Cranberry juice from frozen cranberries in a slow cooker. Lingonberry juice in a slow cooker

Cocktails We are pleased to present you a step-by-step recipe for preparing the dish “Cranberry juice with honey.” It's really worth a try. Cranberry 700 g. Honey 300 g. The berries need to be sorted and washed, and if you are using frozen ones, then defrost them. Place the berries in small portions in a non-oxidizing container and mash thoroughly with a wooden masher. Do not use metal utensils at this stage, otherwise there will be a metallic taste in the finished product. Squeeze the mashed berries through a double layer of gauze into a separate container. Pour boiling water over the squeezes (about 3 liters of water are needed for 700 g of cranberries) and cook for 3-5 minutes, then filter. We leave the broth, and this time we throw away what is left. Pour cranberry juice into the chilled broth and add honey. Stir until the latter dissolves, and the miraculous drink is ready! Bon appetit!
  • 15min 50min 424 Cocktails Cranberries are a guarantee of health and enrichment of the body with all necessary vitamins and nutrients. Thanks to cranberry-raspberry juice, you can immediately get all the vitamins in one go. The cranberries are a little sour, and the raspberries give the fruit drink a sweet and pleasant taste and an unforgettable aroma. This is a wonderful drink that will help quench your thirst with health benefits. Moreover, not every child will be asked to drink cranberry juice, but with the addition of raspberries and sugar, he will drink with great pleasure. Cranberries 700 g. Raspberries 500 g. Sugar 4 tbsp. Water 3 l. Defrost the cranberries and place them in a deep container. If you have fresh cranberries, wash them and sort them. Add raspberries to cranberries. Pour water over the berries, add sugar, stir and bring to a boil. Cook the berries for about 30-40 minutes until they start to sing and until the cranberries burst. Strain the berry mixture through a sieve, first placing a paper towel or gauze on it.
  • Cranberry-raspberry juice is ready! Serve warm or chilled. 25 Cocktails Ginger is the root of an aromatic plant; it has a large number of beneficial properties that have a beneficial effect on the human body. Lime contains vitamin C, which is also an essential vitamin for proper human functioning. Ginger-lime tea is a great drink that can be served either cold or hot. It is especially good to drink it with ice on hot summer days. It perfectly refreshes and tones the body, and at the same time the body receives a lot of vitamins and nutrients. Ginger root 20 g. Black tea 10 g. Lime 1 pc. Prepare the necessary ingredients for tea. Cut the lime zest into slices, and peel the ginger and cut into strips. Squeeze the juice from half the lime into a separate container. Pour boiling water into a mug, add ginger and zest, and after 1-2 minutes add lime juice. Brew the tea for a few minutes and serve. The tea can be consumed both hot and cold.
  • 5min 10min Cocktails For a long time I didn’t know how best to process sea buckthorn so that it would be tasty and would not lose its beneficial properties. As for me, the best option is sea buckthorn fruit drink. No sugar, only sea buckthorn, honey and water. The drink is perfectly refreshing in the summer heat and saturates the body with vitamins when there is absolutely no appetite due to hot weather. And it’s very easy to prepare - in a word, an almost perfect drink. Sea buckthorn 2 cups. Honey 2 tbsp. Water 500 ml. To begin with, we need to thoroughly rinse and clean our sea buckthorn of debris. Let it dry. Place berries, honey, and water in a blender bowl. Using a blender, mix thoroughly until smooth.
  • And everything would be fine, but now in the fruit drink there are a lot of skins, seeds and other husks that spoil the drink. Therefore, using gauze, you need to strain the fruit drink to remove everything unnecessary from it. Now the sea buckthorn fruit drink is ready for use. It is best to serve chilled, of course. 5min 20min Cocktails The non-alcoholic Sea Breeze cocktail is made from fresh cranberries. You need to wash the berries and squeeze the juice out of them, add sugar and stir well. Separately, squeeze the juice from the grapefruit and mix with cranberry juice and cranberries. Both cocktails should be served with ice in beautiful glasses. It is very convenient to make two cocktails at the same time, since there are people in the company who do not drink alcohol. Good luck and bon appetit! Cranberry juice 60 g. Vodka 40 g. Cranberry juice 1 g. Grapefruit juice 1 g. Sugar 50 g. Cranberry 140 g. In a measuring glass, mix cranberry juice, vodka, liqueur, add lime juice. Pour the cocktail into a glass, add ice and a slice of lime. A non-alcoholic cocktail is made from 140 grams of cranberries, 50 grams. sugar, one liter each of grapefruit juice and cranberry juice. Add ice. I recommend diluting a non-alcoholic cocktail with water, because both cranberries and grapefruit are quite sour.
