Opaque discharge in early pregnancy. Discharge in early pregnancy

Expectant mothers during pregnancy should be more attentive to their health. It is necessary to pay attention to various signs and characteristics in the body. It is important to understand what secretions are on early stages are the norm, and which ones require seeking qualified help to preserve the fetus.

One of the first symptoms of pregnancy is a significant increase in secretion volume. The branches become thicker and more abundant. Their color is predominantly transparent or light milky. Should not have an unpleasant odor. The girl should not experience any discomfort with such discharge, much less itching.

The secretion of secretions accompanies a woman throughout the entire period of gestation. The nature of the fluid depends on the trimester. At the beginning of pregnancy, under the influence of the hormone progesterone, the volume of secretions increases moderately and becomes thicker. From the second trimester, the hormone estrogen comes into play, which prepares the body for childbirth itself. The secretion becomes more fluid.

Towards the end of pregnancy, mucus begins to come out of the cervical canal - this leads to an even greater increase in discharge, which is also within normal limits. If you suspect a deviation in the color, smell and nature of the mucus, you should contact a gynecologist, because some infections occur secretly in the body, and the only sign of the disease is discharge from the genital tract.

What discharge in early pregnancy is considered normal?

After conception it gradually changes hormonal background women, as a result, the nature of the usual leucorrhoea changes. The characteristics of secretion by trimester are presented in Table 1. But sometimes the nature of the secretions changes due to certain processes in the body.

It’s worth figuring out which discharges should not disturb a woman in the early stages:

  • Rose red, last no more than 2 days. During the attachment of the embryo to the uterus, the secretions are bloody and a woman may mistake them for the beginning of the menstrual cycle. However, this mucous secretion contains only a small part of the blood and lasts only a couple of days. May be pink or yellow-brown in color. This happens in the first week after conception.
  • Creamy leucorrhoea. They may be mucous in nature, colorless and odorless. They are usually released moderately, not abundantly. Caused by the hormone progesterone.
  • Transparent, watery, odorless. Such secretion is considered normal if there are no signs such as abdominal pain, pain and burning. After the discharge dries on the pad, it usually turns yellow. The reason for this secretion is the action of the hormone estrogen, it begins to prepare the body for childbirth and becomes more active closer to the second trimester.
  • Mucus with a purplish tint. Doesn't talk about pathology. Appears due to poor hygiene. When the vaginal mucosa is irritated, this color appears on the mucus discharge. This problem can be eliminated with the help of antiseptics and it is imperative to restore daily hygiene.

Table 1, Comparative characteristics secretion norms during pregnancy:

Options Trimester 1 Trimester 2 Trimester 3
Volumemoderatelymore than usualmore than usual
Smellwithout smellwithout smellodorless, neutral
Colorlacticmilky, transparentmilky, transparent

Pathological white discharge

Discharge during early pregnancy is sometimes pathological. White secretion is often normal, but if a sour odor appears, and if the secretion turns into a curdled mass, it may come out in flakes, itching and pain appear.

This indicates the presence of pathology:

Red discharge

Red discharge in early pregnancy is not necessarily dangerous. However, with any red spotting, especially if it is accompanied by discomfort in the lower abdomen, a woman should contact a specialist to find out the cause.

Possible reasons:

  • Sensitivity of the internal genital organs. A small amount of blood can be noticed after the intervention of a gynecologist, after an ultrasound with a vaginal probe and due to inaccurate sex.
  • Hormonal disbalance. A few drops bleeding may come out on days when your period usually occurs. Perhaps the body has not yet had time to rebuild, but soon the secretion should return to normal.
  • Vanishing Twin. A similar situation may arise when artificial insemination, at 10-12 weeks of pregnancy. The development of the twin stops, and the body gets rid of it, which occurs without consequences for the mother and the remaining fetus. A doctor can determine this condition using an ultrasound.


Discharge during early pregnancy may be brown. They relate to pathology, with the exception of implantation of the embryo in the first two weeks from the moment of conception, as well as the passage of a mucus plug shortly before labor.

