Early detection of ectopic. Signs of an early ectopic pregnancy

Normally, pregnancy develops as follows: the most active sperm reaches the female egg and penetrates it, as a result of which the latter is covered with a special protective shell, impenetrable to other sperm. The zygote formed as a result of the fusion of two cells goes on a “journey” to the uterus and, having penetrated its cavity, is fixed there. Usually implantation occurs in the area of ​​the bottom or back wall of the female uterus. If there are certain deviations, the embryo may not reach the uterus and become fixed in the fallopian tube or another place, for example, in the ovary. IN in this case develops ectopic pregnancy.

Although the deviation in question is relatively rare - approximately 2-3% of all pregnancy cases - it cannot be ignored, because, unfortunately, no one is immune from such a situation. The exact causes of this pathology have not been established to this day, but the consequences are known to every specialist, and they are not the most favorable and comforting.

It is extremely difficult to determine that pregnancy is developing outside the uterine cavity without using appropriate diagnostic measures, but there are a number of signs that allow us to draw tentative conclusions in this regard. It is with information regarding this matter that you are invited to familiarize yourself further. You will get a basic understanding of ectopic pregnancy, learn how it can manifest itself and what you can expect if such a pathology is diagnosed.

According to the site of implantation of the fertilized egg, ectopic pregnancy is further classified into 4 main groups. Information regarding this is given in the following table.

Table. Types of ectopic pregnancy

PipeIt occurs most often - in more than 95-97% of cases of diagnosing ectopic pregnancy. With this deviation, the embryo is implanted into the wall of the fallopian tube.
OvarianLow patency of the fallopian tube or too large size of the egg prevents the latter from entering the uterus. As a result, the embryo, for the purpose of self-preservation, is forced to implant itself where it has time, in this case - at the edge of the ovary.
CervicalImplantation of the fertilized egg occurs in the cervix. This pathology can develop if the embryo attaches poorly to the endometrium of the female uterus or during sexual intercourse during menstruation.
AbdominalThe least commonly diagnosed type of ectopic pregnancy. The embryo passes into the abdominal cavity, where it is fixed.

Thus, the main reasons for the development of ectopic pregnancy are, firstly, dysfunction of the endometrium (it is to this tissue that the fertilized egg is attached), and secondly, low patency of the fallopian tubes. In turn, these disorders are most often caused by various types of diseases and external injuries, including:

  • neoplasms;
  • congenital pathologies;
  • endometriosis;
  • salpingitis;
  • artificial termination of pregnancy;
  • operations on the pelvic organs or fallopian tubes with complications;
  • the use of low-quality or simply inappropriate intrauterine contraceptives;
  • unsuccessful artificial insemination.

How to recognize an ectopic pregnancy: first signs

The first signs of an ectopic pregnancy usually do not differ in any way from the signals of normal fertilization: menstruation stops, breasts become engorged, toxicosis occurs, etc.

Later, when it comes to internal damage to the implantation site of the embryo, the manifestations become much more unpleasant, namely:

If you notice any of the above symptoms, be sure to consult a doctor.

Also, home diagnostic tools for ectopic pregnancy include the following method. So, you have noticed signs of pregnancy and suspect that you are in " interesting position" To see if this is true, buy it at the pharmacy. special test, or better yet several, from good and different manufacturers.

Use the test according to the instructions. If the characteristic “2 stripes” appear, you are pregnant and everything is developing normally. If there is only one “stripe”, you are either not pregnant, or the fertilized egg has implanted outside the uterus. Under any circumstances, seek help from a qualified specialist to clarify the situation.

The essence of the above-described check is as follows: after the embryo is fixed at its destination, the female body begins to intensively produce a hormone called hCG.
It is its content in the urine that the previously mentioned pregnancy test reacts to. If the fertilized egg is implanted outside the uterus, the hormone is either not produced or is produced in much smaller quantities, as a result of which the second strip on the test may not be colored or may be extremely faint.

The prognosis for maintaining pregnancy is extremely unfavorable. With ectopic attachment, the fetus does not have the conditions for normal development: the embryo lacks space and nutrients, but for some time it continues to grow, increasing pressure on the attachment site, as a result of which the latter simply ruptures. This leads to very severe pain and bleeding. In this case, the patient requires emergency medical care.

In general, the likelihood of fetal survival during an ectopic pregnancy is extremely low. To avoid infertility or even more serious consequences, experts in most cases recommend that women resort to the procedure of artificial termination of pregnancy. The rest of the procedure is determined individual characteristics specific situation.

Treatment options for ectopic pregnancy

The issues of the need and advisability of using any therapy for ectopic pregnancy can only be resolved by a qualified specialist. It is extremely reckless to resort to independent uncontrolled treatment in such a situation - you can worsen the situation even more seriously and provoke the most unfavorable consequences.

