How to find out the gender of a child by the date of birth of the parents. Effective ways to plan your baby's gender

Boy or girl?

Throughout the history of mankind, people have been trying to guess who will be born to them - a boy or a girl?

Modern medicine offers the most popular way to determine the sex of a baby in the womb using ultrasound. This method gives results from about 16 weeks of pregnancy. But more reliable information can be obtained only at 20-25 weeks of pregnancy. Another way to determine the sex of a child is an American special test, which allows you to find out who the couple is expecting. It is known that fetal sex hormones are present in the urine of a pregnant woman. If you combine it with a special reagent found in the test, it will change color - if it is green, it will be a boy, if orange, it will be a girl. The accuracy of the test is 90%, it can be performed from 8 weeks. However, such a test is not cheap and it will not be easy to find it, since it is not sold in all pharmacies.
If you are just planning to conceive a child and you want a boy or a girl, then with an accuracy of 50% you can use alternative folk and ancient methods of determining gender: according to the Drene Chinese and Japanese tables, according to the renewal of the blood of the mother and father, according to the blood type of the parents, folk signs.

Ancient Chinese table for determining the sex of a child by mother's age and time of conception

Are you planning a child and want to know the gender of your unborn baby? Let's first look at the Chinese fertility chart. The original of this table is kept in a museum in Beijing, its age is about 700 years. A conception table for the sex of a child was discovered in one of the eastern ancient temples. But, according to legend, they initially found it in the tomb of the emperor, and only then transferred it to the temple. The Chinese conception table is based on the fact that the sex of the unborn baby depends on two different factors - the age of the mother and the month of the child’s immediate conception. First find the mother's age, then relate it to the month in which the child was conceived. You will receive a plus or minus sign indicating whether it is a boy or a girl, respectively. This way you can check the birth of yourself or your relatives.

Considering the age of the intended mother, which is indicated in the table from 18 to 45 years, you determine in which month a boy or girl can be born, choose the preferred one and count nine from this month to get the time of conception. Good luck in your endeavors!

Mother's age


Folk signs on how to determine the gender of the unborn child

1. Let future mom He will take a key from the table (without a ring and not in a bunch!). If she takes the round part, then she will have a boy, if she takes the long narrow part, then she will have a girl, and if she takes the middle part, then she will have twins.
2. If the expectant mother chokes while eating, ask her to name any number. Then figure out which letter of the alphabet this number corresponds to (a - 1, b - 2, etc.) and ask her to name the name starting with this letter. If she chooses a girl's name, then she will have a girl, and if she chooses a boy's name, then she will have a boy.
3. If you have older children, remember the first word of the previous child. If he said “mom” first, then a girl will be born, and if “dad”, then a boy.
4. Compare the year of conception and the age of the mother at the time of conception. If both numbers are even or both are odd, then the birth is a girl, and if one is even and the other is odd, then the birth is a boy.
5. If you want to give birth to a boy, eat more salty foods for several months before conception, and if you want a girl, eat more sweets.
6. If you want to conceive a girl, place a wooden spoon and scissors under the mattress, and a pink bow under the pillow.
7. The gender of the child will be opposite to that of the partner who was more active at the time of conception.
8. If your legs swell during pregnancy, you will have a boy, and if your legs are fine, you will have a girl.
9. If a pregnant woman is irritable, then she will give birth to a girl, and if she has mostly good mood, then it's a boy.
10. If a pregnant woman eats small pieces of bread, then she will have a boy, and if she takes pieces of bread from the middle, then she will have a girl.
11. If a pregnant woman’s hands become dry and the skin on them cracks, then a boy will be born, and if the hands become softer, then a girl will be born.
12. A pregnant woman expecting a boy eats more than one who is expecting a girl.
13. A pregnant, expecting girl feels more nauseous.
14. If acne appears on the face and chest of a pregnant woman, then a girl will be born: the daughter “takes away” her mother’s beauty.
15. A woman who is pregnant with a boy has a lower belly than one who is pregnant with a girl.
16. Thread through wedding ring give a pregnant woman a chain and hang it over her stomach (the woman should lie down). If the ring swings back and forth, then a girl will be born, and if in a circle, then a boy. This fortune telling also exists in another version: it is not necessary to hang a ring, but any medallion on a chain, not over the stomach, but over the palm of the pregnant woman, and the results are the opposite: if the medallion moves in a circle, then it is a girl, and if it swings from side to side , then it's a boy. There is, however, an opinion that this fortune telling is only true if the child is not the first.
17. If a pregnant woman is clumsy and constantly stumbles, then she will have a boy, and if she is more graceful, then let her expect a girl.
18. If a boy, already starting to walk, shows interest in a pregnant woman, she will give birth to a girl, and if he does not pay attention to her, then a boy.
19. If a pregnant woman sleeps on her left side, then she will have a boy, and if on her right, then she will have a girl.
20. Ask the pregnant woman to show you her hands: if she turns them palms up, then a girl will be born, if she turns them palms down, then a boy.

