Carmen summary for the reader's diary. Exhibition of images of the main characters

CARMEN Novella (1845) In the early autumn of 1830, an inquisitive scientist, Merimee himself is guessed in him, hires a guide in Cordoba and goes in search of ancient Munda, where the last victorious Spanish battle of Julius Caesar took place. The midday heat forces him to seek refuge in a shady gorge. But the place by the stream has already been taken. A deft, strong fellow with a gloomy look, proud posture and blond hair rises towards the narrator.

The traveler disarms his wariness with an invitation to share a cigar and a meal with him, then they continue their journey together, despite the eloquent signs of the guide. Then they stop for the night in a remote Venta. The companion puts the blunderbuss next to him and falls asleep to the sleep of the righteous, but the scientist cannot sleep. He leaves the house and sees a sneaking guide who is going to warn the Uhlan post that the robber Jose Navarro is staying in Venta: after all, two hundred ducats have been promised for his capture. The traveler warns his companion about danger. Now they are bound by bonds of friendship.

The scientist continues his search in the library of the Dominican monastery in Cordoba. After sunset he usually walks along the banks of the Guadalquivir. One evening on the embankment, a woman dressed as a grisette, with a tuft of jasmine in her hair, approaches him.

She is short, young, well-built, and has huge slanted eyes.

The scientist is struck by her strange, wild beauty and especially her gaze, sensual and teasing. He treats her to cigarettes and learns that her name is Carmen, that she is a gypsy and knows how to tell fortunes. He asks permission to take her home and show him her art. But the fortune telling is interrupted at the very beginning - the door swings open and a man wrapped in a cloak bursts into the room, cursing.

The scientist recognizes him as his friend Jose. After a furious argument with Carmen in an unfamiliar language, Jose takes the guest out of the house and shows the way to the hotel.

The scientist discovers that in the meantime his gold striking watch, which Carmen liked so much, has disappeared. The distressed and ashamed scientist leaves the city. A few months later, he finds himself back in Cordoba and learns that the robber Jose Navarro has been arrested and is awaiting execution in prison. The curiosity of a researcher of local customs prompts the scientist to visit the robber and listen to his confession.

José Lizarrabengoa tells him that he is a Basque, born in Elizondo and belongs to an old noble family. After a bloody fight he flees native land, joins a dragoon regiment, serves diligently and becomes a brigadier. But one day, to his misfortune, he was assigned to guard duty at a Seville tobacco factory. On that fateful Friday, he saw Carmen for the first time - his love, which brought only one torment and death.

She goes to work with other girls. She has an acacia flower in her mouth, and she walks, moving her hips, like a young Cordovan mare. Two hours later, a squad is called to stop the bloody quarrel at the factory. Jose must take the instigator of the quarrel, Carmen, to prison, who disfigured the face of one of the workers with a knife. On the way, she tells Jose a touching story that she is also from the Basque country, she is all alone in Seville, she is being persecuted as a stranger, that is why she took up a knife. She lies, as she has lied all her life, but Jose believes her and helps her escape. For this he was demoted and sent to prison for a month. There he receives a gift from Carmen - a loaf of bread with a file, a gold coin and two piastres. But Jose does not want to run - military honor holds him back. Now he serves as a simple soldier. One day he stands guard at his colonel's house. A carriage with gypsies, invited to entertain the guests, arrives. Among them is Carmen. She makes an appointment with Jose and they spend a happy day and night together. When parting, Carmen says: “We’re even. Goodbye...

You know, son, I think I’ve fallen in love with you a little. But<...>a wolf and a dog cannot get along." Jose tries in vain to find Carmen. She appears only when it is necessary to lead smugglers through a gap in the city wall, which Jose is guarding. So, for Carmen’s promise to give him the night, he breaks his military oath. Then he kills the lieutenant, whom Carmen brings to her and becomes a smuggler. For a while he is almost happy, since Carmen is sometimes affectionate with him - until the day when Garcia Crooked appears in the smuggling squad, a disgusting freak. This is Carmen’s husband, whom she finally manages to rescue. from prison, Jose and his “associates” engage in smuggling, rob and sometimes kill travelers. Carmen serves as a liaison and guide. Rare encounters bring brief happiness and unbearable pain.

