What does unhealthy eating lead to? One more piece or the whole truth about poor nutrition

Each of us knows that not only health, but also external beauty directly depends on the products we consume. Balanced and proper nutrition- the key to success for beautiful and strong people. Eliminating junk food from your daily menu can be a solution to many problems that were previously treated with expensive cosmetics and trips to beauty salons.

What makes food unhealthy?

Many people often think that healthy and unhealthy food is determined depending on how many calories the product contains. Of course, this statement should not be considered true. The only danger of eating high-calorie foods is excess weight. Other health complications arise not only from high-calorie foods.

There are a number of products, the consumption of which must be limited to a minimum, because they contain many substances and compounds harmful to the body. For example, nutritionists note that first of all, various surrogates should be excluded from the daily diet. They are found in store-bought dressings for dishes, in unnatural yoghurts, mayonnaise, processed cheese and other products.

Manufacturers often position their products as natural, but if you look closely at the composition, you will discover many carcinogens, trans fats, modified fats and other harmful additives designed to make our food tastier.

What to exclude from your diet

First of all, you need to give up junk food instant cooking, causing great harm to our body. These are noodles, mashed potatoes, various soups, and bouillon cubes. It is important to know that fast food products contain more than a dozen chemical additives, which provide harmful influence on the functioning of the digestive system.

Many doctors say that to strengthen the body you just need to give up sugar. It’s amazing how firmly this product has become entrenched in our lives, because it is added to almost everything. These include chips, various cheeses, and semi-finished products, but mainly sweets contain a huge amount of sugar. It is worth eating the following foods as little as possible:

  • milk chocolate;
  • buns and cookies;
  • chewing gum;
  • caramel, lollipops, marmalade;
  • juices, compotes and teas from store packs;
  • sparkling water.

Almost all smoked meats are harmful to the body, because they contain a large amount of fat and, as a rule, many spices, seasonings and biochemical additives. This does not mean that smoked food should be completely removed from your diet, but Reducing your consumption of certain foods will be good for your health, namely:

  • sausages and sausages;
  • sausages;
  • smoked fish;
  • ham;
  • store-bought pates.

The choice of meat should also be taken seriously. It is necessary to give preference to lean parts, which contain less lard, skin and fat, the content of which sometimes exceeds 40% of the total mass.

You will also have to give up buns and baked goods if you want to stay in shape and maintain your health. It's not about the content of any harmful substances, and in the complete absence of vitamins E and B, as well as in the difficult absorption of such food.

You should not overeat dried bananas, mangoes, pears and other stale fruits, as many harmful chemicals are usually added to them to extend their shelf life. It is best to dry fruits at home.

Another common myth about unhealthy food is that coffee is extremely harmful. Indeed, this product is far from safe for the body. It can cause harm nervous system. However, to do this you need to drink a lot. Therefore, there is no need to fear for your health when drinking another cup of coffee, because it will most likely have a positive effect on the body rather than harm it in any way.

The most dangerous food

According to doctors' opinions Almost the most dangerous food in the world is potato chips , because they not only contain an incredible amount of fats and carbohydrates, but also contain a huge number of preservatives, spices, harmful seasonings and flavor enhancers. In addition, many chips are not made from natural potatoes, but from mashed potatoes with various impurities, which makes them even more harmful.

Alcohol is also a dangerous product for health, which is not at all surprising, given its effect on the brain and human receptors. One of the main problems that creates alcoholic drinks When entering the body, it interferes with the absorption of nutrients and vitamins.

The above products are very high in calories, which negatively affects both the figure and the beauty of the skin.

E supplements

Such elements are very harmful to the body. They can easily disrupt the functioning of the digestive system, stomach, intestines, and cause skin rashes, redness and other allergic reactions. Despite this, many E supplements are approved for use and are clearly stated in the composition, and those that are not recommended for use are usually indicated in very small letters.

The names of many E-supplements look unclear, and many do not know which of them should be feared and which can be used, albeit with caution. Doctors strongly advise avoiding the following E supplements:

  • E-328 and E-407 disrupt the digestion process;
  • E-311 and E-312 may cause a rash;
  • E-212 not only interferes with the absorption of vitamin B12, but also destroys it;
  • E-230 and E-231 significantly affect skin health and worsen appearance;
  • E-221, E-225, E-226 disrupt the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • E-320 and E-321 contain a lot of cholesterol.

E-239- very dangerous for the body, even if the manufacturer of the product stubbornly states the opposite on the packaging of its product. This chemical compound, which has found application in medicine. It is usually used when eating disorders. Most often you can find this additive in canned food, because it detects the poisons released during the breakdown of hexamine, it helps the product to be stored much longer.

