Who are they, terrorists? The most famous terrorists Laws that contribute to the fight against terrorists.


From the preamble of the UNESCO Constitution

Happened..., again..., happened again... . The tragedy in the Moscow metro, in Kizlyar - these are now familiar milestones in our history. My youth was covered with events of a completely different kind - the first flights into space, the construction of new cities, the development of new deposits of natural resources, new arable lands, scientific expeditions to Antarctica, triumphant world tours of the Bolshoi Theater, frequent vacation trips to the Caucasus, to the mountains, to the sea. ..... Now all this has come to an end, now other events worry our lives and the main ones are terrorist attacks.

Terrorists - who are they? Some call them bandits, others call them forced avengers. I will not hang premature labels inspired by a feeling of indignation and angry indignation, but first I will tell you a simple everyday story that one of my colleagues once told me.

1941 The war has begun. The father went to the front, and the mother and three young children remained in Moscow. The house was bombed, the family was moved to an old monastery building, the ancient walls of which, it turns out, were more designed to withstand bomb attacks. We lived from hand to mouth. And then an unpleasant neighborhood was discovered, encroaching on the pitiful food crumbs. Rats. These original inhabitants of these places rightly felt like masters of the old walls and were not at all afraid of their new neighbors. It was interesting to watch their habits. The rats busily came out of their hiding places to the watering hole, placing their paws, folded in a boat, under a thin stream of water oozing from the old tap. Just like people do. But it was impossible to put up with such a neighborhood for a long time, regularly depleting meager food supplies, human reason won... and the rats were poisoned. In the morning, mother went into the kitchen and..., oh horror! ... came across something moving around on the floor in the middle of the kitchen. A living ball of newborn rat pups. It is impossible to describe what happened to the mother of three children, only she herself knows. But throughout her subsequent life she remembered this incident, and tears of shame and bitterness caused by remorse always accompanied these memories. This is how the rat avenged himself. And it was a struggle of the mind, where the rat mind turned out to be higher than the human mind.

What do modern terrorists show us? What goals do they pursue? Some will say that in this way they punish evil. They punish using the methods that are accessible to their minds. But what do they achieve with these methods? They breed evil, they intensively reproduce it on a universal scale, they justify evil. They even justify our evil towards them, they cultivate it, turning it from an unreasonable accident into a natural reality. They fight not with the power of reason, but with the cunning of evil. Only evil guides all their actions.

Nowadays there is an increasing awareness that the phenomenon of terrorism is generated by reasons inherent in the world order established by man. Every terrorist is “our answer to Chamberlain”, this is the struggle of evil with evil, the struggle of the global rat aggression of the outcasts of civilization with the global rat greed of the world financial octopus.

Of course, when rats are forced to fight among themselves for a nourishing barn, the best weapon can only be aggression, which can generate fear. Only fear can force an opponent to abandon confrontation and leave the battlefield alive. But even rats know the limits of aggression and never kill their own kind.

So who are terrorists? People or rats? But who are people then, if rats are capable of being smarter than them?



(new Latin; this, see previous word). 1) supporter of terrorism. 2) a member of the French government during the Terror.

Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. - Chudinov A.N., 1910 .


Novolatinsk., etymology see. Terrorism. a) A person sympathetic to rule based on fear. b) Member of the provisional government during the Terror in France.

Explanation of 25,000 foreign words that have come into use in the Russian language, with the meaning of their roots. - Mikhelson A.D., 1865 .


participant in terrorist acts

Large dictionary of foreign words. - Publishing House "IDDK", 2007 .


A, m., shower (fr. terroriste lat. - cm. terror).
1. Member or supporter terror. Police arrest known terrorist, committed several political assassinations.
2. A bandit who achieves his goals by taking hostages and threatening to use violence against them, including their physical destruction. Terrorists hijacked the plane along with its passengers.
Terrorist- woman-t. 12.
Terrorist- related to the activities of terrorists 1, 2, k terror, terrorism (terrorist group, terrorist attack, terrorist tactics).

Explanatory dictionary of foreign words by L. P. Krysin. - M: Russian language, 1998 .


