Low fat diet menu. Hypocaloric diet: rules and diet

For people who want to get rid of extra pounds ov, many have been developed effective diets. But such diversity very often confuses a person. How to choose the most suitable nutrition plan that will provide excellent results in the shortest possible time? This is exactly what a hypocaloric diet is. At the same time, it helps not only to lose weight, but also to significantly improve the health of the body: reduce the likelihood of developing diabetes, reduce the risk of atherosclerosis. It perfectly normalizes blood pressure.

How does a hypocaloric diet work?

For normal functioning of the body, a person must consume about 1500 kcal daily. But this is a rather arbitrary indicator. It should be remembered that in women and men metabolic processes occur at different speeds. That's why for strong half humanity, this figure increases to 2500 kcal. And for women the norm is 2000 kcal.

To ensure weight loss, a person must consume significantly fewer calories than he needs. Thanks to this, the breakdown of fat reserves will begin. The menu is designed in such a way that a person losing weight consumes 1100-1300 kcal per day.

So, the hypocaloric diet is based on In other words, the body does not receive enough nutrition. But he needs energy. Since he cannot get it in sufficient quantities from food, he begins to use up the fats he has stored “in reserve.”

Basic Rules

To ensure excellent weight loss, you must strictly adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Remember the permissible caloric content of your diet. Women should consume no more than 1200 kcal per day. Men - no more than 1500 kcal. These indicators are calculated for average office workers suffering from obesity.
  2. A low-fat, hypocaloric diet involves some dietary restrictions. Minimize your consumption simple carbohydrates(glucose, sugar). It is advisable to avoid salt. Be sure to reduce the fat content of your food. Preference is given to vegetable fats. In this case, the menu should be saturated with proteins.
  3. Additionally, it is recommended to take minerals, vitamins, and fiber.
  4. Be sure to eat small meals. Food should be taken in small quantities. At the same time, you should eat often, up to 6 times a day.
  5. Physical activity is very beneficial.
  6. Once a week there must be a fasting day.
  7. The duration of the hypocaloric diet should not exceed 2-3 weeks. You can repeat the weight loss course in a month.

Benefits of the diet

A hypocaloric diet is nothing more than table No. 8. Such a nutritional system undoubtedly has significant advantages.

The positive properties of the diet are:

  • normalization and improvement of metabolism;
  • effective weight loss as a result of the breakdown of subcutaneous fat reserves;
  • purgation;
  • strengthening muscle tissue.

Disadvantages of the diet

However, along with the advantages, this power system has a significant disadvantage. Reducing calories is very stressful for the body. That is why it is recommended to resort to such a diet only after consulting a doctor.

It is necessary to understand that during the entire time you are on a diet, the body receives only half of the normal amount of calories. If such a diet is accompanied by intense physical activity or severe stress, then you can provoke exhaustion. In this case, instead of the desired weight loss, there is a risk of developing serious diseases.

Therefore, be sure to focus on your well-being. If the diet causes discomfort, stop the diet immediately.

Choosing the right products

When thinking about your diet, be sure to consider the calorie content of the finished product. In addition, do not forget about the rules for creating a diet. Using these recommendations, you can develop a hypocaloric, low-fat diet on your own. You can select the menu from your favorite dishes.

The diet should be based on the following products:

  • cereals;
  • dairy, dairy products(low-fat or with a minimum percentage of fat);
  • any fruit (grapes are excluded from the diet);
  • chicken fillet, lean beef;
  • vegetables;
  • lean fish;
  • seafood.

You need to refuse:

  • smoked meats;
  • sausages;
  • pickled products;
  • semi-finished products;
  • sugar, salt.

Approximate menu for the week

Let's take a closer look at what kind of nutrition a hypocaloric diet implies. The weekly menu below can be changed at your discretion. Don't forget to use the calorie table.

