Reliable connection – flawless system operation. FAR endings

There was room for three completely different endings. This means that depending on the decisions made at a certain point in the plot, the game can end in completely different ways. In our guide we will tell you about all the endings of the game and tell you how to get each of them. Attention! There are spoilers below, so if you have not yet completed the game and want to find out for yourself what happens in Far Cry 5 before the final credits, we advise you not to read the ending descriptions yet.

First ending

As is the case with Far Cry 4, in the fifth part of the series, it is possible to complete the plot almost at the very beginning of the passage. Getting this ending is very easy. To do this, you don’t even need to kill someone or participate in fights with crazy sectarians.

At the beginning of the game, when main character together with the sheriff and federal marshal will disembark from the helicopter and approach Joseph Seed, in order to arrest him, just wait up to ten minutes, after which the game will end. The sheriff will tell the deputy and marshal that if they want to live, it is better to get away from Joseph Seed and his henchmen. After a few seconds of the cutscene, the end credits will begin.

Second ending

You can get the second ending before the end of the storyline, while completing the quest “Where It All Began.” When Joseph Seed shows us the main character's friends captured by him, he will give him a choice: leave or stay and try to save everyone. If we choose the option to leave, the antagonist will allow us to get away and take several friends with us: Sheriff Whitehorse, Deputy Hudson and Pratt. Before releasing the heroes, Joseph will quote several phrases from the Bible, making it clear to the deputy sheriff that he has forgiven him for killing everyone who was dear to him.

However, the game doesn't end there yet. Getting into the car, the sheriff tells the heroes that he is heading to the authorities so that they call the national guard, who will destroy Joseph and everyone who follows him. Pratt wants no part of this, while Hudson wants to go back and deal with Sid. Before the end credits, the radio plays the song “Only You” by The Platters, after which the protagonist’s eyes begin to darken. Obviously, this ending of the game tells us about not the most pleasant consequences for the characters, because in previous times, when the assistant heard the song “Only You”, he began to kill everyone around him.

Third ending

The third ending can be obtained if you select the “Save” option during the “Where It All Began” quest. After decision taken Joseph Seed will begin to criticize the hero and say that his true sin is pride. After the end of the cut-scene, a shootout will begin, during which the hero must defeat his friends and inflict crushing damage on the main villain.

When Joseph no longer has the strength to resist, they will tie his hands and want to arrest him. However, before leaving Sid's house, the heroes see a nuclear bomb explode in the distance, destroying everything in its path. The characters quickly get into the car and drive away, but in the end the hero loses control and an accident occurs. Joseph pulls the main character out of the car and takes him to the bunker, where he tells him that now he is his family and they will have to live side by side. After this the game ends.

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As you know, Far Cry 4 has several endings. In this article we will tell you about all the endings of the game and how to achieve them. We will try to present the material briefly and without unnecessary unnecessary details.

Ending 1 - Fastest completion of the game

This is the fastest ending you can achieve in the game. The time to achieve it will not exceed 15 minutes and, moreover, does not require any action from you. Just when the initial cutscene is over and the villain Pagan Min leaves, don’t do anything. After 15 minutes of real time, if you did not leave your place, he will return and the game will go in a different direction, which is more composed of cut scenes.

Ending 2 and 3 - Spare or Kill

When you complete all the missions of the Golden Path, you will destroy the statue of Pagan Min and all his guards and make your way to his palace. There you will have the choice to shoot the King of Kyrat or spare him. This changes the ending accordingly.

Ending 4 - "Super Secret Ending"

If in the choice of endings 2.3 you spare Pagan Min, then he, declaring you the king of Kyrat, will try to fly away in a helicopter. All you have to do is blow up the helicopter, for example with a grenade launcher. Not far from the place where you shot down the helicopter, you will find it along with the lifeless body of Pagan Min and a lot of money.

Impact of choice on closing credits

In Far Cry 4, you will choose either Sabal or Amita as the leader of the Golden Path. This choice will affect the game's end credits storyline.

Amita chosen

From the closing credits you will learn that she began to actively recruit people to the Golden Path.

Sabal selected

From the closing credits, when you visit Sabal in the palace, you will learn that he chose the right policy and did everything to make people understand their mistakes.

Our long story has come to an end. All of Joseph's relatives are dead due to our efforts, and he deigned to invite us to a rendezvous. To where it all began - to the very church where our hero tried to arrest him at the beginning of the game.

Everything didn’t go according to plan and it took a little longer, it’s time for... finals. Actually, our goal is the church on the island of Joseph, we are heading there. Joseph himself and the surprise he has prepared will be waiting for us there.