One day, Carmen hints to Jose that during the next “case” he could expose his crooked husband to enemy bullets. Jose prefers to kill his opponent in a fair fight and becomes Carmen's rom (gypsy husband), but she is increasingly burdened by his obsessive love. He invites her to change her life, to go to New World. She laughs at him: “We are not created to plant cabbage.” After some time, Jose learns that Carmen is infatuated with the matador Lucas. Jose is furiously jealous and again invites Carmen to go to America. She replies that she is fine in Spain, but she still won’t live with him. José takes Carmen to a secluded ravine and asks again and again if she will follow him. “I can’t love you. I don’t want to live with you,” Carmen answers and tears off the ring he gave him from his finger. Enraged, Jose stabs her with a knife twice. He buries her in the forest - she always wanted to find eternal peace in the forest - and puts a ring and a small cross in the grave.

In the fourth and final chapter of the story, the narrator selflessly shares with readers his observations on the customs and language of the Spanish gypsies. At the end, he cites a meaningful gypsy proverb: “A fly’s mouth is closed tightly.”

Carmen - Spanish gypsy Carmencita. The narrator, a French historian, meets her in 1830 in Andalusia, and later learns her story from her lover, an awaiting execution robber called José Navarro. José, who served as a non-commissioned officer in Seville, met K. when she worked in a tobacco factory there. Forced to arrest her for a fight with another worker, he lets her go, succumbing to a sudden passion; K. becomes his mistress. Having become jealous of her for the officer of his regiment, he kills his rival and is forced to hide from court. K. hides him and introduces him to a gang of robbers and smugglers who rob rich travelers, whom the gypsy lures into a trap with her beauty. Here Jose has a new rival - K.'s husband, a cruel bandit who escaped from prison; killing him in the battle too; Jose himself becomes her husband, but K. does not accept his claims to power and sole possession; In Cordoba, she meets with the bullfighter Lucas, and then Jose, who is “tired of killing K.’s lovers,” takes her to the mountains to put her to death; she refuses the offer to go to America together and dies courageously, without trying to escape or beg for mercy. Jose, unable to survive the death of his beloved, surrenders to the authorities and goes to the scaffold. K. is a robber, she participates in robberies and murders and herself finds death from a dagger. The love she inspires in men is a romantically cruel and frantic passion. K.'s inconstancy is interpreted in M.'s short story not as a manifestation of weak female nature, but as a fanatical devotion of a romantic individual to the idea of ​​freedom (“Carmen will always be free. Calli was born free and Calli will die”).


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Classicism. Merimee, being on friendly terms with Hugo, the head and the invented leader of the romantic youth, as well as with Stendhal, supported them in the fight against classicism and took a direct part in this fight. Prosper Merimee - novelist short story writer The writer went through a long and difficult creative path. As an artist, he gained fame and recognition before Stendhal and Balzac, in the years when...

Dear diplomat, let me tell you that I know a lot of languages: Ukrainian, Russian, Polish, Latin and Turkish. Zmalovayuchi special life of Bohdan Khmelnytsky, his activity, Prosper Merime deyshov vynovku that the hetman of the Ukrainian people is a patriot, endlessly dedicated to the Cossacks and Ukraine. All of his life is closely connected with the history of Ukraine and its free struggle. . ...

In the early autumn of 1830, an inquisitive scientist (Merimo himself can be seen in him) hires a guide in Cordoba and goes in search of ancient Munda, where the last victorious Spanish battle of Julius Caesar took place. The midday heat forces him to seek refuge in a shady gorge. But the place by the stream has already been taken. A dexterous and strong fellow with a gloomy, proud look and blond hair rises warily towards the narrator. The traveler disarms him with an offer to share a cigar and a meal with him, and then they continue their journey together, despite the eloquent signs of the guide. They stop for the night in a remote Venta. The companion puts the blunderbuss next to him and falls asleep to the sleep of the righteous, but the scientist cannot sleep. He leaves the house and sees a sneaking guide who is going to warn the Uhlan post that the robber Jose Navarro has stopped in Venta, for whose capture two hundred ducats have been promised. The traveler warns his companion about danger. Now they are bound by bonds of friendship.

