Visual aids for speech development games. Board games for speech development for preschoolers

Didactic games are a type of games for the purpose of teaching and raising children. Didactic games were specially created by teachers to teach children. They are aimed at solving specific problems of teaching children, but at the same time, they demonstrate the educational and developmental influence of gaming activities. This is one of the methods of active learning for preschoolers and elementary school students, and this is no coincidence. A child will not sit and listen to a boring lecture or report; he will not remember anything, because he is not interested in it. The child loves to play. Therefore, pedagogy has combined business with pleasure; by playing didactic games, the child learns without even knowing it. He's interested. He remembers. We offer many educational games on completely different topics to educators and primary school teachers, as well as parents on the 7guru website.

  • Lotto game "Guess the animal"

    Lotto game, can be played by 4 people. Print out 4 playing fields with representatives of the living world and empty cells. Cut pictures with animal parts and descriptions along the lines. We play the lotto that is already familiar to our readers. The presenter shows the picture. The player takes it if the picture matches the animals on his card.

  • Game "Talking Words"

    A game for children who already know how to read. In the game, the child will learn to form words from two stems. He will learn to guess what the meaning of such words might be. This will develop coherent speech, expand your vocabulary and strengthen reading skills.

  • Lotto game "My apartment"

    For some reason, the topic of naming rooms in an apartment often eludes the attention of parents and even teachers, and the child cannot name them correctly before school. Let's pay a little attention to this topic, study the names of the rooms with the children and select suitable furniture and other things for them.

  • Game "Whose ears?"

    Does your baby know animals well? How well does he know the details of their appearance? Invite him to find which ears come from which animal. The game develops attention and logic. Even if you don’t know exactly whose ears it is, you can try them on and guess whether they suit the animal or not.

  • Game "Good or bad?" in pictures

    Game "Good or bad?" reproduces several frequently encountered life situations. While playing, we will find out the child’s attitude to such situations and, if necessary, immediately correct it. At the same time we will develop memory, attention and speech. The game is suitable for children 5-7 years old.

  • Game "Remember the Shapes"

    The game "Remember the Shapes" is used to develop memory and attention. Invite your child to memorize a sequence of geometric shapes, and then ask them to reproduce it on blank cards.

  • Game "Fix the toy"

    Show your child pictures of toys and ask him to look at and name them. Then ask if the child noticed what happened to the toys. The kid will answer that the toys are broken. Talk about how bad it is to break toys. Ask your child to answer the questions.

  • Game "Carlson Away" for speech development

    This didactic game combines many games for the development of preschoolers' speech. In it, the child will get acquainted with adjectives that describe objects and learn how to correctly form the endings of adjectives depending on the noun to which it refers. Imagine that Karlsno came to visit us. He has a great sweet tooth and we need to treat him to something tasty.

  • Game "Make sequences"

    This exciting game develops logical thinking and coherent speech. Start by printing and cutting up the cards. And then invite your child to arrange the pictures, marked with a circle of the same color, in a certain sequence.

  • Game "Find a semantic pair"

    A game for developing attention, logical thinking, visual memory and perseverance. Print and cut the cards. Invite your child to choose cards that match each other in meaning.

  • One of the topics that is studied in kindergarten is transport, what kind of transport there is. And in this didactic game, we will not only teach the children the names of various types of transport, but also think about who can ride it, and this requires not only knowledge, but also logic. There are several educational games based on the same lotto cards.

  • Didactic game "Little Tooth"

    A game for preschoolers that will help them figure out what is good and what is bad for their teeth, and will teach them how to care for their teeth and strengthen them. The game not only forms in children a conscious attitude towards their health, but also develops attention, broadens their horizons and vocabulary.

  • Game "What is where?"

    Children's game lotto. Download and print the game cards on a color printer. Cut the cut cards. The child is asked to find objects on the playing fields and tell where they are relative to others.

  • Lotto game "Transport"

    Almost every day a child encounters different types of transport, but at the same time it is difficult for children to say whether it is land transport, air transport, or maybe water transport. This didactic game will teach you how to classify vehicles, and will also promote the development of speech and logical thinking.

