If after sexual intercourse. What to do after unprotected sex: prevention of sexually transmitted diseases and HIV

In this case, three options are possible:

  • First: within a few days after such sexual contact, carry out the prevention of sexually transmitted infections (preventive treatment). It will prevent the development of bacterial sexually transmitted diseases (gonorrhea, chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, mycoplasmosis, syphilis, trichomoniasis). Prevention is carried out within several days after sexual intercourse. After 3-4 weeks you need to undergo examination by a venereologist. Preventive treatment regimens correspond to treatment regimens for fresh, uncomplicated infections.
  • Second: you don’t have to carry out prophylaxis, wait 3-4 weeks, and then get examined by a venereologist. There is no point in being examined before 3-4 weeks, since during the incubation period there are no symptoms of the disease, and laboratory tests during this period are uninformative.
  • The third, in most cases difficult to implement: you can convince your casual sexual partner to come to an appointment with a venereologist and be examined for sexually transmitted infections. If nothing is found on him, then you have not become infected with anything.

Which of the mentioned options is preferable? It depends on the specific situation. It is best to resolve this issue not independently, but together with a venereologist who will help assess the risk of infection.

How is the prevention of casual sex tolerated? Isn't it dangerous to health?

Most drugs prescribed for the prevention of casual relationships are prescribed once, that is, they are taken orally or administered intramuscularly only once. Therefore, in most cases, the side effects of antibiotic therapy (intestinal dysbiosis, candidiasis/thrush) do not have time to manifest themselves. Side effects antibiotics usually appear with longer use.

The only thing you should be wary of when preventing casual relationships is drug allergies. Therefore, if you are allergic to medications, be sure to inform your doctor.

How often can casual sex be prevented?

Prevention after casual sexual intercourse is a last resort (backup) method of preventing sexually transmitted diseases. It cannot be done frequently and therefore cannot be considered as an alternative to a condom (as many would like).

In addition, prophylaxis after casual sexual intercourse does not prevent the development of viral diseases (genital herpes, human papillomavirus infection/genital warts, HIV infection).

How effective is the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases with chlorhexidine (Gibitan, Miramistin, etc.)?

Prevention with chlorhexidine is not a very reliable method. She makes no guarantees. Moreover, in some cases, prophylaxis with chlorhexidine can do more harm than good. For example, a person, completely relying on this method, lives a promiscuous sex life, without a condom. However, he does not consider it necessary to be checked by a venereologist. As a result, he risks acquiring a whole “bouquet” of sexually transmitted diseases.

In women, douching with chlorhexidine can create favorable conditions for the development of bacterial vaginosis.

No one is safe from sexual intercourse that occurs by chance. Sexual contact may well turn out to be unprotected when a condom breaks, rape occurs, or sex with an unfamiliar young man occurs during a fun party while intoxicated. After casual relationships, prevention serves as protection against unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases.

Types of pathogens

Sexually transmitted diseases of an infectious nature have a different clinical picture and, depending on the culprit of infection, are:

The diseases are most often asymptomatic and begin to manifest themselves when complications arise. Therefore, prevention after casual relationships is a very important measure. To do this, you need to use protective equipment and take tests to check for infection.

Safe sexual behavior

  • Use of condoms: male and female. Their constant and correct use effectively prevents various STDs, including HIV infection. However, a condom cannot protect against diseases transmitted through skin contact.
  • It is advisable to use antiseptics for the genitals.
  • Regular preventive examinations, including laboratory diagnostics.
  • If the disease is detected, mandatory therapy and sexual abstinence are required.
  • Do not carry out self-treatment; it often leads to complications.

If unprotected sex suddenly happens, then for prevention after casual relationships, medications recommended by a doctor will help prevent a sexually transmitted disease. Provided they are taken in a timely manner.

