Mechanisms and conditions for the formation of effective interaction between a teacher and students. Interaction between teacher and students as the basis for effective teaching Diagnostic work: a professional task

2.9. Pedagogical interaction

A constituent element of the pedagogical process is pedagogical interaction. It is a chain of individual pedagogical interactions. Pedagogical interactions- these are intentional or unintentional contacts of the teacher with the child (long-term or temporary, direct or indirect), the purpose of which is to change the behavior, activities and relationships of the child, giving rise to their mutual connection.

The active one-sided influence adopted in authoritarian pedagogy is being replaced at the present stage by interaction, which is based on the joint activity of teachers and students. Its main parameters are relationship, reciprocity, support, trust, etc.

Pedagogical interaction includes the pedagogical influence of the teacher on the child, the child's perception of the teacher and his own activity. The child's activity can manifest itself in two directions: in influencing the teacher and in improving himself (self-education). Therefore, the concept of "pedagogical interaction" is not identical to the concepts of "pedagogical influence", "pedagogical influence" and even "pedagogical attitude", which are a consequence of the interaction of teachers and students.

Pedagogical interaction has two sides: functional-role and personal. Functional role side of the interaction of the teacher with the student is due to the objective conditions of the pedagogical process, in which the teacher plays a certain role: organizes and directs the activities of students, controls its results. In this case, the students perceive the teacher not as a person, but only as an official, a controlling person. This side of pedagogical interaction is aimed mainly at transforming the cognitive sphere of students. In this case, the criterion for the successful activity of the teacher is the compliance of the students' achievements with the given standards. Teachers with a focus on this type of interaction, as it were, adjust external behavior to certain standards.

Personal side of pedagogical interaction is associated with the fact that the teacher, interacting with students, transfers them his individuality, realizing his own need and ability to be a person and, in turn, shaping the corresponding need and ability in students. Due to this, this aspect of the interaction most affects the motivational and value sphere of the pupils. The means of transforming this sphere are scientific knowledge, the content of education. However, practice shows that only teachers who have a high level of development of a motivational-value attitude to pedagogical activity work with such an attitude.

The best option is pedagogical interaction, in which functional-role and personal interaction are carried out in a complex. Such a combination ensures the transfer to students not only of the general social, but also of the personal, individual experience of the teacher, thereby stimulating the process of the formation of the student's personality.

The impact of the teacher on the student can be direct and indirect, intentional and unintentional. Under direct influence is understood as a direct appeal to the student, presenting him with certain requirements or proposals. The specificity of the teacher's activity necessitates the use of this particular type of interaction. However, constant interference in the student's world can create conflict situations, complicating the relationship between the teacher and students. Therefore, in some cases, it is more effective indirect impact, the essence of which is that the teacher directs his efforts not to the student, but to his environment (classmates and friends). Changing the circumstances of the student's life, the teacher changes in the right direction and himself.

Indirect interaction is more often used in work with adolescents, who are characterized by the emergence of their own subculture. The reception of influence through the reference person justifies itself here. Each student has classmates, with whose opinion he is considered, whose position he accepts. These are the persons of reference for him, through which the teacher organizes the impact, making them his allies.

Intentional the impact is carried out according to the target program, when the teacher models and plans the expected changes in advance. Deliberately or unintentionally offering samples of his subjectivity to other people, and above all to pupils, he becomes an object of imitation, continuing himself in others. The impact of a teacher who is not a reference person for students does not cause the necessary transformative effect, no matter how highly developed his personal, individual and functional-role parameters.

The mechanisms of deliberate influence are persuasion and suggestion. Persuasion acts as a method of forming conscious needs that induce a person to act in accordance with the values ​​and norms of life accepted in society and cultivated in a given social group.

Belief - it is a system of logical evidence that requires a conscious attitude towards it from the one who perceives it. Suggestion, on the contrary, it is based on uncritical perception and implies the inability of the suggested to consciously control the flow of incoming information. The necessary conditions for inspiring influence are the teacher's authority, trust in his information, the absence of resistance to his influence. A feature of suggestion is the focus not on the logic and reason of the individual, not on her readiness to think and reason, but on receiving orders, instructions for action. The attitude instilled by an authoritative teacher can form the basis of the assessment that students give to each other. Suggestion in the pedagogical process must be used very correctly. It can occur through the motivational, cognitive and emotional spheres of the personality, activating them.

Imitation is closely related to suggestion. Imitation Is the repetition and reproduction of actions, deeds, intentions, thoughts and feelings. It is important that the student, while imitating, is aware that his actions and thoughts are derived from the actions and thoughts of the teacher. Imitation is not absolute repetition, not simple copying. Models and standards of the teacher enter into complex relationships with the personality traits of the student.

Imitation includes identification (assimilation) and generalization. Generalized imitation is not a complete repetition of a sample, an example, it causes a similar activity that has a qualitative difference from the standard. In such imitation, only general ideas are borrowed. It requires much greater ingenuity and resourcefulness, is often associated with independent and creative activity, representing its first stage. In the course of personality development, independence increases and imitation decreases.

It should be noted that the category of pedagogical interaction takes into account the personal characteristics of the interacting subjects and ensures both their mastering of social skills and mutual transformation based on the principles of trust and creativity, parity and cooperation.

Pedagogical communication as a form of interaction between teachers and students. The humanistic technology of pedagogical interaction recognizes communication as the most important condition and means of personality development. Communication is not just a series of sequential actions (activities) of communicating subjects. Any act of direct communication involves the impact of a person on a person, namely their interaction.

Communication between the teacher and the student, during which the teacher solves educational, educational and personal development tasks, is called pedagogical communication.

There are two types of communication: 1) socially oriented (lecture, report, oratorical speech, television performance, etc.), during which socially significant tasks are solved, social relations are implemented, social interaction is organized; 2) personality-oriented, which can be business, aimed at some kind of joint activity, or associated with personal relationships that are not related to activities.

In pedagogical communication, both types of communication are present. When a teacher explains new material, he is included in socially oriented communication, if he works with a student one-on-one (a conversation during the answer at the blackboard or from a place), then communication is personality-oriented.

Pedagogical communication is one of the forms of pedagogical interaction between teachers and students. The goals, content of communication, its moral and psychological level appear for the teacher as predetermined. For the most part, pedagogical communication is sufficiently regulated in content and form, and therefore is not only a way to satisfy an abstract need for communication. It clearly distinguishes the role positions of the teacher and the trainees, reflecting the "normative status" of each.

However, since communication takes place directly, face to face, it acquires a personal dimension for the participants in pedagogical interaction. Pedagogical communication "draws" into this process the personality of the teacher and the student. Students are far from indifferent to the individual characteristics of the teacher. They have a group and individual rating scale for each teacher. There is also an unformed, but clear opinion about any of them, due primarily to the social requirements for the personality of the teacher. Inconsistency of personal qualities with these requirements negatively affects his relationship with students. In those cases when the actions of a teacher in some way do not correspond to elementary ethics, not only his personal prestige is undermined, but also the authority of the entire teaching profession. As a result, the effectiveness of the teacher's personal influence decreases.

The nature of the teacher's communication with students is primarily due to his professional and subject preparedness (knowledge, abilities and skills in the field of his subject, as well as in the field of pedagogy, methodology and psychology), scientific potential and professional aspirations and ideals. The qualities of his personality are also perceived from this perspective. However, in addition to knowledge, the teacher in the process of communication shows his attitude to the world, people, profession. In this sense, the humanization of pedagogical communication is closely related to the humanitarian culture of the teacher, which allows not only guessing (at the level of intuition) the moral and psychological states of students, but studying and understanding them.

Equally important is the development of the teacher's ability to reflect (analyze) his position as a participant in communication, in particular, the extent to which he is focused on students. At the same time, it is important that the knowledge of another person enhances interest in him, creates the prerequisites for his transformation.

Styles of pedagogical communication. The style of pedagogical communication is understood as individual-typological features of the interaction between a teacher and students. It expresses the communicative capabilities of the teacher, the prevailing nature of his relationship with the pupils; the creative individuality of the teacher, the characteristics of the students. The generally accepted classification of styles of pedagogical communication is their division into authoritarian, democratic and conniving (A.V. Petrovsky, Ya.L. Kolominsky, M.Yu. Kondratyev, etc.).