It is worth noting that, for example, formaldehyde called E-240 is strictly prohibited for use in food products, but E-239, from which it comes, is actively used in food production.

Why are carcinogens dangerous?

Some scientists believe that carcinogens contribute to the appearance of malignant tumors. These compounds arise when food is fried over a fire with the addition of oil, as well as when vegetable oil is reused. Doctors advise avoiding fried foods and preferring steamed or grilled foods.

However, there are also people who cannot imagine their life without fried food. In this case, you need to follow a few simple rules: heat the oil as little as possible, and also use a new portion of oil each time when frying.

There is also a little trick: the most harmful carcinogens can be neutralized with a regular acidic marinade. Therefore, it can be useful to soak meat in the marinade; it will not only be tastier, but also healthier. Also, the dangerous effect of carcinogens can be easily neutralized with tomatoes, grapefruit juice, celery and some seafood.

Genetically modified foods

The debate about how safe GMO foods are still continues. The specialists don't have sufficient quantity arguments to say with confidence about the correctness of all studies. Some studies suggest that genetically engineered plants are toxic to the liver and kidneys. And multiple experiments on rodents show that those mice that ate GMOs had health problems, in particular, changes in blood composition.

You should avoid store-bought beets and processed meats, because they contain soybeans, which are often genetically modified. You should also be careful with candies that contain soy lecithin, as well as with potatoes and corn from store shelves.

Unfortunately, you won’t be able to tell how safe a product is by its appearance alone. However, many manufacturers who do not neglect the new rules do not forget to put special labels on GMO products. To stay healthy, it is important to carefully read food labels before purchasing.

How harmful is salt?

Many rumors about the dangers of salt are noticeably exaggerated, but there is no point in denying that it is very dangerous for the body. The problem is that large amounts of salt contribute to increased blood pressure and also promotes the accumulation of toxins in the body.

Of course, our body needs salt, but only in very small quantities. About one third of a small spoon is needed for the stable functioning of all organs. A larger amount can be harmful to the body.

Salt is contained in almost every product with the exception of fermented milk and fruit products. Consequently, a person consumes a large amount of salt every day, which can adversely affect our health. That’s why it’s so important to know what can replace it. For example, it would be perfect Apple vinegar, which can be added to salads, vegetable purees, but rosemary goes well with meat dishes. Tarragon goes well with poultry and fish.

If you feel oversaturated with salt, you should resort to the help of foods such as beets, watermelon or cucumber, as they have a good diuretic effect.

The effect of cholesterol on the body

Cholesterol is usually divided into so-called good cholesterol, which our liver produces on its own to protect blood vessels, reproduce new cells and create hormones, and harmful cholesterol, which does not strengthen blood vessels, but, on the contrary, creates blood clots in them. It accumulates on the walls, thereby disrupting the blood circulation process, which, in turn, leads to many health problems, especially in old age.

Cholesterol enters the body through a number of foods. For example, it is found in large quantities in eggs and various seafood (mussels, fish, squid). However, do not rush to limit yourself to the foods listed. The main harm comes from foods containing a lot of saturated fats, which also contain a lot of cholesterol. This is butter, ham, lard and other fatty food animal origin.

It is important to understand that you cannot exclude everything. healthy eating from your diet is very difficult. But this does not mean that the path to health and beauty is closed forever. The main thing in many things is a sense of proportion. If you adhere to certain rules, then even when consuming some harmful foods, you can keep your body in good shape.

We all love to eat something delicious. Candies, chocolates, sparkling water, chips - isn't that right? And it’s okay if you bought such a tasty treat, ate it and forgot about it for the next year. But what year is it, what are you. Today a pack of chips, tomorrow crackers, the next day cola, and so on all the time. It's tasty, but there is no benefit from such food.

What are empty calories?

Food that is not suitable for the human body is called empty calories. This includes fast food, synthetic sweets (chewing marmalade, some types of chocolate), sausages (made according to specifications), all dishes prepared with a large amount of oil, food fried in oil, sweet carbonated drinks, and, of course, food from McDonald's, KFC and other fast food restaurants.

Simple carbohydrates

Is it junk food or completely normal? Let’s find out what is behind the concept “ simple carbohydrates" In general, carbohydrates are fuel for the body. They are the main “suppliers” of energy. More precisely, complex carbohydrates. saturated with this type of carbohydrates that are slowly absorbed by the body. They give a feeling of fullness, and their conversion into energy human body works long and thoughtfully. These carbohydrates are healthy.

