How and from what age you can do a massage newborn: the exercises for infants 1-2-3 months at home

It took quite a bit of time since you first saw your child after his appearance. The main activity is now - food and sleep, only a small gap Baby wakes. The child does not know how to own his body, all movements are chaotic and random, the newborn also has no skill to keep the head in a vertical position. Hands and legs are tightly pressed against the body, while they are bent in the joints, and the palms are in the closed position (compressed in the cam). Such a pose is the result of muscle hypertonus, characteristic of all newborn crumbs.

How soon the kid will learn to control his movements? It will depend on it, and from you. E. Komarovsky claims that the daily massage for newborns will help remove the hypertonus, and elementary gymnastic exercises will strengthen muscles and joints.

The newborn baby muscles are intense, it cannot fully relax. Massage removes hyperton and stimulates the development of motor skills

When can I start a massage?

Often parents ask pediatricians a question - from what age can you start massage a newborn? Professional massage in the clinic is carried out no earlier than in 2-3 months, of course, in the absence of contraindications (we recommend reading :). Massage a newborn independently at home can already from age 3 weeks or when heals the navel.

The main task of massage is the relaxation of clamped hands and legs. It is possible to straighten the palms and the feet using congenital reflexes. Try to spend your hand along the spine, and you will see how the kid is strifted by the arc. Raising the crumb and giving the opportunity to touch the feet of the support, you will see - the child will begin to make "chambers". Putting a child on the stomach and allowing the foot with the legs, you will notice how it repels and makes trying to crawl. Such congenital reflexes are preserved only to 3-4 months and you can use them as exercises for a newborn massage.

It is difficult to definitely say when it is better to carry out a newborn baby massage. Any physical activity, including massage, is recommended to be carried out in the first half of the day. The load caused by the exercises often causes the desire to sleep, but there are those who begin to show activity.

The outcome of physical exercises is difficult to predict, so it is not recommended to carry out it immediately before bedtime, especially if you notice that the baby sleeps badly at night. Conducting a massage Newborn Komarovsky advises to transfer to the time before the evening bathing.

Preparation for massage

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While crumbling from 0 to 3 months, the following areas should be eliminated from the massage: under the knees, in the elbow, spring, the inner part of the hips and armpits. Relaxing massage The baby should be made by smooth movements and is categorically contraindicated with a strongly pressing or hit by the body of a monthly baby - such sharp movements can cause excessive irritation of receptors and increase the nervous excitement of the child.

Fundamental rules

The baby is not at all necessary to smear with cream or butter in the process of massage, but if the skin's skin is dry, it makes sense to moisten it with baby butter

Store the following rules for the organization of massage:

  1. Komarovsky recommends maintaining a temperature in the room, equal to 18-22 degrees.
  2. For the massage procedure, you will need a changing table or any other smooth solid surface. Top put a thick diaper, a thin blanket and a loaf. Choosing the surface, take into account its width - you should be comfortable to turn the baby.
  3. Take care in advance about the exercise venue. Everything that can come in handy during the massage must be nearby, so that you will not be left from the baby. Mobile phone, too, put on next. Use a disposable diaper to protect the table from involuntary urins.
  4. Prepare yourself: Wash and dry your hands, remove all the decorations, briefly cut your nails. Use baby oil if the hands are too dry, or talc if the hands are too wet.
  5. Conduct physical exercises to the breast child follows half an hour to eat or 45 minutes after it.
  6. Accompany massage with songs, poems or sweetes. Such voicing will create a positive atmosphere and will help develop hearing and future speech.
  7. Complicate exercises and increase the duration of classes need gradually.
  8. Perform all movements you need from the edges and move to the center.
  9. Perform movements carefully not to cause the child harm and discomfort.
  10. Charging duration - about 15 minutes. If the child is tired or expresses discontent, an incomplete complex of exercises should be carried out, and only its part (1 or 2 exercises). At the same time, take into account the sequence of classes proposed below.

Do not forget!

Conducting gymnastics with a newborn baby to 3 months, try to communicate more with it and cause a response positive reaction (we recommend reading :). During classes more often lay out the karapuza on the tummy. Combine physical exercises with regular water procedures, swimming, and also do not forget to make the lungs of the stroking movements of the whole body of the baby. Pay special attention to congenital reflexes and how they stimulate the movements and the work of the extensive muscles.