  1. For breakfast. Prepare an omelette (steamed) from 2 eggs. Wash it down with kefir (1 glass - 150 ml).
  2. Dinner. Barley soup (200 g), salad of cabbage (can be pickled or fresh) and apples (100 g), buckwheat with stewed beef (150 g). Wash down with jelly (1 tbsp.).
  3. Dinner. Drink herbal tea with liver pancakes (100 g).
  4. For the night. One apple.
  1. Cucumber salad (100 g). Eat a vegetable side dish (150 g) with boiled fish (75 g). Wash it down with herbal tea.
  2. Eat rice soup, be sure to be lean (200 g). Use pre-soaked herring (50 g), steamed beef meatballs (100 g), apricot juice (200 ml).
  3. A vegetable side dish (100 g) with beef cutlets (120 g) is recommended. Also for dinner, eat eggplant caviar (100 g). Drink herbal tea.
  4. Kefir (150 ml).

  1. Treat yourself to boiled chicken (100 g) with tomato juice (150 ml). Eat 1 apple.
  2. Lenten borscht, spaghetti (150 g) with boiled beef (75 g). Wash it down with 1 glass of compote made with xylitol.
  3. Eat cabbage rolls (100 g). Vary your diet with vegetable caviar (50 g). A glass of tea.
  4. Apple juice (200 ml).
  1. Use lazy dumplings (about 200 g). Eat vegetable caviar (100 g), drink tea.
  2. Recommended (200 g). Snack on a vegetable side dish (100 g) with steamed beef roll (120 g). Drink compote.
  3. Pumpkin porridge (200 g) with apple juice (100 g). Maybe with tea.
  4. A glass of kefir.
  1. Use boiled potatoes (150 g) with cucumber and soaked herring (50 g). Wash it down with herbal tea.
  2. Support your body with vegetable soup (200 g). Eat a side dish of vegetables (250 g) with caviar (100 g) and fish (100 g). Drink fruit jelly.
  3. Treat yourself to meatballs (100 g). Wash it down with apple juice (200 ml).
  4. Drink kefir - 1 glass.
  1. Prepare a salad (cabbage, apples, carrots) - (100 g), season with sour cream (1 tbsp.), boiled meat (125 g). Drink kefir (150 ml).
  2. Eat rassolnik (200 g). Eat a tomato salad (100 g) with sour cream (1 tbsp). Treat yourself to stuffed zucchini (200 g). Fruit juice (150 ml).
  3. Use fresh cucumber with cabbage rolls (100 g). Drink tomato juice (150 ml).
  4. One apple.

Day 7 - fasting.

As you can see, the hypocaloric diet is quite simple and tasty. The menu includes many varied and very healthy dishes.

Fasting day

A hypocaloric diet necessarily includes one fasting day. On this day, it is recommended to eat food every 2.5 hours.

For a fasting day, you can use any option:

  1. Eat only apples. For 1 day you will need approximately 1.5 kg.
  2. Eat cucumbers. You will also need 1.5 kg.
  3. Drink all day
  4. You can use porridge (oatmeal, rice) for unloading. Cook the dish in water without adding spices or oil.

A fasting day allows you to improve metabolism, establish intestinal motility and eliminate harmful substances from the body.

Hypocaloric diet: recipes

Cooking does not pose any special difficulties.

Several excellent recipes will allow you to verify this:

  1. Meat salad. Boil beef (120 g). Cut it into strips. Chop cucumbers (2-3 pcs.), bell pepper (half). Chop the onion and dill and crush them a little in a mortar. Combine all ingredients. Dress the salad apple cider vinegar(a couple of drops) and vegetable oil (5 g).
  2. Boil carrots (1 kg). Clean it up. Mash the carrots into a puree. Soak the bran (2 tablespoons) in milk (2 tablespoons) for 10 minutes. Beat the egg whites (6 pieces). Connect all components. Stir thoroughly and form into cutlets. Cook them for a couple of minutes 15. Cutlets can also be baked in the oven. Sprinkle them with bran on top.

