Vowels after sibilants and Ts (exercises and test). Spelling of vowels o-e-e after sibilants and ts

private school "Garant", Shkolnoye village, Crimea


I just read an article by E.G. Shatova “Formation of generalized knowledge when teaching spelling in the lesson system. New approach"(Russian language, No. 19/2001). I completely agree with the author of the article, since I have been working approximately according to this principle (formation of generalized knowledge) for about 20 years. We just live now in different countries(to my great regret), there has been less collaboration methodological work. I constantly subscribe to your newspaper, but somehow I didn’t dare to write, thinking that you have enough authors of your own. But now I took a risk: maybe my developments will come in handy.
I compiled my card with spelling patterns based on the generalization of the material. I will not give it to you in full, although I have been working on it for about 20 years, now I can definitely say that with its help it is much easier to develop writing literacy.
My experience is generalized in Crimea, and other Russian language teachers work on the card, and I systematically conduct seminars for them.

So, I offer my vision of the same topic - “Spelling of vowels o-e-e after sibilants and ts.” Only this is not a lesson plan, but only a set of necessary tasks, and how to arrange them is up to the teacher..
To begin with, I inform the students that there are only 4 hissing words in the Russian language -

    w, w, h, sch

I offer warm-up exercises to develop phonemic awareness and attention. (The number and necessity of such exercises is determined by the teacher.)

These special exercises, perceived as games, are simultaneously aimed at developing attention, developing the skills of analysis, synthesis, classification and generalization, and phonemic analysis. 3-5 minutes of the lesson are allotted for this work. . After the children have learned to easily perform these exercises, i.e. phonemic perception and attention are activated, you can start working on spelling patterns..

Exercise 1
Dictate sentences at the pace of a school dictation. Write out all the hissing ones
3. There is silence in the forest thicket, only the bees are buzzing over the rosehip flowers and the restless birds are chirping in the heights of the trees (ch w w w w w w w w w w w).
4. Miracles happen:
The snake was stung by a wasp,
She stung me in the stomach
It hurts terribly.
Here. (w w w w w w w w)

5. And Doctor Hedgehog said to Snake:
“I don't find anything.
But still I think
What's better than crawling on your back?
Until my stomach heals.
Here". (w w w w w h h w w w)

6. There are miracles in life:
The snake was stung by a wasp,
She stung me in the stomach
It hurts terribly.
Here. (w w w w w w w)

7. And Doctor Hedgehog said to Snake:
“I don't find anything.
But still I think
What's better than crawling on your back?
Until my stomach heals.
Here". (w w w w w h h w w w)

Task 2. Specify part of the word ( To oren – To or h A To ornemzk), which contains the spelling "Oeeafter the hissing andts" Please indicate the exception:excl, and verbs and verbal forms -G.

Sample: Yellow fluff – k, zk.

Black, seam, baked, overnight, yellow, walked, chocolate, twine, flows, purse, liver, bunny, comb, river, girl, gooseberry, highway, crack, cut, bear.

Answer:k, exc, g, g, k, g, exc, k, g, k, k, zk, k, zk, zk, exc, ex, k, g, zk.

Let's get acquainted with the spelling "about her after the hissing and ts".

a) in the root under the stress write e, if the word can be changed so that it is written e (and e yellow - w e fly); other words that are written with O at the root, let's call them exceptions;
b) behind the root (in the suffix and ending) under stress – O, without accent – e;
V) e– in verbs and verbal forms, i.e. words that are formed from verbs: baked - bake, overnight - overnight, stew - stew, condensed milk - thicken;
d) words with suffix -yor conductor, trainer, But dancer.

Task 3. There are several dozen roots in the Russian language, in which after the sibilants there is e. Write the words using the roots below. Make up phrases with them.

Task 4. To better remember exception words, at the root of which after the hissing words it is written O, read a humorous story that contains 24 such words. Draw an illustration for this story.

