What men look like at 51 years old. Age-related changes in a woman’s body: what is important to know

Children are a joy. And many women, even after reaching childbearing age, decide to please their husbands - whether old or new - it doesn’t really matter

Photo source: woman.ru

But if at 25 it’s easy and natural, at 35 it’s good, but already alarming, at 45 it’s scary, difficult, but desirable, then after 50 it’s simply a feat. And many women decide on it.

Photo source: supercoolpics.com

1. World record for difference between births installed by Elizabeth Ann Battle. She gave birth to her first child early - at 19 years old.

41 years after the birth of her daughter, on May 19, 1956, a son, Joseph, was born. The mother of the newborn was 60 years old at that time.

Photo source: wittyfeed.com

2. American actress Adrienne Barbeau gave birth to twin boys at age 51(got pregnant naturally).

Photo source: metronews.ru

3. World record for oldest mother to conceive naturally and give birth to a live baby belongs to British woman Dawn Brooks, who gave birth to a son in 1997 at the age of 59.

Photo source: dailymail.co. uk

4. In 2006 Romanian writer Adriana Iliescu gave birth to a daughter at the age of 66.

The woman had an emergency caesarean section, as it became known that one of the two babies Iliescu was carrying had already died.

Photo source: theguardian.com

5. Russian Natalya Surkova in 1996, at the age of 57, she gave birth to her third child. By that time she already had two children.

Photo source: rrnews.ru

6. In February 2015 in Moscow a 62-year-old woman gave birth to a child 10 years ago I experienced the death of my son and really wanted to regain the happiness of motherhood.

7. Lyudmila Belyavskaya, second wife of the Soviet and Russian actor Alexander Belyavsky, in 2003, at the age of 52 she gave birth to a daughter by caesarean section. It is worth noting that at that time her husband was 70 years old.

Photo source: metronews.ru

8. Belarusian Karina Solenikova became a mother at 54 years old. To do this, Karina was forced to leave for Kharkov, because the law “On Assisted Reproductive Technologies” came into force in Belarus, prohibiting IVF for women over 50 years of age.

Photo source: tut.by

9. A little earlier, in 2013 Tatyana Korotkaya, a Minsk resident, became a mother at the age of 54.

Photo source: tut.by

10. British actress, star of the TV series “Shameless” Tina Malone gave birth to her second child, a girl, Flame, at 50.

She and her husband, who is 19 years younger than Malone, dreamed about this for a long time. The child was conceived through IVF using a donor egg.

The desire to become a mother was so strong that she decided to do it, despite the threats of doctors. To do this, the actress had to lose 69 kg!

Tina Malone says having a baby at 50 was easy (quoted by DailyMail):

I'm not saying everyone should run out and have a baby at 50, but I firmly believe that older women are much better moms and I want to show others that they can do it.

Photo source: dailystar.co.uk

I'm not an idiot, I knew all the risks associated with childbirth, but you have to take risks in life to get what you want.

But I do think there should be a limit. I think that over 55 years old it is already too late, because you want to see your child at least graduate.

Photo source: dailystar.co.uk

If you had asked me 10 years ago: “Another child or an Oscar?”, I would have said Oscar. But if you now offered me an Emmy, a Golden Globe, an Oscar or a child, I would choose the child every time.

And in yours family history Are there any facts about childbirth after 50 years?

The top news about Primorye over the past 24 hours was the birth of three children at once to a 51-year-old local resident. The KP-Vladivostok correspondent talked with her and her husband, who became parents for the first time in adulthood.

A long-awaited event in the family Julia And Evgenia Zhabyko happened on the morning of June 4: as a result of the operation C-section two sons and a daughter were born weighing from one and a half kilograms to 2.4. As always, in the event of resolution of a multiple pregnancy, the medical team at the regional perinatal center has been strengthened. And Yulia ended up in the perinatal center at 35 weeks of pregnancy, when there was a threat of miscarriage. Before this, she was observed in one of the private medical centers in Vladivostok, where she underwent the in vitro fertilization procedure.

“We didn’t drink, didn’t smoke and waited for this miracle to happen to us”

Before becoming parents, Julia and her 53-year-old husband experienced several unsuccessful pregnancies.

We gave up, and suddenly I found out that I was pregnant. I constantly visited the gynecologist and made sure that everything was in order with the blood. We don’t drink or smoke, and my husband and I followed a healthy diet. He was even recommended to include it in his diet. pumpkin seeds. And we waited and waited for this miracle to happen to us. We have been moving towards this purposefully since 2011,” the happy woman shared with reporters.