The scientist continues his search in the library of the Dominican monastery in Cordoba. After sunset he usually walks along the shores of Guadalquivir. One evening on the embankment he is approached by a woman dressed as a grisette and with a tuft of jasmine in her hair. She is short, young, well-built, and has huge slanted eyes. The scientist is struck by her strange, wild beauty and especially her gaze, which is both sensual and wild. He treats her to cigarettes and learns that her name is Carmen, that she is a gypsy and knows how to tell fortunes. He asks permission to take her home and show him her art. But the fortune telling is interrupted at the very beginning - the door swings open and a man wrapped in a cloak bursts into the room, cursing. The scientist recognizes him as his friend Jose. After a furious argument with Carmen in an unfamiliar language, Jose takes the guest out of the house and shows the way to the hotel. The scientist discovers that in the meantime his gold striking watch, which Carmen liked so much, has disappeared. The distressed and ashamed scientist leaves the city. A few months later, he finds himself back in Cordoba and learns that the robber Jose Navarro has been arrested and is awaiting execution in prison. The curiosity of a researcher of local customs prompts the scientist to visit the robber and listen to his confession.

José Aizarrabengoa tells him that he is a Basque, born in Elizondo and belongs to an old noble family. After a bloody fight, he flees his native land, joins a dragoon regiment, serves diligently and becomes a brigadier. But one day, to his misfortune, he is assigned to guard duty at a Seville tobacco factory. That Friday he sees Carmen for the first time - his love, torment and death. She goes to work with other girls. She has an acacia flower in her mouth, and she walks, moving her hips like a young Cordovan mare. Two hours later, a squad is called to stop the bloody quarrel at the factory. Jose must take the instigator of the quarrel, Carmen, to prison, who disfigured the face of one of the workers with a knife. On the way, she tells Jose a touching story about how she, too, is from the Basque country, all alone in Seville, being persecuted as a stranger, which is why she took up the knife. She lies, as she has lied all her life, but Jose believes her and helps her escape. For this he was demoted and sent to prison for a month. There he receives a gift from Carmen - a loaf of bread with a file, a gold coin and two piastres. But Jose does not want to run - military honor holds him back. Now he serves as a simple soldier. One day he stands guard at his colonel's house. A carriage with gypsies, invited to entertain the guests, arrives. Among them is Carmen. She makes an appointment with Jose, and they spend an incredibly happy day and night together. When parting, Carmen says: “We’re even. Goodbye... You know, son, I think I’ve fallen in love with you a little. But<...>a wolf and a dog cannot get along,” Jose tries in vain to find Carmen. She appears only when it is necessary to lead smugglers through a gap in the city wall, which Jose is guarding. So, for Carmen’s promise to give him the night, he breaks his military oath. Then he kills the lieutenant, whom Carmen brings in. He becomes a smuggler. For a while, he is almost happy, since Carmen is sometimes affectionate with him - until the day when Garcia Crooked appears in the smuggling squad, a disgusting freak. This is Carmen’s husband, whom she finally manages to rescue. from prison, Jose and his “associates” engage in smuggling, rob and sometimes kill travelers. Carmen serves as their contact and guide. Rare meetings bring short happiness and unbearable pain. One day, Carmen hints to Jose that during the next “case” he could be framed. José prefers to kill his opponent in a fair fight and becomes Carmen's husband, but she is increasingly burdened by his obsessive love. He invites her to change her life and go to the New World. She makes him laugh: “We are not created to plant cabbage.” After some time, Jose learns that Carmen is infatuated with the matador Lucas. Jose is furiously jealous and again invites Carmen to go to America. She replies that she is fine in Spain, but she still won’t live with him. José takes Carmen to a secluded ravine and asks again and again if she will follow him. “I can’t love you. I don’t want to live with you,” Carmen answers and tears off the ring he gave him from his finger. Enraged, Jose stabs her with a knife twice. He buries her in the forest - she always wanted to find eternal peace in the forest - and puts a ring and a small cross in the grave.

In the fourth and final chapter of the story, the narrator selflessly shares with readers his observations of the customs and language of the Spanish gypsies. At the end, he cites a meaningful gypsy proverb: “A fly’s mouth is closed tightly.”