By highway the car was speeding. Sat in the cockpit chauffeur, and in the back they were shaking prim Scotsman, former majordomo, Zhora-glutton, jockey, juggler And saddler. Everyone was busy with their own business. Zhora ate chocolate and drank cruchon, juggler juggled gooseberries, stringing it on ramrod. The jockey and the saddler agreed on new blinkers for a horse. Scotsman primly was silent, closing his eyes hood . Everyone was in a mood major. As if they were going on a fun trip show. Suddenly I heard rustle. It's burst the seam on shorts

Gluttons are gluttons. Everyone was shocked And what happened.(With them, the children will willingly come up with the last sentence themselves.)

good welcome , I also use it when working on bugs. Now let's get started with writing about her after the hissing ones. We repeat this spelling. We draw students' attention to the fact that
of this rule

you need to be able to see the composition of a word and distinguish verbal forms and verbs from other parts of speech.(The term “verbal forms” refers to words that are formed from a verb. These are participles, verbal nouns, and adjectives. The need to determine the part of speech is eliminated, which simplifies the execution of actions.)

Task 5.

Complete the table using the words listed below. What words did you not include in the table? Why?

Behind the root under stress

In the root under stress

In verbs and verbal forms -yor

Exception words


Teddy Bear

Chocolate, glutton

Training apparatus 6, 9, 10, 19, 26, 27, 31, 32, 37.
Check yourself: 13, 23, 29, 38.
1st column: 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 12, 16, 18, 20, 22, 25, 34, 35, 36, 42, 44.
2nd column: 7, 40, 41, 43, 45.
3rd column: 4, 24, 30.
4th column: e 5th column: e Words with spellings are not included anywhere (but not) after sibilants, words with an unstressed suffix and adverb



This exercise helps to form a conscious approach to working with the spelling rule (orth. No. 14), identifies the stages of students’ mental activity when choosing a vowel. If a student has made a lot of mistakes, he can be asked to complete any exercise from a textbook or manual, and then fill out the same table with words from the exercise. The table will clearly show the typical mistakes of each student: if there are more errors in one column than in another, this means that the student did not learn this stage of the rule for some reason. For example, many words are incorrectly entered in the first column or verbs are not in the first column - this means that the student forgets or does not know how to highlight suffixes, or does not see the verbs..

Sh_gol, twine, chewy, lattice, zh_lob, seamless, girdle, stew_neck, camel_k, came, baked, count_t, gluttonous, ch_r_t, girl, mound, writhe, s_kovy, black_porn, stove, pebble, chew, condensed, shortened, hard, hot_, conductor, hut_m, knife_m, frog_nok, zh_lkler, zash_lka, study, rust_rokh, goose_berry, count, f_rdochka, river, night_stay, burn_t, comb_ska, ch_loch, ch_tky, sh_se, cat_lka, slap_china, slum_by, smoky, black.

Calculate the absorption rate of this spelling: each correctly written word = 2%.


Enough level.Insert the missing letters.

Bull_k, barrel_k, night_vka, paper_nka, ivy_m, smoke_nosti, knife_knife, intense, grandson, garage_m, liberated, stove_nka, condensed milk, girl_nka, extended, candle_y, zh_ngler, zh_ludy, crossed, zh_rdochka.

Average level. Write the text from dictation. Indicate spelling number 14.

On an early spring morning, when the sun was not yet hot and the air was fresh, the guys, led by an intern, fought the leaf beetle on pear and cherry plum trees in the old garden. A watchman is waiting for the children in the reed hut. Kuzmich's head is covered with a cap, a canvas shirt peeks out from under his jacket, and a red scarf is around his neck. Kuzmich shows the children homemade brushes and ratchets, then treats everyone to ripe gooseberries. And the guys offer him chocolates.

(From the book: D. Rosenthal, I. Golub. Russian language. M.: Iris, 1999.)

High level. Find and fix errors. Explain the spelling of words with spelling. No. 14, indicating the letter next to it (14a, 14b...). See the table at the beginning of the section.

