Homemade duck stewed in pieces recipe. Duck pieces in the oven

Duck breasts fry over medium heat.

Duck legs fry according to time -.

Duck fillet pieces fry over medium heat without a lid.

How to fry duck legs

Duck legs - 4 pieces weighing half a kilo
Vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons
Ground black pepper - half a teaspoon
Curry - half a teaspoon
Salt - to taste

How to fry duck legs
1. Wash the duck legs, rub with salt and spices.
2. Heat a frying pan, pour oil.
3. Place the duck legs in a frying pan and fry over high heat for 15 minutes on both sides until a crust appears.
4. Reduce heat and pour in half a glass of water. Simmer the duck legs for 30 minutes over medium heat, covered.


Since duck has dense meat, before frying it is recommended to marinate the duck in spices, mayonnaise or marinade for 1-3 hours so that after frying the duck is juicy and soft. You can soak a piece of duck or fillet in the following marinades (per 1 kilogram of duck):
- balsamic vinegar - half a glass, soy sauce - half a glass, salt and pepper - marinate the duck for 10 hours;
- salt, pepper, 4 tablespoons of mayonnaise - marinate for 2 hours;
- ginger root, 2 onions, half a glass of white wine and 1 teaspoon of vinegar, thyme, cloves, red pepper - marinate for 4 hours, stirring every hour;
- 1 lemon, 3 tablespoons of soy sauce, 1 tablespoon of honey, 1 tablespoon of mustard, 2 tablespoons of mayonnaise, curry and ground black pepper - heat the mixture until the honey dissolves and soak the duck in this marinade for 3 hours;
- 2 glasses of Coca-Cola, half a glass of strong coffee, half a glass of vodka, 1/4 cup apple cider vinegar, 3 cloves of garlic and 2 heads of onion - marinate the duck for 24 hours in the refrigerator.

If the duck has skin, then you should not add oil to the pan. When frying, the skin of the duck will release a lot of fat, which will be enough for frying.

When choosing a whole duck, pay attention to the characteristics of the carcass - the legs should not be too short (otherwise you risk buying a duck stuffed with hormones), the skin color should be uniform, the smell should not be sour.

Duck is almost always sold with poorly singed feathers, so it is recommended to singe the duck before frying at home: using a gas stove, candle or matches. You should place the part of the duck skin where the pieces of feathers remain over the fire and wait until they are completely burned.

If you bought a whole duck, you should remove the tail when frying, because... when frying, it will have an unpleasant odor that will permeate all other parts of the duck.

How to fry duck in pieces

Duck fillet - 300 grams
Onions - 1 head
Bell pepper - 2 pieces
Tomatoes - 2 large tomatoes
Sour cream - 2 tablespoons
Vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons
Salt and pepper - to taste

Duck pieces in a frying pan
1. Heat a frying pan, pour oil, add duck pieces, salt and pepper and fry over medium heat without a lid for 15 minutes.
2. Peel and chop the onions, add to the frying pan.
3. Then peel the bell pepper from seeds and stems, chop thinly and add to the frying pan.
4. Wash the tomatoes, peel them, remove the stems, cut them and add them to the frying pan.
5. Simmer the duck for 30 minutes, stirring.
6. Add sour cream, salt and pepper, mix well and heat for 3 minutes.

How to simply stew duck pieces

Duck parts with bones (wings, thighs, breast, back with meat) - 1 kilogram
Onion - 2 large heads
Garlic - 3 cloves
Bay leaf - a pair of leaves
Ground black pepper - 10 balls
Vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons
Greens - several sprigs

How to stew duck in pieces
1. Wash the duck, singe the feathers if necessary, and remove the skin if desired.
2. Chop the duck parts into large pieces.
3. Heat a frying pan, pour 2 tablespoons of oil.
4. Place the duck and fry it until golden brown for 7-10 minutes over medium heat without a lid.
5. While the duck is roasting, peel and chop the onion and chop the garlic.
6. Add onion and garlic to the duck, fry together for another 10 minutes.
7. Pour 1 glass of water into the frying pan and cover with a lid.
8. Simmer the duck over low heat for 1 hour, stirring halfway through.
9. Serve the duck with a side dish (potatoes, rice, pasta), pouring the remaining sauce from stewing the duck.