In general, in the early stages, doctors prescribe special medications, the use of which provokes independent rejection of the fetus by the female body. For the patient herself, such treatment is usually completely safe.

For more later It is often necessary to resort to surgical resolution of ectopic pregnancy using the laparoscopy method. During this procedure, the doctor removes ovum before it begins to destroy the anchorage organ. The essence of the procedure is as follows: 3 holes are made in the patient’s abdominal cavity. They are equipped with special tools and a camera that allows you to control the process. As a result, the doctor manages to get rid of the fertilized egg with relatively little harm to the patient’s body.

Thus, the lack of a timely response during an ectopic pregnancy can lead to extremely adverse consequences. Now you know how this pathology manifests itself, and you will be able to seek medical help in time.

Monitor the condition of your body, do not ignore uncharacteristic changes and be healthy!

Video - How to detect an ectopic pregnancy at home

It is one of the very rare pathologies (there are 12-14 ectopic pregnancies per thousand) and represents a failure in the most complex process of life reproduction, during which the attachment of a fertilized egg occurs outside the uterus.

The reasons for this phenomenon are poor patency (or complete obstruction) or low peristalsis. As a result, the fertilized egg cannot or “does not have time” to reach the uterus, attaches inside the tube and begins division.

This is how an ectopic pregnancy occurs. Its types are determined by the place of attachment of the embryo. There are tubular (occurs much more often than others - 99% of total number ectopic pathologies), cervical, abdominal and ovarian ectopic pregnancies.

Definition of ectopic pregnancy.

It is very difficult to diagnose the onset of pathology even in medical institution. Clinical symptoms of a developing pregnancy are blurred or contradictory. Often, with an ectopic pregnancy, menstruation occurs, but they may be scanty or inconsistent with the timing. Those that appear after the cessation of menstruation should be of particular concern.

The answer to the question “how to determine an ectopic pregnancy on your own” simply does not exist.

The course and termination of ectopic pregnancy.

It is clear that having attached in the “wrong” place, the embryo cannot develop, since the woman’s fallopian tubes (as well as the cervix, ovaries, or ovaries are not suitable for bearing a child. Therefore, any ectopic pregnancy ends in termination and death of the fetus.

A tubal pregnancy can last 6-8 weeks, depending on the location of the embryo’s attachment and the characteristics of the female body. Then it stops. This happens in one of the following ways.

    The embryo detaches from the walls of the tube, accompanied by damage and severe bleeding. The embryo, along with the blood, is expelled into the uterine cavity or into the abdominal cavity. A woman experiences severe pain in the lower abdomen, accompanied by bloody discharge. This method of terminating an ectopic pregnancy is called “tubal abortion” or “tubal miscarriage.” Immediate consultation with a doctor is required.

    Fallopian tube rupture. It occurs as a result of the pressure that an actively developing fetus exerts on the tube at the site of its attachment. The fertilized egg is released into the abdominal cavity along with the blood. This is an extremely dangerous situation for a woman and can be fatal. It is accompanied by very strong sharp pain in the lower abdomen, decreased blood pressure, weakness, dizziness. The woman's pulse drops, she becomes pale and has rapid breathing. Urgent hospitalization is required.

Both described cases pose a serious danger to the life and health of a woman.

It should be remembered that a violation may occur before even a doctor can determine an ectopic pregnancy. The next extreme state comes very quickly. It is fraught with severe bleeding and serious damage internal organs and loss of reproductive function.

Treatment and

Treatment at its core is the termination of pregnancy (with the goal of causing the least harm to the female body) as soon as possible after an ectopic pregnancy has been determined. And the earlier the pathology is diagnosed, the more gentle the treatment method will be and the less severe the consequences.

Treatment (termination) of ectopic pregnancy is carried out surgical methods, the most preferred of which is laparoscopy. Its use is possible in cases where an ectopic pregnancy is diagnosed in the early stages and spontaneous termination has not begun. With a successful operation performed with the help of optics and special ones, the risk of damage to the fallopian tube is minimal, therefore we can expect that the subsequent pregnancy will be normal.

A more severe operation is tubotomy, during which the fallopian tube is dissected, followed by removal of the embryo and elimination of the consequences of bleeding. With this method of treatment, maintaining the patency of the tube is possible, and therefore there is a chance for a successful completion of a future pregnancy.

In terms of consequences for women, the most difficult operation is tubectomy. It is resorted to in cases where the pregnancy has entered the stage of spontaneous termination and the woman’s life is in danger. In this case, reproductive function cannot be preserved.

