The magical properties of bird feathers. The most common signs about bird feathers

", in the practice of working with the forces of nature. Feathers help the practitioner to cause significant changes in the world around him, in addition, they are an excellent means of tuning into the desired “working wave”

Feathers are also used in the manufacture of varying degrees of complexity. So, for example, a feather fan is an excellent tool for working with the element of air, just like the ritual attribute of the element of air is decorated with feathers, which symbolizes the support of air.

Feathers sewn onto clothes are not just decorations, but also powerful means of protection against the evil eye. Thanks to their unique shape, they dispel the negativity that is sent by an evil person when concentrated on them. This magical property of feathers is widely known in folk magic, and therefore quarrels between spouses are often scattered with feathers. There is a well-known ritual in which a feather was chalked from the girl’s feather bed to the groom’s house in order to cleanse the lovers’ connection from the dust of petty quarrels.

In magic, feathers are used both in their natural form and in processed form. The author of this article prefers to interact with this magical instrument in its original form, while other practitioners may prefer different types of feather processing for their purposes.

It is worth remembering that each feather you find has special properties, which largely depend on the color and what bird the feather belonged to. Also important is the location where the feather was found and the reason why the feather was lost.


Hawk feathers

A successful and skillful hunter. This is not necessarily a hunt in the literal sense of the word - it can also be a hunt for knowledge, for skill. In skillful hands, however, hawk feathers can also be used to send illnesses and failures.

Crow feathers

They are the Dark Goddess, the Warrior Goddess. - Odin's companions. This may be why crow feathers are used in curse magic and divination magic. Crow feathers in skillful hands are no less powerful a predictive tool than Tarot cards. If you are creating a dream catcher and decide to use crow feathers, then keep in mind that, most likely, this catcher will ward off unwanted dreams and/or induce prophetic dreams.

Swan feathers

A magnificent love talisman of swan fidelity. It is clear that lost feathers should be used, but not feathers from a killed bird. Swan feathers are used to clean rooms and are placed in talismans.

Finding a bird's feather is a sign that has different meanings, depending on the color of the feather and the type of bird. The nature of the sign also depends on the place where the bird’s feather was found and the personal impression of the find.

The meaning of the sign

Positive values

Finding a bird feather on the street is a good omen. It means good luck, help from higher powers or good news.

Folk signs about feathers found on the road speak of the successful completion of affairs that a person is thinking about at that time.

If a feather flying in the sky lands right at your feet, luck will help you achieve success in your business.

If it falls directly on the head, it speaks of unexpected news or an incident, which, nevertheless, will be joyful and useful.

If you managed to catch flying bird feathers, dexterity and observation will help attract successful circumstances.

Negative values

Finding a black bird feather near your house is a bad omen.

Bloody feathers, tangled in a ball or tied with black threads. they talk about damage that someone is trying to inflict on the residents of the house - bringing such feathers inside and touching them with bare hands is dangerous.

Feather color

A white bird feather is considered the best omen - it promises positive changes in life and successful coincidences of circumstances. In addition, a white feather means good luck in love and quiet family joys. If an unmarried girl found him, a sign of attention or a gift from a young man awaits her.

The plumage of a black bird does not have a negative meaning unless it is thrown under the door as an attribute of black magic. If it is found on the road, it promises to gain useful knowledge, financial success and make wise decisions.

When you come across speckled feathers, the sign speaks of creative inspiration, new ideas and vivid impressions.