The following pathological reasons are possible:


If gray mucus discharge is not accompanied by discomfort, there is no pain in the abdomen, then such secretion is considered normal. If you are concerned about any additional symptoms, you should consult a doctor.

The following reasons are possible:

  • Bacterial vaginosis. Gray discharge is accompanied by itching and a pungent odor. The vaginal microflora changes, and amniotic fluid may leak. Immediate hospitalization and therapy are needed. If you do not delay the course of the disease and seek qualified help in time, the outcome is favorable.
  • Trichomoniasis. This infection of the body is dangerous for the fetus and mother. Requires hospitalization, treatment and monitoring of the course of pregnancy by specialists.

Beige and pink discharge

Pink and beige discharge appears quite often during pregnancy. The expectant mother does not need to worry about this, but she needs to tell her doctor about it.

Possible reasons:


Discharge during pregnancy in the early stages of yellow tints is normal. They appear due to changes in the body; such secretion is possible due to stress. But there are exceptions. If additional symptoms appear (burning, itching, pungent odor, heaviness of the lower abdomen), you should contact a gynecologist.

Causes of yellow secretion:


Green discharge of different shades is abnormal during a good pregnancy, especially in the early stages. Indicate the manifestation of an infection that can penetrate to the fetus. Therefore, an urgent visit to a specialist and prescription of therapy is required.

Such mucus secretions appear in pathologies:

  • Vaginal dysbiosis. A clear sign of this pathology is the smell of fish. As well as the formation of crusts on underwear when the discharge dries.
  • Sexually acquired infections. The volume of discharge during such infections increases and may have a foamy consistency.
  • Bacterial infection. The consistency of leucorrhoea in this pathology becomes green and thick.
  • Inflammation of the vagina, fallopian tubes and ovarian areas. Itching, fever, and heaviness in the lower abdomen appear.
  • Chlamydia, ureaplasmosis and gonorrhea at a sluggish stage they can cause green secretion.
  • Leakage of amniotic fluid. The discharge becomes thin and has a gray or light green tint. Vaginal redness may be present.

Bloody in nature

Red marks on the pad with the presence of blood clots are the most dangerous during pregnancy and are the result of serious pathologies.

Possible reasons:

With any of these diagnoses, a woman should be more attentive to her body and seek help at the slightest deviation.

The probability of a successful outcome and a successful birth is quite high if you follow the recommendations and are under the supervision of a doctor.


Spotting discharge is normal in most cases. You should be alarmed if the volume of secretion increases sharply, signs of purulent impurities, drops of blood and odor, itching and pain in the lower abdomen or vagina appear. Then it is recommended to stop sexual intercourse, stop taking a bath, and not lift heavy weight and contact a gynecologist.

Disturbing spotting secretion may appear for the following pathological reasons:

  • risk of miscarriage;
  • damage to the mucous walls inside the genital organs due to rough sexual intercourse or improper use of vaginal suppositories;
  • cervical erosion. Treatment is not carried out during pregnancy. This is possible after childbirth;
  • polyps of the cervical canal.


During the period of waiting for a child, the volume of secretions released from the vagina increases significantly. In the first trimester, the secretion becomes thicker and may change color; from the second trimester it becomes more liquid. It is recommended to carefully monitor hygiene, use panty liners and change underwear at least 2 times a day.

Causes of heavy discharge:

Watery discharge

Under the influence of the hormone progesterone at the beginning of pregnancy, the secretion from the genital tract comes out thick and mucous in nature. By the second half of pregnancy, this hormone is replaced by estrogen, which prepares the woman for the upcoming process of childbirth.

Acting on the body, this hormone promotes a change in mucus in the cervix, watery discharge resembling urine appears. In the 2nd and 3rd trimester, this is the norm, with no itching or odor.

If a woman notices vaginal redness, burning and other unpleasant symptoms, the cause of such discharge may be:


Discharge during early pregnancy acquires a thick mucous structure that resembles raw egg white. Thus, the action of progesterone creates a protective barrier for the body and the fetus.

