How to make liqueur at home with raspberries. Raspberry liqueur at home: quick recipes

There are people who believe that raspberries are best eaten in fresh. Others are sure that it is only suitable for making jam or decorating various desserts. Both are right in their own way. But only someone who has never tried making raspberry liqueur at home can say this.

Five hundred in total

In the old days, all alcoholic drinks were prepared at home. This was considered because at that time there were no large industrial enterprises that could supply the population with their products. Many recipes have come down to us, and now every housewife can easily prepare, for example, raspberry. There is a method that can be called “Everything for five hundred.” To work, you only need three components: fresh raspberries, sugar and vodka in a 1:1:1 ratio.

The method is simple, like all ingenious things:

  1. Place fresh berries in a two-liter jar. If the products are taken from your own garden, then, of course, you don’t have to wash them.
  2. Pour a bottle of vodka in there.
  3. Close the jar with a plastic lid and leave for a week and a half.
  4. Then strain the infusion. Pour the liquid fraction into a separate container.
  5. Sprinkle the remaining berries with sugar and grind using a blender.
  6. Rub the mixture through a fine sieve so that the seeds cannot pass through the cells.
  7. Combine both liquids together and let them brew for a week.

You will get a wonderful raspberry liqueur. Making such a drink at home is not difficult.

It couldn't be simpler

If you don’t want to burden yourself with labor-intensive operations, then you can use a simpler method. You can also use it to make wonderful raspberry liqueur at home. True, you will need a slightly different amount of products: sugar, raspberries, vodka and water in a ratio of 1:1:2:0.5.

This drink will also be prepared differently:

  1. Place all ingredients in a glass bottle and leave it for a whole month in a warm place. Once a week, the contents must be gently shaken.
  2. After time, the sugar should completely dissolve. After this, the contents of the bottle must be filtered through cheesecloth.
  3. Pour the resulting liquid into bottles and let them sit for a little longer. 6-7 days will be enough.

Waiting time

It is clear that the options described above are not recipes instant cooking. Each of them requires a lot of time. In an ordinary home kitchen, you can even make cognac by infusing and straining. But this is also unrealistic to do in a matter of minutes. On top of that, you will need at least seven different components. But nothing is impossible in life, and recipes for quick preparation of liqueurs also exist. If you don’t bother yourself with the complexities of technology and close your eyes to quality, then you can try one of them. All you need is regular vodka and

The two liquid fractions simply need to be combined in glasses. The amount of each of them will depend on what strength of the drink you would ultimately like to get. Such a product can be called momentary. If you want a bottle of such alcohol to stand in your home bar, it will still take time. It takes at least a month for both components to stand together and become saturated with each other.

Alternative way

There is a similar recipe for raspberry liqueur, where the original main component (raspberries) is also not present in the recipe. First, fresh fruits must be thoroughly ground and then squeezed out, using, for example, ordinary gauze. There's no need to rush here. It is necessary to allow the juice to drain completely so that the precious liquid does not go to waste. After this, you can safely proceed to the main steps, using the following set of ingredients as a basis: for 600 grams of juice, a kilogram of sugar and a liter of alcohol.

The work is carried out in three stages:

  1. Place the juice and sugar in a saucepan and bring the mixture to a boil. Repeat this action three times, constantly removing the foam that forms completely.
  2. After cooling, add alcohol to the resulting syrup and then strain the mixture.
  3. Pour the finished drink into a packaging container.

Within a day, this liqueur can be used for its intended purpose. Everyone who gets to try such a miracle will be completely delighted. Moreover, no one will guess that they made it with their own hands.

Double flavor

Raspberry liqueur can be prepared using not only berries, but also leaves. This will slightly change its taste and give the color of the finished product additional richness. Composition of the main ingredients in in this case It will be as follows: for a bottle of vodka, 100 pieces of berries and raspberry leaves, a liter of water and half a kilogram of sugar.

The cooking technology is relatively simple:

  1. Place the berries and leaves in a saucepan, add water and boil for a third of an hour over low heat. After this, the contents should stand for another day.
  2. The next day, strain the mixture, add sugar to it and slowly heat until it is completely dissolved.
  3. After cooling, pour in vodka.
  4. Distribute the finished composition into bottles and place in the bar.