Emergency prevention after casual relationships

Preventive measures in emergency cases can be carried out independently or at a specialized point for the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases. All manipulations should be done no later than two hours after sexual intercourse. To do this you need:

  • Urinate - after the end of sexual intercourse. Pathogenic microbes will come out of the urethra with urine.
  • Wash your thighs, pubis and external genitalia thoroughly with laundry soap.
  • Treat the genitals and adjacent skin areas with an antiseptic. For this purpose, Betadine or Miramistin are used. Using the nozzle, to prevent STDs after casual sex, inject 2 ml of solution into the urethra and 10 ml into the vagina. It is necessary to hold the drug inside for several minutes, then relax and the excess solution will pour out. After this, thoroughly treat the skin around the genitals and rinse thoroughly after two minutes. After using antiseptic solutions, it is advisable not to urinate for several hours.
  • Use medications that have an antiseptic effect and are made in the form of suppositories and tablets, for example, Chlorhexidine bigluconate or Povidone-iodine. One suppository or tablet is inserted into the vagina. For men, suppositories are made in the form of thin sticks for insertion into the urinary canal.

It is better to consolidate the result of self-treatment of the genitals by contacting a prevention center. After 3-4 weeks, be sure to undergo an examination for the presence of sexually transmitted diseases.

Medicines for the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases

When using medications, the incidence of sexually transmitted diseases is significantly reduced. STD prevention drugs after casual relationships, recommended by doctors:

Emergency prevention of STDs after casual sex for men

Measures to prevent sexually transmitted diseases in men immediately after casual relationships come down to the following actions:

  • Perform copious urination - some of the pathogenic microorganisms from the urethra will be washed out in the urine.
  • Wash your hands thoroughly, take a shower and wash your penis, thighs and buttocks well with soap.
  • Wipe the washed parts of the body with a dry towel and treat with Miramistin or Chlorhexedine.
  • Rinse the urethra with the same preparations. Insert the thin tip of the bottle into the urinary canal and inject three milliliters of solution into the urethra. Squeeze the hole for about two minutes and then release the solution. After the procedure, do not urinate for several hours.
  • Apply a sterile bandage to the penis and put on clean underwear.

It should be noted that these prevention measures after casual relationships for men have an effect only one hundred and twenty minutes after intimacy.

Emergency preventive measures for women

After casual sex with a stranger, to prevent infection from occurring, you must immediately take the following measures:

  • Go to the toilet and urinate.
  • Take a shower, and after washing your hands, thoroughly wash the external genitalia and the skin around them with soap.
  • Wipe the perineum dry and then treat it with a cotton swab moistened with a solution of Chlorhexidine or Miramistin.
  • Rinse the vagina. To do this, lie on your side with an oilcloth underneath. Insert the tip of the bottle into the vagina and inject a solution in a volume of no more than 10 ml, hold the entrance for a few minutes so that the liquid does not spill out.
  • Rinse the urethra. Introduce the solution, about 2 ml, and try to delay its pouring.
  • After completing the procedures, change your underwear to clean ones and do not urinate for at least two hours.

In order to prevent STDs for women after a casual relationship, after a minimum of three and a maximum of four weeks, it is recommended to undergo laboratory testing for sexually transmitted diseases.

Drug prophylaxis

It is usually used when there remains a high risk of infection, and the time allocated for emergency preventive measures has been omitted. If you suspect your partner is infected:

  • syphilis - use “Benzylpenicillin”;
  • gonorrhea - use "Cefixime";
  • Trichomonas - treatment is carried out with Tinidazole;
  • chlamydia - therapy is carried out with Azithromycin.

In cases where it is unknown what kind of sexually transmitted disease a partner has, they use a combination of drugs or use Safocid, which actively acts on commonly occurring sexually transmitted bacteria and some fungi. It should be noted that drug prophylaxis cannot be used frequently after casual relationships. Antibiotics have a detrimental effect on the gastrointestinal tract, killing beneficial bacteria and causing dysbiosis. In addition, pathogenic microorganisms may become accustomed to medicine, and their reception will be useless.

Consequences of prevention

Most of the drugs used for prevention are prescribed once. The antibiotic is used orally or intramuscularly only once. In most cases, negative manifestations of disruption of the intestinal microflora do not have time to express themselves. This requires taking medications for a longer period of time. But in any case, allergic reactions are possible. In addition, such prevention will not protect you from viral infections: herpes, papillomas and HIV infection.

