What does Kadyrov have on his index finger. Vladimir Putin and Mohammed Al-Nahyan Discussed US Pressure on Opec

According to the unanimous opinion of all Ulama, wearing by men silver ring is allowed. Abdullah ibn Umar (radiyallahu anhu) said: “The Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) acquired a silver ring. He wore this ring on his finger. Then this ring passed to Abu Bakr, then to Umar, then to Osman. And in the time of Osman, this ring fell into the well of Eris. On this ring was written "Muhammadurrasulullah" ( Muslim, Libas, 54).

In another narration, Ibn Umar (radiyallahu anhu) said: “The Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) acquired a golden ring. Then he threw it away. After that, he purchased a silver ring and ordered that “Muhammadurrasulullah” be engraved on it and said: “Let none of you apply any other over this inscription.” When he put on this ring, he turned it with a stone to the inside of his palm. And it was this ring that fell into the well of Eris" ( Muslim, Libas, 55).

At the same time, the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) used this ring as a seal. Anas ibn Malik (radiallahu anhu) said: “The Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) wanted to write letters calling for Islam, the rulers of Persia, Byzantium and Ethiopia. When he was told: “They do not accept letters without a seal”, he asked me to make him a silver ring and engrave “Muhammadurrasulullah” on it” ( Muslim, Libas, 58).

Alims said that the ring of the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) was decorated with agate. Sometimes the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) wore this ring on the little finger of his right hand, and sometimes on the little finger of his left. And he turned the stone inside the palm. Anas ibn Malik (radiallahu anhu) reports: “The Messenger of Allah put a ring on his right hand. The ring was decorated with a stone brought from Ethiopia. He turned the stone in the palm of his hand" ( Muslim, Libas, 62). In another narration, he, pointing to the little finger of his left hand, said: "The ring of the Messenger of Allah was here" ( Muslim, Libas, 63).

The Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) forbade wearing a ring on the middle and ring fingers. Ali (radiallahu anhu), pointing on the middle and ring fingers, said: "The Messenger of Allah forbade me to wear a ring on this and on this finger."

Regarding the silver ring, the fiqh books give the following explanation: men and women are allowed to wear silver rings. For sultans, qadis and other government officials, the use of the ring is sunnah, since the ring was previously used as a seal. It is also sunnah for the weight of the ring to be equal to one mithqal, and in accordance with the sunnah, the stone should be turned to the inside of the palm. However, women should not turn the ring over, as it is an adornment for them. But for men, the ring is not an ornament. It is allowed that the ring be decorated with agate or some precious stone, such as an emerald. On the ring, you can engrave your own name or one of the names of Allah.

    The unusual device on Kadyrov's hand has long attracted the attention of the public. But many of us could not have imagined that the main attribute of the performance of prayer actions by Muslims - the rosary - could have such an analogue.

    One of the versions of what the sensor on the finger of Kadyrov's left hand is is electronic reading. Muslims use the rosary to count mentions of the name of Allah. The rosary contains 99 beads. Having gone through all of them, a Muslim keeps count of appeals to God, the number of which can reach up to 1000 per day. Electronics on the finger of the leader of Chechnya makes such an account ideal, you just need to press a button every time you mention Allah. Here is such a computerization of religious items is obtained.

    How the modern world changes everything even the process of prayer and counting the remembrance and praise of Allah. Electronic rosary (electronic prayer counter) has replaced the rosary and frees hands.

    There are two buttons on the counter with which the number of prayers is dialed or reset. The display shows the number of prayers or mentions of Allah.

    A noticeable incomprehensible device on the arm of Ramzan Kadyrov turned out to be an important item for him, as a Muslim.

    These are electronic readings.

    For us Orthodox, it seems like it is not necessary to constantly remember God, but the faithful must constantly think about Allah.

    The rosary is traditionally made up of 99 beads. Going through them, a count of appeals to Allah is kept, and their number can be very large during the day.

    But Kadyrov's device, with a special press, makes the calculation ideal.

    To be honest, I'm not accustomed to realizing that this is so important for Muslims - the daily number of appeals to higher powers.

    This is a rosary for those who do not want to occupy an extra hand with an object, but want to read prayers in accordance with all the rules. An electronic device notes every movement of the fingers, reminiscent of the movement of rosary beads. At the end of the day, you can even check if you managed to read all the required prayers. It must be understood that for Ramzan Kadyrov, as a Muslim adherent of traditions, daily prayer is very important. And the rejection of the usual rosary can be done even for security reasons. Imagine yourself in an extreme situation with something insanely dear to you in your hands: quit, or take risks?