He will say that his brothers and sister became martyrs thanks to us. And in return, our loved ones will also become martyrs. As it turned out, all our friends from Hope County were influenced by “whims” and now they are on the Father’s side. They hold the sheriff, Hudson and Pratt at gunpoint.

Joseph again starts a hurdy-gurdy about how much guilt lies on the shoulders of the main character. Friends were captured and tortured - our fault. Many innocent people died - our fault. Even the fact that the world is on the brink of destruction is also our fault. Nevertheless, in the face of God, Sid offers us a choice, on which, in fact, will depend on how our story ends and what Far Cry 5 ending We'll see.

So, before us are two paths, two endings to the long and bloody story about the “Gates of Eden” sect. We can take our friends and leave Hope County in peace, or we can stay and finish what once began in this very place.

Far Cry 5. Final One

Perhaps the most obvious choice is to stay. After all, if we wanted to escape, there was plenty of time and opportunity to do so. Joseph says that John was mistaken, and our sin is not anger but pride. It would be better for the whole world to burn than for our hero to step over himself. But even now all this pretentious chatter looks like nothing more than nonsense. In general, it doesn’t matter, Sid knocks over the barrels of “whims” and everything plunges into the fog we are familiar with.

Apparently the crap worked on our friends too. Joseph and our colleagues will kill the main character, and we will kill him. But the main task now is to bring friends to their senses. And it’s very simple to do this, we shoot at them until they are near death, and then we heal. In this strange and simple way they “bring to life” in Hope County.

As soon as all three are already on our side, the second wave of madness will begin. This time, everyone we had to deal with - Pastor Jerome, Nick Rye, Jess Black and the rest, under the influence of "whiz" will enter into battle with us. The task remains the same - we shoot back and bring our comrades to their senses, this time we need to “pump out” four.

Having finished, we fight with the Father. After his short speech, more familiar characters appear. All those who fought against the monstrous sect are now on the side of “Father.” We repeat the procedure. When finally all 12 characters are on our side, all that remains is to finish off Joseph. We find him and shoot. And now he is already crawling on his knees, it would seem the end, but then he begins to sing, the animals and birds in the area are alarmed. Another moment - and we see a nuclear explosion, this time a real one, and not the hallucination that Joseph once showed the main character under the “whim”...

We don't have time to think, we get into the car and rush to Dutch's bunker. When we are very close, a tree will fall on the car and we will lose consciousness, like our passengers, all except Joseph. This scumbag, handcuffed us to the bed, locked himself in the bunker, probably killing Dutch before that. Anyway, this guy is not part of Father's plans.

Now there is only Joseph and our hero. A father and his child, well, Sid himself thinks so. He talks about the collapse and how he was right all along. And he seems to like it all. We are left alone with a psychopath in a locked bunker, while every living thing outside is dying. It all ends on such an unexpected note...

Far Cry 5. Final two

Well, if we choose the option of leaving, Joseph will bless us and let us go. Everyone seems happy to get away from here as quickly as possible, except for Hudson. Only she is trying to dissuade us and end the sect. But they don't listen to her. The sheriff tells her, “Sometimes it’s smarter to leave things as they are.”

Joseph Seed told us the same thing at the very beginning, but you must admit, after what we managed to do here, it’s strange to “leave everything as it is.” However, our friendly company gets into the car and sets off.

After a short silence, Hudson asks the sheriff what the hell is this, why did we abandon people? To which he replies that we are going to Missoula, and there, with the support of the National Guard, we will return and destroy everything here to hell. Not a bad plan, but it's not destined to come true.

To defuse the situation a little, the sheriff turns on the radio and a painfully familiar song to our hero is playing - Only You. This is where it all ends...

Far Cry 5 Secret Ending

But in fact, there is a third, rather quick ending, which is considered secret - a funny surprise for those who went to pour some tea during a short pause in the conversation while the video is playing :) But this ending will not give anything except that you will close game ten minutes after it started.

Having arrived with the sheriff to arrest Joseph at the beginning of the story, you can listen to his speech that it is better to “leave everything as it is” and simply do nothing. After some time, the sheriff will sigh and suggest we get out of here, since we don’t want to get involved in local affairs. The marshal is against such a blatant violation of instructions from above, but the sheriff makes the decisions. Actually, this is where the game ends.

Beware, if you stumbled upon this article by accident, please note that it contains spoilers!

If you've just finished playing through the game, you probably might need some clarification. All three possible final results for Hope County are vague and almost certainly not what you'd expect. If you're disappointed in all three endings of Far Cry 5, don't worry, I was too. Nevertheless, in order to at least somehow console you, we will consider in detail the remaining questions you have.

