How to cure scabies at home with folk remedies. Using essential oils to treat scabies Tea tree oil for scabies reviews

Essential oils for scabies are an effective remedy for fighting this contagious disease. As a rule, after the diagnosis is made, doctors prescribe standard medications... They are fast acting, many are affordable enough for any wallet. but ethnoscience offers many recipes for combating scabies mites. These include various essential oils.

What is scabies?

Scabies is a dermatological disease caused by the scabies mite. You can pick it up almost everywhere, because for infection, a simple contact with a sick person is enough:

The disease is manifested by the appearance of a small rash, blisters in the areas most susceptible to infection:

The rash is accompanied at first by a slight, and subsequently intolerable itching, which intensifies in the evening and at night.

In addition to pharmaceuticals, there have long been folk remedies to combat this scourge. These include essential oils that can help treat scabies.

Essential oils for scabies

For treatment, you can use oils both in pure form and for preparing potions together with other ingredients.

Traditional healers do not doubt that any essential oil should help in the treatment of scabies. Naturalness and absence of chemical substances that can adversely affect the body. In addition, products using them are easy to prepare at home. In addition, some oils (for example, fir) are often already in every home medicine cabinet and you can start treatment immediately, without going to the pharmacy. Many essential oils are affordable, which is an important factor for those who are unable to buy medicines at the pharmacy.

By cons of use essential oils to get rid of the scabies mite, it can be attributed to the fact that when using them, allergic reactions often occur. Quite often, treatment can be delayed because these drugs do not have the powerful power of traditional drugs. The main disadvantage is that an incorrectly chosen essential oil may not help at all. Moreover, all the time while ineffective treatment is carried out, a person experiences unbearable itching of the skin. It is important that while waiting for the result, it remains a source of infection for others.

Which way to choose: to be treated and or to use different oils is a question that is decided by everyone individually. However, in any case, at the first sign of scabies, you should definitely consult a doctor. After all, scabies is not only a painful and unpleasant, but also a socially dangerous disease, which without timely adequate treatment can last for years.

Hellebore ointment gives a very good effect.

Ointment: Mix 1 teaspoon of hellebore root powder with 1 teaspoon of angelica powder, add 4 teaspoons of warmed lard, mix all components thoroughly.

Apply the resulting ointment to areas affected by scabies.

Broth: 1/2 teaspoon of hellebore root powder, pour 200 g (glass) of boiling water, boil a little.

The broth is used in the fight against lice and scabies mites.

Tincture: Pour hellebore root powder with strong vodka or moonshine (1: 120). Insist 2 weeks, strain.

The tincture is rubbed into sore spots with scabies, as well as neuralgia, rheumatism, arthritis. The hellebore is poisonous, so you need to be careful.

1 tbsp. spoonfragrant rue leaves pour 0.5 liters of water, boil, cool and moisten the sore skin.

Scots pine tar used to treat eczema, scabies, psoriasis, skin diseases. This tar is part of the ointments - Vishnevsky and Wilkinson.

It helps well with scabiesavran medicinal (feverish herb, bloodstone, mock, grace, grace).

Ointment: take 1 part of avran juice and 1 part of any fat, mix and lubricate the areas affected by scabies.

They treat with Avran ointment eczema, chronic skin diseases, lichen, trophic ulcers, but remember - Avran is poisonous.

During treatment, you need to wash your hands very thoroughly, and it is advisable to iron the underwear and bed linen with an iron on both sides.


2 tspmarigold pour 250 ml of boiling water, leave for 10 minutes, strain. Drink tea in small sips, and when applied externally, moisten the affected skin with it.

Calendula flowers contain anti-inflammatory agents and speed up the healing process.

It disinfects well and penetrates deeply into the skintea tree oil, which is used to treat scabies.

Bath. Add 8-10 drops of tea tree oil mixed with 2 tablespoons of cream to the water.

Cream. Lubricate the affected skin with a neutral moisturizing cream, in which pre-add tea tree oil (3 drops per 1 tablespoon of cream).

Detergent. Add 50 drops of tea tree oil to hand or machine wash detergent. This will disinfect your laundry and prevent re-infection.