  • 5min 40min Cocktails I'll tell you how to make lingonberry juice in a slow cooker. I like this recipe because when “steamed” most of the beneficial properties remain. Plus, we don’t pour in the juice right away, so that we don’t end up with an ordinary compote, but still a juicy and tasty fruit drink. Try it! Lingonberries 500 g. Sugar 3 tbsp. Squeeze the berries. We throw the pomace into the slow cooker and store the juice separately. Fill the pomace with sugar and add water to cover completely. In the “Steam” mode, set the timer for 15 minutes. After the specified time, pour in lingonberry juice and bring to a boil again. Leave in the slow cooker until it cools completely. Strain, pour into a jug and enjoy your sunny drink!
  • 20min 20min Cocktails If you like aromatic and spicy drinks, then you may like a slightly improved recipe for this fruit drink. When the water in the pan begins to boil, add a cinnamon stick and a few cloves. In this case, it is better to replace sugar with honey.
    This fruit drink can be consumed warm as a tonic and even as a cure for colds.
    Frozen cranberries 250 g. Granulated sugar 1 tbsp. Water 1 l.
    Rinse frozen cranberries under cold water and place them in a blender bowl. Let the berries defrost a little, about 20 minutes. Then puree them using a blender. Do this carefully so that the cranberry juice does not get on your clothes or any surface. Take the gauze and fold it in half. Use it to squeeze the cranberry juice into a separate container. Place the remaining cake in gauze in a saucepan and fill with a liter of clean water. Place the pan over medium heat. Boil the fruit drink until it boils. When the water boils, add a tablespoon of granulated sugar. While stirring the fruit drink with a spoon, wait until the sugar has completely dissolved. In principle, at this stage the fruit drink can be strained and considered ready. But I prefer to make it more intense. Therefore, I take squeezed cranberry juice and add about 1/3 of the total volume to the pan. When the fruit drink has cooled down, it can be consumed.
  • 20min 60min Cocktails What is fruit drink and how to prepare fruit drink from frozen currants Morse is a drink that is prepared from the juice of berries and fruits and served cold. Fruit juice can be prepared from any berries to your taste and even mixed with each other. If you have frozen berries (as in our case), then you can prepare such a drink at any time of the year. It is especially useful for young children and teenagers to eat fruit juice. Red currant 200 g. Water 1.5 l. Sugar to taste You can make fruit drinks from any berries, even frozen ones. Today I propose to prepare a fruit drink from frozen currants (red). So, take the berries and let them stand for a while at room temperature. In a deep container, grind our berries with a masher until puree. After this, you need to pass them through a sieve to get juice with pulp separately, and squeezes separately. Fill the resulting thicket with water and put it on fire. Place the resulting juice and pulp in the refrigerator for a while. When our squeezes in water boil, add sugar to taste and cook for about 10 minutes over medium heat. After this, let the fruit drink cool to room temperature.
  • 20min 20min Cocktails Add our juice from the refrigerator to the fruit drink, then put it back on the fire and bring to a boil, but do not boil! If desired, the drink can be strained before serving. You can make fruit juice from absolutely any berries that you have on hand. The truth is, the amount of sugar depends on which ones you take. You can serve the drink with ice, adding a mint leaf, for example. This is a wonderful drink for adults and children. Lingonberries 2 cups. Sugar 2 cups. Water 8-10 cups. In order to prepare fruit juice, you need only two main ingredients: berries and sugar. In this case it is frozen lingonberries. The berries do not need to be defrosted first. Place berries and sugar in a large saucepan.
  • 20min 60min Cocktails Pour in clean water and put on fire. Bring to a boil. Boil for literally 1-2 minutes and remove from heat. The fruit drink should be left to steep until it cools completely. Here are the two main ingredients: berries and sugar. By the way, you can also adjust the amount of water depending on how rich you want the fruit drink. To begin, mash the berries with a spoon or potato masher. This must be done in order to obtain pure natural juice. Place the berries in a saucepan, add water and put on fire. As soon as the water boils, immediately remove the pan from the heat and add sugar. Stir, cover and leave to cool. Afterwards, carefully strain the fruit drink and combine it with the previously set aside juice. The result is such a healthy and tasty drink.
  • Details

