Review of the fairy tale by D.N. Mamin-Sibiryak “About how the last fly lived.

On the main square of Argos there is a statue of Jupiter covered with flies. Orestes enters, waving away the big fat flies. Terrible screams are coming from the palace.

Fifteen years ago, Clytemnestra, the mother of Orestes and Electra, and her lover Aegisthus killed their father Agamemnon. Aegisthus wanted to kill Orestes too, but the boy managed to escape. And now Orestes, brought up in distant lands, enters his hometown with curiosity.

Jupiter enters, disguised as a city dweller. He explains to Orestes that today is the day of the dead, and the cries mean that the ceremony has begun: the inhabitants

The cities, led by the king and queen, repent and beg their dead to forgive them.

Rumors are circulating around the city that Agamemnon’s son Orestes remained alive. By the way, Jupiter notes, if he had accidentally met this Orestes, he would have told him: “The local residents are great sinners, but they have embarked on the path of redemption. Leave them alone, young man, leave them alone, respect the torment they have taken upon themselves, leave in good health. You are not involved in the crime and cannot share their repentance. Your bold innocence separates you from them like a deep ditch.”

Jupiter is leaving. Orestes is at a loss: he

He doesn’t know what to answer to the stranger; the city where he could rightfully be king is alien to him, he has no place in it. Orestes decides to leave.

Elektra appears. Orestes speaks to her, and she tells the stranger about her hatred of Clytemnestra and Aegisthus. Electra is lonely, she has no friends, no one loves her. But she lives in hope - she is waiting for one person...

Queen Clytemnestra enters. She asks Electra to dress in mourning: the official repentance ceremony will begin soon. Noticing Orestes, Clytemnestra is surprised: travelers, as a rule, bypass the city, “for them our repentance is a plague, they are afraid of infection.”

Electra mockingly warns Orestes that publicly repenting is the national sport of the Argives; everyone already knows each other’s crimes by heart. And the queen’s crimes – “these are official crimes, lying, one might say, at the heart of government structure" Every year on the day of the murder of Agamemnon, people go to a cave that is said to communicate with hell. The huge stone blocking the entrance to it is rolled aside, and the dead, “as they say, rise from hell and disperse throughout the city.” And the residents prepare tables and chairs for them, and make beds. However, she, Electra, is not going to take part in these stupid games. These are not her dead.

Elektra leaves. Following her, wishing Orestes to quickly get out of the city, Clytemnestra leaves. Jupiter appears. Having learned that Orestes was about to leave, he offers him a pair of horses at a reasonable price. Orestes replies that he has changed his mind.

People crowd in front of a closed cave. Aegisthus and Clytemnestra appear. The stone is rolled away, and Aegisthus, standing in front of the black hole, addresses the dead with a repentant speech. Electra suddenly appears in a blasphemous white dress. She calls on residents to stop repenting and start living simple human joys. And let the dead live in the hearts of those who loved them, but do not drag them to the grave with them. Here the boulder that blocked the entrance to the cave rolls down with a roar. The crowd freezes with fear, and then rushes to deal with the troublemaker. Aegisthus stops the angry townspeople, reminding them that the law prohibits punishment on the day of the holiday.

Everyone leaves, only Orestes and Electra are on stage, Electra is burning with a thirst for revenge. Having opened up to his sister, Orestes begins to persuade her to give up revenge and leave with him. However, Electra is adamant. Then, wanting to win the love of his sister and the right to citizenship in Argos, which smells thoroughly of carrion, Orestes agrees to “take a grave crime onto his shoulders” and rid the inhabitants of the king and queen, who force people to always remember the atrocities they have committed.

In the throne room of the palace there is a creepy, bloody statue of Jupiter. Orestes and Electra are hiding at its foot. Flies swarm around. Clytemnestra and Aegisthus enter. Both were mortally tired of the ceremony they had invented. The queen leaves, and Aegisthus turns to the statue of Jupiter with a request to grant him peace.

Orestes jumps out of the darkness with a drawn sword. He invites Aegisthus to defend himself, but he refuses - he wants Orestes to become a killer. Orestes kills the king and then rushes into the queen's room. Electra wants to hold him - “she can’t hurt him anymore...”. Then Orestes goes on his own.