See what “TERRORIST” is in other dictionaries:

    terrorist- a, m. terroriste m. 1. outdated Member of the French revolutionary government of the period 1793-1794; supporter of the policies implemented by this government. BAS 1. During the revolution, he praised the Girondins, and the terrorists, their terrible... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

    Bandit, militant, bomb thrower, bomber Dictionary of Russian synonyms. terrorist 1. militant; bomber (obsolete) 2. see bandit Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. Practical guide. M.: Russian language. Z... Synonym dictionary

    - [terrorist], terrorist, husband. (polit.). Participant or supporter of acts of individual terrorism. Petty bourgeois terrorist. A gang of terrorists. Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 … Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    terrorist- TERRORIST, ah, M. Iron. A person obsessed with something. Womanizer terrorist... Dictionary of Russian argot

    terrorist- Anyone who tries to achieve the implementation of his plans through the systematic use of forceful intimidation; a person who uses or encourages the use of violent and intimidating methods of coercion against a government... ... Technical Translator's Guide

One Russian journalist expressed the opinion that terrorism is hatred: man against man, man against humanity. Whatever this social concept is called, the same conclusion still emerges: a terrorist is an enemy of humanity. As long as they exist in our world, no one can feel safe, because the number of terrorist attacks is growing every day at a tremendous speed. According to statistics, the actions of these bandits occur every two to three days in the world, and these illegal actions only bring death.

The concept of "terrorism"

Translated from Latin, the concept of “terror” means fear and horror. Based on this, terrorism must be understood as a social phenomenon, the purpose of which is to intimidate the enemy and suppress him by all possible means, including physical destruction. Historically, terror is not only about intimidation, its essence is reflected in moral and physical impact. A terrorist is a subject who performs certain actions aimed at intimidation and violence. The subjects of this violence can be an individual, an organization, a group of people, or simply random passers-by who are in no way connected with the purpose of committing a terrorist attack, but simply find themselves in the wrong place. Most often, bandits associate these people with the entire society, some government agency or social structure. Individuals (or groups of individuals) who commit these terrible acts most often have the goal of destabilizing the situation in the country or in society. A terrorist is a person who wants fear and distrust of the authorities to drive people to revolutionary measures and influence the decisions of government officials. Fear and misunderstanding of the situation can cause the outbreak of war with another state, civil war, and an acute desire for independence.

Terrorists are not just individuals. Illegal, intimidating activities can be carried out by huge organizations and groups, including with the funding and support of entire states.

The essence of terrorism is an illegal activity, therefore it has a number of certain characteristics:

  • This activity entails great danger, having the direct intent to cause death to one, several or a large number of people.
  • It has a public nature of execution. This act should become known to a large number of people.
  • The purpose of illegal actions is the direct desire to create an environment in which fear and depression reign.
  • When carrying out actions, bandits, while influencing some, pursue the goal of influencing completely different people.

If we compare the concepts of “terror” and “terrorism”, we can say that the first concept is broader, more massive, and a large number of people suffer from terror.

International terrorism: its subjects and significance

International terrorism is directed against individual states or a certain circle of citizens. Its main goal is to seriously disrupt the normal activities of the state and undermine the stability of its relations with other countries. Its subjects are entire countries, citizens of a particular nationality, government entities, politicians or diplomats. This type of terrorism is called the economic version of war. This method is the most effective: people die, the country’s economy and its position in the world are undermined, and everything happens with minimal military costs and sacrifices on the part of those who organize and carry out everything.

The main principles of this type of banditry are:

  • All military means for committing a terrorist act are located on enemy territory, that is, purchased on this territory.
  • Those persons who are engaged in subversive activities are located in different parts of the enemy state, they are difficult to detect, because most often the bandits legally reside in a given country.
  • Organizers of terrorist attacks are also difficult to find because a network leadership system is being created to manage them, in which it is difficult to reach the very top.

The main tools of terrorism, both international and domestic, is psychological elevation over the enemy, because the organizers always have a clear and thoughtful plan, and it is very difficult to discover what blow will be struck in the future.