Online calculators for calculating the sex of a child

Our calculators for calculating the gender of the unborn child have collected several options and methods; the calculation is based on those methods that have proven themselves among women.

Online calculator for calculating the gender of a child by updating the parents' blood

It is believed that the sex of the child depends on which parent has “fresher” blood. In men, blood is renewed once every 4 years, in women - once every 3 years. So, if dad's last blood update date is later than mom's, then it will be a boy. Try to determine the sex of your baby using this method!

Of course, it is not possible to determine the sex of a child by the date of conception with a 100% guarantee. After all, Mother Nature herself decides who should be born - a boy or a girl. However, if you know exactly or approximately the day on which, you can use the table of the child’s gender by date of conception even before the ultrasound shows the exact answer.

Which parent determines the sex of the baby?

Let's remember the school biology course. The sex of the future human is determined by the combination of chromosomes: XX for girls, XY for boys. It is the Y chromosome that is “male”, and only the father can pass it on.

The sex of the baby depends entirely on the father, or rather on what set of chromosomes the sperm that fertilized the egg has.

Gender of the child and date of conception

Fact: sperm carrying the female set of chromosomes “weigh” more and move more slowly, but are more resilient and resistant to adverse conditions than theirY-brethren.

Simply put, “boy” sperm move faster and therefore get to the egg faster. However, if it took place before ovulation, they will not have time to do this, as they will die earlier. But the more stable “girls” will remain and at the decisive moment they will find themselves directly next to the egg.

Conceiving immediately on the day of ovulation and for several days after it increases the chance of. If sexual intercourse occurs earlier, the likelihood of having a girl is higher.

Calculation difficulties

Although the described method indeed has a scientific basis, in practice deviations occur quite often.

To plan the gender of your unborn child based on the date of conception, you must clearly know the day of ovulation. If you have been planning a pregnancy for a long time and have used special tests, there will be no problems.

However, the usual calendar method, for example, can fail. This is due to the fact that even women with regular menstrual cycle Minor glitches may occur. This can be affected by stress, climate change, colds, various health problems and even simple fatigue.

Alternative ways to find out the sex of the child

The methods given below do not have a scientific basis; they are from the field of astrology and predictions. However, since they have been used for so many centuries, perhaps they really work.

Moon calendar

Astrologers claim that the reliability this method reaches 95-97%. Whether to believe them or not, let everyone decide for themselves. We will simply briefly describe the essence.

The duration of a lunar month is 29 days - this is the period during which the Moon revolves around our planet.

Lunar calendar |

It is believed that you can find out the gender of a child by the date of conception by finding out which zodiac constellation the Moon was in that day. The “masculine” signs are Gemini, Leo, Libra, Aquarius, Sagittarius and Aries, and the “feminine” signs are Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces, Taurus and Virgo.

Chinese calendar

People have always sought to determine the sex of a child by the date of conception. And this is most eloquently proven by the ancient chinese calendar, found in an ancient temple about 700 years ago (the original is now kept in the Beijing Museum).

IN Ancient China it was believed that the sex of the baby depended only on two factors: the date of conception and the age of the mother.

Important: in order to calculate everything correctly, a pregnant woman needs to add 9 months to her real age. This is due to the fact that, according to tradition in the Celestial Empire, the “reference point” was not the person’s birthday, but the date of conception.

