Why didn't I get pregnant the first time? Why the long-awaited pregnancy does not occur the first time

Measurement rectal temperature body in some cases is a mandatory procedure when monitoring patients. Fluctuations in this parameter are valuable indicators of the general condition of the body. Thus, an increase in rectal temperature may indicate the onset of a pathological condition that develops during internal organs.

Indications for measurement

The rectum is a cavity closed by the anal sphincter. Thanks to this, the temperature inside it is constant, and deviations in one direction or another, as a rule, indicate the development of any diseases or inflammatory processes, since it is the rectal value that is closest in terms of indicators to the temperature of the internal organs. The rectal method is used in the following cases:

  • thermoneurosis – a strong spasm occurs in the vessels located directly under the skin, which disrupts the body’s thermoregulation:
  • if it is impossible to obtain temperature values ​​in the armpit due to severe exhaustion of the patient, when the soft tissues do not fit tightly to the thermometer;
  • in children under 2 years of age;
  • when the body is hypothermic, when the temperature inside the body can be normal, but on its surface reduced;
  • with damage or inflammation of the skin of the armpits;
  • if the patient is unconscious;
  • in women to determine the time of ovulation.

It is prohibited to use the rectal method when:

  • bowel disorders (constipation or diarrhea);
  • inflammatory diseases of the rectum in the acute stage;
  • polyps, erosions, neoplasms located in the rectum;
  • hemorrhoids.

How to measure rectal temperature correctly

How to measure temperature rectally? To do this, use a regular mercury thermometer. In this case, the patient must lie on his side and pull his legs towards his stomach. For easier insertion into the anus, the end of the thermometer is lubricated with Vaseline or baby cream and inserted into the rectum to a depth of 2 cm for at least 5 minutes. When measuring, it is recommended to squeeze your buttocks as tightly as possible.

Normal rectal temperatures differ from those in the armpit. For the rectum, the norm varies from 37.0 to 37.7 0 C.

Data above this norm indicate pathological processes beginning in the body, most often these are:

  • infectious and viral diseases;
  • inflammatory and purulent processes;
  • growth of malignant or benign tumors.

Features of measuring rectal temperature in children

When measuring rectal temperature, it should be taken into account that these indicators in children under 2 years of age are slightly higher than in adults. A value of up to 38 0 C is considered normal. During measurements, the child should be provided with maximum peace, because high readings can occur due to active movements.

In newborns in the first three months of life, temperature indicators are influenced by: crying, feeding, massage, and ambient air parameters in the room.

For children under one year of age, a value above 38.5 0 C can cause febrile seizures, so it is very important to give antipyretic drugs on time and not delay a visit to the doctor.

Features of measuring rectal temperature in women

For women, measuring basal temperature in the rectum is effective way pregnancy planning. Using these temperature indicators, you can determine the period of ovulation, the approach of menstruation, or find out about pregnancy.

In this case, the temperature in the rectum is determined with the obligatory consideration of the following parameters:

  • You can measure your temperature only after sleeping for at least 6 hours, without getting out of bed, immediately after waking up, at the same time;
  • the thermometer is inserted into the rectum while lying on the side with the legs pulled up to the stomach;
  • The measurement time should not be less than 5 minutes for a mercury thermometer.

For getting reliable results, measurements are taken for at least three cycles.

Normally, rectal temperature should correspond to the following indicators:

  • temperature 1-2 days before the end menstrual cycle– 36.3 0 C;
  • maturation of the egg (follicular phase, during which the probability of pregnancy is very low) – 36.6-36.9 0 C;
  • ovulation – 37.0-37.4 0 C;
  • temperature after ovulation – 37.0 0 C.

The most favorable time for conception is 1-2 days before ovulation. During this period, the mucous tissue of the cervix becomes most sensitive, which increases the likelihood of pregnancy.

If, when measuring rectal temperature for two or more weeks, a reading of 37.0 0 C is recorded, this may indicate pregnancy.

Also, using a graph displaying the temperature in the rectum, you can identify diseases of the reproductive organs in the female body: endometriosis, low progesterone levels, inflammation in the appendages or ovaries.

» Child's temperature

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All about a child's temperature

The temperature varies.

Rectal temperature (measured in the rectum) is approximately 0.5 degrees Celsius higher than oral temperature (measured in the mouth) and a degree higher than the axillary (or groin) temperature. For the same child, the variation in these readings can be quite large. For example:

· normal temperature
· oral 37.1 °C
· rectal 37.6°C

. and not always dangerous

· the baby has a high fever (from 39.0°C);

· the child had an episode of febrile seizures (in some children these occur in response to a rise in temperature).

Measurement step by step

· Place the baby on his back, lift his legs with one hand (as if you were washing him), with the other hand, carefully insert the thermometer into the anus so that its tip sinks into it (about 2 cm). Fix the thermometer between two fingers (like a cigarette), and squeeze the baby’s buttocks with the other.



Temperature strips on the forehead

Pacifiers - thermometers

A little advice.

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Rectal temperature in a child

Very often, parents measure their child’s temperature rectally, that is, in the rectum. What and how is it better to measure a baby's rectal temperature? The portal for moms Questionsmoms.ru is trying to figure out this issue.

When measuring temperature, parents must take into account several factors, failure to comply with which can lead to unpleasant consequences.

