The double role of the letters E, Ё, Yu, Ya. “The double role of the letters e, ё, yu, ya” lesson plan in the Russian language (grade 5) on topic III

RY 5 U No. 64. The dual role of the letters E, E, Yu, I" LESSON PURPOSE:    to give the concept of the dual role of the letters E, E, Yu, I, to prove that in some positions these letters denote two sounds; form the skill of distinguishing the sound meaning of these letters in different phonetic positions; to continue to develop the skill of transcription; I. II. Checking homework. A) Oral survey. Today we continue to work on the topic “Sounds and letters.” Do you remember what branch of the science of language studies the sounds of speech? ? (Vowels and consonants.) Tell us what groups the consonants are divided into? (Students’ oral responses) (At this time, 2 students work on a magnetic board with words on separate pieces of paper: distributed alphabetically): 1. Garland, Christmas tree, spruce, Christmas, snow, snowflake. 2. Storm, storm, blizzard, blizzard, frost, drifting snow. How many vowels are there? (10) How many vowel sounds are there? (6) To remember this figure, you need to remember how many parts of the world: Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, America, Antarctica. There are also 6 of them. Why does this happen: there are 10 vowels and 6 sounds? (Because some letters in a letter can represent 1 or 2 sounds) Does the number of letters in a word always coincide with the number of sounds? (No). Why? Teacher: After all, b and b signs do not denote sounds, and unpronounceable consonants also do not denote sounds, and some letters denote 2 sounds. B) Complete the following task: determine how many letters and how many sounds are in these words: Hemp (6b, 5 stars), rye (4 b, 3 stars), sun (6 b, 5 stars). 1 III. Explanation of new material. 1. Teacher: B primary school You guys only touched on the topic “The dual role of the letters E, E, Yu, I.” Today in class we will expand our knowledge on this topic (say goal number 1). We will take a deeper look at the dual role of these letters; Let's find out why the same letters can represent one sound and two sounds; Let's learn to name the sounds denoted by the letters E, E, Yu, Z. 2. Open the notebooks, write down the date and topic of the lesson. 3. Spelling dictation Shining bright...t Fluffy snow.. N..Christmas tree Smooth..eaten.. Warm 4. Phonetic analysis of the word “snow”. 1 student at the board doing analysis. 5. Orthoepic work. Today in class we will take the vocabulary word SCREAMED EGGS. Please note that it is pronounced differently “yai(sh)nitsa”! Lexical meaning of this word? (A dish made from eggs.) Make up a phrase. Let's take one of the delicious scrambled eggs on offer! Let's look at the phrase (main and dependent word, question) What phrase is this? (Nominal) What other phrases are there? (Verb) What are phrases? (Two words related in meaning and grammatically) Spelling patterns are hidden in these words. Which? (Unpronounceable consonant at the root of the word, CHK, CHN without b sign) 6. Syntactic analysis. Next task: write down a sentence and analyze it under the number 4. What is this analysis called? (Syntactic) noun. Ch. adj noun Mom cooked delicious scrambled eggs. (Narrative, non-vocal, simple, distributive) What questions does the circumstance answer? What is an addition in a sentence? 2 How is the definition emphasized? Look at the board. We work with the first column. We write down the words and transcribe them. To the blackboard. Measure [m'era] Flight [pal'ot] Beak [kl'uf] I'll sit [s'adu] Trace and tell where the letters E, E, Yu, I are (after the consonants) How many sounds do they represent? (1) What consonants do they come after? (After soft ones) Solve this proportion by writing it down in your notebook. What did you put in instead? question mark ? (I=Y=E=E) `A `U `O `E Why? Let's summarize: so when do the letters E, E, Y.Ya mean 1 sound? (indicate 1 sound when they stand after soft consonants) Guys, read and remember 1 conclusion again. We work with the next column. To the board::: Eat [y'em] Yolka [y'olka] South [y'uk] Clear [y'asnyy'] Where in the words of this column are the letters E, E, Yu, I (At the beginning of the word) How many What sounds do they represent? (2) What sounds? (YA,YO,YE,YU) What word did we start today's lesson with? (scrambled eggs) It fits our rule (Yes) 3 How many sounds does the letter I represent and why? (2 is at the beginning of the word) Summarize this work: if the letters E, Ё, Yu, I are at the beginning of the word, then they represent 2 sounds. We write down the following column: Fighter [bai'ets] Reception [pr'iy'om] Cabin [kai'uta] Standing [stai'at] Where are the letters E, E, Y, Y in the words of this column? (After a vowel) How many sounds do they represent? (2) Let’s summarize this work: if the letters E, E, Yu, I come after a vowel, then they represent 2 sounds. We write down the following column: departure [aty'est] shooting [sy'omka] blizzard [in y'uga] monkey [ab'iz'y'ana] Where in the words of this column are the letters E, E, Yu, I (After b or b signs) How many sounds do they represent? (2) Let’s summarize this study: if the letters E, E, Yu, I appear after the b or b sign, then they denote 2 sounds. Pay attention to the slide again: how many letters are displayed there 4, and how many sounds they make 2. And under what conditions, who can say? (At the beginning, after a soft consonant and after the b and b signs) Look carefully again and tell me if everything is in order in the transcription? (The comma after Y is missing) Why is it needed? (To denote softness, Y is always soft) Who can draw a conclusion? So when do the letters E, E, Yu, I designate 2 sounds? Table "Dual role of the letters E, Ё, Yu, Ya" Indicates 1 sound Indicates 2 sounds 4 After soft consonants (luk) At the beginning of a word (yama) After vowels (accordion) After b and b (ate, blizzard) IV. Consolidation of the material . 1. Selective dictation. Write down the words in 2 columns: 1 sound and 2 sounds VEEN, FOOD, SHOOTING, GLASS, FLIGHT, HEDGEHOG, TRAIN, DRINKING, HONOR. or slides with images of animals But these letters have another role. Let's take a word. What happens to the consonant letter P has become soft, and if we change the letter to A it will become hard. Consequently, these letters soften the consonant in front. You can give more examples. Conclusion: what is the role of these letters? 3.Comprehensive text analysis. _______________________________________ Insert the missing letters and punctuation marks. the indicated letters incorrectly named: 1) p “pe”; 2) x “he”; 3) w “zhe”; 4) n “ne”; 5) d “de”; 6) to “ke”.