At authoritarian the style of communication, the teacher single-handedly decides all issues related to the life of both the class team and each student. Based on his own attitudes, he determines the position and goals of interaction, subjectively evaluates the results of activities. The authoritarian style of communication is realized through the tactics of dictatorship and guardianship. The opposition of schoolchildren to the power pressure of the teacher most often leads to the emergence of stable conflict situations.

Educators who adhere to this communication style prevent students from showing independence and initiative. They, as a rule, do not understand their pupils and are inadequate in their assessments based only on academic performance indicators. An authoritarian teacher focuses on the student's negative actions, not taking into account the motives of these actions.

External indicators of the success of such teachers (academic performance, discipline in the classroom, etc.) are most often positive, but the socio-psychological atmosphere in their classes is usually unfavorable.

Permissive (anarchic, ignorant) the communication style is characterized by the teacher's desire to be minimally involved in the activity, relieving himself of responsibility for its results. Such teachers formally fulfill their functional duties, limiting themselves only to teaching. The conniving style of communication involves a tactic of non-interference, the basis of which is indifference and disinterest in the problems of both the school and the students. The consequence of such tactics is the lack of control over the activities of schoolchildren and the dynamics of the development of their personality. Academic performance and discipline in the classes of such teachers are usually unsatisfactory.

The common features of the permissive and authoritarian styles of communication, despite their seeming opposite, are distant relationships, lack of trust, obvious isolation, alienation of the teacher, demonstrative emphasis on their dominant position.

An alternative to these communication styles is the collaboration style of the participants in pedagogical interaction, more often called democratic. With this style of communication, the teacher is focused on enhancing the role of the student in interaction, on involving everyone in solving common affairs. The main feature of this style is mutual interaction and mutual orientation. For teachers adhering to this style, an active-positive attitude towards students, an adequate assessment of their capabilities, successes and failures are characteristic. Such teachers are characterized by a deep understanding of the student, the goals and motives of his behavior, the ability to predict the development of his personality. In terms of external performance indicators, teachers who adhere to a democratic style of communication are inferior to their authoritarian colleagues, but the socio-psychological climate in their classes is always more prosperous.

In pedagogical practice, most often there are "mixed" styles of pedagogical communication. The teacher cannot absolutely exclude from his arsenal some private methods of the authoritarian style, sometimes quite effective, especially when working with classes and individual students with a low level of socio-psychological and personal development.

Sufficiently effective pedagogical communication in the form friendly location, which can be seen as a prerequisite for a democratic style. A friendly disposition acts as a stimulus for the development of relationships between a teacher and students. However, friendliness should not violate status positions, therefore one of the common forms of pedagogical communication is communication-distance. This style is used by both experienced and novice educators. At the same time, studies show that excessively hypertrophied (excessive) distance leads to the formalization of the interaction between the teacher and the student. Distance should correspond to the general logic of their relationship: as an indicator of the teacher's leading role, it should be based on authority.

Communication-distance in its extreme forms turns into a tougher form - communication-intimidation. This form is most often used by novice teachers who do not know how to organize productive communication based on joint activities.

An equally negative role in the acts of interaction between teachers and students is played by communication-flirting, which is also mainly used by young teachers. In an effort to quickly establish contact with children, to please them, but not having the necessary communicative culture for this, they begin to flirt with them: flirt, conduct conversations on personal topics in the lesson, abuse rewards without proper reason.

A thinking teacher, comprehending and analyzing his activities, should pay close attention to what forms of communication are most typical for him and are often used by him. Based on the skills of professional self-diagnosis, he must form a style of pedagogical interaction that is adequate to his psychophysiological parameters, ensuring the solution of the problems of personal growth of the teacher and students.

Characteristics of the strategies of pedagogical interaction. The main strategies of pedagogical interaction are competition and cooperation. Competition presupposes a struggle for priority, which in its most striking form manifests itself in a conflict. Such conflict can be destructive and productive. Destructive conflict leads to mismatch, loosening of interaction. It often does not depend on the cause that gave rise to it and therefore leads to the transition "to the individual", giving rise to stress. Productive a conflict arises when the collision between the interacting parties is generated not by the incompatibility of personalities, but by the difference in points of view on any problem, ways of resolving it. In this case, the conflict contributes to a comprehensive analysis of the problem and substantiation of the motivation for the actions of the partner defending his point of view.

A competitive strategy is called personally inhibiting. Its features are: attitude to the student as an object of development; focus on increasing distance and the approval of status-role positions; the desire to reduce the self-esteem of the student's personality; reliance on protective and threatening means; object-object relations.

And today there are often teachers who in their activities rely on this strategy of pedagogical interaction. The predominance of such teachers can lead to deformations of educational institutions as institutions of socialization.

Cooperation, or cooperative interaction, assumes the feasible contribution of each of its participants to the solution of a common problem. The means of uniting people here are relations that arise in the course of joint activities. An important indicator of the "tightness" of cooperative interaction is the degree of involvement of all participants in the process, which is determined by the amount of their contributions.

The strategy based on cooperation is called personally developing. It is based on the understanding, recognition and acceptance of the child as a person, the ability to take his position, identify with him, take into account his emotional state and well-being, respect his interests and development prospects. Its features are: attitude to the student as to the subject of his own development; orientation towards the development and self-development of the student's personality; creating conditions for self-realization and self-determination of the student's personality; subject-subject relationship.

With such interaction, the main tactics of the teacher are cooperation and partnership, which enable the student to show activity, creativity, independence, ingenuity, and imagination. With the help of such a strategy, the teacher has the opportunity to establish contact with children, in which the principle of creating an optimal distance will be taken into account, the positions of the teacher and children are determined, a common psychological space for communication is created, which provides for both contact and freedom at the same time.

The idea of ​​cooperation, dialogue, partnership in the relationship between the student and the student is one of the main ideas in pedagogy in recent years. However, in practice, its implementation is difficult. Teachers, as a rule, do not know how to restructure their activities. This is primarily due to the fact that the teacher does not know the mechanisms of subject-subject interaction with students on the basis of dialogue, does not always understand that the deepening of the content of joint activities, the quality and effectiveness of education are achieved not by intensifying the activities carried out, but primarily by developing the creative nature of communication. , raising its culture.

It has been established that the development of creative relationships in the pedagogical process is associated with the voluntary acceptance by students of the stimulating role of the teacher, which manifests itself in the desire to learn from him, communicate with him, and imitate him. However, such relationships require certain personal parameters of the teacher himself. These include spiritual and moral character, professional competence, knowledge of the modern school and advanced teaching experience, pedagogical culture, creative attitude to work, the ability to cooperate with colleagues. It is in this case that we can assume that the personality will be brought up by the personality, spirituality - produced by spirituality.

Thus, a humanistically oriented teacher from the first days of a student's stay at school interacts with him in the mode of a personally developing dialogue, advancing many intentions, desires, thoughts to him. In this case, the impact of the teacher is carried out as if the student is the true owner of these feelings, emotions and thoughts.

As the student develops, the structure of his interaction with the teacher changes: being initially a passive object of pedagogical influence, he gradually becomes a creative person, not only capable of performing regulated actions, but also ready to set the direction for his own development. This is especially evident in adolescence.

The development of a student's subjective position is not a spontaneous process. It presupposes a certain level of his preparedness and social and moral development, which ensures sensitivity to the teacher's personal influences and the adequacy of reactions to them.

As a result of pedagogical interaction, various psychological neoplasms of a personal and interpersonal nature arise, which are usually called changes, effects or phenomena. They can be constructive (developing) and destructive (destructive) in nature. Constructive phenomena set the content and space of education, create both a developing personality and groups, collectives (large and small), change levels of development, form attitudes, characters, value orientations, subjective forms of manifestation and existence, samples and standards. In general, all constructive phenomena are personally generative.

The second group of phenomena named destructive, makes changes in the same areas as constructive phenomena, but these changes are either personally deforming or personally destructive.

One of the most significant constructive phenomena of pedagogical interaction is psychological status of a person, without the acquisition of which the process of its active, consistent progressive development and self-development is impossible. Status characterizes not only the student's real place in the system of interpersonal relations, but also the position in the classroom, family, and peer groups, which he ascribes to himself. The need for building oneself as a person, for self-improvement and self-movement does not arise spontaneously in a pupil, it develops in the process of pedagogical interaction.