    It's just a ring. Kadyrov wears two other gadgets: on the index finger of his right hand. And on the neck with beads. On the index finger is a type of mouse with bluetooth. In the previous answer, it is depicted on a laptop. And the number of beads on the neck is 99. This is the rosary.

    Ramzan Kadyrov is a Muslim and honors the traditions of the faith.

    The device on the hand is an electric rosary that counts mentions of Allah during prayer. This rosary usually contains 99 beads. Going through them, a Muslim counts his mentions of God. And with the help of electronic ones, he makes their counting more accurate by pressing a button at each mention. There are two buttons on the rosary, with the help of which prayers are counted, and the number of clicks is shown using the screen.

    My sister decided to add:

    Many viewers have already noticed that Kadyrov has a device on his finger that looks very much like a ring.

    But in fact, these are electronic rosaries. Kadyrov is a Muslim, and he greatly honors his traditions, the traditions of his people. It is very important for him to be mentioned in prayer and in the thoughts of Allah.

    An electronic rosary allows you to press a button every time you mention Allah, thus the device keeps an accurate count, unlike rosaries, which consist of beads.

    Many pay attention to this sensor, the participants of the show Team also all watched and probably, like me, thought what kind of device it was. I was very interested in this, because there are similar medical devices.

    Thus, you can control blood pressure and much more, now there are a lot of different health gadgets.

    Everything turned out to be much simpler, this device is actually an electronic counter of electronic rosaries, it looks like a clock, it is a counter that counts how many times a Muslim person will remember the prophet during prayer. Ramzan said that he reads prayers both to himself and aloud throughout the day. He wears a rosary around his neck.

    It could be a smart ring. Now they are made with two chipsets. They are compatible with androids and Window smartphones. Can store data like a flash drive.

    Can control smartphone.

    Can be used as a business card.

    Or open doors.

    And a little more.

    We can say that this device acts as a gadget that is intended only for people whose religion is Islam.

    With the help of this device, each pressing is automatically taken into account and summed up. Pressings are made in the process of prayer, namely, when calling the name of Allah. The rosary is considered a traditional tool for such accounting, but they are cumbersome, not always appropriate and easy to forget somewhere. It is in such a situation that such an electronic ring comes to the rescue, which will display the number of mentions every time.

    The sensor on the index finger of the head of the Chechen Republic Ramzan Kadyrov, which can often be seen in photographs and videos, is electronic rosaryquot ;.

    This electronic device replaces the standard ones (those rosaries to which we are accustomed).

    Sorting through each bead of the rosary, at every mention of the Almighty, during prayers, is replaced by pressing a button.

"Chechnya is increasingly separating from Russia." The experts published a report on the real state of affairs in the most “peaceful, secure and stable” region of the North Caucasus.

In the photo above: On Kadyrov's finger is an electronic salavat counter. “Our people have praised the Prophet 30,000,000,000 times this month” (January 2014). Photo: RIA Novosti

On June 30, the non-governmental organization International Crisis Group (headquartered in Brussels) published a report entitled "Chechnya: Internal Abroad". The report comprehensively analyzed the model of functioning of the Chechen Republic over the past 10 years.

Based on painstakingly collected, exclusive information, the authors of the report, well-known Russian experts Ekaterina Sokiryanskaya and Varvara Pakhomenko, give a complete political, ideological, religious, security and economic alignment of the Chechen reality and lead to a disappointing conclusion: “The Republic is increasingly separating from Russia, and the state of affairs is such that it further repels those Chechens who sincerely want to be part of the Russian state.”

The report is intended for the general reader. Its goal is to fill the vacuum of objective information about the most problematic and, at the same time, mythologized region of Russia and satisfy the information demand for Chechnya, which Russian society has been steadily demonstrating lately.

Novaya Gazeta published the full version of the report and an interview with one of the authors, Ekaterina Sokiryanskaya, an analyst for the Europe and Asia program of the International Crisis Group.

Sokiryanskaya Ekaterina Leonidovna — Candidate of Political Sciences, PhD degree at the Central European University (Budapest). From 2003 to 2008 she worked in the branches of the HRC "Memorial" in Chechnya and Ingushetia, taught at the Chechen State University.