Electra looks at the corpse of Aegisthus and does not understand: did she really want this? He died, but her hatred died with him. Clytemnestra's cry is heard. “Well, my enemies are dead. For many years I rejoiced in advance at this death, now a vice has squeezed my heart. Have I really been deceiving myself for fifteen years?” – asks Electra. Orestes returns, his hands are covered in blood. Orestes feels free, he has done a good deed and is ready to bear the burden of murder, since this burden contains his freedom.

Swarms of fat flies surround the brother and sister. These are the Erinyes, the goddess of remorse. Electra takes her brother to the sanctuary of Apollo in order to protect him from people and flies.

Orestes and Electra sleep at the foot of the statue of Apollo. The Erinyes danced around them. Brother and sister awaken. Like huge dung flies, the Erinyes begin to awaken.

Looking at his sister, Orestes discovers with horror that overnight she has become remarkably similar to Clytemnestra. And this is not surprising: she, like her mother, witnessed a terrible crime. Rubbing their paws, the Erinyes circle around Orestes and Electra in a frantic dance. Electra regrets what she did, Orestes persuades his sister not to repent; In order to feel completely free, he takes full responsibility upon himself.

Entering Jupiter pacifies the Erinyes. He is not going to punish Orestes and Electra, he just needs a “drop of repentance.” Jupiter convinces Electra that she did not want to kill, she just played murder all the time as a child, because this game can be played alone. Electra seems to be beginning to understand herself.

Jupiter asks Orestes and Electra to renounce their crime, and then he will place them on the throne of Argos. Orestes replies that he already has the right to this throne. Jupiter notices that now all the inhabitants of Argos are waiting for Orestes near the exit from the sanctuary with pitchforks and clubs. Orestes is alone, like a leper. Jupiter demands that Orestes admit his guilt, but he refuses. Jupiter himself created man free. And if he didn’t want this crime, then why didn’t he stop the punishing hand at the moment the crime was committed? This means, Orestes concludes, there is neither good nor evil in heaven, “there is no one there who could command me.”

Freedom for Orestes means exile. Orestes agrees - every person must find his own path. Jupiter silently moves away.

Electra leaves Orestes. As soon as she steps onto the circle, the Erinyes attack her, and she calls out to Jupiter. Electra repents, and the Erinyes retreat from her.

The Erinyes focused all their attention on Orestes. The doors to the sanctuary swing open, revealing an angry crowd ready to tear Orestes to shreds. Addressing the townspeople, Orestes proudly declares that he takes responsibility for the murder committed. He took it upon himself for the sake of the people: he took upon himself the crime of a man who could not cope with his burden and shifted responsibility onto all the inhabitants of the city. The flies must finally stop oppressing the Argives. Now these are his flies, his dead. Let the townspeople try to start living again. He leaves them and takes all the flies with him.

Orestes leaves the circle and moves away. The Erinyes rush after him screaming.

Option 2

The main square of Argos. The statue of Jupiter was covered in flies. Orestes, the son of Clytemnestra, returned to the city. 15 years ago, she and her lover Aegisthus killed Orestes' father Agamemnon. Orestes was also threatened with death, but having escaped, Orestes was educated in distant lands. His sister Electra lived with her mother and was always burning with a desire for revenge. She was waiting for Orestes to return.

Jupiter explains to Orestes that he has arrived on the Day of the Dead, when a ceremony of repentance takes place: all the inhabitants, led by the king and queen, beg their dead for forgiveness. Jupiter asks Orestes to leave this city, since its inhabitants have sinned a lot and are carrying their cross, and he is not involved in their sins.

Orestes himself understands that he is a stranger in the city where he was supposed to be king. He is about to leave him forever, but Electra appears and tells her brother about how she hates her mother and her lover Aegisthus and is waiting for them to be destroyed.

Everyone prepares for the repentance ceremony by wearing mourning clothes. This event is held annually on the day on which Agamemnon was killed. All the inhabitants of Argos go to the cave communicating with hell. The stone falls away and the dead from hell disperse throughout the city. The city residents welcome them as guests. Everyone offers Orestes to leave the city, and Jupiter even offers to buy horses inexpensively, but the young man decided to stay and restore order.

Electra in a white robe, as soon as Aegisthus began his appeal to the dead, asks the residents of the city not to repent, but to live a normal life, and let the dead live in their hearts, and not turn the life of the living into hell. People would have dealt with the girl if Aegisthus had not reminded her that it was forbidden to kill on this day.

