What does late ovulation mean during cycle 28? Late ovulation - better late than never, or do you still need treatment? Determination of late ovulation

The corpus luteum on an ultrasound after ovulation is a natural process in the female body, which means the release of a mature egg and a high chance of conception. By the time menstruation occurs, the temporary gland self-destructs, the effect on the body of progesterone, which causes acne in many women, enlargement, breast soreness during PMS decreases, and a new cycle begins.

The second name for the corpus luteum (CL) is the luteal gland.

What methods will help you find out about the presence of a corpus luteum?

There are two ways to find out about the existence of a temporary gland:

  1. Ultrasonography. The most reliable method that allows you to clearly see the picture of what is happening on the monitor, determine the size, likelihood of conception, and the effect of VT on the reproductive organs.
  2. Analysis for the hormone progesterone. Relying on this method alone is not enough, because situations with hormonal imbalance occur.

If a woman is tracking her ovulation with the goal of becoming pregnant, then the most common sense solution is to use two methods simultaneously.

Corpus luteum after ovulation on ultrasound

On ultrasound, the gland looks like a round, soft sac located on one of the ovaries or on 2 at once. In the latter case, a multiple pregnancy is likely if the egg is successfully fertilized.

After ovulation has taken place, the gland appears almost immediately, gradually increasing in size. To assess the state of reproductive function, especially the ovaries, it is recommended to do ultrasound three times per cycle:

  • on days 7-10 of the cycle. At this time, the mucous membrane of the uterus is quite thin and allows you to see hidden pathologies, and the ovaries are “refreshed” after menstruation;
  • on days 14-16 of the cycle. The follicle is just beginning to grow, so a study is ordered to find out whether there is ovulation, pathology, development or not;
  • on days 22-24 of the cycle. The body begins to prepare for menstruation, so specialists look at changes in the ultrasound picture after ovulation: what happens to the follicle, whether it has transformed into a cyst, whether it has disappeared, etc.

A three-time study will accurately show the picture of the functioning of the genital organs, and will also indicate the specific day of ovulation, because the individuality of each organism knows no boundaries: the follicle can begin to develop much earlier than the 14th day of the cycle, and later than the 24th.

Table of sizes of the corpus luteum after ovulation based on the ultrasound findings:

Cycle day/phase Size Peculiarities
13-17 Vascularization phase 12-20 mm Accelerated formation of the luteal gland, greatest activity. The most successful period for fertilization.
19-29 24 mm There is an increase in size. By this time, conception has either taken place, or the egg has died, and the body gradually begins to prepare for menstruation.
Withering phase (the day of the cycle is individual) 7-17 mm Withering and reduction in size begins, the gland changes to cellular level upon death of the egg. On ultrasound, after ovulation, the corpus luteum becomes convex and purple in color. If pregnancy has occurred, the withering phase does not occur.
Degradation phase (after withering, the day of the cycle is individual) Dystrophy occurs, VT looks like a scar that resolves itself. There is a sharp decrease in hormones, followed by menstruation.

If the size of the luteal gland at the end of the monthly cycle is from 12 to 15 mm, then this indicates a reverse development of VT. A value of 24-30 mm indicates the possible presence of pregnancy, which is proceeding normally. From 30 mm or more – the appearance, in which case therapy is prescribed and pregnancy planning is postponed. But if it has already occurred, careful monitoring is carried out during the first trimester. There is no serious threat.

The constant presence of the luteal gland also indicates a cystic formation. The normal “life” of VT is 13-14 days, until the onset of menstruation.

What does the absence of the luteal gland mean?

If there is no corpus luteum in the ultrasound picture, probable causes include:

  1. Anovulatory cycle or late ovulation. If the gland is not visible, then ovulation will either not occur at all, or it will happen later.
  2. . The follicle has not matured, has not grown to its size, has stopped developing, has not ruptured, turning into a formation that often disappears on its own in the next cycle due to a temporary failure (if follicular cysts appear systematically or do not resolve well, the reason lies in the woman’s reproductive health).
  3. Infertility and other pelvic diseases. Follicles may not develop at all. IN in this case a thorough examination is necessary, searching for the root cause and eliminating it.