Duck does not appear on our tables very often, but when it does, it always becomes the hit of the meal, because its meat, having a bright taste and aroma, turns out very tasty when cooked correctly. In this article, we have collected several recipes for stewing duck with various products, which you can use to prepare an amazingly delicious lunch or dinner.

Duck today can be purchased in large supermarkets - there it is sold fresh or frozen. Don’t be afraid to buy frozen duck meat - if defrosted correctly (for a long time - first in the refrigerator, then at room temperature), it does not lose its taste and beneficial properties.

Duck meat is very tasty, you can prepare a lot of different dishes from it: pilaf, soups, jellied meats, minced meat products, roasts. Contrary to popular belief, it is suitable not only for whole roasting - try making any other dish from duck and if cooked successfully, it will definitely delight you with its amazing taste.

Duck meat is not only tasty, but also very healthy: it contains a lot of B vitamins, as well as other vitamins (A, C, K, E), microelements (selenium, phosphorus, zinc, etc.). It is believed that this meat has a positive effect on potency, improves lipid metabolism (stimulates the formation of cell membranes). Contraindications to eating duck are diet (duck is fattier than chicken and rabbit), obesity and diabetes.

Due to the fact that when baking or frying a duck, inexperienced cooks may find it a little dry, the best option for preparing it for those who have little knowledge or simply have not cooked duck themselves is stewing. Stewed duck is tender, tasty, aromatic, especially if you cook it with succulent ingredients and aromatic seasonings and herbs.

Don’t be afraid to experiment: duck “loves” additives such as thyme, basil, parsley, dill and other herbs, as well as honey, wine, cumin, ginger, citrus fruits, onions, soy sauce, olive oil, cinnamon, star anise, cardamom.

You will need: 600g duck meat with bones, 150g meat broth, 1 onion and 1 large apple, 7 tbsp. sour cream, 5 tbsp. vegetable oil, herbs, pepper, salt.

How to stew duck in sour cream. Cut the duck into portions, cut the onion and apple into large cubes. In a hot frying pan with butter, fry the duck until browned, add the apple and onion, fry for another 5 minutes, pour in the broth. Next, transfer the duck to a water bath or double boiler, simmer for another 10-15 minutes, add sour cream, pepper and salt, stir, simmer until done. When serving, decorate with herbs.

You will need: 300g prunes, 150g butter, 3 glasses of water, 1 celery root, duck and carrot carcass, 2 tbsp. sugar, 1 tbsp. flour and table vinegar, salt.

How to stew duck with prunes. Chop carrots and celery into small pieces and heat in oil. Cut the duck into portions, add to the vegetables, fry, transfer the mixture into a saucepan and add water, add salt, then simmer everything for 30 minutes. Fry the flour in oil, pour in the broth, vinegar, add sugar, bring to a boil, add the soaked and washed prunes, and heat. Pour the prepared duck sauce into the pan and simmer for another 15 minutes.

You will need: 200g duck breast, 150ml chicken broth, 2 strips of smoked bacon, 1 large potato tuber, ? savoy cabbage, 1 pinch each of ground garlic and parsley.

How to stew duck with potatoes and cabbage. Rub the duck breast with pepper, spices, salt, place skin side down in a thick-bottomed frying pan, reduce heat to low, fry for 15 minutes without a lid (do not shake or move the pan) until the skin is golden brown and the fat has rendered. Remove the duck from the pan, it will still be raw on the meat side, remove half of the fat (it can be used for other dishes), reduce heat, add bacon (cut each slice into 3 pieces), fry for 2-3 minutes until crispy, add potatoes (cut the tuber into 8 parts), cook under the lid for 10 minutes, stirring, add the cabbage, stir, pour in the broth. Place the duck skin side up on top of the food, cover the pan and cook for another 10 minutes, season the vegetables with garlic and parsley, removing the breast. Place vegetables on a plate and place breast on top.