Using this calendar to calculate the gender of your child is very simple. For example, if a woman is 25 years old, 1 year must be added to her age. It is necessary to find the corresponding column with age, the month of conception of the baby (for example, March), draw straight lines and find the place where they intersect. The table indicates “M” - this month there is a higher probability of conceiving a boy.

Japanese table

The next way to determine the sex of a child by date of conception is to use the Japanese table. Japanese scientists believe that X and Y chromosomes are produced at certain periods of time. When the number of “right” sperm prevails, the chance of conceiving a child of the desired sex is higher. Unlike the Chinese calendar, this method takes into account the age of the father.

The table consists of two parts.

1. Find the number and remember the number at the intersection of the birth months of the baby’s father and mother.

2. Go to the second table and find required number in a horizontal line, and the month of conception in a column. Depending on where there are more crosses (in the “Boy” or “Girl” column), the likelihood of conceiving a baby of the desired gender is also higher.

Calculator by date of conception

If you are too lazy to understand various tables yourself, you can use ready-made calculators.

The most popular resource of this kind on the RuNet is the site “”. Here you can calculate the sex of the child based on the date of conception using a calculator based on ancient Chinese or Japanese tables. Everything is as simple and convenient as possible: you simply enter the necessary data, press the “Calculate” button and in a matter of seconds you will receive an answer to the question that concerns you.

Useful tips

For centuries, expectant parents had to wait until their child was born to find out its gender.

Now there are different methods for determining the sex of a child, starting from folk signs and ancient Chinese tables to modern medical procedures.

1. How to find out the gender of a child using the table?

According to legend Chinese gender determination chart child was found in an ancient royal tomb in China. It predicts the gender of the child based on the Chinese lunar calendar.

IN in this case need to know mother's age at conception And month of conception to determine whether you are having a girl or a boy.

There is no scientific evidence to prove whether this method works, but you can test it on your friends and family.

2. Gender of the child by date of conception

According to this method, the sex of the unborn child is determined by date of conception and depends on the type of sperm.

It is believed that Y sperm, which will lead to the birth of a boy, is faster and less hardy than sperm with the X chromosome, which is slower but more persistent.

Thus, if conception occurs 2-3 days before a woman ovulates, then you are more likely to give birth to a girl. If conception took place directly on the day of ovulation or shortly before it, then the likelihood of having a boy is higher.

The day of ovulation can be determined by measuring your basal temperature or using home ovulation tests.

3. Calculate the sex of the child by blood

According to this theory, the gender of the unborn child can be determined based on renewal of parents' blood. It is believed that in women the blood is renewed once every 3 years, and in men - once every 4 years. The gender of the child is determined by which parent has “fresher” blood.

For example, a woman is 26 years old and a man is 28 years old. If we divide 26 by 3 we get 8.6, and if we divide 28 by 4 we get 8. Since the remainder of a woman (8.6) is greater than that of a man, the probability of having a boy is greater.

It is also worth remembering that in the case of blood donation and transfusion, operations, childbirth and other blood losses, it is worth taking the date of the last blood loss.

Gender of the child by blood type

Another entertaining theory for determining the sex of the unborn child is based on blood type and Rh factor of parents. The intersection of your mother's and father's blood types, as well as the Rh factors, indicates whether you are having a boy or a girl.

4. Gender of the child according to signs

There are many signs of determining the sex of a child, which our grandmothers and mothers also resorted to. Of course, these methods are not considered reliable since they have not been validated. Some of them seem to be true because they are approximately 50 percent accurate, and there are others that have been partially scientifically proven.

Gender of baby by belly

If you carry your baby low - you have a boy, if high - you have a girl. There is also an opinion that if the expectant mother a pointed belly shape means there will be a boy, and a more rounded shape means a girl.

However, according to experts, the shape of the abdomen is determined by the muscles, uterine tone and position of the child, and not by the gender of the baby.

According to the latest data, Breast volume is the best indicator of the sex of the unborn child. Women carrying girls have larger breasts during pregnancy (an average of 8 cm) than women carrying boys (an average of 6.3 cm). This is because boys produce more testosterone and require more energy from the mother, which suppresses breast growth more.