The rectal temperature will be 3-5 tenths of a degree higher than the armpit temperature (the norm is up to 37.4). By the way, the rectum is a localized place where there are many blood and muscle plexuses, so measurements in the rectum are significantly different from the temperature that can be obtained by measuring in the armpit area. In some cases (after prolonged crying, walking) the difference can reach more than 1 degree. The figure, you see, will already worry parents a little. Rectal temperature fluctuates greatly throughout the day. These fluctuations depend on the age of the child, and even on the gender of the child. This also needs to be taken into account.

How should you measure rectal temperature?
Since the procedure for measuring temperature in this way is unpleasant, first of all, it is necessary to prepare the child for this procedure.

There is a special thermometer for rectal measurements. Before insertion, be sure to wet the tip of the thermometer in petroleum jelly or lubricate it with baby cream.

The baby must be placed on his stomach. The tip of the thermometer should be inserted carefully and not deeply. You need to hold the thermometer like a pencil. The insertion depth should be approximately 1.5-2 cm.

You need to hold the thermometer for about 3 minutes.

About thermometers. They are digital and mercury. Children under one year old are recommended to measure their temperature with a mercury thermometer. Measurements in this case will be more accurate. Digital thermometers have a strong error, reaching up to half a degree, so a mercury thermometer will show the real picture.

Normal temperature in a baby

It should be remembered that the body of a newborn child is significantly different from the body of an adult, since some vital systems have not yet fully matured. First of all, this concerns thermoregulation. The normal body temperature of a baby can fluctuate between 36-37 degrees, but most often the average is around 36.6, like the rest of us. In order to find out the normal temperature of a newborn baby, you should measure it at rest, when the child is healthy and awake. This should be done in the morning, afternoon and evening, and the indicators should be recorded and saved. Thus, in case of illness, it will be possible to judge how much the temperature has increased.

Temperature readings may vary depending on where the temperature is measured - in the armpit, groin, rectally or orally. Thus, the temperature in a child’s mouth (orally) is about 0.5 degrees higher than in the armpit or groin, and the rectal temperature (in the anus) is a full degree higher. Thus, if we take 36.6 degrees as a reference point, then the norm when measuring temperature orally will be 37.1, rectally - 37.6.

Is an increase in temperature always dangerous?

An increase in temperature does not always indicate the onset of a disease, so you should not immediately call an ambulance or a pediatrician (which is something young mothers often do). Evening readings are usually a few tenths of a degree higher than morning readings. An increase in temperature can be triggered by stress, emotional overexcitation, or physical activity of your baby. In order to determine as accurately as possible how high the temperature is, you should remember some conditions:

  • The temperature should be measured at the same time.
  • The child should be at rest - if he cries, you need to wait until he calms down.
  • There is no need to measure the temperature when the child is wrapped in a blanket - it may increase because the child is hot. In principle, you should not wrap your baby up; his adaptive abilities are much higher than it seems to caring grandmothers, who in life are guided by the principle that says that steam does not break bones.

What you should know when measuring the temperature of infants

For a child, it is best to buy a separate thermometer and treat it with alcohol or other antiseptic before each use, or wash it with soap and warm water.

It is advisable to measure the temperature in the rectal area only when the baby is still very small. Upon reaching 5-6 months, your little one is so strong that he can easily wriggle out and prevent this from happening. In addition, the process itself can cause unpleasant and painful sensations - if you have ever measured your basal temperature, you should remember what it feels like!

In order to measure rectal temperature, it is best to use an electronic thermometer - it allows you to get the result in 1 minute, while a mercury thermometer must be held for at least 5 minutes. In this case, there is a high risk that the child will twitch and the thermometer will break. Before you start measuring the temperature, the tip of the thermometer needs to be lubricated with baby cream, then inserted into the rectum about 2 cm, fixed with two fingers - index and middle, and with other fingers hold the baby’s buttocks.

The temperature in the armpit can also be measured using a regular mercury thermometer. To do this, you need to put the child on his side, wipe the armpit skin dry, since the liquid helps the mercury cool down, then place the thermometer so that the metal tip is completely in the skin fold, and then press the child’s arm to the body with your hand.

Sometimes children express violent protest against measuring their temperature, which can be unsafe if a glass thermometer is used. You can try to pick up the baby, calm him down and put the thermometer in this position. If he continues to protest, the temperature can be measured in his sleep. Many parents don’t have it any other way - their little ones actively protest against placing foreign objects on them.

So, let’s summarize the normal temperature indicators for a baby

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All about a child's temperature

How it happens in the beginning

For the first few days of life, the newborn’s body temperature may be slightly elevated (37.0-37.4 ° C in the armpit). Then it is set within 36.0-37.0°C (usually 36.6°C). To find out what is normal for your baby, take his temperature when he is healthy and calm. It is advisable to try it on both under the armpit and in the rectum. Do this morning, afternoon and evening. Record and save the results obtained. If your baby gets sick, you can judge for sure how much his temperature has risen. You can measure the temperature of babies in the armpit, in the inguinal fold, in the rectum (rectally), but not in the mouth. The exception is when measuring temperature using a pacifier thermometer.

The temperature varies.

Rectal temperature (measured in the rectum) is approximately 0.5 degrees Celsius higher than oral temperature (measured in the mouth) and a degree higher than the axillary (or groin) temperature. For the same child, the spread in these readings can be quite large. For example:

· normal temperature in the armpit or inguinal fold 36.6°C

. and not always dangerous

A temperature slightly above the generally accepted norm may be an individual characteristic of the baby.

