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Faculty of Physics- one of the oldest faculties of the first in the Asian territory of Russia classical university.

The training of physicists at the First Siberian Tomsk University began in 1917, when the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics was opened, which became the founder of faculties not only of physics and mathematics, but also of natural sciences. In 1948, the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics was divided into the Faculty of Physics and Mechanics and Mathematics.

The most important principle of training at FF is the fundamental nature of education. This provides breadth and systematic thinking, the ability to analyze, and facilitates adaptation to new areas of activity. The faculty occupies a leading position at the university in the use of information technology. In 1993, the first e-mail at TSU began operating at the Faculty of Sciences, and in 1994, the first segment of the Faculty of Sciences local network was created, which currently unites all departments of the faculty into a single information and educational environment.


The Faculty of Physics of Tomsk State University was formed in 1948 as a result of the division of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics into Physics and Mechanics and Mathematics. The training of physicists at Tomsk University began in 1917, when, by decision of the Provisional Government, two new ones were added to the two existing faculties, medical and legal: physics and mathematics and history and philology. The first graduate of physics and mathematics took place in 1921. And the department of physics with physical geography and meteorology has existed since the beginning of classes at the Imperial Tomsk University - since 1888. Its first head was Nikolai Aleksandrovich Gezekhus, the first rector of Tomsk University.

Faculty structure

Currently, the structure of the Faculty of Physics includes 8 departments, which include 7 laboratories and 4 branches of departments in academic institutes. The structure of the faculty also includes the physical department of the TSU branch in the city. Prokopyevsk e.

A scientific and educational complex in physics has developed in Tomsk, which, together with the Physics Faculty, includes SFTI and most of the academic institutes of the TSC SB RAS, which conducts joint fundamental research, solves applied problems, and trains specialists. In 2007, a scientific and educational center for nanotechnology “Nanoklaster” was created at TSU, the structural elements of which were the previously created scientific and educational center “Physics and Chemistry of High-Energy Systems” and the Tomsk Materials Science Center for Collective Use, in the work of which almost all departments of the Physics Department take part .

The Faculty of Physics employs:

  • 46 professors, doctors of science
  • 53 associate professors and candidates of sciences
  • Many teachers are also employees of academic institutions

Among the FF teachers:

  • 1 academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Panin V. E.),
  • 2 corresponding members RAS (Tvorogov S. D., Aseev A. L.)
  • 3 Honored Scientists of the Russian Federation,
  • 1 Honored Inventor of the Russian Federation,
  • 4 full members of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences,
  • 5 corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences,
  • 3 full members of the MAN VS,
  • 2 corresponding members of the Siberian Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the Higher School,
  • 7 state prize winners,
  • 16 Honorary workers of higher professional education.

At the Faculty of Physics of TSU in Tomsk and in its Prokopyevsk About 400 students study at this branch. The faculty was one of the first to introduce multi-level training (bachelor - specialist - master) for students. The FF graduate school is one of the largest at TSU.


  • Department of Metal Physics

The Department of Metal Physics was organized in 1939 and has been successfully functioning at the Faculty of Physics for more than 70 years.

The founders of the department and the associated scientific school are Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences V.D. Kuznetsov and Professor M.A. Bolshanina. They were among the first physicists who realized that solving the problem of creating new structural and functional materials with given properties is impossible within the framework of classical materials science and requires the entire arsenal of methods of theoretical physics, experimental technology and physical intuition.

The lack of experimental technology and physical ideas about atomic mechanisms that determine their behavior in mechanical fields led (until the mid-50s of the last century) to purely phenomenological approaches to the problems of solid body strength.

A fruitful stage of research for the scientific direction developed at Tomsk State University since the late 1950s is associated with the development of the theory of dislocations. The widespread use of physical models of plasticity and strength, based on the theory of dislocations and other structural defects of the crystal lattice, has made it possible to carry out cycles of research on the issues of plasticity and strength of single-phase and heterophase alloys at the world level.

From 2002 to 2005, the department was headed by Professor Yuri Romanovich Kolobov.