Bird species

The interpretation of the sign depends on the type of bird whose feather you found:

  1. If the Crow dropped the feather, this promises valuable information. The large feather of the black raven is a warning sign. You are about to have a serious discussion or meeting with an opponent.
  2. If a Magpie feather is found, wait for news. Such a find will be a good talisman against thieves. It is recommended to sweep the house with a bunch of magpie feathers to protect against unwanted intrusion.
  3. Hawk Feathers are rarely found in the city, but if you find one in nature, get ready for a trip. This is a gift of fate: using this feather as a talisman on a trip, you will get maximum pleasure (a seagull feather has the same meaning).
  4. If you find a Dove feather, it means that your wish will soon come true, and relationships with loved ones will improve significantly.
  5. Anyone who finds a Swan feather will be lucky in love. A talisman made from it will preserve and protect mutual love. It is recommended to take a feather into the house only if you have seen a living and healthy swan leave it behind. Feathers from dead birds should not be used so as not to attract misfortune and ruin your destiny.
  6. If you find a bright Peacock feather, do not rush to pick it up and bring it into the house. Such a find is a good sign, promising wealth and prosperity, but it cannot be stored in the house. Admire it a little and leave it where you found it.
  7. A duck feather found on the street promises quick profit. If they are white, they can be sewn into clothes to prevent getting sick.
  8. A Pheasant Feather promises renewal of strength and an influx of energy. Good luck will come to you and a white streak will come in your life.
  9. The feather of an Owl or Eagle Owl symbolizes higher knowledge, intuition, and clairvoyance. If it fell under your feet, pay attention to dreams and premonitions.
  10. The Stork Feather promises family happiness for those who are already married. Singles are promised a quick marriage.
  11. If a Woodpecker dropped a feather, expect improvements in your work, successful completion of started projects and career growth.

From the street to the house

If a feather flies out the window, expect unexpected support and improvement in life circumstances. It is believed that the feather arrived with a message from the Guardian Angel or deceased ancestors. Soon difficulties and problems will be successfully resolved. The same thing is said by a feather that falls on a balcony or windowsill.

According to popular belief, a feather flies into the house for a reason - it should be left and made into a talisman, as a reminder of support and higher protection.

You should leave it only if you know for sure that it flew in on its own and was not planted by someone for the purposes of black magic.

When making a decision, rely on intuition. If the “gift” inspires sympathy and bright feelings, keep it; if it worries you, throw it away.

  • Also, it is recommended to tie the found feathers into a bunch and use them instead of a broom, brushing off dust from talismans and objects that are symbolically valuable to you.
  • Be sure to thank the bird that left the feather as a messenger of a higher power. Say mentally: “Thank you for the good news and good luck.” Next time, when you go outside, grab some grains or cereals and feed the birds you meet.
  • If you suspect black magic, do not take the feathers you find with your bare hands - only with gloves. Take what you find away from the house and burn it, and bury the ashes. Carry out a cleansing ritual in the house - wash the floors and wipe objects with water and Thursday salt, light a candle on the window and read a prayer.
  • Conclusion

    According to signs, if a bird feather flies into a window or is found on the road, this means various events that can soon change a person’s life. The interpretation depends on many circumstances; if you determine the meaning in time, you can get the desired effect.

    The feather of a bird is of great importance in many cultures. This thing is used in rituals and ceremonies.

    There are many signs according to which it is considered lucky to find a bird feather. This thing can also serve as a talisman. Amulet feather, what does it protect from?

    What does it mean if you find a feather?

    Even in ancient times, amulets and amulets were made containing bird feathers. The Indians loved to weave feathers into their headdresses. It was believed that the brighter the feathers in an Indian's headdress and the larger their size, the more power he had. It was considered particularly lucky to find such a feather on the street completely by accident. The feather of which bird was found on the street also mattered.

    If it was a dove feather, then it was considered a sign of prosperity and a peaceful sky. After all, the dove is considered a symbol of peace. The feather of a dove has the energy of goodness and calm. It is useful to wear it as a talisman to maintain peace in the family or country.

    The raven feather, which is also found on the street, has the opposite meaning. This is considered a bad omen. Ancient people believed that this bird served dark forces. Accordingly, if you take her feather as a talisman, then you seem to worship dark forces. This option is only suitable if you use the feathers of this bird to cast spells on your enemies. Ancient peoples used them for this purpose.