Gender of baby based on heartbeat

According to the signs, if you have a girl, the fetal heart rate will be above 140 per minute, and if it’s a boy, then less than 140. In fact, the fetal heartbeat changes as the child grows and develops, as well as as the child becomes more active. However, it has been scientifically proven that the heart rate of girls increases more during childbirth than that of boys.

Folk signs for determining the sex of a child

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The couple will have girl If:

The mother's appearance deteriorated and acne appeared

Dad started gaining weight

Mom has a craving for sweets

The expectant mother suffers from severe morning sickness

Parents age over 40 years

If you hang a wedding ring over your stomach, it moves back and forth

The couple will have boy If:

Mother's appearance has improved

Dry hands and cold feet

Cravings for salty and sour

Mother is stressed

Significantly increased appetite and calorie consumption

If you hang a wedding ring over your stomach, it moves in a circle

5. Gender of the child according to ultrasound

One of the most accurate methods for determining the sex of a child during pregnancy is ultrasound or ultrasonography, during which high-frequency sound waves create an image of your baby inside the uterus.

An ultrasound is not performed to determine the sex of the child, but to find out whether the child is developing correctly.

Depending on the length of your pregnancy and the position of the fetus, your doctor can tell you for sure whether you are carrying a boy or a girl.

At what time can you determine the sex of a child?

Most often, the method of determining the sex of a child by ultrasound is the most accurate. between 18 and 26 weeks of pregnancy. Although new ultrasound technologies can determine the sex of a child for more early 12-13 weeks.

Until 18 weeks of intrauterine development, male and female genital organs are more similar and therefore the likelihood of error is high. More late dates also make this task more difficult due to the tighter position of the fetus.

It is worth remembering that if the child is in an awkward examination position or crosses his legs, this may hide the genital area from observation.

Gender of the child: is ultrasound wrong?

Ultrasound is not a 100 percent method, and the likelihood of error depends on several factors:

Gestational age (the higher, the more accurate)

Equipment (3D ultrasound is usually more accurate)

Professionalism of the doctor performing ultrasound

Mother's weight (the fatter the mother, the lower the image quality)

Fetal positions

Exist more precise methods determining the sex of the unborn child (almost 100 percent), but they are carried out out of necessity and are accompanied by a high risk for pregnancy. This amniocentesis(amniotic sac puncture) and chorionic villus biopsy. They are carried out at an earlier stage: in the first and early second trimester.

Amniocentesis is performed between 15-18 weeks pregnancy. The doctor inserts a long needle to take a sample of amniotic fluid from the amniotic sac, which contains the baby's cells. Typically, this test is ordered if there is an increased risk of abnormalities in the child and disorders related to the sex of the child.

Chorionic villus biopsy is performed between 11 and 14 weeks, and this method is also used only if the child has a possibility of developing disorders.

Determining the sex of the unborn child

The “blood renewal” technique is based on the fact that men’s blood is renewed once every 4 years, and women’s - once every 3 years. If the father’s blood is “newer,” the child will be a boy, if the mother’s blood will be a girl. It is necessary to take into account all the large blood losses after which the blood was renewed - operations, childbirth, miscarriages, abortions, blood transfusions, donation of donor blood.

Ancient Chinese table for determining the sex of a child by time of conception

Want to test yourself? First find the mother's age, then relate it to the month in which the child was conceived. You will receive a plus or minus sign indicating whether it is a boy or a girl, respectively. This way you can check the birth of yourself or your relatives.

Considering the age of the intended mother, which is indicated in the table from 18 to 35 years, you determine in which month a boy or girl can be born, choose the preferred one and count nine from this month to get the time of conception. Good luck in your endeavors!

Many mothers want to know the sex of their unborn baby. Often women to establish this fact, use various calendars and techniques. Let's look at the most common of them and find out how you can calculate the sex of a child by the date of conception.

What determines the sex of a child?

Before talking about methods to stop the gender identity of the unborn baby, it is necessary to understand what determines the gender of the unborn child. To do this, let's turn to the basics of genetics. Thus, a man’s semen contains sex cells, which contain chromosomes X and Y. Eggs contain only X chromosomes.