A mucus plug is formed, preventing infections from reaching the fetus. Normally, such secretion should be transparent (white spots may be present) and odorless.

If itching and burning begin to bother you, the mucus takes on a different shade, this indicates the appearance of infectious and inflammatory processes:

When should you contact a gynecologist?

Anxiety for the unborn child and for any change in one’s own body is a normal reaction of a pregnant woman. You need to be more attentive to your own body, but you shouldn’t worry about trifles. If the discharge does not cause additional symptoms of discomfort, then the pregnancy is proceeding normally.

Change in secretion to different dates pregnancy is a natural process against the background of hormonal changes in the body.

At a routine examination with a gynecologist, a woman can ask any disturbing questions about the discharge. In some situations, when there is itching, a strong odor and the color of the secretion changes, you should immediately seek the advice of a specialist. He will order tests to detect infections and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Emergency medical care for a pregnant woman is required in cases where the condition sharply worsens, the lower abdomen hurts, the temperature rises, drops of blood appear on the underwear, or blood clots. If one or more of these signs appears, the most careful transportation of the woman to the hospital and hospitalization is required.

Specialists will do everything possible to maintain the pregnancy. It happens that women are reckless with their own body and go to a medical facility late, which threatens with serious consequences for her or the fetus.

Therefore, the slightest suspicion of a deviation from normal discharge during pregnancy, especially in the early stages, should puzzle the expectant mother and become a reason to go to the antenatal clinic.

Article format: Lozinsky Oleg

Video about discharge during pregnancy

Discharge during early pregnancy:

They should alarm a woman, but not cause panic. Any of us understands that we just need to regularly visit the gynecologist and tell him all our complaints in order to find out the cause of the anxiety and not worry in vain, because such experiences are harmful to the child. However, it still doesn’t hurt to be vigilant.

Such discharge can be of different colors: from transparent to dark brown. Our task is to talk about those that are normal during pregnancy, and in the presence of which medical attention is necessary.

So, discharge at the beginning of pregnancy should be transparent, odorless and not abundant. As a rule, in their characteristic features they are similar to the liquid that appears in the second half of the standard cycle. Alternatively, it is possible to secrete mucus similar to the white of a chicken egg. The mucous membrane of the reproductive system synthesizes secretions in order to protect it and for much more. In particular, they perform a transport function: they help the sperm reach the egg.

Every woman knows what they should be. In addition to transparent color and lack of odor, they should not cause discomfort or itching. In the first trimester of pregnancy, active restructuring of the body occurs. This mainly relates to hormonal levels. The fact is that progesterone promotes the appearance of viscous and thick mucus, which is also allowed during this period of time. Its active production promotes the attachment of the embryo and the formation of the placenta. During this period, the discharge is viscous and light.

Discharge in the first weeks of pregnancy creates. It is formed to close the entrance to the uterus and protect the embryo from infection.

Very often, whitish mucus appears on a woman’s underwear, which has a cheesy consistency, a sour odor and is secreted in the large quantities. This is (ie vaginal candidiasis). In addition, there is discomfort in the perineum, which intensifies at night, after sexual intercourse and bathing. As a rule, the disease often occurs in pregnant women, because the body’s protective functions are reduced, which contributes to the activation of fungi. Sometimes there are cases when it is not cured during the entire pregnancy, and after the baby is born, it is eliminated with medication or on its own.

If a woman is bothered by spotting at the beginning of pregnancy, then there is a risk of developing pathology and spontaneous miscarriage. Also their possible reason may become an ectopic pregnancy. As a rule, such discharge can be either abundant or almost invisible, both pale pink and bright red. If they are profuse and accompanied by abdominal pain, you should immediately call an ambulance.

The appearance of a brown color is generally considered normal. They occur when a woman would be menstruating.