In conclusion, let us recall a banal truth. There is one answer to the question “how to determine an ectopic pregnancy.” Only a doctor can diagnose this type of pathology after a fairly extensive and serious examination of the woman.

Is it possible and how to determine an ectopic pregnancy? Doctors often hear this question when seeing patients - according to medical statistics, this pathology occurs with a frequency of 2% of overall indicators.

We’ll talk about pathologies such as ectopic or ectopic pregnancy further.

When an ectopic pregnancy develops, the fertilized egg does not reach the uterine cavity and is implanted on the walls of the fallopian tubes. It is at the attachment site that the future embryo develops.

But such development of the embryo carries a great danger for the patient - tubal abortion or rupture of the fallopian tubes, heavy bleeding and, in the absence of timely intervention from doctors, leads to death.

How to determine an ectopic pregnancy?

How to detect an ectopic pregnancy in the early stages? Doctors note that it can be determined both at home, taking into account certain symptoms, and in a medical facility, after undergoing a series of examinations.

At home

Quite often, in the early stages, even ectopic fetal development will show itself as signs of a normal pregnancy:

  1. Increased basal temperature and delayed menstruation.
  2. Sensation of swelling of the mammary glands.
  3. Attacks of nausea and vomiting, loss of appetite.

When to see a doctor?

When the first symptoms appear, you should not postpone your visit to the clinic, especially when the woman knows about her pregnancy and the slightest deviation from the norm can cause a miscarriage or death for the pregnant woman herself.

Symptoms indicating the need to immediately call an ambulance or see a doctor:

  • An attack of acute and piercing pain localized in the lower abdomen, radiating to the leg or lumbar back.
  • Heavy bleeding from the vagina.
  • Seizures general weakness and loss of consciousness.

If these symptoms appear, do not wait - seek medical help immediately.

Treating an ectopic pregnancy or trying to save it will not work. The only way out is to terminate the pregnancy and, in the future, to take measures aimed at restoring the woman’s reproductive function.

To prevent ectopic pregnancy, doctors give the following recommendations and advice:

  • It is worth practicing only protected sex, with reliable means of contraception, as well as treating everything in a timely manner inflammatory diseases, and STDs.
  • If you are planning a pregnancy, you should undergo a full routine examination with a gynecologist and other specialized doctors, if required.
  • If you are planning an abortion, choose less traumatic methods, especially optimal timing– up to 8 weeks.

After termination of an ectopic pregnancy, a woman should strictly follow all the doctor’s recommendations:

  • Avoid any physical activity and injuries, bruises and concussions.
  • You should not lift heavy weights, so as not to provoke heavy bleeding.
  • For the abdominal type of operation, wear a special bandage or belt for 2-3 weeks.
  • Required special diet– it should be easily digestible food, nutritious and rich in vitamins. But products that provoke fermentation or violent peristalsis in the gastrointestinal tract should be kept to a minimum.
  • Hypothermia and drafts should not be allowed during the postoperative period either - this is why it is so important to wear warm underwear in winter.

Often women who have undergone termination of an ectopic pregnancy are interested in planning the next conception and carrying the fetus. The doctor can answer this question after the patient undergoes a course of therapy and a full examination.

In the absence of contraindications or any pathologies, fertilization and gestation can be planned no earlier than a year later.

During this period of time, the woman’s body is completely restored. If during the process of removing the fetus, the tubes themselves were removed from the fallopian tubes, normal conception in this case is impossible, so you can use the help of reproductive medicine and its methods. But again, even in this case, not earlier than in a year.

Ectopic pregnancy - dangerous condition, but you won’t be able to save it. But even in the case of diagnosis and its interruption, there is no need to despair. With proper treatment and rehabilitation, a woman has every chance of becoming a mother in the future.

Dr. DeMuro is a board-certified pediatric emergency surgeon based in New York City. He graduated from Stony Brook University School of Medicine in 1996.

Number of sources used in this article: . You will find a list of them at the bottom of the page.

An ectopic pregnancy is one in which the fertilized egg is invaded (attached) not in the uterus, but in the fallopian tubes or other anatomical structures. If left untreated or if intrauterine pregnancy is undiagnosed, this condition may require emergency medical attention. That is why it is so important to recognize the symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy in time, and also to consult a doctor who will make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment if necessary.


Part 1

Determining the symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy

    Note the absence of menstruation. If you miss your period and have been unprotected sex, take a pregnancy test.

    Try to identify other pregnancy symptoms. If you're pregnant, whether the egg has invaded the uterine wall (as it should normally) or whether it's in the fallopian tubes or somewhere else (in an ectopic pregnancy), you'll likely still notice some common symptoms (if not most):

    Try to see if you have any abdominal pain. If you have already received confirmation that you are pregnant, or if you still have doubts, but experience frequent abdominal pain, the cause may be an ectopic pregnancy.