Opinions about diet

What do people think about this diet plan? Is a low-calorie diet really effective? Reviews from people losing weight are both positive and extremely negative.

As a rule, those people who completely rejected the recommended rules are dissatisfied with this diet. Negative statements are directly related to poor nutrition, rapid exit from the diet, breakdowns. These people losing weight were completely unprepared for serious changes in diet. Immediately after the 7-day diet, they pounced on food and, of course, more than regained the lost pounds.

Those people who approached nutrition more consciously and returned to a normal diet gradually are very pleased with their results. They testify that in a short time they were able to lose about 5-8 kg.

This article talks about the hypocaloric diet, namely, the pros and cons of this diet, the effect on the body, features, contraindications, and suggests sample menu for a week.

Almost every woman knows from her own experience how difficult it is to fight fat and those hated kilograms. In order to always be in shape, it is enough to eat right and exercise periodically. But there are situations when you need to get rid of extra pounds quickly. Then a low-fat diet will help.


The main feature of a hypocaloric (low-fat) diet is that it requires reducing the number of calories consumed per day by almost 50%. The diet involves eating low in carbohydrates and fats. As a rule, it is prescribed by a doctor to prevent diseases of cardio-vascular system associated with high amounts of cholesterol in the blood.


As mentioned above, the doctor may prescribe a hypocaloric diet for high cholesterol levels in the blood and for the prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system. But, in addition to this, a low-fat diet is also prescribed for first and second degree obesity to combat extra pounds.

Pros and cons of a low-fat diet

Although a low-fat diet helps with certain diseases and promotes rapid weight loss, you should consult a qualified doctor before starting it, otherwise it may cause irreparable harm to your health.


  • rapid weight loss;
  • improvement of metabolism and normalization of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • purgation;
  • removal of excess fluid and toxins from the body;
  • strengthening muscle tissue.


  • cessation of menstruation in women due to fat deficiency;
  • decreased libido;
  • the appearance of cellulite and sagging;
  • increased feeling of hunger;
  • stress, irritability, emotional depression as a consequence of fat deficiency;
  • deficiency of vitamins in the body. For example, vitamins A and D are mainly found in animal fat, and red meat is prohibited on this diet;
  • fatigue and weakness, accompanied by constant physical hunger;
  • hormonal imbalance.


A low-calorie diet is strictly contraindicated for nursing mothers, pregnant women, children under sixteen years of age, pensioners, as well as people with impaired hormonal levels, depression and eating disorders.

The danger of a hypocaloric diet is that a long-term absence of healthy fats and carbohydrates negatively affects the body.

A lack of fat-soluble vitamins, such as A, D, E, K, leads to a serious deficiency of unsaturated fatty acids, which are very important for the normal functioning of the body.


When going on a hypocaloric diet, you need to understand that the consumption of many foods will have to be reduced, and foods high in carbohydrates, fat and harmful additives will need to be excluded during the diet.

List of prohibited products:

  • various trans fats contained in fast food;
  • butter, fat sour cream, cheese of any kind;
  • soda, packaged juice;
  • cow's milk;
  • red meat;
  • salo;
  • sausages, frankfurters, small sausages;
  • fast carbohydrates: chocolate, cakes, puff pastries, different kinds cookies and cream;
  • pickled spicy foods;
  • various semi-finished products;
  • mayonnaise, ketchup, hot sauces;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • high fat cream;
  • White bread.

List of permitted products:

  • low-fat dairy products, except cheese;
  • lean poultry and fish: chicken fillet, steamed sea bass;
  • slow carbohydrates: buckwheat, rice, millet, durum wheat pasta;
  • non-starchy vegetables: cucumbers, herbs, tomatoes, bell peppers;
  • whole grain bread;
  • herbal teas;
  • natural coffee, chicory;
  • seafood;
  • mushrooms;
  • potatoes baked without oil;
  • fruits in small quantities.