History of terrorism

If we trace the emergence of terrorism, we can conclude that it appeared a very long time ago. That is, violence directed against people appeared a long time ago, and the generally accepted concept arose only in the twentieth century. Its first manifestation, according to some historians, is the partisan movement in some Latin American countries. A group of people, after the dispersal of the partisan movement in these countries, began to act, carrying out several subversive acts, which were later called “urban guerilla.” In the early 60s, a similar action took place in the Israeli army. During these years, Palestinian terrorists blew up military equipment, hijacked planes with passengers, then blew them up, seized vehicles with hostages or occupied buildings with people, and created sabotage in crowded places. For decades, the country was gripped by a wave of terrorism and extremism. In the same years, similar manifestations began in Western European countries, when the so-called Italian “red brigades”, ETA separatist groups in Spain, and the Republican Army in Ireland appeared. The list of terrorists is very long. The most terrible of them is Osama bin Laden, who was eliminated in early May 2011. This number 1 terrorist brought a lot of evil and tears to this world, destroying many lives. His name was associated with a huge number of crimes, explosions and attacks. He has been wanted since 1998. The following known terrorists are named: Ayman al-Zawahiri, who organized the "Egyptian Islamic Jihad", Adam Gadahn, Daniel Andres San Diego, an alleged participant in the organization of bombings of office buildings in the United States, Ali Atwa, who is involved in air piracy, airplane bombings, hostage-taking, Fahd Mohammed Ahmed al-Kuso and many others.

Types of terrorism

This social phenomenon is classified according to several criteria. If we consider it geographically, we can distinguish between international and domestic terrorism.

Depending on the motive for carrying out illegal actions, they distinguish between political, religious and national.

The most manageable, according to many historians, is its main direction, which is considered to be the expression of dissatisfaction with the existing political system within the state. This type of banditry appeared the very first. Government agencies have generally learned to cope with such gangster groups with dignity. Those that have existed for many years are beginning to die down: senior leaders of active groups are already serving their prison sentences, and the new generation is not so dangerous and professional. Political terrorist actions are quite limited in nature; they can be influenced not only by government agencies, but also by society as a whole.

National terrorism is the illegal actions of a group of people aimed at creating their own independent state. Groups that want to create their own separate state structure arm themselves and try to defend their interests using weapons. In this case, terrorism is financed at the expense of other states, structures, people who are interested either in creating a new political system, or in seriously undermining the economic or social sphere of the existing one, against which the bandits’ actions are directed. Often the basis for financing is not only the political side, but also the financial one. Over the last century, the most striking example of national terrorism is the struggle of the Kurds advocating the creation of a new state of Kurdistan, which took place on the territory of four states at once: Iraq, Iran, Turkey, Syria.

Another example is the struggle of a group of people in southern France and Spain, the so-called Basques, who wanted to become completely self-sufficient. In Great Britain, members of the IRA - the Irish Army - who are trying to create an independent state with the help of terrorist attacks were called nationalist terrorists. A certain manifestation of this type of terror, according to some part of society, is the struggle of the south-eastern part of Ukraine for the opportunity to create its own federal unit as part of another state. The most terrible type of this social phenomenon is considered to be the one that is based on religious views. Religious fanatics are ready to easily give their lives in the fight for their ideals. The main manifestation of this type of terror is the Palestinian struggle that takes place in Israel. Speaking about the leaders of gangster groups, it is necessary to highlight the already destroyed Osama Bin Laden, who laid down his life to create a worldwide This terrible man was able to unite a large number of people who became a threat to the innocent lives of others, collect huge sums of money to organize the fight, and establish a rescue fund " Al-Qaeda." Suicide bombers, for whom nothing is sacred, were trained under his auspices. They are united only by a common goal.

Suicide bombers

Suicide bombers are controversial among experts. There are many approaches to this concept. A well-known specialist in the field of studying the essence of terrorism, A. Merari, believes that there is no general concept for this definition. It is impossible to put all suicide bombers under the same brush. A suicide bomber may be a normal person, but under the influence of certain factors, views and beliefs, he is ready for self-sacrifice. Recruits are responsible for training such individuals. First, they find a person with a suitable psychological portrait, then they process him and gradually lead him to perform certain actions that take the life of not only the suicide bomber, but also a large number of people. All this, in their opinion, is done in the name of a common goal, most often this is religion. In second place is nationalism.

A suicide bomber can also be a person whose brain is clouded by national or religious ideas. This is a kind of tool in the hands of the leaders of terrorist groups, who, as a rule, do not understand the true goals of their actions, but believe that they are doing it for the benefit of humanity.

Another specialist who studies the concept of “suicide bomber,” Aarkus, has a different opinion. According to his teachings, there are two types of suicide bombers. The first type includes precisely religious or national fanatics, and the second includes artificially created suicide bombers who, under the influence of religion or national views, are capable of self-sacrifice.

But Professor Ross from an American university, studying the psychological side of the actions of a suicide bomber, argues that their formation is influenced by various factors, both social, psychological and national. Favorable conditions for the development of terrorism are social problems existing in a certain society, the development of democracy, a predisposition to suicide, the cult of kamikazes, fear of lack of demand in life and society, aggression, feelings of guilt towards others, and much more.