Every woman has anovulatory cycles, during which the corpus luteum is absent - this is a normal and natural process. However, the systematic occurrence of anovulatory cycles is a serious reason to undergo examination.

Reading time: 6 minutes.

If a married couple has difficulty conceiving, then the issue of determining the favorable period when it is necessary to conduct an open relationship begins to be discussed. sex life. Perhaps the woman’s egg does not mature. To understand whether there is a problem, it is necessary to determine whether ovulation is occurring by ultrasound. It is during this period that the chance of getting pregnant increases.

The procedure for determining ovulation by ultrasound is called folliculometry. It is a complete diagnosis of the reproductive organs expectant mother. On the screen, doctors see how follicles develop.

How to determine ovulation by ultrasound

Determining ovulation by ultrasound has long been widespread. This method is one of the most accurate. The examination itself is carried out through ultrasonic sensor. The latter is inserted into the vagina, because this is the only way the uzologist can get an image of the internal organs on the screen. By the way, the procedure does not pose any threat and is not painful. The point is to determine the growth of the dominant follicle, the development of the corpus luteum and the state of the endometrial layer.

As practice shows, the results are understandable only to a specialist. In this regard, there is no need to be shy about asking for explanations. The scheduled scan will be saved on the machine. Based on its results, the doctor will prescribe treatment, if necessary.

When to do it?

Many will ask when is the best time to do an ultrasound for ovulation. According to doctors, you need to go for the first folliculometry:

  • in the middle menstrual cycle, that is, on day 9-10, if it is standard and consists of 28 days;
  • when the cycle is regular but exceeds the average, the procedure is done 4-5 days before the expected release of the egg;
  • for irregular periods - 3-4 days after the cessation of menstruation.

As a rule, diagnostics are done at least three times, the frequency should be two days. If the oocyte is not released, the examination continues until the next bleeding begins.
Diagnostics are also prescribed a week after the follicle bursts in order to confirm earlier results. Doctors also refer the woman for a blood test, which should show an increase in progesterone.


Since the examination is classified as planned, preparation takes place. In particular, doctors advise:

  • go to the ultrasound specialist’s office with an empty bladder;
  • 2-3 days before the procedure, the patient is advised to stop drinking alcoholic beverages;
  • It is better to avoid foods that can cause gas. These include peas, milk, raw vegetables, legumes, sparkling water;
  • The last meal should be 12 hours before the procedure.

How does the diagnostic process work?

After the attending physician has determined the date of the study, the woman must come on the appointed day. The procedure itself is very simple, it can be carried out in three ways:

  • transvaginally. Then the capsules are examined through the vagina. A condom is placed on the sensor, after which it is inserted inside. After a while, the doctor can assess the condition of the internal organs. By the way, this method is not used if the girl is a virgin or pregnant;
  • transbdominal, that is, externally. A special gel is applied to the pubic area, and then a special device is moved over it. A little preparation is needed here, because the scan is done on a full bladder. By the way, this method is considered less informative;
  • transrectally, that is, through anus. On the screen, the ultrasound specialist sees the condition of the ovaries. You should immediately warn about the high degree of pain of this method. It is used if the patient is elderly or a virgin.

When a computer analysis is prescribed for the purpose of pregnancy planning, the first method is used.

Signs of egg release

Signs of ovulation on ultrasound are as follows:

  • At about the third visit to a medical facility, ripening capsules are detected;
  • rupture of the aqueous membrane;
  • accumulation of fluid behind the uterus;
  • the corpus luteum grows;
  • there is no dominant follicle.

Additional confirmation of the past release of the egg is the detection of a huge amount of progesterone in the blood.

Possible violations

It happens that after visiting folliculometry, the doctor discovers a pathology. This is about:

  • regression. It represents the growth of the follicle to a certain size, but at a certain point the enlargement of the membrane stops and goes in the opposite direction;
  • peristence. This is normal development of the capsule, however, in the end the egg does not come out;
  • follicular cyst. Liquid accumulates due to the integrity of the shell;
  • luteinization. The corpus luteum forms, but does not rupture.

