What natural materials is the notebook made of? How a book is born: the secrets of making paper

Paper has become so firmly established in our lives that using it, we do not think about its origin and production. Although every person knows what paper is made of. But the process of turning a tree into thin white leaves is not known to many. So how is paper made?
The papermaking industry is engaged in papermaking. The most common is its production from wood. Wood pulp is produced from forest woods. In order to understand how they do it, we will take a virtual tour of the factory.
Raw materials are delivered there unprocessed. Here, the bark is peeled off the tree, and then it is chopped into chips on special machines. Then there are some papers. The simplest mechanical one. In this method, the crushed chips are mixed with water and further processed. As a result, the paper is not very high quality, which is used for the production of newspapers. In order to obtain raw materials of good, high quality, a chemical method of its production is used. With this method, the chips are sized and boiled. This process takes place using acid in specially designed machines. After cooking, the resulting mass is washed and foreign matter is removed. The resulting raw material is subjected to subsequent processing to produce a certain
In order to get the raw material, glue is added. This gives it a water-repellent effect. The resins added during the manufacturing process keep the ink from flowing and make the writing easy to read. The paper intended for printing does not require such additives, because the inks used for this are not water-based.
To make the paper white and opaque, the raw materials are dyed with special dyes and pigments. After all the operations carried out, the process of production of raw materials begins. Machines move the resulting slurry from one shaft to another, on which the mesh is stretched. In this case, the formation of a paper sheet occurs. The water that was in the raw material gradually flows out through the holes in the mesh. The fibers intertwine and form rolls. Further, the canvas undergoes a series of operations, as a result of which the paper is obtained, which we are used to having in our everyday life. The rollers through which the green web passes are pressed, dried and polished. After that, it is additionally pressed and dried. At the exit, rolls of paper are received, which are used for their intended purpose. They are cut or sent in rolls for later use. In the process of making paper, many special machines are used. All labor is mechanized. But, nevertheless, this is a very valuable material. Therefore, knowing what and how the paper is made, you begin to perceive it more carefully. After all, 17 trees are needed to produce 1 ton of paper.

For the production of paper, they also use it. Earlier, a massive collection of waste paper was organized in the country. After cleaning from ink, it is added to paper raw materials during the production process. Paper is a required attribute modern life... It is even difficult to imagine that its first inventors were the Chinese. For a long time, they did not reveal the secret of how paper is made.
Paper is used in various areas of our lives. Napkins, notebooks, books, toys, wallpaper, money are made from it. It is perhaps impossible to list the entire list of where paper is used. In some cases, it is simply irreplaceable and is the only suitable material. New ones reveal more and more possibilities for its application.

My synopsis


LESSON 58 What is paper made of?

Theme. What is the paper made of?

Purpose: to give students an understanding of papermaking; open the mind; bring up respect To natural resources, respect for people of work.


I ... Organizing time

II ... Communication of the topic and purpose of the lesson

Guess riddles.

He is silent, but he will teach a hundred fools.

White field, black seed, who sows it, he understands.

What is the answer to these riddles? (Book)

What is the book made of?

Today in the lesson you will learn what a person makes paper from.

III ... Perception and awareness of new material

1. Teacher's story

The paper is produced in a paper mill. Pine and spruce logs are brought from the forest to the factory. Special machines rip off the bark from them and grind them into chips. Then the pieces are boiled in a special liquid. Paper is made from boiled wood on porous machines, and it is wound into huge rolls. The rolls are sent to book factories. Here they are cut into sheets and made from them books and notebooks.

What other materials are used to make paper?

Learn how people made paper in ancient times.

2. Physical education

IV ... Generalization and systematization of the knowledge gained

1. Do you know what? ..

Paper was invented in China. The Chinese made it from soaked plant fibers. Paper reached Europe between 1000 and 1100. It turned out that it can be made from wood, rags and even ... from old paper - waste paper. So it turned out that the paper could be used twice!

To make 1 ton of paper, you need 5.6 m3 of wood. Considering that the average volume of one log (tree) is 0.33 m3, then 17 trees are required to produce 1 ton of paper.

And from 1 ton of paper, about 30 thousand ordinary student notebooks can be made.

2. Drawing up a diagram

Make the correct chain, wood paper notebook wood

(wood ----- woodwork ---- - paper ------ notebook)

How is a notebook made from a tree?

There are different types of paper. Where are they used? (Demo collection different types paper.)

What is paper used for?

Is it easy to get paper?

How should we treat our notebooks, textbooks, after all, these are felled trees? And to grow an adult tree, you need at least 60 years.

And also furniture, dishes, toys are made of wood. (Show)

3. Conversation

A person needs different products: dishes, clothes, books and other things.

Where does a person get the material for their manufacture?

Nature is rich and varied. She generously shares her gifts with a person. A person receives from nature various plants, fish, birds, animals, raw materials for the manufacture of materials, objects.

What should people pay attention to when extracting different materials in nature? (To get them no more than necessary, spend sparingly, plant new trees, restore the land on site, use the recycling of raw materials.)