    Prepare a refreshing vitamin drink from lingonberries at home in a wonderful saucepan and get a boost of energy for the whole day. Lingonberry juice can be prepared with the addition of sugar or honey. According to its technology, it is distinguished by the fact that the berries are not boiled, thanks to which all the vitamins are preserved.

    In our recipes, the multicooker will act as a thermos and the fruit drink will turn out simply awesome and very healthy. Preparing the drink is not difficult and any modern housewife can handle it.

    Lingonberry juice in a slow cooker

    Required ingredients:

    • lingonberries – 150 g;
    • granulated sugar – 120 g;
    • purified water – 1 l.

    Cooking process:

    Carefully sort the berries and rinse thoroughly in running cold water. Using a sieve, grind the berries and place the resulting juice in the refrigerator.

    Now pour one liter of purified water into the multicooker bowl, close the lid of the appliance and, in the “Cooking” mode set for 15 minutes, bring the water to a boil, then add the lingonberry cake and cook until the program turns off.

    Leave the drink to infuse for half an hour in the “Warming” mode. After the time has passed, strain the resulting drink and stir with sugar until the grains are completely dissolved.

    Pour in the cooled juice and stir. Lingonberry juice is ready, you can drink it cold and enjoy the chilled healthy drink.

    Lingonberry juice with honey in a slow cooker

    Required ingredients:

    • lingonberries – 0.5 kg;
    • purified water – 2 l;
    • honey – 80 g.

    Cooking process:

    Sort through the lingonberries and rinse thoroughly. Place in a multi-cooker bowl and add honey. Pour in purified water and stir. Close the lid and cook the fruit drink on the “Soup” program for an hour and a half.

    Let the finished fruit drink simmer under the lid closed, then pour into a deep container and cool. Pour into glasses and serve. This fruit drink will perfectly help quench your thirst and give your body vigor and strength.

    Lingonberry juice with dried fruits in a slow cooker

    Required ingredients:

    • lingonberries – 1 multi-glass;
    • dried fruits – 100 g;
    • hot boiled water – 3 l;
    • sugar – 1 glass;
    • currant, mint and raspberry leaves - to taste;
    • honey – 50 g.

    Cooking process:

    Sort through the lingonberries, rinse thoroughly and grind through a sieve. Place the pulp in a multi-cooker bowl and set aside the juice for now. Pour the juice into the already prepared fruit drink, this will preserve the beneficial properties of the berry.

    Before cooking, soak dried fruits for half an hour, rinse well and add to the bowl, add granulated sugar, add mint, currant and raspberry leaves. Now pour hot boiled water and close the lid of the equipment.

    Select the “Stew” program and simmer the fruit juice for half an hour. When the beep sounds, keep the fruit drink in the “Warming” mode for another half hour. Strain the finished fruit drink and add honey and sugar to taste, stir until the sugar grains are completely dissolved.

    Lingonberry juice is ready, cool and serve.

    Lingonberry juice with cinnamon in a slow cooker

    Required ingredients:

    • lingonberries – 0.5 kg;
    • cinnamon – 1 pinch;
    • granulated sugar – 200 g;
    • purified water – 3 l;
    • vanilla – 1 pinch.

    Cooking process:

    Rinse the lingonberries thoroughly and grind through a sieve or use a juicer. Place the pulp in a multi-cooker bowl and fill with purified water. Boil the fruit juice on the “Soup” program for 30 minutes.

    Simmer in the “Warming” mode for about 20 minutes, then strain. Add cinnamon and vanilla to the resulting fruit drink, add sugar and juice, mix thoroughly. The fruit drink is ready, cool and serve, pouring into glasses with ice cubes.

    Enjoy your meal.

    Morse is rightfully considered the healthiest drink made from fresh or frozen berries. After all, vitamin components are not subjected to heat treatment, namely boiling. After all, boiling destroys a large number of vitamins, if not all. And those that remain become very fragile and cannot stand long-term storage, for example in jars.

    Preparing fruit juice in a slow cooker is very simple, because it can be prepared from fresh or frozen berries. The kitchen assistant allows the drink to brew and acquire a thick, rich and bright taste.

    Classic fruit drink, cranberry

    The most common berry from which fruit juice is usually made is cranberry - a berry that is healthy in all respects. A high dose of vitamin C makes it indispensable in the prevention and treatment of colds. Strengthening the immune system and restoring vitality after long-term illnesses is also possible with this drink.

    Cranberry juice in a slow cooker is a real elixir of health and longevity.


    • Cranberries (fresh or frozen) – 0.5 kg.
    • Water – 2 l.
    • Sugar – 1 cup or honey – 7 tbsp. l.

    Vitamin C is not destroyed during freezing; only glucose freezes out, which can be successfully replaced by granulated sugar, or better yet, honey.