Orestes tries to persuade his sister not to take revenge and to leave this city with him, but Electra thirsts for revenge. To help his sister and become a citizen of Argos, Orestes kills Aegisthus and his mother, thus ridding the city of the king and queen, who force them to remember the crimes. Electra is glad that her enemies are dead, but she realizes that she lived by deception for 15 years. She regrets what she did. Brother and sister are surrounded by a swarm of large flies - Erinyes, goddesses of remorse. Brother and sister hide from flies and angry people in the temple of Apollo. Electra became like her mother, because she witnessed the crime.

Jupiter does not want to punish Orestes and Electra, he wants to receive repentance and renunciation of the crime, after which he can place them on the throne of Argos. Orestes wants to be free, and this means expulsion from the city. Electra repented, so the Erinyes took care of Orestes. The crowd of townspeople are so angry with the young man that they are ready to tear him apart. He tries to explain to them that he went to kill a man who transferred his sin onto all the townspeople. Flies should not oppress the inhabitants of Argon. These are Orestes' flies, so he takes them away from them.

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Summary of Mucha Sartre

One day a little bunny was born in the forest. He was very afraid of everyone and everything: fox, wolf, bear, loud rustling and unexpected sound. The little hare was hiding under bushes and in the grass.

When the hare grew up, he was very tired of being afraid. He told all his relatives that he was not afraid of anything or anyone. The brave Hare boasted and made so much noise that he did not notice the wolf, who came in response to the noise. Out of fear, the hero jumped high and then fell on the wolf's head.

The wolf got scared out of surprise and ran away. All the hares believed that the Brave Hare was not bragging, but in fact was not afraid of anything. The hero himself also believed in his fearlessness.

A fairy tale about Kozyavochka.

On a warm spring day, little Kozyavochka was born. When she saw the sky and the sun, she was very happy. The little girl was convinced that everything around her belonged only to her. The little booger flew and enjoyed the sunshine and green grass.

Suddenly she saw a beautiful scarlet flower below. He beckoned Kozyavochka to treat herself to sweet nectar. The little insect was enjoying food when a Bumblebee flew to the flower. He declared that the flower belonged to him and drove Kozyavochka away.

Then the little girl learned that there are many dangers in the world. You need to be wary of birds, frogs and fish. Everyone wants to eat small insects.

But not everything is so bad around. Kozyavochka met her relatives and had a fun summer. Then she laid her eggs and fell into a deep sleep for the winter.

A fairy tale about Komar Komarovich - a long nose and about furry Misha - a short tail

Komar Komarovich's midday sleep was interrupted by the squeaks and screams of his relatives. As it turned out, a bear came to their swamp, escaping the heat in the water. When Misha the short tail lay down to rest, he crushed a lot of mosquitoes. Then, taking a deep breath, he swallowed several hundred more mosquitoes.

Komar Komarovich - a long nose - decided to take revenge on the destroyer of insects. He flew to the swamp and began to threaten the bear with violence. The huge animal only laughed in response and went to bed.

The mosquito said that Misha the short tail died of fear. Everyone flew to the swamp, but the bear turned out to be alive and unharmed.

The mosquitoes began to attack the unwanted guest. They bit him and squeaked loudly. As soon as Misha the short tail did not fight back, he had to give in to the mosquitoes and go away.

Vanka's name day

Other toys came to toy Vanka for his birthday. Among them were: Top, two dolls, Parsley, Wolf, Clown, Gypsy and many others. Everyone had fun. Vanka prepared a treat. The guests ate and chatted.

Music was playing. Two dolls argued which of the guests was the most beautiful. Parsley immediately shouted that he was the most beautiful. All the guests were offended and considered themselves freaks. Vanka tried to calm everyone down. The birthday boy said that only he is a freak. But it was already too late. A fight broke out among the guests.

Vanka wanted to separate the fighters, but accidentally hit one of them. A general brawl began. The dolls fainted. The Hare and the Shoe managed to hide under the sofa.

Then the owner drove away the harmful guests. Shoe and Bunny got out of their shelter. The dolls accused them of starting the fight. The innocent Bunny and Shoe barely managed to escape from Vanya.