    Pay attention to any vaginal bleeding. Light bleeding can occur due to irritation of the fallopian tubes when they are subjected to mechanical stress, such as scratching, more profuse and serious bleeding can occur if the fetus has already grown to such a size that it can damage (simply rupture) the fallopian tubes. Vaginal bleeding in any case (even during a normal pregnancy) is a warning sign that you need to be examined by a doctor. Especially if we are talking about heavy and constant bleeding - in this case it is best to seek emergency help (and the sooner the better).

    The doctor will prescribe medications to terminate the ectopic pregnancy. The most common drug in such cases is Methotrexate. It is introduced into the body through an intramuscular injection (one or more, depending on the urgency of successful termination of pregnancy).

Ectopic pregnancy is a terrible diagnosis that any woman can hear. The situation occurs when, instead of the uterus, the fertilized egg is attached to any other place - on the ovary, in the tube, behind the cavity of the organ, etc. In this case, it is impossible to save the child; the mother will have to undergo an unpleasant cleaning procedure.

Since this is not just a problem, but also a threat to a woman’s health, it is worth knowing how to identify an ectopic pregnancy in the early stages in order to consult a doctor as quickly as possible.

Read in this article

What is the danger of abnormal attachment of the fetus

It’s worth mentioning right away that there can be four options for attaching the fertilized egg in the “wrong” place:

  • in the fallopian tube;
  • on the ovary;
  • in the cervical canal;
  • cervix.

Each of them has no chance of normal fetal development. Since the anomaly is often located in the cavity of the tubes, over time the developing embryo will expand the diameter of the organ, which will lead to rupture. As a result, blood, mucus and the fertilized egg itself will enter the abdominal cavity, which will provoke a serious infection of the organ. The result will be peritonitis with severe pain

, elevated temperature.

The clinical picture will be complemented by heavy bleeding, which can only be stopped in intensive care. The girl will need to be under constant medical supervision.

If attachment occurs on the ovary or elsewhere, the symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy in the first days will be similar. Although it is worth noting that some do not feel anything at all, continuing normal life without discomfort. In 60% of cases, everything ends more or less well, and the damaged organ can be saved.

Girls who are planning to become mothers must know not only the first signs, but also the reasons that can provoke this state of affairs. But there are also situations when a girl endures pain for a very long time, mistaking the bleeding for menstruation. The result of such an attitude towards your body can even be death. In more simple options

the situation may end in infertility.

Reasons for “wrong” embryo placement

Unfortunately, even with such an abundance of information, not all expectant mothers decide to undergo a full examination before conceiving. As a result, this can lead not only to an ectopic pregnancy, but also to the discovery of a pregnancy that could have been avoided.

Watch the video about ectopic pregnancy:

Mom can be told that something is wrong in the body. The fact is that after normal attachment of the egg, the amount of the hCG hormone begins to increase daily in the woman’s body.

With an ectopic it also increases, but not so quickly. As a result, the second line on the test will be paler, and when donating blood, an insufficient amount for a certain period will be detected. In order to correctly determine it in laboratory conditions, the girl will have to take the test for several days in a row.

Indicates an anomaly and . It may show a rupture of an organ or reveal the site of improper attachment of the embryo. Even if the specialist does not notice the fertilized egg, and the test shows two stripes, this will be a reason to undergo a more detailed examination.

Actions of doctors when confirming the diagnosis It is extremely important to know how to recognize an ectopic pregnancy early to see a doctor as soon as possible. The girl will have to undergo a cleaning. In some cases, it is possible to introduce a special liquid, but there is no chance of getting pregnant after this. Sometimes doctors decide to perform

plastic surgery

, in which the fertilized egg is removed and the fallopian tube is restored. If this option cannot be performed, then most likely you will have to remove the pipe.

The best solution would be to avoid pregnancy. The method is almost completely safe, does not leave large marks, and also allows you to extract the egg in the most gentle way.

If internal hemorrhage occurs, the girl will be given a blood transfusion and additional drugs will be injected to restore the body.

Chances of becoming a mother after

  • Sometimes the diagnosis of “ectopic pregnancy” sounds as if the girl had signed a death sentence. However, don't despair! Only in 5 - 10% of cases the anomaly leads to infertility. In the rest, she ends up more or less safely, provided she seeks help in a timely manner and receives adequate treatment.
  • After all, even if removed, the girl still has one more, which allows her to conceive and bear the long-awaited baby. After the cleansing has been completed, doctors recommend: undergo a full examination of both partners;
  • cure
  • infectious diseases and inflammation; in some cases it makes sense to go to a sanatorium;
  • use

modern methods contraception; receive qualified help, the fewer consequences for the body.