How does the corpus luteum enter? Why does the corpus luteum form in the female ovary: its function, size, pathology

Article in simple language talks about what a woman should know about ovulation and how this information will help her get pregnant.

Almost any girl who wants to get pregnant, at some point comes to questions about ovulation. By understanding the essence and significance of ovulation, you can influence your pregnancy.

What is ovulation in women?

Since the article is intended for women who do not have special knowledge in this area, the concept of ovulation will be explained in simple and accessible language.

Ovulation in a woman, this is the period of time when an egg ready for fertilization leaves the ovary into the fallopian tube, i.e. moves towards the sperm.

Even more in simple language ovulation is those hours during which sperm can meet a mature egg, and as a result, conception can occur. For pregnancy to occur, the presence of ovulation - this is a prerequisite.

Therefore, knowing the time of ovulation can allow a woman to influence 3 situations:

  • She can get pregnant faster if she wants. Read more about when pregnancy can occur below.
  • She can thus rule out pregnancy. That is, exclude unprotected sexual intercourse during the period of ovulation. But this method is very questionable, since all methods for determining ovulation do not allow one to determine the exact time of the beginning and end of ovulation. And besides, sperm can penetrate into the cavity before ovulation and live there for a short time before ovulation occurs. Consequence - pregnancy
  • Plan the gender of the child. This is not a scientifically proven method of planning the gender of a child. But, nevertheless, many sources say that you can conceive a boy on the day of ovulation. And a day or two before ovulation, you can conceive a girl

IMPORTANT: Understanding the ovulation process can be very useful for a woman. How to determine the day of ovulation, read the articles and

How many days before ovulation can you get pregnant?

  • This question can often be found on forums. But I would like to say right away that either the question is incorrect, or you can give a definite answer to it: no
  • It is impossible to get pregnant before ovulation, since pregnancy without an egg is impossible
  • It would be more correct to say that sexual intercourse can be performed before ovulation and pregnancy can occur
  • The essence is that sperm remain viable for 2 to 7 days. This period is purely individual. So, if sexual intercourse occurs 3 days before ovulation, then the sperm continues to live, waiting for the egg. And three days later, when ovulation occurs and the egg is released into the fallopian tube, a viable sperm fertilizes the egg

To answer how many days effective sexual intercourse can be performed, you need to know how long the sperm will live. But you cannot know this for sure. But according to statistics, the life expectancy of a sperm on average ranges from 3 to 5 days.

IMPORTANT: Hence the conclusion - it is most likely to get pregnant if sexual intercourse occurs 3-5 days before ovulation. The day before ovulation - the chance of getting pregnant is 31%, two days - 27%. The earlier you have sexual intercourse, the less likely you are to get pregnant.

Since sperm activity varies among men, for the greatest chance you can try to conceive a child 3 days before ovulation, then on the day of ovulation. So, if the sperm that entered the tube 3 days before ovulation die, then fertilization will be carried out by the sperm that entered the tube cavity on the day of ovulation. And if they do not die, then the chance of fertilization of the egg increases by 2 times, since spermatozoa also differ from each other in function.

Chance of getting pregnant after ovulation

Doctors answer this question unequivocally: You can't get pregnant after ovulation. There is a clear explanation for this:

  • The egg lives for 24-48 hours, after which it dies
  • A dead egg cannot be fertilized by itself.

IMPORTANT: But you can become pregnant after the immediate release of the egg into the tubal cavity during the life of the egg, i.e. on average the first 24-48 hours

How many days after ovulation can you get pregnant?

The answer to the question is revealed briefly and clearly in the previous section.

How many days does an egg live after ovulation?

Immediately after the egg is released into the fallopian tube, it can continue its life for 24-48 hours.

All numbers are extremely individual. But she cannot live for more than 48 hours.

There is ovulation, but pregnancy does not occur: reasons

The reasons for lack of pregnancy can be divided into two groups:

  • Health problems
  • Psychological problems

Women's health problems:

  • Obstruction of the fallopian tubes. This is a situation where the fallopian tube has stuck together in some place. The mature egg is released to meet the sperm. The sperm moves into the fallopian tube. But their meeting never occurs due to the lack of passage. This situation is the reason for pregnancy failure in 30% of women. This can be clarified by an appropriate examination with a doctor. The situation is fixable, although it requires minor surgical intervention.
  • Endometriosis. Another one common reason not pregnancy, which is also fixable. Its essence is that the endometrium (this is the wall to which the fertilized egg must attach) is too thin, unable to attach the egg to itself. This is often solved by taking hormonal drugs, which as a result thicken the endometrium and pregnancy occurs.