The grandfather tells how he caught a bear cub in the thicket and taught him to dance. Imitating a bear cub, he acts either as a dancer or as a conductor. Then we put a barrel instead of a table and sit down to dinner. From the bags we take out stewed meat, condensed milk, pies with liver, smoked meats. The girls are making tea. From behind the nearby bushes a rustling sound is heard and a hare appears. Captivated by lunch, we do not pay any attention to it.


1. Write down the words in which errors were made based on this rule.
2. Figure out why the word had to be written that way.
3. Work through the table again, filling it out using the words from any exercise on this topic.
4. Create a similar task for a classmate yourself.
5. Write out words from a literary work with spelling. No. 14, explain graphically their spelling (highlight part of the word, put emphasis or indicate: excl.).

At the control stage, you can use other tasks that involve complex work with spelling and punctuation.

P.S. I subscribe to your newspaper with pleasure, although I can hardly afford it. In addition to the fact that she is a good assistant in my work, she is also a thread connecting me with Russia. Yes, the Russian language is not in honor in Ukraine now, like everything Russian.

Exercise 15. Insert vowels ( a, i, s, i, y, yu) after hissing ones. Give a phonetic transcription of the combination of sounds: hissing + vowel.

Parash..t, zh..zn, zh..rny, sh..bka, sh..tka, zh..ri, despair, ch..do, p..yes, ch..tky, sh..ka, sh..tka, squeeze, ch..sha, ch..ry, brooch..ra, feel..shat, snow..nka, drop..drop, sh..on, sh..lo, ch..gun, ch..s, J..l Vern, sh..rzh, sh..r, sh..ling, sh..rina, sh..fr, sh..shritsya , ch..stvo, ch..dovische, ch..fuzzy, ch..chelo, ch..sh, area..dka, ch..t-ch..t.

Exercise 16. Insert missing vowels after sibilants yo, oh, oh in the next couple of words. Justify the choice of vowel letter. Give the transcription of the combination: sibilant + vowel.

Grush..vka - cheap..vka, no princess..n - no w..n, book..nka - planters..nka, paper..nka - psh..nka, tush..nka (small carcass) - (beef) stew..nka, with rook..m - not with h..m, soul..nka - zh..nka, hedgehog..vy - cheap..vy, girl..nka - bake.. nka, sh..ry - conductor..ry, under the garage..m - (we) cut..m, mixed..n - harnessed..n, rattle..tka - sh..tka.

Exercise 17. yo, oh, oh after the hissing ones. Sort these words according to the appropriate rules.

Artish..k, lamb..k, seamless..wn, rich.., in black..m, camel..nock, ever..howl, wolf..nock, armed..n, speak generally.., sin..n, buzz..howl, girl..nka, money..nka, j..nka, j..ul, shower..nka, ruff..wy, more.., w..bath, w ..forehead, yellow, yellow, yellow, yellow, red, yellow, rnov, yellow, soft, yellow, yellow, yellow, bug, completed, extinguished ..howl, excess..k, Cossack..nok, shred..k, nag..nka, ladle..vyy, peg..k, traveling salesman..r, smoked..sausage, smoked..nosti, sidekick..k, korch..vka, cat..lka, red-skinned..go, goose..venny, kryush..n, kumach..vy, lily of the valley..vy, climb on the road..n, puddle.. to, ray..howl, peel..vka (from peeling), boy..chka, boy..nka, bear..nok, bag..h..k, mouse..nok, naked..m, inexperienced ..nost, no guts..k, clumsy.., no way..m, thread-twist..nka, knife..howl, knife..vka, scissors..nki, knife..nka, night..vka , doom..n, clothes..n, burn..g hand, burn..g hands, abstract..near..k, wig..k, brocade..wy, spider..k, alternating. .vka, shoulder..howl, plush..wy, under the reins..th, setting fire..g house, slap..slap, burn..g jacket, greedy..roasty, bee..lka, psh..nik , patch..k, five cats..k, delimited..bath, raskorch..vka, rask..ska, retouch..r, river..nka, river..nka, gr..tka, rzh.. t, from the dacha..th, from the tower..th, from the left-handed..th, from the reckless..m, from the baby..m, from the mirage..m, from the nosh..th, from the sales..th, with a tractor..m, planting..nki, locust..wy, fresh..on the street, condensed..nka, condensed..milk, embarrassment..nity, short-lived.., senior..r, old woman. .nka, stish..k, watch..howl, hundred-candle..lamp, wax..m, knot..k, flow..t, Torzh..k, rattle..tka, rattle..precise, slum ..ba, slum..bny, stew..meat, pork stew..nka, thousand..nka, depressing..n, uch..t, hour..k, thick..ba, ch..lka black ..sweat, sh..winism, sh..k, sh..colad, sh..mpol, sh..rkat, sh..rnichat, sh..rokh, sh..ry, sh..seiny, sh ..Tlandic, sh..fur, sh..naul, skirt..nka.