Forms of terrorism

The phenomenon of terror has various forms of manifestation. All of them are taken into account when drawing up criminal legislation. The division into forms is made conditionally, since often a terrorist act is a combination of several forms. Most often there are mixed forms - for example, the seizure of vehicles with people. In this case, several actions are combined: taking hostages and seizing vehicles.

One of the most common and dangerous forms of terrorism is the use of explosive devices to cause maximum harm. Terrorists have a wide variety of weapons, including explosive devices. These can be homemade bombs or factory-made ones. The reasons why bandits use them are clear: when they are used, the damage caused is colossal. Homemade devices do not require significant costs; in addition, they can be controlled remotely, which increases the level of security for the terrorists themselves.

The second most important form is hijacking by air, sea or other, including railway. This form is often combined with the explosion of a hijacked vehicle, so it leads to numerous casualties, especially if the hijacked vehicle contains many passengers.

This form of terrorism, as an act, consists of several stages: first of all, capture and subsequent hijacking. Seizure is the taking over of transport by force. A terrorist is a criminal who uses force against both the crew of a ship or aircraft and passengers. Basically, after seizing a transport (vessel), criminals change their course of movement, choosing their own direction.

Hostage taking is considered the third form of terrorism, although it is combined with other forms. Hostages in theory are people who are forcibly held in a certain place as guarantors of compliance by government or other persons with the demands of terrorists. Hostage taking, as a form of this type of banditry, has the following objective data:

  • planning a capture with determining the purpose of the action;
  • search for accomplices in crime;
  • finding the necessary means to achieve the goal;
  • determining the location of the seizure, studying the presence of security, means of communication between guards, the time and direction of their movement;
  • committing acts aimed at capturing and illegally detaining people;
  • making demands;
  • terrorist negotiations.

A rather serious form is psychological terrorism, which is moral violence against people. This is psychological blackmail, the use of lethal force or violence.

In modern society, cyber terrorism has emerged, which is a deliberate criminal attack on information that is processed by computer equipment or programs and is important for the public or the state. This form can also harm the health and life of the population.

The State of Terrorism in the World

This topic has become very relevant in recent years. The news is simply filled with facts about terrorist attacks. It seems that all the terrorists in the world have begun to actively act, achieving their political, national or religious goals. Experts associate the main reason for the activity of such organizations with times of crisis in Europe and in the world. Any terrorist operations can lead to the destruction of the existing regime. Terrorist militants seize entire territories, shoot down planes and do other terrible things. Human lives become weapons to achieve national or religious goals.

The situation with terrorism in Russia

In Russia, the topic of terrorism occupies a lot of space in the daily news. in Russia occurred immediately after the collapse of the Union, in 1994-1995, and they did not stop later. The most large-scale act in recent years in the Russian Federation was the terrible seizure of Beslan in North Ossetia, when children became victims. Terrorists are people who do not have any morals, which is why they encroached on the lives of children. In the school, which was captured by criminals on September 1, 2004, there were about 1,200 people in total; 326 died in three days of terror. According to the investigation by the special services, 32 people took part in that terrible action, 31 of whom were killed in the process of liberating people. Only one of the bandits remained alive. You can also remember Nord-Ost, the capital's palace of culture, which was mined by terrorists along with 700 spectators and employees of the establishment. The terrorists held the hostages for three days, morally abusing the relatives of the poor people. The act ended with an assault, which, according to the official version, began after the bandits began shooting people. In this fight, the special forces acted professionally against the terrorists, but they had to use lethal gas. Unfortunately, many innocent people have died from its effects.

Another terrorist threat to modern Russia are Arab Wahhabis. This group carries out acts of religious terror from which Russians may suffer. Terrorists, whose photos are in the files of international and Russian services dealing with this problem, can live among us and at the same time plan their atrocities.

Methods of fighting terrorists

There is a lot that can be said about the fight against terrorism in the current situation. First of all, I would like to say about which bodies in Russia directly fight criminal groups or individual terrorists. The main fighter is the Russian Federation. In addition to this service, there are departments for combating terrorism in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation, the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation and the Russian Defense Ministry.

Anti-terrorist units have been created in the Russian Federation, the main of which are the Alpha and Vympel groups. Also, special services that fight terrorism have been created under the army, under the Ministry of Internal Affairs (Vega group), and under the security forces.