Simple carbohydrates are sugar. Accordingly, those foods that contain sugar in large quantities do not participate in the body’s energy supply. He takes them and stores them in reserve, that is, turns them into fat. They are absorbed quickly, but do not bring benefits to the body. Therefore, food containing carbohydrates that the body can easily cope with can be classified as unhealthy food.

Why do we eat this?

It would seem that the disadvantages junk food obvious. These are health problems. First of all, obesity, problems with the heart, blood vessels, and gastrointestinal tract. And this is only the minimum of harm received from eating fast food and other “delicacies”.

However, people continue to eat it. Go to fast food restaurants, buy questionable carbonated drinks, chips and other “plastic” food. Why is this happening? There are several answers to this question:

    Cultivation of such food in the media. Beautiful advertising on TV, pleasant photographs and videos on the Internet, alluring advertising posters on city streets. Tempting signs at fast food restaurants. All this creates a certain attitude towards unhealthy food. It is beautiful, tasty, and relatively inexpensive. Why not stop by McDonald's once or twice? Or not buy a package of instant noodles at the store?

    The fast food beloved by many contains flavorings which are addictive. And the person simply gets hooked on junk food.

    The same situation applies to drinks. Cola is made from water, caffeine, sugar, aromatics and flavorings. Not the healthiest composition, considering that a can of this drink contains about 5 teaspoons of sugar. However, people drink it themselves and buy it for their children.

    These foods contain fats. And they make our brain want even more food, that is, they stimulate appetite.

    Junk food can be classified as generally available. It is cheap, creates a quick saturation effect and is sold everywhere.

Scary facts

All the arguments for unhealthy food will fall apart once you read about the harm it causes to the human body.

    Junk food provokes cancer. In addition, it is responsible for problems with blood pressure and heart disease.

    Many fast food manufacturers offer children's toys in addition to their products. More precisely, they put them in packages. For what? Yes, because their main audience is children. And they are taught to consume this terrible food from a young age.

    One of the most popular and purchased among the large selection of junk food is French fries. It seems, what’s dangerous about ordinary potatoes? Firstly, it is most often eaten with sauces. And secondly, a serving of delicious potatoes contains 600 kcal. And after a person has eaten it, he will feel hungry within 1-2 hours.

    Some popular and favorite junk food products use thickeners. Specifically, corn dextrin. It may comply with sanitary rules and regulations, but the fact that this polysaccharide is used in other industrial sectors as an adhesive is confusing.

    Returning to the legendary Coca-Cola. For those who don’t know, at the moment an aluminum can costs more than the production of the drink itself. It's worth thinking about.

    Positive sides

    Can there be any benefits to unhealthy food? There is only one, very dubious, but worth mentioning. At least so that you can compare the list of pros and cons of this food.

    The main positive side of fast food is the speed of its preparation and accessibility. Fast food chains exist in almost all cities; you can always run in and have a bite to eat without spending a lot of time. The pricing policy is low.

    Or, to avoid cooking at home, you can buy instant meals. Heat in the microwave or pour boiling water over it and wait five minutes. That's it, the food is ready, you can eat.


    There are much more of them than advantages. What are the disadvantages of unhealthy food? We have already partially covered them:

      Fast food leads to various diseases and obesity.

      It contains addictive flavoring additives.

      Fast food is extremely high in calories. As mentioned above, a serving of French fries contains 600 kcal, and a can of Coca-Cola contains several teaspoons of sugar.

      A considerable part of Russian residents consume fast food. This is a serious disadvantage for their health.

    You can argue for and against junk food by knowing its positive and negative sides. As we see, there are several times more of the latter.

    Did you know that in America McDonald's is an ordinary eatery for the poor? While in the territories of many post-Soviet states it was equated to a restaurant.

    Until 1990, hamburgers were sold exclusively on the streets and were considered food for the poor class.

    What to eat?

    If you can’t eat fast food, then what should you eat? Especially when you really want to eat, there is minimal money in your pocket and time is running out.

    Healthy and unhealthy foods vary greatly in affordability. But in case of economy mode and lack of time, it’s easier to run to the nearest store and buy a couple of bananas and a bottle there mineral water. It's cheaper and healthier than a hamburger or hot dog.

    As for the working category of citizens, they often have no time to eat properly. And often there is no opportunity. In this case, you can take lunch with you from home; now this is not prohibited in many offices. There is a buffet for employees where they can warm up food they bring.

    At other enterprises there are canteens where you can purchase a set lunch. It may not be as tasty as homemade, but it is certainly healthier than fast food.

    In some places, the practice of ordering home-cooked lunches for the office has taken root. They are delicious, it's been tested. But the prices are not yet affordable for everyone.