The birthday boy returned all the guests and they discussed the Hare and the Shoe for a long time, who, in their opinion, started the fight.

A fairy tale about Sparrow Vorobeich, Ruff Ershovich and the cheerful chimney sweep Yasha

Vorobey Vorobeich and Yorsh Ershovich were bosom friends. They chatted about various important things and invited each other to visit them. But the bird could not swim, and the fish could not fly.

Sparrow Vorobeich was friends with the chimney sweep Yasha, who often came to the roof. After work, Yasha ate bread and gave the crumbs to the little sparrow.

One day Sparrow and Ruff quarreled. Sparrow carried the worm to his nest, and Ruff deceived him that there was a hawk in the sky. Little Sparrow dropped the worm, and the fish ate it. When Yasha came to wash at the lake, he was asked to judge this situation. Yasha decided that Ruff was to blame.

Then it turned out that another bird found the worm, and the sparrow stole it. Yasha wanted to feed the offended bird some crumbs, but a petty sparrow thief took him away with a piece of bread.

Other birds flew at the thief and took the bread from him. The edge was heavy and fell into the water. So the chimney sweep was left without lunch, but he was able to have fun looking at the birds and fish.

The Tale of How the Last Fly Lived

A fly that was recently born was flying in the garden and enjoying life. She was sure that everything was for her: sugar in the house, flowers in the garden, food in the kitchen. She loved people because they left crumbs and drops of milk behind. The fly believed that the gardener had specially grown flowers in the garden long before she was born.

The old fly convinced her that people were not so kind. The man everyone called Papa smoked tobacco. The flies couldn't stand the smell. He also drank beer. But the flies liked the beer, even though it gave them a headache. He wrote with ink that was not tasty and two young flies drowned in it.

The fly was happy about the warm summer. There were so many insects in the house that people began to destroy them. The fly was smart and remained alive.

When it got colder, Mukha stayed in the house. The other flies fell asleep, and the last one flew and took over. She was happy that no one was bothering her. Then the last Fly got bored. Even people didn’t want to kill her because she was alone.

The last Fly sat in a corner and did not fly out anywhere. With the onset of spring, a young fly appeared in the house. They began to happily fly around the house and enjoy the warming weather.

A fairy tale about Voronushka - a black little head and a yellow bird, Canary

One day the Crow saw sparrows chasing a little yellow bird. She saved the poor thing from harmful birds who did not like the yellow color of the stranger’s feathers. The crow found out that it was a canary. She escaped from the cage. The Crow and the Canary began to live in the same nest.

The crow explained to her friend how to live in freedom. She often complained that no one loved her. The boys threw stones at her for no reason. The crow considered itself the best bird.

When autumn came, Canary became cold and hungry. She was caught in a snare by the boys, but Crow saved the poor thing.

But, accustomed to life in captivity, Canary died after the onset of winter from frost.

8. Smarter than everyone else. Fairy tale

In the poultry yard there lived a Turkey, who considered himself the smartest bird in the whole world. The turkey always praised her husband and supported him in everything. The Turkey loved to quarrel with the Rooster and the Gander because he was sure that they did not respect him.

One day the Hedgehog came to them. None of the birds knew what it was. The rooster thought it was a mushroom. The turkey could not guess what kind of creature it was. And then Hedgehog called him a fool. All the poultry stood up for the Turkey and wanted to tear the Hedgehog to pieces. But Turkey resolved the conflict peacefully. The hedgehog recognized the bird as smart.

9. The parable of Milk, oatmeal Porridge and the gray cat Murka

The cook was preparing porridge in the morning. The milk boiled and they argued with the oatmeal: “I am milk, I am milk!” Kasha answered him the same. That's how they communicated. If the cook went somewhere on business and forgot about cooking, milk or even porridge would run off onto the stove.

Murka the cat also lived in the kitchen. He was very fond of liver and fish. Once, when the cook went to the market, the cat drank all the milk. He did this to reconcile porridge and milk.

It's time to sleep

Before falling soundly asleep, little Alyonushka told her dad that she wanted to become a queen. The flowers heard this wish. They began a heated discussion. Wildflowers said that the girl loved them more. Garden flowers claimed that Alyonushka dreams of becoming one of them.