The previous recipe made me think about why not stew the duck not with Savoy, but with white cabbage, which is more familiar to us? Then the following recipe is for you.

You will need: 2 kg of white cabbage, 30 g of lard, 2-3 onions, 1 duck carcass, 1 glass of sour cream, 1 tbsp. vegetable oil, chopped dill and parsley and flour, citric acid, table vinegar, cumin, bay leaf, sugar, pepper, salt.

How to stew duck with cabbage. Cut the carcass into portions, rub with spices to taste and salt, place on a baking sheet with melted fat, place in a hot oven and fry at medium temperature, sprinkling with water and pouring over the released fat (How to properly fry a duck in the oven?) until almost done. Finely chop the cabbage, put onion rings, cumin, pour in a little boiling water, bring to a boil. Get the duck

from the oven and place on the cabbage, simmer for another half hour. Melt lard, mix with browned flour, pour in water or broth, pour this mixture into cabbage, bring to a boil, season with sour cream, pepper, salt, add sugar, add vinegar or citric acid, heat. Serve the dish like this: place the cabbage in the center of a round dish, arrange pieces of duck around it, sprinkle with herbs.

How can quality meat, properly cooked in good wine, turn out bad? Of course not - that’s why meat in wine is considered a very refined version of the dish, and is served in the best restaurants of European cuisine.

You will need: 1 duck carcass, 1 glass of dry red wine, 5-6 tbsp. butter, ground black pepper, salt.

How to stew duck in red wine. Rinse the duck, cover with cold water for 2 hours, then cut into 6 parts, pepper and salt, fry on both sides in a duck roaster. Pour wine into the duck, add oil, simmer under the lid over high heat until done, adding water if necessary. It is better to serve duck stewed in wine with potatoes and red cabbage salad.

Well, the last stewed duck dish, the preparation of which we will talk about, on the contrary, seems not like a restaurant dish, but very homemade, because it is prepared from such familiar products.

You will need: 1 kg of duck, 5-6 potatoes, 1 parsley root, onion and carrot each, 0.5 cups of tomato puree, 2 tbsp. butter, 1 tbsp. flour, bay leaf, black pepper, salt.

How to stew duck with vegetables at home. Cut the duck into pieces on the bone, rub with salt, fry in fat or butter removed from the duck until browned, sprinkle with flour, fry for another 5 minutes. Place the fried pieces in the duck pot, add a little hot water, and simmer for half an hour. Finely chop the parsley root, carrots, onions, sauté them together, add to the duck along with pieces of potato, bay, tomato, pepper, simmer until done.

Cook duck and diversify your family's daily menu with delicious dishes made from this wonderful meat!

Guys! What kind of ducks do you have? “Natural” ducks, rural ones, straight from nature, have a very strong “duck” smell, which is not pleasant to everyone. So, don’t forget to recommend cutting out the sebaceous glands of the duck’s tail (the duck constantly lubricates itself with this fat so as not to drown. Have you ever seen how it rubs itself with its beak? This is how it lubricates itself!). There are usually 2 of them. Without these glands, the specific “duck” smell becomes acceptable and even pleasant. You probably know this yourself, but you don’t mention it in the text. Why?

I first fried the duck pieces, immediately with onions and carrots. And then I put it all into a slow cooker and added water. I set it to the “stew” program and, without any problems, after an hour and a half I received a very tasty dish.

Everyone knows that duck meat, especially wild duck, is quite tough, so one of the best ways to cook it is stewing. Buying a good fatty duck is not a problem these days. At least in Moscow, in one of the large hypermarkets where I constantly shop, it is always available whole, half, and even fillet. I took half to make one meal for my small family.

Wash half of the duck (700-800 grams) thoroughly in a stream of cool water, and also pluck if there are any feathers left on it.

Cut the duck into portions.