    1. We sort the cranberries and, if possible, rinse them under running water. If the berries are frozen, they need to be given the opportunity to thaw.
    2. Grind the berries to a porridge state and squeeze out the juice using a sieve or gauze folded in several layers. To prepare fruit juice, it is the cake that is used at the first stage.
    3. Fill the multicooker with water and turn on the “Cooking” mode. Bring to a boil, add the cake and sugar. Boil for no more than 5 minutes.
    4. Let it cool to a temperature no higher than 40º and add cranberry juice to the slow cooker. Close the lid and set the heat for 10 minutes. After the sound signal, let it brew for at least 3-4 hours.
    5. Pour into a container, after straining, cool completely and place on the table.

    If you want to make fruit juice in a slow cooker with honey, do not add sugar during cooking. After the mixture has cooled, add honey. At high temperatures, this bee product loses its beneficial properties, and some varieties simply become poison, releasing carcinogenic substances.

    Berry fruit drink

    If you don’t have cranberries, you can use berries that grow in your garden. And adding lemon will add some zest and freshness.


    • Mixed berries (strawberries, black and red currants, raspberries, cherries) – 300 gr.
    • Water – 3 l.
    • Lemon – 1 pc.
    • Sugar – 1 cup or honey to taste (approximately 8-9 tbsp.)

    This fruit drink in a slow cooker will have a whole bouquet of flavors. And it’s really better to cook it with honey, which will highlight the brightness and richness of the berry aromas.


    Some interesting facts

    To prepare compote, you don’t have to defrost the berries, but fruit juice in a slow cooker requires chopping.

    It is better to grind the berries using glass objects or a nylon sieve. Metal destroys vitamin C.

    Honey should only be added to a warm drink. This will help preserve all the good stuff or, worse, keep the sweet bee treat from turning into poison.

    Cranberry juice– one of the most popular, healthy and tasty fruit drinks, known among people since ancient times. Due to its unique beneficial properties, cranberries are consumed more often than others in winter. Cranberry juice helps with rheumatism, vitamin deficiency, headaches, and in the treatment of kidney diseases, and due to the high content of vitamin C, it is especially relevant for flu and colds. Also, cranberry juice is a real lifesaver for pregnant and lactating women, since the use of medications is contraindicated for them. There are many recipes for cranberry juice. Some people make it with sugar, others add honey. Today I will show you how to prepare this magical, tasty and healthy drink using our multicooker assistant.


    • 2 cups cranberries
    • 1 cup of sugar
    • 2 liters of water


    Sort the cranberries, rinse, place in a sieve (colander) and grind the berries well with a spoon (you can use a blender).

    Pour sugar into the multicooker bowl, add the squeezed cake and cranberry juice, pour boiling water from the kettle over everything. Mix. Close the lid and leave the fruit drink to steep in the multicooker for 3 - 4 hours. The multicooker here serves as a thermos.

