What are the benefits of arugula? Arugula - beneficial properties, application, treatment

This plant belongs to the cruciferous family. It has a lot of beneficial properties and the presence of a large number of vitamins. Arugula grows wild in northern Africa and Europe;

it can be found from Malaya to Central Asia and India. Arugula also grows in Dagestan and the foothills of the Caucasus.

Currently, the arugula that we eat is grown in different places, especially in Venice and Italy. Also, this plant has taken root in places with a rather harsh climate, for example, in

North America

and Northern Europe.

In fact, arugula is an annual plant whose growth reaches 30-60 cm. Its slightly pubescent branched stem reaches 40 cm in height. All arugula leaves are sparsely hairy, somewhat fleshy, less often glabrous, with a specific odor. The lower leaves are lyre-pinnate or dissected.

The inflorescence of the plant looks like a sparse long brush. Arugula flowers are pale, less often bright yellow with purple veins. The fruit is an oval-oblong pod, slightly compressed, on short thickened stalks. The seeds of the plant are 1.5-3 mm long, arranged in two rows and have a light brown or light brown color. Arugula blooms in May-July, and its fruits ripen in late spring or early summer.

According to the ancient Roman pharmacist, physician and botanist Dioscorides, arugula seeds were used in ancient times as a seasoning for boiled herbs. In addition, he noted that arugula (both the green part and the seed), when consumed in sufficiently large quantities, caused a strong sexual desire.

It is worth noting that almost all the components of arugula have found application in life. The leaves and flowers are used in cooking; the seeds are used to make very healthy oil. Thanks to its specific taste, the plant is very popular in cuisines such as Mediterranean and Italian, whose dishes are famous throughout the world.

Therefore, the fashion for arugula and dishes with its addition began, which is why they began to actively grow it both in gardens and at home. Growing arugula is easy, as it does not require special care and is quite unpretentious.

How to choose

The main thing when choosing high-quality arugula is the freshness of the leaves, which should not be limp and completely green. The taste of the product directly depends on the size of the leaf. The smaller it is, the more bitter it will be, so choose the size of arugula based on your personal taste preferences.

How to store

To keep arugula longer, you need to keep it in the refrigerator in any container with water. This way it can stay fresh for up to 6-7 days. For longer storage, it must be frozen, after washing and drying.

In cooking

Biologically, arugula is cabbage, but it is used as a spice or salad green. Leaves, flowers and seeds are used as food. Oil is made from the seeds, and the leaves and flowers are added to a variety of salads and other dishes. IN Ancient Rome

arugula was used as a seasoning, and until now in the Mediterranean the attitude towards this product is more like a tasty spice than an ordinary salad vegetable. The uses of arugula in cooking are very diverse. It is presented both as an independent dish and as a side dish. It goes well with meat, fish, legumes and seafood, and can be served with different types

cheese. The unusual cheese salad with nuts and arugula is especially popular among housewives.

In addition, large arugula leaves are an interesting side dish for fish and meat dishes, and a decoration for sandwiches. You can also stew vegetables with arugula and use it as an ingredient for various sauces, pizza, risotto and dessert dishes. It is recommended to add crushed leaves to cottage cheese, cold appetizers and boiled potatoes. The sour-spicy taste and subtle aroma of green juicy leaves combine perfectly with the rest leafy vegetables

(lettuce, spinach).

In Italy, arugula is often added to pastas, salads, pizza, pesto and risotto. In England, it is used as a seasoning for a variety of hot dishes; in France, snacks and light salads are prepared with it. The Portuguese and Spaniards use arugula as a spice and call it.