Heat 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil in a cauldron and add duck pieces. fry them, stirring occasionally, for about 10 minutes (over medium-high heat) until they are golden brown. Then cover the cauldron with a lid, reduce the heat and simmer for about 15 minutes.

Meanwhile, prepare the main vegetables. Finely chop one onion and two cloves of garlic. Peel the carrots and cut into medium-sized cubes. It would also be very nice to add a fresh sour apple, such as Antonovka, but unfortunately I didn’t have one on hand.

When the duck in the cauldron has stewed a little, remove it from the heat and drain all the liquid (oil + formed duck fat). Add water to the duckling pot so that it covers the meat by about 3 centimeters, and put it on the fire. Throw in black allspice. When the water boils, remove the foam that forms.

Place the previously chopped vegetables into the cauldron. Add dried basil, adjika, ground black pepper. Stir lightly, cover with a lid, reduce heat and leave the duck to simmer for 1.5 hours. 10 minutes before the end of cooking, add 1 teaspoon of salt.

Duck stewed in a duck pot can be served with buckwheat, potatoes or rice. Don't forget to also serve sauerkraut or a vitamin-rich salad of fresh vegetables. This dish turned out very tender and not at all greasy.

Bon appetit!

If you cook duck meat correctly, it will be tastier than chicken and turkey. But baking this bird requires culinary experience. But even beginners can cook stewed duck in a duck pot or in the oven.

The stewed duck will be soft and flavorful


Bay leaf 3 sheets Cream 100 milliliters Water 2 stacks Apple cider vinegar 2 tbsp. Flour 1 tbsp. Onion 1 head Carrot 1 piece(s) Duck 1 carcass

  • Number of servings: 6
  • Preparation time: 30 minutes
  • Cooking time: 60 minutes

Classic stewed duck recipe

Traditionally, duck meat is stewed in a special vessel - a duck pot or cauldron. This way it doesn’t turn out too greasy and doesn’t dry out.

How to properly cook duck meat:

  1. Cut the carcass into portions no larger than 200 grams. Fry in a hot frying pan until crispy and place in the duck pot.
  2. Fry the chopped onion in the remaining fat, then add the grated carrots. After 5 minutes, add flour.
  3. After it dissolves, pour water into the pan. A couple of minutes after boiling, season with apple cider vinegar and cream, add salt and pepper.
  4. Pour the resulting orange sauce over the pieces of meat and simmer for 60 minutes.
  5. 5 minutes before cooking, add chopped garlic cloves and bay leaf.

Buckwheat, vegetable puree, pasta and rice are ideal as a side dish for meat. On plates, the duck with the side dish can be poured with the remaining sauce.

Duck stewed with vegetables

Duck meat is fatty, so it is better to stew it in the oven with vegetables. Low-calorie vegetables will absorb some of the fat and the dish will be easier to digest. It will require:

  • duck – 1 carcass;
  • tomatoes – 2 pcs.;
  • sweet pepper – 1 pc.;
  • eggplants – 1 pc.;
  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • onion – 1 head;
  • garlic – 5 teeth;
  • water – 200 ml;
  • salt black pepper to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the carcass into portions. Fry in a hot frying pan until golden brown.
  2. Place in a suitable thick-walled pan or ceramic pot. Fill with water, cover with a lid or foil, cook in an oven preheated to 190 degrees for 60 minutes.
  3. Cut the tomatoes into slices, cored peppers into strips. Onions, carrots and garlic - in cubes.
  4. Chop the peeled eggplant into cubes and add salt. After a quarter of an hour, squeeze and drain the juice.
  5. Fry the onions and carrots in a frying pan with the remaining fat. Add peppers, eggplants, tomatoes and cook for another 10 minutes. Add some salt and pepper.
  6. Place vegetables in the bowl with meat, add a little water if necessary, cover again and simmer in the oven for another 30 minutes.

A side dish is not required for this dish; if desired, it can be sprinkled with chopped parsley or dill.

Tender duck meat diversifies the daily diet, but such a dish is not a shame to serve at the holiday table.