Rules to follow

There are a number of rules that must be followed on a hypocaloric diet in order for it to be as successful as possible. The main ones are listed below.

  1. Complete rejection of fast carbohydrates, junk and fatty foods.
  2. Reducing calories consumed per day by about one and a half to two times.
  3. Exclusion of certain foods during the diet.
  4. Consume plenty of lean protein to avoid lean muscle mass.
  5. Consultation with a doctor on a menu compiled according to the rules of a hypocaloric diet.
  6. Taking a vitamin complex to maintain balance in the body.
  7. Consuming large amounts of pure and mineral water, reducing salt intake.


Below is a sample menu for 7 days, compiled according to the rules of a hypocaloric diet.

Day 1

  • Breakfast: oatmeal on water with apple and honey, orange;
  • Snack: a glass of low-fat yogurt + whole grain bread;
  • Lunch: a piece of skinless chicken breast + a portion of durum wheat pasta + fresh cucumber;
  • Snack: 2 cheesecakes with jam;
  • Dinner vegetable salad cucumbers and tomatoes, buckwheat porridge with water.

Day 2

  • Breakfast: rice porrige on skim milk with honey and apple;
  • Snack: two egg whites + fresh vegetables;
  • Dinner: vegetable soup with chicken + potatoes baked in the oven;
  • Snack: a glass of freshly squeezed juice;
  • Dinner: seafood stewed with vegetables and spaghetti.

Day 3

  • Breakfast: buckwheat porridge with berries and honey + herbal tea;
  • Snack: vegetable salad + a piece of black bread;
  • Lunch: rice with vegetables + steamed fish without oil;
  • Snack: low-fat cottage cheese 100 grams;
  • Dinner: sautéed eggplant + chicken fillet.

Day 4

  • Breakfast: 4-white omelet with skim milk, onions and tomatoes;
  • Snack: natural yogurt with jam + orange;
  • Lunch: chicken soup with noodles + cucumber and tomato salad;
  • Snack: pineapple;
  • Dinner: chicken baked with potatoes in the oven without oil or sauces.

Day 5

  • Breakfast: millet porridge with milk, honey and dried fruits;
  • Snack: vegetable salad + whole grain bread;
  • Lunch: mushrooms fried with onions + boiled potatoes;
  • Snack: a glass of low-fat fermented baked milk;
  • Dinner: tuna own juice+ durum wheat pasta.

Day 6

  • Breakfast: mashed potatoes with skim milk + vegetables;
  • Snack: watermelon/melon/berries;
  • Lunch: onion soup + black bread croutons with garlic;
  • Snack: low-fat thermostatic yogurt + a plate of berries;
  • Dinner: pilaf with vegetables and chicken breast.

Day 7

  • Breakfast: buckwheat porridge stewed with onions and carrots + vegetable salad;
  • Snack: several pieces of dried apricots/prunes;
  • Lunch: boiled pasta + 4 egg whites;
  • Snack: natural coffee with whole grain bread;
  • Dinner: oatmeal with water and honey + a glass of kefir.

Quitting the diet

It should be noted that you should exit the diet smoothly and correctly, gradually increasing calorie content and adding the right foods. It is forbidden to immediately consume foods high in fast carbohydrates: bananas, chocolate, cakes, cookies, as well as fatty foods: sausages, smoked meats, cheese, meat, otherwise there is a risk of gaining all the kilos back and returning to their original form. Below is a sample menu for one day to quit the diet.

  • Breakfast: oatmeal, cooked in 2.5% fat milk, half a grapefruit.
  • Snack: coffee with cream 10% + omelette of two whites and one yolk;
  • Lunch: baked potatoes + chicken breast + vegetable salad dressed with low-fat sour cream;
  • Snack: bread with low-fat cheese + a glass of fermented baked milk with a spoon of honey;
  • Dinner: salad of shrimp, vegetables and herbs, dressed olive oil+ baked cod with egg.