Currently, the department is headed by Professor Alexander Nikolaevich Tyumentsev.

  • Department of Semiconductor Physics

The Department of Semiconductor Physics was opened at the Faculty of Physics of Tomsk State University (TSU) in 1991. The department trains specialists (theorists and experimenters) in current areas of modern semiconductor physics.

The development of physics and semiconductor technology in Tomsk is associated with the name of TSU professor Viktor Alekseevich Presnov. On his initiative in the 1950s, when semiconductor electronics were being created in the world, similar work was started in Tomsk. The Laboratory of Semiconductors was organized at the SPTI at TSU (1954), and then the Research Institute of Semiconductor Devices (NIIPP) of the Ministry of Electronic Industry of the USSR (1964), training of specialists in electronics, chemistry and theory of semiconductors at TSU began (at the radiophysical, chemical and physics faculties, respectively) . Thus, Tomsk turned out to be the first Siberian city where modern semiconductor physics and its application to technology began to develop.

Over the years, new trends in semiconductor physics and technology have emerged. They are associated with reducing the size of integrated circuit elements to nanometers, with new areas of use of semiconductors (medicine, ecology, space communications), with fundamentally new methods of forming materials by attaching single atoms, monoatomic layers and embedding polyatomic clusters into the volume of a semiconductor. The new approach requires theoretical understanding, the creation of models, an understanding of the physics of processes in such structures and the development of new technologies, including such exotic ones as the use of space vacuum to create materials. Naturally, solving such problems requires training specialists of a new level with a broad scientific outlook, deep knowledge in related fields of science and technology, serious theoretical training, and fluency in computer methods for theoretical calculations and experimental modeling. The necessary basic training in this direction is provided by the Faculty of Physics of TSU. In 1983, a specialization in semiconductor physics was organized at the faculty within the Department of Solid State Physics, which in 1991 became an independent department of semiconductor physics.

  • Department of Optics and Spectroscopy

The Department of Optics and Spectroscopy was opened as part of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of TSU in 1939. The department was headed and directed until 1949 by Professor, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Vera Mikhailovna Kudryavtseva. Since the fall of 1949, after the departure of V.M. Kudryavtseva from Tomsk, professor-doctor Natalia Aleksandrovna Prilezhaeva became the head of the department. Since 1969, the department was headed by Associate Professor Tamara Nikolaevna Popova, from 1983 to 2003 the head of the department was Professor, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation Yuri Semenovich Makushkin. From 2003 to 2008, the department was headed by the rector of TSU, professor, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences Georgy Vladimirovich Mayer. In 2008, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Viktor Nikolaevich Cherepanov was elected head of the department.

Currently, the main directions of research work of the department are: physics of intra- and intermolecular interactions in gases, high-resolution vibrational-rotational spectroscopy of polyatomic molecules, photoprocesses in polyatomic molecules and physics of organic dye lasers, theoretical optics, physics of atomic, ion and molecular gas environments, nonequilibrium plasma spectroscopy, optical instruments and devices, spectroscopic diagnostics in medicine and forensics. The department has a laboratory of applied spectroscopy and spectrochemistry and a laboratory of laser physics and crystal physics. There is also a youth laser center.

Today, the Department of Optics and Spectroscopy trains certified specialists and masters. Every year the number of department graduates is about 12 people. The department provides training for postgraduate students (on average 10 people) and doctoral students (on average 7 people). The department's research activities and training of specialists (coursework, theses) are carried out jointly with such basic scientific institutes as the SB RAS, SB RAS, SB RAS and.