Men's health problems:

  • Sperm are not active enough. This is the most common situation. A spermogram can confirm or refute suspicions. The situation can be corrected by taking medications
  • Insufficient number of active sperm. A spermogram will also help identify abnormalities. And the doctor will help you carry out the appropriate treatment
  • Presence of serious sexually transmitted infections

IMPORTANT: If you have health problems, it is obvious that you should find an experienced doctor who will prescribe effective treatment for you

Psychological problems.

When a woman cannot get pregnant for a long time, she begins to look for reasons in her health, do a bunch of tests, buy ovulation tests, measure her basal temperature daily in anticipation of ovulation.

All this leads her to nervousness, which is often the reason for prolonged absence of pregnancy. Sexual intercourse becomes not a source of pleasure and close contact with a beloved husband, but an obligatory ritual, surrounded on all sides by thermometers and tests.

On forums you can find many stories about how a woman was able to get pregnant only when she gave up and let everything take its course.

IMPORTANT: Relax. You are a woman in good health. Which means you will get pregnant. Enjoy contact with your husband. Stop leading sex life according to the ovulation schedule. Stop getting tested again and again. You'll see, by letting go of the situation, pregnancy will come faster than you thought.

When to take a pregnancy test after ovulation?

  • Pregnancy tests are based on determining the level of the hCG hormone in a woman’s body. This hormone begins to be produced 6-8 days after conception. This means that there is no point in taking a test before 6 days after conception.
  • On the 7-8th day you can already do a blood test to determine the level of hCG in the blood
  • Starting from 6-8 days after conception, the hCG hormone begins to increase in geometric progression every 24-48 hours
  • Whether the test will show pregnancy these days depends on the test chosen. The tests differ in their sensitivity. For more expensive tests, a hormone concentration in the blood of 10 mIU/ml is sufficient. And for others, a concentration of 25 mIU/ml is needed

Thus, through mathematical calculations you can approximately determine on what day your test will show the result:

  • On the 8th day after conception, the hCG level reaches 2 mIU/ml
  • On day 10 - 4 mIU/ml
  • On day 12 - 8 mIU/ml
  • On day 14 - 16 mIU/ml
  • On day 16 - 32 mIU/ml

The most sensitive test will show the treasured though faint stripe already on the 13th day. Less sensitive - on day 15.

IMPORTANT: Every woman’s body is individual. Therefore, the calculations above are rather arbitrary. In this regard, it would be most reliable to do a sensitive test on the first day of the delay. Why make yourself nervous when you might be pregnant?

What will an ovulation test show during pregnancy?

If you are pregnant, an ovulation test can only be negative. This is due to the laws of nature. When pregnancy occurs, the egg no longer matures, which means the corresponding hormone is no longer produced, which means the test cannot detect it.

Although in practice there are cases when the test showed a positive result. This can happen for several reasons:

  • Woman mixes up ovulation test and pregnancy test
  • The woman is taking certain medications that could affect the test results.
  • The test turned out to be defective

IMPORTANT: In any case, a positive ovulation test during pregnancy should not scare you in any way

Basal temperature after ovulation, if fertilization has occurred

  • To understand the essence, it should be noted that basal temperature depends on the level of progesterone in the body
  • Before ovulation, the temperature will be up to 37 C (exact values ​​vary from person to person). On the day of ovulation and after, the level of progesterone increases, which means the basal temperature rises by 0.4 - 0.6 C. It remains this way until the onset of menstruation
  • During the first 6-8 days after conception, the following process occurs in a woman’s body: the fertilized egg moves into the uterine cavity and attaches to its walls as an embryo. During this period, nothing special happens to the body, that is, the body does not yet know about pregnancy
  • In this regard, the body produces less progesterone, which leads to a decrease in basal temperature. This is called in science “implantation retraction.” And after 6-8 days, when hCG begins to be produced, progesterone levels rise again. And the basal temperature rises again and remains for almost the entire pregnancy.

