How to squeeze juice from apple pulp. Apple jam from pulp

When apples are processed into juice or wine - cider, the pulp left behind is called pomace or pomace. Most often they are used as food for livestock or are simply thrown away.

Those people who are keen on making their own alcohol know another option - a recipe for moonshine from apple pomace. Next, let's look at one trick - thanks to it, the drink acquires the characteristic aroma of the raw material.

To prepare the mash you will need:

  • 10 kg of apple pulp (can be grape, plum, gooseberry or currant);
  • 15 liters of water (+4 liters per 1 kg of sugar). We use artesian, spring or well water, never boiled - it has little oxygen for yeast to breathe, or tap water - bleach can also kill yeast, just as it kills other microorganisms;
  • 5 kg of granulated sugar (optional, if the fruits are sweet, you can omit it);
  • 100 g of dry yeast (pressed - 500 g, also optional).

To get real moonshine from apple pulp, the recipe does not include the addition of yeast and granulated sugar. However, in the cold regions of Russia this is practically impossible, since the fermentation of sour apples is slow and in the end there will be very little finished moonshine (since there is almost no fructose left in the cake). Based on this information, it is still recommended to add sugar to the mash: then the drink will retain the aroma of apples, and the yield of the finished product will not disappoint in volume.

When choosing yeast for use, you need to know their characteristics: the fermentation process for wild and wine yeasts lasts 30-50 days, for alcoholic and bakery yeasts - 7-10. When you don’t want to wait a month for the mash to brew, you need to take “cultured” yeast (dry, alcoholic or pressed). The recipe may result in a slightly rougher drink, but it will not disappoint with its taste and aroma. Filtered mash is distilled 1-2 times in the usual way. After which the resulting moonshine, diluted to the desired strength, is poured into a transparent container to stabilize the taste.

After 2-3 days it can be tasted or used in recipes for homemade moonshine tinctures.

Regardless of the type of yeast, the further preparation technology is the same:

  1. Pour the cake into the fermentation tank warm water and stir. Leave ¼ of the container free, because foam and carbon dioxide will form.
  2. Add sugar and yeast, if using. Yeast must be diluted or activated according to the instructions (written on the package). Those who adhere to the recipe for natural mash for moonshine skip this point. However, remember - without yeast, the fermentation time will increase by 3-4 times!
  3. The container with mash is closed with a rubber glove or a water seal.
  4. The mash is placed in a warm place. Every few days the liquid needs to be stirred so that the cake does not concentrate at the top. When it stops floating, then you can stop stirring. You definitely need to wait until the end of fermentation; this will be indicated by a deflated glove or the absence of bubbles in the water seal. The mash will acquire a slight alcoholic smell and should not be sweet.
  5. The finished mash contains solid particles; they burn during the distillation process, thereby spoiling the taste of the moonshine. There are two ways to escape from this: drain the liquid from the sediment before distillation or strain the mash through cheesecloth, and hang the remaining marc in a distillation cube. The disadvantage of the first method is that the aroma of the raw material will become weaker; the second is the inability to use this trick in the designs of many devices. The second method is undoubtedly better, but for this you need (we recommend choosing an apparatus with a distillation column of the brand or with a steam steamer of the brand), which allows you to implement it. In addition, a distillation cube equipped with a thick bottom of 4-5 mm with a thermal distribution plate made of aluminum can protect the mash from burning - it will allow the bottom to be heated evenly and avoid burning
  6. Filtered mash is distilled 1-2 times in the usual way. Then it is poured into a transparent container to stabilize the taste.
  7. After 2-3 days it can be tasted or used in.

Moonshine made from apple pulp is in no way inferior to real Calvados. It is recommended to infuse this moonshine from apple pomace, walnuts and honey - the result will be a drink worthy of the most demanding tasters!

During the fruit and berry harvest season, many begin to intensively use juicers and juicers to prepare various drinks for the winter. After the spinning procedure, a large amount of cake remains, which is a pity to throw away. Try making marshmallows from it. We will tell you how to do this correctly in this article.

An example of a recipe for making homemade marshmallow will be presented based on apple pulp, and below you can familiarize yourself with various options preparing cake pastille from other products.

  • apple pulp – 1 kilogram;
  • granulated sugar – 150 grams;
  • water – 50 grams.

If you plan to make marshmallows from the pulp, then the apples should be squeezed in their peeled form, without peels and seeds.

The spent pulp is transferred to a frying pan with a thick bottom or a basin, kneading the apple mass with your hands. Any large parts of the apple found are chopped with a knife and sent back.

Add water to the apples and boil the contents of the pan for 5 minutes with the lid closed. If the squeezes are very dry, then you can add 2 times more water.

