When you can give a banana baby

The banana is a delicious and nutritious product, the only of tropical fruits, which can be introduced into the diet of infants. Bananas are well quenched hungry and saturate the body with important vitamins, minerals, useful elements. Some pediatricians recommend that this product for infant is already six months old, others believe that up to eight months fruit can be dangerous. Let's look more in more detail, from how many months to give a child a banana and in what quantities.

Beneficial features

Tropical fruits contain a large amount of vitamins and useful substances among which, group vitamins, ascorbic acid (vitamin C), potassium and magnesium, iron and sodium, starch and fiber. The great advantage of bananas that they are easily and quickly absorbed, which is important for the children's body. The product performs the following useful features:

  • Improves blood composition and increases hemoglobin levels;
  • Forms bone and muscle tissue;
  • Stimulates the work of the brain;
  • Energy is charged and raises the mood;
  • Relieves fatigue and restores strength;
  • Promotes the growth of the body as a whole;
  • Increases the concentration of attention;
  • Normalizes the work of the intestine;
  • Strengthens the walls of the vessels and the heart;
  • Improves the condition of the teeth, mucous membrane and leather. ;
  • Enhances immunity.

When to give a banana baby

The second month of the administration of the supplies is considered to be a suitable age. The banana can be given to the baby after turning on apples and pears, zucchini and potatoes, broccoli and cauliflower, carrots and some other vegetables. At six months, the baby can be given to try half a teaspoon of banana mashed potatoes, in the future feed the child with such a dish no more than once in 7-10 days.

After eight months, the puree is given in a more thick consistency, and after nine it is possible to feed the fresh solid fruit (a quaterna of fruit). After ten months, it is allowed to include multicomponent dishes with banana, including fruit salad, casserole, porridge. Also at this age are already given half of the whole fresh fetus.

In any case, when you can give a banana to the baby, parents decide. But it is impossible to give adult lore in the first months of life! It enhances colic in newborns, provokes poisoning and appearance of an allergic reaction. Breast kids adult food begin to give no earlier than six months, children on artificial or mixed feeding - approximately four months. Read more, from what age you can give a child a banana, vegetables, fruits, cereals and other lures, read.

How to give a banana to a child

Start your feed with a half teaspoon of a liquid banana puree. At first, dilute the dish with breast milk, boiled water or diluted milk mixture. Children up to a year are not recommended to cook with salt and pepper. For taste, you can add a few drops of vegetable oil. First time, let's fruit only after heat treatment. After 8-9 months, you can give a fresh banana and mix the product with other ingredients.

If the baby has no allergies to the product, then the puree from the banana give the baby without fears once a week, then begin to introduce new dishes with this fruit. Carefully choose and hold the fruit properly. It is important that it was a fresh ripe fruit of a smooth yellow color without black dots, stains and rot. By the way, so that it is faster to ripe, you can put the product together with the apple.

Bananas are stored in a dry, dark and cool place up to five days. Do not store fruit in the refrigerator, so it will deteriorate faster and absorb other products! In addition, it is impossible to store the fruits in the tied package, as the air must come to the fruit.

Bananas are not recommended for children with overweight and prone to obesity, with chairs (especially, intestinal disorders), since the product contains a large amount of starch and sucrose. Bananas are categorically impossible to children suffering from diabetes. And do not forget that this is a hypoallergenic fruit, so enter the product in the diet of the baby neatly.

Recipes with Banana For Baby

First Banana Mashed Purcha

Take the fruit and carefully clean from the peel and streak, cut the ends. Then tapping the half of the fruit of 5-7 minutes on a water bath or in a double boiler. After that, beat the fruit with a blender or mixer or dismiss the fork, dilute with boiled water, breast milk or freshly prepared dairy mixture.

Older kids can be prepared with a puree from fresh fetus. To do this, clean the banana and disarm for a fork or soda on the grater. Then you can add natural yogurt or low-fat children's kefir in the dish.

Apple banana puree

Take half the purified apple and banana. It is better to take green, as they are less allergenic. Apple cut and negotiate to boil in water (¼ glass), then boil seven for another seven minutes on slow fire. Mix the resulting product with a banana, you can beat the blender. Add a bit of natural yogurt or low-fat kefir (1-2%).

Porridge with fruit

  • Banana - ½ pcs;
  • Apricot or peach - 2 pcs;
  • Water - 4 table. spoons;
  • Rice cereals - 2 table. spoons.

Boil the rice porridge on the water separately. Apricots or peaches Clean the skins. To facilitate the task, make an incision cross-cross, and then for several minutes in hot water. Then the skirt will easily remove. Remove bone from fruits and cut into small pieces. Discovered fruits sweep in water under the lid ten minutes. Then, along with the purified banana, take the blender and mix with the finished porridge. By the way, instead of rice porridge, oatmeal is suitable.

Curd casserole with banana

  • Cottage cheese - 200 gr;
  • Banana - 1 pc.;
  • Flour - 100 gr (½ cup);
  • Milk 100 gr (½ cup);
  • Egg chicken - 1 pc. (You can take three quail);
  • Raisin or Kuraga - 50 gr.

Dried fruits soak pre-in water 15-20 minutes, sharpe cut. Cottage cheese to smoke fork and add an egg, pour flour. Mix mix and pour milk, mix thoroughly. Banana Clean the peel and streak, remove the ends and cut. Add a fruit to a milky curd mixture, put dried fruits and mix again. The resulting mass is laid in the baking tank and bake for 15 minutes at two hundred degrees.

Curd cookies with banana for small

  • Cottage cheese - 250 gr;
  • Banana - 1 pc.;
  • Flour - 4 table. spoons.

Banana Clean and disarm for a fork, add cottage cheese and mix. Gradually flood the flour and mix again. From the resulting mass, blind cookies of any form and lay out on a baking sheet for baking. Either the mixture can be decomposed by molds. Bake 10-12 minutes at 180 degrees, then turn over and leave for another ten minutes. You can also add crushed dried fruits in the dough, and finished cookies sprinkle with powdered sugar.