Exercise 18. Fill in the missing vowels yo, oh, oh after the hissing ones.

1. To the right, quietly whispering and occasionally shuddering from the rushing wind, the alder grove darkened (Turgenev). 2. The main street is paved and maintained in order (Chekhov). 3. Windfall, thicket - difficult places (A.N. Tolstoy). 4. A red flag flutters over the roof of the last hut (D. Bedny). 5. She went out into the street wearing only a skirt (A.N. Tolstoy). 6. Here too.. everything is also very general.. (Sholokhov). 7. I’m sitting behind bars in a damp dungeon (Pushkin). 8. A f... 9. The owner doesn’t give a penny in advance, he’s stubborn: no! Such a w..x (Veresaev). 10. Tired to hell (Mayakovsky). 11. So that the musicians do not freeze in the cold, they are given a barrel of vodka (Shishkov). 12. Shepherd Petya finds it difficult to live in the world (Yesenin). 13. A girl could always be distracted by some trifle (Iskander). 14. I was embarrassed and scared (Chaliapin). 15. American pork carcass was called (in our troops) canned food “second front” (Polevoy). 16. The voyager looked after him in amazement (Vs. Ivanov). 17. The frantic ch..tka was replaced by a whirlwind of a squat (Stepanov). 18. She just broke the pie and bit a piece (Pushkin). 19. Two rails are placed across the stream (Pushkin). 20. I was very funny in the costume of Mephistopheles (Chaliapin). 21. They reminded her of those young days when she, as a beautiful and naive girl, danced at parties (Fadeev). 22. At this time an old man came in (L. Tolstoy). 23. The glasses of large horn-rimmed glasses could not hide the tense and restless gaze that followed Polyakov’s (Rybakov) pencil. 24. I feel sorry for his cold, callous heart (Lermontov). 25. If my conversation makes your soul sparkle, you will become a sailor (Gladkov). 26. On the window, in the corner, stood modestly a penny inkwell with a yellowed goose feather (Mamin-Sibiryak). 27. I went out to the edge of the forest and wandered across the field between..th (Turgenev). 28. Wandering through the fields with their cats, the old men smiled (Yesenin). 29. A terrible fear rushed them through the darkness and impassable slums (Shishkov). 30. He was an exceptional and all-round artist: he was equally good... he ji... ngled, worked on the trapeze and on the horizontal bar (Kuprin).

Exercise 15. Insert vowels ( a, i, s, i, y, yu) after hissing ones. Give a phonetic transcription of the combination of sounds: hissing + vowel.

Parash..t, zh..zn, zh..rny, sh..bka, sh..tka, zh..ri, despair, ch..do, p..yes, ch..tky, sh..ka, sh..tka, squeeze, ch..sha, ch..ry, brooch..ra, feel..shat, snow..nka, drop..drop, sh..on, sh..lo, ch..gun, ch..s, J..l Vern, sh..rzh, sh..r, sh..ling, sh..rina, sh..fr, sh..shritsya , ch..stvo, ch..dovische, ch..fuzzy, ch..chelo, ch..sh, area..dka, ch..t-ch..t.