After the apples have softened, granulated sugar is added to them. Mix everything thoroughly and put on the fire to boil for 15 - 20 minutes. The mass should thicken and decrease slightly in volume. To prevent the puree from burning, it must be constantly stirred with a spatula. Cool the finished applesauce slightly.

There are three ways to dry puree:

  • In the oven. Place the puree on a silicone mat or wax paper, lightly greased. vegetable oil. The layer should not exceed 4 - 5 millimeters. Dry the marshmallow at a temperature of 180 degrees for 20 minutes, and then dry it until ready at a temperature of 60 degrees. Important Feature: door oven should be slightly open by about 3 fingers.
  • In an electric dryer. The puree is placed in a container for preparing marshmallows or on wire racks covered with baking paper. To prevent the pastille from sticking, the trays are lubricated with vegetable oil. The product is dried at a maximum temperature of 65 - 70 degrees. If the marshmallow is dried in several tiers, then for uniform drying, the trays are periodically swapped.
  • On air. You can dry marshmallows from cake in a natural way. To do this, the containers are placed on a glassed-in balcony or simply outside. Containers with marshmallows must be protected from insects. To do this, cover the trays with gauze so that it does not touch the fruit mass. Drying time – 4 – 5 days.

The finished pastille is rolled into rolls or cut into arbitrary shapes. geometric shapes. Store the product in the refrigerator in a plastic container or glass jar.

Watch the video from the Free Buyer channel - How to make delicious marshmallows from apple pulp

Recipes for homemade pulp pastilles

The technology for preparing marshmallows from other fruits is the same as from apples, so only the ingredients will be presented in the recipes below.

Apple-peach marshmallow

  • apple pulp – 500 grams;
  • peach cake – 500 grams;
  • granulated sugar - 3 tablespoons.

Plum marshmallow with salt

  • plum cake – 1 kilogram;
  • salt – 0.5 teaspoon.

Boiled with water, the cake is rubbed through a sieve to remove the skin, and then salt is added.

Plum marshmallow with honey, sesame and vanilla

  • plum cake – 500 grams;
  • honey – 3 tablespoons;
  • sesame – 1 tablespoon;
  • vanilla - on the tip of a knife.

Honey and vanilla are added to the cooled plum puree, freed from skins. Before putting the marshmallow out to dry, sprinkle it with roasted sesame seeds.

Apple and plum pulp pastille with honey, poppy seeds and sesame seeds

  • plum cake – 500 grams;
  • apple pulp – 500 grams;
  • honey – 5 tablespoons;
  • poppy seed – 1 tablespoon;
  • sesame – 1 tablespoon;
  • vanilla - on the tip of a knife.

Plum-apple marshmallow with cinnamon, honey and coconut flakes

  • plum cake – 500 grams;
  • apple pulp – 500 grams;
  • honey – 5 tablespoons;
  • cinnamon - to taste;
  • coconut flakes - 2 tablespoons.

Apple pulp pastille with cinnamon

  • apple pulp – 500 grams;
  • cinnamon - to taste.

Pastille of plums and apples with seeds, walnuts and vanilla

  • plum cake – 300 grams;
  • apple pulp – 300 grams;
  • sunflower seeds – 1 tablespoon;
  • crushed walnuts- 1 tablespoon;
  • vanilla - on the tip of a knife.

Cherry and peach pulp pastille

  • cherry cake – 500 grams;
  • peach pulp – 500 grams.

Oleg Kochetov in his video will talk about homemade marshmallows from cherry cake

The pulp left over from making juice or wine is an excellent raw material for mash and moonshine. After processing the pomace, fermentation and distillation, the output is strong and aromatic. alcoholic drink. How to make moonshine from apple pulp? How to properly distill the spent mash? Find out in this article.

Moonshine from apple pulp will be strong and aromatic


Apple pulp 9 kilograms

  • Number of servings: 22
  • Cooking time: 1 minute

Recipe for moonshine from pulp obtained after squeezing apple juice


  • apple pulp – 9 kg;
  • sugar – 2 kg;
  • pressed yeast – 500 gr.;
  • water – 22 l.

The first stage of preparing apple moonshine is fermenting the pulp. Transfer the pomace into a plastic (glass) container and add water heated to 30º C. Add pre-diluted sugar and yeast to the mixture, mix thoroughly, cover with a glove or a lid with a water seal.

Place the container with the wort in a warm place for fermentation, open and stir the mixture every 2 days. The mash will be ready after 7–50 days; the duration of fermentation depends on the type of yeast chosen.

With natural and wine yeasts, the wort ferments longer. When using baking yeast cultures, part of the aroma of the raw materials disappears and the taste of the finished moonshine significantly deteriorates.