Evening readings are usually higher than morning readings (by a few hundredths of a degree).

The temperature may rise due to overheating, emotional arousal, or increased physical activity.

To assess how much your baby’s temperature has risen, do the following:

· measure temperature at the same time;

· do not do this when the child is crying, scared, or overly excited, give him time to calm down;

· keep data on normal indicators;

· do not measure the temperature under the blanket: if the newborn is tightly wrapped, his temperature may rise significantly.

How often is temperature taken during illness?

It is enough to do this three times a day: morning, afternoon and evening, every day at approximately the same time throughout the illness. Write down the measurement results, so the doctor can use them to judge the course of the disease. You need to measure your temperature more often in the following cases:

· the baby has a high fever (from 39.0°C);

· you need to evaluate the effectiveness of the antipyretic drug;

· the child had an episode of febrile seizures (in some children these occur in response to a rise in temperature).

Measurement step by step

It is advisable that the baby has his own personal thermometer. Before each use, do not forget to wipe it with alcohol or warm water with soap.

1. Measuring the temperature in the rectum is convenient only for small children. A five- to six-month-old baby will deftly wriggle out and won’t let you do this. In addition, this method of measurement may be unpleasant for the child. If the baby resists, pick him up and measure his temperature under his arm. An electronic thermometer is most suitable for measuring rectal temperature, as it allows you to do this very quickly: you will get the result in less than 1 minute. The mercury thermometer must be held for at least five minutes, and besides, you risk breaking it if the baby twitches.

· So, take a thermometer (first shake off the mercury to a level below 36.0 ° C), lubricate its tip with baby cream.

· Place the baby on his back, lift his legs with one hand (as if you were washing him), with the other hand carefully insert the thermometer into the anus so that its tip “sinks” into it (about 2 cm). Fix the thermometer between two fingers (like a cigarette), and squeeze the baby’s buttocks with the other.

2. The temperature in the groin and armpit is measured with a glass mercury thermometer. You will receive the result in 10 minutes.

· Shake the thermometer to a level below 36.0°C.

· Wipe the skin dry in the fold, as moisture cools the mercury.

· To measure the temperature in the groin, place the baby on his side (if you are taking measurements under the armpit, sit him on your lap or pick him up and walk around the room with him).

· Place the thermometer so that the tip is entirely located in the skin fold, then press the baby’s leg (arm) to the body with your hand.

Pros: It is familiar to us, universal, that is, suitable for measuring temperature on any part of the body for a child of any age.

Minuses: Unsafe (due to combination of glass and mercury). The process of measuring temperature takes a long time (5 minutes in the rectum and 10 minutes in the armpit).

Digital electronic thermometer

Pros: Safe measures temperature very quickly, accurately and notifies you when the process is complete sound signal. Ideal for measuring rectal temperature.

Minuses: Does not give accurate numbers when measuring temperature under the arm, as it requires very close contact with the body.

Temperature strips on the forehead

Pros: They will come in handy if you find yourself outside the house: on the road or for a walk.

Minuses: They signal only the fact of an increase in temperature and do not provide information about how much it has increased.

Pros: A good invention for babies who are tenderly attached to a pacifier.

Minuses: It is clear that they are not universal.

A little advice. If, when trying to measure the temperature, you encounter a violent protest from your baby, try doing it while he is sound asleep. Carefully place the thermometer under the arm of a sleeping baby, press the handle to the body and, holding it, sit with him until the temperature is measured.

Svetlana Katosova, pediatrician

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What temperature in the rectum is considered normal?

Measuring rectal body temperature in some cases is a mandatory procedure when monitoring patients. Fluctuations in this parameter are valuable indicators of the general condition of the body. Thus, an increase in rectal temperature may indicate the onset of a pathological condition developing in the internal organs.

Indications for measurement

The rectum is a cavity closed by the anal sphincter. Thanks to this, the temperature inside it is constant, and deviations in one direction or another, as a rule, indicate the development of any diseases or inflammatory processes, since it is the rectal value that is closest in terms of indicators to the temperature of the internal organs. The rectal method is used in the following cases:

  • thermoneurosis – a strong spasm occurs in the vessels located directly under the skin, which disrupts the body’s thermoregulation:
  • if it is impossible to obtain temperature values ​​in the armpit due to severe exhaustion of the patient, when the soft tissues do not fit tightly to the thermometer;
  • in children under 2 years of age;
  • when the body is hypothermic, when the temperature inside the body can be normal, but on its surface reduced;
  • with damage or inflammation of the skin of the armpits;
  • if the patient is unconscious;
  • in women to determine the time of ovulation.

It is prohibited to use the rectal method when:

  • bowel disorders (constipation or diarrhea);
  • inflammatory diseases of the rectum in the acute stage;
  • polyps, erosions, neoplasms located in the rectum;
  • hemorrhoids.

How to measure rectal temperature correctly

How to measure temperature rectally? To do this, use a regular mercury thermometer. In this case, the patient must lie on his side and pull his legs towards his stomach. For easier insertion into the anus, the end of the thermometer is lubricated with Vaseline or baby cream and inserted into the rectum to a depth of 2 cm for at least 5 minutes. When measuring, it is recommended to squeeze your buttocks as tightly as possible.