Exercise 16. Insert missing vowels after sibilants yo, oh, oh in the next couple of words. Justify the choice of vowel letter. Give the transcription of the combination: sibilant + vowel.

Grush..vka - cheap..vka, no princess..n - no w..n, book..nka - planters..nka, paper..nka - psh..nka, tush..nka (small carcass) - (beef) stew..nka, with rook..m - not with h..m, soul..nka - zh..nka, hedgehog..vy - cheap..vy, girl..nka - bake.. nka, sh..ry - conductor..ry, under the garage..m - (we) cut..m, mixed..n - harnessed..n, rattle..tka - sh..tka.

Exercise 17. yo, oh, oh after the hissing ones. Sort these words according to the appropriate rules.

Artish..k, lamb..k, seamless..wn, rich.., in black..m, camel..nock, ever..howl, wolf..nock, armed..n, speak generally.., sin..n, buzz..howl, girl..nka, money..nka, j..nka, j..ul, shower..nka, ruff..wy, more.., w..bath, w ..forehead, yellow, yellow, yellow, yellow, red, yellow, rnov, yellow, soft, yellow, yellow, yellow, bug, completed, extinguished ..howl, excess..k, Cossack..nok, shred..k, nag..nka, ladle..vyy, peg..k, traveling salesman..r, smoked..sausage, smoked..nosti, sidekick..k, korch..vka, cat..lka, red-skinned..go, goose..venny, kryush..n, kumach..vy, lily of the valley..vy, climb on the road..n, puddle.. to, ray..howl, peel..vka (from peeling), boy..chka, boy..nka, bear..nok, bag..h..k, mouse..nok, naked..m, inexperienced ..nost, no guts..k, clumsy.., no way..m, thread-twist..nka, knife..howl, knife..vka, scissors..nki, knife..nka, night..vka , doom..n, clothes..n, burn..g hand, burn..g hands, abstract..near..k, wig..k, brocade..wy, spider..k, alternating. .vka, shoulder..howl, plush..wy, under the reins..th, setting fire..g house, slap..slap, burn..g jacket, greedy..roasty, bee..lka, psh..nik , patch..k, five cats..k, delimited..bath, raskorch..vka, rask..ska, retouch..r, river..nka, river..nka, gr..tka, rzh.. t, from the dacha..th, from the tower..th, from the left-handed..th, from the reckless..m, from the baby..m, from the mirage..m, from the nosh..th, from the sales..th, with a tractor..m, planting..nki, locust..wy, fresh..on the street, condensed..nka, condensed..milk, embarrassment..nity, short-lived.., senior..r, old woman. .nka, stish..k, watch..howl, hundred-candle..lamp, wax..m, knot..k, flow..t, Torzh..k, rattle..tka, rattle..precise, slum ..ba, slum..bny, stew..meat, pork stew..nka, thousand..nka, depressing..n, uch..t, hour..k, thick..ba, ch..lka black ..sweat, sh..winism, sh..k, sh..colad, sh..mpol, sh..rkat, sh..rnichat, sh..rokh, sh..ry, sh..seiny, sh ..Tlandic, sh..fur, sh..naul, skirt..nka.

Exercise 18. Fill in the missing vowels yo, oh, oh after the hissing ones.