V. Lesson summary

What question was answered in the lesson?

Who now knows what books and notebooks can be made of?

And what do you think, today in the lesson we learned about all natural materials from which you can make items of clothing, dishes?

Books will help you with this. (Acquaintance with the exhibition of books.)

Appendix to Lesson 58

Solution logical tasks“What is“ superfluous ”? Why?"

Maple leaf, oak leaf, birch leaf, sheet of paper. ... Wardrobe, table, fork, book.

Car, scissors, knife, pencil.

Pencil, book, notebook, notebook.

But how do you get a beautiful notebook, book or pack of white sheets from a huge tree? Let's figure it out together.

How paper is made

The paper is produced in paper mills. Logs are brought from the forest to the factory. Most often they use pine, spruce, birch, as well as eucalyptus, poplar, chestnut.

On a special site, the bark is ripped off from the logs and crushed into chips. Then, on a conveyor belt, the fragments are transported to a pulp mill, where they are cooked in a special solution. The result is cellulose - the main raw material for papermaking.

Interesting! From one tree, 2857 notebooks of 12 pages are obtained. It takes 60 years to grow a mature tree. That is why it is important to use textbooks and notebooks with care, because they are all felled trees.

The most economical way to get wood pulp is mechanical... The woodworking company crushes the timber into chips and mixes it with water. This is how poor quality paper is made - for example, for newspapers.

But for the manufacture of high-quality paper - for magazines, books and brochures - they use chemical method... With the help of sieves, the fragments are sorted by size. Then the chopped wood with the addition of acid is cooked in special machines.

Then the cellulose passes through filters and is washed free of impurities. At this stage, waste paper can be added to the raw material, but it must be cleaned of ink first.

The next step is to add adhesives and resins. The first ones repel moisture, the second ones prevent ink spreading, which are often made on a water basis. It is thanks to these processes that what is written in your notebook is not smeared and is easy to read. Printing paper does not require such gluing, because printing inks are not prepared on a water basis.

But that's not all. Then pigments and dyes are added to the paper raw material. For example, the white color of paper is obtained by adding kaolin.

After that, the pulp enters the paper machine on a conveyor belt. Here, using tiny porous holes and wringing with various rollers, moisture is removed from the paper and a continuous roll tape is formed.

At the stage of "wet pressing" the paper is finally dried, dewatered and compacted. The result is an even white tape wrapped around a huge roll. The paper is ready! Can be sent to book factories. There, the paper web is cut to create books and notebooks.

You can learn all the intricacies of paper production from the video.

How are books made?

So, after the author writes the text, and the editor of the publishing house approves it, it begins proofreading process... The work is checked for errors. Ideally, the proofreader team will proofread the text multiple times. After that, illustrations are selected for the book.

Then begins layout... Using a special computer program, the layout designer selects the format of the book, the size of the margins, types and sizes of fonts, determines the location of illustrations and text.

The next stage is called color separation... Did you know that in order to print the cover of a fashion magazine you only need four colors: blue, pink, yellow and black? Therefore, now the designer must divide all illustrations into four components.

The most crucial stage is book printing... The ink is rolled out to a thin layer with the help of rollers on the printing machine, fed to the printing plate, which rotates and prints the image on a continuous turn of paper.

Interesting! Printing workers can print several thousand sheets in one shift.

It is difficult to imagine any book without a cover. Therefore, the next stage is the creation of the "face" of the future book. If the cover is ready, it is placed on the book block and trimmed. If a hard cover is being made, the book is trimmed before the cover is glued.

That's all - the book is ready to delight the eyes of admiring buyers, all that remains is to pack it. You can see firsthand how books are made in the next video.

What were books and paper made of in antiquity?

Once upon a time there were no books in the form in which you see them in shop windows or in libraries today. And all because people did not know how to make them. Instead of paper, humanity has used cave walls, stones, dishes, tree bark

Years passed and people came up with the idea of ​​making records on wet clay... However, such books were too heavy, inconvenient and short-lived.

After some time, the heavy clay canvas was replaced books from veal or goat skins are light and practical. Since the first such book was created in the ancient city of Pergamum, animal skin "paper" was called parchment.

However, such material was too expensive, as many calves had to be slaughtered to create one book. Therefore, people continued to look for cheaper and easier ways to create books. And they succeeded.

A tall marsh plant grows along the rivers of Africa - papyrus... People did not immediately guess about its amazing properties. At first, the plant was used in the construction of houses. But one day a man was repairing his house. I cut the stem, took out the fibrous middle and put it in the sun. Imagine the man's surprise when he noticed that the fibers turned into dry narrow ribbons. And when he saw that papyrus also absorbs paint well, he realized: you can write on papyrus! This is how papyrus books appeared.

But who and when invented paper as we see it now? Researchers assure: the palm belongs to the Chinese. They thought of making paper from young bamboo shoots.

Interesting! ... Until that time, the Chinese used to write on silk or bamboo plates. The Chinese zealously cherished the mystery of silk making. However, silk was very expensive, which means-inaccessible to the majority of the population, and bamboo- too heavy. Only 30 hieroglyphs were placed on one board. Preserved information: in order to transport some of the works, the Chinese needed a whole cart.