Now, for any holiday or when welcoming guests, you can put a decanter of your own liqueur on the table, and be sure that absolutely everyone will like it. Such autumn preparation, among other things, can also serve good remedy from a cold.

"The owner is a gentleman"

There are many different ways and everyone chooses for themselves how to make raspberry liqueur. After all, you always want to somehow stand out and cook something that others don’t even know about. For such a case, there is a not entirely standard recipe: for a glass of vodka the same amount of boiling water, 300 grams of berries and half a can of condensed milk.

The cooking method is also very interesting:

  1. Place the raspberries in a saucepan, add water, heat and boil for 8-10 minutes.
  2. Cool the mixture and then strain thoroughly so that no bones or pieces of pulp accidentally get into the finished product.
  3. Add condensed milk and beat the mixture using a mixer with a special attachment or blender.
  4. Without stopping, slowly pour in the vodka.

This berry-cream drink no longer needs to be infused. You can immediately pour into glasses and drink in small sips, enjoying the delicate taste and pleasant aroma. Such a work of art doesn’t even need to be snacked on. The main thing is to know the norm and not to overdo it with the quantity.

Homemade liqueur made from juicy raspberries is a very delicate and aromatic drink. It can be made in various ways, with long exposure or the express method.

Many girls and women prefer liqueur to any alcohol. And not surprisingly, this aromatic, truly ladies' drink, is sweet, soft and very pleasant to the taste. These alcoholic products are made from various products. But today we'll talk about preparing such a drink from juicy raspberries.

Raspberry liqueur is very easy and simple to make at home. This does not require inaccessible complex products and a lot of effort. Only two things are needed: the desire to make a delicious berry liqueur with your own hands and a little or a lot, depending on the recipe, time to age the product. In addition, it doesn’t matter whether the main ingredient of the liqueur is fresh or frozen, in any case it will turn out much tastier, more aromatic and more interesting than store-bought products.

Recipe one: homemade raspberry liqueur


  • Berry – 600 grams.
  • Vodka – 500 ml.
  • Granulated sugar – 450 grams.
  • Water – 1 liter.
  • Citric acid – 3 teaspoons.

How to do delicious drink according to this recipe?

  1. Sort through the raspberries: the berries should be ripe, red, and not spoiled.
  2. Place the fruits in a blender bowl and grind. You can also use a potato masher.
  3. Mix the juicy berry mass with citric acid and 200 grams of granulated sugar.
  4. Place the prepared raspberry puree in a cool place for three days.
  5. Next, add the remaining sugar, a liter of water, and mix. Return the mass to its original place for another two weeks.
  6. Strain the infused mixture and mix the extracted juice with vodka.

The aromatic dessert drink made from berries is ready to drink.

An easy recipe for making raspberry liqueur


  • Vodka – 1 liter.
  • Raspberries – 400 grams.
  • Granulated sugar – 0.5 kg.
  • Water – 230 ml.

Making the drink at home:

  1. As with any other recipe for making homemade berries alcoholic drinks, the first thing you should do is sort out the berries. Clear them of branches, leaves and other garden debris.
  2. Place the raspberries in a glass jar of a suitable size, pour in vodka, add sugar and shake very thoroughly.
  3. Place the jar in a dark place where the temperature is not lower than 23 degrees for a month.
  4. Shake the container with the drink thoroughly several times a week.
  5. After the required time for aging, strain the liqueur and pour into a clean container prepared for the drink. Insist for another five days.

Raspberry aperitif: French recipe


  • Fresh berries – 500 g.
  • Granulated sugar – 700 g.
  • Vodka – 1 liter 250 ml.
  • Citric acid – 10 g.
  • Water – 500 ml.
  • Vanilla extract – 20 g.

How to make French raspberry liqueur?