From 2008 to 2011, she supervised the programs of Memorial Human Rights Center in Dagestan and Kabardino-Balkaria, conducted research on the situation with human rights violations in these republics, and organized the opening of new Memorial offices in Nalchik and Makhachkala. From 2011-2014, she headed the representative office of the International Crisis Group in Russia, being responsible for conducting research in the North Caucasus. Currently, he is an analyst for the Europe and Asia program of the International Crisis Group.

— One of the most disturbing conclusions of your report 1 is the following: “Stability in Chechnya is fragile and too personalized, thanks to the connection between Ramzan Kadyrov and Vladimir Putin. The Kremlin created this system and maintains it, but it does not control events on the ground. And while the Chechen leader is apparently sincerely loyal to the Russian president, it is doubtful that this loyalty will be passed on to his successors. If the political alignment of forces changes in Moscow, Ramzan's power structures could create problems for the Kremlin.” What led you to this conclusion?

- The fact is that the long-term Russian-Chechen conflict has not been resolved, it has been driven into the depths. Today, peace in Chechnya can be called peace in the minimal sense of the word - the absence of war. Instead of a real political decision and integration of the region into the all-Russian reality, in recent years we have observed an imitation of these processes. As a result, the current model for settling the situation in Chechnya is not capable of leading to long-term peace.

This model can be transformed bloodlessly, or rather, it can still be done with minimal bursts of instability. But in order to change something, it is necessary to describe and acknowledge as truthfully as possible what we have today in Chechnya. And explain why the system won't work in the long run. That is the task we have set ourselves in this report.

If we do not begin to resolve the problems that we identify and analyze in each of its sections, an explosion will occur. It may take the form of a new round of confrontation between Russia and Chechnya, and there will certainly be a surge in violence within Chechen society. I emphasize all the time that reconciliation is needed both within Chechen society and between Chechens and Russians. It's not customary to talk about it now, but it's true. There was a war, people died on both sides, but the process of reconciliation was never launched.

- What is the diagnosis?

- There is a region on the territory of Russia, which, being a de jure part of Russia, in reality is an almost independent political entity.

Chechnya lives according to its own laws, in its own legal field, and, moreover, it operates not only in the regime of counter-terrorist operations, but also in all areas of law. Chechnya has its own political system, partly reflecting all-Russian tendencies, but, by and large, it is a political regime of extremely tough individual power that is unique for Russia. This regime is based on the personality cult of the republican leader, has its own power structures, its own ideology, its own religious policy, its own international relations and its own parallel economy.

This is a state within a state in which federal Russian institutions are controlled by local strongmen who are loyal primarily to the local regime and, to a much lesser extent, to the federal institution of which they are employees. The federal structures that exist there are incapable of taking any action against the wishes of the republican leadership. This is one side of the coin. And the second is that such a political structure was created by Moscow, supported by Moscow, and its guarantor is the Russian power structures. This regime is financed almost entirely by Moscow and covered by it.

- The events of recent months have shown that there are people in the leadership of Russia who understand the danger of the "Chechen model" for the integrity of the country. This number includes federal security officials and employees of the Presidential Administration. Are they able to influence the policy of Moscow that you are talking about?

- Kadyrov is a creature of the President of the Russian Federation. The ideologists of the model for resolving the Chechen conflict, which was proposed to us, are the Presidential Administration and Putin personally.

The President publicly approves what is happening in Chechnya. He, unlike the layman, perfectly understands what processes are going on there. This became apparent when he recommended that Ukraine use the same model with respect to the DNR and LNR.

Putin directly and clearly outlined its key pillars: to buy a separatist region with independence and money. And this is exactly what has been happening in Chechnya for more than 10 years. Therefore, there is not enough understanding of the problem in the federal law enforcement agencies. Nothing can be done without the political will of the Kremlin.

- In your opinion, understands perfectly well what risks the model to pacify Chechnya led to. Moreover, he himself offers Ukraine a model that threatens the territorial integrity of the state.

“Perhaps he believes that over time, the old conflict driven inside and the new ones that have arisen will become less relevant. As long as both he and Kadyrov are in power, the existing model will work, and there are no territorial threats to Russia. But since stability in Chechnya is highly personalized and therefore very fragile, any change in the status quo in Grozny or Moscow that leads to an unplanned break in the model could lead to a new bloody conflict.