  • The game expands children's knowledge about animals and their homes. The set includes cut-out cards with images of animals and houses, which the child is asked to combine and name who lives where.

  • Place the gifts in boxes. Didactic game

    A didactic game for preschool children in which you need to arrange gifts into boxes in accordance with the silhouettes on the packages.

  • The game contains 4 pictures depicting the seasons, and cut cards with signs of the seasons. We download and cut the cut ones. The child is asked to sort the signs of spring, summer, autumn and winter into places. To add variety to the game, you can print out any pictures that are somehow related to the seasons and use them in the game.

  • Getting ready for a walk, dressing for the season. Didactic game

    To avoid catching a cold or overheating, you need to dress properly. Dress for the weather. Of course, when dressing your baby for a walk, you say what time of year it is outside, what the weather is like and what to wear. And to consolidate this knowledge, you can play this game.

  • Cleaning the room: arrange it on the shelves. Didactic game

    In fact, this is the same didactic game “Name it in one word,” but in a slightly more complicated version. The child is required not only to name a group of similar objects (primarily by purpose), but also to collect the disparate objects into a group from the pictures and arrange them on the right shelves.

  • Goal: Differentiation and automation of sounds in words.

    Material: plot picture with 2 hedgehogs holding umbrella handles (without top); top of umbrellas with pictures of differentiable sounds.

    Progress of the game: the child is asked to: select umbrellas with one sound for one hedgehog, and umbrellas for the other with another sound (the umbrellas are laid out mixed up on the table).

  • Read by first letters is a very fun and entertaining game for children aged 5-6 years, which also develops reading skills. These are the simplest puzzles. A series of pictures are given. We name each picture, highlight which letter the name begins with, and assemble a word from these letters, putting them in order from left to right.

  • Game "He, She, It" for children

    The game “HE – SHE – IT” is a useful example of didactic games for speech development that help improve the sound culture of speech, the development of fine motor skills, as well as the development of logical thinking and the ability to formulate an explanation for one’s choice. The rules of the game consist in the participants correctly selecting cards with images of characters and objects, the names of which must be ordered in accordance with masculine, feminine, neuter genders. Cards are placed on a special field, separate for each type. After finishing sorting the cards by gender, the children must explain their choice.

  • The game will help develop children's visual memory. Print out the cards, each with several outlines of different objects drawn on them. Invite your child to follow the contours with his eyes and determine what objects are shown in the picture.

  • Lotto for children "Fun Chefs"

    Children's lotto on the theme of cooking is perfect as an educational game for preschool children. We play like a regular lotto, and at this time the child, without knowing it, develops attention and acquires new knowledge about the names of certain ingredients and dishes. Or maybe your child will be interested in how to cook such dishes and become a great chef in the future :)

  • Labor education is the process of organizing and stimulating the work activity of children, developing their labor skills and abilities, instilling a conscientious attitude towards their work, stimulating creativity, initiative and the desire to achieve better results. The labor education of a child begins with the formation in the family and kindergarten of elementary ideas about labor responsibilities. And we begin to form these ideas in the child, of course, through play. It is precisely these educational games that we present to you on this page.

  • Didactic game for children "Who do we see in the windows"

    While playing, a child not only learns about the world, but also learns to speak correctly. And an adult will help teach this. Purpose of the game: Differentiation and automation of sounds in words Material: multi-story cardboard house with cut out windows; Cardboard cards the size of windows with subject pictures on one side and painted blue on the other.

  • Game "What's missing?" (cards)

    When entering school, the psychologist will definitely give the child the following task - to find the missing object in the picture and place it in an empty cell, that is, to find what is missing in this empty cell. The task is simple, even simpler than the game “Find the odd one out”, in which you need to know the general names of groups of objects (common nouns), if you understand the logic. In each row or column there should be a certain sequence of pictures. The next drawing is placed in accordance with this sequence. But the simplest cards for the game “What’s missing?” made on the principle that in each row there is a certain set of things, and in the last one one of them is missing. Shall we play with the children?