She works as the head of the tsunami center at Primhydromet, her husband is a candidate of technical sciences, a teacher at the Far Eastern Federal University. A family with average income, in a small two-room apartment. Nevertheless, we are ready for new troubles and difficulties.

Certainly. After all, we went to this consciously. And when we found out that we were pregnant, and, moreover, pregnant with triplets, I immediately told my husband: now, in principle, life is such that everyone works for a very long time. Until the age of 75, we have time to put them on their feet and give them a chance to get an education, a good specialty and continue to go through life boldly, with their heads held high,” Yulia Zhabyko told Komsomolskaya Pravda. - The children have already been named Igor, Victoria and Dmitry. The first boy is a copy of my husband, and the girl looks like me.

Laughing, she recalled someone’s wisdom that a woman loses 11 years with childbirth, so now she feels like she’s 40.

In turn, the chief physician of the Primorsky Regional Perinatal Center Tatyana Kurleeva confirmed that the mother is completely healthy, and the babies too. But the children will be discharged home only when the weight of each reaches 2.5 kilograms.

Honored Doctor: this story is unique for Russia

A year ago, a woman who was then 50 years old gave birth here. But at 51, and even with triplets at once, this happened for the first time.

This story is certainly unique not only for the Primorsky Territory, but throughout Russian Federation, - noted Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation, Candidate of Medical Sciences Tatyana Kurleeva. - Our perinatal center is very powerful medical institution in terms of providing assistance not only to young patients, but also to women. Of course, there was a threat of bleeding and various complications, both during childbirth and in the postpartum period. Therefore, for the sake of a favorable outcome, everyone is on guard here: obstetricians-gynecologists, anesthesiologists, resuscitators - children's and adults. And today the weight of our dear triplets - our sunny, joyful, beautiful children - made it possible to transfer them after resuscitation to the second stage of nursing.

“We are people of the old school, but we met on the Internet”

While the mother is recovering from childbirth and admiring her babies, the triplets’ father is buying what he needs and setting up a family nest in an ordinary city two-room apartment.

Dad bought three cribs yesterday and said: “Yes... and where will we stay?” We played it safe, of course: we bought in advance only what we needed for discharge, and my husband purchased everything else after the children were born. If it weren’t for the notorious housing problem, then, of course, my mother could have come. And my sister would come and help. But here, in a two-room apartment, only dad will help for now,” Yulia sighs.

The candidate of technical sciences himself Evgenia Zhabyko a phone call found me assembling cribs.

Both joy and worries – all together,” he shared. - I also bought a stroller for one and for twins, because there was no one for triplets, and, besides, it was so heavy. In general, almost all the free space in the apartment is now occupied. There are boxes of diapers, and I move sideways sideways.

Tomorrow I will go to the perinatal center and see what happened. But we don’t use a mobile camera; we are still old-school people. And the phones are also old,” explained 53-year-old Evgeniy Igorevich.

However, this position did not prevent him from meeting his future wife via the Internet:

I was there for a long, long time - searching, searching, searching - but still the Internet helped, a dating site. Although, of course, there is a lot of everything there, but it is a tool, like a hammer: you can do something with it, or you can do it with your fingers. So you just need to know the Internet: it helped us meet about seven years ago. And it turned out to be a continuation of our family.

According to the spouses, they were lucky with the attitude of others. No one dissuaded them from pregnancy and childbirth, since they knew about their ardent desire to become parents. Except that some experts reminded us about age.

They just didn’t understand why a seemingly self-sufficient woman at 51 still needed this?! As for my family, colleagues, and friends, when I announced that I had become a mother, a flurry of good wishes poured in. And I want to say that it’s never too late to become a mother. It’s probably even better to be late than never. Because this feeling, this feeling....., - at these words, Yulia began to cry tears of joy. - These are just three miracles. And I can’t even imagine my life without them. In addition, my doctor here, Lyudmila Vasilyevna Degtyareva, whom I saw at the perinatal center, said: “Just trust us.” And I just trusted them.

Let for happiness in life
There are 100 reasons
After all, you are only 51.
The first year has passed
After the anniversary,
And you every year
You become wiser.
There is no need to count the years -
Why these worries?
Ahead of you
Lots of work waiting.
Youth at heart
I want to keep
Enjoy life
And appreciate every day.