In the closet, place handkerchiefs dipped in a little tea tree oil among the linen.

Good results in the treatment of scabies are given by skin lubrication.garlic juice, mixed 1: 1 with petroleum jelly.

A glass of gruelelecampane root Cook for 15 minutes in four glassesunsalted lard (strain while still hot), add 2 cupsbirch tar 1 teaspoon of powdersulfur, stir everything thoroughly.

Rub the scabies affected areas with this ointment for several days, then wash the body with a decoction of elecampane root.

Two handfulsbirch ash and one handful of powdersulfur (sold in pharmacies) pour 2 liters of water, stir, bring to a boil and cook over low heat for half an hour, stirring constantly, strain. Rub the broth into the areas affected by scabies, 10-15 minutes, 2 times a day.

Mix 50 g of powdermedical sulfur, 25 gtable salt 120 ginterior ghee. Bring everything to a homogeneous mass in a boiling water bath.

Rub the ointment several times a day. At the same time, you need to eat 1 g of medical sulfur powder in the morning on an empty stomach and before bedtime.

Mix powder equal in volumecelandine herbs and cream from natural milk. Store in a cool, dark place. Rub the ointment for scabies overnight.

In a boiling water bath, mix 2: 1 powder fromSt. John's wort andpork lard. Rub into the affected areas of the body.

Mix in a boiling water bath (for half an hour) in equal parts by weightgarlic ash (for which garlic must be burned),honey andghee.

Store the ointment in a cool dark place, rub into the affected area.

Birch tar rub thoroughly into the skin, then place the patient in a steam room or hot room so that the tar is well absorbed into the skin. Perform the procedures 2-3 times a day without washing off the tar from the body.

A simple and extremely effective remedy for scabies -ash.

Mix 1 partash with 3 parts of anyanimal fat. Wash thoroughly with warm water and soap, lubricate the whole body, except for the head, with the ointment. Wash off the ointment after 3 hours.

1 glassash mix with 2 cupswater, boil for 20 minutes, strain through cheesecloth. Moisten the sediment remaining on the gauze to a pasty state with the expressed liquid and rub overnight for 6-8 days.

Drywormwood leaves grind into powder. Mix 1 part leaves with 5 parts petroleum jelly. Lubricate the affected areas of the body every 3 hours until complete healing.

1 part choppedelecampane root fill with 10 parts olive oil and mix thoroughly, let it brew for 2-3 hours. Lubricate the body 2 times a day for 4-5 days.

Dermatological pathology has been known to man for more than two and a half thousand years, and references to it are even in Old Testament... What is this disease? Should you be afraid of her? How, in the end, can we fight it in modern conditions?

This microscopic mite, settling in human skin, begins to actively gnaw out small tunnels in its upper layers - itch tunnels. It is even possible to see an adult in them: it resembles a whitish dot with a poppy seed in size.

Interesting to know: males of itch itch are smaller than females and die immediately after mating.

Scabies Infection Methods

Also, infection is possible in teams through bed linen or clothing, hugs and handshakes, during training in contact sports.

Since scabies occurs from the transmission of itch itching with close contact, then most often children in organized groups become infected (boarding schools, somewhat less often schools, kindergartens), and outbreaks can also be observed in hostels, hospitals, barracks and prisons.

Interesting to know: a British scientist in the middle of the twentieth century conducted an interesting experiment on 270 volunteers. Each of them was put on a bed, in which a person with scabies lay before that, but only four subjects from the entire group were able to infect this way.

It is worth noting that usually up to two dozen individuals live on the patient's body, but in especially advanced cases this number can increase significantly, respectively, it is easy to pick up scabies from such a patient even with short-term contact.

Scabies has a clear link to living conditions and access to basic hygiene products. Outbreaks of this disease will certainly appear in the territories where the disaster or there is an armed conflict. The incidence of scabs is seasonal in regions with a pronounced change in the temperature range during the year, the highest frequency is observed in the autumn-winter period.

The first symptoms of scabies + characteristic signs

Itchy skin and scabies are the first signs of scabies

The first symptom that begins to bother a patient of any age is itching, which intensifies in the evening and at night, when the activity of ticks is greatest. In addition, scabies looks like an accumulation of various elements of a skin rash on certain parts of the body.