  • Tell a story using pictures. Mnemonic tables for preschool children

    It is important to pay timely attention to the development of a child’s speech, in particular, to teach him to talk about something, that is, to compose a coherent story. It’s better to start with something familiar, for example, with fairy tales that parents have read to the child more than once and, perhaps, the child even knows them by heart. We bring to your attention cards with illustrations of popular children's fairy tales, which you can use to play with your child. At 3 years old, your child can print these cards or simply show them on the screen. No need to cut. Tell a fairy tale, be sure to show with your finger all the events in the drawings.

  • About wild animals for children + mnemonic tables of who lives where and what they eat

    What should a preschooler know about animals? Firstly, is it a wild or domestic animal, an animal of the forest, the north or Africa, that is, its habitat. Secondly, what kind of “house” does the animal live in if it is wild: it could be a hole, a den, a hollow, or the animal does not make a home for itself at all. Thirdly, what does this animal eat? A captivating story is what you need. And be sure to accompany this story about animals with pictures, because we know that visual memory is very helpful in a preschooler’s learning. Let's talk with the child about wild animals and show the cards, so the kids will become more interested in the topic and remember all the details.

  • Game "The Fourth Wheel. Back to School Soon"

    Children in the senior group of kindergarten already understand very well what school is and that they will have to learn to write and read in it. But, unfortunately, not all school supplies are familiar to children. The game fourth odd will help not only introduce children to various school supplies, but also develop logical thinking and attentiveness. To play, you need to print the images. We cut each sheet into 4 cards. We ask the child: “What is extra in the row? Why? What are the other objects for? What are they called?” We hope you find the game useful.

  • Game "My, my, mine, mine"

    It’s funny to hear kids say “my dad” or “my ball,” but this ceases to be funny by the age of four or five, when the child must figure out which words to use moi and which moi. A didactic game will help teach this to a preschooler. You need to print the cards. Cut the cut pictures accordingly. The child will take squares with objects and put them on the corresponding card in a square white window. Be sure to say at the same time, for example: “my fish.”

  • In order for a child to grow up attentive and so that disorders associated with attention and the ability to concentrate are not discovered at school, it is necessary to work with the child from a young age, and not wait until he is 3-5 years old. As early as one year old, you can offer your child the following game: find all the birds or all the bunnies in the pictures. The game improves the player's concentration, since he needs not only to find all the necessary objects, but also to remember which ones the baby has already shown and which ones he has not yet shown.

  • The purpose of these didactic games is to help adults - parents or educators - to prepare the child for school education, to develop his memory, attention, and thinking. On each page, the child is asked to complete a task; the tasks are designed for children of 4,5,6 years of age (preschoolers). We hope that these entertaining brain teasers will help your baby become more attentive and smart.

  • What did the artist get wrong? Didactic game for children

    One of the important skills of a person that lasts throughout his life and helps in many life situations is the ability to think logically and draw conclusions. It is this skill, as well as observation and speech, that we will develop in a preschooler in the game “What did the artist mix up?” While practicing, the child will develop visual perception, memory, and coherent speech. The game consists of cards with pictures - fables.

  • First, tell your child what a shadow is and when it happens. When any non-transparent object is placed under a light source, it casts a shadow. Show with an example: turn on the lamp and place any toy under it. Why is this happening? An object blocks the light and therefore it is dark behind it, this is a shadow. Then print and cut the cards to play with your child. For each color picture you need to match it - a shadow with the same silhouette.

  • If the parent himself does not tell the child in time what such and such is made of, the child himself will sooner or later begin to ask them this question. It is perfectly! There is a reason to discuss what is made of what. There are so many substances and such a variety of materials around us that an adult can become at a loss for explanations. We will help you.

  • Not every adult understands sports and knows all sports well, can name Olympic sports, or knows the names of famous athletes. And what can we say about children? We will correct this annoying misunderstanding. We present to your attention pictures with different sports, these cards are a combination of a cartoon character and photographs of how it all happens in life. The pictures are bright and beautiful; the child should not get bored with them.