Massage contraindicated:

  • With increasing temperature, it is impossible to make any type of massage. It is also prohibited in the diseases of the skin (especially for purulent forms), fragile bones, diseases of the circulatory system and ORVI.
  • The disease in the aggravation stage also implies a refusal to massage procedures.
  • If the crumbs revealed the umbilical hernia, then the massage should be carried out only by a doctor or under its sensitive supervision due to the danger of pinching hernia (we recommend reading :).
  • Similarly, the situation is with kids with heart disease. Massage in this case is strictly under the supervision of the cardiologist.
  • Increased nervousness of baby does not allow making massage procedures, as the muscle tone can be increased.

Conducting massage actions to agree with the attending physician. Do not self-medicate. The physical activity must be reasonable and timely, otherwise it can lead to negative and severe consequences.

Complex exercise

The exercise complex includes smooth stroking movements that are aimed at reducing muscle hypertonus, and exercises based on congenital reflexes. Do not necessarily perform the whole complex. It is possible to split it into pieces and spend the child's waking hours. Basic techniques:

  • stroking - easy or slightly pressed motion on the skin of the child, not forming skin folds;
  • rubbing - stretching and shift of the skin of the baby;
  • melting - the action is performed in three stages: fixation, squeezing (compression) and rolling (in the home massage this reception is not recommended);
  • vibration - oscillatory movements, transmitted by the child with a massage therapist (at the very initial stage (in 1 month) - these are light patches).

Stroking not only very nice to the baby, but also useful for its development - it gently increases blood circulation and stimulates the work of the muscles

Part of the complex on the back

  • Massage hands. Source position (IP) - on the back. Lock the left hand of the baby, putting the right finger of the right hand into it. Stroke your hand from the bottom-up from all sides. Exercise make 10 times. Hands change and repeat.
  • Foot massage (recommend reading :). IP - on the back. Lock the right foot of the child in his right hand, the other hand at the same time strokes the leg from the bottom-up. Do the exercise first on the back surface of the hip and lower legs, and then on the front. Make 10 times. Change your feet and arms, perform the massage of the left leg.
  • Massage Stop. IP - on the back. Right hand Take the toddler's legs in the lower leg. Produce rubbing the backward movement of the left hand to the stop of crumbs from the fingers to the heel and in the opposite direction. Make 10 times.
  • Reflex exercise for stop. IP - on the back. Push the pad of the index finger to the area of \u200b\u200bthe foot under the fingers. Pressing the squeezing of the foot. Spend similar presses throughout the entire outside of the foot, moving from the fingers to the heel. Pressing in this area opposite will cause the reflex "disclosure" of the foot. Make 5 times.
  • Exercise for the body. IP - on the back. Lift the child with two hands, trying not to squeeze the ribs, and smoothly swing from the side to the side. Make 8 times.
  • Abdomen massage (recommend reading :). IP - on the back. Make synchronous movements with the right and left hand, stroking the tummy from top to bottom. Make 8 times.
  • Breast massage. IP - on the back. Grasp the child behind the chest palms and fingers. Move with smooth movements from the center to the edges of the intercostal gaps, making a small push with thumbs. Make 8 times.
  • Reflex exercise for spine. SP - on the side. Swipe with a slight pressure with two fingers along the spine, moving up-up. Such an action will help to bring the spine. Make 2-4 times on each side.

In the footsteps there is a huge number of acupuncture points, the impact on which has a beneficial effect on the work of the internal organs

Part of the complex

  • Back massage. IP - on the stomach. Simultaneous stroking movements from above-down palms, and from the bottom-up - the back side. Make 8 times.
  • Foot massage. IP - on the stomach. Take the left foot of the child into the right hand, and the free hand knead the rear and side surface of the hip and the legs. Make 6 times. Change your leg, repeat.
  • Massage buttocks. IP - on the stomach. Easily cover the toddler's buttocks to the back of the fingers. Make 12 times.
  • Reflex crawl. IP - on the stomach. Bend the baby's legs in the knees and substitute your palm under the foot. Some pushing the feet a bit so that the child can pumped up and try to move forward. Make 4 times.

To see how to make massage movements correctly, you can using video tutorials. Experienced doctors will show the correct execution of each exercise.