Then she flew to the girl ladybug and they flew off to travel. Alyonushka saw many countries where flowers from her garden grow. On the way home, they came to a village where an old man was setting up a Christmas tree for the birds. The girl met many heroes from the fairy tales her father told her. The old man explained to the little girl that every woman is a queen.

Picture or drawing of Alyonushka's fairy tales

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First act

In the square in the Greek city of Argos, next to the statue of Jupiter, traveling under false names Orestes (the son of Agamemnon and Clytemnestra) and the Teacher scare away the old women making sacrificial libations. The teacher is unhappy that they came to this city, where everyone shuns them. Orestes complains that even though he was born here, he is still forced to ask the way to the palace of Aegisthus as a random passer-by. When the next door closes in front of the heroes, they turn their question to the local Idiot and then notice Jupiter. The latter followed them all the way. In Argos, he approaches the travelers and introduces himself as Demetrios from Athens. As a regular in the city, Jupiter tells the story of the murder of the true king Agamemnon by the current one - Aegisthus. Orestes asks why the gods did not intervene to prevent the crime? Jupiter replies that they sent flies. The murder of Agamemnon took place fifteen years ago. All this time, the people of Argos repent for not helping their king escape. Jupiter says that the gods like the repentant, so he does not want Orestes to return to this city.

The prince complains that after being removed from the palace, he does not remember anything. The teacher calls him ungrateful and lists everything he has taught him over the past ten years. Orestes believes that along with the loss of the past, he also lost his soul. He cannot give anything to his subjects, since he is deprived of their memories and feelings of guilt.

Electra, sister of Orestes, insults the wooden statue of Jupiter. Orestes introduces himself to her as Philebus from Corinth. The princess tells her new acquaintance that she leads the life of a servant. Clytemnestra appears and orders Electra to dress in black for the ceremony. The queen confesses her sins to Orestes. Elektra does not allow her to do this. Mother and daughter are arguing. Orestes tells Jupiter that he will not leave Argos.

Second act

The inhabitants of Argos gather near a cave, leading, in their opinion, to Hell, to meet the dead. The high priest calls for the dead, and Aegisthus convinces the people that they are already here. Electra appears in front of the crowd in a white dress. She says that she is not afraid of the dead and talks about how there are happy cities in Greece. The princess dances to the glory of joy. People are starting to believe her. Jupiter doesn't like this. To intimidate the crowd, he moves the stone blocking the entrance to the cave. Electra is ordered to leave the city. Otherwise, the girl will face death. Orestes invites his sister to leave together. Electra refuses, as she expects retribution in the person of her brother. The young man says his name. Electra is disappointed: she waited strong warrior, but not young man with a gentle face. She begs her brother to leave. Orestes vs. He decides to kill the king and queen in order to take upon himself the sins of the inhabitants of Argos and become a full citizen of this city.

Electra and Orestes are hiding in the throne room. Aegisthus complains to Clytemnestra that, unlike the inhabitants of Argos, he has no remorse. He himself invented them to keep the people in obedience. Lack of feelings makes the king deeply unhappy. Jupiter warns Aegisthus that Orestes wants to kill him. The king admits that he is tired of life and longs for death. Orestes kills Aegisthus without the slightest remorse. The prince believes that he is acting fairly. Following Aegisthus, it is Clytemnestra’s turn. After Orestes murders their common mother, Electra begins to be tormented by remorse in the form of Erinyes flies.

Third act

Orestes and Electra sleep in the temple of Apollo. No one dares to touch the criminals there. Only the goddesses of revenge - Erinyes - circle around them. The awakened Electra seems to have aged several years. She constantly thinks about how Clytemnestra suffered while Orestes killed her. The Erinyes inspire these thoughts in her. Orestes asks his sister not to listen to them, but the girl is already in the grip of hatred for herself and her brother.

Jupiter accuses Orestes of being a criminal, if not because of the murder of his mother, then because of the state into which he plunged his sister. He invites the young people to admit their guilt, after which he promises to place them on the throne of Argos. Orestes says that he is free and he will also give this freedom to his subjects. Electra refuses to go the same way with her brother. She surrenders to the mercy of Jupiter and eludes the Erinyes.

A teacher comes to the temple. He brings Orestes food and says that a large crowd has gathered outside. Orestes comes out to the people, renounces the kingdom and announces to them that from now on they are free. He took their crimes upon himself. Their dead became his dead. Orestes leaves Argos. The Erinyes follow on his heels.