Communication between a teacher and students can be effective if it is well thought out from the point of view of the psychological methods and mechanisms of influence used. The ability of the teacher to present himself, or self-presentation is of great importance. This helps students to create an image of a teacher, to model an adequate interaction.

A high level of development of the teacher's communicative culture presupposes that he has expressive (expressiveness of speech, gestures, facial expressions, external appearance) and perceptual (the ability to understand the state of the student, establish contact with him, make his adequate image, etc.) abilities.

You can master the technological side of communicative culture (communication technique) with the help of special exercises. The most effective exercises are those that are part of the teacher's communication training.

Types of interpersonal relationships between teachers and students. Pedagogical interaction is carried out not only with individual students, but also with the whole class, which is a community in which direct communication takes place, which generates a system of interpersonal relations. It is these relationships that form the personality development environment. The functions of the teacher, realized in the process of pedagogical interaction, are different from the functions of the students. For him, they are primarily organizational, aimed at managing the development of the class and each student in it. The tasks of the teacher include the transformation of social norms and rules into personal requirements, which should become the norms of student behavior. Therefore, it is very important to establish a friendly, affectionate, warm relationship with them. Without this, the teacher will not be able to fulfill his mission as a translator of social values.

However, the relationship that develops in the process of pedagogical interaction should not be spontaneous and self-sustaining. Positive, caring, benevolent, sensitive, trusting relationships between teachers and students affect the success of pedagogical activity, the psychological atmosphere, the authority of the teacher, as well as the self-esteem of students, their satisfaction with joining the school and classroom teams.

The nature of the teacher's attitude to children largely determines the system of relationships among children, and this applies not only to young children, but also to adolescents and older students. In pedagogical practice, the following types of relationships between teachers and students are most often encountered.

1. Steadily positive. The teacher shows in relation to children an emotionally positive orientation, which is adequately implemented in the manner of behavior, speech utterances. Such teachers value the positive qualities of students most highly, because they are convinced that each student has merits that, under the right conditions, can be discovered and developed. Giving individual characteristics to their students, they note positive growth and qualitative changes.

2. Unstable-positive. The teacher is characterized by emotional instability. He is susceptible to the influence of specific situations that affect his behavior, can be quick-tempered, inconsistent. It is characterized by an alternation of friendliness and hostility towards students. Such a teacher does not have firm objective views on the personality of the pupil and the possibilities of its development. The grades they give to their students are inconsistent or vague.

3. Passively positive. The teacher is characterized by a general positive orientation in the manner of behavior and speech utterances, but he is also characterized by a certain isolation, dryness, categoricalness and pedantry. He speaks to students in a predominantly formal tone and deliberately seeks to create and emphasize a distance between them and himself.

4. Openly negative. The teacher's relationship with students is characterized by a clearly expressed emotional-negative orientation, which manifests itself in harshness and irritability. Such a teacher gives low marks to his students, accentuates their shortcomings. Praise as a method of upbringing is not peculiar to him; at any failure of the child, he is indignant, punishes the student; often makes comments.

5. Passive negative. The teacher does not so clearly show a negative attitude towards children, more often he is emotionally lethargic, indifferent, alienated in communicating with students. As a rule, he does not show indignation at their behavior, however, he is emphatically indifferent to both the successes and failures of the students.

Ways to improve interpersonal relationships. The following conditions contribute to the improvement of interpersonal relations:

Setting the next pedagogical tasks in work with each student;

Creation of an atmosphere of mutual benevolence and mutual assistance;

Introducing positive factors into the life of children, expanding the scale of values ​​they recognize, strengthening respect for universal human values;

The teacher's use of information about the structure of the team, the personal qualities of students occupying different positions in the class;

Organization of joint activities that strengthen contacts between children and create common emotional experiences;

Providing assistance to the student in completing educational and other tasks, a fair, equal attitude towards all students, their objective assessment regardless of the already established interpersonal relations, assessment of success not only in educational activities, but also in other types of it;

Organization of group games and other activities that allow the student to express himself positively, from a side unfamiliar to the teacher;

Taking into account the specifics of the group, which includes the student, its attitudes, aspirations, interests, value orientations.

Praise of the beloved teacher, the positive attitude expressed by him can significantly increase the student's self-esteem, awaken the desire for new achievements, and please him. The same praise given by a teacher who is not accepted by students can be unpleasant for the student and even perceived by him as a censure. This happens when the teacher is not recognized as an authoritative person not only by this student, but also by the whole class.

When assessing student success, it is especially important to exactingness of the teacher. With an undemanding teacher, students become discouraged, their activity decreases. If the student perceives the teacher's requirements as too high, then the failures associated with this can cause him an emotional conflict. Whether a student will be able to correctly perceive the requirements or not depends on how much the teacher's pedagogical strategy takes into account the level of students' aspirations, the planned prospects of his life, the established self-esteem, the status in the class, that is, the entire motivational sphere of the personality, without which productive interaction is impossible. ...

Studies show that in high school, matured students tend to characterize teachers positively, taking into account not so much the teacher's character and attitudes as his professional quality. However, among the “favorite” teachers after graduation are usually not the smartest or most professionally developed teachers, but those with whom a trusting and kind relationship has developed; those for whom these students were also "favorites", that is, they were accepted, elected, highly appreciated.

It was found that teachers more often pay attention to those schoolchildren who cause them this or that emotional attitude- sympathy, concern, dislike. A student who is indifferent to the teacher is not interesting to him. The teacher tends to relate better to the "intelligent", disciplined and executive students, in second place are passive-dependent and calm, in third - students, amenable to influence, but poorly managed. The most disliked are independent, active, self-confident students.

In the studies of A.A. Leont'ev, the following signs are highlighted by which the stereotypical negative attitude of the teacher is recognized:

The teacher gives the “bad” student less time to answer than the “good” one, that is, he does not give him time to think;

If an incorrect answer is given, the teacher does not repeat the question, does not offer a hint, but immediately asks another person or gives the correct answer himself;

The teacher “liberalizes”, positively evaluates the wrong answer of the “good” student, but at the same time more often scolds the “bad” student for the same answer and, accordingly, less often praises for the correct answer;

The teacher tries not to react to the answer of the "bad" student, calls out another, not noticing the raised hand, sometimes does not work with him at all in the lesson, smiles at him less often, looks less into the eyes of the "bad" than the "good".

The given example of a “differentiated” attitude towards a student in the process of pedagogical interaction shows that even a productive idea of ​​an individual approach can be distorted. The teacher must be adequate and flexible in his assessments.

The way to implement pedagogical interaction is joint activity. The joint(collective) is an activity in which: 1) its tasks are perceived as a group, requiring cooperation in solving; 2) there is mutual dependence in the performance of work, which requires the distribution of duties, mutual control and responsibility.

Recently, there has been an opinion that joint (collective) activity levels the personality. However, experimental data have been obtained that prove the possibility of development of each member of the group participating in the interaction, and especially where the level of interaction is highest. It has been established that among like-minded people, even for a short time united by common activities or circumstances, a person feels more confident, experiences a state of spiritual uplift and self-importance.

The main mechanism of influence in the process of joint activity is imitation. Pupils imitate only their favorite teacher or reference fellow, so it is important that the environment contains role models and these models are appropriate for the child's capabilities. In the presence of role models, joint actions will be a means of productive learning activity even if the student does not yet possess the system of cognitive and executive actions necessary for this activity.

The meaning of joint activities in the educational process is cooperation its participants. In the process of cooperation, there is a dynamic transformation of the role relationships of teachers and students into equal ones, which is expressed in a change in their value orientations, goals of activity and the interaction itself. The highest level of development of cooperation in joint activities is creative cooperation, which allows its participants to fully realize their internal reserves.

The structure of cooperation in the process of interaction changes from joint action, shared with the teacher, to supported action and then to imitation and self-learning. The attitude towards creativity is realized only if the forms of cooperation between the student and the teacher are specially organized and the change and restructuring of these forms are ensured in the learning process.

Cooperation becomes productive if it is carried out on condition that each student is included in solving problems at the beginning of the process of mastering new subject content, as well as with his active cooperation with the teacher and other students. Another criterion for the productivity of joint activity is that, on its basis, the mechanisms of self-regulation of behavior and activity of students are formed, the skills of forming goals are mastered.