Normal rectal temperatures differ from those in the armpit. For the rectum, the norm varies from 37.0 to 37.7 0 C.

Data above this norm indicate pathological processes beginning in the body, most often these are:

  • infectious and viral diseases;
  • inflammatory and purulent processes;
  • growth of malignant or benign tumors.

Features of measuring rectal temperature in children

When measuring rectal temperature, it should be taken into account that these indicators in children under 2 years of age are slightly higher than in adults. A value of up to 38 0 C is considered normal. During measurements, the child should be provided with maximum peace, because high readings can occur due to active movements.

In newborns in the first three months of life, temperature indicators are influenced by: crying, feeding, massage, and ambient air parameters in the room.

For children under one year of age, a value above 38.5 0 C can cause febrile seizures, so it is very important to give antipyretic drugs on time and not delay a visit to the doctor.

Features of measuring rectal temperature in women

For women, measuring basal temperature in the rectum is an effective way to plan pregnancy. Using these temperature indicators, you can determine the period of ovulation, the approach of menstruation, or find out about pregnancy.

In this case, the temperature in the rectum is determined with the obligatory consideration of the following parameters:

  • You can measure your temperature only after sleeping for at least 6 hours, without getting out of bed, immediately after waking up, at the same time;
  • the thermometer is inserted into the rectum while lying on the side with the legs pulled up to the stomach;
  • The measurement time should not be less than 5 minutes for a mercury thermometer.

To obtain reliable results, measurements are taken for at least three cycles.

Normally, rectal temperature should correspond to the following indicators:

  • temperature 1-2 days before the end of the menstrual cycle – 36.3 0 C;
  • maturation of the egg (follicular phase, during which the probability of pregnancy is very low) – 36.6-36.9 0 C;
  • ovulation – 37.0-37.4 0 C;
  • temperature after ovulation – 37.0 0 C.

The most favorable time for conception is 1-2 days before ovulation. During this period, the mucous tissue of the cervix becomes most sensitive, which increases the likelihood of pregnancy.

If, when measuring rectal temperature for two or more weeks, a reading of 37.0 0 C is recorded, this may indicate pregnancy.

Also, using a graph displaying the temperature in the rectum, you can identify diseases of the reproductive organs in the female body: endometriosis, low progesterone levels, inflammation in the appendages or ovaries.


Rectal temperature in adults and children

A person's body temperature is an important indicator of his health. Sometimes the presence of this symptom alone can signal such serious diseases as tuberculosis, myocardial infarction, benign and malignant formations, etc. Rectal temperature is measured in the rectum. For a number of reasons, sometimes rectal temperature measurement is the most optimal way to find out the most accurate indicator.

The structural features of the anal canal, namely the anal sphincter, which closes its lumen, contribute to the fact that the temperature of this cavity is stable.

The temperature readings of the rectum are very close to those of the internal organs. These factors influence the fact that measuring the temperature in the rectum gives the most reliable indicators.

In addition, in a number of situations, carrying out other methods of temperature measurements turns out to be ineffective and ineffective. Cases where rectal measurement of body temperature is recommended include:

  • the presence of thermoneuroses in humans;
  • measurement of indicators in a child;
  • excessive thinness and exhaustion of the patient (not sufficient quantity soft tissue in the axillary region);
  • general hypothermia of the body (when the skin temperature is much lower than the temperature of the internal organs);
  • inflammatory processes of the skin of the axillary region and oral cavity;
  • lack of consciousness of the patient.

All of the above factors make it impossible to measure temperature in any other way. Body tremors and children's hyperactivity can interfere with recording the thermometer.

For example, in situations such as when a person is unconscious, taking measurements in the oral cavity can even pose a threat to the patient's life. Therefore, in such cases, the rectal method of measurement is the most optimal.

However, there are certain contraindications to measuring temperature using this method. Among them are intestinal disorders, stool retention, various inflammatory processes in the rectum, the presence of hemorrhoids, anal fissures (especially during exacerbation of diseases), etc.

Taking measurements

To measure rectal body temperature, you can use a mercury thermometer. The patient should take a lateral decubitus position. The thighs are pressed tightly against the abdominal wall. Before use, the thermometer is treated with a disinfectant solution and running water.

After which it is wiped dry. The mercury column is shaken to bring it below 35° C. For more comfortable insertion, the end of the thermometer is lubricated with Vaseline or vegetable oil. After insertion, you need to tense your gluteal muscles and squeeze it. Temperature is measured at a depth of up to 5 cm. After 5 minutes, thermometry readings can be recorded.

Unlike the armpit, for rectal measurements 37 °C is not a low-grade mark on a thermometer.

The fact is that in this part of the human body, as in all internal organs and mucous membranes, temperature regime slightly higher, so the thermometer readings when measuring rectal temperature 37.2 - 37.7 ° C are the absolute norm.

What does a person's fever indicate?

Hyperthermia is a signal that certain disorders are occurring in the body. The most common of these processes are:

  • infectious and colds;
  • abscesses and purulent diseases;
  • tuberculosis;
  • anemia;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • benign and malignant formations.

When a person has such serious pathological processes, it is worth paying attention to the presence of accompanying symptoms: rash, acute pain.

Slight increases in temperature can be caused by the body's natural cycles, overheating, nervous strain and other factors.