When such abnormalities are detected, the study is postponed until the patient gets better.

Decoding the results

Many people will ask what ovulation looks like on an ultrasound. Only a specialized specialist can know this. Several rounded membranes are often observed on the screen; if one of them is ruptured, then the mature oocyte is ready for fertilization. During the study, the following indicators are determined:

  • object growth phase;
  • from 1 to 8 days there is nothing;
  • the next four days the size of the object increases to 10 mm;
  • 12-14 days after the start of the cycle, the indicator reaches 15 mm;
  • 15-15 days – 21 mm;
  • rupture process;
  • the oviparous tubercle is visible;
  • the wall thickens;
  • if ovulation has occurred, the membrane is no longer visible;
  • the corpus luteum is formed;
  • in the case of menstruation, small balls are visible, not reaching 8 mm.

Why ovulation may not show

Certain methods for determining a favorable phase for conception may show different results. Expectant mothers often wonder why this happens.

Some people use the method of measuring basal temperature, but there are also those who purchase pharmacy tests. The latter show a response based on the LH hormone. If it rises, in theory, “day X” comes. However, ultrasound is the most reliable way to determine the release of an egg.

At the same time, in fact, the water membrane did not burst and the egg remained in place. By the way, incorrect results may be shown if the patient has not properly prepared for the examination.

What is observed in the second phase

At this stage we are talking about the corpus luteum. Its norm is 12 mm; the appearance of this element means the success of the process and the body’s readiness for pregnancy.

Computer research is the main method for monitoring the formation of the corpus luteum. A week after the day of ovulation it increases to 20 mm. When the indicator increases to 30-40, a cyst is diagnosed. If the mark is fixed at 20-30 mm, then this indicates a normal pregnancy.

If a woman is already carrying a child, then it makes sense to use it.


Ovulation by ultrasound is determined by several methods. You must register for it on the recommendation of your attending physician. There are other ways to determine ovulation, but ultrasound will show the most accurate results.

The presence of ovulation is one of the leading factors indicating a woman’s ability to conceive. There are many ways to determine the day of ovulation, based on indirect signs, including assessment of various physiological changes occurring in the female body in anticipation of and, directly, on the day of the release of the egg.

Almost all methods for diagnosing ovulation are quite labor-intensive and, in most cases, require regular visits to the clinic and a series of expensive laboratory tests. But, even based on the results of the tests, the diagnostic accuracy does not exceed 50%, since the very fact of follicle development, confirmed by changes in basal temperature and hormonal changes, does not indicate the onset of full ovulation.

Ultrasound monitoring of folliculogenesis has significantly greater capabilities, combining high information content and financial accessibility. When performing an ultrasound for ovulation, you can obtain comprehensive information not only about the development and usefulness of the developed follicle, but also about the state of other systems that directly or indirectly affect the success of conception.

Benefits of Ultrasound

There is a widespread belief that the presence of menstrual bleeding (even irregular) is a guarantee of ovulation. This opinion is fundamentally wrong. The emergence of a mature egg from the follicle is preceded by a series of hormonal changes that stimulate the growth and release of the egg. An increase in the level of estradiol produced by the growing follicle affects the growth of the endometrial layer of the uterus and stimulates the production of the pituitary hormone, which promotes rupture of the follicle and the release of the egg.

After ovulation has occurred, the ruptured follicle is transformed into a temporary gland that produces progesterone, the main purpose of which is to prepare the endometrium for implantation of a fertilized egg and create conditions for its development. How to determine ovulation? All non-invasive methods used to confirm that ovulation has occurred are based on recording, using laboratory tests, hormone levels and measuring basal temperature, the increase and decrease of which is due to the influence of estradiol and progesterone.

Carrying out functional tests, such as visual assessment of the distensibility of cervical mucus, the degree of dilatation of the cervix and determining the presence of a mucus plug in the cervical canal, requires multiple visits to the gynecologist and is based on the subjective feelings of the doctor, and therefore does not guarantee obtaining reliable results.