Joint learning activities. Traditionally, training is planned and organized by the teacher in the form of individual and frontal work. Need individual work in the lesson is due to the peculiarities of the educational material, the task of forming independence in children. The results of this work (essays, dictations, presentations, tests, etc.) completely depend on the efforts of a particular student. This is the activity of students, built on the principle of "side by side, but not together." In this case, even if the goals of the work of each performer are identical, its implementation does not imply joint efforts and mutual assistance, and therefore, this is not a joint activity.

Great importance in the organization of educational activities is given to frontal the work of the class when explaining new material, checking what has been passed, etc. Here the teacher works with the whole class, since a common task has been set. However, the process of assimilating knowledge remains purely individual for each student, and the results of this process (knowledge gained), due to the specifics of teaching and the existing forms of assessing the student's work, do not form relations of responsible dependence. Therefore, educational activity in this case is not perceived by the student as joint, collective. In essence, frontal work is one of the options for the individual activities of schoolchildren, replicated by the number of students in the class, and is also not a joint activity.

Responsible for joint learning activities group(collective) work in the lesson. There are two main types of group work: unified and differentiated work. In the first case, the class is divided into groups that perform identical tasks, in the second, each group solves its own, but related to the general educational task.

The use of the group method does not mean abandoning the individual and frontal forms, but their nature is qualitatively changing. So, in the group organization of educational activities, two main stages of work can be distinguished: the previous and the final (control). The first stage is carried out before the start of the actual group activity of students: the teacher formulates the goal of the lesson, instructs the groups, distributes tasks and explains the importance of their implementation to achieve the overall result. In the second stage, the groups take turns reporting to the class and the teacher (element of frontal work). Such reports mutually enrich students with knowledge, as they contain new information that complements the existing one. In this case, frontal work acquires the features of collective interaction, characterized by cooperation, mutual responsibility, the opportunity and the need for everyone to evaluate their own work and the work of classmates in terms of common goals and objectives.

Under these conditions, the individual work of students also becomes different: it acquires a pronounced collectivist orientation, since it serves the goals of joint activities of schoolchildren, uniting the individual efforts of each student. Collective activity stimulates individual activity by forming and maintaining a responsible relationship in the classroom.

When organizing joint activities, the teacher must take into account the nature of the relationship between students, their sympathies and antipathies, the motives of interpersonal preferences, and the willingness to cooperate. The optimal size of such groups is 5–7 people.

Conflicts in joint activities. The interaction between a teacher and students is most effective when both parties are oriented toward cooperation in the context of joint activities. However, as pedagogical practice has shown, the presence of a common goal does not yet guarantee the absence of difficulties and contradictions in its organization and implementation.

The reflection of these contradictions between the participants in joint activities is interpersonal conflict. It represents a certain situation of interaction of people who either pursue mutually exclusive or unattainable goals by both sides, or seek to realize incompatible values ​​and norms in their relationships.

Most of the conflict situations, in which the teacher and the student are participants, is characterized by the mismatch, and sometimes even the direct opposite of their positions in relation to learning and the rules of behavior at school. Lack of discipline, laxity, a frivolous attitude to the study of one or another student and excessive authoritarianism, teacher intolerance are the main reasons for acute interpersonal conflicts. However, their timely revision of their positions can eliminate the conflict situation and prevent it from escalating into an open interpersonal conflict.

A differentiated approach to interpersonal conflicts allows you to get the most out of them.

Interpersonal conflicts that arise between teachers and students, in their content, can be business and personal. Their frequency and character depend on the level of development of the class team: the higher this level, the less often conflict situations are created in the class. In a close-knit team, there is always a common goal supported by all its members, and in the course of joint activities, common values ​​and norms are formed. In this case, there are mostly business conflicts between the teacher and students, which arise as a result of objective, objective contradictions of joint activities. They are positive in nature, as they are aimed at identifying effective ways to achieve an overall group goal.

However, such a conflict does not exclude emotional tension, a pronounced personal attitude towards the subject of disagreement. But personal interest in common success does not allow the conflicting parties to settle scores, to assert themselves by humiliating the other. Unlike a personal conflict, after a constructive solution to the issue that gave rise to a business conflict, the relationship between its participants normalizes.

The variety of possible conflict situations in the classroom and methods of conflict interaction requires the teacher to search for optimal ways to resolve the conflict. The timeliness and success of this process is a condition that the business conflict does not turn into a personal one.

Conflict resolution can be productive only if the teacher thoroughly analyzes the reasons, motives that led to the situation, goals, probable outcomes of a particular interpersonal collision, in which he was a participant. At the same time, the teacher's ability to be objective is an indicator not only of his professionalism, but also of the value attitude towards children.

Research and experience convince us of the impossibility of finding a universal way of resolving interpersonal conflicts that are diverse in their direction and nature. One of the conditions for overcoming them is taking into account the age characteristics of students, since the forms of conflict interaction between the teacher and the student and the ways of resolving their conflict are largely determined by the age of the students.

Conditions for the development of joint activities. The personality developmental possibilities of joint educational activity of schoolchildren increase under the following conditions: 1) relations of responsible dependence must be embodied in it; 2) it must be socially valuable, meaningful and interesting for children; 3) the social role of the child in the process of joint activity and functioning should change (for example, the role of the elder - to the role of the subordinate and vice versa); 4) joint activities should be emotionally saturated with collective experiences, compassion for the failures of other children and "joy" for their successes.

The organization of pedagogical interaction as a joint activity makes it possible, first of all, to move from the monologic style of communication ("teacher - students") to the dialogical one, from the authoritarian form of relations to the authoritative one. In addition, at the same time, the social position of the student changes: from passive (student) it turns into active (teacher), which allows the child to move through the “zones of his proximal development” (LS Vygotsky). And finally, in the process of joint activity, the mechanisms of influence on the group and personality through the reference person are actualized, which contributes to the child's experience of other people's worries, joys and the perception of the needs of other people as their own.

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Approbation of the level assessment model of teachers' competencies will begin soon

  • 41158
  • 14.08.2017

In the fall of 2017, more than 4,000 Russian language and mathematics teachers from 13 regions of Russia will take part in the approbation of the level assessment model for teachers' competencies.

At the Interregional Conference on Education Quality Assessment "Development of a Unified Education Quality Assessment System - Experience and Prospects", a model for level assessment of teachers' competencies and plans for its approbation with the participation of teachers of the Russian language and mathematics in 2017 was presented.

The model was presented by employees of the Russian State Pedagogical University. Hertsena Svetlana Anatolyevna Pisareva, Director of the Institute of Pedagogy, and Victoria Igorevna Snegurova, Head of the Department of Methods of Teaching Mathematics and Informatics.

According to this model, the assessment of teacher competencies should take place in three stages:

Diagnostic work
- testing (min 10 tasks - 2 hours to complete, time is fixed);
- solving methodological problems with a detailed answer (3 tasks - 2 hours to complete, time is fixed);
- solving a professional problem (1 task for the teacher's choice - in terms of content, it can be related to the lesson - 1 - 5 days).

A questionnaire for teachers - participants in the approbation, including at least 15 questions aimed at identifying the work experience and qualifications of a teacher and the characteristics of his professional duties, the use of teaching materials, the use of ICT, the assessment of educational achievements, etc.;

Video broadcast or video recording of the lesson, which allows a more accurate assessment of the teacher's real experience in the context of his proposed solution to the professional problem of diagnostic work.

The authors of the model believe that the ability to solve the problems of diagnostic work allows us to draw a conclusion about the teacher's ability to solve professional problems that arise in real situations of professional pedagogical activity, using knowledge, professional and life experience, personal and professional values.

Based on the results of the diagnostic work, the tested teacher can obtain one of three levels of diagnosed competencies:

Level I. Is able to solve problems related to knowledge of the subject and the methodology of teaching the subject, within the program (programs), is able to give examples from real pedagogical experience.

Level II. Is able to solve problems related to knowledge of the subject and the methodology of teaching the subject, within the framework of the program (programs) in a changed situation, is able to give relevant examples from real practice.