  • Children are invited to play the didactic game “logical chains”. You need to make cards in the correct sequence of actions. The cards are cut, you need to download them, print them, cut them along the dotted lines and play with your child. You can play online with kids 2-3 years old, then the child will simply point his finger on the screen, and you will explain why this picture is the first, the second behind it, and so on.

  • Game "Search for objects in the picture" for children. Developing memory

    We continue to develop the memory of our kids in the game. This time we present to your attention a hidden object game. You are encouraged to print and cut the cards. In a large picture, the child will look for those objects that are depicted on small cards and put them in place, as in lotto. If you can’t print it, you can play this game online; your baby will simply find the necessary items and show you on the screen with his finger.

  • Game "Find the Differences" for the little ones, in pictures

    Attention sometimes fails many children and even adults, so it needs to be developed from early childhood. Already at 2 years old, the child should be able to understand the concepts DIFFERENT and SAME, be able to find differences in pictures and name them. Of course, the baby won’t find 10 small differences, and he shouldn’t! One major difference is enough. We learn the concepts different - the same from pictures; they are designed specifically for children and contain only one difference, which the child must notice for at least 10 seconds. And then it will be even faster, you will see how the baby happily points his finger at the picture immediately after your request to find the differences.

  • Educational cards for children "Where are whose kids?" (learning the names of baby animals)

    The child has to learn even the simplest things, a lot needs to be understood and remembered, and parents and educators are obliged to help the child in this difficult process by teaching him in a playful way. The topic of our game today: “Where are whose kids?” You need to print cards with pictures of animals, mothers and their babies. Cards are cut along the dotted lines. The goal of the game is to match the picture to the adult animal with its baby and kids. The child selects, and the adult voices the name of the animal and its baby.

  • In life, everything has its opposite: summer turns into winter, heat turns into frost, day turns into night, joy turns into sadness and vice versa. To make it easier for a child to express in words what he thinks, what he sees and what he feels, we will help him understand these opposites. Cards with pictures will help us with this. They can be downloaded, printed and displayed or played with to make learning fun and hassle-free.

  • Cards with pictures are very often used in teaching preschoolers, and mathematics is no exception. As a rule, the number on them is accompanied by images of objects in the same quantity. This makes it easier for the child to remember the number itself - he will count the pictures and associate their number with it. On this page you can download and print beautiful cards with numbers and numbers from 0 to 10.

  • The sooner you start playing smart games with your child, the more successful his education in the stake will be, the broader his horizons and understanding of all things and events will be. It seems like why does a small child need to learn the names of shapes? And then, they surround us almost everywhere. Look at the house - it is square, and the roof is a triangle. The round sun and the round moon are our faithful companions every day. The pyramid looks like a triangle, and the breakfast egg looks a little like an oval. Studying shapes with your baby broadens his horizons. And to help mother and teacher - our teaching materials, cards, pictures.

  • Learning colors: educational games for little ones

    The child perceives different colors, already opening his eyes for the first time, and sees the world in colors. But what are all these paints called? There are so many of them and it seems that you can’t remember all the names... How to teach a child to distinguish colors and learn their names? This is discussed in detail in our article.

  • One of the tasks that seems quite difficult at first glance for a four- or five-year-old child is the task of finding the missing figure in a certain pattern. But if you practice a little, the child will be able to easily identify the pattern, and, therefore, will easily select the missing figure. A six-year-old child should be able to complete this task in a few seconds.

  • It is very important for the successful education of a child to give him generalizing concepts in the early stages, in other words, “how to name a group of objects in one word.” It is important not so much for the child himself - he will understand these concepts through life experience, but for his admission to school - this knowledge is carefully checked by a psychologist and based on its presence or absence, teachers judge the development of your child. So let’s not lose face and learn all these concepts.