    What about at home? In the evening, when there is no strength left for anything. Alternatively, cook in a slow cooker chicken bouillon and eat with white bread or homemade crackers. This is the case if there is no food at all in the refrigerator. Otherwise, you can always heat up the food left over from yesterday and eat.

    We are all about healthy eating and healthy eating. Give us examples of unhealthy foods. What can you eat for dinner that is really bad? Trite. Ready frozen cheburek. Chebupels are now popular. Frozen shawarma or hamburger. Even a sausage sandwich is not the best the best choice for dinner.


    In this article, we looked at what junk food is. Let's remember the key points regarding poor nutrition:

      Fast food leads to heart disease, gastrointestinal tract and obesity.

      Junk food enters our lives thanks to active propaganda in the media.

      Some fast food manufacturers are “bribing” children with toys. The consumption of this food is imposed from childhood. It is taught to him purposefully.

      Unhealthy food is high in calories and does not give you a feeling of fullness. On the contrary, you want to eat fast food again and again.

      Various flavorings and taste enhancers are added to such food. That's why it's addictive.

      The main emphasis is on the relative cheapness of fast food, its availability and speed of preparation.

    Sometimes you want to treat yourself to junk food. And it’s good if this desire occurs once a year, is satisfied and permanently disappears after that. Before you eat a hamburger at a fast food restaurant, it's worth considering: Do you need it?

We can talk about food for a long time, but arguing is absolutely useless. Everyone chooses for themselves according to taste, benefit and even philosophy. We have made a selection of the most popular types of nutrition, and Natalia FIRSOVA, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of the Far Eastern State Medical University, spoke about healthy and unhealthy ones.


The so-called omnivorous diet is based on the principle that you can eat everything, but in moderation. But the boundaries of this very measure are set by the pyramid. The food pyramid, also known as the nutritional pyramid, was developed in 1992 by the Harvard School of Public Health. This is a kind of diagram-guide for the use of products. At the bottom of the pyramid there are foods that the main diet should be based on, but at the peak there are foods that should be avoided. Among those allowed: vegetables and fruits, wholemeal bread, brown rice, cereals and vegetable fats. In the middle of the pyramid are dairy products, plant and animal proteins - foods that should be somewhat limited. But with red meats, butter and fast carbohydrates should be consumed extremely rarely or eliminated altogether. “Prohibited” foods include pasta, refined rice, potatoes and carbonated drinks.

It is believed that nutrition according to the pyramid is a rational, healthy diet that will help a person achieve an ideal shape. After all, nutritionists took part in the development of principles and nutritional postulates. And the Harvard pyramid itself has become widespread throughout the world.

Doctor's opinion:

Such a power system domestic medicine accepted and even used in children's institutions, sanatoriums and nursing homes. In my lectures, I show students the food pyramid as an example of what nutrition should be. It is rational and organized, based on real human needs. There are proteins, fats and carbohydrates. But the basis is still grains, fruits and vegetables, and vegetable proteins. Selection of food products according to the pyramid will provide the body with vitamins B, C, and omega acids.

The main thing is to avoid skewing your diet towards your favorite foods. Today, most Russians have a protein deficiency, but there is more than enough fat. And this is the right path to cardiovascular diseases and even mental disorders.

As for water, there is currently no imposition of opinion - 1.5 liters will die, but drink. Drinking should be optional. What if a person’s kidneys are not working well or there is another pathology?

But even in a balanced pyramid, logic and measure are necessary. If it’s porridge, then once a day, not 4-7 servings. Meat and meat products, fish and seafood - they need to be dosed and alternated. You don't need to eat fish every day; once or twice a week will be enough.


Doctor's opinion:


Doctor's opinion:

We recommend everyone to eat 5-6 times a day. In an adult, food remains in the stomach for 4 hours, in children - 3-3.5. The stomach is a muscle; during surgery I saw a man whose stomach was 10 liters! He himself stretched his stomach this way, and this is not a myth.


Doctor's opinion:


Vegetarianism can hardly be called a diet. Adherents of this food system accept any plant food, but completely refuse meat. All meat, poultry and seafood are prohibited. The life philosophy of vegetarians is often based on the principles of humanism. However, in Lately their regiment comes at the expense of adherents striving for health.

There are two main types of vegetarianism: lacto-ovo vegetarianism and strict vegetarianism (note - veganism). The first group allows themselves fruits and vegetables, nuts, eggs and even yoghurts, cream, and fermented milk products. If you use logic, it is obvious that vegetarianism is one of the healthiest food systems, because plant foods contain many useful things for proper operation body.