Level III. Is able to solve problems related to the knowledge of the subject and the methodology of teaching the subject, within the framework of the program (programs) in a situation of uncertainty of the conditions of the problem, is able to give relevant examples from real practice.

Diagnostic work: professional task

Steps that will lead to a solution:
1. Formulate the specific problem that you need to solve in this situation.
2. What information and from what sources do you need to collect to solve this problem? What methods will you use for this?
3. Formulate a list of questions to which you need to find answers and suggest specific actions required to carry them out.
4. Offer a solution to the problem in the form of a lesson plan indicating the elements of the subject environment used at each stage of the lesson for each class.
5. Give reasons for the proposed solution.
6. In what other situations is the proposed solution applicable?
7. Indicate what ethical and legal norms of the teacher's professional activity may be violated in the process of implementing your decision.

Examples of situations

The office where you work has the necessary equipment in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of General Education. What elements of the subject environment and how will you use when conducting a generalization lesson in two different classes (for example, in 5 and 10)? How will these lessons be different?

You are the teacher responsible for preparing and conducting the subject week for the basic school students. Suggest interaction options for teachers of different subjects that will help students understand the interconnection of subject knowledge and reveal the value aspect and creativity of subjects.

The results of the first part of the diagnostic work are the basis for the conclusion that the teacher has reached the basic (threshold) level of professional competence.

The minimum required number of points is 13.

When performing the first part of the diagnostic work with a result below 13 points, it is possible to conclude that the level is insufficient for teaching the relevant subject in an educational institution and the need for advanced training in the direction of subject training and basic methodological training.

Approbation procedure. Participant passing the research procedure

In the personal account on the ABBYY Monitoring portal, the participant proceeds to go through each stage of the study:
... Filling out the questionnaire - entering contextual information about yourself
... Testing - performing tasks that imply a short answer in the form of online testing
... Solution of methodological problems
... Solving a professional problem
... Uploading a video of a lesson
... Viewing Results


The first part of the AR is automatically assessed.
... The second part of the DR is assessed by experts based on the proposed criteria.
... The professional task is assessed by experts on the basis of the proposed criteria.
... The video recording of the lesson is evaluated by experts based on the proposed criteria.

In the fall of 2017, testing will take place in 13 regions: the Republic of Adygea, Kabardino-Balkaria, Chechnya, Ingushetia, Tatarstan, Khabarovsk Territory, Leningrad, Kurgan, Tomsk, Moscow, Yaroslavl, Volgograd and Ryazan regions. 2281 teachers of the Russian language and 2263 teachers of mathematics will take part in the approbation.

Comments (56)

    Some sentences need to be edited. For example, "In the office where you work, there is the necessary equipment in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of General Education ?????"

    Community status: User

    On the site: 2 years

    Occupation: High school teacher in

    Region of residence: Rostov region, Russia

    And why not concentrate the titanic efforts of the methodologists on the training of FUTURE teachers, and not arrange exams for those who plow at 2 rates, and even in the absence of the equipment required by the Federal State Educational Standard?

    Community status: User

    On the site: 2 years

    Occupation: Deputy Head of educational organization

    Region of residence: Saint-Petersburg, Russia

    • and it is easier to build existing teachers. Students are not yet amenable to construction, and you and I will resignedly go to these testers and will drink validols and corvalols, but officials will get HUGE pleasure from humiliating the teachers once again

      Community status: User

      On the site: 10 years

      Occupation: Teacher in educational organization

      Region of residence: Amur region, Russia

      that is, one more certification .. only one question arises "Who are the judges?"

      Everyone knows how far from the people are the employees of advanced training institutes and departments and ministries of education ...

      The compilers of the tests are also far away ... Well, you have to invent it - SITUATIONS ... are you more psychologically carried away? Yes, there is no ONE correct decision. Everyone, God forgive me, a psychologist will bend his own line ...

      And finally, when will our officials already understand that it was necessary to TEACH the teachers first? We would conduct courses in these areas and tasks - and only then check. But - no, they must ALWAYS prove - WHAT BAD are our teachers. Indeed, against such a background, it will be easier for them to show themselves as excellent leaders.

      Community status: User

      On the site: 10 years

      Occupation: Teacher in educational organization

      Region of residence: Amur region, Russia

      • Look who will monitor something ... Pay attention to the line of the browser: many of our educational sites (including P / s) with a flag from the puppeteers.

        Community status: User

        On the site: 2 years

        Occupation: High school teacher in educational organization

        Region of residence: —

        Life and pedagogical situations are always ambiguous and there are no absolutely "correct answers". For some reason, I remembered an example when today's pediatricians are surprised to read the "manuals" of pediatricians of the 60s, where moms were strictly forbidden to take a baby in her arms if he was crying in a crib - they say, do not pamper! Now they are proving that, on the contrary, it is necessary to take the child in his arms, carry it in his arms, and the closer contact with the mother, the better for the child.
        Still wondering how much time will be "taken away" for testing? According to the current tests for teachers, it is simply impossible to get an excellent grade, because the answer is given in less than a minute by a computer program. But the question still needs to be read and thought over. Didn't have time to read it - the answer is not automatically counted! We tried to do this already - the teachers received a bunch of dyes simply because they "did not have time" to answer.

        Community status: User

        On the site: 9 years

        Occupation: Teacher in educational organization

        Region of residence

        • And who will pay for the TIME spent by the teacher on this diagnosis ?! 2 hours and again 2 hours, and a day, and from 1 to 5 days and then a video of the lesson. Will this certification be on vacation or on vacation? The rest of the time we must teach children, and not solve dubious properties and incorrectly / at least from those that are published / compiled problems.

          Community status: User

          On the site: 2 years

          Occupation: Teacher in educational organization

          Region of residence: Moscow region, Russia

          How long can you tolerate this? Let it work in peace! Colleagues! Teachers! It's time to get up and stand up for your rights! Where is our union ?! I just want to head a professional strike. They didn’t give salaries in the 90s, and teachers were raised in the regions ... For a week, if all schools in Russia were to be closed, maybe they would have heard us too. It is believed that teachers and doctors cannot go on strike. And, actually, why? Humane professions! And they treat us humanely ??? Writing introspection during certification is one thing, there is even a benefit in it - you rethink your experience. But why should I confirm my diploma issued to me by a state commission? But we will not go to the "exam"! Will you dismiss? Everyone ?! At our doorstep, crowds of people eager to work in it stand at the doorstep of the school ...

          Community status: User

          On the site: 10 years

          Occupation: Teacher in educational organization

          Region of residence: Novosibirsk region, Russia

          • 11 years ago, 11,000 first-graders sat down at their desks. 2 years ago 5500 were "safely" shoved into vocational schools. (The author knows that they have a different name now.)

            This year, 3000 decided not to take the profile exam in mathematics.

            2500 took part. Here are the full score results:

            Score Number of faithful Number of people
            0 0 12
            5 1 10
            9 2 32
            14 3 61
            18 4 112
            23 5 161
            27 6 282
            33 7 278
            39 8 260
            45 9 222
            50 10 225
            55 11 185
            59 12 160
            64 13 131
            68 14 111
            70 15 84
            72 16 67
            74 17 53
            76 18 37
            78 19 13
            80 20 10
            82 21 6
            84 22 6
            86 23 5
            88 24 4
            90 25 2
            94 27 2

            Total number of people: 2531. As we can see, out of 11,000 former first-graders, 19 people more or less mastered mathematics for the Stalinist three.

            Is it humane?

            Community status: User

            On the site: 8 years

            Occupation: Other

            Region of residence

            And what is the reason for such a low result, in your opinion?

            Community status: User

            On the site: 4 years

            Occupation: Teacher in educational organization

            Region of residence: Karelia, Russia

            ////..... And what is the reason for such a low result, in your opinion? ..... /////

            As soon as schools stop giving fake grades, the level of education will jump immediately. Transferring to the next class (in mathematics) without a BASE is a sophisticated mockery of a student. The Comenius principle of "correspondence of teaching to the level of students' knowledge" is violated. The program and the requirements for grades are structured so that it is absolutely natural that 90% (and more) of students drop out of the educational process by the 6-7th grade. Pretending that you are teaching a student when he does not have an appropriate BASE - bullying the student; no more and no less. The student quickly understands this and naturally begins to feel disgust for the educational process.