Thermometry in children

Children's body temperature is slightly higher than that of adults. Newborn babies are very sensitive to both hypothermia and overheating. At this age, thermometry is one of the most objective ways to assess health status.

Because axillary and oral measurement methods do not allow achieving accurate results In patients of this age, the method of measuring body temperature in the ear canal is quite popular. But measuring a child's rectal temperature provides the most accurate data.

Taking rectal temperature measurements in children with a mercury thermometer without certain skills carries a certain danger. Therefore in Lately Digital thermometers are becoming especially popular.

The normal rectal temperature in infants is within 38° C. During the procedure, the child should be reassured, because The slightest movements can cause an increase in indicators.

Especially in the first months of a child’s life, the temperature curve is just being established.

Up to two or three months, its changes can be provoked by the slightest factors: screaming, breastfeeding, swaddling. The air parameters of the room in which the child is located also have an impact. Stable humidity and temperature of 20 - 22° C are considered optimal for a child.

It should be remembered that for children under 1 year of age, body temperature above 38 - 39 ° C can be dangerous - in such a situation the child runs the risk of fibril seizures. Therefore, if heat does not subside for a long time, you need to contact your pediatrician.

Women's basal body rate chart

A basal (rectal) measurement schedule is an effective and popular way to plan pregnancy. With its help, you can determine the period of ovulation that is most favorable for conception, find out about the approach of menstruation or the onset of pregnancy.

To make the schedule as accurate as possible, you need to consider the following factors:

  • measurements are taken immediately after sleep (at the same time, without getting out of bed);
  • sleep on the eve of measurements should be complete;
  • indicators are measured for at least 5 minutes in a stationary position;
  • Data must be charted for a minimum of three cycles.

The normal rectal temperature for women the day before the end of menstruation is 36.3° C. During the follicular phase - 36.6 - 36.9° C. At this time, the necessary conditions for the maturation of the egg, so the likelihood of getting pregnant during this period is very low.

Rectal temperature during ovulation is 37.0 - 37.4 ° C. It is the few days before the start of this period that are most favorable for conceiving a child. At this time, the cervical mucosa is most sensitive; together with the seminal fluid, the sperm manages to enter the fallopian tubes in time to contact the egg. After ovulation, the rectal temperature decreases and a few days before menstruation reaches 37.0 ° C.

If for two weeks or more the rectal temperature is 37°, this means that such dynamics of the graph may indicate the onset of pregnancy.

In addition, using the basal chart, you can find out about the possible presence of diseases in a woman. To do this, it is enough to know the normal rectal body temperature. Among such diseases: endometritis, progestational insufficiency, inflammation of the appendages, etc.

Methods for reducing body temperature

To reduce elevated body temperature at home, you must follow these instructions:

  • drink enough fluids to avoid dehydration;
  • cool the limbs with cold baths;
  • use cooling compresses on the forehead;
  • wipe the body with water at room temperature;
  • observe bed rest.

You can also improve thermoregulation by sweating. You should review your diet and exclude fatty and fried foods.

If the body temperature is above 38° C, there is a need to use antipyretics.

To get rid of a symptom, you first need to establish the cause that causes it. Thermoregulation disorders can be varied: hypothermia, hyperthermia, changes in body temperature. But all of them indicate some kind of malfunction in the human body and require treatment.

Basal temperature allows you to determine the time of ovulation, pregnancy at early stages, the presence of inflammatory gynecological pathologies. With correct and regular measurements and scheduling, you can identify the most favorable days for conception; any deviations indicate a malfunction in the body.

You need to know your basal temperature to determine ovulation

What does basal temperature mean?

Basal temperature (BT)- the lowest temperature of the human body at rest. Measurements can be taken orally, in the armpit, but the most accurate values ​​are rectal, when the thermometer is inserted into the rectum.

Why do you need to measure BT:

  • – the method is suitable for long, short, standard and irregular cycles;
  • you can determine pregnancy even before the delay;
  • identify inflammatory pathologies of the pelvic organs early stages before symptoms appear;
  • for pregnancy planning.

To measure BT, it is better to use a regular mercury thermometer and use the same thermometer throughout the entire cycle.

How to measure BT?

In order to correctly draw up a schedule and avoid errors, when measuring basal temperature, you must strictly follow the sequence of actions.

Measurement Rules:

  1. In the evening, prepare a thermometer, knock it down, put it next to the bed so that you can easily reach it.
  2. In the morning, without getting out of bed, insert the tip of the thermometer 5 cm into the rectum.
  3. Measure the temperature for 5-7 minutes, try not to get nervous, breathe evenly and calmly.
  4. Before taking your temperature, you should have at least 5–7 hours of restful sleep.
  5. BT must be measured at the same time; deviations of 1 hour up or down are allowed. The indicators are recorded from the first day of the menstrual cycle, the data is entered into a special chart.

You can measure BT during the day after 4 hours of sleep, but such data is often unreliable. The method is suitable for women who have been working at night for many months; their body has had time to adapt to a new sleep and wakefulness pattern.

With the correct schedule, after 3 cycles you can learn to plan a pregnancy at home; signs of the inflammatory process will be noticeable after 1–2 months. In gynecology, average BT temperatures are used to assess the condition of the reproductive and genitourinary systems, but deviations often occur that are caused not by pathologies, but individual characteristics body.