In the early autumn of 1830, an inquisitive scientist, Merimee himself is guessed in him, hires a guide in Cordoba and goes in search of ancient Munda, where the last victorious Spanish battle of Julius Caesar took place. The midday heat forces him to seek refuge in a shady gorge. But the place by the stream has already been taken. A deft, strong fellow with a gloomy look, proud posture and blond hair rises towards the narrator. The traveler disarms his wariness with an invitation to share a cigar and a meal with him, then they continue their journey together, despite the eloquent signs of the guide. Then they stop for the night in a remote Venta. The companion puts the blunderbuss next to him and falls asleep to the sleep of the righteous, but the scientist cannot sleep. He leaves the house and sees a sneaking guide who is going to warn the Uhlan post that the robber Jose Navarro is staying in Venta, because two hundred ducats have been promised for his capture. The traveler warns his companion about danger. Now they are bound by bonds of friendship.

The scientist continues his search in the library of the Dominican monastery in Cordoba. After sunset he usually walks along the banks of the Guadalquivir. One evening on the embankment, a woman dressed as a grisette, with a tuft of jasmine in her hair, approaches him. She is short, young, well-built, and has huge slanted eyes. The scientist is struck by her strange, wild beauty and especially her gaze, sensual and teasing. He treats her to cigarettes and learns that her name is Carmen, that she is a gypsy and knows how to tell fortunes. He asks permission to take her home and show him her art. But the fortune telling is interrupted at the very beginning - the door swings open and a man wrapped in a cloak bursts into the room, cursing. The scientist recognizes him as his friend Jose. After a furious argument with Carmen in an unfamiliar language, Jose takes the guest out of the house and shows the way to the hotel. The scientist discovers that in the meantime his gold striking watch, which Carmen liked so much, has disappeared. The distressed and ashamed scientist leaves the city. A few months later, he finds himself back in Cordoba and learns that the robber Jose Navarro has been arrested and is awaiting execution in prison. The curiosity of a researcher of local customs prompts the scientist to visit the robber and listen to his confession.

José Lizarrabengoa tells him that he is a Basque, born in Elizondo and belongs to an old noble family. After a bloody fight, he flees his native land, joins a dragoon regiment, serves diligently and becomes a brigadier. But one day, to his misfortune, he was assigned to guard duty at a Seville tobacco factory. On that fateful Friday, he saw Carmen for the first time - his love, which brought only one torment and death. She goes to work with other girls. She has an acacia flower in her mouth, and she walks, moving her hips, like a young Cordovan mare. Two hours later, a squad is called to stop the bloody quarrel at the factory. Jose must take the instigator of the quarrel, Carmen, to prison, who disfigured the face of one of the workers with a knife. On the way, she tells Jose a touching story that she, too, is from the Basque Country, all alone in Seville, she is being persecuted as a stranger, which is why she took up the knife. She lies, as she has lied all her life, but Jose believes her and helps her escape. For this he was demoted and sent to prison for a month. There he receives a gift from Carmen - a loaf of bread with a file, a gold coin and two piastres. But Jose does not want to run away - military honor holds him back. Now he serves as a simple soldier. One day he stands guard at his colonel's house. A carriage with gypsies, invited to entertain the guests, arrives. Among them is Carmen. She makes an appointment with Jose and they spend a happy day and night together. When parting, Carmen says: “We’re even. Goodbye... You know, son, I think I fell in love with you a little. But<...>A wolf and a dog cannot get along.” Jose tries in vain to find Carmen. She appears only when it is necessary to lead smugglers through a gap in the city wall, which is guarded by Jose. So, for Carmen’s promise to give him a night, he breaks his military oath. He then kills the lieutenant, whom Carmen brings to him. And he becomes a smuggler. For a while he is almost happy, as Carmen is sometimes affectionate with him - until the day when Garcia Crooked, a disgusting monster, appears in the smuggling squad. This is Carmen's husband, whom she finally manages to free from prison. Jose and his “associates” smuggle, rob and sometimes kill travelers. Carmen serves as a liaison and spotter. Rare meetings bring short happiness and unbearable pain. One day, Carmen hints to Jose that during the next “case” he could expose his crooked husband to enemy bullets. Jose prefers to kill his opponent in a fair fight and becomes Carmen's rom (gypsy husband), but she is increasingly burdened by his obsessive love. He invites her to change her life and go to the New World. She laughs at him: “We are not created to plant cabbage.” After some time, Jose learns that Carmen is infatuated with the matador Lucas. Jose is furiously jealous and again invites Carmen to go to America. She replies that she is fine in Spain, but she still won’t live with him. José takes Carmen to a secluded ravine and asks again and again if she will follow him. “I can’t love you. “I don’t want to live with you,” Carmen answers and rips the ring he gave him off his finger. Enraged, Jose stabs her with a knife twice. He buries her in the forest - she always wanted to find eternal peace in the forest - and puts a ring and a small cross in the grave.

