Scientific journals on personnel management. Personnel Management

  • 13:57

    Written refusal to an applicant: how to avoid litigation. 9 918
  • August 20, 2015
  • 14:06

    Have there often been situations in judicial practice when courts erroneously applied the provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation on the labor of managers to the heads of separate divisions (as in your example - the Appeal ruling of the Moscow City Court dated January 22, 2015 in case No. 33-1699/2015) ? 1 619
  • July 30, 2015
  • 13:29

    Responsibility for the result. How do you assess this quality in the body of work? - I believe that this is one of the key qualities for any employer, for any employee. Responsibility for results is what a business works for, without which a business cannot exist. If everyone works for the sake of the process, then sooner or later the business ends. From both the employee's and the company's point of view, responsibility for results is a key indicator of how effective the company is. 3 886
  • July 27, 2015
  • 14:07

    UP, through joint efforts with you, would like to lift the veil of a conflict of interest - people gather in a company and are interested in its development (through which they solve their problems), but at the same time, experts say: “EVERYONE HAS THEIR OWN MOTIVATION.” 2 853
  • 07 July 2015
  • 13:03

    How do you optimize spending? 3 266
  • June 23, 2015
  • 13:14

    Every employer wants to see a true professional in the chair of the CEO of their company, who will increase the organization’s income and make it much more successful. The employer-owner’s desire to promote and enrich his company is absolutely understandable. However, we must not forget that no specialist will be able to make financial and economic decisions with a 100% guarantee of a positive result, because any market segment is unpredictable, it is influenced by countless factors, and any business activity is risky. 5 062
  • June 22, 2015
  • 14:03

    Every employer strives to ensure its interests by all available and legal means. One such method is to install a video surveillance system in work areas. The employer's right to conduct video surveillance of employees is not directly regulated by labor legislation. Therefore, in practice, numerous questions arise about the legal regulation of activities related to the use of video surveillance in the workplace. Does an employer have a legal right to conduct video surveillance of employees? Isn't everyone's constitutional right to privacy infringed upon by video surveillance at work? During video surveillance, does the employer violate the rules for processing personal data of employees? What steps should an employer take to ensure that video surveillance can be used lawfully in the workplace? 5 602
  • May 21, 2015
  • 12:50

    How to create a system in which it is IMPOSSIBLE NOT TO WORK? “Hidden behind tables” - this is what Igor Dudnik (a famous business coach) called back in 2000 those who are not very eager to give their all at work, to develop and grow. 3 232
  • 07 May 2015
  • 13:08

    Today, many companies are quietly or loudly cutting costs. What place does personnel take in this kind of cost reduction ranking? 4 4 295
  • January 14, 2009
  • 15:57

    The process of human resource management at an enterprise will be effective only if there is a strategy, as well as the relationship between strategy, policy and management system. At the same time, it is important that the goals are set correctly and the human resource management system is built in such a way as to work towards achieving this goal. 10 500
  • December 16, 2008
  • 17:00

    Accounting is designed to reflect the facts of economic activity that have already happened. At the same time, accounting and operational accounting data can be used to make management decisions, including in the current crisis situation. 2 493
  • 16:54

    Does everyone agree that work is necessary, that it gives money, fills time, saturates life with victories and defeats? Yes! Work gives you the opportunity to feel in demand, successful, the opportunity to realize your ambitions, demonstrate your abilities and skills... 3 159
  • September 23, 2008
  • 16:06

    This article is intended to fill the lack of practical methods for calculating the optimal number of employees, offering 4 methods, the practice of which has proven successful in various business situations. 1 19 332
  • 16:00

    Direct motivation as a method of managerial influence on personnel in order to ensure the achievement of the required result is a natural complement to the methods of stimulation (encouragement) and coercion (see our articles in No. 6 and 11). Essentially, motivation for work activity as a function of management is divided into two groups - direct and indirect. 1 7 216
  • 15:54

    In today's rapidly changing market environment, organizations can only succeed if they can take their work practices to a whole new level. Organizations are forced to work flexibly, creating new systems of relationships both with business partners and with their employees, developing strategies for innovative development of human resources that are adequate to the ongoing changes, revising priorities in the innovative development of the organization as a whole. 7 764
  • August 13, 2008
  • 17:57

