive emotions are felt more acutely and are valued more.
  2. Monotonous constancy (even positive ones) becomes boring and becomes routine. The result is an obsessive feeling of “I’m missing something.”
  3. Boredom is a way to rethink your lifestyle, to change something for the sake of your own development.

If you're bored, there's a reason for it. The problem with sanguine people is that they often do not solve the problem, but only eliminate its manifestations. Such people try their best to avoid negative feelings and immediately get rid of them, without really delving into the question of why negative emotions appeared at all.

The advice is to welcome boredom as a guest, look for the reasons for its arrival, and then think about them in detail. This will help you determine what is going wrong in life and how to deal with it. In addition, this method will protect you from complications - sharply developed neuroses, depression. Subsequent actions aimed at the necessary changes will turn a bored mood into a rare, short-lived, but very useful guest.

What to do if a choleric person is very bored

When boredom overtakes a person with a choleric type of temperament, it’s bad for everyone. Being in good mood, choleric people show many positive qualities - passion, perseverance in achieving their goals, energy, determination, sociability. But if such a subject begins to get bored, he will definitely find someone or something to take it out on.

Too much boredom makes a choleric person:

  • aggressive, harsh, unable to control outbursts of negative emotions;
  • unbalanced, unstable in mood;
  • prone to emotional breakdowns and, as a result, to neuroses and psychoses;
  • capable of impulsive actions that are dangerous to oneself and others.

In a person of the type described, even a slight melancholy mood can cause irritation, the duration of which easily develops into anger, and then into rage. It is better for such a person to act immediately when the first signs of boredom appear and with subsequent manifestations of dissatisfaction or indignation. Fortunately, there is a way out.

Personal relaxation techniques

Firstly, using relaxation techniques is already an activity. And where there is any activity, there is no boredom and thoughts like “I have nothing to do.” Secondly, such techniques perfectly eliminate bad mood, clear thoughts, and regulate energy balance. They can be either short-term, isolated, or long-term, regular. It is better to select individual methods for each person: what calms one person may irritate another. Such techniques include:

  • yoga, Pilates, gymnastics, non-aggressive sports;
  • meditation;
  • taking a relaxing bath with foam and sea salt;
  • use of scented candles, sticks, oils;
  • breathing exercises;
  • doing what you love at a leisurely pace;
  • psychological trainings.

It happens that circumstances or conditions do not allow one of the listed methods to be used. It is unlikely that the boss will understand if, during a business meeting, a subordinate suddenly starts lighting candles, taking the lotus position or chanting mantras. In such cases, you can try to take a closer look at a specific object next to you, multiply complex numbers in your mind, or try to come up with a non-standard solution to an ordinary riddle.

If the moment was missed, and boredom turned into irritation, the following scheme helps a lot: slowly count to ten, take a deep breath and then switch your attention.

Friendship with creativity

Art requires a subtle approach, which choleric people are seemingly incapable of. No matter how it is! One can only envy the passion of a choleric person. This attraction makes them try new things and change. For such people, the advantage of creativity is its limitlessness and diversity. What does it mean?

  1. There can be a whole host of options for what, where, how and when to do things. There is an opportunity to learn about many unusual, unfamiliar activities, which only fuels the interest of choleric people.
  2. Creation of works of art (paintings, poetry, music, dance or theatrical productions etc.) is often carried out in stages, and the time interval between stages varies in duration. People with unstable, changeable interests will appreciate this.
  3. You can continue to create endlessly. Such activities have no restrictions, neither temporal, nor quantitative, nor qualitative.

Having found his passion in a creative impulse, a choleric person will never be bored. If you get tired of one activity, another will come to replace it, and so on in a circle.

People of all temperaments - pure and mixed - can find the best solution for what to do when bored. The only universal advice is that it is better to perceive boredom as an incentive for change. Otherwise, each temperament has its own ways of solving the problem, which are best not mixed with methods that are intended for other types.

It often happens that you are not in the mood or you get up on the wrong foot, and you don’t want anything. Jokes don’t come to mind, I’m not in the mood to have fun. But friends and acquaintances, without going into too much detail, accuse me of passivity. Nobody wants to be boring, but it’s also difficult to be active all the time. Everyone reacts to events in their own way, which is why our mood changes. But what to do when everyone is having fun and you are bored? Maybe there really are chronic bores who don’t know it? And can we be these bores? Our boring test today will answer all these questions! Are you boring or boring? The flash test will tell you whether this is really so, and why attacks of not giving a damn occur in our lives. A flash test will tell you why the same joke turns out to be very funny for one person, and very stupid for another. In short, take the boredom test and find out about yourself Interesting Facts. The main thing is not to be upset about the result and always be optimistic! By the way, we also have...