III. Indicate words that have as many sounds as letters: 1) seed; 2) blizzard; 3) hatch; 4) flight; 5) cabin.

  • IV. Which of these consonants are voiced: 1) c; 2) h; 3) p; 4) x; 5) c.
  • V. After zh, sh, ch, sch, i, y, a are written, but y, ya, yu are not written.
  • Which of these words deviate from this rule: 1) bro...ra; 2) happiness; 3) h...before; 4) h...cha; 5) f...ri. Appendix 2 Test on the topic “Phonics”. 8 I. Indicate the words where the letters e, e, yu, i designate two sounds: 1) measure; 2) blizzard; 3) blizzard; 4) hedgehog; 5) honey; 6) Yasha; 7) row.
  • II. Which of the following letters are named incorrectly: 1) p “pe”; 2) x “he”; 3) w “zhe”; 4) n “ne”; 5) d “de”; 6) to “ke”.

III. Indicate words that have as many sounds as letters: 1) seed; 2) blizzard; 3) hatch; 4) flight; 5) cabin. IV. Which of these consonants are voiced: 1) c; 2) h; 3) p; 4) x; 5) c.

V. After zh, sh, ch, sch, i, y, a are written, but y, ya, yu are not written.

Which of these words deviate from this rule: 2) bro...ra; 2) happiness; 3) h...before; 4) h...cha; 5) f...ri. 9 Goals:.

Introduce students to the dual role of the letters E, Yo, Yu, Ya, and to the fact that these letters can represent one or two sounds. Teach students to name the sounds denoted by the letters E, E, Yu, Y. Work on students’ primary skills and abilities.

Review with students the softness of consonants and how it is indicated. Remember the spelling rules CHK, CHN, NC, RK, NSCH, RSCH, etc.

Remember what phonetics is and that it studies sounds and letters. To instill in students an interest in Russian language lessons, a love for the Russian language, to cultivate the attention and activity of students in the lesson, the ability to generalize and draw conclusions. Equipment: teacher's word, auxiliary writing on the board, illustrations, diagrams, tables, notebooks for reference signals, handouts, computer, interactive whiteboard. During the classes I. Organizing time II. Repetition. 1. Spelling dictation: Weight lyy, help schn And, ki, , about sya bah, mo sti

k, zo

  • NTI
  • k, bo
  • rshch
  • days
  • river ah, gwo
  • here
  • To.
  • 2. Questions:
  • How do these words indicate the softness of consonants? What do you need to remember when looking at combinations such as: CHK, SHCHN, RSH?