Mamin-Sibiryak D., fairy tale “About how she once lived” last fly"

Genre: literary tale about animals

The main characters of the fairy tale “How the Last Fly Lived” and their characteristics

  1. The Last Fly. First young, naive and enthusiastic, then experienced and cautious, and finally old and disappointed in life.
  2. Cook Pasha. Buys groceries, but kills flies with stripes.
  3. Alyonushka. Treats flies with crumbs, jam and milk.
  4. Aunt Olya. She was kind, didn’t let the last fly be killed, and prepared jam for the flies for the winter.
  5. Dad. He drank beer and smoked, caught flies in traps.
Plan for retelling the fairy tale “How the Last Fly Lived”
  1. The birth of a fly
  2. Happy summer
  3. Good people and their food
  4. Conversation with an old fly
  5. Hot Summer
  6. Sticky strips
  7. Insidious traps
  8. Terribly cruel people
  9. prudent fly
  10. Autumn cold
  11. Under the stove
  12. The fly is going crazy
  13. Long winter loneliness
  14. Young fly
  15. Flies make summer
The shortest summary of the fairy tale “How Once Lived the Last Fly” for reader's diary in 6 sentences
  1. The young fly was very cheerful and enjoyed everything.
  2. She believed that people specifically take care of flies by treating them to all sorts of sweets
  3. But people began to catch and destroy flies, and the fly realized that people were evil.
  4. Autumn came and many flies died from the cold.
  5. The fly was left alone and almost went crazy, pestering everyone around.
  6. But in the spring a young fly appeared, and the fly realized that summer is made by flies.
The main idea of ​​the fairy tale “How the Last Fly Lived”
Each Living being considers himself the crown of nature.

What does the fairy tale “How Once Lived the Last Fly” teach?
The fairy tale teaches you to enjoy life, to be happy with what you have. Teaches you not to be self-confident, not to indulge in narcissism, not to consider yourself better than others. Teaches you to see the true meaning of all actions.

Review of the fairy tale "How Once Lived the Last Fly"
I liked this fairy tale and especially liked the fly. This fly had a very interesting character; it behaved just like a human. She thought that she was more important than everyone else, that everyone should please her, that the world revolved around her. And she believed that when flies appear, summer comes. She was stupid, but I like her positivity.

Proverbs for the fairy tale “About how the last fly lived”
It's not worth a penny, but it looks like a ruble.
He who lives quietly will not see hardship.
There is no worse vice than arrogance.
You need to value yourself, but not overestimate yourself.
He who becomes arrogant is left without friends.

Read summary, brief retelling fairy tales "About how the last fly lived"
Little Mushka was born in the summer and she immediately became happy. She enjoyed everything around her. She liked that all the windows and doors in the house were open and she could fly wherever she wanted. She liked that the gardener planted flowers and plants especially for flies and took care of them. And even though he sometimes scolded the flies, Mushka understood that the gardener did this out of envy, because he himself did not know how to fly.
Mushka liked that Alyonushka specially takes milk, jam and a bun at breakfast so that she can drop milk on the flies, spill crumbs and spill jam. The cook Pasha was also very kind and specially went to the market to buy various foods tasty for flies.
Aunt Olya also tried to please the flies and, noticing that they liked the jam, she began to cook it specially, hiding it in glass jars in reserve.
Only dad was a stranger to flies. He didn't eat the jam, but threw the sugar straight into the cup. And he also smoked. But Mushka couldn’t stand tobacco smoke. The old experienced fly said that the only thing dad does that is useful is drink beer, because she loves beer. Mushka also said that after drinking beer she feels happy. But she saw how two flies drowned in her father's inkwell and it was terrible.
The summer was hot and there were more and more flies. The inhabitants of the house began to find such proximity burdensome. And now the cook Pasha brought some pieces of paper, laid them out on plates, sprinkled them with sugar and poured water on them. The flies decided that this was a new treat and the whole crowd rushed to the pieces of paper. The fly was pushed away and it flew away, not wanting to choke on the food.
And then all the flies that were seduced by the pieces of paper died. Only the sensible flies remained. But the next day everything happened again and there were fewer sensible flies.
Dad brought beer and poured it into special caps. The flies flew to the smell of beer and ended up in the caps, which were simply flytraps. The cook Pasha was happy, and Mushka stopped believing in insidious people.
And then a new problem came. Summer is over. It became cold and the flies could only escape in the house of their worst enemy, man. But he stopped opening windows and doors, and only occasionally opened the window. And many flies died from the cold, believing the cold autumn sun.
And our Fly’s character has completely deteriorated. She no longer felt sorry for the flies, which were dying by the hundreds. but she dreamed of only one thing, to remain the only fly in the house, one for all five rooms.
And then one morning the Fly got out from under the stove and saw snow in the window. She realized that a terrible winter had come. There were no other flies; they all died in their shelters, unable to withstand the first frost. And Mukha was completely happy.
Now all the jam and all the crumbs belonged only to her. She flew around the rooms and was happy. Although the fly had to be careful not to burn its wings on the lamp or tiles, ingenious fly traps.
However, after a few days, Mukha became bored. She became like crazy, flew all over the house and pestered everyone.
But Aunt Olya said that this was the last fly and forbade killing it. And the Fly was offended and became angrier. She got everyone, even the dog. And finally, some spider took pity on the fly and invited it to admire its web. But the fly did not go into the web, because it knew that the spider was evil, and probably had once been a person.
So she flew all winter and was bored, until one day something strange happened. The fly heard a buzzing sound. And I saw a completely young fly fly by. She buzzed and rejoiced. saying that spring has come.
The fly was happy about the fly and told her for a long time about winter and loneliness. but the young fly did not listen to her.
And then Aunt Olya opened the doors and windows. And the fly realized that they, the flies, make summer.