Good ending

I would refrain from such dialogue, but alas, this is the best of the three endings. Once you go to Eden's Gate, after defeating the three siblings from the Seed family, you will have to go to the same church that we saw at the beginning of the game. You need to try to arrest Joseph. After a long monologue, he will give you the same choice as at the beginning of the game, resist or leave. If you decide to resist, prepare for a serious fight. Each of your allies that you have met throughout the game will be against you. The goal is to stop them. After this, they will trust you again and turn their guns on the Seeds. Your former buddies will appear in waves, and eventually only 12 of them will return to you. After this, you must fight Joseph himself.

He's not that hard to kill, and if he manages to kill you, one of your allies will revive you. Later, as you and your friends surround him and the Whitehorse Sheriff arrests him, you will be blinded by a bright flash for a few seconds. In the distance, in the mountains, a distinct “mushroom” from a nuclear explosion will be visible. The sheriff, two deputies, and you race to the nearest truck and try to head into the bunker. On the way to the shelter, several more explosions occur, and chaos begins in Hope. Several cutscenes in which the main character dodges falling trees, exploding cars, but still, one tree falls on the car and throws you out. When you wake up, you will see that Joseph has dragged you into the bunker, killing everyone. Instead of killing, he raves about how right he is. He says that he should kill you for what you did, but instead he makes you his "son" and claims that you are his new "herd". He then leans back in his chair and stares at you creepily until the screen goes black.

Bad ending

When we have the opportunity to resist or flee, when you kill his people, you can save Sherriff and the two deputies and then just retreat. If you choose this option, the "Father" with a serene look on his face will touch your head with forgiveness. When he does this, you will see a brief flash of light. A few dialogues with the sheriff and you find yourself in the truck, promising to return with help. It would seem that everything is not so bad, but the edges of the screen begin to turn red, and the sheriff only manages to ask about his well-being, after which the screen turns black. This means your character has died.

Middle ending

You can finish Far Cry 5 before Joseph's arrest begins. When you reach the church, you will be asked to arrest the Father. If you simply ignore the message, the sheriff will assume it's all over. After this the game will be over.

If you've just finished playing the game, you might need some clarification...

As in Far Cry 4, at the end of the fifth part you return to the very beginning of the game - the church where your adventure began. And again you meet face to face with Shepherd Yosif. Only this time the conditions are even more unequal than at the beginning: Yosif and his retinue of sectarians took the protagonist’s friends hostage and offers a choice - you leave in peace or give last Stand sectarians.

If you choose the second option, the pastor knocks over the barrels of the intoxicating substance “Blazh” and a long battle begins in a state of drug trip. Everything is simple in the best traditions of the series. When the battle ends and Yosif is handcuffed, it’s time for a happy ending, but, unfortunately, this is not a Hollywood action movie, but Far Cry 5. The leader of the sectarians begins another monologue about the inevitable Apocalypse, and what a surprise, this time he really right!

A nuclear warhead explodes in the background and the main characters quickly run away from the shock wave. It is likely that the cult leader independently planned the Apocalypse, and the player's intervention forced him to detonate the warheads ahead of time.


The ending of Far Cry 5, where we agree to leave in peace, is not a bad ending, but an alternative ending. After all, nuclear Armageddon has not happened yet, and the protagonist’s comrades remained unharmed, but not everything is so simple. When the player agrees to leave the sectarians alone, the leader of the fanatics touches the forehead of the main character, after which a flash of light illuminates the screen.

Together with my friends, we get into the car and leave the town of Hope as quickly as possible. Thank God the horrors are over! We rejoice early because the pastor left his “mark” on the player as he said goodbye. It is unknown whether the policeman succumbed to the pastor’s hypnosis, or suffered mental confusion due to prolonged exposure to the barrels where the “Blazh” was located. But after a short trip, the entire screen is covered with a bloody veil and the credits suddenly begin.

The developers put a filigree ellipsis in this ending of Far Cry 5: perhaps the player lost consciousness from fatigue, or perhaps he killed all his comrades and returned to the shepherd, as hinted at by the song “Only You” that plays in the credits. Here everyone will decide for themselves.


The requirements for the secret ending in Far Cry 5 are quite simple: at the beginning of the game, you can either handcuff Yosif, or refuse to do so and just wait a couple of minutes. In the second case, the sectarians let you go in peace. Perhaps it is the secret ending that can be called the best. Here, at least the player and his friends were not harmed, but in any case it will not be possible to defeat the fanatics of “New Eden,” as we already understood from other endings of the game.