Happy birthday
And I wish not to count,
What ten years are you in?
You keep collecting.

Together with the young, in step
Do you have time to go?
And sometimes you even
You are one step ahead of them.

At 51 I wish
Don't lose the rhythm of life,
Forever to your soul
Stay young.

Happy Birthday. I want to say that 51 is the date when all things should go “excellent”, that is, a solid 5, and you should always be in 1st place in everything. This is what I wish for you. Be healthy and happy, may every day bring you success and prosperity.

Age fifty-one -
Time of wisdom, gray hairs,
But here’s the catch here -
The energy is in full swing!

And he can’t sit still,
I still want to work
Show in all its glory
All your achievements.

May you have great luck
Walks next to you
To deftly help
Achieve all your desires!

A time of joy and happiness,
Conquering peaks.
Are you ready for bright ups,
You are 51 now.

I want to wish you good health
And family warmth,
Inspiration and good luck,
May fate be good.

You are fifty-one today,
Let everything come true in life,
So that there are fewer gray hairs,
Your heart was content.

Travel, fly, relax,
And not only let things happen,
We love you very much, you know that
This is how it will always be in life.

May they always be very welcome at home,
To want to go back there,
Surrounded by care, warmth and comfort,
Don't let your years run away.

Your age is just right
To capture all the peaks,
I have strength, great experience,
Fifty-one today.

I wish you to be
Happiness, joy and enthusiasm,
Enjoy every moment -
Your specific verdict.

That's fifty and one - isn't it a miracle?
What kind of gifts can we expect from fate?
May your loved ones always be near you,
It is so joyful to live with them without hostility.

The years fly by... They fly by like birds.
Just look back - half a century has passed.
There was everything - grief and happiness,
But there are still many victories ahead.

Let the smile continue to shine,
Just so that there is a sparkle in the eyes that sparkles.
Happy days and good health!
And may your family hearth burn!

Fifty-one is a wonderful age,
Life is in full swing and in all its glory.
We congratulate you on this,
Let all of your dreams come true!

Birthday will bring smiles,
Happiness and fun, loud laughter,
And let luck give gifts.
Be more successful and happier than everyone.

Fifty-one is wisdom and knowledge,
And your special look, and experience, recognition.
Let life give pleasant gifts.
Live with interest, richly, brightly!

Let the soul shine with kindness and positivity,
Let the hospitality of your home attract friends,
Your eyes sparkle with a smile.
Energy, happiness, luck and love!

Half a century has already been lived, and another half lies ahead. I wish you always have healthy family, true friends, bright memories and good memory. And although it is impossible to turn back time, let there be no need for this. I wish that you are never torn by regrets and doubts, and that you receive only pleasure from life.

Olga Kabo


Olga Kabo has never hidden the fact that she carefully looks after herself. According to the actress, in her youth, good genetics allowed her not to worry about diets, but now Cabo strictly adheres to healthy diet, considering that proper nutrition- This main secret good looks.

Alena Sviridova


Every year Alena becomes more and more beautiful. She says that everyone in her family has such genetics - everyone looks young. But the singer does not hide the fact that in order to stay in shape she has to limit her food intake and do a lot of sports.

Sharon Stone


One of the most beautiful women in Hollywood looks 15 years younger, is not shy about wearing a bikini and says that she is simply lucky with her figure. She doesn't do anything special to keep her shape. And about age, Sharon says this: “Yes, I’m getting old. But it seems to me that in the art of aging you can allow yourself to have some imperfections; they add sensuality and sexuality to the image.”

Elizabeth Hurley


Her figure will be the envy of many young beauties, and in the comments on Instagram, fans shower the actress with compliments. Elizabeth's secret is not to eat a couple of hours before bedtime, eliminate fried foods and flour products, and devote a few minutes a day to abdominal exercises.

Halle Berry


But Halle Berry does not hide the fact that she has to train a lot. But she does it with pleasure and simply cannot live without physical activity. “We have to stop women who want to look ten years younger. We need to get rid of envy, accept the fact that we cannot help but change, and then everything will be fine,” the actress believes.

Renata Litvinova


Renata believes that the main thing is to allow yourself to grow older. This is inevitable and there is nothing new in this, but youth is always inside a person.

Julianne Moore


56-year-old actress Julianne Moore is only getting better with age. She does not consider her age to be a problem, and emphasizes that it was over the years that she gained self-confidence. Juliana's loving husband and children with whom she loves to spend her free time.