- That is, if something happens tomorrow, what do we have?

- Firstly, it will not be easy for Kadyrov to find a common language with any successor to Putin. Even when Dmitry Medvedev, a person very close to Vladimir Vladimirovich, was in charge of the country, Kadyrov remained loyal only to Putin. If there is a more radical change of power in Russia, then this is the potential situation when the current Chechen regime could make a new choice in favor of confrontation with Moscow. After all, the positions of Kadyrov himself are very vulnerable. If there is no more such support from the Kremlin, primarily military and economic support, how long will the status quo in Grozny last? This is a question that has an almost unequivocal answer.

— And what do you understand by military support of the Chechen regime? Is this the so-called Kadyrov's army? Or is it the Russian army?

- After the cancellation of the counter-terrorist operation in 2009, about 20,000 Russian troops were withdrawn from Chechnya. Nevertheless, Russian troops and other power structures remain in Chechnya and the North Caucasus. And we all understand very well that the federal power support of the army and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which are not actively involved, but are present, is a guarantee of the security of the Kadyrov regime.

- And how then to consider Kadyrov's stubborn desire to get rid of the last outpost of the federal military in Chechnya - from Khankala?

- This is a twofold situation, and it is complicated by the fact that the Chechen leader really has many opponents among the federal power structures. Nevertheless, everything is decided by the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, and it is he who provides the Kadyrov regime with the support of the federal security forces, apparently sometimes against their wishes and position.

Kadyrov himself, of course, would like to see fewer Russian troops in the region, because then his power would be unlimited. After all, on the one hand, they ensure the security of the regime, and on the other hand, they are still a kind of restraining force in relation to Kadyrov himself. It's a kind of control.

- Absolutely incredible for the leader of any Russian region, the statement - Ramzan Kadyrov's order to shoot Russian security forces to kill - was not accidentally made in Russian. Kadyrov, who speaks 99% of his public speeches in his native Chechen language, clearly wanted to be heard outside of Chechnya. There was no harsh reaction to this statement, they preferred to hush up the situation. But do you admit that the situation, even if the current balance of power is maintained, can reach the point of an armed conflict?

- I practically rule out such a situation, because by and large both Moscow and Grozny keep themselves within limits, and I tend to consider the connection between Kadyrov and Putin quite personal and sincere. In the life of Kadyrov, the model of a strong older man is very important, formerly his father, and now the president of the country. But the question is whether anyone will try to question his power in Chechnya, including Putin himself, a much more pragmatic and less sentimental person.

Changing the status quo in Chechnya is possible only if Putin understands that the processes in Chechnya are damaging his reputation, his image.

And then either drastic changes are possible, or an attempt at a creeping seizure of Kadyrov's spheres of influence, the erosion of his monopoly on power in the Chechen Republic. This is how Ramzan understood the attempt by the Stavropol police to detain Dzhambulat Dadaev in Grozny. The security forces tried to come and do what they regularly do in Ingushetia, Dagestan and other regions of the North Caucasus.

But not in Chechnya, because Ramzan is the only one who controls the security forces on his territory. They carry out similar operations in Chechnya themselves. And Kadyrov very clearly understood this signal that they had come and tried to encroach on his monopoly. That's why his reaction was so emotional, he can't let that happen. After all, as soon as his power in the republic is slightly weakened, the genie will be released from the bottle, primarily within the Chechen society.

- But the head of Chechnya is far from being a stupid person and should calculate options for how to maintain his power or what to do if the current balance of power changes dramatically?

- I think that both he and his entourage are considering different options. That is why the Middle East direction of Kadyrov's policy is so important. Therefore, he has good relations with the leaders of a number of Arab countries.

The Chechen elite has property and business in Turkey, the Emirates, and so on. These are alternate airfields, so that there is where, if anything, to move. I think that moving is one of the key options that they are considering, also because everyone is already used to a peaceful and quite luxurious life and wants to continue it.

Are they ready to fight for their power?

— Chechens fought and died for their homeland for centuries. But the current government, accustomed to a beautiful life, in an unfavorable scenario for them, will most likely leave Chechnya. If, of course, they can leave. But if it does not work out, then do not forget that these guys also have combat experience.

The fact is that he represents a new modern type of leader in Chechnya, at the same time completely oriental, hierarchical, whom his supporters call a padishah. Some will object - how modern is he, this simple and not too academic guy from the village?