When the wort has fermented, it is filtered and then the preparation of the drink begins. At the first stage of distillation, moonshine is selected until the strength in the stream drops (indicator - 25 degrees).

After which the strength of the collected distillate is measured and the amount of pure alcohol is determined. To do this, the volume of liquid is multiplied by the alcohol strength and divided by 100.

At the second stage of distillation, moonshine is diluted with water to a strength of 20%. The first fraction, which has a strong unpleasant odor, is collected in a separate container.

The second fraction (“body”) continues to be collected until the strength in the stream reaches below 45 degrees. Liquid with a lower strength is “tails”; they can be used in the production of the next batch of moonshine.

The pure drink is poured into a glass bottle, diluted with water to 40 degrees, closed with a lid and allowed to brew for 3-4 days.

Moonshine made from cake is a drink that is not inferior in taste qualities homemade alcohol made from fresh fruit.

You can get a good mash from apple pomace if you prepare the wort for it correctly. Even the pomace from the unripe carrion of summer varieties can be used after all the juice has been removed to produce fruit wine. The low sugar content of sour apples is quite successfully offset by adding sugar.

Since the juice from the pulp is almost completely removed, it has an increased density. This means that the extraction of aromatic substances from such raw materials is difficult. Therefore, hopes that moonshine will have a rich bouquet are unjustified.

The final product may have a faint apple aroma only if it is not purified with a carbon filter after distillation.

A little trick will help enhance the smell of apples: after the mash has fermented and been filtered, the pulp should be tied in a gauze bag and hung in the tank of the apparatus. Alcohol vapor will heat the cake and extract the remaining aromatic oils. With this method of distillation, the apple smell will be much more pronounced.

Before distilling the moonshine, you need to set the mash. Its recipe is similar to the method of preparing alcohol-containing raw materials from grape marc during production homemade wine. But there are also small differences:

  • apple pulp contains very little sugar compared to wine grape varieties;
  • if juice was squeezed out of apples for canning, then they were washed, which means that wild yeast can be completely destroyed;
  • The skin of apples contains pectins, which release harmful methyl alcohol during fermentation.

To cope with these unexpected problems, winemakers artificially add sugar and yeast to the wort. Getting rid of methyl alcohol is more difficult, but it is also possible: to do this, during distillation, you need to separate the head fractions of moonshine, that is, pour the first portions of the finished product into a separate container. Due to its greater volatility, methanol begins to evaporate earlier than ethyl alcohol.

In order to make mash with apple pomace, quick-acting or baker's yeast is not suitable. It is best to buy special wine crops. They have a faint fruity smell and ferment fruit raw materials very well. If there is nowhere to get such yeast, you can use a recipe for preparing yeast mixture for wine.

How to make yeast fermentation?

The point of this action is to increase the amount of wild yeast. Even if the apples are not washed first, a very small amount of beneficial fungi remains on the pomace - all of them end up in the juice prepared for wine or cider. Therefore, it is best to prepare a homemade yeast culture in advance.

Dissolve 100–150 g of sugar in 1 liter of boiled hot water. Cool the syrup to +25…+30 °C. Wild yeast is found in large quantities on the peels of fruits and berries. To propagate them artificially, you need to take fresh, unwashed fruits (apples, grapes, cherries, etc.). It is desirable that as much of the natural bluish waxy coating as possible be preserved on the fruits. It is in this thin film that fungi live. Apples need to be peeled, and grapes or berries can be slightly crushed. Place the fruits in a jar with chilled syrup and place in a warm place (about +25 °C).

Signs of fermentation usually appear on days 2–3: the liquid becomes cloudy, and a layer of small bubbles or foam appears on top. If signs of fermentation do not appear, you can speed up the process by adding a small piece (the size of a pea) of pressed bread yeast. Let the starter sit for 1-2 days to allow fermentation to intensify, and then use the dispenser to make mash with apple pulp.

A very large amount of wild yeast is found on dried fruits. For diluting, you can use raisins, dried apricots or a compote mixture of different fruits with great success. For 1 liter of syrup, it is enough to add 100–150 g of dried fruits.

They should not be washed before placing them in syrup.

Making mash from apple pulp

When the homegrown yeast culture is ready, you can move on to the main part of the process: setting the mash. Considering that the development of fungi takes time, it is necessary to determine in advance the period for juice production, because it is undesirable to store the cake for a long time. The maximum permissible period is 1–2 days in the refrigerator. But if it is possible to freeze it, then it is better to do so: the recipe fully allows the use of frozen raw materials.

For the mash you will need:

  1. 10 kg apple pulp;
  2. 30–35 liters of boiled chilled water;
  3. 5–6 kg of sugar (depending on the acidity of the apples);
  4. 1 liter of yeast mixture or wine yeast according to the instructions for the preparation.