  1. Place the selected ripe berries in a saucepan, add water, and simmer over low heat for about an hour.
  2. Strain the broth, add granulated sugar to it, simmer again, now 10 minutes is enough, just during this time the sugar will completely dissolve in the raspberry infusion.
  3. Add the remaining ingredients included in this recipe to the resulting syrup and mix.
  4. Bottle the liquor. Leave for about a day before use.

Drink the drink after keeping it in the freezer.

Homemade raspberry liqueur: double flavor

Thanks to the additional ingredients, a raspberry dessert drink prepared at home with vodka turns out to be especially interesting and rich.


  • Vodka – 600 ml.
  • Raspberries – 300 g.
  • Raspberry bush leaves - 15-20 pieces.
  • Sugar – 550 g.

How to make a drink with double flavor?

  1. Place the berries and leaves in a saucepan, add water, and boil for 20 minutes.
  2. Then remove the pan from the heat and let the broth brew for a day.
  3. After 24 hours, strain the mixture, pour granulated sugar into the raspberry liquid, bring to a boil, and cool.
  4. Add vodka, stir and bottle.

After three days, the drink will be ready for consumption.

All the recipes are very easy, but for any holiday you will have a bottle of homemade raspberry liqueur on your table.

Many housewives, women and even men, are real skilled craftsmen in preparing alcoholic drinks of high quality and amazing taste. Each of them has their own cooking secrets, but they are often willing to share them with others. One of these secrets is making raspberry liqueur at home. There are many recipes for making this drink, but first it’s worth understanding why raspberries are an effective ingredient for making high-quality liqueur?

Raspberry - why exactly it?

Making raspberry liqueur at home is quite simple. This does not require scarce ingredients or complex equipment. Moreover, the main ingredient of the drink is raspberries, which can be used both fresh and in the form of frozen berries.

There are many reasons why home craftsmen choose raspberries and not some other berry for making liqueur. Among the most obvious advantages of this berry:

  • Aroma. Raspberry liqueur is a drink with a wonderful aroma and taste. If wild raspberries were used for cooking, then the aroma will be much stronger.
  • Medicinal properties. Both berries and raspberry leaves are saturated with many vitamins and nutrients, so the drink itself will also have healing properties.
  • Color. Raspberry liqueur has a rich color that is difficult to confuse with drinks made from other berries. On festive table a bottle of such liquor will be a real decoration.

Making your own raspberry liqueur

There are many recipes for making raspberry liqueur. They are divided into two categories: fermentation of berries with sugar and addition of alcohol.

A recipe based on the fermentation of raspberries with sugar results in a finished drink with a strength of 18 to 20%. All necessary ingredients– this is water, sugar and raspberries. Main stages of preparation:

  1. The berries are sorted and all debris and stalks are removed
  2. Together with sugar, raspberries are poured into a jar in layers. The berries are crushed to release the juice and the mixture is poured with clean (not boiled) water.
  3. The neck of the jar is tied with gauze and the container is placed in a dark and warm place for 4 days
  4. After the first signs of fermentation appear, a water seal is made in the form of a special lid or an ordinary rubber glove with holes. After this, the container is returned to its place for a period of 10 to 20 days.
  5. The mixture is filtered, and the liquid is poured into a separate container and placed in a cool place for 2 days.
  6. After a total of 1 month, high-quality raspberry liqueur is ready for consumption

Another common recipe for raspberry liqueur is using vodka. The step-by-step cooking process looks like this:

  • Fresh berries are sorted and washed. In the case of frozen raspberries, the berries do not need to be thawed;
  • The berries are placed in a jar along with sugar and poured with vodka;
  • The jar with the mixture is closed with a tight lid and placed in a dark place for 2-4 weeks. The jar must be shaken daily;
  • After the expiration date, the mixture is filtered and bottled.

Raspberry liqueur- This is a tasty and aromatic drink. In summer it will be a wonderful addition to outdoor gatherings, and in winter it will remind you of the grace of summer. Most varieties of this cozy drink are completely accessible to prepare in a regular kitchen; as you can now see for yourself.

Raspberry liqueur with vodka

This is one of the most simple and simple recipes.