But excuse me, he builds beautiful roads, skyscrapers, smart homes, attracts new technologies, actively uses the Internet and social networks, behaves differently from traditional Chechen leaders - he shows his family with might and main (this is not customary among Chechens), dances, hangs out with youth, is friends with bikers. But in addition, he trains and equips his power structures with the latest word.

- There is a separate question about Kadyrov's army. How dangerous are the 20,000 armed men that Ramzan Kadyrov showed us if they turn their weapons against Moscow?

Oath of allegiance to Kadyrov and Putin, Grozny, 2015. YouTube frame

- In the conditions of modern guerrilla warfare, a large number of belligerents is not needed. Therefore, even 1000 well-trained and armed people is not a small number. In the first Chechen war, which the Russian army lost, the Chechens mostly fought on the side of those who had not only special training, they didn’t even have weapons.

Yes, but they had the support of the population and the idea of ​​independence. But I have another question - how loyal will the Chechen armed structures of Kadyrov be to Kadyrov himself if he is forced to defend his power?

- I emphasize that we are talking about a hypothetical situation of a new round of the conflict between Grozny and Moscow. And here it is very important to understand that the root cause of the conflict is still relevant. Chechen separatism is not dead. He lives in kitchens, he lives in exile, he sleeps.

- It is unlikely that Ramzan Kadyrov can become the successor to Dzhokhar Dudayev. You can't change sides a second time...

- I asked this question to former militants, absolutely convinced separatists who fought and were amnestied: is it possible for them to have an alliance with Kadyrov? They answered that it was possible and it would be a strategic alliance against Russia at some point. Because Kadyrov has money, armed structures, that is, he has a resource. And if all this contributes to the achievement of the main goal - the independence of Chechnya, then such an alliance will be beneficial for these people. Well, then, they told me, when we reach our goal, we will ask him.

- It turns out that if something changes tomorrow, then Kadyrov has two options: the first is to run. According to the second option, only the idea of ​​separatism can unite people around him?

- The first option is to live in peace within Russia, observe its laws and constitution and find a common language with the new Russian government. The second - in the event of a confrontation with Moscow - to unite people around the idea of ​​creating a national state on the territory of Chechnya, in line with which he, in fact, legitimizes his power. In the report, we analyze his ideology and show that he relies on Chechen nationalism, Sufi Islamism and traditionalism.

He supports traditional Chechen Sufism, the Chechen language, music, local history museums, external symbols of "Chechenness". He raises old questions about territorial claims against neighbors. In his addresses in the Chechen language, for internal consumption, he tries to prove to the Chechens, which gives them ample opportunities for self-determination, that he has a Chechen state here, based on its age-old traditions and religion.

And part of the Chechen separatists of the times of Dudayev-Maskhadov is quite pleasant to hear such rhetoric. At least, many of them criticize the Russian authorities much more strongly than they criticize Kadyrov for the same sins. But still, at the moment, the loyalty of the "Kadyrov's army" is greatly exaggerated. For many, service in the armed structures of Chechnya is primarily a way to feed their families. Outside of Chechnya, it is widely believed that there is no replacement for Kadyrov. Only he can hold on to power. Actually I think

80% of the Chechen Ministry of Internal Affairs would be happy if the ministry was headed by a softer and less loyal security official to Kadyrov - like Yevkurov, who, at the same time, is loyal to the federal government.

And yet, Kadyrov has a system of influence on these people - they wrote 10,000 reports that they were ready to carry out any order. But this is as long as the current balance of power exists. If it is violated, it will matter how we all get out of this situation.

If there is no clear plan for a soft transformation of the existing model, first of all, a much greater integration of the Chechen police into federal structures, then in the conditions of the conflict a situation will inevitably arise in which part of the Chechen Ministry of Internal Affairs will feel that they have nowhere to go, that they have enemies and no more livelihood. And if Kadyrov provides them with jobs and protection, they will remain loyal to Kadyrov.

- You are talking about limiting Kadyrov's power over local security forces. But is it possible?

Yes, that is what we recommend. Our critics say that many of the things we recommend are hard to do. Nevertheless, it is precisely the limitation of Kadyrov's power, bringing his powers and the practices of his security forces into line with the Russian constitution, that is one of the most important first steps towards the peaceful transformation of the existing model.