Cervical mucus, secreted from the cervix in the preovulatory phase, has a consistency similar to egg white

Unlike all of the above methods, ultrasound shows not only all stages of follicle development, but also changes in the state of the endometrial layer and the presence of the corpus luteum after ovulation has occurred. The data obtained using ultrasound can be confirmed by performing a laboratory test to determine progesterone levels. As a rule, one hormonal test is enough, which can significantly reduce the cost of examination.

The information content of the ultrasound method significantly exceeds all others, which is confirmed by numerous studies. When a discrepancy was detected between ultrasound data and data obtained by other methods, the outcome of the examination was always consistent with the ultrasound data. One cannot fail to note such an aspect of ultrasound diagnostics as the ability to predict the likely date of ovulation.

When determining ovulation using other methods, a negative result only indicates that it does not exist, but it is impossible to judge whether it will happen later or does not happen at all. Ultrasound shows follicles at various stages of development, which makes it possible to calculate the estimated time of the final formation and release of a full-fledged egg. A prerequisite for obtaining complete and high-quality diagnostic information is to conduct an ultrasound with an intravaginal sensor using the latest generation equipment.


The main purpose of using transvaginal ultrasound is the need to monitor the development and release of a naturally formed follicle in case of a disturbed or normal menstrual cycle.

Indications for ultrasound monitoring of folliculometry are the following conditions:

  • irregular menstrual cycle;
  • absence of menstruation for a long time;
  • pregnancy planning;
  • absence of pregnancy after a year of regular sexual activity without the use of contraceptives;
  • hormonal disorders (endocrine infertility).

One of the most important criteria for assessing the functional parameters of the ovaries is the ovarian reserve, which determines the ability of the ovaries to produce a healthy follicle with a viable egg. Since under the influence of estradiol several growing follicles are formed at once, their number, determined using ultrasound, reflects the quantitative indicators of the functioning of the follicular apparatus and allows us to get an idea of ​​​​the reproductive potential of the patient.

It is also relevant to assess the ovarian reserve when stimulating folliculogenesis, before retrieving eggs for the purpose of IVF. It is known that to perform IVF it is necessary a large number of high-quality follicles (from 7 to 15), which significantly increases the chances of developing a healthy embryo with a high probability of implantation, after placing it in the uterine cavity. At the same time, excessive stimulation, with a good ovarian response, can lead to the development of a large number of defective follicles.

Since ovarian induction in each individual patient proceeds according to an individual scheme, constant monitoring of the reproducibility of the follicles is necessary. Ultrasound, combining non-invasiveness, speed and ease of implementation, allows you to track the quantity and quality of eggs obtained. The need to obtain a large number of follicles is due to further selection of the best oocytes (7–10), and then embryos, of which 5–7 remain. The highest quality (class A or B) are transferred to the uterine cavity.

Important! If the ovaries have a weak response to stimulating therapy and an insufficient number of eggs is obtained, embryo selection is carried out based not on quality, but on viability, which significantly reduces the chances of positive treatment results.

Egg collection for IVF is carried out using an aspiration needle through the vagina under ultrasound control

Carrying out

A one-time ultrasound does not make it possible to evaluate all stages of follicle development, establish the fact of ovulation and assess the quality of the corpus luteum formed at the site of the follicle. It is especially difficult to find out the time of ovulation in women with an irregular menstrual cycle, since one examination does not show the dynamic changes occurring in the woman’s reproductive system.

How many times does an ultrasound examination need to be done to get the maximum amount? useful information? Ultrasound monitoring of folliculogenesis is done 3–4 times during one menstrual cycle. The specific days of diagnosis are determined individually for each specific patient, based on the duration and regularity of the menstrual cycle. With a classic 28-day cycle, the first examination is scheduled on the 10th day from the start of menstruation.

During the examination, the number of follicles that are in the preovulatory stage of development is determined. The number of detected follicles is decisive in assessing the ovarian reserve of the ovaries. At this time, it is advisable to conduct a general assessment of the condition of the uterus and ovaries, especially for the presence of neoplasms (cysts, fibroids, polyps). The second procedure is performed after 2–3 days. The main goal of the study at this time is to determine the presence and size of the dominant follicle.