Teacher: This means that it also happens that words have fewer sounds than letters. After all, b and b do not represent sounds, and unpronounceable consonants do not represent sounds either.

Complete the following task: Determine how many letters and how many sounds are in these words?

Terrain, stumps, rye, sun.

III. Explanation of new material.

1. Teacher: In elementary school, you guys only lightly touched upon the topic “The dual role of the letters E, E, Yu, Z.” Today in class we will expand our knowledge on this topic (say goal number 1). We will take a deeper look at the dual role of these letters; Let's find out why the same letters can represent one sound and two sounds; Let's learn to name the sounds denoted by the letters E, E, Yu, Ya.

Table 1

Meh ra- m’ [E] ra

By le t-pol’[O]t

TO lju in-cl’[U] in

Xia du-s’ [A] du

Questions for table 1:

  • Look carefully at the words, at the underlined spellings and tell me where the letters E, E, Yu, I are? (After consonants)
  • Pay attention to the transcriptions.
  • What consonants do they come after? (After soft)
  • So, in what case do the letters E, E, Yu, I designate one sound? (After consonants)

Teacher: Let's look at Table 2.

table 2

E m-[y’E]m

E lka-[y’O]lka

YU la-[y’U]la

I ma-[y’A]mA

Questions for table 2:

  • (At the beginning of the word)
  • How many and what sounds do they represent?
  • So, in what case do the letters E, E, Yu, I designate two sounds?

Teacher: Now let's look at Table 3.

Table 3

B oh ts-bo[y’ E]ts

Etc no m-pr And[ j'O]m

TO ayu So A[ y'U]ta

St oh t-st O[ y'A)t

Questions for Table 3:

  • Where are the letters E, E, Yu, I in words? (After vowels)
  • How many and what sounds do they represent?
  • So, when do the letters E, E, Yu, I mean two sounds?

Teacher: Let's look at the examples in Table 4.

Table 4

From e bldg. ъ[y'E ] building

WITH e mka-s ъ[y’O]kA

IN yu ha-v b[ y'U]ga

Obez ya on both s[y’A]na

Questions for table 4:

  • Where are the letters E, E, Yu, I in words? (After b and b signs)
  • How many and what sounds do they represent?
  • So, when else can the letters E, E, Yu, I represent two sounds?

Teacher: We examined the tables and drew conclusions. Now let’s compare our conclusions with the textbook rule and answer the question: did we draw the right conclusions?

2. Work in notebooks for reference signals (OS). Drawing up a table diagram.

Table-scheme No. 1

Teacher: Before filling out table diagram No. 1 with examples, let’s do the following work: I will show you pictures with the names of objects, and you will fill in the tables with examples according to the arrows. I warn you, be careful!

See presentation for pictures.(slides 2–11).

Teacher: Let's check what we've written.

Question: Why didn’t you write down examples such as: frog, tulips, lion in the table diagram?

Teacher: And now, guys, let’s draw table diagram No. 2.

Table-scheme No. 2

IV. Consolidation.

1. Game “Who is faster?”(there are two boys and two girls at the board)

Exercise: write down the words, determine how many letters and how many sounds, underline the spelling pattern being studied.

Train, cabin, spruce, bale, hatch, entrance, pour, yak, lighthouse.

2. Exercise- puzzles.

Exercise: guess the word, write it down, underline the spelling, determine how many letters and sounds there are in the words.

A) What does a bear love most in the world? (honey)

B) In what words does the spiky letter E appear? (hedgehog, ruff, Christmas tree)

C) Guess the girl’s name from the first sounds of the words: sneak, thimble, aquarium. (Yana)

D) Where do birds fly in the fall? (South)

D) What does your mother say when she feeds you? (eat)

3. Cards with tasks are distributed: write out words from the poem based on the rule “Double role of the letters E, E, Yu, I”, determine how many letters and sounds there are in them, underline the spelling pattern being studied.