On a very low fat diet, the pounds come off pretty quickly and excess liquid, therefore, in fourteen days on such a diet you can actually lose 5-7 kilograms if you are overweight.

What else do you need to know?

Below are the main points to consider before going on a low-calorie diet.

  1. Before starting a low-fat diet, you should consult with a qualified physician to see if you can lose weight on it.
  2. This diet is great for quickly getting results within 10-20 days. It is prohibited to follow this diet for a long time because of the harm it can cause to health.
  3. This diet requires mandatory avoidance of foods high in fast carbohydrates and fats, even of plant origin. A low-calorie diet involves eating only low-fat foods.
  4. This nutrition is perfect for bodybuilders who are cutting and people who actively work out in the gym with iron.
  5. There are many contraindications to this diet. Pregnant women, teenagers, children, people with stomach problems and anemia are strictly prohibited from giving up healthy fats.
  6. The diet is more suitable for men than for women, because in women, a complete abstinence from fat, even for a short time, can reduce libido and even lead to infertility.
  7. It is advisable that the menu for a hypocaloric diet be drawn up by a competent doctor, focusing on the necessary products.
  8. A gentle exit from the diet is necessary. If you start using it right away harmful products, there is a risk of gaining back all the lost kilograms. Therefore, it is recommended to rely on vegetables, fruits, low-fat soups and meat.
  9. Refusal of a large number of foods can provoke irritability, anger, and apathy. This diet can also worsen eating disorders and lead to depression.
  10. Due to the low content of vitamins on this diet, it is necessary to drink supporting dietary supplements that will replenish the balance of minerals and vitamins in the body.

Good luck in losing weight!

The article was checked and approved by Elizaveta Anatolyevna Krizhanovskaya, a practicing family doctor - see.

A low-calorie diet is a real stress for the body and a test for people who have never thought about the calorie content of their daily diet. However, despite this fact, it has been proven more than once that a hypocaloric diet brings undeniable and tangible benefits. In addition to the fact that it helps to quickly get rid of annoying kilograms, it also reduces the risk of developing diabetes and stabilizes blood pressure.

The essence of the hypocaloric diet

The hypocaloric diet menu is inherently quite limited. The upper limit of caloric content of daily servings in total should not exceed 1300 calories, this taking into account the fact that for women it is considered normal to eat up to 2000 calories per day, and for men up to 2500. The diet forces you to reduce your fat intake by almost 2 times, and carbohydrates and even more (3-4). In addition, it is recommended to reduce the amount of salt and liquid you drink. At the same time, proteins should remain in the same quantities as always, and minerals and vitamins should increase significantly.

Important! Despite the fact that the caloric content of daily nutrition is significantly reduced, physical activity should be mandatory.

A hypocaloric diet cannot last more than three weeks. However, it is at this time that you should follow all the recommendations and eat often, but in small portions. If, in your opinion, you have a lot of extra kilos, then the diet can be repeated, but only after a month. Considering that the hypocaloric diet receives only positive reviews, you can listen to them. What is recommended? Experienced nutritionists and those who have already used the diet advise organizing apple (fasting) days in addition to it. You can also have kefir, cucumber or oat days. Here everyone decides for himself what he likes best.

As has been proven more than once by nutritionists and in practice, a hypocaloric diet helps to reduce body weight by 2.5 kilograms in just one course. The diet is based on a specific eating style. This means that the menu is developed in such a way that the body receives sufficient quantity all the necessary substances, processed them, and at the same time there was no excess left, which accumulates in the form of fatty deposits.