Based on its size and growth rate, one can guess the time of ovulation (usually the 13th–14th day of the cycle) and the next diagnostic procedure is carried out at this time. The purpose of the third study is to establish the fact of follicle rupture and egg release. The fourth study is not always carried out, since the first three procedures are often sufficient. To confirm the usefulness of ovulation, a study is carried out after 1 day, during which the presence and size of the corpus luteum are assessed.

When to do an ultrasound for ovulation with an irregular menstrual cycle, the doctor decides, based on information received after an unscheduled ultrasound and directly from the patient about the frequency of menstrual bleeding and the date of the last menstruation. As a rule, the first study is scheduled on day 5 of the cycle. Because the length of an irregular menstrual cycle can vary widely (from 23 to 35 days), more or fewer ultrasounds may be required to obtain complete information.

After preparation for IVF, an ovarian scan shows 5 full-fledged follicles at once


On the scanogram of the ovaries obtained during the first ultrasound, you can see several small anechoic formations - follicles. By the time of the study, the dominant follicle has already been determined, standing out among others in its larger size, reaching 0.8–1.2 cm. Simultaneously with the examination of the appendages, the thickness of the endometrial layer of the uterus is assessed, which normally should be 0.6–0.8 cm .

The second scan allows you to evaluate the growth rate of the dominant follicle, the daily growth of which is about 2 mm. Depending on the time interval between procedures, the diameter of the follicle reaches 1.6–1.8 cm. The thickness of the endometrium at the time of the second examination should be 1.5–1.7 cm. Evidence of ovulation by ultrasound during the third scan is the disappearance from the field vision of an anechoic formation and the appearance of fluid in the retrouterine (Douglas) space.

At the site of the follicle, the corpus luteum is determined, and the ultrasound characteristics of the endometrial layer also change. If it was possible to visualize the dominant follicle immediately before ovulation, then, first of all, its size is assessed, which is one of the indicators of the usefulness of a mature egg. The normal size of a preovulatory follicle should be 2.0–2.4 cm.

Important! The optimal follicle size, which increases the likelihood of pregnancy, is considered to be 2.1–2.3 cm, but since this indicator is extremely dependent on the physiological characteristics of the woman, a full-fledged egg can mature in an 18 mm follicle.

On a scan obtained on the 10th day of the menstrual cycle, a dominant one is determined among several follicles.

On the scan obtained on the 14th day of the cycle, you can see the rupture of the follicle

The occurrence of ovulation is indicated by the disappearance of the ovulated follicle and the presence of fluid in the retrouterine space.


Along with stating the fact that ovulation has occurred, ultrasound also helps to see pathological conditions leading to reproductive dysfunction. One of the signs of the presence of anomalies in the development of the follicle is considered to be an increase in its diameter, in the preovulatory phase, by more than 2.5 cm. As a rule, with a large follicle, the ratio of hormones produced is disrupted, which leads to the premature formation of the corpus luteum before ovulation (luteinization of an unovulated follicle) .

Detection of abnormalities leading to ovulation disorders depends on what day the study is carried out. The absence or insufficient size of the dominant follicle detected during the first studies indicates hormonal deficiency (endocrine infertility). If at the third and fourth examination, performed to determine the fact of ovulation, a non-ovulated follicle is still detected, they look at its size, the presence of the corpus luteum and the level of progesterone and estrogen.

A decrease in diameter indicates atresia (cessation of development and reverse regression), preservation of the same size for a long time indicates the persistence of the follicle, and an increase of more than 2.6 cm in diameter indicates the formation of a follicular cyst. In all cases, a thorough analysis of all accompanying changes (endometrial thickness, hormone levels) is required.

Important! One of the disadvantages of ultrasound monitoring of folliculogenesis is the dependence of the quality of the results obtained on the experience and professionalism of the ultrasound specialist. Therefore, to correctly interpret the results, the data obtained must be looked at by the attending physician and given a personal assessment.

