Mushroom era complete walkthrough of the game with pictures! The key to the game is the mushroom era.

Have you found the walkthrough for the game Mushroom Age from Nevosoft? Then download the game and help the bride find her missing groom. Tom Scout has disappeared from the time laboratory, which means a journey through the eras awaits you!

The developers are so confused storyline quest that passing the game Mushroom Era will come in handy. The full version of the mini-game invites you to travel through different eras and help the main character find her groom lost in time.

The wedding is coming soon, and the bride searched for her future husband. I don’t want to think that Tom Scott simply doesn’t want to tie the knot. Go on exciting adventures and dispel Veronica's doubts.

How to pass

First you need to download the game Mushroom Era for free. And then go with Veronica to the time laboratory. Yes, Tom is a scientist who studies time. And on the night before the wedding he was supposed to drop by for an hour workplace to pick up important papers. And he didn't return. An eccentric professor sits in the laboratory and talks all sorts of nonsense about some urgent business trip. Move the eccentric from his place and search the laboratory.

True, he will still agree to help you in exchange for a photograph of his beloved wife. Quickly look for it, present it to the professor and take the key to the room with Tom’s personal belongings. And here is Tom's cell phone! But in it you find a call dated 3009 AD. How can this be? Go to the professor and interrogate him with passion!

Many interesting missions await you in the toy. To make friends with a dinosaur, treat its fangs. You can count on the support of a primitive man only if you convince him that you are a great spirit who is capable of producing fire. Be careful and persistent, and you will definitely succeed!

Time travel

The interrogation yielded results! Tom's cell phone is nothing more than a time machine. Either the scientific genius has lost his mind, or technology has decided to interfere in the lives of the main characters. Worth checking out! But before you go through times and eras, you need to get the key to the game Mushroom Era. Need full version Nevosoft mini-games to be able to complete all the adventures. Get the key for free and enjoy vibrant and memorable gameplay. Is waiting for you.

1-1. Bring Professor Einbock out of his faint.
We take a rag, moisten it with ammonia and let the professor smell it.

*all pictures can be enlarged by clicking on them

1-2. Find a photo of the scientist's wife.
Use the screwdriver lying on the table behind the flower to unscrew the clock on the wall. The photo of the professor's wife is there.

1-3. Find objects by silhouettes.
To enter the laboratory, you need to swipe your plastic card against the door lock.

Walkthrough of the game Mushroom Era - CHAPTER 2: Year 3008

2-1. Reboot the robot by choosing a password word.
There are people here different variants: CHIP, PROCESSOR, PROFESSOR, RESET. Perhaps there are others too.

2-2. Open the gate and go inside.
First you need to screw the light bulb into the lantern. Using the found key, open the top shelf; We take a sledgehammer from this shelf.

We hit the cabinet doors with a sledgehammer and take away the oil can and a can of gasoline. Pour gasoline into the lawnmower and lubricate it with oil from an oil can. After this, the lawn mower can work, we mow the grass with it, and we find a key on the ground. We open the gate and enter.

2-3. Collect signs from graves .
Go back for the shovel that was left behind the gate to dig up one of the signs under the fresh turf.
When necessary, use the hints.
Turn on the hologram.

Walkthrough of the game Mushroom Age - CHAPTER 3: Elixir of "understanding"

3-1. Collect all the zodiac signs in the house of Nostradamus .
When necessary, use the hints.

3-2. 3-3. Arrange the zodiac signs.
The solution options may vary greatly, but an example can be arranged as follows:

3-4. Collect ingredients for the Elixir of Understanding.
When necessary, use the hints.

Walkthrough of the game Mushroom Age - CHAPTER 4: Jurassic

4-1. Think for yourself what to do.
We collect five cockroaches and scare the lizard with them. She eventually climbs high onto a rock, where she gets caught in the teeth of a pterodactyl, after which it flies away.

4-2. Make the Dinosaur talk.
We collect fruits, dip them in the elixir of understanding and give them to the dinosaur.