At conception, the fusion of male and female sex gametes occurs. Taking into account the above-mentioned features, we can conclude that the sex of the unborn baby depends entirely on which sperm fertilizes the egg. If it is a germ cell with an X chromosome, then as a result of fusion with the egg, the embryo will receive the XX set, which corresponds to the female sex. When a sperm with a Y chromosome participates in fertilization, a boy is born. It follows from this that the baby’s gender depends on his father, on which sperm fertilizes the egg.

How to calculate the gender of a child based on the date of conception?

Calculating the sex of a child based on the date of conception is not difficult if the mother remembers exactly the day when she had sex. In such calculations, physiological characteristics are used. So, conception is possible only during the period. It occurs approximately in the middle of the menstrual cycle. To accurately determine this day, you can measure, undergo an ultrasound examination, or use special tests. Only after this can you plan your pregnancy and calculate the sex of the baby.

To determine the sex of a child by the date of conception in this way, the life expectancy of sperm is taken into account. On average it is 4-5 days. It has been established that male reproductive cells that carry the Y chromosome live less than those that contain the X chromosome. It follows from this that in order to conceive a boy, it is necessary to have sex directly on the day of ovulation. The likelihood of conceiving a girl increases when making love 2-3 days before the egg leaves the follicle.

Chinese conception calendar

In order to correctly use the Chinese child conception calendar and use it to determine the sex of the future baby, you need to know the exact age of the mother at the time of fertilization. In this case, lunar phases are taken into account, not solar cycles. To calculate the exact age of the expectant mother using lunar calendar, you need to perform simple mathematical operations. Only after this will it be possible to determine the gender of the unborn child by the date of conception using this method.

It all depends on the month of birth of the mother. If it is between January 1 and February 20 inclusive, then there is no need to change the age. If a woman was born in a different month, then 1 more year is added to the number of full years. After this, they turn to the table in which they find the age of the potential mother and move to the right until they meet the column of the month of planned conception. At their intersection the sex of the future baby will be indicated.

Japanese conception calendar

The Japanese conception calendar is effective technique, allowing you to determine the gender of the planned baby. With this method, both the months of birth of the parents and the time of conception are taken into account. According to the method, at certain times the male body produces more germ cells with the X chromosome, and at other times more Y chromosomes. Because of this, the sex of the baby can be determined in advance.

To determine the sex of a child by the date of conception using this method, 2 special tables have been compiled that help to establish a favorable period for planning a child of the desired gender. In the first, the code number is determined, in the second - the gender itself. To calculate the number from the month of the future father's birthday, draw a line vertically downwards, and from the mother's month - horizontally to the right. Find a number at the intersection. It is inserted into the second table and at the intersection with the month of conception, the gender is determined.

Lunar calendar of conception

You can also determine the sex of the child by the date of conception using. However, astrologers do not recommend planning it during the full moon, new moon or during an eclipse. At this time, it is very difficult to predict the baby’s gender. To determine the gender of the planned child by the date of conception using this method, take into account the zodiac sign that influences the moon at the time of fertilization:

  • Aries, Libra, Gemini, Capricorn, Aquarius, Cancer - a boy will be born;
  • Pisces, Scorpio, Virgo, Leo, Taurus, Sagittarius - there is a high probability of having a girl.

Gender of the child according to Vanga's table

The method became popular thanks to the student and successor of the famous healer Vanga - Lyudmila Kim. According to this method, the gender of the child is determined based on the date of conception and the woman’s age. By comparing these 2 parameters, the expectant mother can independently predict the gender of her baby. Using this method to determine the gender of the child by the date of conception, the table is located below, it is simple. At the intersection of the columns of the month of conception and the age of the potential mother, the answer is found.

The gender of the child is the most accurate method

In order to find out the sex of a child by date of conception, there are many ways. However, each of them does not give 100% results, so it is impossible to select the best and most accurate one. Given this fact, women often use several of the methods discussed above at once. At the same time, the results obtained do not always coincide with each other and with reality. But there are also women who managed to predict their gender based on the date of conception.