Persian mustard In Slovenia, arugula with cheese is often used as a filling for pies. On the Italian island of Ischia, this product is used to prepare rukolino, unusual

alcoholic drink . It is drunk in small quantities after meals to improve digestion. In Egypt, arugula is included in the appetizer dish of boiled beans ful medames or accompanies seafood. This plant is also included in the classic French salad mix


comes from Nice, where in addition to arugula there are dandelion leaves, common and red chicory, young oak leaves, curly endive, radicchio, chervil, purslane, Swiss chard, sorrel, lettuce and spinach. Sometimes the mixture is enriched with other herbs, and sometimes the composition is reduced to 5 ingredients. Season the mexlen with a dressing made from a mixture of lemon and olive oil, flavored with black pepper and garlic. Serve the mix with toasted pieces of bread with grilled vegetables and cheese or with meat.

Do not forget that heat treatment can destroy everything valuable in arugula, so it is recommended to use it only fresh. If you add leaves to a dish, you need to tear them with your hands or put them whole, since the plant does not like contact with a knife.

Calorie content

Arugula is low in calories. There are only 25 kcal per 100 grams of product, so the plant often becomes an ingredient in dietary menus. At the same time, despite the low calorie content, arugula, due to its rich fiber content, remarkably saturates the body.

Nutritional value per 100 grams:

Useful properties of arugula Composition and presence of nutrients Arugula leaves are saturated with various microelements (iodine, iron, calcium, potassium and magnesium) and vitamins of groups C, B, A, K, E, T. The seeds of the plant contain at least 30%

essential oils

. Such content indicates the undoubted benefits of the product.

Arugula has excellent lactogenic, expectorant and diuretic properties. Its most valuable property is the prevention of the development of cancer cells. The content of anti-cancer substances in arugula is much higher than in broccoli.

This plant has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract and digestive processes due to the presence of biologically active substances included in its composition. Arugula has many different medicinal properties . It is simply irreplaceable for those diagnosed with stomach ulcers or gastritis. In America, gastroenterologists invented

effective way

, which helps in the treatment of peptic ulcers, based on the use of arugula, as it can protect the gastric walls and perfectly strengthen them. In addition, arugula fights skin ailments, promotes the healing of wounds and inflammation due to the presence of vitamin K. An infusion is made from arugula seeds in folk medicine, and then used to get rid of skin diseases. The juice obtained from the plant helps in eliminating hematomas, ulcers, calluses and polyps. But the stronger sex should also not give up this miraculous herb, which brings particular benefits to the health of men. Our ancestors used arugula as a natural aphrodisiac."

drink of passion

" For this, 10 g of honey and black pepper were added to 100 g of crushed arugula leaves. Taking one teaspoon of this remedy daily in the morning gives a long lasting effect. This product also has tonic properties. So, a salad with its addition for breakfast can invigorate you no worse than a couple of cups of coffee. Arugula also strengthens the nervous system, making it possible to easily cope with any stress.

The plant also helps in the fight against overweight. It is known for its diuretic properties, which help regulate water-salt balance, and its ability to burn fat.

In addition to the fact that arugula has few calories and has a positive effect on metabolism, it contains many substances that help people who limit themselves in many foods not to lose performance and energy.

The presence of vitamins E and A in arugula has an excellent rejuvenating effect on the entire body and, in particular, on our skin.

Therefore, its crushed leaves or juice are recommended to be added to face and hair masks and used to treat cuts and purulent wounds.

The plant contains substances that are simply irreplaceable in cosmetology. This is, for example, diindolylmethane, which suppresses viruses that cause the formation of warts and papillomas; sulfur, which makes the skin radiant, gives it an even tone, heals the skin, gets rid of acne and boils; vitamin K, which gets rid of dark spots and rosacea, relieves swelling; linoleic acid, moisturizing, softening, preventing skin aging; oleic acid, which restores skin elasticity and restores firmness. How to use arugula oil