To draw the right conclusions:

  • Chart your basal temperature: record the values ​​before, during and after ovulation
  • Compare the results with those obtained after the estimated conception
  • If you notice a decrease for several days after ovulation, and then an increase, you are most likely pregnant.
  • If your fever lasts longer than usual, you are pregnant

Having information about ovulation will help you get pregnant faster.

Video on the topic: Ovulation. How does fertilization occur?

The ovulatory days are behind us, and the time in anticipation of a happy day passes very slowly. Doubts and questions arise every day - when can you find out about conception and how many days later can you take a test if a whole week has passed since ovulation?

Maybe if you take a urine pregnancy test right now, it will show the 2 desired stripes? And this will paint life with rainbow colors of happiness. Impatient waiting forces a woman to do a lot of unnecessary and useless actions ahead of time.

What happens in the first weeks after conception

If a miracle happens after ovulation, you may not find out about it right away. How many days later pregnancy will manifest largely depends on the movement of the embryo through the woman’s genital tract.

At 1 week after conception, the fertilized egg goes through several stages of development, moving towards the uterus and becoming an embryo along the way. Before the next menstruation is delayed, the future fetus goes through the following stages:

  • fragmentation, when a multicellular structure is formed from several cells;
  • blastocyst formation;
  • implantation;
  • primary formation of the embryo.

14 days after ovulation, by the time the first day of menstruation was absent, the embryo had firmly attached to the wall of the uterus and the process of formation of the special hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) had begun. This is what a pregnancy test will react to when a woman, without waiting for her menstruation, tries to dispel her doubts.

Sometimes you can feel the moment of implantation, which in some women is manifested by scanty and spotting pink-bloody vaginal discharge.

However, you should not take a pregnancy test: it does not matter how many days after ovulation you take the test if there is no hCG in the blood and urine. Only the presence of this hormone will be an accurate confirmation of the miracle of the birth of a new life.

When is the best time to test?

Taking an early test in most cases will be a disappointing event: there is no need to rush, because untimely and incorrect testing will only bring negative emotions. It is optimal to do a pregnancy test under the following conditions:

  • mandatory presence of menstruation delayed by at least 1 day;
  • testing should only be done in the morning;
  • urine should be concentrated (collected after a night's sleep for at least 6 hours);
  • Be sure to follow all instructions.

If conception occurs after ovulation, then a test with a delay in menstruation will definitely show pregnancy. Sometimes you can get a questionable result when the 2nd stripe is pale and hard to see. In this case, you can repeat the test the next morning.

Will the test always show a true result?

It happens that the test is negative, but conception has occurred. This is quite possible if a woman is in a hurry. It is important to know how many days after ovulation to start taking a pregnancy test.

If the time period is violated (2 weeks), when testing is performed 10 days after ovulation, the test will show a negative result. A false negative test can be obtained in the following cases:

  • early implementation;
  • conducting the test in the afternoon or evening;
  • failure to follow the sequence of actions;
  • violation of instructions.

Sometimes the test will be false negative 21 days after ovulation. This is possible in situations where the hCG level increases slowly. In this case, it is better not to do a standard test, but to donate blood to determine the concentration of hCG.

Should I rush to see a doctor?

When little time has passed after ovulation and conception (less than 4 weeks), then there is no need to go to the doctor if the woman has previously gone through all stages of preconception preparation and knows that from the moment positive test You need to start taking folic acid supplements. In the first weeks of embryo development, a woman needs to minimize all risks, for which she must follow the following recommendations:

  • rejection of bad habits;
  • stopping or refusing to take any medicines without a doctor's prescription;
  • stopping hard work and giving up harmful conditions labor;
  • preventing stressful situations while maintaining psycho-emotional balance.

There is no need to go to a paid ultrasound diagnostic office to dispel any last doubts: exposure to ultrasonic waves in the very early stages of embryo development can have a negative effect on the baby.

Every woman who wants to get pregnant has repeatedly asked the question - how many days after ovulation can a pregnancy test be taken? Some literally after a few days already listen to their body, looking for signs of such a desired conception. In order to answer the question above, you first need to know how conception occurs.

What happens in the first weeks after conception.

In the first weeks after conception, the fertilized egg begins to move into the uterine cavity. This process can last from two to 7 days. Then the egg floats in the uterine cavity for several more days until it finds a place of implantation. Only after this moment can a woman be called pregnant.