There is an opinion that vegetarianism leads to weight loss. And in some cases this is true. Although it is worth remembering that restaurant “green” dishes may contain more fat than meat ones. Experts often note that vegetable nutrition reduces the risk of developing chronic diseases, including hypertension and type 2 diabetes.

Doctor's opinion:

Medicine does not recognize vegetarianism. We know about this phenomenon, but we don't teach it. To some extent, vegetarianism is acceptable, as a relief for the body, as a therapeutic, temporary element. Christians, for example, fast. With food they receive plant proteins, fats and carbohydrates. But fasting must be observed with caution: for example, if a person is sick, one cannot fast. Children are not allowed, old people are not allowed - otherwise they will lose their strength. Christians fast 4 times a year, but the rest of the time they eat as they should.

Protein is necessary, it is involved in the structure of muscles, fat is involved in the metabolic processes of the body. If any of the above does not enter the body, the system breaks down. Immunity decreases. Even the appearance deteriorates. I have a vegetarian friend who allows himself sea protein once a week. You should have seen him - he is a sick, thin, outwardly weak man, with a crazy look.

Vegetarianism, in my opinion, is a matter of faith. But many people believe that this is the path to health. The deepest delusion! Despite the fact that humans are originally herbivores, our evolution digestive system adapted to carnivorous food. Of course, vegetation should predominate in the diet, but animal protein cannot be completely excluded. The proportion should be approximately 70/30.


Proper nutrition is now in fashion, and until recently the raw food diet was at the peak of popularity. This food system, as in the case of vegetarianism, excludes food of animal origin. Only in this case, the products should not be subjected to any culinary processing. It is believed that a raw food diet cleanses the body of waste and toxins.

For maximum benefit, vegetables and fruits, fresh or sun-dried, sprouted grains, legumes, seeds and vegetable oil, but only cold pressed. Some adherents of this system allow themselves milk, raw eggs and dried meat.

Various cereals and grains are allowed to be consumed in sprouted and soaked form. Raw food products include honey and any cold-pressed oils. They drink exclusively pure, distilled water, as well as freshly squeezed juices.

A raw food diet allows you to quickly cleanse the body of toxins and, according to reviews, is one of the effective ways losing weight. Probably due to the exclusion of fats and harmful carbohydrates from the diet.

Doctor's opinion:

The basis here is also vegetarianism, so all the disadvantages can be translated into a raw food diet. And add to them drinking distilled water. This is dead water, it will not bring anything to the body.

Let's start small: children, for example, under 3 years old are not allowed fresh vegetables, only boiled ones. And this is not just like that. Raw vegetables put a lot of stress on the pancreas. A failure in one area, rest assured, will cause problems for the entire digestive system.
I have never seen a single person who would experience pleasure from eating vegetables or dairy products. With such nutrition, the body constantly gives a signal: “I want to eat!” After all, digestibility is minimal. Yes, these products contain fiber, vitamins, and microelements. Where's the protein? Where's the fat? The brain lacks nutrition.

You can’t always replace juices with water, even natural ones. Her mother gave her friend natural carrot juice every day. Beauty, it's useful. A month later, my friend turned yellow and ended up in the hospital. The liver failed.

A raw food diet should definitely not be your main diet.


In ancient times, food served not only as a way to nourish the body, but also as medicine. Moreover, food could cure any disease. How and which one is described in the Ayurvedic nutrition system. There, all products belong to categories, there are only three of them: sattva (goodness), rajas (passion) and tamas (ignorance). And if blissful food is recommended for consumption, then it is better to minimize food of ignorance or completely eliminate it. Meat, poultry, fish, eggs, onions and garlic are considered ignorant. In Ayurveda, it is believed that they give rise to aggression in a person and lead to stress. But products from the category of passion stimulate digestion, but contribute to the appearance of selfishness and pride. Therefore, it is recommended to dose dairy products, salt and sugar, coffee, canned food, eggplants, red apples and citruses, radishes, radishes and so on. But products of goodness are allowed and are considered medicinal for the soul and body. These include fruits and vegetables, dairy products, honey and berries.

Doctor's opinion:

From a medical point of view, this is from the evil one. A domestic doctor would not even dare to say this: ignorance or passion in products. More like sectarianism (laughs). But, if we exclude the philosophical component, then in terms of the set of products, of course, this is not the worst option. A reference to the already familiar Food Pyramid.

You just need to be careful with milk. This is a complex product, and up to a certain age you can drink it within reasonable limits. Intolerance comes unexpectedly. Suddenly, seething and fermentation begin in the stomach - this is very dangerous and threatens inflammation. At an older age, it is better to consume fermented milk products. The only thing is not for the night. 2-3 hours before bedtime you can have kefir and yogurt.