Duck does not appear on our tables very often, but when it does, it always becomes the hit of the meal, because its meat, having a bright taste and aroma, turns out very tasty when cooked correctly. In this article, we have collected several recipes for stewing duck with various products, which you can use to prepare an amazingly delicious lunch or dinner.

Duck today can be purchased in large supermarkets - there it is sold fresh or frozen. Don’t be afraid to buy frozen duck meat - if defrosted correctly (for a long time - first in the refrigerator, then at room temperature), it does not lose its taste and beneficial properties.

Duck meat is very tasty, you can prepare a lot of different dishes from it: pilaf, soups, jellied meats, minced meat products, roasts. Contrary to popular belief, it is suitable not only for whole roasting - try making any other dish from duck and if cooked successfully, it will definitely delight you with its amazing taste.

Duck meat is not only tasty, but also very healthy: it contains a lot of B vitamins, as well as other vitamins (A, C, K, E), microelements (selenium, phosphorus, zinc, etc.). It is believed that this meat has a positive effect on potency, improves lipid metabolism (stimulates the formation of cell membranes). Contraindications to eating duck are diet (duck is fattier than chicken and rabbit), obesity and diabetes.

Duck stew recipes

Due to the fact that when baking or frying a duck, inexperienced cooks may find it a little dry, the best option for preparing it for those who have little knowledge or simply have not cooked duck themselves is stewing. Stewed duck is tender, tasty, aromatic, especially if you cook it with succulent ingredients and aromatic seasonings and herbs.

Don’t be afraid to experiment: duck “loves” additives such as thyme, basil, parsley, dill and other herbs, as well as honey, wine, cumin, ginger, citrus fruits, onions, soy sauce, olive oil, cinnamon, star anise, cardamom.

Recipe one: Duck stewed in sour cream

You will need: 600g duck meat with bones, 150g meat broth, 1 onion and 1 large apple, 7 tbsp. sour cream, 5 tbsp. vegetable oil, herbs, pepper, salt.

How to stew duck in sour cream. Cut the duck into portions, cut the onion and apple into large cubes. In a hot frying pan with butter, fry the duck until browned, add the apple and onion, fry for another 5 minutes, pour in the broth. Next, transfer the duck to a water bath or double boiler, simmer for another 10-15 minutes, add sour cream, pepper and salt, stir, simmer until done. When serving, decorate with herbs.

Recipe two: Duck stewed with prunes

You will need: 300g prunes, 150g butter, 3 glasses of water, 1 celery root, duck and carrot carcass, 2 tbsp. sugar, 1 tbsp. flour and table vinegar, salt.

How to stew duck with prunes. Chop carrots and celery into small pieces and heat in oil. Cut the duck into portions, add to the vegetables, fry, transfer the mixture into a saucepan and add water, add salt, then simmer everything for 30 minutes. Fry the flour in oil, pour in the broth, vinegar, add sugar, bring to a boil, add the soaked and washed prunes, and heat. Pour the prepared duck sauce into the pan and simmer for another 15 minutes.

This duck is best served with fruit salads and fried potatoes.

Recipe three: Duck stewed with cabbage and potatoes

You will need: 200g duck breast, 150ml chicken broth, 2 strips of smoked bacon, 1 large potato tuber, ¼ Savoy cabbage, 1 pinch each of ground garlic and parsley.

How to stew duck with potatoes and cabbage. Rub the duck breast with pepper, spices, salt, place skin side down in a thick-bottomed frying pan, reduce heat to low, fry for 15 minutes without a lid (do not shake or move the pan) until the skin is golden brown and the fat has rendered. Remove the duck from the pan, it will still be raw on the meat side, remove half of the fat (it can be used for other dishes), reduce heat, add bacon (cut each slice into 3 pieces), fry for 2-3 minutes until crispy, add potatoes (cut the tuber into 8 parts), cook under the lid for 10 minutes, stirring, add the cabbage, stir, pour in the broth. Place the duck skin side up on top of the food, cover the pan and cook for another 10 minutes, season the vegetables with garlic and parsley, removing the breast. Place vegetables on a plate and place breast on top.