1. To the right, quietly whispering and occasionally shuddering from the rushing wind, the alder grove darkened (Turgenev). 2. The main street is paved and maintained in order (Chekhov). 3. Windfall, thicket - difficult places (A.N. Tolstoy). 4. A red flag flutters over the roof of the last hut (D. Bedny). 5. She went out into the street wearing only a skirt (A.N. Tolstoy). 6. Here too.. everything is also very general.. (Sholokhov). 7. I’m sitting behind bars in a damp dungeon (Pushkin). 8. A f... 9. The owner doesn’t give a penny in advance, he’s stubborn: no! Such a w..x (Veresaev). 10. Tired to hell (Mayakovsky). 11. So that the musicians do not freeze in the cold, they are given a barrel of vodka (Shishkov). 12. Shepherd Petya finds it difficult to live in the world (Yesenin). 13. A girl could always be distracted by some trifle (Iskander). 14. I was embarrassed and scared (Chaliapin). 15. American pork carcass was called (in our troops) canned food “second front” (Polevoy). 16. The voyager looked after him in amazement (Vs. Ivanov). 17. The frantic ch..tka was replaced by a whirlwind of a squat (Stepanov). 18. She just broke the pie and bit a piece (Pushkin). 19. Two rails are placed across the stream (Pushkin). 20. I was very funny in the costume of Mephistopheles (Chaliapin). 21. They reminded her of those young days when she, as a beautiful and naive girl, danced at parties (Fadeev). 22. At this time an old man came in (L. Tolstoy). 23. The glasses of large horn-rimmed glasses could not hide the tense and restless gaze that followed Polyakov’s (Rybakov) pencil. 24. I feel sorry for his cold, callous heart (Lermontov). 25. If my conversation makes your soul sparkle, you will become a sailor (Gladkov). 26. On the window, in the corner, stood modestly a penny inkwell with a yellowed goose feather (Mamin-Sibiryak). 27. I went out to the edge of the forest and wandered across the field between..th (Turgenev). 28. Wandering through the fields with their cats, the old men smiled (Yesenin). 29. A terrible fear rushed them through the darkness and impassable slums (Shishkov). 30. He was an exceptional and all-round artist: he was equally good... he ji... ngled, worked on the trapeze and on the horizontal bar (Kuprin).

Without stress, “e” is written after sibilants;

Under stress

After all hissing words, except “Ts” after “Ts”

root suff., ending under stress
can be checked can't be verified noun, adj., adv. verb, participle, place. WHAT
Yo whisper - whisper, silk - silky, black - blacken EXCL.: burn, arson Oh rustle, saddler, shock O a) graduated noun dugout, bend, sword, candle, ivy b) graduated adj. someone else's, big c) suff. noun-ok-, -onok-, -onk(a) favor, hook bear, girl d) suff. adj.-ov, - he is a hedgehog, a canvas d) suff. adv. fresh, already, good. EXCL.: - suff. -yovk- from the verb: uprooting; - -yer- trainee simulator - -yon from the verb: smoked, soaked Yo a) graduated verb : lies, flows, burned b) suff -yow: uproot c) suffer. prib. defeated, surrounded d) places WHAT'S IN COSV. cases:

about what, in what..

About the sheep, the clatter, the end EXCL.: foreign language.words. duke, mezzo, palazzo (“O” unaccented):


Exercise 1.

Fill in the missing letters in the root

strong sh...v


hold on...porn

set fire to the house

fashionable hairstyle

stale bread

talk sh...later

fluffy fur

complex calculation...t

chocolate ice cream

set the grass on fire

buy cheap


silk suitquiet noises:

clean with a brush

Exercise 2.

Insert the missing letters

gather in a circle

end in failure

cover with brick...m

tough nut to crack


stay prude

to be shy about a stranger

hot... to argue

open the door key...m

cut with a knife...m

indignant tone

buzzing bees...l

canvas bag...


overnight in the forest

yellow... yellow goose... penetrated

buy sh...rts

major tone

amazed by beautyI have nothing to do with it:

push your shoulders...m

Exercise 3. . Insert the missing letters

bach...k, borzh...mi, doctor...m, cross out, hot..., rook...nok, girl...nka, f...vany, w.. .kay, lit...ny, zucchini...k, kalanch...th, kalach...m, hood...n, key...m, newlywed...n, under...t, obzh ...ra, sad...n, pepper...n, stove...n, shoulder...m, arson...g (house), swing...n, lattice, handle...n, fresh..., dog...nka, battle...n, dry...sn...y, crush...s, rattle...t, slum...bah, thicket...bah, sh.. .lk, sh...gol, grub...skirt...nka.