            Community status: User

            On the site: 8 years

            Occupation: Other

            Region of residence: Vladimir region, Russia

            It seemed to be what it should, but then a huge gap between the declared and the true situation in the school will be revealed. Fearfully! It turns out that more hours are needed for basic subjects, that it is necessary to "sacrifice" a talking shop (all invented courses such as moral development, family studies, ...), that it is necessary to free up physical time for teachers for additional consultations and electives, remove paper verbiage, i.e. That is, to recognize the fallacy of many changes, to recognize that the main job of a teacher is direct teaching, in direct contact with students, that there should be little paperwork - a journal, a plan of educational and educational work, a report at the end of a quarter, semester, year, and that's it. I, as a parent, do not need a portfolio, for example, on which the teacher spends time, sometimes sucking achievements from the finger, I need my child to be able to ask and receive an answer on any incomprehensible moment, to be able to receive additional advice, time for which should be allocated to the teacher initially, as is done at the university. First of all, this is exactly what parents want from the school - to be taught, taught to work, that there is a better upbringing. With the present ministry, this is unattainable.

            Community status: Confidentially

            On the site: 2 years

            Occupation: Confidential

            Region of residence: Confidential

            And this is my fault ?! My colleagues ?! We have a rural school. The parents of most of the students barely finished school themselves. for 150 pupils there are 4 parents with higher education, less than a dozen - with secondary and specialized secondary. Some of the children leave the 9th grade for the NGO system voluntarily. Others, with low results on the OGE, go to grades 10-11 only because their parents do not have the opportunity to send them to colleges. Children do not want to study, parents know and accept it. To all our remarks about studies, the answer is one: "Where am I going to give him / her? I have no money. Let him SIT at school." It's so comfortable to sit at school. Children from 8.00 to 15.30 under the supervision of teachers! So we "evaporate" these would-be disciples. What result can they give on the exam? And they choose specialized and basic mathematics! And what? After all, they do not risk anything!

            Community status: User

            On the site: 10 years

            Occupation: Teacher in educational organization

            Region of residence: Novosibirsk region, Russia

            Community status: User

            On the site: 1 year

            Occupation: Teacher in educational organization

            Region of residence: Moscow region, Russia

            Unfortunately, each teacher understands "work calmly" in his own way. For many, this means imitating activities and giving ratings as they please. If the majority of teachers were conscientious about their work and really were teachers, and not lesson teachers, then nothing of this would be invented. I do not defend the Ministry of Education, but I will not support the desire of teachers, especially the old guard, who dream of returning to the times when the school's performance and their own merits depended on the figures drawn by the teachers themselves, I will not support under any circumstances, since this is the road to nowhere. All over the world, teachers regularly undergo certification and pass a qualifying exam. In the USA, for example, this happens every year, and the wages will depend on the results of certification. Yes, to our teachers
            For the most part, one can only dream of the salary of Western colleagues, but, as practice shows, its increase alone does not lead to a more responsible attitude to work. An example of this is Moscow, where teachers' salaries are 80-150 thousand rubles, but this has not reduced the amount of eyewash and formalism in the capital's schools. Therefore, they try not to teach the graduates of the 9th grade so that they pass the OGE, but tell them when to go to the toilet during the exam, where the tasks solved by the teachers will already lie. I do not understand at all how a teacher can work calmly. With the proper attitude, the teacher is always in a creative search, and the students almost every day throw up tasks that are more complicated than what is offered in the diagnostic work. The teacher is obliged to raise his professional level and show by his own example that you need to study all your life, and not play the role of an omniscient sage who knows everything only because he has a diploma and ... worked for twenty years at school.

            A wonderful welcome! Let's start with doing everything like the United States. We will reduce the daily load on the teacher, remove from him the obligation to write and rewrite programs every year and print them out at our own expense, remove the vast majority of reports and supervisory authorities over schools, create a truly professional, not bureaucratic assessment of the quality of education, equip schools as expected and of the same quality, and not anyhow (with a toilet on the street and stove heating). And we will bring the textbooks to modern requirements and content. After that, you can be certified annually.

            Community status: User

            On the site: 1 year

            Occupation: Teacher in educational organization

            Region of residence: —

            Let's say they copied everything, like theirs: reduced the load, began to pay big money, removed the reporting - how will this change what many teachers cannot teach their subject well, since they themselves do not know it? I doubt very much that even with a huge salary and a small amount of reporting, those who have never done this will work conscientiously.

            Community status: User

            On the site: 1 year

            Occupation: Teacher in educational organization

            Region of residence: Moscow region, Russia

            Has anyone already seen the presentation? On the second slide, there are two photographs with mathematics and Russian. So on the left photo on the blackboard, a lot of mistakes were made: there are no integral signs, cn is written instead of the natural logarithm, in the last expression the brackets are missing altogether. And in general, the school does not study the integration of irrational functions. I feel that nothing good can be expected from all this event, God forbid, that the tasks were without errors and on the topic.
            On the whole, such initiatives do not arouse much enthusiasm, especially when phrases with the adjective "real" are used (real experience, real practice. What other experiences and practices are there?). You can immediately see all this heresy was composed by "real guys". Therefore, I wish the tested ones to be very careful when completing tasks, to find every mistake and present the results of my check to the public. Let the organizers and compilers blush.

            Community status: User

            On the site: 4 years

            Occupation: Teacher in educational organization

            Region of residence: Karelia, Russia

            • I won't be surprised if I see Liza Peskova.

              Community status: User

              On the site: 2 years

              Occupation: High school teacher in educational organization

              Region of residence: —

              I never tire of repeating: what is now happening in education, in the language of Russophobes and liberals, is called undermining, that is, an information war ... It seems that no one in the country is pressed like this as educational workers. This is precisely the information war: to "muck" the teachers, so that they become simply puppet, not at all creative ... All this is done specifically before the elections, so that the teachers are indignant. Someone will receive such money in euros and dollars for organizing this game! All this is far from easy ...

              Community status: User

              On the site: 7 years

              Occupation: Teacher in educational organization

              Region of residence: Rostov region, Russia

              • Indeed, Lyudmila, this is very logical. We humiliate teachers with a beggarly salary, transfer education to the status of a service, increase the number of control and supervisory bodies, incite parents against teachers, our modest, most patriotic, most Russophilic government, and the liberals are to blame for all the troubles of teachers.

                Community status: User

                On the site: 9 years

                Occupation: Journalist

                Region of residence: Moscow, Russia

                If, when I was teaching at the Lyceum, we were expected to have such a "competence assessment", I would have resigned immediately.
                By the way, who are the judges?
                It makes sense to do only one thing: if the teacher's children of MASSOVO do not know the subject (admittedly, this happens, however, rarely), send him and only him to real advanced training courses, where he will be really taught. And not like now: to force everyone, even a completely successful teacher, to sit out the hours that give nothing to this successful one. Because he is able to learn himself and what he really needs.

                Community status: User

                On the site: 11 years

                Occupation: Employee in organizations of higher education

                Region of residence: Rostov region, Russia

                Yes, the education supervising authorities started playing with the idea of ​​SUCH CERTIFICATION of teachers!
                It turns out that our diplomas issued by universities are not evidence of our professional aptitude!
                Who will remain in the profession after such a purgatory? Who will "enter the cage" ?!

                Community status: User

                On the site: 2 years

                Occupation: High school teacher in educational organization

                Region of residence: Russia

                • If our diplomas are worthless, then theirs are even more so. And if for the good, then they first of all need to be certified, at least in order to check whether they correspond to their position.

                  Community status: User

                  On the site: 4 years

                  Occupation: Teacher in educational organization

                  Region of residence: Karelia, Russia

                  Yes, you do not need to certify them. They must be sent to school. To our regular school. To our ordinary children. 90% will fly out in disgrace in six months under the whistle of parents and the hooting of children. We have seen this many times in local examples ..

                  Community status: Confidentially

                  On the site: 13 years

                  Occupation: —

                  Region of residence: —

                  "... will fly out in disgrace in six months ..."? After half an hour!

                  Community status: User

                  On the site: 6 years

                  Occupation: Teacher in educational organization

                  Region of residence: Voronezh region, Russia

                  And let such works be written by those who invented them. And the results will be published here! And we'll see ... Maybe after them and agree to take "this exam"))))

                  Community status: User

In the usual sense, the responsibility of the teacher is limited, most often, by the need to ensure the safety of the health and life of children in the course of pedagogical activity. But there is a different kind of pedagogical responsibility. We are talking about the responsibility of the teacher-educator for the essence and content of education, training and development, and therefore - forgetting the children entrusted to him.