  • Departments of Theoretical Physics and Quantum Field Theory

In 1931, the first graduation of theorists from the Faculty of Physics and Mechanics of TSU (as our physics and mathematics department was called for some time) took place - these were A.A. Sokolov and A.A. Vorobyov. Both of them immediately entered graduate school under P.S. Tartakovsky and in 1935 both defended one of the first Ph.D. theses in Tomsk in accordance with the new regulations of the newly emerged Higher Attestation Commission of the USSR. To P.S. himself Tartakovsky was awarded the academic degree of Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences in the same year by the Higher Attestation Commission without defending a dissertation. A.A. Sokolov subsequently became one of the largest theoretical physicists in our country and for many years was the head of the department of theoretical physics in Moscow State University. A.A. Vorobyov, already in graduate school, switched mainly to experimental research; The extraordinary breadth of his scientific interests, amazing intuition and completely unique organizational talent allowed him, holding the post of rector for 26 years (1944-1970), to make TPI one of the leading universities in our country.

The scientific topics of Tomsk theorists in the first half of the 1930s are quantum mechanics. In addition to the theory of the internal photoelectric effect, research was carried out in the field of quantum theory of crystals and quantum theory of electron scattering in matter.

  • Department of Plasma Physics

The Department of Plasma Physics was opened in 1984. Its founder and first head was a famous scientist and organizer of science, now an academician RAS Gennady Andreevich Mesyats, who was at that time the director of the TSC SB AS USSR. Since then, the history of the department has been inseparable from the history of this institute.

Along with fundamental training at the Faculty of Physics, the Department of General and Experimental Physics trains specialists in two specializations: “Information technologies in education and scientific activities” and “Teaching physics at universities.” These specializations are associated with promising areas of development of informatization of society, the introduction of information technologies in education and science.

Students specializing in the department take courses on modern methods and technologies in education and gain practical skills in working on modern computer equipment. Graduates of the department have a stock of knowledge and practical experience for applying them in various fields of human activity: science, education, business.

In 2004, employees of the department participated in the implementation of major projects under the federal target program “Integration”, “Development of a unified educational information environment”, NTP “Creation of an open education system”.

  • Department of Astronomy and Space Geodesy

The Department of Astronomy and Space Geodesy was opened at the Faculty of Physics of Tomsk State University (TSU) in 2001, along with the transfer of recruitment and training of specialists in the specialty “Astronomy” from the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics to the Faculty of Physics. The department trains specialists in current areas of modern astronomy, as well as engineers proficient in information technologies in the field of geodesy and cartography.

The development of astronomy and geodesy in Tomsk is associated with the name of TSU professor Nikolai Nikonorovich Goryachev. On his initiative, in the 1920s, the Department of Astronomy and Geodesy was opened at Tomsk University at the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics and the training of specialists in the field of astronomy began. Under the leadership of Professor N.N. Goryachev began research on the dynamics of small bodies solar system, which are continued by astronomers at Tomsk State University today.

In the 1970-1980s, a scientific school on numerical methods for the dynamics of small bodies of the Solar System was created at the Research Institute of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics at Tomsk State University under the leadership of Professor Tatyana Valentinovna Bordovitsyna. In 1997, at the Department of Theoretical Physics, the group of Professor Vladimir Aleksandrovich Bordovitsyn began research on the physics of pulsars.

The Department of Celestial Mechanics and Astrometry of the Scientific Research Institute of Primordial Mathematics at TSU is the base for conducting research work by employees, graduate students and students of the department.

Taking into account the region's need for specialist engineers proficient in information technologies in the field of geodesy and cartography, the department began training such specialists in 2002.

The staff of the department and its basic department (4 professors, doctors of science, 7 associate professors, candidates of science, 2 senior teachers, 1 engineer and two senior laboratory assistants) allows us to successfully solve both educational and scientific problems. The department provides training of specialists within the framework of a three-level system: bachelor (4-year training cycle), diploma specialist (5 years), master of physics with a specialization in astronomy (6 years of study) and master of engineering and technology with a specialization in the field of creation and application information systems in geodesy and cartography (6 years of study). The department has postgraduate and doctoral studies.

Scientific work at the department is carried out within the framework of state budget topics, grants from the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, the Ministry of Science and Education and economic contracts. The research is carried out by a team of teachers from the department and its basic department of celestial mechanics and astrometry at the Research Institute of Applied Mathematics and Mathematics of TSU with the active participation of doctoral students, graduate students and senior students.