First of all, scabies is indicated by the presence of scabies. However, with the development of itching, other signs of scabies appear on the skin: scratching and small, rising above the level of the skin, red spots (papules). In addition, scratching wounds are subsequently rapidly seeded with microorganisms with the formation of pustules.

The favorite habitats of scabies mites are areas with thin and delicate skin:

  • interdigital spaces;
  • groin area;
  • mammary gland;
  • armpits;
  • the inner surface of the wrists and elbows;
  • umbilical region, etc.

In addition, scabies can affect other parts of the body, excluding the face and scalp, and in children of the first years of life, mites can be found there.

The development of scabies in humans

There is no clear division at the stage of scabies, but it is important to note that the primary infection with scabs has a rather long "mute" period - 1 month, when the patient still does not have any symptoms, but is already contagious to others.

At the same time, when a second encounter with a tick, the patient's symptoms develop already on the first day. This is due to the timing of the formation of an immune-allergic response to the waste products of itch (saliva, eggs and excrement).

With repeated infection, the patient's immunity somewhat inhibits the development of the disease, and the number of adults on the body in such situations is less than during the initial meeting with the pathogen.

However, even having good immunity will not help a scabies patient to cope with it without medication.

Scabies treatment - drugs and ointments

In many respects, the effectiveness of the treatment of scabies depends not on the properties of medicines, but on the responsibility of the patient's approach to the prescribed procedures. First of all, when a case of scabies is detected, a preventive examination of family members and other contact persons should be carried out.

Children with scabies are removed from school or kindergarten, relatives living with an infectious patient are given a parallel course of treatment.

  1. Pyrethroids.
  2. Benzyl benzoate.
  3. Sulfuric ointment.
  4. Ivermectin et al.

Almost all scabies remedies come in the form of ointments or emulsions, which must be applied to the skin of the whole body without touching the face and scalp.

In addition to drugs that have a direct effect on the scabies mite, doctors also prescribe antiallergic and anti-inflammatory drugs to reduce the symptoms of itching and redness on the skin.

The presence of severe pustular complications is the reason for the addition of scabies and antibiotics to therapy. The applied means quickly destroy the tick, its larvae and eggs, but the elements of the rash and itching can bother the patient for some time after the cure.

To avoid re-infection during and after a course of treatment for scabies with medications, it is very important to tidy up your home conditions. Bed linen, towels and garments should be carefully handled according to the recommendations of your attending dermatologist.

Scabies treatment with essential oils

Tea tree and lavender oils are two of the most effective oils in treating scabies.

  • Mix and in equal proportions (pure tea tree oil cannot be applied to the skin!). Apply a mixture of oils to the affected areas with a cotton swab 2 times a day.
  • Add five drops of pure to a hot bath. Lie in it for at least 15 minutes. A bath with lavender oil will accelerate skin regeneration, has a soothing effect and relieve the unbearable itching of the skin with scabies. These baths can be taken every day.


The prognosis for this disease is favorable, but subject to strict adherence to all the prescriptions of the attending physician.

The possibility of re-infection persists until the end of life, therefore, when the above symptoms and the first signs of scabies appear, it is recommended to immediately contact a dermatologist.

Dry skin



Allergic reaction to environment, clothing, cosmetics, certain foods and more

Lice infestation, scabies, ringworm

Infections, eczema, psoriasis and other skin conditions

Emotional disorders such as anxiety, stress

Medical treatment of scabies at home

Most effective methods, allowing you to get rid of scabies in a short time - medication. Drug treatment scabies suggests the use of the following remedies:

Alternative treatment is considered no less effective than medication. Pros of using recipes from traditional healers:

  • naturalness of the components;
  • effectiveness in the fight against scabies;
  • cheapness and ease of preparation.

Traditional medicine also has disadvantages:

  • The appearance of allergic reactions. Some herbs have a similar side effect.
  • There are times when the treatment does not bring the expected result.
  • Therapy folk remedies continues for a long time.

Folk remedies for scabies in humans generally give good results, however, before starting therapy, you should consult a doctor, since some of the ingredients in the composition are not suitable for all people. It is not difficult to get rid of the disease, the main thing is to recognize it in time, be patient, and be diligently treated.