In the usual sense, the responsibility of the teacher is limited, most often, by the need to ensure the safety of the health and life of children in the course of pedagogical activity. But there is a different kind of pedagogical responsibility. We are talking about the responsibility of the teacher-educator for the essence and content of education, training and development, and therefore - for future the children entrusted to him.

A number of professional qualities act as components of the teacher's pedagogical responsibility. These include:

  • professional orientation of the personality;
  • professional ideals, dedication to the chosen profession;
  • organization;
  • initiative;
  • exactingness;
  • Justice;
  • flexibility;
  • intellectual activity;
  • creativity;
  • stability of the nervous system;
  • high emotionally-volitional tone;
  • good performance.

The listed qualities cannot be realized successfully if the teacher does not develop personal and pedagogical qualities:

  • the ability to make educational material accessible;
  • creativity in work;
  • pedagogical and volitional influence on students;
  • the ability to organize a team of students;
  • interest and love for children;
  • richness and brightness of speech, its imagery and persuasiveness;
  • pedagogical tact;
  • the ability to connect the subject with life;
  • observation;
  • pedagogical exactingness.

The teacher is responsible for the ongoing pedagogical activity. Today there is a demand for a teacher who knows how to create pedagogical reality, who understands the meaning of pedagogical activity and who realizes himself as the cause of changes in pedagogical reality, who can foresee the consequences of responsible activity, and find the right solution.

Responsibility of a teacher is a professional and ethical quality, expressed in the ability and willingness to foresee the results of pedagogical activity and to be responsible for it. It should be characteristic of the teacher:

  • possession of the content of academic disciplines;
  • possession of modern theories and technologies of teaching and upbringing;
  • knowledge and real consideration of the factors that ensure the success of pedagogical activity.

Responsibility as a professional and ethical quality of a teacher's personality is developable. This development has its own qualitatively different stages and specific features.

The concept of "teacher's responsibility" is considered as a certain attitude towards reality, as a property or quality of a person, manifested in pedagogical activity. Since responsibility and activity have a direct connection, it is pedagogical activity that becomes the space where this property of the teacher's personality manifests itself.

The professional pedagogical potential of a teacher cannot be formed once and for all. The teacher is responsible for continuous personal and professional growth. This is an essential feature of the teacher's professionalism.
Indicators of the teacher's professionalism can be considered:

  • self-criticism;
  • exactingness to oneself;
  • the need to update the theoretical and practical experience of pedagogical activity;
  • propensity to innovate;
  • research style of activity.

Thus, we can say that the teacher's responsibility is manifested in his character, perception, awareness of reality and in various forms of personality behavior.

The process of developing teacher responsibility in the system is holistic and based on complementarity and continuity in the process of professional development.

The success of the process of development of the teacher's professional responsibility is ensured by the observance of the following conditions: the unity of the formation of the cognitive, emotional and behavioral spheres of the personality's responsibility; the development of self-regulation and reflection in the teacher; the development of the ability to pedagogical goal-setting; the ability to analyze the results of their teaching activities.

The leading pedagogical goal of the teacher is the formation of students' stable interest in education and self-education, the disclosure of the individuality of each student. The effectiveness of pedagogical activity will be determined by how muchformed by the teacher such qualities of the student's personality as responsibility and self-determination in the personal and professional spheres of life. This task is within the power of a teacher who himself possesses these qualities.

The more the teacher is ready to take responsibility, the more responsibility is inherent in him as a personality trait, the more he.

Responsibility asand the characterization of a person includes the habit of approaching any business thoughtfully, carefully and, if he has already undertaken, to bring the matter to the end; the courage to take responsibility, the ability to be responsible for many, many.

A teacher's awareness of the meaning of his own activity is an indicator of the presence of professional goals and values ​​that help him to bear responsibility for the consequences of pedagogical activity.

The more obvious to the teacher the meaning of his pedagogical activity, the more responsible his actions are.

Task 8.

You are the teacher in charge of preparing the subject week for basic school students. Suggest interaction options for teachers of different subjects that will help students understand the interconnection of subject knowledge and reveal the value aspect and creativity of subjects.

The head of the school methodological association of teachers of mathematics, physics and computer science needs to draw up an action plan for the subject week. The purpose of the subject week is not only to strengthen the motivation to study a particular subject, but also to show the connection between the subjects of this cycle.

To find a solution to this problem, you need to answer the following questions:

The question to which you need to find answers to find a solution to the problem

Specific actions to find a solution to this issue

What forms of events are held during subject weeks?

Browsing literature, search engines on various types of non-standard lessons, class hours, subject games, forms of extracurricular activities

What subjects in the cycle require more motivation?

Conversation with subject teachers, students, about various difficulties in the perception of this subject. As well as requirements for the subject and form of presentation of the material

Which of the previously explored event forms for the subject week will help increase interest in the subject?

In accordance with the teaching methodology of the subject, choose more acceptable

What subjects are teachers of the cycle ready to combine in one event?

To study the degree of readiness of teachers for binary activities in a private conversation, or at a meeting of the SHMO

In which classes is it necessary to strengthen interdisciplinary communication?

Determine parallels with unstable motivation to the subjects chosen for unification

Which topics can be used from the selected subjects for the event in this parallel?

Viewing work programs for the subjects selected for unification together with the teachers of this cycle

How to distribute preparation of activities among teachers?

At the meeting of the ShMO, the plan of the subject week is approved and responsibilities for the preparation of events are distributed

Sourse of information

Method of working with this information

Forms of events for conducting subject weeks (non-standard lessons, class hours, subject games, competitions, etc.)

Methodological literature, Internet resources, exchange of experience with colleagues

Reading, taking notes of ideas, grouping different forms

Increasing motivation for the subjects of this cycle. Difficulties in teaching the subject, and the perception of the material on the subject in different parallels

Personal conversation with subject teachers, students of different parallels, questionnaires.

Viewing the literature on the teaching methodology of these subjects. Requirements for the acquired knowledge and skills.

Processing questionnaires, identifying dips that require increased interest in subjects

Experience combining items in various activities

Internet sources, teachers' own experience

Identifying the positive and negative aspects of combined interventions

Choosing a parallel for a joint event (consideration of topics for assignments in compatible subjects)

Work programs on the subjects of this cycle

Selection of possible topics for the tasks of the event

As a result of solving the problem, it was proposed to conduct a physical and mathematical game in the 7th grade.

Event: "Tic-Tac-Toe"

Subject: mathematics, physics

Grade: 7

Target : increasing interest in the study of mathematics and physics, the development of creative activity, cognitive abilities, consolidation of knowledge and skills on the topics covered.

Rules of the game :

The game involves 2 teams: "crosses" and "toes" (who is who is determined by a draw), each team pre-selects a captain;

on the board (or on a slide) - the playing field, in the cells of which the names of 9 contests are written;

the cross-stitch team has the right to choose the first competition;

the host explains the essence of the competition; the team that completed the task faster wins. This team gets the right to put its mark ("cross" or "zero") in the corresponding cell of the playing field and choose the next competition.

The game is won by the team that managed to put three of its marks in a row, or, if none of the teams succeeded, the team with more marks on the field at the time of the end of the game wins.

Playing field

Decoding of competitions:

Mister X

Arrange in order the numbers of the photographs of the scientists in question.

Blaise Pascal

He was unlucky all his life. As a child, an inexplicable illness nearly ended his life. Fate spared him, but not for long. In his youth, a sudden paralysis made him crippled - his legs refused to serve, he could hardly move. Overcoming physical suffering, he worked with perseverance, with an ecstasy characteristic only of a genius thinker.