Terror can only be avoided through the joint efforts of different countries that are committed to seriously resolving the problem. It is necessary to develop a comprehensive approach to combating this phenomenon by not only legal and forceful influence, but also by identifying the main causes of its occurrence. The most important thing is not to look for excuses for terrorism, not to divide it into right and wrong. It is necessary to fight against any manifestation of it. At the legislative level in all countries it is necessary to strengthen criminal liability for acts of terror. The law on countering terrorism and criminal legislation must be tightened, even introducing the death penalty.

Laws that help fight terrorists

The fight against terrorism in Russia is helped by the law “On Countering Terrorism,” adopted in March 2006. The law establishes the basic principles of control, and various methods of prevention have been developed.

Source: historicalwallpapers.blogspot.com

This terrorist attack was a series of coordinated attacks that resulted in the hijacking of four passenger planes. Two of the planes were sent to the World Trade Center towers, the third - to the US Pentagon building, the fourth fell in one of the fields in Pennsylvania.

The tragedy claimed the lives of 2,977 people; the bodies of some victims have still not been found. According to the BBC, about 10 thousand bones and human tissue were discovered. The remains of victims were found even in 2006, when the Deutsche Bank building in New York was being prepared for demolition.

Responsibility for the attacks lies with the terrorist organization Al-Qaeda. But we know that this large radical international organization is far from the only one in the whole world. Therefore, MPORT has compiled a list of the ten most dangerous and wanted terrorists. Look at the photos, maybe you can recognize your neighbor in them.

Osama bin Laden

US President George W. Bush offered a reward of $50 million for bin Laden's head. Therefore, the al-Qaeda leader was searched for by all and sundry. The result - the planet's main terrorist was killed on May 2, 2011 in a villa near the capital of Pakistan. True, the massacre of Osama was carried out by Navy SEALs from the SEAL BMC unit, and not civilians.

Source: sodahead.com

Ayman al-Zawahiri

Ayman al-Zawahiri was bin Laden's right-hand man. After the death of the head of al-Qaeda, leadership automatically passed to Ayman. Therefore, the US government values ​​Zawahiri's head at $25 million.

Source: jerrybrice.wordpress.com

Adam Gadan

Although Adam Gadahn was born in California, this did not stop the guy from taking third place on our list of the most dangerous inhabitants of the planet. The terrorist is considered one of the most ardent preachers of al-Qaeda. Therefore, the US government promised one million dollars for Adam's capture. In response to America, Pakistani authorities arrested the preacher on March 8, 2010. Apparently, the reward for the residents of the Islamic Republic was more valuable than the ideas of their compatriot.

Source: affairesdacarla.blogspot.com

Daniel Andreas San Diego

California is a major center for terrorist attacks. In addition to Gadahn, Daniel Andreas San Diego also made his mark in the state, blowing up two office buildings in San Francisco (2003). Therefore, American officials are ready to pay 250 thousand dollars for information about the location of the terrorist.

Source: zeitpunkt.ch

Fahd Mohammed Ahmed al-Kuso

On October 12, 2000, the American destroyer Cole moored in the waters of the Aden naval base. The goal is to replenish fuel, food and water supplies. While the sailors were having lunch, an unknown motor boat with two suicide bombers and 300 kilograms of TNT crashed directly into the side of the destroyer. The result was the death of 17 sailors. Fahd Mohammed is believed to be involved in the attack. The price for information about the location of the criminal is $5 million.

Source: alislove.over-blog.de

Jamel Ahmed Mohammed Ali Al-Badawi

Jamel Mohammed is another of those involved in the terrorist attack in the port of Aden. Badawi differs from the rest in that he knows how to penetrate walls: the Aden authorities detained the terrorist, but in April 2003 he escaped from prison. He was detained again in 2004, and escaped again (February 3, 2006). The price for information about the fugitive is $5 million.

Source: tasosv.blogspot.com

Abdulah Ahmed Abdulah

August 1998 turned out to be a hot month: the US embassies in Tanzania and Kenya were bombed. The American government accuses Abdul Ahmed of being behind the acts. Therefore, we are ready to pay five million dollars for any information about the location of the terrorist.

Who are "terrorists"?

A terrorist is an individual, a group of individuals or an organization that practices or organizes terror and terrorism, both domestic and international. A terrorist is a subject of illegal violence, a concept that belongs simultaneously to terror and terrorism, essentially uniting them. This is where the “core” of the essence manifests itself, which makes them a kind of “Siamese twins”.