This period is considered the most dangerous. The body perceives the embryo as a foreign body and tries to expel it. According to statistics, about 30 percent of pregnancies fail during this period. This happens in the form of normal menstruation, and the woman does not even realize that conception has occurred.

If everything goes well, then the female body begins to produce the hCG hormone. During this period, the placenta and umbilical cord of the baby begin to form. Sometimes a woman can feel the moment of fetal implantation. This manifests itself as pinkish discharge, cramps in the lower abdomen and some tingling. Often everyone perceives yellowish marks on linen or toilet paper as the beginning of menstruation and does not pay attention to them.

Symptoms of pregnancy in the first weeks

  1. Bloody pinkish discharge during implantation.
  2. Increase in basal temperature.
  3. General malaise and fatigue.
  4. Morning sickness.
  5. Tearfulness, irritability.
  6. Tingling in the vagina and uterus.
  7. Feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen.
  8. Food perversions.

It is worth talking about the last point separately. A huge number of women find out about conception only after they begin to develop strange taste preferences. For example, eating chalk, lemons, soap. You may have a desire to eat an unusual combination of foods, for example, a sandwich with jam and sausage, chocolate with herring, and so on.

Optimal timing of the test

So, what day after ovulation can you take a pregnancy test? Doctors give a clear answer - it makes sense to do testing only after menstruation is delayed by at least one day. There are a few more nuances about using the test.

  1. Urine should only be morning urine.
  2. The night before testing, you should not drink, drink alcohol or smoke the day before.
  3. Be sure to follow the instructions.
  4. The test must not be expired.

When conceiving, a test after a delay will certainly show a positive result. However, there is one BUT - if a woman does not have a standard cycle or ovulation occurs later, then the test strip may show a very weak second line. In this case, it is necessary to do testing after a few more days.

Another important nuance is to carefully monitor your menstrual cycle. This will help you in the future to listen sensitively to your own body, understand when ovulation occurred, and whether the long-awaited conception has occurred. For example, when an egg is released, the discharge becomes viscous, similar to egg white, and the ovary may ache. Write down all these signs.

False test result

This situation also happens - there is no period, but the test shows a negative result. There is no need to be upset - this is possible with more late ovulation or with a slight increase in hCG levels.

Another reason is improper use of tests, or a defective product.

If there is no menstruation, and tests show nothing, it is best to donate blood to check the level of the hCG hormone. Sometimes multiple tests are ordered different days to assess growth dynamics. It is by these parameters that you can understand whether there is a pregnancy and whether it is developing. A frozen pregnancy is defined as follows: hCG does not increase, but, on the contrary, decreases.

Another important factor is the sensitivity of a particular test. As a rule, the cheapest test strips often do not show early pregnancy. Digital tests are now available for sale that can detect even the earliest stages of conception. They cost a lot, so it makes sense to immediately take a blood test for hCG levels.

False pregnancy

False pregnancy is a fairly rare occurrence. This is a state when a woman is sure that a child has been conceived, feels all the symptoms of pregnancy, but in fact there is no pregnancy.

The reasons for this condition are unclear. Most often, it affects those women who really want to give birth and unsuccessfully plan a pregnancy. With a false conception, even a positive pregnancy test result is possible. This condition can last about 4 months.

It is easy to verify the presence of pregnancy - you need to do an ultrasound, as well as conduct a manual examination of the cervix and vagina. As a rule, after a detailed conversation with a doctor, a woman stops telling herself that she is pregnant. In extremely rare cases, the help of a psychoanalyst may be required.

How to prepare for conception

If you decide to have a baby, it is important to prepare your body for successful conception and carrying a baby. So, what needs to be done when planning a pregnancy?

  1. Both women and men must pass general analysis blood to determine whether there is a source of infection in the body.
  2. Partners are tested for sexually transmitted infections.
  3. It is important for a woman to get tested for hormones, check the condition of the thyroid gland, and check blood clotting.
  4. The expectant mother needs to have her teeth checked and, if necessary, treated for caries. There is no need for unnecessary foci of infection in the body. In addition, during pregnancy, the condition of tooth enamel can deteriorate even more.

In addition to the other points, it is advisable for the future mother and father to leave their bad habits at least six months before the expected conception. It is important for a woman to eat properly and balanced. It is advisable for plump ladies to discard excess weight, since it most often interferes with conception.