How to build a graph correctly:

  1. Draw 2 lines on a checkered sheet of paper; they should start from the same point and be perpendicular.
  2. On the vertical axis, make markings for temperature indicators - write down the numbers from 36, 0 to 37.5, each cell is equal to 0.1 degrees.
  3. You need to mark the days of the calendar on the horizontal line.
  4. At the level of 37 degrees, draw a red horizontal line, draw a vertical line between 12-14 days, it conditionally divides the two-phase cycle into periods I and II.
  5. Every day, place a dot at the intersection of the date and temperature values; when they are connected, a curve of the monthly cycle is formed.
  6. On the graph, the day of ovulation is the highest point.
  7. The optimal difference in indicators in phases I and II is 0.4–0.5 units.
  8. The length of the cycle is also clearly visible on the graph; normally it is 28 days; doctors do not consider pathologies if the interval between menstruation is 21–35 days. But a long or short cycle may be a sign of ovarian failure.

Thanks to the BT chart, you can understand how well your menstruation is proceeding

Decoding the BT schedule allows the woman, and, if necessary, the gynecologist, to check how normally the cycle is proceeding, whether maturation and ovulation are occurring, and whether pregnancy has occurred.

In addition to temperature indicators, the graph should display the amount and nature of discharge and general well-being. If the day before a woman drank alcohol, had sex, was very nervous, or showed signs of a cold, all these factors are also recorded in the table, since they can distort the BT values.

How does the BT indicator change?

Changes in basal temperature indicators are affected by the condition hormonal levels, therefore, fluctuations in values ​​​​in different phases of the cycle are normal.

BT value by day of the cycle

When measuring BT, the length of the cycle is also important; the ideal duration is 28 days, but intervals between menstruation of 21–35 days are considered normal. The length of the first phase may vary, but the normal luteal period should always be 12–14 days.

Phases of basal temperature

When drawing up a BT schedule, several types of curves are distinguished, which makes it possible to assess the state of the reproductive system.

Types of curves:

  1. I – temperature indicators in the second phase increase by at least 0.4 units, the luteal period lasts 12–14 days, the values ​​decrease before ovulation and menstruation. This schedule corresponds to a normal two-phase cycle lasting 28 days.
  2. II – luteal phase lasts 12–14 days, during this period the temperature rises by no more than 0.2–0.3 degrees, and decreases slightly before the release of the egg from the follicle and before the onset of menstruation. Such a curve indicates a lack of estrogen and progesterone, which often causes infertility; special tests will help to assess the level of hormones in each phase of the cycle.
  3. III – an increase of 0.4 degrees is observed only shortly before menstruation, the second phase lasts 10 days or less, and BT does not drop before menstruation. Such a graph indicates luteal insufficiency, which is fraught with the development of infertility and miscarriage; correction is carried out using hormonal therapy.
  4. IV – there are no ups and downs on the curve, the entire cycle, the rectal temperature is in the range of 36.1–36.7 degrees, there is no ovulation, the cycle is considered anovulatory. In a healthy woman of fertile age, such a deviation occurs 1-2 times a year; if more often, it is necessary to undergo hormonal tests.
  5. V – the BT curve looks chaotic; an increase and decrease in values ​​occurs regardless of the phase of the cycle. This graph indicates low estrogen levels, and the chances of getting pregnant are minimal. Single jumps in indicators can occur due to stress, after a long flight, or during exacerbation of any chronic diseases.

Knowing the exact day of ovulation, you can plan the sex of the unborn child - if fertilization occurs directly on the day the egg is released, there is a high probability of giving birth to a boy. Girls are born after sex, which took place 48–72 hours before ovulation.

Reasons for deviations from the norm

Minor fluctuations in BT values ​​occur during stress, climate change, after sexual intercourse, and while taking certain medicines. Strong deviations of the curve from the norm are a sign of endocrine pathologies, inflammatory processes; using the graph, the primary cause of infertility can be established.

Uterine fibroids are one of the causes of basal temperature failure

Why deviations occur:

  1. Problems in the luteal phase - ovarian diseases, pathologies of the thyroid gland, pituitary gland, endometriosis, uterine fibroids, polyps and tumors in the genital organs. Progesterone deficiency is observed during inflammatory processes in the uterus and appendages, diseases of the liver and gastrointestinal tract, after exhausting diets and excessive physical activity.
  2. Frequent anovulatory cycles are observed in adolescence, indicate the approach of menopause, endocrine diseases, and ovarian pathologies.
  3. An increase in temperature before menstruation to 38 degrees or more – endometritis, adnexitis, endometriosis, cystitis, intestinal infections, ectopic pregnancy. Additional symptoms – sharp pain in the lower abdomen, discharge mixed with pus, discomfort when emptying the bladder, vomiting, weakness.

During pregnancy, an increase in BT indicates inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs and infectious pathologies in the body. A decrease in indicators occurs with a miscarriage or frozen pregnancy.

Measuring BT - simple and available method self-diagnosis of the state of the reproductive system, hormonal levels, allows you to track violations of different origins in the early stages. Minor and short-term deviations from the norm occur under the influence external factors– overwork, stress, regular fluctuations indicate endocrine and inflammatory diseases.

In women, after the onset of the reproductive period, amazing processes occur in the body every month. General concepts Almost every representative of the fair sex knows about the menstrual cycle, but not everyone knows how deep knowledge about it will help plan the processes of conception.

This series of articles will be devoted to basal temperature, the measurement of which is accessible and in a simple way plan conception, and suspect the presence of gynecological pathology.