    Cocktails One of the richest drinks in vitamins is cranberry juice, prepared in a slow cooker. This berry has many beneficial properties, vitamins and microelements that saturate the immune system and the human body as a whole. In winter, cranberries are the most popular berry consumed. During cooking, honey or sugar is added to balance the acidity. This drink can be consumed by both pregnant and nursing mothers; it contains vitamin C and helps get rid of colds. Fruit juice prepared in a slow cooker is an excellent drink for the whole family and their guests. Frozen cranberries 150 g. Sugar 100 g. Water 1 l. Squeeze the cranberries. Pour the juice into a separate container, and put the berries themselves in a slow cooker and cover with sugar. Fill the cranberries with water and turn on the “Steam” mode for 15 minutes. After the time has passed, pour out the juice and bring the mixture to a boil. Cook for 1-2 minutes, constantly stirring with a wooden spoon. Then let the fruit drink cool and brew for about an hour. Strain the cranberry juice and serve.
  • 15min 30min 77 Cocktails Lingonberry is a healthy berry, rich in vitamins. Lingonberry juice with mint, presented in this recipe, is a wonderful soft drink that will easily quench your thirst and will be an excellent alternative to various sodas. Lingonberries 600 g. Sugar 4 tbsp. l. Mint to taste We wash the lingonberries thoroughly, sort them and place them in a colander. Place the lingonberries in any container (for example, a 3-liter glass jar) and cover with sugar. Add mint leaves to taste. Pour boiling water and close the lid. We wrap the jar and leave it alone for several hours (or better yet, overnight). After the time has passed, we filter the liquid through cheesecloth, and also squeeze the berries themselves through cheesecloth.
  • Lingonberry juice with mint is ready. Pour into glasses and serve! It can be drunk either warm or chilled, with the addition of ice. 5min 45min Cocktails Learn how to make cranberry and raspberry juice. This fruit drink is wonderfully refreshing at any time of the year; in our family it is prepared both in summer and winter. Yes, an important aspect - if your fruit drink is too sweet, dilute it with boiled water. You can also preserve it and use it as a concentrate, subsequently diluting it with boiled water. Good luck! Cranberry 700 gr. g. Raspberries 500 g. Water 3 l. Sugar 4 cups.
  • 5min 10min Cocktails For a long time I didn’t know how best to process sea buckthorn so that it would be tasty and would not lose its beneficial properties. As for me, the best option is sea buckthorn fruit drink. No sugar, only sea buckthorn, honey and water. The drink is perfectly refreshing in the summer heat and saturates the body with vitamins when there is absolutely no appetite due to hot weather. And it’s very easy to prepare - in a word, an almost perfect drink. Sea buckthorn 2 cups. Honey 2 tbsp. Water 500 ml. To begin with, we need to thoroughly rinse and clean our sea buckthorn of debris. Let it dry. Place berries, honey, and water in a blender bowl. Using a blender, mix thoroughly until smooth.
  • Combine cranberries and raspberries in a large saucepan. Add sugar and water. Bring it to a boil, reduce and cook the fruit drink for about 30 minutes - 45 minutes, until the fruit becomes soft and foam appears. Strain the liquid through a fine sieve. 5min 1140min Cocktails I want to tell you how to make lingonberry juice. The drink is easy to prepare and very tasty. In addition to mint, you can add lemon zest, cardamom and cinnamon. In short, any additives to suit your taste! Lingonberries 600 g. Sugar 4 tbsp. Mint to taste Wash the berries, dry them and place them in the bottom of a sterile jar. Add sugar and add mint leaves.
  • Pour boiling water over it, cover with a nylon lid and wrap it in a blanket. Store in a blanket until completely cool. Then strain the berries and squeeze them into liquid through cheesecloth. We pour it into bottles and close it for the winter. Ready! 5min 60min Cocktails When the sugar begins to dissolve, add 10 small cups of water. Bring the drink to a boil. Boil for about 2 minutes, then remove from heat. Let the mixture cool, and only after that add honey (not into boiling water, otherwise the honey will lose its properties!). Let the fruit drink cool completely, then strain into a carafe or bottle. You can serve lingonberry juice with honey warm or cold (in the summer I especially like to add ice to the juice).
  • 20min 120min Cocktails Detailed step-by-step description of how to prepare the “Cherry juice” dish. Be sure to try it Cherry 200 g. Water 1 l.
  • 20min 60min Cocktails What is fruit drink and how to prepare fruit drink from frozen currants Morse is a drink that is prepared from the juice of berries and fruits and served cold. Fruit juice can be prepared from any berries to your taste and even mixed with each other. If you have frozen berries (as in our case), then you can prepare such a drink at any time of the year. It is especially useful for young children and teenagers to eat fruit juice. Red currant 200 g. Water 1.5 l. Sugar to taste You can make fruit drinks from any berries, even frozen ones. Today I propose to prepare a fruit drink from frozen currants (red). So, take the berries and let them stand for a while at room temperature. In a deep container, grind our berries with a masher until puree. After this, you need to pass them through a sieve to get juice with pulp separately, and squeezes separately. Fill the resulting thicket with water and put it on fire. Place the resulting juice and pulp in the refrigerator for a while. When our squeezes in water boil, add sugar to taste and cook for about 10 minutes over medium heat. After this, let the fruit drink cool to room temperature.
  • 20min 60min Cocktails Sugar 2 tbsp. If you are wondering how to make berry juice, then this recipe will come in handy. This drink strengthens the immune system. Feel free to experiment with ingredients and add something new. Any fruits and berries will do. Red currants 1 cup. Apple 5 pcs. Orange 2 pcs. Water 2.5 l. Sugar 0.5 cup. Cinnamon 1 pc.
  • 20min 60min Cocktails Pour in clean water and put on fire. Bring to a boil. Boil for literally 1-2 minutes and remove from heat. The fruit drink should be left to steep until it cools completely. Here are the two main ingredients: berries and sugar. By the way, you can also adjust the amount of water depending on how rich you want the fruit drink. To begin, mash the berries with a spoon or potato masher. This must be done in order to obtain pure natural juice. Place the berries in a saucepan, add water and put on fire. As soon as the water boils, immediately remove the pan from the heat and add sugar. Stir, cover and leave to cool. Afterwards, carefully strain the fruit drink and combine it with the previously set aside juice. The result is such a healthy and tasty drink.