    Oppositional sentiments are the staff’s response to the manager’s actions, consultants believe. Moreover, in many ways this is spontaneous discontent, gradually bursting from the smoking rooms into the company’s office. But if it was not possible to prevent a revolutionary situation, it must be led, says expert trainer-consultant Igor Ivanilov. As, however, he agrees with the fact that in one form or another there is opposition at any company. 1 980
  • 17:54

    Almost any conflict, and there are many of them in any organization (either misunderstandings with customers, or clarification of relationships in one’s own team, etc.), is not complete without the use of profanity, that is, swearing. Those who were not caught swearing loudly can say it not out loud, but to themselves. 3 438
  • 17:49

    It is no secret that well-built loyal relationships in a company are one of the radical ways to increase labor efficiency. After all, an employee’s good attitude towards the company is worth a lot, as it contributes to its prosperity, including increasing the value of intangible assets. 2 466
  • 17:47

    You have selected excellent employees, professionals in their field, and expect that a stellar team will bring profit and glory to your company. However, for some reason, the expected success does not come... Perhaps the problem is the lack of team spirit: instead of making efforts to develop the business, employees waste time opposing each other? 2 100
  • 17:41

    It is believed that it is difficult to work in a female team. Is it so? I have been running a recruitment agency for 11 years now. Recruitment in Russia is mainly a women's business. As they say, “recruitment has a woman’s face.” A long time ago, our recruitment agency decided that we “only have girls in jazz.” 3 314

There are at least a hundred periodicals in the world devoted to personnel management issues. We begin to introduce you to the most famous of them.

The International Journal of Human Resource Management
(International Journal of Human Resource Management)

Editor: Professor Michael Poole, Cardiff Business School (UK).
Published since 1988, 8 issues per year, 170 pages.

It is a journal for scholars and professionals in the field of human resource management, aimed at exploring future trends in human resource management, presenting empirical research in the field of strategic human resource management, international business in a rapidly changing global environment. The magazine welcomes articles addressing issues of international integration, increasing competition, technological changes, new concepts of line management, and changes in the corporate climate.

How do internally oriented human resource management policies relate to high-performance work tools? Proof from Singapore.
(Mark E. Barnard; Ronald A. Rodgers)

Gender and human resource management: A critical perspective.
(Annette Davies; Robyn Thomas)

Farewell to human resource management? Human resource management in Japanese factories in the UK.
(Jonathan Morris; Barry Wilkinson; Max Munday)

In search of a changing role of the corporate human resources function in an international company.
(Hugh Scullion; Ken Starkey)

Training in service companies - expanding and narrowing the customer service culture as a process of interaction.
(Andrew Sturdy)

Human Resource Management Review

Editor: R.V. R.W. Griffeth, University of Georgia (USA).
Published since 1989, 4 issues per year, 200 pages.

A quarterly journal that publishes theoretical articles related to human resource management and related fields (organizational behavior, organizational psychology, industrial relations). Much attention is paid to the micro-level of study (individuals and groups). The purpose of the journal is to promote empirical research, as well as critical analysis of existing concepts, models, and theories.

Email address:

Introduction to the special issue on employee turnover.
(James L. Price)

An event-based historical analysis of staff turnover: a case study of hospital staff in Australia.
(Roderick D. Iverson)

Behavioral characteristics of automobile plant workers in South Korea.
(Sang-Wook Kim)

Structural indicators of employee satisfaction and organizational engagement in models of employee turnover.
(Stefan Gaertner)

Performance and employee turnover: A review and comprehensive multivariate model.
(David G. Allen, Rodger W. Griffeth)

Contingency costs for compensation, employment and functional turnover of personnel.
(Charles R. Williams)

The subordination model of career termination behavior: An adaptive response model.
(Rodger W. Griffeth, Stefan Gaertner, Jeffrey K. Sager)

Human Resource Management Journal
(Journal of Human Resource Management)

Publisher: Eclipse Group Ltd. (London).
Published since 1990, 4 issues per year, 110 pages.

This is a prestigious London publication that allows you to keep abreast of the latest concepts and developments in the field of human resource management, new trends in organizational development and management.

The journal is intended for academic and educational libraries, for researchers and specialists in the field of human resource management.