Task card

Everyone around is in fear:
Enraged Ogre
Announced that he will eat today
Wonderful lunch.

Teacher: Now let’s compare your notes with the notes on the board and correct the mistakes.

4. Independently perform exercises according to the textbook.

5. Check.

V. Lesson summary.


  • What topic did we study today?
  • When do the letters E, E, Yu, I designate two sounds?
  • When do the letters E, E, Yu, I designate one sound?

Lesson grades. Encouragement.

VI. Homework.

Target: give an idea of ​​the dual role of the letters E, E, Yu, I; prove that in some positions these letters can represent 2 sounds.

Pedagogical tools: spelling cards, table, textbook, student workbooks.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment - 2 min.

II. Spelling five-minute - 5 min. Working with spelling cards.

III. “Warm-up minutes” (frontal interactive method). A fleeting snapshot of knowledge.

- What section of the language are we studying?

From what language did this term come to us?

(from the Greek Fone - sound.)

What is the minimum unit of language called?

What is the difference between letters and sounds?

Which branch of the language studies the design of letters and their types?

What is the alphabet?

How many letters are in the Russian alphabet?

What are more letters or sounds in a language?

How do we indicate the softness of consonants in writing?

The softness of which consonant before other consonants is always indicated with a soft sign?

In what combinations soft sign Isn't it written to indicate softness? Why?

How many vowel sounds are there in Russian? How many vowels? (10)

Today in the lesson we will talk about rich letters in the Russian language. These are the letters E, E, Yu, Z.

Open your notebooks and write down today's date. Classwork, topic of the lesson.

IV .Explanation of new material

The “richness” of these sounds is that they can play a double role. The purpose of our lesson will be to become familiar with the dual role of these letters and to learn to recognize these roles. The first one is already known to us, and now we will remember it again. Let's write the following words in a column: during the day, nearby, people, forest.

Where are the letters E, E, Yu, I in the words of this column? (After consonants). How many and what sounds do they represent? What role do they perform? (They soften the consonant in front of them)

Conclusion: The letters E, E, Yu, I designate 1 sound if they appear after soft consonants, and this is their first role.

From ex. 304 find a column with words where these letters play this role.

Guys, the second role of these letters is the ability to denote two sounds at once, in strictly defined positions. Now we Let's find out which ones. To do this, we will write down the words from the 2nd column. Where are our letters in the words of this column? (At the beginning of the word.) How many and what sounds do they represent?

Conclusion: The letters E, E, Yu, I represent 2 sounds at the beginning of a word.

Conclusion: After a vowel.

Conclusion: after ъ and ь signs.

Thus, guys, let's conclude in which three positions the letters e, ё, yu, i mean 2 sounds (I post a table).

Now we’ll play, warm up and train at the same time.

Warm-up game:The presenter pronounces words that contain the vowels E, Yo, Yu, Ya. If a vowel denotes 2 sounds, then the children raise two hands up, and if there is 1 sound, then their right hand.








Well done, that's enough. We sit down and continue to work.

Let's do exercise 305. Read the task.

Letter – [p*is*mo]-6 b. 5 stars; thought [we sl*] -5 b. 4 stars;

Let’s take [vas*m*om] – 7b. 6 stars; eighth [your*mine*] -7 b. 6 stars; bayan [bai*an] – 4 b. 5 stars; south [y*UK] – 2 b. 3 stars; food [y*eda] – 3 b. 4 stars; Christmas tree [y*olka] – 4 b. 5 stars; honest [h*esny*]– 7 b. 6 stars; holiday [holiday] – 8b. 7 stars

Selective distribution dictation (according to options).

Option 1 writes down words where the letters e, ё, yu, i represent 1 sound, and option 2 – 2 sounds.

Laziness, hedgehog, skirt, parachute, curls, cradle, let's sing, leaves, village, tin, tree, led.

1 2



Let's sing the cradle


Tin can


Spelling work with words written on the board.

Theater, cocoa, border, shine, union, jet, fighter, spy, duet, piano, rubber, scream, all, request. (The task is performed in rows or collectively.)

1) Write down words that have more letters than sounds.

Scream (7 b. 6 stars), all (4 b. 3 stars), request (7 b. 6 stars);

2) Write down words that have more sounds than letters. Border (6 b. 7 stars), union (4 b. 5 stars), jet (5 b. 6 stars), fighter (4 b. 5 stars) ,;

3) Find and write down words in which there are 2 vowel sounds nearby. Theatre, cocoa, spy, duet, piano, rubber.