    Whatever feather you find near the cemetery, you should not use it to make a talisman for yourself. This thing definitely has negative energy. It is also only suitable for dark spells.

    If a feather flies out the window

    The ancients believed that a feather did not just fly into a window. This was interpreted as a sign from above. It was believed that this is how guardian angels bring some kind of news. If this feather was light in color, then it could safely be used as a talisman against everything bad. If this happens in your home, then under no circumstances rush to get rid of this feather. Take a closer look at it and think about what the higher powers want to tell you with this message. Pay special attention to this sign if your family is going through difficult times right now.

    In fact, it is not so easy for such a thing to end up in the house. It is difficult for such a light, weightless thing to find a hole into which it could penetrate. That is why this sign is given such magical meaning.

    Rare bird feathers

    The less often a bird is found in your area, the feather of which came into your home, the more valuable it is. The feather of a bird such as a peacock is especially valued. The attitude towards the plumage of this bird is ambiguous. Some people believe that this item brings wealth and prosperity to the house, so keeping it in the house is very useful. The teachings of Feng Shui express a completely opposite position. They see in this bright feather the eye of the devil, who constantly monitors everything that happens in the house. According to Feng Shui, it is believed that such a thing can bring grief and misfortune to the house. Therefore, if you are a fan of the teachings of Feng Shui, then it is better to bypass a peacock feather if you suddenly meet one on the street, and you should not specifically purchase it for your home.

    If you don’t believe in Feng Shui and you are visually and energetically attracted to the feather of this bird, then it can become a good luck charm for you. If you come across this feather on the street and want to take it home, then before doing so, say the following phrase to it:

    “With you I bring good luck and prosperity to my home, as said, so done.”

    After that, with good thoughts, take the pen and take it home.

    What does the color of the feather mean?

    It also matters what color the feather is in front of you.

    Signs give their own interpretation depending on whether the plumage in front of you is light or dark:

    • If the plumage in front of you is light in color, and its shape is of a decent length, then this amulet will push you to commit some bold act that will change your life for the better. If you not only found such a thing, but it fell on top of you, then this means that such changes in your life will happen very soon.
    • You can guess that a black feather promises unpleasant events. This is exactly how folk beliefs interpret this sign. It is frankly a bad omen if such a feather is nailed to your feet, and even worse if it falls on your head. But don’t fall into total pessimism if this does happen. Take this as a sign from above, which says that now you need to be on alert in life, be more careful in all areas of your life.

    “Making talismans and amulets from bird feathers” - clairvoyant Fatima Khadueva for the MIR TV channel

    How to make a willow amulet with your own hands - Everything will be fine - Issue 576 - 04/02/15

    In England, it is believed that if a military man is actually very afraid of fighting, but does not show it outwardly, then a black feather settles next to him, which by its appearance reveals all the fears of this man.

    Other signs about feathers

    Here are some other signs regarding feathers:

    • If there are chickens in the yard, and there is a chicken feather in the house, then it can be used against the evil eye and damage. Use it as an ingredient in a spell for health and wealth. After that, hide it away from prying eyes.
    • People believe that such a find as a swan feather promises a love affair. And if an unmarried girl discovered this feather, it means that she will soon meet her betrothed and get married.
    • If you find the plumage of a hawk, then this indicates that in the near future you will win the argument. If you want it to always be like this, then wear this feather as a talisman.

    Conspiracy on the pen

    If now you and your family as a whole are going through difficult times, then ask a higher power for help. Do it sincerely, investing all your spiritual strength. And don’t be surprised if you soon find a light-colored feather on your walk.