More doctors Ancient Rome pointed out the incompatibility of the series food products and were quite skeptical about eating fatty, sweet and starchy foods. But the nutritional concept based on this knowledge was developed by the doctor Herbert Shelton, who thoroughly studied the peculiarities of human food absorption. And here is the main postulate: never, hear, never combine proteins and carbohydrates. In the stomach they begin to conflict with each other. Proteins are digested in an acidic environment, and carbohydrates in an alkaline environment. The aftertaste is the accumulation of fats and waste. That's it, you can get rid of the buckwheat and goulash you prepared for lunch.

Share, eat and lose weight. Bakery products, bananas, potatoes, beans, dried fruits and other carbohydrates cannot be combined with citrus fruits and sour berries. It is best not to mix nuts, eggs, cheese products and other concentrated proteins with cereals and confectionery products. Sugar and starch are also incompatible at the same time.

It is believed that separate meals help the digestion of food quickly and easily. Under such conditions, the body digests foods cleanly, that is, it does not make reserves in the form of fat deposits.

Doctor's opinion:

We as doctors cannot recommend this type of nutrition. Meat protein takes a very long time to digest in the stomach, that is, it turns out: I ate, and I have to not eat for 4-5 hours in order to then eat fruit!? This is fundamentally wrong. It is unlikely that the weight loss effect will be achieved. Meat should be combined with vegetables because when digested, vegetables will prevent the body from absorbing fat. Separately, the balance will disappear. If I eat a boiled egg, it must be with fresh cucumber. And I will absorb as much fat as I need, and the rest will come out.

I have never met a single adult on a separate diet where he lost weight and did not gain weight again. This is the first. Secondly, a person cannot withstand separate meals for life; it is psychologically very difficult.

If there more meat, cottage cheese, then naturally the digestive system will have an acidic environment. And if the vegetables are alkaline. In such a situation, it is most difficult for the kidneys. Now they are in alkali, after 4 hours they are in acid, so they will not last long. But if you combine a piece of meat with vegetables, you get a completely neutral environment. With separate nutrition, maintaining a balance of media is almost impossible.

Such nutrition is not prohibited at all, but if you eat separately, then under the supervision of three or four specialists: a nutritionist, an endocrinologist and others. Is this justified?


A number of sources say: fractional meals are not a diet or a course of treatment. We conclude that this is a dietary lifestyle that contributes to the health of the body and the shape of its owner. The principle of separate nutrition is based on reducing portions and increasing meals. If you eat 5 or 6 times a day, the body will stop feeling hungry and, therefore, stop storing treasured calories. Scientists provide data that a consistently full body requires approximately 15% fewer calories. The main parameters of separate meals: eating once every 2.5-3 hours, a single serving of food should not exceed the volume of a glass, vegetables and fruits, grain bread, natural yogurt and muesli are suitable for snacks. Another tip - it is recommended to combine meat with fresh vegetables and preferably green.

Nutritionists assure: if you supplement fractional meals with physical exercise, then in 2-3 weeks you can correct your figure, and this without hunger and diets.

Doctor's opinion:

We recommend everyone to eat 5-6 times a day. In an adult, food is stored in the stomach for 4 hours, in children 3-3.5 The stomach is a muscle, I saw a man during surgery whose stomach was 10 liters! He himself stretched his stomach this way, and this is not a myth.

Figuratively speaking, nutrition is a biological stove. When we eat, fuel enters the body. If you add wood to the stove a little at a time, it constantly works and produces heat. Do you remember the Pioneer bonfires - they poured gasoline on it, and it burned out in 5 minutes. Same with food. By eating fractionally, the body does not experience hunger and takes from food only what it needs, and gets rid of the rest. If a person rarely gets to food, then, as a rule, he does not limit himself in anything, and as a result, the effect of a pioneer fire. Only in the case of a fire, the fuel burned out at once, and in humans this fuel went into deposits.

All this is confirmed by history. In our country after the war there were many overweight people. Because they had suffered and ate greedily, with caution: what if tomorrow there would be no more food.

I don’t see any downsides to this system; the main thing is to maintain a balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. From a medical point of view, the healthiest diet is at the junction of two types: Pyramid and fractional.


The food with a very intriguing name is actually very similar to vegetarian. The only difference is in philosophy. This cannot be done without a little education: everything in living nature has its own frequency, each cell emits waves of a certain frequency, and each organ has its own wave sound. To achieve maximum harmony, food must be on the same wavelength with the body. The higher the vibration frequency, the healthier and more cheerful the person!