Chinese chronicles report that invented paper in 105 A.D. e. Tsai Lun.

"Everyone appreciates the work of Tsai Lung: he invented paper, and his fame still lives on ..."- says the chronicle.

The 4th century became a turning point in the history of papermaking. After improving the technology of its production, paper has replaced bamboo planks forever. New experiments have proven that paper can be made from cheap plant materials: tree bark, reeds, bamboo. The Chinese were especially pleased with the latter: bamboo in their country is a dime a dozen.

No matter how hard the Chinese tried to keep the secrets of papermaking, they failed. In 751, during the fight against the Arabs, several Chinese craftsmen were captured. From them arabs learned the secret of creating a mysterious product and for five centuries sold it profitably to Europe.

Oddly enough, but Europeans the last of the civilized peoples to learn how to make paper - somewhere in the XI-XII century. The Spaniards were the first to borrow the paper-making technology, then Italians, Germans, British ... It is interesting that for a long time paper was made not only from soaked tree fibers, but also from rags and other rags.

The first industrial paper production machine was invented in France in 1798.

On the territoryand Ukrainian lands paper production began in the 13th century in Galich. However, documented information about Ukrainian paper "factories" has been preserved since the 16th century. Researchers of the history of the Ukrainian paper industry have found materials about 200 "factories" operating on the territory of Ukraine from the 16th to the beginning of the 20th century, which testifies to the high cultural level of the then population.

Radomysl Castle in Radomyshl, Zhitomirshchina is the first paper mill in Central Ukraine, built in 1612.

Now paper surrounds us everywhere, every year conquering more and more new areas of application. That is why it is so important to remember that it is made from trees - forest resources, which are catastrophically decreasing every year on the planet.

Taking good care of books, using paper sparingly, handing over waste paper, planting trees is the least that anyone can do to preserve forests. And one inventive boy, in order to preserve forest plantations, even refused to write an essay. =)

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Notebook ... this integral part of school life accompanied our childhood, the childhood of our parents - and, probably, will not soon become a thing of the past. It seems that notebooks have always existed! But they did appear sometime ... how and where did it happen?

The word "notebook" itself will help to answer this question ... what associations does it evoke? Let us recall similar words: "tetralogy" is a work consisting of four parts (for example, R. Wagner's tetralogy "Ring of the Nibelungen", which includes four operas), "tetralogy of Fallot" - a severe heart defect, including four violations ... In other words, the name "notebook "Comes from the word" four "... what's behind that?

There are several possible explanations for this. One of them is that books in the libraries of medieval universities, for the convenience of students, were divided into four parts (it is really convenient: you don’t have to wait for someone to hand over the whole book - you can work with a part of it for now, in the absence of typography this is was irreplaceable), and these parts were called quarters - notebooks ...

But with a greater probability, we can assume that the concept of "notebook" is still ancient, and precisely in the meaning we are accustomed to.
Perhaps it came to us from Ancient Greece, where the students (however, not only them) wrote with pointed sticks-style on wax-covered boards. But how much can you write on one tablet? On the other hand, it is also not very convenient to fasten many boards at once - an impressive bundle will turn out ... The best option turned out to be four boards - a notebook! Such student notebooks have survived to our times - and they show us how and what they taught in ancient schools. So, in one such notebook, a very relevant saying is rewritten four times: "Be diligent, boy, so that you don't get ripped out!"

But there is another version of the origin of both the notebook itself and the word "notebook". Let us recall what was the "favorite" material for writing in Ancient world? Papyrus, of course! After all, wax boards were convenient for student exercises, current notes "for memory" - in a word, for something short and not particularly valuable, which you can erase immediately, but for large and valuable texts something long-lasting and light was needed. In this regard, papyrus was the ideal option.

But he also had disadvantages. The fact is that the papyrus cannot be folded - it will break at the same time, it can only be rolled up into a scroll. What it is like to find the right place in a scroll (sometimes very long), you can easily imagine if you remember the recent past: how we suffered in search of the right place on video and audio cassettes! And to top it all off, the Egyptians banned the export of papyrus from their territory.

But, as you know, if there is a need, there will always be a replacement. And she was found - after the campaigns of Alexander the Great. In the Greek city of Pergamum in Asia Minor, they took over from the Persians and improved the technology of making skins. This is how the material for writing appeared, which is called - by the name of the city - parchment. It turned out to be even better than papyrus: it did not darken and did not break over time.

At first, scrolls similar to papyrus ones were made from parchment - so to speak, "by inertia". But it was inconvenient: the scroll had to be long and narrow, a lot of parchment went to waste - and this is not a cheap material! Finally, an optimal solution was found: a sheet of parchment was folded in four - this was called a "notebook" - and several such notebooks were stitched together, and it already looked like what we call a notebook now.
Thus, the appearance of the notebook is directly related to the invention of parchment. It took centuries for parchment as a writing material to be supplanted by paper - and notebooks became paper.