Under current conditions, the ranks of terrorists are rapidly growing. There are reasons for this.

The destruction of the old global and regional structures of international security inherent in the past bipolar world order is in some cases accompanied by the weakening and collapse of state entities. The world has entered a period of extreme instability, uncertainty, and reduced security. Mechanisms of control, including those of international organizations, over the processes taking place in the world are increasingly failing; their place is being taken by forces that would like to use the factor of instability to accelerate the solution of their own, sometimes destructive, tasks. And since more and more such geopolitical voids, including in the security sphere, are appearing in the world, these zones, as well as social nooks and crannies, are becoming the object of close attention and policy application from international terror and terrorism.

The collapse of the old world order and the establishment of a new world order brought serious confusion not only to international security and its structures, but also to the minds of people, scattered past value systems and did not create new ones.

A significant problem of the transitional world order is a sharp surge in the policy of double standards, when, depending on the political situation, terrorists, at the will of image makers, turn into freedom fighters, with all the ensuing consequences for their ideological, economic, diplomatic, and military support from the outside. Unfortunately, today many people do not want to understand that flirting with international terrorists, attempts to use terror and terrorism in their own interests are fraught with serious problems in the future. The USA, for example, is “enemy No. 1” for a number of movements nurtured by the Americans in the past.

In addition to the political aspect, an economic plan is clearly visible in issues of international terror and international terrorism. International terrorism today, like any war, is also a business. The total “terrorism budget” in the world today is, according to various estimates, up to $20 billion a year. Terrorism has become an extremely profitable business on a global scale, a special “legalized” type of activity with a developed “labor market and investment of capital.” Close ties have been created between various terrorist organizations, based on ideological, religious, military-practical and other foundations. Interaction between various terrorist organizations has been established in the supply of weapons and special equipment, providing cover, and division of functions during the implementation of certain operations and actions of a wider military and military-political spectrum. There is a large-scale transfer of weapons and special equipment through illegal supplies, a flow of militants, their training in special camps, exchange of experience, etc. The equipment of international terrorism with the most modern means, including information, and, accordingly, the possibility of causing irreparable damage to the world order and international stability has increased many times over. . Today, “gray” and “black” arms exports account for more than 1/10 of global arms exports. For example, during the wars on the territory of the former SFRY, Croatian, Muslim, and Albanian forces, mostly illegally, were supplied with weapons worth at least $2 billion a year.

But it would be a great simplification and a mistake to consider terrorists only all kinds of adventurers, ambitious individuals, mercenaries, “kamikazes”, etc. One should not be like Soviet propaganda, which presented the National Socialists and Hitler to the people as a collection of idiots and mentally abnormal people. Today it is known that among them there were many talented and intelligent, completely mentally healthy people. Another thing is their worldview, their consciousness, morality, their understanding of good and evil. These were fanatics, people obsessed with the idea of ​​world domination. We can talk about their abnormality only in this sense. And only then can their state of consciousness be mistaken for insanity. It's worth remembering how far it has come.

I will give some excerpts from two books by G. Rauschning, who was Hitler’s adviser and was part of his inner circle, but then broke with fascism and emigrated from Germany, publishing in England two books of memoirs, “The Beast from the Abyss” (1940) and “Speaks.” Hitler" (1941). These statements about the methods of struggle for world domination and the weapons that Hitler was going to use are interesting not only in themselves, because these books have not been translated into Russian. It is curious that they largely coincide with the current statements of bin Laden, as well as (in general meaning and spirit) the statements of the head of the US CIA in the post-war years of the 20th century, A. Dulles, regarding methods of fighting the USSR, which are known to specialists in the Cold War.

In a narrow circle of those close to him, even in the last year of the struggle for power and in the first two years of the dominance of National Socialism (1933–1934), Hitler talked about the future war in this way:

“I have no remorse and will take the weapon that I need. The new poisonous gases are terrible. But there is no difference between the slow death behind barbed wire and the death throes of those struck by gas or bacteria... We will weaken the physical health of our enemy, just as we weaken morally his will to resist. I think, however, that bacteriological weapons have a future. We have not advanced that far yet, but experiments are already being carried out. I heard that they are going well. But the use of these weapons is limited. Its meaning is to exhaust the enemy before war. Our main war, however, must end even before hostilities begin. I believe: in this way we will defeat hostile England. Or America."