    Be sure to take this pen to your home. When no one is home, place a feather in your palm and whisper the following spell to it:

    “How can I leave the house, don’t hide behind the gate from troubles and misfortunes. How can I walk along a straight road, along a long road that is illuminated by clear rays? And on that road I would meet an extraordinary bird, sent to me by heaven itself. That clear firebird of happiness that my guardian angel sent it to me. He sent, I met, the two of us were found. May I ask that bird for happiness for myself and my family, may I repent to that bird of all my earthly sins. Look at me with her heavenly gaze and all my sorrows and troubles will dissipate, and good luck and health will come in their place. And as a souvenir of good luck, this bird left me a feather that I hold in my hands. I look at the feather, I remember the bird, happiness is added to my home. As it was said, it will be so, it cannot be any other way.”

    After this, put such a feather in a vase, put it in a beautiful box, and show it respect and care. This will be your family amulet for good luck.

    From this article you will learn:

      What does a bird's feather mean?

      What to look for when you find a bird feather

      What birds portend what?

      What does pen size and color mean?

      Is it good to find a bird feather at home?

      Why find feathers on the street?

      How to use found feathers in magic

    Bird feathers are often used in rituals and ceremonies of many peoples and cultures. In addition, many signs and beliefs are associated with it. For the leaders of Indian tribes, a bird's feather was considered a talisman and a symbol of power, so they wore feather headdresses and amulets. It was believed that whoever finds a bird's feather will have good luck, which will accompany him in everything. In this article we will look at a variety of signs associated with bird feathers.

    Bird feather: signs and folk observations

    Bird feather - what could it mean? The simplest thing that this sign can mean is change, because birds have long been perceived by people of different cultures as messengers, “postmen.” But for a man and a woman the news will be different due to some subtleties. What does the found feather look like and where was the white bird feather found? Signs may not mean the same thing depending on the color and number of feathers found. Believe in omens whether you want or not, but such beliefs contain enough useful information.

    Folk signs are based on certain phenomena and patterns. Therefore, every belief can be both positive and negative. For example, you found a bird feather near your house or on your doorstep. This is no accident. A skeptical person will not pay attention to this, while those who believe in omens will be warned of the impending danger. And if a child happens to see a feather, then not just a happy life awaits him, but an inspired, illuminated one. This sign should reassure parents.

    The interpretation of superstition is based on the following main factors:

      The important point is where exactly you found the sign - in the house or on the street.

      In what situation and how exactly did you see the sign?

      What color is the find?

      How many feathers exactly (this determines how accurate the sign will be).

      Personal feelings of someone who discovered a feather on their clothes or in the house.

    If you only notice bird fluff or a small bird feather, signs indicate that some kind of incident awaits you or you learn some news - you will receive a call or receive a letter. The larger the feather you find, the more significant events await you: a successfully signed contract, a quick renovation, a wedding or a significant purchase.

    A very important role in interpreting the sign is from which bird you found the feather, because each of them has its own “karma”. For example, a dove is a symbol of peace and insight, a crow is a quarrel, an eagle symbolizes achievements in work and on the personal front. Are older people “lucky” to find a magpie feather? This means that weakness and illness await them, and it is better for them to prepare for such problems in advance.

    So, depending on which bird feather you found, the signs will tell you what area of ​​life further events will be connected with, and how it can help you.

      A bird's feather, shed naturally and which has not yet been touched by anyone, will help in love or healing magic. Words for energy protection, as well as occult writings and spells in a personal book are written with a raven or eagle feather. These same feathers form part of knot amulets (for example, a chicken feather) and dream catchers (a parrot feather).

      You can cast the evil eye using feathers that fell out during cockfights.

      Swan feathers are well suited as a love amulet and protection of family union.

      In magic, an owl embodies the spirit of ancestors and is a messenger of deities. In this regard, ritual clothing is decorated with its feathers. In addition, owl feathers are considered the strongest amulet. The owl's feather is also used to inscribe magical formulas, with the help of which one can enhance the ability of clairvoyance.

      To protect yourself while traveling or win an argument, it would be a good idea to take a hawk feather with you; a vulture feather will warn you of possible danger. The owner of an amulet made from the feathers of these birds will be more receptive to subtle energies and will be able to develop clairvoyance abilities. In addition, the vulture feather is also used as a home amulet. By placing it in an inconspicuous, out-of-the-way location close to the front door, you will create a powerful barrier against negative entities and enemies who want to enter your home.