If the discharge at the beginning of pregnancy is yellow, this indicates an exacerbation of the inflammatory process. When they also have an unpleasant odor, it is believed that pathogenic microflora is developing. A woman should remember that the inflammatory process in the first trimester can cause spontaneous miscarriage, because it can also affect the uterine mucosa, where the embryo develops.

Also, sometimes cervical erosion begins to bleed. This can also happen after sexual intercourse or a gynecological examination. This occurs as a result of the fact that the mucous membrane becomes very sensitive because changes in hormone synthesis occur. But you should not cancel your visits to the doctor because of this. If you have no pathologies, there should be several examinations throughout your pregnancy.

As soon as a woman finds out that she is pregnant, almost immediately she discovers various discharges that she has never encountered before and naturally begins to worry about this. But their presence does not always indicate any pathology. In this article we will tell you what are they like in the early stages and what does it mean?.

Throughout a woman’s life, her genitals produce special mucus to make it easier for sperm to penetrate inside and then the process of fertilization occurs. But after successfully completing this process, the mucus that was released earlier changes its characteristics, it becomes less transparent and thicker in consistency.

Every pregnant woman, seeing such changes, begins to worry, but the appearance of such a symptom is the norm. Discharge should be white or transparent, and not cause discomfort, itching, burning or have a specific odor.

It happens that at the beginning of pregnancy, mucus comes out, which differs from the norm, for example, brown. When this happens, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist who will accurately determine the cause of such deviations. If it appears on the days of the expected menstruation, there is little of it, and it only slightly stains the laundry, then there is no danger in this, but doctors still advise monitoring the development of this phenomenon over time, since in the early stages of pregnancy it sometimes indicates the emergence of a threat miscarriage. If available, it is recommended to protect yourself from unnecessary stress and get more rest. Also, with such a symptom, you should not be nervous and maintain sexual rest, at least until you are sure that the life and proper development of the fetus is not in danger.

The most common trigger is vaginal candidiasis, which is better known as thrush. With thrush, the secreted fluid has a sour odor and a cheesy structure, and itching and burning are felt in the genitals. Such a disease, of course, needs to be treated, but self-medication is absolutely forbidden. All medications to eliminate thrush must be agreed upon with your doctor, since most medications are prohibited from being taken during pregnancy.

During the first weeks of pregnancy, a woman may see mucus with a pinkish tint. As a rule, its appearance does not indicate any problems, but at the same time it can become a cause for concern.

There are three reasons for the occurrence pink discharge in early pregnancy:

  1. The process of fixation of the embryo in the uterus, that is, when the egg scrapes out microparticles of the epithelium of the uterine wall and these microparticles come out along with the mucus produced. This occurs approximately 1 to 2 weeks after fertilization.
  2. Measurement of a woman’s hormonal background, which occurs under the influence of an increase in progesterone levels, while the cervix and vaginal tissues become more vulnerable and blood circulation in them increases. Therefore, any mechanical impact, be it an ultrasound, examination by a gynecologist or sexual intercourse, provokes microtrauma and the appearance of pink discharge from the vagina. If they stop within a few hours, then everything is fine.
  3. A deficiency of the hormone progesterone is an explanation for the appearance of such mucus on the days when menstruation should have arrived if pregnancy had not occurred. Usually they go away on their own by the second trimester, but, nevertheless, you need to tell your gynecologist about this phenomenon, since hormonal therapy may be required.

One more alarming symptom is the occurrence yellow discharge in early pregnancy, indicating the presence of an infectious process in the genitals. Moreover, in addition to a change in the color of the fluids coming out of the vagina, this process is accompanied by increased temperature and pain in the lower abdomen. Such changes are provoked by sexually transmitted diseases. But this does not mean at all that the woman became infected during pregnancy; most likely, the infection was caught earlier, but since the immune system is weakened, it intensified and made itself felt. This also poses a threat to the continuation of pregnancy, so it is imperative to consult a doctor about yellow liquids.