It should be noted that the majority of students of the department, starting from the 3rd year, are engaged in scientific work under the guidance of leading specialists of the department, the Research Institute of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics of TSU and other institutes of Tomsk. By the end of university, most students are co-authors of publications in scientific journals and reports at Russian conferences. Graduates of the department successfully work as researchers in academic, university and industry research institutes, university teachers, as well as engineers in public and private geodetic enterprises.





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Faculty of Physics | Reviews

Website of the Faculty of Tomsk State University


Brief history of the faculty | Faculty of Physics

How to apply for FF. What and How is taught at the faculty. Who will teach you? RULES FOR ADMISSION TO TSU IN 2016. Publications of young people - 2014. Lecture and Touring in English. The foundations of physics education and physical research in Tomsk were laid. The Department of Physics with Physical Geography and Meteorology, which was opened simultaneously with the start of studies at the Imperial Tomsk University - in 1888. Its first head was Nikolai Aleksandrovich Gezekhus, the first rector of the university.

Faculty structure | Faculty of Physics

How to apply for FF. What and How is taught at the faculty. Who will teach you? RULES FOR ADMISSION TO TSU IN 2016. Publications of young people - 2014. Lecture and Touring in English. The main structural units of the faculty are departments. They include educational laboratories and computer classes that provide support for the educational process. In addition, a number of research laboratories have been created at the faculty. It includes:. Laboratory of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics.

About the faculty | Faculty of Physics

How to apply for FF. What and How they teach at the faculty. Who will teach you? RULES FOR ADMISSION TO TSU IN 2016. Publications of young people - 2014. Lecture and Touring in English. Currently, the structure of the Faculty of Physics includes 8 departments, which include 7 laboratories and 4 branches of departments in academic institutes. In the photo - FF teachers and students (not all: - May 23, 2016

Achievements | Faculty of Physics

How to apply for FF. What and How is taught at the faculty. Who will teach you? RULES FOR ADMISSION TO TSU IN 2016. Publications of young people - 2014. Lecture and Touring in English. Prizes, medals, titles. Conferences, exhibitions, publications. Postgraduate student of the Department of Metal Physics, Aleksey Aleksandrovich Zenin, was awarded the diploma of laureate of the Tomsk Region Prize in the field of education, science and healthcare. NN Koval (as part of the team of authors) was awarded the Russian Government Prize for the scientific and practical development "Creating a knowledge base...

Media about us | Faculty of Physics

How to apply for FF. What and How is taught at the faculty. Who will teach you? RULES FOR ADMISSION TO TSU IN 2016. Publications of young people - 2014. Lecture and Touring in English. Years of publication: 2015. 180316 Fundamental education as the main competitive advantage. Why is it different for everyone when it comes to graduate employment? 220815 The magic key to success. The admission campaign to Tomsk universities this year was very successful. There are quite objective reasons for this, and the most important one is the increased...




The purpose of creating the Institute of Biomedicine (Biomed Institute) is to form a center for research, education and innovation in the field of biomedical technologies that improve the quality of life and active longevity of humans. The key objective of the Biomed Institute is the development of translational biomedicine (through a consortium with leading research and clinical institutions), training of personnel and organization of effective transfer of technologies into clinical practice. Biomed Institute...

Culture, art | TSU entrant - 2016

My speciality. What and how they teach at TSU. University yesterday, today. 5 reasons to choose TSU. Areas of training, specialties. Rules for admission to TSU. Competitions of past years, archive. Find yourself at TSU. Methodological assistance to school graduates. List of Olympiads for the 2015/16 academic year. Rector of TSU about choosing a profession. Statistics of the admission campaign 2016. Video project Diary of an applicant 2016. TSU applicant 2016. Special project. Institute of Economics and Management. Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Cybernetics. No matter how it is!