    Large raspberries (fresh or frozen) – 1 kg

    Sugar – 1 kg

    Vodka – 1 l

Cooking method

    Sort and wash fresh raspberries (frozen ones can be used even without defrosting).

    Place the berries in a three-liter jar, add sugar and pour vodka.

    Close the jar tightly with a nylon lid and place in a dark, dry place for 2-4 weeks (a matter of taste). At the same time, the jar must be shaken every day.

    After the expiration date, the liqueur is filtered, bottled and served.

Recipe for raspberry liqueur with vodka

Although preparing this drink requires more effort, the result will exceed all your expectations.


    Large juicy raspberries – 3 kg

    Sugar – 500 g

    Vodka – 1l

Cooking method

    Place the sorted, washed and dried berries into a capacious glass container and fill with vodka.

    Keep the covered container in the sun for four days.

    Then drain the vodka, squeeze the raspberries separately through 5 layers of gauze, then mix both liquids.

    Pour sugar into a large bowl, add 250 ml of tincture and bring to a boil.

    Keep the container tightly closed for 2 weeks in a warm, dark place, after which the finished drink can be bottled.

Raspberry cognac liqueur

Of course, we are not talking about a noble French drink, but about ordinary grape brandy made using cognac technology.


    Ripe raspberries – 500 g

    Sugar – 500 g

    Water – 500 ml

    Cognac – 1 l

Cooking method

    Pour the prepared raspberries into a glass container with a wide neck and pour cognac.

    Tie the container and place it in a sunny place for about a month.

    Then, boil the sugar syrup, cool it and add to the tincture.

    Strain the resulting liquid and squeeze through 5 layers of gauze; then, filter it from the remaining pulp and bottle it.

Homemade raspberry gin liqueur

To prepare this English variation on the theme of a drink familiar to us, it is recommended to use such simple brands of gin as Gordon's, Tanqueray or, in as a last resort, "Beefeater".


    Raspberries – 450 g

    Gin – 750 ml

    Sugar – 450 g

Cooking method

    Place the prepared raspberries, sugar and gin in a jar of suitable size with an extremely tight lid.

    Keep the future drink in a cool, dry place for three months.

    At the same time, during the first month the jar must be shaken daily, and in the next two months it must be turned over from time to time.

    After the specified period, the liqueur is filtered through a cotton or coffee filter and bottled.

Raspberry liqueur with cherry leaves

Actually, when making this type of liqueur, you should not artificially limit yourself. Cherry leaves, if desired, can be replaced with the same raspberry ones.


    Raspberries – 700 g

    Cherry leaves – 200 pcs.

    Sugar – 1.5 kg

    Citric acid – 15 g

    Water – 1.5 l

    Alcohol – 500 ml

Cooking method

    Throw berries and leaves into boiling water. Keep on fire for 20 minutes.

    Strain the cooled mixture and then add sugar and acid.

    Boil the resulting liquid again, then cool, mix thoroughly with alcohol and pour into bottles.

Here is a more familiar version of liqueur prepared with alcohol.

List of ingredients

    Raspberries – 1 kg

    Alcohol – 1 l

    Sugar – 1 kg

    Water – 1 l

Cooking method

    Mash the sorted and washed berries thoroughly or pass through a blender.

    Place the resulting puree in a glass jar, fill it with alcohol and leave the closed container for half a month in a dark place (don’t forget to shake periodically).

    After the specified period, mix the contents of the jar with cooled sugar syrup and keep the resulting liquid for another half a month.

    Then, strain the drink thoroughly and bottle it.

Vanilla-raspberry liqueur

In principle, nothing prevents you from adding other spices to your favorite drink: cloves, cinnamon, cardamom, etc.


    Raspberries – 500 g

    Vodka – 700 ml

    Water – 175 ml

    Sugar – 175 g

    Vanilla sugar – 30 g

Cooking method

    Pour vodka over the sorted and washed berries for half a month.

    Strain the result through cheesecloth and filter until the liquid clears.

    Citric acid – 10 g

    Cloves – 5 buds

    Water – 10 l

    Alcohol or vodka – 4 l

Cooking method

    Add alcohol or vodka, add citric acid, cloves and dilute all this with boiled water.