4-3.Cure Dino's caries.
In the mouth we find a bone and branches. We combine them into a panicle.
We leave the mouth and find two ropes. We wrap one rope around the resulting panicle and clean out all the germs. We tie the second rope to the yellow tooth and pull it out.

4-4. Explain to Dino what is edible and what is inedible.

4-5. Help Dino collect all the eggs.

4-6. Restore photo.

Mushroom Age Walkthrough - CHAPTER 5: Caveman

5-1. Enter into dialogue with the caveman.
To fold the ladder, you need to get 8 sticks. We put the ladder against the tree and pick an apple.
After this, we soak the apple in the elixir, go into the cave, pull back the fur curtain and treat the caveman with fruit.

5-2. Collect wood for the fire.

5-3. Light a fire.
We collect tree bark. In the cave behind the moss on the right we find a hammer and break off a small piece of silicon in the left corner.
On the street, we put all the firewood in the fireplace, dry bark on top and, to get a spark, hit flint on flint.

5-4. Arrange the species according to evolution and what they ate.

1-1. Bring Professor Einbock out of his faint.
We take a rag, moisten it with ammonia and let the professor smell it.

1-2. Find a photo of the scientist's wife.
Use the screwdriver lying on the table behind the flower to unscrew the clock on the wall. The photo of the professor's wife is there.

1-3. Find objects by silhouettes.
To enter the laboratory, you need to swipe your plastic card against the door lock.

Walkthrough of the game Mushroom Era - CHAPTER 2: Year 3008

2-1. Reboot the robot by choosing a password word.
There are different options: CHIP, PROCESSOR, PROFESSOR, RESET. Perhaps there are others too.

2-2. Open the gate and go inside.
First you need to screw the light bulb into the lantern. Using the found key, open the top shelf; We take a sledgehammer from this shelf.

We hit the cabinet doors with a sledgehammer and take away the oil can and a can of gasoline. Pour gasoline into the lawnmower and lubricate it with oil from an oil can. After this, the lawn mower can work, we mow the grass with it, and we find a key on the ground. We open the gate and enter.

2-3. Collect signs from graves .
Go back for the shovel that was left behind the gate to dig up one of the signs under the fresh turf.
When necessary, use the hints.
Turn on the hologram.

Walkthrough of the game Mushroom Age - CHAPTER 3: Elixir of "understanding"

3-1. Collect all the zodiac signs in the house of Nostradamus .
When necessary, use the hints.

3-2. 3-3. Arrange the zodiac signs.
The solution options may vary greatly, but an example can be arranged as follows:

3-4. Collect ingredients for the Elixir of Understanding.
When necessary, use the hints.

Walkthrough of the game Mushroom Age - CHAPTER 4: Jurassic

4-1. Think for yourself what to do.
We collect five cockroaches and scare the lizard with them. She eventually climbs high onto a rock, where she gets caught in the teeth of a pterodactyl, after which it flies away.

4-2. Make the Dinosaur talk.
We collect fruits, dip them in the elixir of understanding and give them to the dinosaur.

4-3.Cure Dino's caries.
In the mouth we find a bone and branches. We combine them into a panicle.
We leave the mouth and find two ropes. We wrap one rope around the resulting panicle and clean out all the germs. We tie the second rope to the yellow tooth and pull it out.

4-4. Explain to Dino what is edible and what is inedible.

4-5. Help Dino collect all the eggs.

4-6. Restore photo.

Mushroom Age Walkthrough - CHAPTER 5: Caveman

5-1. Enter into dialogue with the caveman.
To fold the ladder, you need to get 8 sticks. We put the ladder against the tree and pick the apple.
After this, we soak the apple in the elixir, go into the cave, pull back the fur curtain and treat the caveman with fruit.

5-2. Collect wood for the fire.

5-3. Light a fire.
We collect tree bark. In the cave behind the moss on the right we find a hammer and break off a small piece of silicon in the left corner.
On the street, we put all the firewood in the fireplace, dry bark on top and, to get a spark, hit flint on flint.