Remember! The sound [th] is consonant!

So, today in class we got acquainted with rich letters. What is their wealth? How many roles can these letters play? In what positions do they represent 2 sounds?

Assessment of activities for lesson and homework.

Paragraph 61, ex. 306.

Note. Game of the third wheel. Find the extra word in each group. On what grounds did it turn out to be superfluous?

Month, pepper, village , family

Lizard, apple, ash , heaviness.

Julia, yurt, cabin, jury. Fireworks, brochure, earth, berry.

Technological map of the Russian language lesson, class 5 “A”

Lesson topic: “The dual role of letters e, e, yu, I"

The purpose of the teacher's activity: update and restore knowledge about the dual role of letters e, e, yu, i ; develop skills in identifying phonetic positions in which letters e, e, yu, i represent one or two sounds.

Lesson type : combined

Planned educational results:

  • subject (scope of development and level of competence): know sound meaning of letters e, e, yu, i in different phonetic positions; be able to distinguish the sound meaning of letters e, e, yu, i in different phonetic positions, explain why the Russian language has 6 vowel sounds and 10 letters denoting them;
  • meta-subject (components of cultural competence experience): the ability to understand the goals of educational activities and explain them; ability to set a goal and organize its achievement, reflective thinking.
  • personal: awareness of the aesthetic value of the Russian language; respect for the Russian language, pride in it; the need to preserve the purity of the Russian language as a phenomenon of national culture, the desire for speech self-improvement.

Methods and forms of training: observation of language, research method, creating a problem situation, individual, group, frontal

Equipment e: computer, multimedia projector.

Visual demonstration material: presentation on the topic of the lesson

Implemented program:in Russian for grades 5-9. Authors: M.T.Baranov, T.A.Ladyzhenskaya, N.M.Shansky and others/Moscow: Education 2013

UMK: Russian language. 5th grade: textbook for educational institutions. At 2 o'clock Authors: T.A.Ladyzhenskaya, M.T.Baranov, L.A.Trostentsova, L.T.Grigoryan, I.I.Kulibaba, N.V.Ladyzhenskaya.

Lesson structure

Lesson steps

Educational and developmental components, tasks and exercises

Teacher activities

Student activities

Forms of organizing interaction

Formed skills (UDS)

Intermediate control

1.Organizational moment (motivation for educational activities)

Emotional psychological and motivational preparation of students for mastering the material being studied


Hello guys! I am glad to see you today. May the short time we spend together bring you joy, be interesting and useful.

I wanted to start the lesson with a proverb, but it fell apart.2slide

Help me collect it(Knowledge and wisdom adorn a person)3 slide

Produce parsing offers.

They listen to the teacher and participate in dialogue with him.


Cognitive: aware of the educational and cognitive task

Regulatory: plan necessary actions, operations

Communicative: work in pairs

Verbal responses

2. Updating and trial learning activity

Reproduction of previously studied, establishment of successive connections between previous and new knowledge and application of it in new situations.

There's a lot in the world different countries. But you won’t find the country we are going to today on the map, although we meet its inhabitants in every lesson. It is called Phonetics

Guys, what are the names of the inhabitants of this country? (sounds, letters)

What is the difference between a sound and a letter?

What are consonant sounds made of?

How many vowel sounds? How many vowel sounds?

Let's turn to our sentence and write down those words that have more sounds than letters. Why is this happening?

What other letters can represent two sounds? Yo, I.

Let's turn to the word Human. What role does the letter e play here?

Answer questions. Constructing statements

We pronounce and hear sounds, we write and read letters.

There are 10 vowels

6 vowel sounds



Softens the previous consonant and denotes the sound (e)

Frontal, individual

Cognitive: to solve educational problems, they carry out operations of analysis, synthesis, comparison, classification, and establish cause-and-effect relationships.

Regulatory: accept and maintain the learning task.

Communicative: asking questions, answering questions from others

3. Goal setting and building a project to overcome difficulties

Revealing the essence of new concepts, mastering new ways of educational and mental activity of students. Checking assignments. Conversation on issues

Let's formulate the topic of our lesson. Slide4

Creates a problematic situation in which students discover a lack of knowledge and a desire to actively overcome emerging contradictions in the process of learning activities

Formulates the purpose of the educationalactivity together with the students who take it upon themselves.