      If you notice pigeon feathers outside the window or on the balcony, know that soon all your problems will be successfully resolved. And if you quarrel with someone, you will soon make peace and find a compromise in this controversial situation. Have you noticed a pigeon feather on the street and pigeons cooing nearby? This means that someone is missing you very much and is looking forward to seeing you soon.

      Legends say that sorcerers can turn into any bird, but not into a dove. This bird symbolizes the Holy Spirit, because of this its feather can be used to protect against any evil.

      If you find a stork feather, then great luck awaits you. Keep these feathers at home and you won’t have to worry about the well-being of your family. So, according to legend, if a girl finds two stork feathers, then she will get married in the same year. By keeping her feathers, she will make her family life happy and will not have problems having children.

    Signs about the bird's white feather and black

    If you find a feather, pay attention to its color.

    Light feathers are symbols of happiness and good luck. If you find such a feather, weave a talisman in the form of a wreath from leaves, grass and branches and place this feather in the center. Keep such a talisman in your home - it will help keep it cozy, make family relationships strong, provide assistance in all endeavors and protect you from negative influences. Even in magic, white feathers are used exclusively for good deeds.

    Signs also say that the white feather of a bird helps protect against the evil eye - sew them on clothes or insert them into earrings. Because of their white color, they can dissipate negative energy. With the help of such feathers you can free yourself from quarrels and misunderstandings in the family.

    A night-colored feather (usually a raven) means wisdom, courage, longevity. Keep it on your desktop, among your documents - it will benefit you, help you make the right decision and bring good luck in business. In addition, through black feathers you can ask for help from dark forces, but it will not be easy for you, as an ordinary person, to cope with them. Usually such feathers are used in black magic if they want to cause damage.

    If you find a black bird feather near a cemetery, near your gate, or, even worse, on the threshold of your house, signs say that you should under no circumstances pick it up and bring it into the house. Having discovered such a find, be sure to carry out a cleansing ritual: put the feather in a scarf, tie it with a red thread and take it outside with the words: “The evil man harbored a grudge, he decided to destroy me, I don’t wish harm on anyone, I’m only cleansing myself of blackness. As it came to me, it passed by!” Next, burn the feather wrapped in a scarf and scatter the ashes to the wind. After the ritual, be sure to wash your hands with tap water and, to consolidate the cleansing effect, shake off the drops from your hands over the threshold.

    A feather of mixed color or spotted is neutral, has both a positive and negative effect. Magic uses it for different purposes - good and evil. If you paint a bird's feather, for example, gold, then signs say that by doing so you will set it up to attract wealth into the house.

    The feather of a wild bird of heterogeneous color will serve as an amulet that will help you find your way in life and make your dreams come true. To do this, after the sun has set, lay out a new handkerchief on a table that has been cleared, even of the tablecloth, straighten it and put a feather on it, and place two lit wax candles on the sides. Place the third candle next to each burning candle, thereby obtaining a double fire.

    Now take a feather in your left hand, and a double-flame candle in the other. Go clockwise around the kitchen, then proceed to the front door and return. Tie the scarf with the feather into a knot with opposite ends. This is how the knotted amulet turned out, which you must always have with you in your pocket or keep in the house.

    True beliefs that will help to correctly explain the sign:

      if the bird’s feather is dark, it means the house has been damaged;

      if the pen is broken, you will lose money or authority;

      found a light feather under the bed, which means that soon everyone will know your secrets;

      dark colored feathers that you found at a crossroads can be used in a ritual to attract profit.

    A bird feather found on a window brings significant changes to the family. Thank the bird by sprinkling some grains on the windowsill.

    What do the signs say if a bird feather is found in the house?

    How to behave if you find a feather from a bird unknown to you in your house or on your doorstep?