natural remedy

  • for hair care provides complete nutrition, strengthens the roots and has a beneficial effect on the structure, stops hair loss and stimulates growth, eliminates dandruff, restores condition after the sun, dyeing and chemicals. With arugula you can prepare interesting cosmetic products at home:
  • Oil against age spots and freckles. 200 g of crushed plant is poured with half a liter of olive oil and left for 14 days in a dark place. Then the infusion is filtered and applied to the skin of the face and body. Moisturizing face mask. To 2 tablespoons of chopped arugula leaves add 2 tablespoons of cottage cheese and sour cream. Apply the mask for 10-15 minutes and wash off
  • warm water.
  • A greater effect can be achieved by using green tea or parsley decoction instead of water. Face firming mask . Add whipped egg white and a teaspoon of olive oil to the chopped bunch of arugula. Apply this mask to the face, neck and décolleté. As it dries, new layers are applied. After 30 minutes, wash off the mask with warm water.
  • Anti-aging whitening mask. Grind 200 g of olives in a blender, add 100 g of chopped arugula, mix and apply evenly on the face. After 20 minutes, wash off the mask

Dangerous properties of arugula

Arugula, like any other plant rich in phytoncides, can cause a severe allergic reaction. Before using recipes containing this herb, you need to make sure that there is no individual intolerance. Most often, allergy sufferers may be those who do not tolerate turnips and radishes well.

Also, those who have colitis, liver disease, kidney disease, or biliary dyskinesia should not overuse arugula dishes.

This vegetable can provoke various reactions in pregnant and lactating women. Based on this, if you do not use the plant regularly, then you need to introduce it into your diet during pregnancy or lactation with great caution. Mustard grass can be harmful for gout and other autoimmune diseases.

In addition, it is not recommended to purchase arugula that grew in environmentally and radiation-poor areas, as well as in places where the content of heavy metal salts in the soil is high.

The most delicious Italian salad with arugula and shrimp from the chef.

Various greens should be present in every person’s diet, because they are inherently a real storehouse of various useful substances. It can be added to salads, you can prepare such dishes based on herbs and green salad greens, you can eat the greens on their own, or you can put them in complex dishes. IN Lately Popular among the population is not only the familiar greens (parsley, dill, etc.), but also the rarer ones - sage, thyme, basil, rosemary, etc. The topic of our conversation today will be arugula, the health benefits and harms of its consumption, and We will also clarify how best to take it.

Arugula (arugula) is an amazingly healthy green that can give you a quick feeling of fullness and saturate the body with many useful substances. This herb is a source of fatty acids, mono- and disaccharides. It is rich in water and ash, as well as many dietary fibers. Arugula contains a number of vitamins, including tocopherol, provitamin A, ascorbic acid, vitamins K, PP and many B vitamins, including folic acid.

In addition, this herb saturates the body with copper, manganese, selenium, potassium, sodium, zinc and phosphorus. It contains some amount of iron, iodine, magnesium and calcium.

The benefits of arugula for the human body

Systematic consumption of arugula has a positive effect on the digestive and nervous system. Such a simple herb remarkably increases our body’s ability to resist the influence of aggressive microbes and other insufficiently favorable factors, it effectively helps.

Arugula is a good cancer preventer. Its consumption allows you to improve libido and... There is evidence that this herb normalizes the amount of sugar in the blood, removes “bad” cholesterol from the body, and has a positive effect on the strength and elasticity of blood vessels. Eating arugula helps treat chronic ulcers and gastritis.

This plant will be an excellent find for patients with diabetes, atherosclerosis (and excess cholesterol). It should be included in the daily diet in case of metabolic disorders, frequent colds and a decrease in the amount of hemoglobin in the body. Arugula is indicated for patients with depression and nervous tension, it is worth eating when your tone is low and when you are constantly exposed to stress. This herb helps treat gout, ailments of the genitourinary system and disorders of the digestive tract. It is worth eating for those who suffer from overweight(including obesity), water-salt imbalance, hypertension, anemia and iron deficiency anemia. This grass contains a minimum of calories, but at the same time gives a feeling of satiety due to the significant amount of fiber it contains.