Today we will work with unusual letters in the Russian language: e, ё, yu, ya.

Their originality lies in the fact that they can play a dual role: denoting one or two sounds.

They also indicate the softness of the consonant. Slides5-11

Let's turn to the textbook, page 142, paragraph 61.

Did our conclusions coincide with the rule?

Personal: aware of their capabilities in learning, able to adequately reason about the reasons for their success or failure.

Cognitive: extract the necessary information from the teacher’s explanations they listened to, the statements of classmates, and systematize their own knowledge.

Regulatory: plan the necessary actions.

Communicative: build small monologue statements..

Verbal responses

4. Practical activities to implement the construction of the project

Exercise 310

Formulate a conclusion about what position the letters are in e , represent one sound?

When the letter e represent two sounds?

They answer the teacher’s questions, formulate a rule, their own conclusions in collaboration with the teacher and classmates. They answer the teacher’s questions, formulate a rule.


Frontal, individual

Cognitive: read and listen, extracting the necessary information, independently finding it in the textbook materials. Regulatory: they control learning activities, notice mistakes made, understand the rule of control and successfully use it in solving a learning task.

Verbal responses

5. Primary consolidation with commenting in external speech

Generalization, systematization and formation of rational ways of applying them in practice. Conversation, table analysis

Let's summarize our research and try to create a table

Let’s compare our table with the generalizing table “Dual role of the letters e, e, yu, i” ( slide12)

The double role of the letters e, e, yu, i (artist letters)

Working on compiling a table

Formulate their own thoughts and draw conclusions

Individual group

Cognitive: they perform educational and cognitive actions in a materialized and mental form, carry out operations of analysis, synthesis, comparison, classification to solve educational problems, and establish cause-and-effect relationships.

Regulatory: accept and maintain the learning task. Communicative: ask questions, answer questions from others, formulate their own thoughts, express and justify their point of view

Verbal responses

6. Physical education minute

Educational game - warm-up.

Summarizing the knowledge gained in the lesson.

Tired? I suggest you play a little. If the vowels represent two sounds, girls squat; if there is one, then boys squat.

Cabin boy, bread, barrier, chandelier, stump, cranberry, memory, gun, lake, monument, blizzard, beets, cabin, stump, button accordion.

Take part in an educational game.


Personal: understand the importance of knowledge for a person. Cognitive: acquire the ability to use acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities and Everyday life. Regulatory: evaluate their work, correct and explain errors. Communicative: formulate their own thoughts, express and justify their point of view.

7. Independent work with self-test according to the standard

Performing multi-level exercises based on the textbook and didactic material

Independent performance of exercises of varying complexity selected by the teacher

1.Distributive dictation (work in pairs)

Exercise. Arrange the words in 2 columns:

1) the letters E, E, Yu, I represent 1 sound,

2) the letters E, E, Yu, I represent 2 sounds.

Honey, food, anchor, cabin, forest, warmth, tree, shadow, people, blizzard, pouring, flying, strap, pit, button accordion, river, bathhouse.(slide13)

2. Exercise - riddles.

Exercise: guess the word, write it down, determine how many letters and sounds there are in the words.

  • What does a bear love most in the world?(honey)
  • What fish starts with E?(ruff)
  • Where do the birds fly?(south)
  • The youngest sailor on the ship?(cabin boy)

3.exercise 331

Well done boys! And you coped with this task perfectly.

Doing exercises


Cognitive: search for necessary information. Regulatory: independently plan necessary actions, operations, act according to plan


8. Reflection on learning activities (summarizing the lesson)

Final discussion on issues


What new did you learn in the lesson?

What difficulties did you encounter during your work?

Did you enjoy the lesson? Select a strip and show me.

Let's evaluate the work of our classmates.

Define their emotional condition at the lesson. They give grades.

Individual group

Cognitive: acquire the ability to organize their activities in a motivated manner.

Regulatory: evaluate their work.

Communicative: construct small monologue statements.

Assessing students' work in class.