Areas of training, specialties | TSU entrant - 2016

My speciality. What and how they teach at TSU. University yesterday, today. 5 reasons to choose TSU. Areas of training, specialties. Rules for admission to TSU. Competitions of past years, archive. Find yourself at TSU. Methodological assistance to school graduates. List of Olympiads for the 2015/16 academic year. Levels of training, forms of training, lists of educational programs. Quality marks of educational programs. Rector of TSU about choosing a profession. Statistics of the admission campaign 2016. Video project Diary of an applicant 2016. The admission campaign was...

Rules for admission to TSU | TSU entrant - 2016

My speciality. What and how they teach at TSU. University yesterday, today. 5 reasons to choose TSU. Areas of training, specialties. Rules for admission to TSU. Competitions of past years, archive. Find yourself at TSU. Methodological assistance to school graduates. List of Olympiads for the 2015/16 academic year. Features of admission in 2016. Tuition is paid. Special rights for admission to TSU. Rector of TSU about choosing a profession. Statistics of the admission campaign 2016. Video project Diary of an applicant 2016. TSU applicant 2016. Special project. About...

Tourism, sports | TSU entrant - 2016

My speciality. What and how they teach at TSU. University yesterday, today. 5 reasons to choose TSU. Areas of training, specialties. Rules for admission to TSU. Competitions of past years, archive. Find yourself at TSU. Methodological assistance to school graduates. List of Olympiads for the 2015/16 academic year. Rector of TSU about choosing a profession. Statistics of the admission campaign 2016. Video project Diary of an applicant 2016. TSU applicant 2016. Special project. Institute of Economics and Management. Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Cybernetics. Provides paid...

Entrance tests | TSU entrant - 2016

My speciality. What and how they teach at TSU. University yesterday, today. 5 reasons to choose TSU. Areas of training, specialties. Rules for admission to TSU. Competitions of past years, archive. Find yourself at TSU. Methodological assistance to school graduates. List of Olympiads for the 2015/16 academic year. Benefits for Olympiad winners. Features of conducting entrance tests for citizens with disabilities. Results of entrance tests in the traditional form 2016. Rector of TSU on choosing a profession. Received n...

Regulatory documents | TSU entrant - 2016

My speciality. What and how they teach at TSU. University yesterday, today. 5 reasons to choose TSU. Areas of training, specialties. Rules for admission to TSU. Competitions of past years, archive. Find yourself at TSU. Methodological assistance to school graduates. List of Olympiads for the 2015/16 academic year. Information about the educational organization. License for educational activities of TSU. Certificate of state accreditation of TSU. Documents on accreditation of educational programs. Admissions targets for 2016 Baccalaureate...

Documents for admission | TSU entrant - 2016

My speciality. What and how they teach at TSU. University yesterday, today. 5 reasons to choose TSU. Areas of training, specialties. Rules for admission to TSU. Competitions of past years, archive. Find yourself at TSU. Methodological assistance to school graduates. List of Olympiads for the 2015/16 academic year. Areas of training, specialties. Rules for admission to TSU. Competitions of past years, archive. Rector of TSU about choosing a profession. Statistics of the admission campaign 2016. Video project Diary of an applicant 2016. TSU applicant 2016. Special project. Document...

My speciality. What and how they teach at TSU. Rector of TSU about choosing a profession. University yesterday, today. 5 reasons to choose TSU. Areas of training, specialties. Rules for admission to TSU. Competitions of past years, archive. Find yourself at TSU. Methodological assistance to school graduates. List of Olympiads for the 2015/16 academic year. Methodological assistance to school graduates. Rector of TSU about choosing a profession. Statistics of the admission campaign 2016. Video project Diary of an applicant 2016. TSU applicant 2016. Special project. Institute of Arts and Culture.



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Faculty of Physics

How to apply for FF. What and How is taught at the faculty. Who will teach you? They fought for their homeland. They returned with Victory. Publications of young people - 2014. Third Youth Summit Russia ASEAN. Program "Tomsk - the birthplace of success." Indian Technical and Economic Cooperation Program. Conversion of EOR to EUC. Competition for an increased state academic scholarship. Master's program “Physics of Semiconductors. Microelectronics». The international relations of the FF are being strengthened.

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