What is basal body temperature?

Basal body temperature (BT) is the lowest temperature that can be reached human body at a time of rest, usually during sleep. After a person wakes up and begins to move, body temperature changes and increases.

Changing BT is one of the ways to determine the ovulatory period and some other processes occurring in a woman’s body. The temperature method for determining the phase of the fertile period and the time when a couple can plan conception is based on this knowledge about changes in BBT.

Basal temperature is influenced by hormones. In a healthy woman of reproductive age, almost every month, sequential shift phases of the menstrual cycle: follicular, ovulatory and luteal. In each phase, the predominance of certain hormones changes and, accordingly, their level changes BT.

What can be determined by measuring BT?

Measuring BT values ​​helps determine the following conditions in women:

  1. Onset (release of the egg from the follicle);
  2. “Safe days” for having sex, i.e. when the likelihood of conceiving a child is minimal.
  3. When menstrual bleeding occurs.
  4. How does a woman’s menstrual cycle proceed and are there any deviations in it.
  5. Suspect the presence of gynecological pathology.
  6. Assume pregnancy in case of delay.

Of course, the method of measuring BT is not absolutely reliable. It is based on evidence that basal temperature varies depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle. There are many women for whom this does not happen, so the data obtained by this method must be taken critically and compared with the results of other studies.

Where is it measured?

If a woman measures her basal temperature to determine her fertile period, then it must be measured in the rectum. For some women this method is not suitable and they measure BBT orally (in the mouth) or in the vagina. Unfortunately, measuring BT in the mouth will not give the desired result. Let's figure out why.

Hormones that change BT are formed in the ovaries and are transported through the ovarian veins, creating cyclic temperature fluctuations depending on the phase of the cycle. The rectum is closest to the ovaries, so it is there that these fluctuations will be especially pronounced.

If the temperature changes that sex hormones create are clearly expressed, then they can be detected even by measuring BT in the armpit, but such a clear temperature difference in women practically does not occur in practice.

For those women who, for some reason, are not suitable for measuring BT in the rectum, you should not waste time measuring it in the mouth (orally) or in other areas. It is better to use other research methods (tests, ultrasound, blood tests).

How to measure it correctly?

Since basal temperature is the body temperature at rest, it should be measured after at least 3 hours of sleep, without getting out of bed. Measurements in women are carried out at the same time, preferably in the morning after a night's sleep.

For measurements, use a separate thermometer, preferably mercury, and record the data in a special notebook. Based on the results, a graph is built that allows you to track BT fluctuations and understand what changes are occurring in the body.

The temperature is measured rectally, i.e. in the rectum. BBT measurements in the mouth, vagina or armpit are not reliable and cannot be used as diagnostic data.

What should your basal temperature be?

The BT rate depends on different conditions. So, at the beginning of the menstrual cycle, the basal temperature does not even reach 37 degrees, since the new egg in the follicle is just beginning its growth and development.

By the middle of the cycle, the basal temperature gradually increases along with the growth of the egg and at the moment its noticeable jump is observed. The BT norm during this period is 37.1 -37.7.

Important! In some women, the increase in basal temperature during this period can reach up to 38 degrees, while in others the temperature jump is very weak and almost unnoticeable.

During the second phase of the menstrual cycle (luteal), the basal temperature remains at 37-37.3 degrees, gradually decreasing towards the beginning of menstrual bleeding.

The described norm is an ideal that can occur, but may differ for every healthy woman. To learn how to correctly assess BT, you will need to be patient and correctly measure it, analyze it and build a temperature graph that will help recognize minor fluctuations.

The main advantage of the method is its accessibility, safety and lack of financial component. A woman should only have a desire and an ordinary mercury thermometer at hand.

Questions for the doctor

Question: What does it mean if I don’t have high BT at all during my menstrual cycle?

Answer: This means that your ovulation is not accompanied by a change in BBT or that ovulation does not occur, i.e. anovulatory cycle. To differentiate these two conditions, you need to take blood tests for LH or perform folliculometry.

Question: How long should BT be before ovulation?

Answer: Before ovulation, at the time of the peak of luteinizing hormone, a slight drop in temperature may be observed, and then a high BT rises at the moment the egg leaves the follicle.

Question: Can a change in BT in the mouth determine the moment of ovulation or does it mean nothing?

Answer: If the rectal measurement method does not suit you, then it is better to use other methods for determining ovulation. Measuring BBT in your mouth cannot guarantee you the correct result.

Question: How many days do you need to measure BT?

Answer: Not days, but several months. In order to reliably track how exactly your basal temperature changes according to the phases of the cycle and what the norm is typical for you, you need to measure it every day for 2-3 months.

Measuring BT is a simple and affordable auxiliary way to monitor ovulation and other reproductive processes in a woman’s body. When using this method, one should not forget about its shortcomings and carry out measurements taking into account all the requirements.


The structural features of the anal canal, namely the anal sphincter, which closes its lumen, contribute to the fact that the temperature of this cavity is stable.

The temperature readings of the rectum are very close to those of the internal organs. These factors influence the fact that measuring the temperature in the rectum gives the most reliable indicators.