Particular attention is paid to the international aspect.

Journal email address: www.proquest.umi/pqdweb

Expatriates and the impact of cross-cultural training.
(Nick Foster)

In recent years there has been a significant increase in the number of employees of different nationalities working in traditional English companies. This was the reason for the large number of academic works and practical studies that were devoted to cross-cultural training.

This article examines effective adaptive mechanisms using the example of large teams of the largest UK enterprises and defines criteria for the effectiveness of such mechanisms.

Reaching the top: career ladders for HR directors.
(James Kelly)

Internationalization and the human resource management function in German multinational companies.
(Anthony Ferner)

Company performance and remuneration: building the foundation.
(Chris Hendry)

The purpose of the article is to resolve some problems and identify errors in concept and design regarding the company's performance, building a reward system, and present a model for a more detailed and in-depth understanding of these phenomena. In particular, it is an attempt to clarify what company results we want to talk about, how to measure and how to present and improve results when HR intervention is required to restructure the reward system and the resulting results about the company's performance.

Human resource managers' perceptions of workplace dishonesty.
(Iain Coyne)

Establishing communication: organizational structures and required qualities.
(Alan Felstead)

“Handbook of Personnel Management” is a monthly magazine of Russian HR practice, the leader of the Russian market of publications on personnel management. The audience of the publication is heads and specialists of personnel services, top managers of government and commercial organizations, directors and HR managers, employees of recruitment agencies and consulting companies. In the magazine: reviews of the labor market, round tables on current problems of Russian HR management, interviews with HR directors of leading Russian and foreign companies, translations of articles from the largest foreign personnel magazines and reviews of books on personnel management. In this issue: Low-budget forms of personnel training: technology for building a system Prevention of stress in a company: implementation practice How to put out an employee who is “on fire” at work? KPIs for production workers HR of the year - 2015: regulations and the first task of the competition and much more

On our website you can download the book “Human Resources Management Handbook No. 4 2015” for free and without registration in fb2, rtf, epub, pdf, txt format, read the book online or buy the book in the online store.

1. – magazines “Personnel Management” and “Labor Law”

2. – practical magazine on personnel work “Personnel Affairs”

3. – RHR portal “Human Resources”: News, HR research, HR legislation, HR technologies, HR management, HR reality, HR contacts, HR events, Corporate health, HR dictionary, HR interesting

4. – Human Resources magazine. News. Events. Documentation.

5. – Electronic magazine about personnel management: Columns and special projects: Reviews of events and publications; HR books; HR feature; Opinions; HR business; IT company personnel management; Personnel management in metaphors; Atmosphere. News. Articles. HR forum.

6.– Reference database (free), books, magazines, seminars, forum, tests on personnel work. Magazine "HR Practitioner". Information personnel support. HR Forum. Personnel self-audit. Online training center for personnel officers. Self-instruction manual on personnel records management. Tests. Electronic newspaper on personnel records management. Labor legislation news.

7. – magazine “Enterprise Personnel”

8. – Leading portal about personnel management. HRM Forums. Directories. HR library. Webinars.

9. – HRMagazine magazine and HR blogs

10. – HR Director – practical magazine on human resource management

11. – Information portal for HR and personnel management specialists: Personnel documents. Standard. Personnel University. Questions and answers on HR topics, personnel records management and labor legislation. Magazines “Human Resources Directory”, “Human Resources Management Handbook”, “Everything for HR Officers”, “Regulatory Acts for HR Officers”

12. – website of Solovyov D.P.: Educational materials. Methodological materials. Specific situations. Author's works. Encyclopedia of Personnel Management.

13. – Personnel training: library, documents, personnel training methods, world experience, adult education news, personnel training assessment, personnel training system, talent management

14. – HR community and publications: Publications in the sections “Personnel Management”, “HR Administration”, “Work and Career”. Samples of documents and methods. Forum. Blogs. Jobs for job seekers and employers

15. – Modular program “Leader of the XXI century” seminars and trainings, books, articles on personnel management

16. – Pulse of the personnel industry: HR news, HR events, HR blogs, HR-wiki, Recruiter directory, Research and surveys

17. – Administrative and management portal: articles on personnel management and personnel

18. – Career Encyclopedia

19. – corporate management portal – catalog of training companies, distance learning, personnel assessment, competencies, coaching, personnel certification, training methods, team building, training effectiveness assessment, e-learning, exhibitions, conferences on personnel management

20. – Community of HR and HR specialists – Library of articles. Normative base. Sample documents. Bookshelf. Forum.