Place the cake and sugar in the bottle. Add water so that the container remains empty by approximately 15–20% of its volume (Fig. 1). Stirring until the sugar dissolves. After this, introduce the yeast mixture, straining out the remaining fruit. Stir again and place in a warm place to ferment.

It is advisable to choose a place so that when windows or doors are opened, the temperature around the bottle does not change. If the liquid suddenly cools, fermentation processes may stop. Install a water seal on the neck or make a “signal glove”.

Natural fermentation with a wild yeast culture can last about 14 days or more. When the liquid clears, the pieces of pulp stop moving up and down, and the bubbles stop coming from the water seal, the apple pulp mash can be considered ready. It is worth tasting - there should be no noticeable sweetness of the drink remaining. Incompletely processed sugar during the distillation process will not allow you to fully obtain the entire amount of alcohol contained in the mash.

Unfermented raw materials can be slightly corrected by adding large quantity bread or wine yeast. Fermentation resumes and ends when all the sugar has been converted into alcohol.

The finished mash for moonshine must be strained so that pieces of pulp do not fall into the tank and burn. During distillation, separate the head fractions with a high methanol content. If desired, you can distill the moonshine again. The amount of mash according to the recipe can yield 8–10 liters of finished alcohol with a strength of about 40% vol.

Apple and grape pulp mash

If grape wine and apple juice are produced at close intervals, then both types of pomace can be mixed. Some wild yeasts may persist in winemaking raw materials. This effect can be used to ferment raw materials from apple pomace.

The recipe is practically no different from the method of preparing mash using only apple pulp. The only difference will be the absence of yeast or wine yeast. The cake mixture (10–15 kg) should be placed in a bottle, add about 5 kg of sugar. Add 30–40 liters of water, dissolve granulated sugar completely and measure the sugar content of the wort with a saccharometer. It is advisable to achieve a sweet ingredient content of 18–22%. In such a mash, by the end of the process a strength of about 15% vol will be achieved.

Due to the absence of a large amount of yeast, the ripening of raw materials lasts about 1 month. Fermentation can occur when room temperature(+20 °C). Increasing it by 5–7 units will speed up the process a little. Alcohol can be removed by general rules on a moonshine still of any type.

The double distillation product retains a pleasant, faint apple aroma. The drink is easy to drink and can be used in its natural form. Flavored fruit moonshine is also used to make various tinctures, fruit liqueurs and liqueurs.

Anyone who makes fresh juices regularly has to wonder what to do with the pulp from the juicer. If you also like to pamper yourself with fresh juices homemade, we have great news for you. The squeezed pulp is suitable not only for a trip to the trash can and endless washing from the juicer, but also for many really useful things.

Juice pulp consists of fiber and plant fibers. The human body does not absorb them very well, but they are still useful: they cleanse the gastrointestinal tract. This is an excellent reason to enrich your menu with fiber.

1. Soup and broth made from pulp

Vegetable soup will become thicker and more nutritious if you add the pulp obtained from vegetables to it. Vegetable pomace makes good raw material for simple broth. Just like the commercial says, just add water (and a little extra seasoning). Boil this broth for 40 minutes and then strain. You can put pasta in it (by the way, you can also cook it using a juicer).

2. Vegetable meatballs and cutlets

If you prepared fresh juice from a set different vegetables, mix the resulting cake with flour, salt, egg and seasonings. It makes an excellent preparation for cutlets or meatballs.

3. Vegetable crackers

The cake can also make a healthy dry snack. It will require a dryer or oven. Add any seeds to the vegetable pulp (sesame, sunflower, pumpkin are suitable), salt, spices and mix until smooth. If desired, you can add coconut flakes. The resulting dough should be placed on a baking tray in as thin a layer as possible. Cut the cracker dough into squares and leave in the dryer/oven for 3-4 hours at 60°C. The cookies should be crispy.

4. Baking

Carrot pulp is an ideal base for carrot cake: you need to add cinnamon, soda, flour, butter, water and sugar. The fruit pulp is suitable for cookies and muffins.

5. Spreads and gravies

The pulp, spices, lemon juice and garlic can make an excellent sauce. To do this, put all the indicated ingredients in, season with sour cream, yogurt, avocado or tomato - and you will get a mixture that can be served with crackers, used as a dressing or sauce for sandwiches.

6. Spices

Another a good option for everyone who has a dryer, make homemade seasonings for soups and sauces from vegetable pulp. Just imagine the rich taste and aroma - and all this without any food additives!

7. Treats for pets

You can always treat not only a rabbit, a hamster or guinea pig, but also a dog.

8. Fertilizer

For those who have a vegetable garden or garden, leftover fruits and vegetables can be useful as raw materials for compost.