Drawings and illustrations for the fairy tale “How Once Lived the Last Fly”

On the main square of Argos there is a statue of Jupiter covered with flies. Orestes enters, waving away the big fat flies. Terrible screams are coming from the palace.

Fifteen years ago, Clytemnestra, the mother of Orestes and Electra, and her lover Aegisthus killed their father Agamemnon. Aegisthus wanted to kill Orestes too, but the boy managed to escape. And now Orestes, brought up in distant lands, enters his hometown with curiosity.

Jupiter enters, disguised as a city dweller. He explains to Orestes that today is the day of the dead, and the cries mean that the ceremony has begun: the inhabitants of the city, led by the king and queen, repent and beg their dead to forgive them.

Rumors are circulating around the city that Agamemnon’s son Orestes remained alive. By the way, Jupiter notes, if he had accidentally met this Orestes, he would have told him: “The local residents are great sinners, but they have embarked on the path of redemption. Leave them alone, young man, leave them alone, respect the torment they have taken upon themselves, leave in good health. You are not involved in the crime and cannot share their repentance. Your bold innocence separates you from them like a deep ditch.”

Jupiter is leaving. Orestes is at a loss: he does not know what to answer to the stranger, the city where he could rightfully be king is alien to him, he has no place in it. Orestes decides to leave.

Elektra appears. Orestes speaks to her, and she tells the stranger about her hatred of Clytemnestra and Aegisthus. Electra is lonely, she has no friends, no one loves her. But she lives in hope - she is waiting for one person...

Queen Clytemnestra enters. She asks Electra to put on mourning: the official repentance ceremony will begin soon. Noticing Orestes, Clytemnestra is surprised: travelers, as a rule, bypass the city, “for them our repentance is a plague, they are afraid of infection.”

Electra mockingly warns Orestes that publicly repenting is the national sport of the Argives; everyone already knows each other’s crimes by heart. And the queen’s crimes “are official crimes, lying, one might say, at the basis of the state structure.” Every year on the day of the murder of Agamemnon, people go to a cave that is said to communicate with hell. The huge stone blocking the entrance to it is rolled aside, and the dead, “as they say, rise from hell and disperse throughout the city.” And the residents prepare tables and chairs for them, and make beds. However, she, Electra, is not going to take part in these stupid games. These are not her dead.

Elektra leaves. Following her, wishing Orestes to quickly get out of the city, Clytemnestra leaves. Jupiter appears. Having learned that Orestes was about to leave, he offers him a pair of horses at a reasonable price. Orestes replies that he has changed his mind.