Scientists have proven that arugula has a remarkable disinfectant and expectorant effect. It has excellent antibacterial and soothing properties, and can also act as a mild diuretic.

For women, arugula will help not only maintain a figure in perfect condition. This herb also promotes healthy and youthful skin and helps prevent hair and nail problems. Under its influence they will improve. Arugula helps normalize the balance of hormones in the body, stabilize menstrual cycle and prevent PMS.

Can arugula salad be harmful to health?

It is worth noting that arugula in some situations can cause quite a lot of harm to the body. So you should not eat it if you have an individual intolerance (which can manifest as allergic reactions and digestive disorders), with gastritis with excessive acidity of the digestive juice and with colitis. Also, arugula can greatly disturb the well-being of patients with kidney diseases, including urolithiasis disease, and with serious liver diseases.

Pregnant and lactating women should eat this herb only with caution, because in the first case, abuse of arugula can lead to an increase in the tone of the uterus, and in the second, it can cause allergies or colic in the baby.

Arugula - how to take it correctly?

Arugula has a fairly wide range of uses in cooking. It can be used as an independent dish or a side dish. This herb goes well with fish and meat dishes; it is often combined with seafood or legumes. Arugula is often added to vegetables during stewing and combined with other leafy greens. This herb is great for making sandwiches, cold appetizers, a variety of sauces and even some desserts.

So you can prepare a delicious and very healthy one with ordinary vegetable oil. For it, prepare one hundred and fifty tomatoes, one hundred grams of arugula, salt, pepper and vegetable oil(unrefined). Cut the cherry tomatoes into halves or quarters, and pick the arugula. Add salt and pepper to the ingredients, season with oil and serve.

Traditional recipes with arugula

Traditional medicine experts advise using freshly squeezed arugula juice to treat various skin problems. It is believed that such a remedy will help eliminate freckles, polyps and ulcers on the skin. It can also be applied to calluses to successfully soften them and then eliminate them.

To increase potency, traditional medicine experts advise grinding arugula to a pulp. Combine ten parts of this mass with one part of black pepper (ground) and one part of high-quality honey. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly and eat the resulting mixture one teaspoon two or three times a day. The finished medicine should be stored in the refrigerator.

Eliminating the functioning of carcinogens. They are aimed at healing and rejuvenating all organs.

Previously, a plant such as arugula was considered a completely harmless weed; it was suitable as feed, which was given to poultry and livestock. However, modern gourmets claim that arugula is that exquisite spice that gives salads and various dishes (meat and fish) an impeccable aroma, while it also has healing properties. This herb has a nutty and peppery taste with a mustard aftertaste, taste qualities reminds her somewhat.

Arugula is an annual plant that belongs to the cruciferous family. It has many other names: eruka, caterpillar, indau and rocket. In ancient countries, this herb was considered a powerful aphrodisiac.

Composition of arugula

The calorie content of 100 grams of this plant is 25 kcal, and thanks to its rich fiber content, it saturates the body with a wonderful base. The leaves of this plant are saturated with various microelements (iodine, calcium, iron, magnesium and potassium), as well as vitamins A, C, B, K, E. T, and arugula seeds contain at least 30 percent of essential oils. This content of arugula indicates its undoubted benefits.

However, arugula contains a large number of sugar, which is the only small drawback, but the high content of minerals, vegetable proteins, vitamins can compensate for this.

The healing properties of this plant

Thanks to such a high content of all necessary and useful to the body microelements, arugula will help in such cases:

  • increases hemoglobin levels;
  • removes unnecessary cholesterol;
  • stabilizes metabolism;
  • strengthens the walls of blood vessels;
  • gives tone to the body;
  • it reduces the amount of sugar in the blood.

It should also be noted that arugula has properties for expectoration, disinfection, and is used as a mild diuretic.

This plant is used as a cancer prevention, it can cure various colds and improve the functioning of the intestines and stomach.