    Cover the container with the mixture and leave it in the sun for several hours.

    Then filter, bottle and store in a cool place.

What do you drink raspberry liqueur with?

And finally, a few words about what to drink raspberry liqueur with.

In any of its manifestations, it is a dessert drink. Accordingly, it will serve as a pleasant addition to the sweet table. True, in our opinion, it is better to serve it not with baked goods, but with fruit, jelly or ice cream (white or fruit). In this case, it is desirable that the liqueur be chilled.

Some gourmets expand their culinary horizons by pairing certain varieties of this liqueur (for example, a raspberry-currant version) with cheeses. But this, as they say, is a matter of taste.

Unlike tinctures, which imply a decent strength, liqueurs are low-alcohol, soft drinks and are mainly considered for women. But many representatives of the stronger sex also like to sit in nature in the summer with a glass of a sweet, aromatic drink, or in the winter, at the table, remember the hot summer, savoring berry liqueur.

There are a great many recipes for making raspberry liqueur. We will tell you about the three most delicious and simplest ones.

Classic recipe - raspberry liqueur with vodka

To ensure that we end up with a tasty, aromatic, and most importantly, soft drink, we take the following:

  • raspberries - 1 kg
  • sugar - 800 gr
  • clean water (mineral) - 200 g
  • vodka - 1 l.

When it comes to making liqueurs, it is better to forget about moonshine. If in the case of tinctures, double purified moonshine could still replace vodka or alcohol, then in liqueur it will not allow the ingredients to fully reveal themselves. It is better to use vodka or food alcohol.

We wash the raspberries, pour them into a saucepan, add sugar and water there. Bring to a boil over low heat, cook for 5 minutes, stirring constantly. Then cover with a lid and let cool. After this, pour the resulting raspberry jam into a three-liter jar and fill it with vodka. Mix thoroughly, cover with a lid and send to a dark place for 3-4 weeks. Shake the jar once every 2 days. After this, we filter our liqueur through 3-4 layers of gauze and additionally through a cotton filter so that the liqueur is transparent. Bottle and taste. We have created a pleasant, soft, homemade liqueur with a rich raspberry flavor, with a strength of no more than 25 degrees.

Recipe for raspberry liqueur with sugar syrup

This recipe is even simpler than the first, but as a result you will get a real “summer” drink with raspberry flavor. To do this we take:

  • fresh or frozen raspberries - 500 gr.
  • lemon zest - 2 tsp.
  • sugar syrup - 200 gr
  • vodka – 700 ml

Wash the raspberries, sort them, put them in a jar along with the zest and fill them with vodka. Shake and put away in a dark place for 3 weeks. Shake the jar periodically. Then add sugar syrup to the future liqueur, mix well and put the jar back in a dark place for 2 weeks. Finally, we filter our homemade liqueur through several layers of gauze and bottle it.

Recipe for “French” raspberry liqueur.

This recipe has more ingredients and the cooking process is somewhat more complicated than the previous two. But the resulting result will amaze even the most demanding critic or stern mother-in-law who grumbles about the mess in the kitchen and the pantry filled with bottles.

For this homemade liqueur we will need:

  • raspberries - 1 kg
  • blackberries - 1 kg
  • liquid honey – 150 g
  • sugar syrup - 200 gr
  • vodka – 500 ml
  • cognac – 300 ml
  • vanilla sugar - 5 g
  • orange zest - 1 tsp.

We wash the raspberries and blackberries, sort them and place them in a suitable container. Pour the sugar syrup into it and mash with a wooden masher until smooth. After this, add all the remaining ingredients.

You can take the cheapest cognac, or replace it with any fruit brandy.

Then mix the future liqueur thoroughly, close the lid and put it in a dark place for 4 weeks. Naturally, do not forget to shake the container periodically. After this, strain the liqueur through several layers of gauze or special filter, bottle it and let it sit for a couple more weeks. During this time, our French liqueur will acquire a truly royal taste. And may he not be so different beneficial properties, such as, for example, but the wonderful raspberry taste will not leave anyone indifferent.