At the age of 16, Blaise Pascal became no less famous mathematician than his contemporaries such as Fermat and Descartes. At 18, he inventedcalculating machine - the predecessor of the adding machine and the great-grandmother of the computer. The time came when he invaded the area of ​​knowledge in which the great Galileo failed. He began with a discrepancy between the values ​​of the mass of water poured into the vessel with the force with which this mass presses on the bottom. Wanting to get a visual proof of the "hydrostatic paradox", Pascal performs an experiment that has received the name "barrels of Pascal ". As a result of countless experiments, he comes to the discovery of the law that received his name." The pressure applied to the surface of the liquid is transferred to each of its particles without changing its original value. "Subsequently, already relying on the law he discovered, Pascal receives a consequence: a full vessel, closed on all sides, has two holes, one of which is 100 times larger than the other, then by placing a piston corresponding to this hole in each hole, the person pressing the small piston will create a force equal to the force of 100 people pressing on a piston 100 times larger in area. "

Isaac Newton - a talented English physicist, a famous mathematician, a famous astronomer and a genius in mechanics, one of the legendary creators of basic, classical physics, an honorary member, and then president of the Royal Society of London.....

  • It was Newton who divided the rainbow into seven colors. And initially he lost sight of orange and blue, but then equalized the number of shades with the number of basic tones in the musical scale.
  • The great scientist was not afraid to experiment on himself. Proving that a person sees the world around him as a result of light pressure on the retina of the eye, Newton pressed himself on the bottom of the eyeball with a thin probe, almost losing his eye. Fortunately, the eye remained unharmed, and the multi-colored circles, which the physicist saw at the same time, proved his hypothesis.

School textbooks describing the scientific works of the great Russian scientistMikhail Vasilievich Lomonosov(1711-1765), write about his amazing fate: the son of a simple peasant became an academician only because he was striving with all his might for knowledge! .. Lomonosov, Mikhail Vasilyevich - Russian chemist and physicist, encyclopedist, the first Russian natural scientist became known to the whole world. Instrument maker, astronomer, geologist, metallurgist, writer and poet, historian, artist. Professor of Chemistry, Member of the Academy of Sciences and Arts.

Through the mouth of a baby

I have conceived some mathematical concept. I give you hints. The team that guesses it with the least number of clues wins.


less than 1

happens in the score of a football match

is not a natural number

never comes first in an integer record

special rule for division (zero)

Two items

Geometric problem

On the side AD of the triangle ACD point B is marked so that AB = BC = BD, and on the side AC - point E so that lines BE and CD are parallel. In what respect does BE divide the AC side? (Answer 1: 1)


The famous German mathematician David Hilbert was asked about a former student of his.

Oh, this one? ”Hilbert recalled.“ He became a poet. He had too little for mathematics ... (?)

What did this disciple have little? To answer this question, you will have to follow the steps, write down the answers in a line and, ignoring the commas, decipher the answer using the "key".

1. (-15+13,5)∙ 2+4,55=

2. -(3,24-2,14)-(-5,6+1,8)=

3. (5,5-2,25)∙ 4-9,96=

4. (70-100)(-30)+86=

KEY: 1-in; 2-b; 3-a; 4th; 5-o; 6th; 7-p; 8-n; 9-n; 0-k.

(Answer: 1.55 2.7 3.04 986-Imagination)

Who quickly.

Practical work: to assemble an electrical network. The winner is the one at whom the light comes on first.

Find the mistake

Find the error of physical laws in the shown fragment of the cartoon.


Each team must quickly answer 3 questions. The team that gives the most correct answers in the allotted time wins. If the number is equal, then an additional question is asked and the team that gave the answer earlier wins.

Questions to 1 team:

  1. The same number was assigned to a single-digit number. How many times has the number increased? (at 11)
  2. The father of one citizen is named Nikolai Petrovich, and the son of this citizen is named Alexey Vladimirovich. What is the name of the citizen? (Vladimir Nikolayevich).
  3. Is there an even prime number? (yes, 2)

Questions to the 2 team:

  1. How many times is a kilometer longer than a millimeter? (in a million)
  2. A wooden painted cube with a 3cm edge was cut into cubic centimeters. How many cubes are among them, colored on three sides? (8, they are located at the corners of the cube: 4 at the top and 4 at the bottom)
  3. The cost of the book is 25 rubles and half the cost. How much does a book cost? (50 rubles)

Additional questions:

  1. One third of the three second of a certain number is 50. What is this number? (100)
  2. How many times are the stairs on the 7th floor longer than the stairs on the 2nd floor? (3 times)

Secret message

It is necessary to quickly and correctly decipher the statement using the "key"

2.1 1.1 2.5 1.3 2.1 1.1 2.5 1.4 1.5 1.1-

3.2 1.1 2.3 1.4 3.2 1.1

1.2 2.4 1.3 3.3

2.2 1.1 3.1 1.5


(mathematics is the queen of all sciences)


The proposed decision to hold the event in the 7th grade was not chosen by chance, since children first encounter the subject "physics" in this very parallel. At this educational stage, they already have a certain baggage of mathematical knowledge, which they will need to use in the future in the subject of "physics". Also, from the experience of physics teachers, it was found that more than once, it was insufficient mathematical skills that let students down when solving physical problems. Therefore, in the tasks of the mathematical cycle, physical formulas are used, and in the theoretical material the direct connection of these sciences is emphasized. In addition, it is the use of physical formulas and laws that is currently included in the module "Real Mathematics" of the OGE.

The proposed solution can also be used to combine such subjects of this cycle as computer science and mathematics, physics and computer science.

There may be more than one such event within a subject week. From my experience, in this subject week, in addition to this event, there was another one in the combined subjects of physics and computer science.

Teacher actions performed in the process of solving the problem

Ethical norms and / or rights, violation of which prevents the proposed action

Conversation with subject teachers and children to identify difficulties in teaching the subject and its assimilation, as well as questioning

Questions of a personal nature should not be included as in the methodology of teaching the subject. given teachers, and on mastering the subject specific student.

Preparation of a joint event

The shares of use of each combined item in the event must be equal. The superiority of one subject over another should not be emphasized.

I believe that events of this type are combined into one whole educational process. They allow not to divide items into important and unimportant. And also, it promotes the exchange of experience between teachers, the advancement of uniform requirements, at least for the subjects of this cycle, which helps to improve the quality of teaching subjects.

The specificity of teaching subjects also affects the nature of the teacher's work. A distinction should be made between special abilities (for example, in mathematics) and special pedagogical abilities (the ability to teach mathematics). The presence of the former does not necessarily mean the existence of the latter. After all, it is not enough for a teacher to know his academic subject, he must be able to teach children this subject, to induce their cognitive activity. Pedagogical qualification is not so much knowledge of a subject as the ability to develop a student on its material both mentally and morally. Teaching different cycles of academic subjects, requiring special pedagogical abilities, at the same time develops them further. The peculiarity of teachers of various academic subjects lies in the fact that they can develop a special perception of the world around them through the prism of their subject, for example, artistic-figurative or abstract-logical.

Pedagogical activity, communication and the personality of a teacher of the humanitarian cycle are determined by the fact that here the subject of assimilation of schoolchildren is, first of all, another person, his value orientations, real behavior. This requires a language teacher, for example, to have deep psychological competence, since by means of his academic subject he analyzes the inner world of his students. Pedagogical communication is deeply personal,

should be constantly correlated with the analysis of everyday relationships and actions of students in the class.

Similarly, in the course of teaching history, the teacher implements his existing holistic view of the course of development of historical formations, transferring to schoolchildren both an understanding of these general principles and an evaluative attitude towards them.

Since pedagogical communication in the lessons of this cycle becomes biased, this requires a clear designation of the teacher's position, the expression of his personal assessments. Teaching humanitarian subjects creates unlimited opportunities for the teacher to transfer to students the norms and rules of humanistic communication, understanding the value of another person.

A mathematics teacher's pedagogical activity is aimed at developing students' learning activities, thinking and memory, including modeling actions, sign transformations, the ability to work at an abstract level without relying on specific material. The pedagogical communication of teachers in this cycle is mainly businesslike, and sometimes even formalized, since the operation of a mathematical object makes the language of communication clearer and more rigorous. At the same time, teaching mathematics also creates opportunities for cooperation, the organization of pedagogical communication in a democratic style according to the principle: "Let us be colleagues in a joint search for knowledge." The teacher and students have a need to clearly justify their thoughts, to give their evidence a graphical form. In the world of abstractions, emotional assessments are also possible due to the beauty and grace of mathematical solutions. The difficulty of mathematical material sometimes leads to a significant differentiation of students into strong and weak.