    First of all, don't be scared. It is possible that the feather entered your home by mistake: due to a draft or with a pet. Think about what a sign means only when you are sure that you need to know the reason for the appearance of a bird feather in the house.

    A bird's feather can protect your home or your workplace. A feather has flown in from the street and remains on the window - a woman or man needs help. If a “bird’s gift” ends up in a child’s crib, then you need to worry about your child’s health in advance, before you detect symptoms of the disease.

    Bird down found on clothes means profit; bird feathers flying near your face means trouble will soon await you. A dark-colored bird feather flying into the house is explained by the signs that you will have guests whom you will not be happy with.

    Superstitions associated with bird feathers are very significant for a girl who is not yet married. They can talk about a strong relationship or predict a painful separation. If a young lady sees a bird feather on her window, this means news from a loved one. He may give a sign about himself or bring good news himself.

    If a person sees a bird losing its fluff, then, according to the sign, a renewal awaits him. A bird feather found under the window is a bad sign. It means that a man or woman is in for trouble from enemies. It is best not only to believe in omens, but also to choose a talisman for yourself. The best protector of fate can be an amulet made from the feather of your totem bird. And remember that the world is woven not only from accidents, but also from signs that the universe and higher powers send to us.

    Signs: find a bird feather on the street

    Signs are interpreted differently. For example, when a feather flew into the house on its own, it means one thing, but when you found it on the road, it means something else. For an entrepreneur who is having troubles in business, signs explain the bird's feather as quick luck. The positive interpretation applies not only to those feathers that were found, but also to those that actually fell from the sky. When your baby finds a feather on the street, he will grow up to be a healthy and full-fledged person. For older people, such a sign also promises only good things in terms of health.

    Magicians use feathers as a valuable magical attribute. If a bird feather (and even more than one) is discovered by an experienced or novice magician, then he can make a powerful amulet out of it.

    It happens that you do not have the opportunity to pick up the feather you find. Then in your thoughts thank the higher powers for their support and before the end of the day, sprinkle at least a handful of millet or crumbs in the place where the birds live. At the same time, say the following words three times quietly or “to yourself”: “For the bird there is a feather, and for me (your full name) good luck in all matters. Let it be so".

    If you find a bird feather in the first three days of the new moon, give it the power of a talisman by performing the appropriate ritual. To do this, take one wax candle, a handkerchief, definitely a new one, and a pinch of Thursday salt. The feather needs to be placed on a scarf, light a candle and wait until it burns a quarter. Next, begin to move the flame of the candle, saying: “I unlock all the locks with fire, I open the paths for good luck. For me (your full name) all doors are now open. A bird flew in the sky and dropped a feather. I (your name) for good, I (your name) for well-being. My word is strong. Everything is correct." The candle is then left in the candlestick to burn out. The resulting magical attribute must be wrapped in a scarf and placed under the pillow. After 24 hours, you can hide it and use the scarf for its intended purpose.

    You can cleanse your home of negative energy and family quarrels with the help of bird feathers found on days when the Moon is waning. Gather three white feathers, tie them with a white or beige thread and use the resulting broom to walk around the perimeter of the spouses’ bedroom - from the front door clockwise. Imagine that you are sweeping away all the negative energy from the bedroom by performing cross-shaped movements with this whisk. After the ceremony, burn the “broom” on the street, as far as possible from your home. You must return to your home in silence, without turning around until you enter the house. And under no circumstances tell anyone about the ritual you performed.

    You can protect yourself from dark energy with the help of popular beliefs. If you find a black raven feather on your way home from work, this is a sign of approaching trouble. Therefore, with such a find, be sure to perform a cleansing ritual.

    Before you pick up a feather on the road, consider whether you are doing something contrary to your own or your family's beliefs. If your family knows that a black feather means trouble, then you are unlikely to be able to convince them to use the feather as a magical attribute. And then you yourself will constantly think about whether you made the right decision. Doubts will nullify all your good undertakings. When signs about feathers agree with your thoughts, then feel free to use them as magical assistants.