It must be remembered that after casual relationships, prophylaxis carried out with drugs makes it possible to engage in unprotected sexual intercourse after five to six days. Until this point, you must use a condom. Drug prophylaxis is a last resort measure to prevent sexually transmitted diseases, so it is carried out only in exceptional cases. It should not be used as an alternative to a condom; it is hazardous to health.


Intimate relationships- This is an integral part of the life of any individual at fertile age. With a responsible approach to sexual relations, maintaining personal hygiene and using reliable contraceptives, no unpleasant incidents will arise. A condom is considered one of the simplest and most reliable means of prevention. It does not provide a 100% guarantee against all sexually transmitted diseases, but it certainly saves against the majority of sexually transmitted diseases. But, if for some reason unprotected sex occurs, prevention after an accidental relationship with the use of antibiotics is mandatory. And after 3-4 weeks, it is necessary to undergo a laboratory examination in order to be sure that there are no sexually transmitted diseases.

Unfortunately, fleeting dates threaten not only disappointment in your partner, but also the risk of catching an infection from a random partner.

Hidden infection

Contrary to popular belief, sexually transmitted infections (STIs) may not manifest themselves for a long time. However, the absence of symptoms does not mean that you are fine. The infection can lie dormant in the body for a while and then explode like a time bomb.

Where to go

If you suspect that you may have become infected during casual sexual contact, it is best to contact a dermatovenerological dispensary or a specialized medical center where dermatovenerologists see.

If after casual sexual intercourse you do not feel any unpleasant symptoms, then there is no need to immediately run to the dermatovenous dispensary. Tests become informative only a week after dangerous sex.

We get tested

On the 7-10th day after unprotected sexual intercourse, the doctor will prescribe scrapings from the mucous membranes of the genital organs for both the man and woman. Please note: for a correct analysis, it is not smears that are needed, but scrapings. For women, they will be taken from the vaginal mucosa and from the cervix - cervical canal. In men, a scraping is taken from the urethral mucosa. For women, these manipulations are painless, but for men, the procedure is noticeable - some discomfort in the urethra will be felt for 20 hours.

The resulting material will be sent to the laboratory to determine sexually transmitted infections using the PCR (polymerase chain reaction) method. This will identify chlamydia, ureaplasma, mycoplasma, gonococci, gardnerella, trichomonas, and human papillomavirus.

If you have practiced oral or anal sex, you must inform your doctor about this so that he can prescribe the appropriate tests. In these cases, on the 7-10th day after unprotected sexual intercourse, a scraping from the mucous membrane of the back wall of the pharynx and anus is needed for analysis.

Long-term consequences

4-6 weeks after casual sexual intercourse, you need to do a blood test to check for antibodies to syphilis (Wassermann reaction) and HIV. 

Antibodies will not be detected earlier, so there is no need to rush to take these tests immediately after unprotected sexual intercourse. Within a month after a casual relationship, the test will be negative, when in fact HIV may be present.

Unpleasant symptoms

But not all sexually transmitted infections are asymptomatic. Heavy purulent discharge from the urethra in men and from the vagina in women can be a manifestation of gonorrhea.

The first manifestation of syphilis is a hard, painless lump, an ulcer—a chancre. It appears 3-4 weeks after contact, and then may disappear without any treatment after 7-10 days. At this time, a person with syphilis is very contagious. If you have had casual, unprotected sexual intercourse (traditional, oral, anal contact), or a condom has broken during contact, or you simply doubt the sexual health of your partner, this is a reason to urgently contact a venereologist to preventing the possibility of contracting sexually transmitted infections

  • (STI).


With oral contact, the risk of contracting sexually transmitted infections is the same as with traditional contact. Such contacts transmit gonorrhea, syphilis, chlamydia, herpes virus, human papillomavirus; in the presence of microcracks, erosions, chafing, and inflammation of the skin of the glans penis, the risk of transmitting HIV infection increases. Therefore, there is a prevailing opinion that it is impossible to become infected by mistake during oral sex. If unprotected oral sex occurs, it is necessary to be examined for sexually transmitted infections, and in the first 72 hours after contact, drug prophylaxis should be carried out.