5-4. Arrange the species according to evolution and what they ate.

11-1. Explore the house of Nostradamus.
We look for objects by silhouettes.
The poker to open the door is in the chest.
There is a recess on the door jamb. We press, the stone pedestal moves away, behind it is a mask. There is a bag hanging on the same doorpost. We throw it off, there is a key in it.
In the closet we take the cross from the top shelf.
We move the mirror towards the closet (there is a dark spot on the floor where it should be placed). We insert a cross into the opened place - the cache is open.

11-2. Turn on the hologram.

*all pictures can be enlarged by clicking on them

11-3. Help Nostradamus think.

We select drawings in pairs.

11-4. Play solitaire.

We collect 2 identical cards. Please note that you can only take those that are on top!
The Joker can be paired with any card.

11-5. Decipher the drawing.

11-6. Build a time machine

Walkthrough of the game Mushroom Age - CHAPTER 12: The smartest

Walkthrough of the game Mushroom Era - CHAPTER 13: Volume

13-1. Enter the cemetery.
We move the boxes, take three gears and insert them into the device on the doors, press the switch.

In the garage, we remove the rag from the bedside table and open it, take out the key from there. This key goes to the top locker, from there we take out the second key, now you can open the gate.

13-2. Clear Tom's subconscious.

13-3. Call Tom for a conversation.
On the bed behind the pillows we take a crowbar and a screwdriver. We take out a piece of the drum from the cabinet. Using a crowbar, we open the third top drawer, take the bottle, it slips out and breaks, we take out the key, remove all the books and find another piece of the drum. On the right side of the shelves we take out two more pieces of drum along with drumsticks. We look at the drum set: behind the column we find another piece of the drum. In the same place, you can use a screwdriver to remove the grille and take out the key from there. Both of these keys fit the cabinet doors, open them.
Use a bat to break the glass of the top shelf. We move the saxophone and take another piece of the drum there. Then we remove all the books from the bottom shelf, we also see a fragment of the drum. Having collected all the drums, we place them in their places on the drum set and begin to hit them with sticks.

13.4. See what Tom has in his nursery.
We collect objects based on silhouettes.

13-5. Collect all the sacred fangs.
Just like in the beginning there is fresh turf, which means you need to take a shovel. And one fang near the canister at the gate. If necessary, use hints.

Walkthrough of the Mushroom Age - CHAPTER 14: Cave Philosophy

14-1. Find all the imaginary shadows in the cave.

14-2. Deduce the Absolute by assembling basic ideas.
- fruits + swimming -> health (snake);
- health -> mind (brain);
- mind -> love (heart); good (sun); compassion (eye);
- love -> loneliness (broken hearts);
- good -> evil (skull);
- compassion -> cruelty (fist).

14-3. Collect all representatives of the fauna.

14-4. Help the guest fix the radar.
We collect 5 parts of the antenna, hammer, stones. We light a fire with a flint and heat the antenna in it. Use a hammer to straighten the hot antenna.

Mushroom Age Walkthrough - CHAPTER 15: The Battle for Democracy

15-1. Explore the house of Socrates.
We look for objects by silhouettes. If necessary, use hints.

15-2. Restore democracy in Athens.
We collect 5 tunics and 5 reliable people and dress them. We send them to the bank, they will get the money there.
We take the money to the wine warehouse, and for this we get 2 barrels of excellent wine.
We distribute a barrel each to the guards and troops.
We take the clothes and dress the naked people.
Dressed people + warehouse with weapons = armed, dressed people.
Armed, clothed people + titan's palace = overthrown titan + new government.
New government + palace = money from the palace.
We return the money from the palace to the bank.
We wake up the sleeping warriors and take away their weapons from the population.

15-3. Reboot the robot.
There are different possible answers - ARISTOCRACY, PEOPLE'S AUTHORITY or others.