In addition, in a number of situations, carrying out other methods of temperature measurements turns out to be ineffective and ineffective. Cases where rectal measurement of body temperature is recommended include:

  • the presence of thermoneuroses in humans;
  • measurement of indicators in a child;
  • excessive thinness and exhaustion of the patient (insufficient amount of soft tissue in the axillary region);
  • general hypothermia of the body (when the skin temperature is much lower than the temperature of the internal organs);
  • inflammatory processes of the skin of the axillary region and oral cavity;
  • lack of consciousness of the patient.

All of the above factors make it impossible to measure temperature in any other way. Body tremors and children's hyperactivity can interfere with recording the thermometer.

For example, in situations such as when a person is unconscious, taking measurements in the oral cavity can even pose a threat to the patient's life. Therefore, in such cases, the rectal method of measurement is the most optimal.

However, there are certain contraindications to measuring temperature using this method. Among them are intestinal disorders, stool retention, various inflammatory processes in the rectum, the presence of hemorrhoids, anal fissures (especially during exacerbation of diseases), etc.

Taking measurements

To measure rectal body temperature, you can use a mercury thermometer. The patient should take a lateral decubitus position. The thighs are pressed tightly against the abdominal wall. Before use, the thermometer is treated with a disinfectant solution and running water.

After which it is wiped dry. The mercury column is shaken to bring it below 35° C. For more comfortable insertion, the end of the thermometer is lubricated with petroleum jelly or vegetable oil. After insertion, you need to tense your gluteal muscles and squeeze it. Temperature is measured at a depth of up to 5 cm. After 5 minutes, thermometry readings can be recorded.

Unlike the armpit, for rectal measurements 37 °C is not a low-grade mark on a thermometer.

The fact is that in this part of the human body, as in all internal organs and mucous membranes, the temperature regime is slightly higher, so the readings of a thermometer when measuring rectal temperature of 37.2 - 37.7 ° C are the absolute norm.

What does a person's fever indicate?

Hyperthermia is a signal that certain disorders are occurring in the body. The most common of these processes are:

When a person has such serious pathological processes, it is worth paying attention to the presence of accompanying symptoms: rash, acute pain.

Slight increases in temperature can be caused by the body's natural cycles, overheating, nervous strain and other factors.

Thermometry in children

Children's body temperature is slightly higher than that of adults. Newborn babies are very sensitive to both hypothermia and overheating. At this age, thermometry is one of the most objective ways to assess health status.

Because The axillary and oral measurement method does not allow achieving accurate results in patients of this age; the method of measuring body temperature in the ear canal is quite popular. But measuring a child's rectal temperature provides the most accurate data.

Taking rectal temperature measurements in children with a mercury thermometer without certain skills carries a certain danger. Therefore, digital thermometers have become especially popular lately.

The normal rectal temperature in infants is within 38° C. During the procedure, the child should be reassured, because The slightest movements can cause an increase in indicators.

Especially in the first months of a child’s life, the temperature curve is just being established.

Up to two or three months, its changes can be provoked by the slightest factors: crying, breastfeeding, swaddling. The air parameters of the room in which the child is located also have an impact. Stable humidity and temperature of 20 - 22° C are considered optimal for a child.

It should be remembered that for children under 1 year of age, body temperature above 38 - 39 ° C can be dangerous - in such a situation the child runs the risk of fibril seizures. Therefore, if the high temperature does not subside for a long time, you should contact your pediatrician.

Women's basal body rate chart

A basal (rectal) measurement schedule is an effective and popular way to plan pregnancy. With its help, you can determine the period of ovulation that is most favorable for conception, find out about the approach of menstruation or the onset of pregnancy.

To make the schedule as accurate as possible, you need to consider the following factors:

  • measurements are taken immediately after sleep (at the same time, without getting out of bed);
  • sleep on the eve of measurements should be complete;
  • indicators are measured for at least 5 minutes in a stationary position;
  • Data must be charted for a minimum of three cycles.

The normal rectal temperature for women the day before the end of menstruation is 36.3° C. During the follicular phase - 36.6 - 36.9° C. At this time, the necessary conditions are created for the maturation of the egg, so the likelihood of getting pregnant during this period is very low .

Rectal temperature during ovulation is 37.0 - 37.4 ° C. It is the few days before the start of this period that are most favorable for conceiving a child. At this time, the cervical mucosa is most sensitive; together with the seminal fluid, the sperm manages to enter the fallopian tubes in time to contact the egg. After ovulation, the rectal temperature decreases and a few days before menstruation reaches 37.0 ° C.

If for two weeks or more the rectal temperature is 37°, this means that such dynamics of the graph may indicate the onset of pregnancy.

In addition, using the basal chart, you can find out about the possible presence of diseases in a woman. To do this, it is enough to know the normal rectal body temperature. Among such diseases: endometritis, progestational insufficiency, inflammation of the appendages, etc.

Methods for reducing body temperature

To reduce elevated body temperature at home, you must follow these instructions:

  • drink enough fluids to avoid dehydration;
  • cool the limbs with cold baths;
  • use cooling compresses on the forehead;
  • wipe the body with water at room temperature;
  • observe bed rest.

You can also improve thermoregulation by sweating. You should review your diet and exclude fatty and fried foods.

If the body temperature is above 38° C, there is a need to use antipyretics.

To get rid of a symptom, you first need to establish the cause that causes it. Thermoregulation disorders can be varied: hypothermia, hyperthermia, changes in body temperature. But all of them indicate some kind of malfunction in the human body and require treatment.