An important nuance - if you decide to plan a pregnancy, you should not take drugs that strengthen and enhance the immune system. The fact is that during conception, the protective forces of the female body weaken slightly. This is necessary so that the body does not consider the fetus a foreign body and does not reject it. Too strong an immune system can lead to miscarriages. Therefore, strengthen your body naturally - proper nutrition, regular classes sports, walking and quitting smoking and drinking alcohol.

What to do if the cycle is inconsistent or too long?

If a woman’s menstrual cycle fluctuates, it is quite difficult to determine the exact time of ovulation. Today there are two options - ovulation tests and ultrasound.

The first method is used at home, and tracking the release of an egg using ultrasound is now offered by all public and private clinics. This option is more accurate because home tests can be wrong. If you have problems with hormones, it is best not to waste money on these tests, but to consult a doctor.

We hope that we have answered the question of when to take a pregnancy test after ovulation.

A woman planning a baby is so impatient and restless that she becomes attentive to every little thing. Carefully calculated every day until the desired ovulation occurs, special tests They help control it, charts of basal temperature are drawn up, and now the expectant mother is already all in agonizing anticipation of the cherished day, when the delay will come.

Impatient to find out about the result of conception, many rush to take a pregnancy test quickly and are often disappointed with a negative result. However, doctors, as if by agreement, claim that in order to carry out the test, you need to be patient and wait for a delay. These are the recommendations given by the manufacturers of all pregnancy tests. Accurate and objective information about whether the much-desired pregnancy has occurred will be obtained only if a test is done after the period does not appear on the horizon on time.

Is it so important to wait for the delay? Or maybe it’s still possible to do a test immediately a few days after conception? So on what day after ovulation will the test show an objective answer?

Methods for diagnosing pregnancy in the early stages

Everyone who is preparing to become pregnant knows what needs to be done to conduct a pregnancy test - dip it in urine collected early in the morning for a while. However, not everyone knows the principle by which it is determined whether conception has occurred. The test determines the concentration of the hCG hormone in the urine. This hormone is not produced by the body immediately after ovulation, and if the test is performed immediately, then most likely, even if conception has taken place, it may show a negative result.

A test carried out earlier than 7 days after ovulation will show a negative result, which may turn out to be false and unnecessarily upset the expectant mother.

If you still want to get information about whether conception took place during this period, in an exact way will measure basal temperature. By her hesitations one can definitely judge that conception has taken place.

So, during the period of ovulation, a woman’s basal temperature rises and is 37-37.3 degrees, and a day or two later, on the eve of menstruation, it drops again to normal 36.6-36.9 degrees. In a pregnant woman, it will not change, starting from ovulation until the delay, remaining at the level of 37-37.3 degrees.

Oddly enough, in a technocratic era, such a common diagnostic method as ultrasonography, in the very early stages of pregnancy is absolutely uninformative. This is due to the fact that ultrasound visualizes the fertilized egg, which during this period is not yet in the uterine cavity, or its size is so small that even such a powerful device is not able to recognize it and can also show a negative result. early even in a pregnant woman. Therefore, in order to confidently assert that an ultrasound examination has given the correct result, it is recommended to carry it out only after a ten-day delay.

Ovulation has occurred. How long should I wait before taking the test?

Measuring basal temperature is not the most convenient activity, languishing in anticipation of a delay - here you need to be patient, and the expectant mother has absolutely nothing to worry about. There is only one way out - purchasing the most sensitive pregnancy tests, which will show the result already on the seventh day after ovulation.

It is at this time that a woman (of course we are talking about representatives of the fair sex, whose menstrual cycle is not disrupted) undergoes implantation. ovum into the uterine cavity, which allows the indicator (pregnancy test) to distinguish the presence of the hCG hormone in the urine, despite its negligible concentration.

How long does it take for the fertilized egg to implant?

One of the defining moments in the future development of a healthy baby is the successful implantation of the fertilized egg into the uterine cavity. expectant mother. Therefore, a woman simply must know when and how this vital process occurs.

What is implantation? This term in gynecology defines the process of attachment of a formed fertilized egg to the mucous membrane (endometrium) of the uterus with subsequent penetration into its cavity. How the embryo withstands this first “test of strength” will determine whether it will become stronger in the uterus, or whether parents will have to continue working to conceive a baby.