    You can learn more about magic or order feathers for amulets in our online store “Witch’s Happiness”, which is rightfully considered one of the best esoteric stores in Russia. In it you will find what is right for you, a person who goes his own way, is not afraid of change, and is responsible for his actions not only before people, but also before the entire Universe.

    In addition, our store offers various esoteric products. You can purchase everything you need to conduct magical rituals: fortune telling with Tarot cards, runic practices, shamanism, Wicca, Druidcraft, northern tradition, ceremonial magic, and much more.

    You have the opportunity to purchase any product that interests you by ordering it on the website, which operates around the clock. Any of your orders will be completed as soon as possible. Residents and guests of the capital can visit not only our website, but also the store located at the address: st. Maroseyka, 4. We also have stores in St. Petersburg, Rostov-on-Don, Krasnodar, Taganrog, Samara, Orenburg, Volgograd and Shymkent (Kazakhstan).

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    "find a bird's feather" is used by the Indians. It was they who decorated their headdresses with bird feathers, and for them the discovery of a bird feather meant the proximity of future good luck. What does a found feather mean to everyone else? It is worth considering this issue in more detail.

    Feathers of different birds and interpretation of signs

    Finding a feather, according to popular belief, is either a sign or a warning. When a person examines his find in an attempt to determine its significance, he may consider the following information:

    The place where the feather is found also matters. For example, a feather found near a hospital or cemetery cannot be picked up, otherwise you may invite trouble. And a feather from the park or even your own balcony can be saved as a talisman.

    Feather color and its meaning

    The modern sign of “finding a bird feather” can also be deciphered based on the color of the find. The following classification is appropriate here:

    • A black feather found in an open area is a symbol of wish fulfillment.
    • A white feather can be seen as positive changes on the personal front.
    • A gray or colored feather is interpreted as a difficult choice that will have to be made under any circumstances.

    In addition to the color of the feather, the condition in which it was found is also important. If the feather is broken, then in the near future the plans of the one who found it will also collapse. If the feather is beautiful, whole and shiny, then the sign can be interpreted as positive.

    Finding a vulture feather means receiving the gift of clairvoyance or special insight.

    Finding a peacock feather is good luck. But you can’t take it home, otherwise its meaning will become the opposite.

    Finding a seagull feather means getting help and support on your journey.

    A kite feather is a talisman that can save you from thieves and ruin. He averts trouble in the financial sector.

    Ostrich feathers are signs of imminent enrichment. Wealth can be won in the lottery or come in the form of a huge bonus.

    Hawk feathers are an ambulance in financial and career matters. Such a pen is considered protective in various other matters.

    A woodpecker's feather is short-lived good luck in everything. While this white streak lasts, you need to make the most of it.

    A stork feather means a quick addition to the family, a long marriage. The arrival of a carefree time.

    Magical interpretation of signs

    If you happen to find a black feather right in the middle of the room, then perhaps some ill-wisher is preparing to strike you or your loved ones.

    A white feather on the balcony symbolizes news from deceased relatives. Whether this is good news or bad news can be understood if you keep the pen and mentally ask your deceased relatives to clarify the situation with some sign.

    A feather found on a windowsill can be interpreted as the appearance of unexpected guests on the threshold. If you interpret this hint correctly, then you can have time to prepare for their arrival.

    A feather falling on a person from above is deciphered in many cultures as a sign of protection from higher powers. This could also be a message from the Guardian Angel. He can tell a person something important in this way; perhaps the events subsequent to the fallen feather will clarify the situation.

    A special sign where to find a feather is a good sign, for the most part it is indeed interpreted positively. The feather is in it both the promised protection, and the warning, and the advice, and the message. Skeptics will say that birds lose feathers for many natural reasons, but people who believe in the supernatural will see this find as a positive symbol of change.