In folk medicine, an infusion is made from arugula seeds, and then it is used to treat skin diseases. The juice obtained from the plant helps in eliminating bruises, calluses, ulcers and polyps. And eating this greenery helps make your skin younger, your hair more luxurious, and your nails stronger, which is why arugula is an excellent helper for women.

However, the stronger sex of humanity should also pay attention to this miraculous herb, which brings particular benefits to men's health. Our ancestors prepared the “drink of passion” and used it as a natural aphrodisiac.

To prepare dishes, it is necessary not to cut the arugula, but to tear it into small pieces, then the healing properties of this plant will be preserved.

Harm of arugula

  1. This plant can cause allergies in some people because it is rich in phytoncides.
  2. Arugula may have adverse effects on people with kidney and liver disease, as well as gastritis (increased acidity).
  3. It is not advisable to include arugula in the diet of women during pregnancy, since the plant can have an adverse effect on the development of the unborn baby, for example, the occurrence of an allergic reaction.

Arugula ( Latin name– Erúca sátiva) is a herbaceous cruciferous annual plant belonging to the genus Indau, the Brassica family.

The homeland of arugula is northern Africa, Central and Southern Europe. It also grows in the European part of Russia, namely in Dagestan and the foothills of the Caucasus.


In general, nowadays the caterpillar (another name for this plant) is grown almost everywhere for culinary purposes. It is especially popular in Italy. In general, with regard to the characteristics of cultivation, this plant grows very well on loosened dry soil. The height of arugula is 30 - 60 centimeters. The stem is slightly pubescent, straight, and has branches. The leaves are relatively fleshy, slightly hairy, and occasionally glabrous. The inflorescence is a long, sparse raceme. The flowers of the plant have characteristic purple veins and are bright or pale yellow. The fruit of arugula is a pod, oblong, sometimes slightly rounded. The pod contains seeds, oval-round and compressed. They are located in the pod in two rows and can have a light brown or light brown color. The time for arugula to bloom is May – June. And the ripening time of the fruits is May – July.

The plant has a rather bright characteristic odor. It seems inconspicuous in appearance, but in fact it is extremely healthy and tasty. And this is especially appreciated now, when we, people, have begun to understand how important it is to treat and strengthen our body with natural methods that do not have side effects, but bring only benefit and health. In our stores and food markets it is spicy plant appeared quite recently, which is why for most of us it is still unusual. But in fact, arugula (also called rocket, arugula) is an excellent salad green. It has an interesting rich taste and even a certain spiciness. Fresh young leaves and shoots are usually used to make salads, and arugula seeds are used to make oil and mustard.


The chemical composition of arugula is unique. The fresh leaf of this plant contains many vitamins: B4, B2, B1, B6, B5, B9, C, E, K, as well as the following trace elements: phosphorus, sodium, magnesium, calcium, potassium. Arugula also contains iron, zinc, copper, manganese, and selenium. In addition, rocket is relatively high in calories; 100 grams of its leaves contain 25 calories. Thanks to this, arugula salad quickly fills you up, which is surprising and very valuable for those people who want to get rid of excess weight. But it is imperative to take into account: having such a rich content of vitamins, the plant will inevitably differ in its ability to have a diverse effect on the body.

Useful properties and contraindications

The benefits and harms of arugula are what each of us needs to know. In general, this herb has a very beneficial and gentle effect on the human body. Adverse effects on the body can only occur if the person suffers from kidney disease, in addition, if he has food allergy for this salad. Of course, under such circumstances, these greens simply should not be eaten, that’s all.. But the beneficial effects of arugula deserve special attention!
– This salad contains iodine, which helps prevent thyroid problems.
– Many B vitamins contained in rocket are incredibly beneficial for the human hematopoietic and nervous system.
– Vitamin E normalizes hormonal background, restores women's normal menstrual cycle, in addition, helps hair and skin look good and be in excellent condition.
– Vitamin A has a good effect on bone tissue, and also gives shine and smoothness to hair and skin.
– Vitamin C helps restore blood vessel walls. Therefore, eating arugula is an ideal option for those who suffer from hypertension and thrombophlebitis.