Low-frequency foods acidify our body. For example, red meat, which creates heaviness in the stomach and starts the process of rotting. Sugar is believed to reduce a person's strength levels and even affect fertility. Coffee and chocolate, fried, salted and smoked are foods that require a lot of energy to digest. But nutrition with a high frequency of fluctuations creates an alkaline environment in the body. Favorites include plant foods - vegetables and herbs, nuts, seeds, fruits. Portions should be small, no more than a handful. It is recommended not to mix several products at the same time. High frequency power eliminates heat treatment.

Doctor's opinion:

I can call this approach in one word – charlatanism. In essence, this is a raw food diet that does not exclude meat. But eating raw meat in our country is not recommended due to epidemic reasons. Yes, and it is not typical for our digestive system to eat raw fish and meat, we are not Nanais.

One gets the feeling that they have come up with yet another fashionable food.


It is believed that this is an ideal food for cleansing, healing and rejuvenating the body. Probably, gastroenterologists would approve such a diet for their patients, and there would be fewer problems with the gastrointestinal tract all over the world.

So, the point of such a nutritional system is to exclude solid foods from the diet, no slices or pieces, only smoothies, cream soups, vegetable juices and decoctions. Any product must be pureed or crushed until smooth. Broths are prohibited, no matter whether they are fish, chicken or meat, otherwise no cleansing of the body will occur. Coffee, tea, cocoa are not allowed. Milk too. Sugar and salt are not allowed. The liquid diet is based on vegetarianism and does not accept anything chemical: juices in tetra packs, powdered soups. The diet encourages you to cook yourself without spices or flavor enhancers.

Doctor's opinion:

Liquid nutrition is good for patients. It is impossible to use it constantly. Without solid foods, the digestive system can break down. And the stool will be like a baby’s.

They used to say: you definitely need to eat liquid. Now doctors and nutritionists are no longer so categorical. First of all, the food must be hot. As for liquids, some people don’t eat soups at all. And this is not forbidden.

Broths are not recommended here, but that's a good thing. Meat broths are not the healthiest thing. The human body only needs meat protein. Everything that is fat floats, it settles in the joints and blood vessels. Therefore, we recommend cooking soups with the 2nd or 3rd broth. And it’s better not meat, but vegetable.

More about liquid. You need to be careful with the well-known algorithm: first, second and compote. This sequence complicates digestion. Compote and tea should be drunk either before lunch or after - with a difference of 30 minutes. If you want to lose weight, then first compote, and after a while - a meal.

Whether you're eating pizza, macaroni and cheese, chips or ice cream, it's not just the extra inches around your waist that you have to worry about. Eating junk food poses a far greater health threat than gaining weight.

Serious negative changes in metabolism occur after just 5 days of systematic consumption of foods saturated with unhealthy fats. Even in healthy people, muscles lose the ability to oxidize glucose, which provokes the development of insulin resistance.

During normal carbohydrate metabolism, muscle tissue either processes glucose to extract energy or stores it for later use. Since muscle accounts for about 30% of body weight, the body loses a key component involved in metabolism, which contributes to the development of diabetes and other diseases. Moreover, negative changes in the body can occur even after a single consumption of junk food (fast food, confectionery).

Eating foods loaded with unhealthy fats and sugar can trigger hyperglycemia. This is not only a risk for diabetes, but also a serious threat to the heart:

  • heart muscle tissue becomes inflamed;
  • arteries constrict;
  • free radicals are generated;
  • pressure rises;
  • the risk of heart attack and stroke increases.

Sharp fluctuations in insulin levels make you feel hungry immediately after eating, even if the meal was filling and the portions were large.

An interesting experiment was conducted by specialists from one of the clinics in Massachusetts (USA). To see what was happening in the stomach and intestines after eating instant noodles, the experiment participant swallowed a miniature tablet camera. It turned out that the product remains intact even two hours after it was eaten. The only change is an increase in size, swelling of the noodles. You can imagine the stress the digestive system is exposed to when trying to process such a “heavy” product. Not to mention the toxic effects on the body of the ingredients used in its manufacture (for example, hydroquinone).

The systematic inclusion of fast food products in the diet leads to the development of metabolic syndrome, provokes a deficiency of nutrients, and the concentration of sodium and synthetic fats in the body increases.

Abuse of refined carbohydrates (breakfast cereals, buns, cakes, cookies) also has a negative effect on the production of insulin and leptin. Such food contributes to the development of insulin resistance, provokes obesity, and chronic diseases.

What to do if you really want to

Why do we want junk food? IN normal conditions The body independently regulates the amount of food needed to produce energy. But processed foods are so tasty and stimulate such a strong reward response in the brain that the regulator is unable to perform its functions, the person cannot stop and overeats.