On the scan: follicular cyst

Despite the many advantages of transvaginal ultrasound in monitoring folliculogenesis, its results cannot be considered absolutely ideal. This is due to the fact that the diagnostic criteria on which the information content of the method is based, to a certain extent, are considered indirect and are unable to reflect the degree of maturity of the egg, which is a determining factor in the advisability of prescribing a particular treatment.

Ovulation is a necessary process not only for the onset of menstruation, but also for fertilization with positive results. Very often, married couples fail to conceive a child the first time. And then the woman begins to calculate, take tests and look for all the external signs of impending ovulation. However, the only reliable and reliable way that gives a comprehensive picture of everything that happens in a woman’s reproductive system is ultrasonography ovaries to determine ovulation.

Ultrasound image of completed ovulation

Indications for ultrasound for ovulation

When experts recommend doing an ovarian ultrasound to determine ovulation, it is important not to delay this process, but to try to do it as quickly as possible. After all, there are many pathologies in the body and diseases for which monitoring is necessary.

An ultrasound to determine the presence of ovulation is mandatory in the following cases:

  1. Painful menstruation. Stitching, cutting pain in the lower abdomen;
  2. Absence of menstruation for two months or more;
  3. Pregnancy planning;
  4. Absence of a mature egg or its incomplete maturation;
  5. Stimulation of follicle growth;
  6. Conception using IVF;
  7. Diagnosis of infertility, its treatment;
  8. Preparing to conceive a child after a miscarriage or abortion;
  9. Hormonal imbalance, poor result of blood test for hormones;
  10. Choice of contraceptives.

Monitoring of the ovaries will help not only to fully examine them, but also to determine the size and dominance of the follicle. Ultrasound is designed to determine the moment of release of a mature egg and allows you to see the corpus luteum.

Methods of conducting examinations to determine ovulation

Ovarian monitoring can be done using several methods. The method of implementation is chosen by the attending physician based on the patient’s complaints and the presence of certain diseases.

Ultrasound of the ovaries happens:

  1. Transvaginal– standard monitoring for examination of the pelvic organs. When a woman needs to undergo an ultrasound examination of the ovaries to determine ovulation, most often an ultrasound specialist performs it transvaginally. A condom is placed on the sensor and inserted into the vagina. The procedure is painless and lasts about 20 minutes. There is no need to prepare for it in advance, the main thing is an empty bladder. Therefore, a woman must go to the toilet before an ultrasound;
  2. Transrectal– the study is carried out to determine infections or diseases of the genital organs in virgins and elderly women. The technique for conducting such a scan is identical to the transvaginal method;
  3. Transabdominal– ovulation is determined through wall monitoring abdominal cavity. The specialist applies the gel to the pubic part of the abdomen and examines the ovaries with a sensor. This method of determining ovulation is less informative compared to the transvaginal method and requires preparation for the following:
  • Do not overeat or eat foods that can cause gas in the large intestine;
  • Drink a lot. The more full the bladder is, the more reliable the information about the ovaries will be;
  • Empty bowels;

This ultrasound monitoring is often done on pregnant women after the 12th week.

Transabdominal ultrasound method

When to do ovarian monitoring?

This scan must be performed at least four times. This is how it is possible to determine in detail the rupture of the follicle membrane, the maturation of the egg and its release into the uterine cavity, the corpus luteum and the beginning of the ovulatory process as a whole.

If a woman has a classic menstrual cycle of 28 days, then monitoring should be carried out every 3 days:

  • The first ultrasound takes place on the 10th day of the cycle. The general condition of the uterus and ovaries is determined. Identify certain disorders that may contribute to the lack of ovulation;
  • The second monitoring is carried out on days 11-13. The specialist identifies the presence of a follicle, its dominance, membrane and full development. The regression level is set;
  • The third diagnosis should be done in the middle of the menstrual cycle, around day 14, when the follicle membrane should rupture. The course of the ovulatory cycle and the release of a mature egg are determined;
  • The fourth ultrasound is a control one. The specialist must make sure whether ovulation really took place and whether the corpus luteum appeared after it. It is at this time, when the egg leaves the follicle, that a woman’s whole body may ache, a migraine may worsen, and sharp pains lower abdomen and other unpleasant sensations.