Over the past couple of years, we have observed that all federal structures - from the Prosecutor General's Office and the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the TFR - have demonstrated an understanding of the situation, a desire, and even real attempts to follow this path. But there was always a political setting on top that did not support or suppress such attempts.

Yesterday, Russian President Vladimir Putin met with the Crown Prince of the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, Colonel General Mohammed al-Nahyan, and discussed with him the supply of weapons to the United Arab Emirates, the problem of US pressure on OPEC members, and even the behavior of the UAE attack pilot in the sky over the militants. ISIS. With details - the special correspondent of "Kommersant" ANDREY KOLESNIKOV.

Yesterday there were several distinguished guests in Novo-Ogaryovo. For example, Chechen President Ramzan Kadyrov, who was in a very good mood that day. He even told me what kind of device he had on the index finger of his left hand, resembling a watch. It turned out to be an electronic counter:

He reads prayers aloud and to himself during the day.

However, Ramzan Kadyrov did not take part in the negotiations with the Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi: he apparently had his own business here.

The Crown Prince of the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, Deputy Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of the United Arab Emirates, Colonel General Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan is more than an influential person in the UAE, the son of the founder and first President of the UAE, the ruler of the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan and brother of current UAE President Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan. Moreover, it is he, the Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi, who oversees the issues of the military-industrial complex, and in recent years, most other issues that require higher decisions.

He likes to come to Russia, including Sochi, to Bocharov Ruchey. Usually, after long conversations behind closed doors with Vladimir Putin at the residence of the Russian president, a representative Russian delegation arrives in the United Arab Emirates, which signs contracts for the supply of military-technical products from Russia to the UAE.

In addition, the Emirates some time ago decided to invest several billion dollars in the construction of the Central Ring Road and still have not abandoned this idea.

According to Kommersant's information, Vladimir Putin was particularly interested in one more topic, moreover, from a purely human point of view. The only female attack aircraft pilot who, as part of an international group, bombs ISIS terrorists, is a citizen of the United Arab Emirates.

But the main topic of the talks, according to Kommersant's information, was the conversation about oil prices. The UAE is an OPEC member with its own quota and is one of the few countries that is now resisting US pressure on OPEC members to increase oil production (and thereby reduce its price on the world market).

The conversation in the meeting room was not long, because the lunch turned out to be very long, which in fact is the main continuation of the negotiations in such stories.

Ramzan Kadyrov is a well-known political figure, leader of the Chechen Republic, a bright personality in modern history. Of course, an incredibly large number of contradictions are formed around it. Many publications and media condemn his actions, accuse him of crimes, while others, on the contrary, praise his achievements.

Of course, personal life is not bypassed either. They discuss the biography of Ramzan Kadyrov and his mistress, who never existed at all, joint photos with celebrities and other facts. In general, there is a lot of information that is worth talking about.

Ramzan Kadyrov was born in the mountain village of Tsentaroi in 1976. In the family, he was the youngest child. At that time, my father was already engaged in important political and state affairs. From early childhood, he was brought up with special strictness, taught to honor traditions and respect elders. His mother had a great influence on his formation as a politician.

The authority in the family, of course, belonged to the father. If he praised Ramzan for any act, then for the guy it was an incredible reward. Ramzan tried in every possible way to gain the trust of Akhmat Kadyrov, not only with words, but also with deeds. He spent his school years in an ordinary rural school in the Caucasus, and also attended classes in military affairs. He rode a horse very well, from an early age he learned to shoot and mastery of edged weapons.

At the end of school, together with his father, he joined the armed forces to protect the independence of Chechnya. From that moment on, he chose military affairs for himself, which played a big role in the life of a politician. After the hostilities, he enters one of the local universities. In 2004 he successfully graduated from the Faculty of Law. Then he enters the Academy under the President of the Russian Federation, where they teach public administration.

In 2004 he received a PhD in Economics. His active political activity has always been noticeable, as he never stinted in his statements.

Ramzan Kadyrov has a large number of honorary titles, he is a professor and academician. All this reflects his versatility and ability to master all the tools of public administration.