In the fourth and final chapter of the story, the narrator selflessly shares with readers his observations on the customs and language of the Spanish gypsies. At the end, he cites a meaningful gypsy proverb: “A fly’s mouth is closed tightly.”

In the early autumn of 1830, an inquisitive scientist (Merimo himself can be seen in him) hires a guide in Cordoba and goes in search of ancient Munda, where the last victorious Spanish battle of Julius Caesar took place. The midday heat forces him to seek refuge in a shady gorge. But the place by the stream has already been taken. A dexterous and strong fellow with a gloomy, proud look and blond hair rises warily towards the narrator. The traveler disarms him with an offer to share a cigar and a meal with him, and then they continue their journey together, despite the eloquent signs of the guide. They stop for the night in a remote Venta. The companion puts the blunderbuss next to him and falls asleep to the sleep of the righteous, but the scientist cannot sleep. He leaves the house and sees a sneaking guide who is going to warn the Uhlan post that the robber Jose Navarro has stopped in Venta, for whose capture two hundred ducats have been promised. The traveler warns his companion about danger. Now they are bound by bonds of friendship.

The scientist continues his search in the library of the Dominican monastery in Cordoba. After sunset he usually walks along the shores of Guadalquivir. One evening on the embankment he is approached by a woman dressed as a grisette and with a tuft of jasmine in her hair. She is short, young, well-built, and has huge slanted eyes. The scientist is struck by her strange, wild beauty and especially her gaze, which is both sensual and wild. He treats her to cigarettes and learns that her name is Carmen, that she is a gypsy and knows how to tell fortunes. He asks permission to take her home and show him her art. But the fortune telling is interrupted at the very beginning - the door swings open and a man wrapped in a cloak bursts into the room, cursing. The scientist recognizes him as his friend Jose. After a furious argument with Carmen in an unfamiliar language, Jose takes the guest out of the house and shows the way to the hotel. The scientist discovers that in the meantime his gold striking watch, which Carmen liked so much, has disappeared. The distressed and ashamed scientist leaves the city. A few months later, he finds himself back in Cordoba and learns that the robber Jose Navarro has been arrested and is awaiting execution in prison. The curiosity of a researcher of local customs prompts the scientist to visit the robber and listen to his confession.

José Aizarrabengoa tells him that he is a Basque, born in Elizondo and belongs to an old noble family. After a bloody fight, he flees his native land, joins a dragoon regiment, serves diligently and becomes a brigadier. But one day, to his misfortune, he is assigned to guard duty at a Seville tobacco factory. That Friday he sees Carmen for the first time - his love, torment and death. She goes to work with other girls. She has an acacia flower in her mouth, and she walks, moving her hips like a young Cordovan mare. Two hours later, a squad is called to stop the bloody quarrel at the factory. Jose must take the instigator of the quarrel, Carmen, to prison, who disfigured the face of one of the workers with a knife. On the way, she tells Jose a touching story about how she, too, is from the Basque country, all alone in Seville, being bullied as a stranger, which is why she took up the knife.

Prosper Merimee

In the early autumn of 1830, an inquisitive scientist (Mérimée himself can be seen in him) hires a guide in Cordoba and goes in search of ancient Munda, where the last victorious Spanish battle of Julius Caesar took place. The midday heat forces him to seek refuge in a shady gorge. But the place by the stream has already been taken. A dexterous and strong fellow with a gloomy, proud look and blond hair rises warily towards the narrator. The traveler disarms him with an offer to share a cigar and a meal with him, and then they continue their journey together, despite the eloquent signs of the guide. They stop for the night in a remote Venta. The companion puts the blunderbuss next to him and falls asleep to the sleep of the righteous, but the scientist cannot sleep. He leaves the house and sees a sneaking guide who is going to warn the Uhlan post that the robber Jose Navarro has stopped in Venta, for whose capture two hundred ducats have been promised. The traveler warns his companion about danger. Now they are bound by bonds of friendship.