Pros and cons of treatment with folk remedies

Witch hazel water - 55-60 ml

Lavender essential oil - 5 drops

Frankincense essential oil - 3 drops

Mix and pour into a spray bottle.

Bath recipe 2

Apple cider vinegar - 1 cup (or white wine vinegar)

Lavender essential oil - 50 drops

Mix and add 6 tablespoons to the bath.

Recipe 3 against pruritus caused by prickly heat

Witch hazel water - 4 teaspoons (or purified water)

Vodka - 1 teaspoon

Lavender essential oil - 40 drops

Eucalyptus essential oil - 35 drops

Apply this mixture to the affected areas.

Bath recipe 4

Add 8 drops of lavender essential oil to 1 cup of baking soda. Add the mixture to water and take a bath for 30 minutes.

Rose water - 5 teaspoons

Rose essential oil 6 drops

To prepare the remedy according to this recipe, you can take only rose essential oil or a mixture of tea tree oil, chamomile and lavender in equal proportions.

Apply the product with a cotton swab to the affected skin.

Filtered water - 20 ml (or witch hazel water)

Liquid natural castile soap - 1 teaspoon (or natural honey)

Essential oil nioli - 35 drops

Apply to the affected area with a cotton swab to relieve and relieve itchy skin.

Grape seed oil - 2 teaspoons (or aloe gel)

Lavender essential oil - 3 drops

Chamomile essential oil - 2 drops (or bergamot oil)

Naioli essential oil - 1 drop (or laurel oil)

Lubricate the affected areas with this mixture after bathing or showering, applying the product with a cotton swab or disc.

Folk recipes from scabies consist of natural ingredients, do not contain chemicals in the composition. At home, for the treatment of scabies, they use improvised means, preparing ointments, lotions and solutions, medicinal baths from them. All medicinal drugs are only for external use, it is forbidden to drink them. Plant-based scabies are effective at treating scabies in one day.

> Properties of this natural product surprise not only by the strength of the impact, but also by the breadth of the spectrum of application. Tea tree oil also helps against scabies, and not even in one, but in several ways.

Scabies is a contagious skin disease that catches people at the most unexpected (and, of course, inappropriate) moment. Although during years It was considered a disease that only the poor in society are struggling with, it is now clear that it can affect everyone. Usually, the disease is treated with pharmacological drugs, despite the presence of natural healing resources. Among them, tea tree oil for scabies deserves special attention, since it works effectively and does not dry out the skin.

Symptoms of the problem

Before you start treating scabies with tea tree oil, you need to know what exactly it will have to be treated, that is, what symptoms such an ailment gives. First of all, it is intense itching, in which it is very difficult to resist scratching. The second typical symptom is a rash located on the wrists, hands, often on the abdomen, in the navel, in the form of small blisters or sores. As a rule, the symptoms are much more pronounced in children than in adults.

How can tea tree oil be used for scabies?


Tea tree oil can be used to make compresses to heal scabies. They are very simple to implement. On a cosmetic disc or gauze, apply 4-5 drops of an essential product and apply to sore spots. They just need to be kept in the infected areas, without rubbing or pressing hard. Using tea tree oil for scabies in the form of compresses should be done 2-3 times a week.


The aromatic product is also ideal for therapeutic baths. If the disease has "covered" most of the body, baths may be more effective than compresses. Pour warm water into the bathroom, add 25 drops of essential oil to it, stir by hand, then immerse in it for 15-20 minutes. Bathing can be repeated 2 times a day, morning and evening, until these symptoms disappear.


It is also good to apply the product on a large surface of the body. This is both useful and pleasant, moreover, there is no need to fear that a compromising unpleasant odor will appear, as, for example, when using pharmacological ointments.

To use the properties of tea tree essential oil to get rid of scabies, you need to mix 2 tablespoons of this product and 3 tablespoons together sunflower oil... This mixture should be applied to the body every time after a shower or bath.


Tea tree oil for scabies helps no worse than many purchased products, comparing favorably with them in their natural origin. This is just one of the many abilities of an amazing product that helps out in a wide variety of situations.