Among the sporting achievements of Ramzan Kadyrov, one can note the title of master of sports in boxing. He was always distinguished by good physical fitness and was ready to repulse the enemy at any moment. Today, throughout Chechnya, there are centers where young people are taught boxing, which are called "Ramzan". Great importance is attached to the sports education of young people in the republic.

public service

In 1999, Akhmat Kadyrov, along with his son, went over to the side of Russia. This opened up great prospects for the young Ramzan. A career in the political industry went up, already in 2000 he received the post of head of a special purpose company of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. At that time, the represented unit was engaged in state security, the protection of high-ranking officials. Two years later, he received a promotion, becoming the leader of an entire platoon. In 2003, by direct appointment, he moved to a senior position in the presidential security service.

Thanks to his huge connections in Chechnya and influence on various terrorist groups, Ramzan Kadyrov became one of the levers in negotiations with the separatists. Thus, the number of presented formations has significantly decreased. In 2004, Akhmat Kadyrov died, Ramzan immediately received the position of acting director. Chairman of the Board of the Chechen Republic. His father was killed by terrorists, so he declared war on everyone involved in this incident, including Shamil Basayev.

In 2007, Ramzan Kadyrov becomes the legal leader of the Chechen Republic, as he reaches the age at which one can work in this position. He continued the work of his father.

An incredibly large amount of work has been carried out to restore the infrastructure of cities affected by hostilities, and the number of terrorist groups has largely decreased.

In 2011, regular elections were held for the leadership of the Chechen Republic, and Ramzan Kadyrov was again re-elected. His successful career, the trust of the people, all this together played a great influence. Also the support from Vladimir Putin was incredibly important. It can be said that it was thanks to the actions of Putin and Akhmat Kadyrov that he achieved such heights.

Concerning political issues, and the life of statesmen, information about informal ties with the opposite sex very often pops up. Ramzan Kadyrov was also no exception, as his photos with his mistresses appeared on the network. Of course, all these were fabricated shares that did not have accurate information.

According to statistical studies, many Russians believe that only thanks to the actions of Ramzan, the situation in Chechnya has stabilized today. Political work is in full swing, personnel changes are taking place, which help eliminate incompetent specialists. Very often, articles devoted to the cruelty of the president appear in the media, he is accused of various crimes and even murders.

Kadyrov's personal bodyguard also appears in criminal cases. But this does not prevent him from remaining a professional politician who has done a lot for his country and homeland.

Mistress of Ramzan Kadyrov

This is probably the most discussed topic that interests many readers. First of all, in all his interviews on personal topics, the politician said that “mistresses are harmful to health,” so you should not believe the rumors that he has a hidden passion.

Since he is a Muslim, according to tradition, he can have four wives and it makes no sense to have a woman on the side, especially having such a status in society.

Thus, it is possible to refute all articles that discuss Ramzan Kadyrov, his photos with his mistresses and personal life.

Personal life

Ramzan Kadyrov is a man who respects all religions and is himself a zealous Muslim. He honors the traditions of his people, very often appears at various events in folk clothes. The personal life of the politician has developed in an extremely successful way. He met Medni Aidamirova, who was his fellow villager. In 2004, they became legal spouses.

The first lady of the country is actively involved in the creation of designer clothes, she organized her own brand "Firdaws". That is, this is the first official brand of Chechen clothing, which really stands out for its quality and interesting style. The main block of models is represented by interesting and luxurious dresses for women. The entire Kadyrov family is actively involved in state and public affairs. They make a huge contribution to the development of the social and material well-being of the Chechen people.

The fact that Ramzan Kadyrov has mistresses or maybe a second wife does not frighten Medni, since according to the laws of religion, men are allowed to have four wives. Of course, all this requires the permission of the spouse, but she cannot prevent this. Ramzan Kadyrov himself has repeatedly said in his interviews that he can have a second wife only if she is more beautiful than Medni, but he has never met such a girl.

Information appeared in the media that Ramzan has a second wife, who is only 18 years old. Her name is Fatima, but there was no official registration of marriage, as this is prohibited by law. In fact, nothing prevents Ramzan Kadyrov from having wives and mistresses, since he knows how to hide it well, and no one should be interested in the personal life of a politician. He is one of those men who respect their wives and try to stick to tradition.

The head of the Chechen Republic has repeatedly become the hero of articles. He was assigned the status of a plunderer of women's hearts, connections with celebrities of Russian show business, including Sobchak and Kandelaki. But all this was not confirmed, since with these women he has only friendly relations and nothing more. If you come across an article on the Internet about Ramzan Kadyrov's mistresses, where there will be his photos, then you should not believe them. These are all the intrigues of the yellow press, which are trying in every way to defile the name of the politician.