Exercise 4

Fill in the missing letters after “ts”:

concrete base...col

ts...tick with horseshoes

turn around



buy rings...

go out onto the porch...

elegant mirror...

young dancer

dance evening

prance on a horse

building cladding

bad ending

meeting with Olympians

cup and saucer...mI have nothing to do with it.

Grand Hertz...g

Spelling "y" / "i" after "ts"


Strong muscles...,

long eyelashes...,

your peers...

new information

hotel construction...

stumpy tail

chubby young man

walk on your feet

oil tank...stern

buy a bond

get compensation

lead along the bridle...

The Prince of Seville

turtle shell

metro station reflexive verbs. Spelling a hard character.

Soft sign :

Solid sign written only before vowels e, e, yu, i;

– after consonant prefixes ( volume);

After foreign language priests: counter, sub, super, trans, ab, dis, in, inter, ex, pan-;

In compound words after the first part - two-, three-, four-...


About the sheep, the clatter, the end EXCL.: foreign language.Insert a soft sign where necessary.

Youngest daughter.....

problem solving...

autumn landscape.....

the joy of meeting.....

fashionable raincoat...

a mouse ran by.....

old sword.....


cut... cake

run away...

flowing slowly...

rush at a gallop.....

thick rye.....

make a..... summary

bitter... memories

got married…

public speech...

guard... treasures

open wide.....

Soccer game…

Exercise 2. Insert a hard or soft sign where necessary.

Subjective view, market conditions, see you again..., two...bunk bed, two...story house, maintain subordination, open wide..., off..., old comrade..., flickering candles..., three...speed engine, captivates... with itself, many tasks..., dir... bread, eat... soup, remember... poems, this is a lie...

Exercise 15. Insert vowels ( a, i, s, i, y, yu) after hissing ones. Give a phonetic transcription of the combination of sounds: hissing + vowel.

Parash..t, zh..zn, zh..rny, sh..bka, sh..tka, zh..ri, despair, ch..do, p..yes, ch..tky, sh..ka, sh..tka, squeeze, ch..sha, ch..ry, brooch..ra, feel..shat, snow..nka, drop..drop, sh..on, sh..lo, ch..gun, ch..s, J..l Vern, sh..rzh, sh..r, sh..ling, sh..rina, sh..fr, sh..shritsya , ch..stvo, ch..dovische, ch..fuzzy, ch..chelo, ch..sh, area..dka, ch..t-ch..t.

Exercise 16. Insert missing vowels after sibilants yo, oh, oh in the next couple of words. Justify the choice of vowel letter. Give the transcription of the combination: sibilant + vowel.

Grush..vka - cheap..vka, no princess..n - no w..n, book..nka - planters..nka, paper..nka - psh..nka, tush..nka (small carcass) - (beef) stew..nka, with rook..m - not with h..m, soul..nka - zh..nka, hedgehog..vy - cheap..vy, girl..nka - bake.. nka, sh..ry - conductor..ry, under the garage..m - (we) cut..m, mixed..n - harnessed..n, rattle..tka - sh..tka.

Exercise 17. yo, oh, oh after the hissing ones. Sort these words according to the appropriate rules.