If there are no symptoms the next day after sexual intercourse, this does not guarantee that infection has not occurred. For such short period The incubation period does not pass for any sexually transmitted infection. If in doubt, it is better to take preventive medication, thereby protecting yourself as much as possible from unpleasant consequences.

If you decide to use sexual services for money, you must understand that you are not the first and not the only one on this list. In many places where such services are provided, regular medical examinations and examinations are not always carried out. The conclusion is obvious.

Video: "The doctor's answers to your questions. The condom broke during sex."


Please check prices for the prevention of sexually transmitted infections after an accidental unprotected relationship with our specialists or the clinic administrator. (The price can vary quite significantly depending on the set of drugs used).

In our clinic you can always get competent advice and qualified diagnosis and treatment.

If you have any doubts, don’t delay, call and come right now!!!

We work daily from 9-00 to 21-00.


It is not true to say that condoms, Miramistin and Chlorhexidine solutions are useless. All these measures reduce the risk of infection. However, in lately Increasingly, there are cases when, after protected contact, people turn to a specialist with complaints. This is largely due to the quality and storage rules of condoms and antiseptic solutions.

Appointments and consultations with doctors


Service name price, rub.
Flora smear 900
Bakposev from 1 600
Development of an individual treatment plan from 1 000
DNA diagnosis of latent infections (chlamydia, mycoplasma, ureaplasma, gardnerella, genital herpes, HPV, etc.) 300
Extensive development of an individual treatment plan from 2 500
Comprehensive analysis for major STIs 1 700
STI treatment from 3 500
Prevention after casual sexual intercourse (for 1 infection) from 1 000
PCR complex 12 3 000
Express blood tests (syphilis, HIV, hepatitis) 500 (per infection)

Gynecology (prices)

The time that has passed since intercourse is of great importance

The sooner you contact a venereologist, the higher the effectiveness of the prevention. Prevention is carried out in the first days after contact. It must be understood that this event is carried out when the patient does not yet have complaints or symptoms (i.e., when the incubation period has not passed).

Timely prevention minimizes the risk of developing sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)

Modern methods make it possible to carry out preventive measures for diseases such as gonorrhea, syphilis, trichomoniasis, chlamydia, latent infections, as well as HIV. Attempts to carry out independent tablet prophylaxis usually lead to chronic forms diseases and various complications. If you have the slightest doubt about your partner’s health, do not delay visiting a specialist. This can lead to more serious problems for your health!

Publications by doctors

On post-Soviet space Sexual life ceased to be a taboo topic back in the 90s. But sexually transmitted diseases remained something secret and terrible for many people. Hypocrisy, fear of exposure and public reproach often lead to dangerous delays in STD treatment.

Infection with papilloma virus

Human papillomavirus is a latent infection that is widespread among people of all ages. As a rule, it occurs in those who are active sex life. This virus is characterized a large number of strains, which are divided into low-, medium-, and also highly oncogenic.

Infectious pathologies that are transmitted during coitus are increasingly being registered by dermatovenerologists. Moreover, the number of patients includes men and women of different ages. Why are STDs so common? First of all, due to promiscuity, when unfamiliar partners have sex without using a condom. But many pathologies are asymptomatic, therefore, being a carrier of bacteria or viruses, a person does not know about it and infects his sexual partners.

IN last years The number of people infected with STDs (sexually transmitted diseases) is growing steadily. The increase in incidence is due to various reasons, such as frequent neglect of protective equipment, ignorance of the existence of prevention after accidental contacts, and large migration of the population both within the country and outside.