To determine the day on which implantation will occur, you need to be sure of the date of ovulation, because this is where the countdown will begin. In 50% of women, the embryo is implanted in the place allocated to it by nature on the 9th day after the onset of ovulation and possible conception. This is exactly how long it takes for a fertilized egg (zygote) to travel through the fallopian tubes to the uterine cavity and then firmly gain a foothold there.

As for the remaining half of women, depending on the duration menstrual cycle and other individual characteristics of the body, some shift in the timing of implantation is allowed. So, with a norm of 9 days, it is possible for the fertilized egg to enter the uterine cavity on day 10-15.

Test or blood test for hCG?

Statistics provided in reference books on obstetrics and gynecology indicate that most women planning a pregnancy receive objective results after the test already 8-10 days after ovulation. Women with a longer menstrual cycle (from 30 to 35 days) can expect to find out whether the long-awaited conception has taken place no earlier than 9-12 days after ovulation.

If a woman suffers from menstrual irregularities, then this method of diagnosing early pregnancy, such as the hCG test, is a kind of lottery. In order to be sure of the result, you need to carry out the test on the 35th day of the cycle and use only an ultra-accurate test.

If suddenly the test shows a negative result, but there is reason to suspect that conception has taken place, the most reliable way to make sure of this is to conduct a blood test for the content of the hCG hormone. Urine contains three times less of this hormone than blood, and therefore a blood test will certainly give an accurate answer to the main question: should you start preparing to become a mother or continue trying to conceive a baby?

Best time to take the test

In order not to be disappointed after an early pregnancy test (and this is also one of the important events in the process of planning a baby!), you need to perform it correctly, and most importantly - in a timely manner. To do this, the following conditions must be met:

  • The test must be carried out in the morning;
  • urine for the test should be collected only after a long night's sleep (minimum 6 hours);
  • depending on the rhythm of the cycle, withstand the required number of days after the onset of ovulation and wait for the delay;
  • strict compliance with all points of this recommendation.

Important: it has been clinically proven that none of the tests offered by pharmaceutical companies today gives a 100% guarantee that the result of its passage will be true. This is explained by many factors: errors in use, individual characteristics body and, as a result, low levels of hCG, expired. Give an exact answer whether it has occurred long-awaited pregnancy, and at the same time, only a qualified gynecologist can determine its duration.

If after ovulation a miracle does happen and new life has already arisen inside, the test will definitely give a positive result. It happens that the treasured second strip is poorly visible and to eliminate doubts, it is recommended to repeat the test the next day in the morning (in no case should you duplicate it on the same day, since the concentration of hCG at this moment will remain unchanged and will continue to be "doubtful" for the test).

Are there tests that can still determine that a woman is pregnant at the earliest stage?

Pharmaceutical companies, together with the Family Planning Institute, conducted a study. Based on its results, you can make a list of those tests to determine pregnancy that determine it earlier than others.

  1. frautest double control - identified pregnancy already on the seventh day after ovulation;
  2. evitest - if the menstrual cycle is stable, determines pregnancy from the tenth day after ovulation;
  3. clearblue digital - although the test is of the latest generation, digital and ultra-modern, it will show a positive result no earlier than the tenth to twelfth day after the onset of ovulation;
  4. "Vera" is a domestic product. Determines pregnancy only on the 14th day.

If, during the test, the second strip is barely visible, while questioning the result of the test, do not despair. Most likely, this is simply due to the fact that the study is carried out very little time after ovulation, which means that the content of the hCG hormone in the urine is still very low.

In order to verify the result, it is worth testing for several days in a row, observing how the second strip becomes brighter and brighter. This result indicates the development of pregnancy and an increase in the level of hCG in the urine. If both bands suddenly disappear from the test, you need to test with a test from another company, and also donate blood to determine the level of hCG and consult a doctor.

Important: all pregnancy tests are intended for one-time use only!

Well, if the long-awaited result is achieved and the test finally shows a positive result, you need to go to the doctor without delay. Only a qualified specialist will be able to confirm or refute all assumptions, register and give all the necessary recommendations to the woman and her baby. This is especially true for women who have had to experience miscarriages or frozen pregnancies. The earliest registration is the key to the health of the baby, mother and the prevention of all the threats that await them at every step.