The scientist continues his search in the library of the Dominican monastery in Cordoba. After sunset he usually walks along the shores of Guadalquivir. One evening on the embankment he is approached by a woman dressed as a grisette and with a tuft of jasmine in her hair. She is short, young, well-built, and has huge slanted eyes. The scientist is struck by her strange, wild beauty and especially her gaze, which is both sensual and wild. He treats her to cigarettes and learns that her name is Carmen, that she is a gypsy and knows how to tell fortunes. He asks permission to take her home and show him her art. But the fortune telling is interrupted at the very beginning - the door swings open and a man wrapped in a cloak bursts into the room, cursing. The scientist recognizes him as his friend Jose. After a furious argument with Carmen in an unfamiliar language, Jose takes the guest out of the house and shows the way to the hotel. The scientist discovers that in the meantime his gold striking watch, which Carmen liked so much, has disappeared. The distressed and ashamed scientist leaves the city. A few months later, he finds himself back in Cordoba and learns that the robber Jose Navarro has been arrested and is awaiting execution in prison. The curiosity of a researcher of local customs prompts the scientist to visit the robber and listen to his confession.

José Aizarrabengoa tells him that he is a Basque, born in Elizondo and belongs to an old noble family. After a bloody fight, he flees his native land, joins a dragoon regiment, serves diligently and becomes a brigadier. But one day, to his misfortune, he is assigned to guard duty at a Seville tobacco factory. That Friday he sees Carmen for the first time - his love, torment and death. She goes to work with other girls. She has an acacia flower in her mouth, and she walks, moving her hips like a young Cordovan mare. Two hours later, a squad is called to stop the bloody quarrel at the factory. Jose must take the instigator of the quarrel, Carmen, to prison, who disfigured the face of one of the workers with a knife. On the way, she tells Jose a touching story about how she, too, is from the Basque country, all alone in Seville, being persecuted as a stranger, which is why she took up the knife. She lies, as she has lied all her life, but Jose believes her and helps her escape. For this he was demoted and sent to prison for a month. There he receives a gift from Carmen - a loaf of bread with a file, a gold coin and two piastres. But Jose does not want to run - military honor holds him back. Now he serves as a simple soldier. One day he stands guard at his colonel's house. A carriage with gypsies, invited to entertain the guests, arrives. Among them is Carmen. She makes an appointment with Jose, and they spend an incredibly happy day and night together. When parting, Carmen says: “We’re even. Goodbye... You know, son, I think I fell in love with you a little. But […] a wolf and a dog cannot get along,” Jose tries in vain to find Carmen. She appears only when it is necessary to lead smugglers through a gap in the city wall, which is guarded by Jose. So, for Carmen’s promise to give him a night, he breaks his military oath. He then kills the lieutenant, whom Carmen brings to him. He becomes a smuggler. For a while he is almost happy, as Carmen is sometimes affectionate with him - until the day when Garcia Crooked, a disgusting monster, appears in the smuggling squad. This is Carmen's husband, whom she finally manages to free from prison. Jose and his “associates” smuggle, rob and sometimes kill travelers. Carmen serves as their liaison and spotter. Rare meetings bring short happiness and unbearable pain. One day, Carmen hints to Jose that during the next “case” he could expose his crooked husband to enemy bullets. Jose prefers to kill his opponent in a fair fight and becomes Carmen's rom (gypsy husband), but she is increasingly burdened by his obsessive love. He invites her to change her life and go to the New World. She laughs at him: “We are not created to plant cabbage.” After some time, Jose learns that Carmen is infatuated with the matador Lucas. Jose is furiously jealous and again invites Carmen to go to America. She replies that she is fine in Spain, but she still won’t live with him. José takes Carmen to a secluded ravine and asks again and again if she will follow him. “I can’t love you. “I don’t want to live with you,” Carmen answers and rips the ring he gave him off his finger. Enraged, Jose stabs her with a knife twice. He buries her in the forest - she always wanted to find eternal peace in the forest - and puts a ring and a small cross in the grave.

In the fourth and final chapter of the story, the narrator selflessly shares with readers his observations of the customs and language of the Spanish gypsies. At the end, he cites a meaningful gypsy proverb: “A fly’s mouth is closed tightly.”