If the secreted fluid is beige in color, then they should definitely cause an urgent visit to the gynecologist, since they arise at the moment when they are present in the body inflammatory diseases, and if, in addition, such a liquid causes skin irritation and has an unpleasant odor, then this means that the inflammatory process has worsened. This is a very dangerous sign because infectious diseases may lead to miscarriage. Also appearance beige discharge in early pregnancy may be caused by a lack of the hormone progesterone in the blood. In this case, as a rule, no unpleasant sensations are observed in the genital area.

Seeing mucus of this color, a pregnant woman becomes most nervous, but there are many reasons for this, some of which do not pose any danger, while others require immediate medical intervention. The first include:

  1. Menstrual bleeding caused by increased hormone activity.
  2. Attachment of the embryo to the wall of the uterus, during which a little blood may be released, but when this happens the woman should not feel discomfort.

Serious causes of such symptoms are:

  1. Cervical irritation.
  2. Infection.
  3. Polyp.
  4. Myoma nodes.
  5. Injury.
  6. Ectopic pregnancy.
  7. Bladder pump.

To the most difficult reasons for the appearance such discharges include ectopic pregnancy and bladder pump. In the first case, in addition to the secreted mucus, pain is felt in the lower abdomen, but if dizziness, weakness suddenly appear, the pain becomes stronger, and the amount of mucus comes out more, then it is necessary to urgently call an ambulance. An ectopic pregnancy must be confirmed by ultrasound results. A bladder pump means improper formation of the embryo and placenta, in which the baby dies and poses a threat to the life of the pregnant woman.

Emergence yellowish discharge in early pregnancy, not accompanied by other symptoms, for example, itching or an unpleasant odor, as a rule, do not indicate the development of pathology or disease in the body. If any painful sensations do appear, then this must be reported to the doctor.

We emphasize that with such a variety of discharge from the genitals and the reasons that cause them, you should not ignore them and always report them to your doctor, even if the woman otherwise feels fine. This will help maintain the pregnancy, promote the healthy development of the fetus, and also just make sure that everything is going well.

You just recently found out that you will soon become a mother. This new state brings a lot of changes into your life: both from the psyche and physiology. Nausea, dizziness, frequent urination, swelling of the mammary glands are well-known signs that do not cause much surprise. But when a pregnant woman discovers discharge literally in the first weeks, she begins to get nervous, or even panic. Let's start with the fact that discharge can have a very diverse coloration: From clear, pale yellow to pink, red and even dark brown.

Let's calm down and talk about this. After all, discharge in the early stages of pregnancy can be both a manifestation of the norm and, in fact, an “alarm bell.”

Is it normal or when to be wary of discharge in early pregnancy?

Discharge accompanies a woman throughout her life, and the reasons for its appearance are very diverse. Mucous discharge similar to raw chicken protein is a normal variant in a healthy woman. After all, the mucous membrane of the genital organs produces mucus to protect the woman’s organs, as well as to provide other functions: without these secretions, for example, the sperm would have a hard time moving towards the egg!

In the early stages of pregnancy, a woman may indeed notice discharge, the appearance of which will not cause concern to the doctor. This is true if they do not cause discomfort (burning, itching), are odorless and are painted white or transparent.

Right now, a woman’s body is going through a “global restructuring.” This is especially true for hormonal levels. Progesterone, a very important “female” hormone, has a tremendous effect, and the appearance of thick, opaque, viscous discharge is the norm. Under its influence, the embryo attaches and the placenta forms. The discharge is very viscous and scanty, there is practically none. In this case, use a sanitary pad, but (under no circumstances!) a tampon.

At the beginning of pregnancy, the same secretions form a mucus plug that closes the entrance to the cervix and protects the embryo from infections and other external influences.

In cases where there is a real threat of miscarriage, the doctor prescribes bed rest (in special cases- hospitalization), prescribing support drugs: for example, duphaston or utrozhestan.

In addition, the discharge of blood from the genital tract of a pregnant woman may indicate the development of some severe pathology of the cervix, including cancer.

Especially for- Olga Pavlova