21. – Labor law. Payments and disbursements. Employment. Personnel accounting. Control. Useful: vacation, maternity, and sick leave calculators.

22. – Website of the Community of Recruitment Managers; website addresses of personnel magazines

22.1. – Publishing house “Grebennikov” magazines and books:

ü “Management of corporate culture”,

ü “Human Potential Management”,

ü “Personnel development management”,

ü “Motivation and remuneration”,

ü “Team Game Technologies”,

ü “Staff motivation: system development, performance assessment”,

ü “Management and motivation of sales department employees”,

ü “Personnel search and assessment: effective methods and techniques”

22.2. – Magazine “Work and Salary”

22.3. – Kadrovik.Ru Magazine

22.4.– Magazine “T&D Director. Business training and personnel development”

22.5.– Journal “Issues of Labor Law”

22.6. – Magazine “Kadrovik Plus”

22.7. – Personnel Solutions Magazine

22.8. – Economist’s Handbook

22.9. – Personnel Management Magazine

22.10. – Magazine “Enterprise Personnel”

22.11. – Magazine “State”

22.12. – Elite Personnel Magazine

Software products

1. – Center for Personnel Technologies: Catalog of software products for personnel management

2. – LeaderTask software product – business management system

3. – E-Learning systems – intranet system for employee training

4. – IHRS – an automated system for recruiting personnel, maintaining personnel document flow, storing documents, collecting statistics and monitoring

5. – Experium – professional program for recruitment

6. – HR Express – a professional software product for recruitment specialists

7. – software product for making presentations

8. – software products for developing presentations

Dear reader!

The journal “Personnel and Intellectual Resources Management in Russia” is included in the list of peer-reviewed scientific publications in which the main scientific results of dissertations for the scientific degree of Candidate of Sciences, for the scientific degree of Doctor of Science in the following groups of scientific specialties should be published: 08.00.00 – economics Sciences; 22.00.00 – sociological sciences.

The journal is one of the authoritative professional scientific and practical publications in Russia in the field of personnel management. Today, personnel management is recognized as an independent type of professional activity with its own multifaceted subject area and, perhaps, the most complex object of management - a person, his abilities, talent, knowledge, and intelligence.

The concept of the magazine was laid down by one of its founders - Professor A.Ya. Kibanov, the creator and for almost 25 years the permanent head of the first department of personnel management in the USSR and the Russian Federation at the State University of Management. Intended for serious scientific thought and for the practice of personnel management and educational activities, the journal has truly become in demand. And this, of course, is the merit of the authors, as well as those who are preparing the journal for publication, our colleagues from the IFRA-M Scientific Publishing Center.

Thanks to the efforts of people who care about the problems of personnel management, the journal today is the only scientific and practical publication on the list of the Higher Attestation Commission, in which the professional community of personnel management specialists has the opportunity to exchange their scientific and practical results. This requires no less effort from authors to maintain a high level of requirements for theoretical and methodological rigor for scientific publications.

Personnel management as a science requires painstaking work with conceptual and categorical tools. Let us not turn a blind eye to the fact that today in this area the thesaurus - structured knowledge in the form of concepts, semantic relationships between them, meanings requires thorough scientific study, filling with meaning, equally interpreted by both science and practice and not clogging or deforming not only Russian language, but also the very theory of personnel policy and personnel management.

Of course, it will be important for the journal to satisfy reader interest in the field of practical and educational activities. Human resource management as a type of professional activity is developing most dynamically and the best practices should become the property of the professional community. Only in this way can the collective experience of professionals significantly change the quality of personnel culture in an organization, reveal a person’s professional potential, include him in the total capital of the organization and ensure its competitiveness and development.

The editorial board and editorial board express confidence that the best will find its place on the pages of the magazine, which gives an increase in knowledge and experience in one of the most complex management practices that does not tolerate amateurism - managing the most valuable asset of society - the professional abilities and intellectual resources of a working person.