When asked how to infect the population of other countries in peacetime, Hitler answered: “With the help of agents, harmless tourists, this is still the most reliable means, the only effective one at the present time. It will be several weeks, if not longer, before the extent of the epidemic becomes noticeable. Obviously, bacteria can also be used in the midst of war, namely when the enemy’s resistance is weakened.”

Hitler spoke in detail about the basics of his military strategy, the creation of a “fifth column” in those countries that he wanted to capture. “We find such people, we find them in any country. We don't have to buy them. They come on their own. They are driven to us by ambition and blindness, ignorance and internal party squabbles... We will have enough volunteers, such as our stormtroopers - silent and ready for self-sacrifice. We will send them across the border in peacetime. Of course, none of them will be any different from an ordinary tourist... Perhaps we will land at airfields. We will transport by air not only fighters, but also weapons. Our strategy is to destroy the enemy from within so that he defeats himself.”

“The hostile people must be demoralized and ready to capitulate, they must be psychologically forced into passivity, and only then can one think about military action. How to achieve moral victory over the enemy even before the war? - asked Hitler. “In an enemy country, we have friends everywhere who will help us... Confusion, internal struggle, indecision, panic fear - these are our weapons.”

Maybe international terrorism and the organizers of international terror are trying to use this “positive experience” (taking into account the mistakes Hitler made) today?..

Today, the world is tormented both “from above”, by the authorities, and “from below” by people of this kind. All of them, despite many differences, can be defined by one common word - “fundamentalists”. People who believe that they have found the “philosopher’s stone”, that fundamental truth, the knowledge of which allows them to be guaranteed to solve all the problems of social life in the best way. Fundamentalists see themselves as a chosen part of the people, called upon to make “others” and “the rest” happy. They cannot admit the idea of ​​the equality of many truths within the limits of our knowledge (and one might say, “ignorance”) about society. They are intolerant of dissent. This is their limitation, a danger to others, and ultimately to themselves.

It is important to understand this key idea: any fundamentalism (religious, ideological, political, national, economic, market, etc.) is evidence of limitations. Any fundamentalist is, by definition, a limited being who has chosen himself as a blind instrument for the implementation of the idea or faith that has mastered him. And the smarter this creature is, the stronger his will, the higher his power, the larger and more terrible the consequences of his actions. Basically, all creatures of this category are “kamikazes”, no matter where they were put: in a torpedo, an airplane, a ministerial, prime minister or presidential chair. Immense obsession and fanaticism (the essence of extreme fundamentalism) deprive them of that part of the mind that is responsible for the consequences of actions.

Radicalism, extreme bias in the interpretation of real facts, loss of feedback (“from below”) and, as a result, the inability to perceive reality and analyze the consequences of one’s own decisions and actions - this is a kind of psychopathic state that can be called social paranoia. The irrational, fundamentally destructive behavior of, say, our authorities in the recent past, and in many ways today, is based on their deep conviction that they are right, the uniqueness of the picture of the world and the situation in the country they present. All judgments that contradict their views are declared either outdated, false, or simply hostile.

Take the team of reformers led by the country's former president Yeltsin. Let's not talk now about the level of their intelligence and professionalism. Let us even think that each of them, to the best of his intelligence, powers and specific goals, strived for the general, and not just personal, good. But in general, they ruined the country. The result was universal evil. Why? It was a team of obsessed, fanatical people. A team of people who sacredly and blindly believed in the idea of ​​the Market. In his omnipotence and omnipotence. A team of fundamentalists. That is, limited people. Extremely limited, “stubborn”.

For if they were not such, they would have listened to the opinion, if not of domestic scientists and sober politicians, then at least to what many famous Western theoretical scientists say about the market and capitalism - Drucker, Thurow, Huntington, Meadows, Weizsäcker and others, former Vice President of the USA A. Gore, one of the richest people in the world, capitalist to the core D. Soros. They all talk about the crisis of the “developed world” and admit that they don’t really know where and how this world and all humanity should go next. But they are aware: what is presented as “universalism” and “the interests of the world community” is in fact imperialism, reflecting the interests mainly of the United States.

“Capitalism, which relies exclusively on market forces,” writes D. Soros, “poses a danger to an open society. The central contention of my book is that market fundamentalism poses a greater danger to open societies today than totalitarian ideology.”

Fundamentalism finds a home in the minds of passionate but limited ones. A fundamentalist in economics, politics, religion, in any business is a terrorist.