Hypocaloric diet: menu

  1. Monday – 150 grams of omelette and kefir for breakfast. For lunch - 200 grams of barley soup, 100 grams of sauerkraut, 150 grams of goulash and compote. For dinner – 100 grams of lean porridge, liver pancakes, unsweetened tea. You can eat a green apple before bed.
  2. Tuesday – for breakfast, 100 grams of boiled fish and boiled vegetables, 100 grams of cucumber salad and unsweetened tea. For lunch – 200 grams of rice soup, 50 grams of boiled beef, fresh juice. For dinner – 70 grams steam cutlets beef, 100 grams of eggplant caviar and tea. Before going to bed you need to drink 150 grams of kefir.
  3. Wednesday – for breakfast 100 grams of chicken breast, green apple and 150 milliliters tomato juice. For lunch – 200 grams of lean borscht, 75 grams of boiled beef, 150 grams of vegetable side dish, compote with xylitol added. For dinner – 50 grams of beet caviar, 100 grams of unsweetened tea. 200 milliliters apple juice.
  4. Thursday – for breakfast 100 grams of squash caviar and 220 grams of unsweetened tea. For lunch - 200 grams of pickle, 120 grams of steamed beef roll and compote. For dinner - 125 grams of lean porridge from pumpkin and millet, 100 milliliters of apple juice. Before going to bed, you need to drink 150 milliliters of low-fat kefir.
  5. Friday – for breakfast, 50 grams of boiled fish and fresh cucumbers, 150 grams of boiled vegetables, unsweetened tea. For lunch - 100 grams of beetroot caviar, 200 grams of vegetable soup, 100 grams of fish baked in foil, 150 milliliters of compote. For dinner – 100 grams of steamed meatballs, 150 milliliters of low-fat kefir. Before bed, 150 grams of apple juice.
  6. Saturday - for breakfast, cabbage salad, to which you can add carrots and apples, 125 grams of boiled meat, as well as 150 grams of kefir. For lunch - 200 grams of pickle juice, 100 grams of fresh tomato salad, 200 grams of stewed zucchini, 100 milliliters of apple juice. For dinner – 100 grams lazy cabbage rolls, 50 grams of fresh cucumbers, 150 milliliters of tomato juice. Before going to bed, you can eat a green apple.
  7. Sunday – for breakfast 100 grams of boiled beef with vegetables, 50 grams of fresh cucumbers, 100 milliliters of compote. For lunch – 200 grams of lean borscht, 50 grams of boiled fish and tea. For dinner - 100 grams of boiled chicken and 100 grams of tomato salad, unsweetened tea. Before bed, an apple or 150 milliliters of low-fat kefir.

The result of a hypocaloric diet

Despite the fact that the menu proposed above is quite varied, its caloric content in total does not exceed 1200 calories per day. That is why the hypocaloric diet, as a rule, receives only the most positive reviews. However, the proposed menu is exemplary, and therefore everyone can create their own, based on personal desires and preferences. So it turns out that you can eat whatever you like and at the same time lose up to 2.5 kilograms per week.

Enough a large number of existing diets give a person the right to choose and it is very important not to make a mistake by giving preference to one of them. The hypocaloric diet speaks for itself; its main principle is to reduce calorie intake. This is a completely different approach to losing weight, based on reducing high-calorie foods included in the main diet. The diet also has a therapeutic effect, prevents the occurrence of diseases such as atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus, and normalizes blood pressure.

Hypocaloric diet, what is it? It is worth noting that this type of diet is universal and suitable for everyone without exception - men, women and children. Its essence is that the number of calories consumed per day is significantly reduced; the ideal figure is 1200-1500 calories per day. For men and women, this indicator is significantly different due to physiological characteristics. Not only the amount of calories consumed is reduced, but also fats and carbohydrates, which means that the hypocaloric diet is balanced and selected individually.

Losing weight on a hypocaloric diet must be accompanied by moderate physical activity, and the diet itself is completely changing. Only the protein, which is the basis, remains unchanged. The amount of sugar, salt, and fats is strictly limited, which in turn are replaced with foods containing large amounts of fiber and vitamins. Frequent but small meals are recommended to achieve maximum results. As for the duration of the diet, it depends on the desired results. On average, the course lasts 2-3 weeks.