Regular use of rocket significantly improves performance digestive system, increases immunity, promotes the elimination of salts, reduces cholesterol levels, strengthens nerves. That is, in order to get the desired effect, you just need to eat arugula regularly. Given herbaceous plant tones the body and increases performance. It also has antibacterial, diuretic and antioxidant effects. If a person suffers from obesity or diabetes, then eating arugula will have a very pronounced positive effect for him.

Not so long ago, based on the results of research, it was concluded that rocket helps to significantly reduce the growth rate of existing ulcers and prevents the appearance of new ones. In addition, there is evidence that arugula even has anti-cancer properties. ethnoscience successfully uses this plant for skin diseases, to remove freckles and calluses. And also for the treatment of ulcers. To remove calluses and freckles, you need to lubricate them with arugula juice twice a day. And to treat ulcers, the juice must be taken orally. Eating a salad with rocket is also very beneficial.

In general, this herb was considered an effective aphrodisiac in the Roman Empire, where, in fact, it began to be grown. And as practice shows, it is not in vain. In order to increase potency, it is successfully used in our time. Take arugula leaves and grind them thoroughly to a smooth paste. And then they mix ten parts of this very gruel and one part of ground black pepper, then add one part of high-quality real honey to this mixture. All ingredients must be mixed thoroughly, placed in a glass container with a lid and stored in the refrigerator. To achieve the desired result, take the mixture up to 1 teaspoon two to three times a day, regardless of meals.

Previously, arugula was not grown en masse, and therefore was not particularly studied. But since the 1900s, it began to gain well-deserved popularity. Now its use as salad greens is becoming more and more common. And it’s not surprising, because arugula has a pleasantly spicy and very interesting taste. Most often it is used to prepare dishes such as salad. In addition, rocket is a very interesting addition to clear and fish dishes. And, for example, in Slovenia, arugula is an ingredient in cheese cheburek. As for Italy, here this herb is used for pizza, added either at the end of cooking or immediately after it. It also makes a great seasoning for pesto, making a great substitute for basil leaves. In the Caucasus, its shoots and leaves are simply eaten raw, without any preparation. And mustard is made from the seeds.

Collection and preparation

Collecting and preparing arugula has its own characteristics and rules. After all, this plant has ceased to be considered exotic; it can be grown and used without problems along with the usual salad, dill, and parsley. In one season, if desired, you can harvest several harvests of arugula. But for this it is necessary to take into account some nuances. In particular, do not sow densely (from bush to bush there should be at least 15 centimeters), provide moisture, and fertilize the soil in the fall, so that the characteristic smell is not felt in the spring, otherwise the leaves of the herb will inevitably take it on themselves. Three weeks after Sowing seeds under favorable conditions will ripen the crop. When collecting leaves, they are simply broken off from the rosette, starting with the outer ones. It is important not to allow the caterpillar to bloom or pick off the buds, otherwise the leaves will not be as tender as at first. To always have fresh arugula on the table, it is best to sow it every three weeks, then the harvest will always be young and new.


As for the possibility of storing rocket in the refrigerator, it is stored poorly, losing its properties very quickly. Maximum of a week in the refrigerator, in a cellophane bag. Also, you should not prepare salads with caterpillars in advance - they very quickly lose their appearance and structure, turning into an incomprehensible mess. And when it is fresh, when prepared according to the recipe, it is unsurpassed in deliciousness!


  • To prepare delicious salad with arugula and mozzarella, you will need:
    1. 100 g rocket.
    2. 300 g – mozzarella cheese.
    3. Olive oil – 3 tablespoons.
    4. Balsamic vinegar – 3 tablespoons
    5. Cherry tomatoes – 15 pieces.