Answers to questions about prevention after casual relationships /

10.02.2018 Hello, I have a question on the head where the frenulum begins a little higher, only pimples appeared on the back side, appeared after oral sex on the same day, what could it be? 29.01.2018 If I have gonorrhea, how can I treat it? 28.01.2018 Hello, two days ago I had unprotected sexual intercourse with a person, most likely a carrier of sexually transmitted infections. When will it be possible to take tests (perhaps express tests) to detect sexually transmitted diseases, syphilis, and HIV? 28.11.2017 Hello, my regular partner started dripping fluid from the end of his penis, he went to get tested, they said gonorrhea, I don’t have any symptoms, no one had anything before, what should I do? 14.11.2017 Hello. After contact with an unfamiliar woman, after 3-4 days, my penis began to itch, white spots began to appear in my underpants, although I didn’t notice anything standing out and a burning sensation and pain appeared when I walk small, sometimes when I do small it comes out in the end blood. And every half hour I want to go to the toilet a little. What kind of disease? What is the name of? 23.10.2017 pain in the lower abdomen and a slight burning sensation at the tip of the penis and anus 15.10.2017 Good afternoon. 2 weeks after unprotected contact, red dots appeared on the head of the penis and after 3 days everything disappeared. Could this indicate that I have contracted a sexually transmitted disease? 17.08.2017 Good afternoon Please answer the question. Is it possible for secondary Syphilis to appear if you were treated at the first stage of syphilis with Ceftreaxone in 20 injections. The concern is a red rash on the chest and arms without itching (similar to roseola) 12.08.2017 Hello, after sexual intercourse small redness appeared like dots, but not on the entire head, there was no itching, no burning, no pain either, they appeared almost 2-3 days later, now 8 days have passed, the symptoms have not worsened but have not improved, what is this maybe what is the minimum incubation period?

What to do if unprotected sexual contact occurs (condom breaks, contact while intoxicated or drug intoxication etc.) with a casual partner?

In this case, three options are possible:

First: within a few days after such sexual contact, prevention (preventive treatment) is possible. It will prevent the development of bacterial sexually transmitted diseases (gonorrhea, chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, mycoplasmosis, syphilis, trichomoniasis). Prevention is carried out within several days after sexual intercourse. After 3-4 weeks you need to undergo examination by a venereologist. Preventive treatment regimens correspond to treatment regimens for a fresh, uncomplicated infection.

Second: you don’t have to carry out prophylaxis, wait 3-4 weeks, and then get examined by a venereologist. There is no point in being examined before 3-4 weeks, since during the incubation period there are no symptoms of the disease, and laboratory tests during this period are uninformative. The third, in most cases difficult to implement: you can convince your casual sexual partner to come to an appointment with a venereologist and be examined for sexually transmitted infections. If nothing is found on him, then you have not become infected with anything.

Which of the mentioned options is preferable? It depends on the specific situation. It is best to resolve this issue not independently, but together with a venereologist who will help assess the risk of infection.

How is the prevention of casual sex tolerated? Isn't it dangerous to health?

Most drugs prescribed for the prevention of casual relationships are prescribed once, that is, they are taken orally or administered intramuscularly only once. Therefore, in most cases, the side effects of antibiotic therapy (intestinal dysbiosis, candidiasis/thrush) do not have time to manifest themselves. Side effects of antibiotics usually appear with longer use.

The only thing you should be wary of when preventing casual relationships is drug allergies. Therefore, if you are allergic to medications, be sure to inform your doctor.

How often can casual sex be prevented?

Prevention after casual sexual intercourse is a last resort (backup) method of preventing sexually transmitted diseases. It cannot be done frequently and therefore cannot be considered as an alternative to a condom (as many would like).

In addition, prophylaxis after casual sexual intercourse does not prevent the development of viral diseases (herpes, genitals, human papillomavirus infection/genital warts, HIV infection).

How effective is the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases with chlorhexidine (Gibitan, Miramistin, etc.)?

Prevention with chlorhexidine is not a very reliable method. She makes no guarantees. Moreover, in some cases, prophylaxis with chlorhexidine can do more harm than good. For example, a person, completely relying on this method, lives a promiscuous sex life, without a condom. However, he does not consider it necessary to be checked by a venereologist. As a result, he risks acquiring a whole “bouquet” of sexually transmitted diseases.

In women, douching with chlorhexidine contributes to the development of bacterial vaginosis - gardnerellosis.