People crowd in front of a closed cave. Aegisthus and Clytemnestra appear. They roll away the stone, and Aegisthus stands in front of black hole, addresses the dead with a repentant speech. Electra suddenly appears in a blasphemous white dress. She calls on residents to stop repenting and start living simple human joys. And let the dead live in the hearts of those who loved them, but do not drag them to the grave with them. Here the boulder that blocked the entrance to the cave rolls down with a roar. The crowd freezes with fear, and then rushes to deal with the troublemaker. Aegisthus stops the angry townspeople, reminding them that the law prohibits punishment on the day of the holiday.

Everyone leaves, only Orestes and Electra are on stage, Electra is burning with a thirst for revenge. Having opened up to his sister, Orestes begins to persuade her to give up revenge and leave with him. However, Electra is adamant. Then, wanting to win the love of his sister and the right to citizenship in Argos, which smells of carrion, Orestes agrees to “take a grave crime onto his shoulders” and rid the inhabitants of the king and queen, who force people to always remember the atrocities they have committed.

In the throne room of the palace there is a creepy, bloody statue of Jupiter. Orestes and Electra are hiding at its foot. Flies swarm around. Clytemnestra and Aegisthus enter. Both were mortally tired of the ceremony they had invented. The queen leaves, and Aegisthus turns to the statue of Jupiter with a request to grant him peace.

Orestes jumps out of the darkness with a drawn sword. He invites Aegisthus to defend himself, but he refuses - he wants Orestes to become a killer. Orestes kills the king and then rushes into the queen's room. Electra wants to hold him - “she can’t hurt him anymore...”. Then Orestes goes on his own.

Electra looks at the corpse of Aegisthus and does not understand: did she really want this? He died, but her hatred died with him. Clytemnestra's cry is heard. “Well, my enemies are dead. For many years I rejoiced in advance at this death, now a vice has squeezed my heart. Have I really been deceiving myself for fifteen years?” - asks Electra. Orestes returns, his hands are covered in blood. Orestes feels free, he has done a good deed and is ready to bear the burden of murder, since this burden contains his freedom.

Swarms of fat flies surround the brother and sister. These are the Erinyes, the goddess of remorse. Electra takes her brother to the sanctuary of Apollo in order to protect him from people and flies.

Orestes and Electra sleep at the foot of the statue of Apollo. The Erinyes danced around them. Brother and sister awaken. Like huge dung flies, the Erinyes begin to awaken.

Looking at his sister, Orestes discovers with horror that overnight she has become remarkably similar to Clytemnestra. And this is not surprising: she, like her mother, witnessed a terrible crime. Rubbing their paws, the Erinyes circle around Orestes and Electra in a frantic dance. Electra regrets what she did, Orestes persuades his sister not to repent; In order to feel completely free, he takes full responsibility upon himself.

Entering Jupiter pacifies the Erinyes. He is not going to punish Orestes and Electra, he just needs a “drop of repentance.” Jupiter convinces Electra that she did not want to kill, she just played murder all the time as a child, because this game can be played alone. Electra seems to be beginning to understand herself.

Jupiter asks Orestes and Electra to renounce their crime, and then he will place them on the throne of Argos. Orestes replies that he already has the right to this throne. Jupiter notices that now all the inhabitants of Argos are waiting for Orestes near the exit from the sanctuary with pitchforks and clubs. Orestes is alone, like a leper. Jupiter demands that Orestes admit his guilt, but he refuses. Jupiter himself created man free. And if he didn’t want this crime, then why didn’t he stop the punishing hand at the moment the crime was committed? This means, Orestes concludes, there is neither good nor evil in heaven, “there is no one there who could command me.”

Freedom for Orestes means exile. Orestes agrees - every person must find his own path. Jupiter silently moves away.

Electra leaves Orestes. As soon as she steps onto the circle, the Erinyes attack her, and she calls out to Jupiter. Electra repents, and the Erinyes retreat from her.

The Erinyes focused all their attention on Orestes. The doors to the sanctuary swing open, revealing an angry crowd ready to tear Orestes to shreds. Addressing the townspeople, Orestes proudly declares that he takes responsibility for the murder committed. He took it upon himself for the sake of the people: he took upon himself the crime of a man who could not cope with his burden and shifted responsibility to all the inhabitants of the city. The flies must finally stop oppressing the Argives. Now these are his flies, his dead. Let the townspeople try to start living again. He leaves them and takes all the flies with him.

Orestes leaves the circle and moves away. The Erinyes rush after him screaming.