Valeria has been leading a healthy lifestyle for a long time, regularly doing yoga and strength training. She also does not hide the fact that she actively uses the services of cosmetologists, believing that you can maintain youthful skin for a very long time without resorting to surgical intervention.

Angelika Varum

49 years old

Looking at Angelica, it is almost impossible to believe that in a month she will turn fifty years old. The singer looks like young girl, which can be grabbed perfect figure in a swimsuit, carefully watching the latest fashion trends and wears short hair.

Demmy Moor


Demi constantly spends huge sums on plastic surgeons, injections and personal nutritionists, and also practices fitness and yoga. The result is obvious: now the actress looks better than 15 years ago.

Monica Bellucci


In her interviews, Monica emphasizes every time that she loves her age. She does not use the services of plastic surgeons and is not fond of Botox injections, she is already beautiful. “It’s all about energy,” says Monica. “It’s very important for a woman what thoughts she lives with.”

Julia Roberts


A year ago, Julia once again topped the list of the most beautiful women according to the American magazine People. In an interview, she shared the secrets of her beauty: “Personally, I know only three: marry the right man, give birth to as many more red-haired children from him and appreciate good friends - they are worth their weight in gold.”

Irina Saltykova


Fans of the 90s star admire how the singer manages to maintain such excellent shape. It turns out that such attractiveness is a gift of nature. In Saltykova’s family on her mother’s side, everyone was long-lived and remained young for many years.

Zhanna Epple


Actis is full of enthusiasm and optimism. “Life in adulthood is wonderful if you don’t be lazy: you have to work and find time for yourself... You know, I look and feel better now than I did at 20 or 30 years old. This is a merit of a healthy lifestyle and working on oneself,” says the actress in an interview, and we absolutely agree with her.

Irina Bezrukova


Each photo of Irina on social networks collects a record number of likes and, according to fans, the actress looks at least 20 years younger. And Irina herself is convinced that the best age is the one when a person is in harmony with himself and the world around him.

Ingeborga Dapkunaite


Fragile, smiling and charming, Ingeborg always manages to look amazing. And the secret is simple: working out in the gym, proper nutrition, massages and self-care.

Oksana Fandera


The year of birth does not in any way correspond to the appearance of a luxurious woman with a chiseled figure. All that remains is to admire.

Photo: Legion Media, Persona Stars

website- As Monica Bellucci said, to be beautiful at 20 is natural, to be beautiful at 45 is already a life position. Thanks to her position in life, a woman in her fifties can look over thirty, or even twenty.

Especially for you, the site has selected 10 women who managed to overcome age and maintain their youth.

Christie Brinkley. 61 years old, but looks over 30, don’t you agree? Secrets of youth: love, proper nutrition, jogging in the morning.

Mazako Mizutani is a Japanese model who, at 47, looks 20. The secret of her youth: drink more than 2 liters of water a day, a strict diet and a set of exercises. She is the mother of two children.

Yasmina RossiFrench model. At 60 years old, her body measurements are: 86-63-91. The secret of her youth: to live the way she likes, to lead healthy image life, adhere to proper nutrition with the obligatory consumption of fish, meat and avocados, as well as moderate physical exercise. In addition, daily skin and hair care: olive oil for face and body, rapeseed for hair.

Apasra Hongsakula— “Miss Universe 1965” from Thailand. Now the beauty queen is less than 70 years old. The secret of her beauty: exercise and proper nutrition.

Liu Xiaoqing is a Chinese actress who, despite her age, is still flawless. She is 61 years old, but looks only 40. Secrets of youth: heredity, proper nutrition, daily skin care.

is a Chinese woman who, at 51, looks 20 years old. Mother of three children. Beauty secrets: good heredity, a healthy lifestyle, a lot of smiles and the ability to enjoy life.

Elle Macpherson At 52, he looks 30 years old. Secrets of youth: three liters of water, sports, skiing, surfing, yoga, chooses quality over quantity in food, does not eat meat.

Carmen Dell'Orefice at 85 he looks 50. Secrets of youth: positive feelings, the right cosmetologist, sports, diet and silicone injections.

- resident of the Chinese province of Henan. At 50, a woman looks half her age. Beauty secrets: sports, swimming, fitness. She dreams of wearing a bikini at 80.

— A 45-year-old Japanese model, she gained popularity after she began publishing pictures in which she looks half her age. Beauty secrets: proper nutrition and organic cosmetics.

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