  • Do-it-yourself tangram (game patterns, figures)

    Tangram is an ancient oriental puzzle made from figures obtained by cutting a square into 7 parts in a special way: 2 large triangles, one medium one, 2 small triangles, a square and a parallelogram. As a result of folding these parts together, flat figures are obtained, the contours of which resemble all kinds of objects, from humans, animals to tools and household items. These types of puzzles are often called "geometric puzzles", "cardboard puzzles" or "cut puzzles".

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Board games for speech development for preschoolers: modern, exciting printed board games and cards for activities with children in kindergarten, children's center and in the family.

Board games for speech development for preschoolers

Board games are always loved by children, interesting to them, and useful. There are many board speech games - various “walkers”, dominoes, lotto, and various sound tracks, cubes with symbols. These are games for the development of vocabulary, coherent speech, phonemic perception, grammatical structure of a child’s speech, imagination and thinking, attention and perception.

Modern board speech games for children are very different from their predecessors in their entertaining form of presenting material, interactivity, versatility, and quality of printing and cardboard. They combine clearly thought-out game content, a convenient card format, and print quality. The cards are made from special durable paper that can withstand the pressure of curious children's hands and is resistant to abrasion. The cards are dense and at the same time light, do not tear, do not get dirty, they are comfortable to hold in your hands, they have a child-safe shape without sharp corners.

In this article I want to introduce you to new products - modern board speech games for preschoolers, developed by specialist teachers and published by Mersibo.

Section 1. Board games for the development of phonemic awareness of a preschool child

Speech game 1. Star from the sky

Children's age:“Star from the Sky” is a fun game to develop speech for children aged 4 years and older.

Why this game is useful: The game develops children's phonemic awareness, teaches them to distinguish between sounds s and z, helps automate the correct pronunciation of these sounds in words, teaches them to compose sentences with given words, develops memory, and teaches them to describe pictures.

Where can you use this game: The game can be used in developmental classes with children at home, in a children's center, with teachers in a kindergarten, as well as in classes of a speech pathologist.

How many children can play the game: from one to four children at a time.

The game set includes: laces (4 laces and 4 fasteners) and cards with stars (32 pictures - stars with words with the sounds S and Z, made of very thick high-quality cardboard).

How to play the game: three variants of the board game “Star from the Sky”

Option 1.

  • Players determine which of them will catch stars with the sound s, and who will catch stars with the sound z.
  • Next, one by one, players take a star, turn it over and name the picture. If the picture is named correctly, then the player strings it on his string. He caught a star from the sky!
  • The game ends when the children have all the stars.

Option 2.

  • The presenter takes the star and does not show the children his picture. He describes what is drawn in his picture. Children guess. If the child guesses right, he takes this star for himself and strings it on his cord.
  • Whoever collected the most stars (or whose team guessed more - collected the stars) won the game today.

Option 3.

  • Children make up a sentence with the word shown in the picture of the star. If the child's proposal is accepted by the players, then he strings the star on a cord. If it is not accepted, then he comes up with another proposal or clarifies the first one.
  • At the end of the game, players look at each other's stars and remember who named which sentence.

Speech game 2. Ram or roach

In this game we will go fishing with the children and catch fish. But our fish will be unusual. On the back of the fish cards there are pictures of words with the sounds R or L.

The game set includes: 32 fish with pictures for the sound R or sound L, 4 laces and 4 clamps.

How many players can play the game at the same time: from 1 to 4 children.

This game is built on the same principle as the game “Star from the Sky”, but is aimed at consolidating the correct pronunciation of the sounds R and L in words and phrases. It develops the child’s memory, attention, phonemic hearing, and the ability to compose sentences.

Game options the same as in the previous board game for children:

Option 1. Children catch fish with their strings. Someone catches “ram” and other pictures - fish with the sound R, and names what is drawn on the fish he caught. And someone catches “roach” and other pictures with the sound L. The game ends when all the fish are caught. Which fisherman had luck fishing today? 🙂

Option 2. The game leader (at first an adult) catches a fish, but does not show the picture to the children. He describes it, and the children guess what kind of picture the fish brought him. Whoever guessed right takes this fish and strings it on his own string. The fisherman who has the most “catch” in this board game wins.