Artish..k, lamb..k, seamless..wn, rich.., in black..m, camel..nock, ever..howl, wolf..nock, armed..n, speak generally.., sin..n, buzz..howl, girl..nka, money..nka, j..nka, j..ul, shower..nka, ruff..wy, more.., w..bath, w ..forehead, yellow, yellow, yellow, yellow, red, yellow, rnov, yellow, soft, yellow, yellow, yellow, bug, completed, extinguished ..howl, excess..k, Cossack..nok, shred..k, nag..nka, ladle..vyy, peg..k, traveling salesman..r, smoked..sausage, smoked..nosti, sidekick..k, korch..vka, cat..lka, red-skinned..go, goose..venny, kryush..n, kumach..vy, lily of the valley..vy, climb on the road..n, puddle.. to, ray..howl, peel..vka (from peeling), boy..chka, boy..nka, bear..nok, bag..h..k, mouse..nok, naked..m, inexperienced ..nost, no guts..k, clumsy.., no way..m, thread-twist..nka, knife..howl, knife..vka, scissors..nki, knife..nka, night..vka , doom..n, clothes..n, burn..g hand, burn..g hands, abstract..near..k, wig..k, brocade..wy, spider..k, alternating. .vka, shoulder..howl, plush..wy, under the reins..th, setting fire..g house, slap..slap, burn..g jacket, greedy..roasty, bee..lka, psh..nik , patch..k, five cats..k, delimited..bath, raskorch..vka, rask..ska, retouch..r, river..nka, river..nka, gr..tka, rzh.. t, from the dacha..th, from the tower..th, from the left-handed..th, from the reckless..m, from the baby..m, from the mirage..m, from the nosh..th, from the sales..th, with a tractor..m, planting..nki, locust..wy, fresh..on the street, condensed..nka, condensed..milk, embarrassment..nity, short-lived.., senior..r, old woman. .nka, stish..k, watch..howl, hundred-candle..lamp, wax..m, knot..k, flow..t, Torzh..k, rattle..tka, rattle..precise, slum ..ba, slum..bny, stew..meat, pork stew..nka, thousand..nka, depressing..n, uch..t, hour..k, thick..ba, ch..lka black ..sweat, sh..winism, sh..k, sh..colad, sh..mpol, sh..rkat, sh..rnichat, sh..rokh, sh..ry, sh..seiny, sh ..Tlandic, sh..fur, sh..naul, skirt..nka.

Exercise 18. Fill in the missing vowels yo, oh, oh after the hissing ones.

1. To the right, quietly whispering and occasionally shuddering from the rushing wind, the alder grove darkened (Turgenev). 2. The main street is paved and maintained in order (Chekhov). 3. Windfall, thicket - difficult places (A.N. Tolstoy). 4. A red flag flutters over the roof of the last hut (D. Bedny). 5. She went out into the street wearing only a skirt (A.N. Tolstoy). 6. Here too.. everything is also very general.. (Sholokhov). 7. I’m sitting behind bars in a damp dungeon (Pushkin). 8. A f... 9. The owner doesn’t give a penny in advance, he’s stubborn: no! Such a w..x (Veresaev). 10. Tired to hell (Mayakovsky). 11. So that the musicians do not freeze in the cold, they are given a barrel of vodka (Shishkov). 12. Shepherd Petya finds it difficult to live in the world (Yesenin). 13. A girl could always be distracted by some trifle (Iskander). 14. I was embarrassed and scared (Chaliapin). 15. American pork carcass was called (in our troops) canned food “second front” (Polevoy). 16. The voyager looked after him in amazement (Vs. Ivanov). 17. The frantic ch..tka was replaced by a whirlwind of a squat (Stepanov). 18. She just broke the pie and bit a piece (Pushkin). 19. Two rails are placed across the stream (Pushkin). 20. I was very funny in the costume of Mephistopheles (Chaliapin). 21. They reminded her of those young days when she, as a beautiful and naive girl, danced at parties (Fadeev). 22. At this time an old man came in (L. Tolstoy). 23. The glasses of large horn-rimmed glasses could not hide the tense and restless gaze that followed Polyakov’s (Rybakov) pencil. 24. I feel sorry for his cold, callous heart (Lermontov). 25. If my conversation makes your soul sparkle, you will become a sailor (Gladkov). 26. On the window, in the corner, stood modestly a penny inkwell with a yellowed goose feather (Mamin-Sibiryak). 27. I went out to the edge of the forest and wandered across the field between..th (Turgenev). 28. Wandering through the fields with their cats, the old men smiled (Yesenin). 29. A terrible fear rushed them through the darkness and impassable slums (Shishkov). 30. He was an exceptional and all-round artist: he was equally good... he ji... ngled, worked on the trapeze and on the horizontal bar (Kuprin).