To make food more attractive, more than just bright packaging is used. The impact is on all sense organs involved in the process of food absorption - both smell and taste buds.

On the one hand, fatty and sweet foods help remove cortisol from the body (it’s not for nothing that when you’re stressed, you crave something sweet so much). But at the same time, appetite increases, sugar levels rise, and visceral fat accumulates. The more you consume such food, the more you will want it.

Sugar can be more addictive than cocaine. The receptors responsible for recognizing sweet taste are not adapted to consuming the amount of sugar that goes into the mouth modern man, because even 50-60 years ago the diet was not so rich in sweets. Excessive activation of these receptors stimulates the transmission of signals to the brain centers responsible for reward. The self-control mechanism is disrupted, which leads to the acquisition of persistent addiction.

Not only sweets are dangerous, but also any processed foods containing preservatives, fructose, dyes and others. chemical substances. The situation can only be turned around by replacing such products with self-prepared food from natural ingredients. This will eliminate the body's dependence on sugar and allow you to burn fat faster, using it as fuel.

It is important not only to give up unhealthy fats, but also to compensate for them with healthy ones (saturated and monounsaturated). This group of substances is contained in the following products:

  • olives and olive oil;
  • raw nuts (macadamia, walnuts, almonds);
  • coconuts and coconut oil;
  • egg yolks;
  • avocado;
  • butter;
  • organic pork and beef.

To make it easier for the body to give up junk food, you need to introduce healthy foods into your diet gradually; sudden changes can lead to nervous breakdowns and a return to junk food.

To stop eating junk food every day, it is important to plan your menu in advance, buy enough healthy products to prepare the selected dishes (and at the same time avoid buying unwanted ones, then there will be no temptation to eat them). You need to take care not only of home meals, but also not allow yourself to deviate from the implemented food rules at work: either take lunches with you, or find a food service that offers dishes made from natural ingredients.

And finally, you need to learn to manage your emotions so that food consumption is not impulsive - under the influence of a good or bad mood.

Of course, food brings (and should bring) pleasure, but there is no need to elevate it into a cult. After all, the main function of food is to provide the body with energy, and this is only possible if you choose healthy foods every day.

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This food includes all products that contain harmful additives in the form of preservatives or after industrial processing, which deprives food of minerals and vitamins. With modern wheat processing, white flour is produced industrially, while the wheat germ, which is a source of vitamins, is removed from the grain. The situation is exactly the same with the production of white sugar, which during the purification process loses all its beneficial qualities, while the content of hormones and vitamins, which are of great importance for the functioning of the human body, is significantly reduced. Oil and meat after industrial processing also lose all their important nutritional properties. Such food can only satisfy hunger, but cannot provide the human body with everything it needs.

Recently, statistical data have appeared that indicate that a person’s life expectancy directly depends on the quality of the water he consumes. Ordinary water contains a huge amount inorganic substances, which the human body is not able to absorb. Chlorination of water, as well as substances that are added to soften it, kill all living things in it and thereby contribute to the appearance of even more harmful inorganic substances in it. The purest water is rain or snow (melt) water, but today it can only be found in some remote corners of the earth.

It is not so easy for a person suffering from diseases of the musculoskeletal system to provide himself with a balanced diet due to a huge number of factors, the main ones of which were indicated above. Everything that diet therapy comes down to modern stage- This is a restriction on the consumption of certain foods.


Products prepared for long-term storage and with the addition of preservatives or additives - table salt, sugar, monosodium glutamate, nitrates, nitrites, sulfur dioxide (in dried fruits). Basically, these are canned goods in any form. Unlike organic sodium, which is needed by the body, sodium chloride (table salt) is an inorganic mineral. It is not digested by the human body and is deposited along with additives and preservatives in various parts

human body. 2. Smoked meats in any form (

smoked fish and meat), especially dishes such as ham, sausages, bacon, etc. 3. Grains, regardless of their type and products from them after industrial processing: white rice, corn flakes, rolled oats, white bread, pasta, vermicelli, noodles, pizza, biscuits, pies,

Products that contain refined sugar: fruit juices with sugar, fruits with sugar, chewing gum, cakes, ice cream, marmalade, jellies, jams, lemonade, etc. 5.

Saturated fatty acids: hydrogenated oils, margarine.

6. Alcohol in large doses. Research recent years

showed that alcohol is necessary for any body, since it is one of those substances that transport fats. Therefore, drinking 30 g of alcohol (calculated for vodka with a strength of 40°) 3-4 times a week is useful. In the early stages evolutionary development the production of phosphorus compounds and the release of energy from them was carried out through oxidation ethyl alcohol