Particular attention should be paid to the latest ultrasound diagnostics. Only after it has been carried out can we speak with confidence about the success of ovulation. The corpus luteum also plays a significant role. After all, it is responsible for the production of the hormone progesterone. If a mature egg has not been released into the uterine cavity or is absent altogether, the specialist most often recommends continuing monitoring of the ovaries until the start of menstruation.

This is important to know! If a woman has a regular menstrual cycle, then the start of the scan is shifted and should only take place four days before the middle of the cycle. In case of irregular periods, ultrasound is performed after the end of menstruation in 3-4 days.

Purpose of ovarian ultrasound. What can you see?

Many women determine the onset of ovulation using a special test. However, it happens that the test is not always able to show true information and accurately identify the presence or absence of an ovulatory cycle. This unreliability is primarily due to the quality of the test itself and individual characteristics woman's body.

Correctly carried out monitoring at a certain time provides true information about the condition and readiness of the genital organs for ovulation.

When ovulation has occurred, an ultrasound scan will show:

  1. Absence of the follicle and its membrane;
  2. The presence of a mature egg in the uterine cavity;
  3. Corpus luteum, formed from follicular remains;
  4. Presence of fluid behind the uterus.

When the egg has not been released and ovulation has not occurred, monitoring will reliably determine the cause and identify possible violations:

  1. Stopping the development of the dominant follicle, reducing its size. Regression;
  2. Full maturation of the follicle, no rupture of its membrane and no release of the egg into the uterus;
  3. Corpus luteum, which can form not only after ovulation. Thus, during luteinization of the follicle, when it is fully developed, matured, but has not burst, it can develop into the corpus luteum;
  4. follicle. May occur if the egg is not released;
  5. Lack of production of follicles by the ovaries. Ovulation occurs only after the follicle has fully matured.

Ultrasound for ovulation and pregnancy

If a couple fails to conceive a child within a year, the gynecologist may advise the woman to undergo an ovarian scan to determine auspicious day for conception - ovulation. Of course, you can use other methods - measuring basal temperature and plotting a graph, calculating days according to the calendar, special test. But as mentioned earlier, very often there are errors in the results obtained, therefore the most reliable and reliable method for determining ovulation is ultrasound, which is especially important when planning pregnancy.

It is worth paying attention to the psychological side of scanning. Only after the monitoring has been carried out, the specialist will tell you exactly the day when fertilization of the egg and the upcoming pregnancy should take place. In other methods, this is impossible to do.

Most experts recommend performing an ultrasound examination of the ovaries to determine ovulation as early as possible. Do not delay this procedure. Such timeliness will help not only to quickly get pregnant, restore the menstrual cycle and its regularity, but also eliminate possible disorders of the reproductive system.


Hello, in order to determine the fact and date of ovulation, an ultrasound was done on the 22nd day of the menstrual cycle. On ultrasound, the doctor determined a good-sized corpus luteum and a small amount of fluid behind the uterus. But the fluid is formed immediately after the rupture of the follicle, and the corpus luteum only 1-2 after ovulation, how could these two phenomena be visible simultaneously on an ultrasound? Judging by corpus luteum, the doctor suggested that ovulation was 3-4 days ago, and the fluid indicated that ovulation had just occurred. Please help me figure it out.

Good afternoon. Ultrasound is a rather subjective diagnostic method, which depends on the quality of the device, the qualifications of the doctor, the condition of the intestines and other reasons. To confirm pregnancy, you can donate blood for b-hCG, this is a rather specific test. In a normally developing pregnancy, the hCG level doubles every 2-3 days until 12 weeks. From three weeks of pregnancy, an embryo can be detected in the uterine cavity. Be sure to undergo a gynecological examination and the necessary examination. If pregnancy is desired, consult your doctor about taking folic acid and Iodomarin. Good luck!


Yes, doctor, you are absolutely right, the pregnancy was confirmed by ultrasound already at 3 weeks from conception. It turned out that the egg stayed in the tube longer than expected :). The question of double ovulation has disappeared, because... ovum came out into the uterus precisely from the tube where the corpus luteum was discovered on the previous ultrasound.