It should be prepared as follows: the cheese is cut into small cubes, cherry tomatoes are cut in half, arugula is added, then the mass is mixed, after which it is added olive oil and balsamic vinegar. The salad is mixed again, it must be left to brew for 5-10 minutes, after which it must be put on a dish and served. It turns out incredibly tasty! If desired, balsamic vinegar can be replaced with natural apple cider vinegar, and mozzarella cheese with any other that you personally prefer.


There are probably no people among us who have not heard about the benefits of greens - it cleanses our body, removes waste products, neutralizes the effects of carcinogens, improves immunity, rejuvenates, helps fight excess weight and is simply good for health.

Take, for example, arugula (arugula), a biennial plant of the cruciferous family. In Europe it is known as different names- indau, arugula, rocket, eruka... Essentially, this is a salad that has a spicy taste and is a little reminiscent of sorrel.

Rucola has been known to man since time immemorial. Thus, the ancient Greeks used it as an aphrodisiac - a product that increases libido. In Rus', arugula was used as feed for livestock.

Useful properties of arugula

Arugula is a product that is undoubtedly good for health.

Arugula boasts a rich composition: it contains vitamins E, C, A, K and B, sodium, zinc, magnesium, copper, phosphorus, iron, selenium, manganese and sodium. Arugula is also low-calorie - there are only 25 calories per 100 grams of greens, which makes it a very useful product for weight loss. In addition, arugula contains a lot of fiber, which makes a person feel full faster.

Eating arugula has a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract and digestive processes. This plant also has lactogenic, diuretic and expectorant properties. Arugula helps fight viruses and bacteria, strengthens the immune system and increases hemoglobin levels in the blood, reduces blood sugar, and is considered a preventative against oncological diseases and regulates water-salt metabolism in the body. Experts recommend eating arugula for people with high blood pressure.

Thus, arugula has many medicinal properties. Thus, it protects and strengthens the gastric walls, and is suitable for feeding patients with gastritis and/or stomach ulcers.

It is known that American doctors have invented an effective method of treating peptic ulcers, based on the consumption of this undoubtedly useful plant.

Mustard oil from arugula in cooking, cosmetology and medicine

The oil obtained from arugula is used for dressing. vegetable salads and as a hair treatment. This oil strengthens hair and prevents hair loss. There are many recipes for masks with arugula oil. Here’s a recipe for one of them: rub two teaspoons of arugula oil into your hair, wrap your head in a towel (you can put on a plastic cap) and go to bed. In the morning, wash your hair with shampoo.

Arugula oil is also used to solve “male” problems: daily dose - 3 tsp. arugula oil per day.

As you can see, arugula oil is no less beneficial than the plant itself, and is effective both when taken internally and when used externally.

Arugula in cooking

Arugula greens can be consumed in both fresh, and add to other dishes. It goes well with seafood, fish, meat, and herbs. Arugula is added to soups, salads, vegetable side dishes, and a spicy mustard is prepared from the seeds of this plant.

Do you want to surprise your guests unusual dish? Make them some arugula salad!

Recipe for Caesar salad with arugula

To prepare 2 servings of salad you will need the following ingredients:

  • 2 pieces of chicken fillet;
  • 10 pieces. cherry tomatoes;
  • 8 stalks of arugula;
  • 6 slices of white bread;
  • Caesar sauce;
  • 150 gr. grated parmesan;
  • 1 PC. lettuce;
  • seasoning for chicken.

Approximate cooking time is 35 minutes.

    1. Cut the lettuce and arugula into strips, and the tomatoes in half.
    2. Cut the peeled white bread into cubes.
    3. Heat a frying pan, pour some sunflower oil, toast the bread.
    4. Cut into cubes chicken fillet, season it and fry it in a frying pan.
    5. Mix lettuce, tomatoes, arugula and chicken, season with Caesar dressing and place on a plate, garnish with croutons and grated Parmesan.