Option 3. Players make sentences with words. And at the end of the game they remember who came up with what proposal.

Section 2. Cards on articulation gymnastics for preschool children

Set “Articulation gymnastics in pictures and rhymes” for classes with children

The conveniently sized set (fits in the palm of an adult) includes 27 high-quality cards.

How the cards are printed:

  • On one side of the card there is a picture for the child (pancake, cook, etc.).

  • On the other side of each card is the name of the exercise, its description and a rhyme.

The kit included 27 basic speech therapy articulation exercises: snake, shovel, swing, turkey, fence, breeze, drum, smile, hamster and others.

Cards can be used speech therapists, educators, tutors and nannies, teachers of children's centers and parents.

The cards are made on very high quality thick paper and will withstand many years of use. They do not take up much space and are convenient to store or take with you.

Section 3. Speech therapy game tasks in pictures

3. 1. Taratorki on the hill: cards with speech therapy tasks in pictures for children

The set includes 27 tasks in pictures for children to automate the correct pronunciation of the sound R. To consolidate the correct pronunciation of the sound in a child’s speech, it is necessary to repeat words and phrases with this sound multiple times. With interesting tasks that force the child not to answer mechanically, but to think, compare, choose, it is much more interesting to develop speech!

This set can be used by speech therapists, kindergarten teachers, and children's center teachers. Parents can also work with him on assignments from a speech therapist.

The set includes a wide variety of speech activities for children. For example:

  • pronounce the words affectionately, loudly - quietly,
  • find an error in a sentence and correct it,
  • replace the first sound in a word like this. to make a new word,
  • repeat the tongue twister and the tongue twister,
  • name which animal has horns, what a pizza chef needs, name musical instruments,
  • say the opposite (antonyms),
  • name what is drawn and determine the place of the sound R in these words,
  • perform a movement
  • count the objects in the picture.

3.2. Squirrels - balabolki: cards with speech therapy tasks in pictures for children

This is a set of the same series, but dedicated to words with the sound L. It consists of 27 cards with different tasks with words that contain the sound L. For example:

  • name the words and determine what is superfluous here,
  • answer the question based on the picture - “Who does the husky bark at?” “Who won’t you meet in the fairy tale Kolobok?”, “Who is on the bench, and who is under the bench?”
  • pronounce a tongue twister and tongue twister,
  • name the halves
  • show movements,
  • say by example
  • find the same syllable in a chain of words and many other tasks.

Section 4. Speech therapy sets of cards for games and activities with preschoolers

These cards are intended for use by teachers to examine and develop the speech of preschool children.

4. 1. Listen, name: a set of cards in pictures for the examination and development of a child’s phonemic hearing

The kit included 27 cards for examining phonemic hearing, developing auditory attention, analyzing the sound composition of words, developing phonemic perception.

Examples of cards: mouse - bear, soup - tooth, husky - bench, pipe - booth, knife - nose, beetle - bough, fishing rod - duck and others.

4. 2. What comes first: compiling a story based on a series of plot pictures

The set for the development of coherent speech in children includes 27 pictures (9 series of pictures). The child looks at the pictures, puts them in the correct sequence and makes up a story.

The kit can be used in examining the speech of children, in individual lessons for a child with a speech therapist, in playful speech exercises with a series of pictures.

4. 3. Runs and lies: a set of pictures to activate the child’s verbal dictionary

This is a set of pictures to activate the verb dictionary. It is intended for individual lessons of a speech therapist - defectologist with a child with hearing and speech impairments of varying degrees. The set can also be used by kindergarten teachers and children's center teachers for individual lessons with children.

The set includes 27 pictures. This:

  • pairs of pictures: girl sings - bird sings, mother sits - dog sits, duck swims - man swims, boy washes himself - cat washes himself, kangaroo jumps - girl jumps, boy plays - kitten plays, boy sleeps - cat sleeps, boy runs - cheetah runs .
  • pictures with actions characteristic only of humans a: mom waters the flowers, the girl combs her hair, mom vacuums, dad writes and others.