Try combining this dish with red wine - it will turn out elegant and very tasty!

The previous recipe made me think about why not stew the duck not with Savoy, but with white cabbage, which is more familiar to us? Then the following recipe is for you.

Recipe four: Duck stewed with cabbage and sour cream

You will need: 2 kg of white cabbage, 30 g of lard, 2-3 onions, 1 duck carcass, 1 glass of sour cream, 1 tbsp. vegetable oil, chopped dill and parsley and flour, citric acid, table vinegar, cumin, bay leaf, sugar, pepper, salt.

How to stew duck with cabbage. Cut the carcass into portions, rub with spices to taste and salt, place on a baking sheet with melted fat, place in a hot oven and fry at medium temperature, sprinkling with water and pouring over the released fat (How to properly fry a duck in the oven?) until almost done. Finely chop the cabbage, put onion rings, cumin, pour in a little boiling water, bring to a boil. Remove the duck from the oven and place it on the cabbage and simmer for another half hour. Melt lard, mix with browned flour, pour in water or broth, pour this mixture into cabbage, bring to a boil, season with sour cream, pepper, salt, add sugar, add vinegar or citric acid, heat. Serve the dish like this: place the cabbage in the center of a round dish, arrange pieces of duck around it, sprinkle with herbs.

It is believed that duck meat weighing 2-2.3 kg is the most delicious.

How can quality meat, properly cooked in good wine, turn out bad? Of course not - that’s why meat in wine is considered a very refined version of the dish, and is served in the best restaurants of European cuisine.

Recipe five: Duck stewed in red wine

You will need: 1 duck carcass, 1 glass of dry red wine, 5-6 tbsp. butter, ground black pepper, salt.

How to stew duck in red wine. Rinse the duck, cover with cold water for 2 hours, then cut into 6 parts, pepper and salt, fry on both sides in a duck roaster. Pour wine into the duck, add oil, simmer under the lid over high heat until done, adding water if necessary. It is better to serve duck stewed in wine with potatoes and red cabbage salad.

Well, the last stewed duck dish, the preparation of which we will talk about, on the contrary, seems not like a restaurant dish, but very homemade, because it is prepared from such familiar products.

Recipe six: Duck stewed with vegetables

You will need: 1 kg of duck, 5-6 potatoes, 1 parsley root, onion and carrot each, 0.5 cups of tomato puree, 2 tbsp. butter, 1 tbsp. flour, bay leaf, black pepper, salt.

How to stew duck with vegetables at home. Cut the duck into pieces on the bone, rub with salt, fry in fat or butter removed from the duck until browned, sprinkle with flour, fry for another 5 minutes. Place the fried pieces in the duck pot, add a little hot water, and simmer for half an hour. Finely chop the parsley root, carrots, onions, sauté them together, add to the duck along with pieces of potato, bay, tomato, pepper, simmer until done.

Cook duck and diversify your family's daily menu with delicious dishes made from this wonderful meat!

They prepared it. Look what happened


Recipe for braised duck pieces

Making braised duck pieces is very simple. The meat turns out soft and juicy, and during the preparation of this dish a very tasty gravy is formed, which can be used to pour over porridge or mashed potatoes. The recipe is quite simple, and the duck meat always turns out juicy and tasty.

Wash the duck, dry it, cut it into portions, add salt and pepper to taste.

Heat a small amount of vegetable oil in a frying pan and add duck pieces. It is better to fry the meat not all at once, but in portions so that it is well browned.

Fry the duck pieces over medium heat on both sides until golden brown (5-7 minutes on each side).

Peel the onions and carrots. Cut the onion into half rings, grate the carrots on a medium grater. Place the fried duck pieces in a cauldron or thick-walled pan, alternating with onions and carrots.

Pour hot water so that it fills the cauldron more than halfway (as in the photo), add allspice and bay leaves, add more salt if necessary.