9. Homework

Dictates d/z control312(slide15)

Diary entry


The purpose of the lesson: through observation of examples, reveal the double function of letters i, yu, e, yo; teach students to distinguish the functions of these letters, improve pronunciation skills; development of students’ productive speech.

Equipment: projector, individual cards.



  • Teach children to distinguish positions in which the letters e, ё, yu, i indicate two sounds, indicating the softness of the preceding consonants, and in which - two.
  • Continue working on developing transcription skills.
  • Work on the development of students' speech.


  • To instill in children a desire to help their classmates with their work.
  • Cultivate an attentive attitude to linguistic phenomena.

I. Organizational moment.

II. Updating basic knowledge.

1. Carry out a sound-letter analysis of words syllable, first.

2. Determine what sounds the highlighted letters in words represent: spruce, honey, hatch, yours, mine.(Students’ knowledge is clearly not yet sufficient for accurate, well-founded answers. To do this, they need to know the rules about in what cases the letters e, ё, yu, i mean one sound, and in what cases - two sounds)

3. Problematic question:

What is the role of letters e, e, yu, me?

IV. Students' search activities and solving educational problems.

Examples are given for observation on the monitor. Students name the sounds that are indicated by highlighted letters.

Pupils, guided by the teacher, conclude that at the beginning of a word the letters I, e, e, y represent two sounds: y+a, y+o, y+y, y+e.

In the same way, observations are made on the words:

Conclusion: letters after vowels i, yu, e, yo also represent two sounds : y+a, y+o, y+y, y+e.

i, yu, e, yo guys, after ъ and ь?

Look at the table with the words, listen to them and draw conclusions:

Departure, filming, blizzard, monkey

Conclusion: after ъ and ь letters i, yu, e, yo also denotes two sounds - y+a, y+o, y+y, y+e.

What sounds do the letters represent? i, yu, e, yo after soft consonants?

Listen carefully to the words and draw your own conclusions. Bear, measure, sit, here, led.

Conclusion: letters after consonants i, yu, e, yo represent one of the vowel sounds a, e, y, o(and softness of the preceding consonant)

The correctness of the obtained conclusions is checked using this table on the monitor.

V. Formation of skills based on acquired grammatical knowledge.

Physical exercise.

1. Game "1" or "2".

Children use cards to show how many sounds letters make e, e, yu, i in words: forest, Julia, hatch, cabin, day, shooting, bright, entrance, dog, anchor.

2. Expressively read the poem by S. Ya. Marshak:

To grandfather's village

The post office delivered me a letter,
On the envelope in the corner
Scratched: “Pisaelu”,
And below: “Marshak.”
With this tricky address
A letter has arrived to me...
Glory to our postmen
With a thick shoulder bag!

Find the mistakes the baby made.

In a word sophisticated name the consonant sounds. What sound does the letter represent? What sounds do the letter yu represent in the words to the writer and here?

Draw conclusions and prove their practical significance.

3. Read the riddle and guess it.

You can always find her in the forest -
Let's go for a walk and meet
Stands prickly like a hedgehog
In winter in a summer dress. (Hedgehog)

Name words that have letters I, e, e, yu. What sounds do they represent?

4. Checking the mastery of the material.

Option I

Indicate a word in which the letter E makes two sounds.

a) chalk; b) hedgehog; c) brush

a) spruce; b) if; c) entry

and the city; b) slippery; c) three

How many sounds in a word should you explain?

a) 8; b) 9; at 10 o'clock.

a) drive through; b) purple; c) barks

Which word has the sound [th]?

a) drifting snow; b) border; c) aspen

Option II

Indicate a word in which the letter I makes 1 sound.

a) anchor; b) light; c) mint

Indicate which word has more sounds than letters.

a) filming; b) grater; c) reception

Which word has fewer sounds than letters?

a) stump; b) mug; c) viut

How many sounds are there in a word?

Which word contains 2 vowel sounds next to each other?

a) cut; b) washes; c) winnow

Which word has the sound [th]?

a) rowan; b) forward; c) army

Peer review.

Evaluating a friend's work.

VII. Homework.

1) Come up with a fairy tale: “In what words did the cunning one hide? "Y"? Possible beginning: “On the planet Russian language there is a country called Phonetics, in which a very cunning sound lives.” Y" (optional).

VIII. Summing up the lesson.

Working with a summary table on the topic "Phonetics".