Where are these board games and cards for children's speech development "Mersibo" sold?

You can purchase all these board games and cards on the website of the game developers - the Mersibo team.

More board speech games for preschool children

Interesting and very original and high-quality board speech games are also produced by the Rebus Center for Education and Creative Development (the head of the center is Tatyana Barchan). In the article you will find three more board games developed by Tatyana for the development of speech in preschool children: “Not just a cat’s house”, “Where is the mouse”, “Where is my tail”.

You will learn how to make board speech games for children with your own hands from the articles on the “Native Path” website:

Didactic manual for speech development “Sound Clock” Description: Didactic manual for developing the sound culture of speech “Sound Clock” is intended for children 5-7 years old. Using the manual, you can solve a number of problems: reinforce correct sound pronunciation, develop phonemic awareness, select words that sound similar, determine the presence of a given sound in a word, and others. This material will be useful to speech therapists, preschool teachers, as well as parents. The manual is designed for individual and subgroup work with preschool children. Target. Education of sound culture of speech. Game material. 1. Draw a clock dial, divided into two halves (yellow and green). Along the edge of the dial in the upper and lower parts we glue the same number of circles (five each). We laminate with transparent self-adhesive. 2. Attach a double arrow in the center of the layout. Using double-sided tape, glue a transparent pocket onto each circle. 3. Then we fix the clock on a cardboard base. 4. Select subject pictures (on circles the same size as the circles on the clock). Game “Find a Pair” Purpose: To train children in selecting words that differ from each other in one sound, to develop phonemic hearing. An adult places pictures at the top of the clock. He lays out the rest of the pictures on the table and tells the children: - Today we will play the game “Find a Pair.” Our watch is divided into two parts. There are pictures at the top. One arrow points to the picture and the other to the empty circle below. On this circle you need to place a picture that sounds similar to the name of the item pointed to by the top arrow. The adult points an arrow at the picture, the child pronounces this word and selects a similar sounding one from the proposed pictures. (A bear is a bowl, a goat is a braid....) Game “Make friends with pictures” Goal: automate the sound Ш, develop logical thinking. The adult invites the children to look at and name the pictures. - Today we will match the pictures from the top and bottom of the clock. Name the picture and choose a pair for it, for example, “Rose hip and bumblebee.” Children pronounce phrases, emphasizing the sound Sh. Rosehip and bumblebee. Grandmother and grandfather. Frog and reeds. Stick and puck. Mouse and cat. Game “Name the first sound” Purpose: to train children in identifying the first sound in a word. Consolidate knowledge about wild animals An adult places pictures of wild animals at the top of the clock. - What can you call everyone who is on the yellow half? (wild animals). - Name all the pictures, highlighting the first sound in the word. Choose the letter that represents this sound and place it in the empty circle indicated by the arrow. Game “Name the vowel sound” Purpose: to teach children to isolate the vowel sound from the composition of the word. An adult places pictures at the top of the clock: whale, beetle, house, poppy, mouse. Symbols of vowel sounds are placed in the side pockets. Then he names the words, emphasizing the vowel sound with his voice. Children determine by ear the presence of a particular sound, find the corresponding symbol and insert it into the pocket opposite the picture. Game “Name the last sound” Purpose: to train children in identifying the last sound in a word. An adult places pictures at the top of the clock. He puts the rest of the pictures in the side pockets and tells the children: - Now I will name the pictures, and you listen carefully and name only the last sound in the word. - “Rocket” - what is the last sound? Sound A. - Find a picture for this sound. - Place the picture in the pocket where the arrow points. Then the children independently name the object, determine the last sound and select the picture. Then we fix the clock on a cardboard base. We select subject pictures (on circles the same size as the circles on the clock).

Didactic games teach children to distinguish between primary colors, size and shape of objects. Children develop creativity, curiosity, observation,skills of independent activity are formed.