Cover the pan or cauldron with a lid and place on the fire, bring to a boil, reduce the heat and simmer the duck pieces over low heat for 1-1.5 hours (until the meat is cooked). The meat should be soft and easily pierced with a knife or fork.

Tasty and juicy duck, stewed in pieces, is ready. Serve it hot with porridge or mashed potatoes.


Duck stewed in pieces

Duck meat is very tender, tasty and healthy. The duck can be cooked whole, or you can cut it into pieces. There are also many ways to cook duck. One simple and affordable option is stewing duck in pieces.

Ingredients you will need for this dish:

  • duck in the amount of 1 kg.
  • onions in the amount of 4 pcs.
  • carrots in the amount of 1 pc.
  • bay leaf in the amount of 2 pcs.
  • salt and black pepper for seasoning

Stages of cooking duck

1. First you should prepare the duck meat. To do this, the duck must be cut into pieces. We select the desired pieces with a large amount of meat, wash them and let them dry.

2. Then you need to fry the pieces in vegetable oil. The meat should be fried on both sides. The meat should be browned.

3. After which you should cook the vegetables. First, peel the carrots and rinse them. Then cut the carrots into thin rings.

4. Peel the onion and cut it into half rings.

5. Then fry the carrots until half cooked.

6. After the carrots have become soft and golden in color, you need to add onions to them.

7. Continue frying the onions and carrots until golden brown.

8. Vegetables are cooked. Next, you need to prepare the dish for stewing. To do this, place duck meat and vegetables in a pan in layers.

9. Then sprinkle the meat with salt.

10. Then add pepper to the container.

11. Finally, add bay leaf to the ingredients.

12. To stew meat, add water to the pan. The duck meat should be completely submerged in water.

13. Place the pan with meat on the stove and set the fire to low. Simmer the duck for 1.5-2 hours until fully cooked. When cooked, the meat should fall off the bones.

Stewed duck meat in pieces can be served with vegetables or potatoes. This dish has a delicate, pleasant aroma and an extraordinary taste.


Duck stewed in pieces

Onions - 1 pc.

Garlic - 2 cloves

Vegetable oil - 3 tbsp.

Dry basil - 1 tsp.

Dry adjika - 1 tsp.

Ground black pepper - to taste

Salt - 1 heaped teaspoon

Cooking Instructions

Everyone knows that duck meat, especially wild duck, is quite tough, so one of the best ways to cook it is stewing. Buying a good fatty duck is not a problem these days. At least in Moscow, in one of the large hypermarkets where I constantly shop, it is always available whole, half, and even fillet. I took half to make one meal for my small family.

Wash half of the duck (700-800 grams) thoroughly in a stream of cool water, and also pluck if there are any feathers left on it.

Cut the duck into portions.

Heat 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil in a cauldron and add duck pieces. fry them, stirring occasionally, for about 10 minutes (over medium-high heat) until they are golden brown. Then cover the cauldron with a lid, reduce the heat and simmer for about 15 minutes.

Meanwhile, prepare the main vegetables. Finely chop one onion and two cloves of garlic. Peel the carrots and cut into medium-sized cubes. It would also be very nice to add a fresh sour apple, such as Antonovka, but unfortunately I didn’t have one on hand.

When the duck in the cauldron has stewed a little, remove it from the heat and drain all the liquid (oil + formed duck fat). Add water to the duckling pot so that it covers the meat by about 3 centimeters, and put it on the fire. Throw in black allspice. When the water boils, remove the foam that forms.

Place the previously chopped vegetables into the cauldron. Add dried basil, adjika, ground black pepper. Stir lightly, cover with a lid, reduce heat and leave the duck to simmer for 1.5 hours. 10 minutes before the end of cooking, add 1 teaspoon of salt.

Duck stewed in a duck pot can be served with buckwheat, potatoes or rice. Don't forget to also serve sauerkraut or a vitamin-rich salad of fresh vegetables. This dish turned out very tender and not at all greasy.