Educational game for children

"Flower Glade"

Making a game is not difficult. We take any cardboard box. We make holes in it, cut out bottle necks and screw them into the box. Then we cut out flowers of the main colors - green, red, blue, yellow and select caps of the same colors.

Target: fixing color; development of hand motor skills, counting skills.

Variations of games can be different, for example:
. choose flowers according to the color of their centers;
. lay out flowers of one specific color;
. count how many flowers of one color or another

Games with clothespins

The following manual also helps the child learn to control his fingers - clothespins. Yes, yes, the most ordinary clothespins. One piece of advice - choose plastic clothespins that are not too tight so that the baby can use them comfortably. Clothespins that are too tight can discourage you from playing with them. To make playing with them more fun, I suggest you make simple colored templates from cardboard. For such blanks, clothespins can be selected according to color, and a fairy tale can be played out of ready-made figures.

Game "Who eats what"

The main goal of all games with clothespins is to develop fine motor skills, but this game has another goal - to introduce the baby to some animals and their basic diet.

Animal figures made of cardboard

Cut out animal figures from cardboard. In the planned places we cut circles to the size of the child’s fingers. We invite the child to insert his fingers into the animal figurine. With such toys you can play out fairy tales and develop your fingers.

Finger Theater "Varezhka"

Tactile covers

They are very easy to make. You will need empty baby food lids and different textured pieces of fabric. Cut out two identical circles of fabric and glue them to the lids. The more covers and pieces of fabric, the more interesting it will be to play. There can be many game options. The easiest way is to just touch the lids with your fingers. Next, you can put some of the lids in a special bag. We give one to the child to touch and ask him to find the same one in the bag by touch.

Educational soft book

I really liked the video about what educational book you can make with your own hands. A great idea for little kids!

Didactic game "Pick up a petal"

Author: Irina Vladimirovna Korelova, teacher-psychologist, MBOU Secondary School No. 7 Branch of Preschool Educational Institution No. 5 “Firefly” in the city of Nyandoma, Arkhangelsk Region.

Description of the article:
Dear colleagues, I bring to your attention the didactic game “Pick up a petal”. The material will be useful to teachers, parents, and specialists working with preschool children. The game can be offered to children during individual work.
In their work with children, teachers often encounter problems such as insufficiently developed memory, attention, thinking, and speech. Didactic games are specifically designed to unobtrusively solve emerging difficulties in a child’s development.

Game "Pick up a petal"
Enriching a child's vocabulary.

1. Learn to correctly name the image in the picture,
2. Learn to work with symbols, use verbs correctly in speech,
3.Develop memory, attention, thinking,

4. Expand your horizons,
5. Foster love and respect for the environment.

Materials for making the game:
1. Cardboard for the base,
2.Self-adhesive or colored cardboard,
3.Clipped pictures from magazines,
4.Pencil, glue, scissors.

In order to make this game you will need thick cardboard for the base. I use cardboard from packets of cereals, it’s convenient and always available. I cut out rectangles of the desired size.

Of course, you can just use colored cardboard, but it is thin and not always bright, so I cover the base with self-adhesive (the colored side of the cardboard remains without self-adhesive; if desired, it can be covered with white paper).

Next we make the petals.

We also cover them with self-adhesive tape.

Next we glue the pictures cut out from magazines onto the petals. The more pictures, the better. Pictures should be clear, bright, and understandable.

Next we work with the base, to which we will later place the petals. In the center of the rectangle we glue a picture with a symbol meaning some action: “flies”, “walks”, “swims”, “crawls”, “squeaks”, “dives”, “jumps”, etc. You can come up with a symbol yourself, but in such a way that the child can immediately “grab” it.

And then you can start the game.
1. The teacher explains to the child what the symbols on the rectangles mean, the child repeats independently.
2. The child recognizes the symbol in the rectangle.
3. Selects those petals whose images can perform a given action.

Based on the game with verbs, you can make a game with adjectives.
Dear colleagues, I hope that the presented game will be useful to you in your work.