Why shouldn't palm oil be used in baby food? Should we be concerned about palm oil in baby food? Expert opinion

Palm oil is widely used in food production. It can be found in baked goods, confectionery, and processed meats. Baby food is no exception.

Parents are wary of this ingredient when it comes to formula milk or vegetable purees. Its presence in the composition scares mothers and makes them believe that they are dealing with a second-rate product and it is dangerous to give it to children. We will try to figure out how valid these fears are and how dangerous it really is.

Breast milk is the ideal food for babies

Breast milk continues to amaze scientists. It contains a whole complex of vitamins, minerals, proteins, fats and carbohydrates that are ideal for the needs of a growing body. But that is not all. The mother's body supplies the child not only with nutrients, but also with enzymes for their absorption. The milk production process is individually customizable. As soon as the baby gets sick, the mother immediately reacts to this by increasing the amount of immunoglobulins. The child receives additional protection and recovers faster. The composition of breast milk has long been known: 87% water, 7% carbohydrates, 4% fat, 1% protein and less than 1% vitamins and microelements. Scientists have even figured out exactly what proteins, fats and carbohydrates are. And, although there is nothing better than breastfeeding, it has now become possible to produce a high-quality substitute.

Baby food: the invention of the century

Not every mother is able to provide her child with her own breast milk. For various reasons (physiological, social, psychological), many women do not have a sufficient lactation period. There are many such cases now, as was the case in past centuries. What did they do with the baby a hundred years ago when the mother could not breastfeed him? They were looking for a wet nurse - another woman who also had a baby. What if there wasn’t one nearby? They used surrogates in the form of animal milk, which was harmful and often led to the child’s illness or even his death. And only at the beginning of the last century, the founder of Nestlé invented a breast milk substitute. This was the world's first infant formula, and it saved the lives and health of many babies. The composition of modern infant formula is constantly being improved. As scientists study the characteristics of mother's milk, more and more ingredients are added to it, such as probiotics. But the basics remain the same. These are fats, carbohydrates and proteins.

What does palm oil do in infant formula?

The mixture must contain a certain set of fats. They contain palmitic acid. By the way, it is not found in cow's milk. But oil palm oil contains the most of this substance. But isn’t this component harmful to the baby, because this product is considered quite heavy and difficult to digest? We are accustomed to the fact that palm oil is added to products for only one prosaic purpose - to make it cheaper. So, baby food manufacturers are trying to make their product cheaper?

Palm oil - what is it?

It is extracted from the fleshy parts of the oil palm fruit. It has a very complex composition and consists of unsaturated and saturated fatty acids. Yellowish in color, semi-solid structure. Used by humanity for more than 5 thousand years. This fact has been proven by recent excavations: an amphora with oil was found in the tomb of the pharaoh.

Horror stories about palm oil in baby food

Poorly digestible. The digestibility of palm fat is 6% higher than the digestibility of milk fat and is about 96%. The most harmful of all oils for a child. One of the few vegetable oils that are used in the production of food for infants. Olive and sunflower are not suitable at all. Added to make the mixture less expensive. The statement could be considered correct if it was a whole product. The infant formula uses recycled palm oil and a small extract. The oil itself contains about 6 essential fatty acids. All of them are not needed in baby food. Only palmitic acid and olein are taken.

A little bit doesn't count?

So, we can conclude: is it not harmful to give infants baby food with palm oil? Unfortunately, no, everything is not so simple. Research has shown that there is still some harm.

So, is it harmful or not?

The answer to this question lies in the specifics of production. As mentioned above, palm oil in its usual form is not used in infant formula. Only individual acids. When only palmitic acid is taken, there is no harm at all - only benefit. But adding palmitic acid separately is expensive. More often, another acid is added - olein, to which palmitic molecules are attached. In its pure form, this combination does not show very good results.

  • The percentage of calcium digestibility in baby food decreases.
  • Some of the fat comes out in the stool.
  • Constipation occurs as calcium binds and turns into hard lumps.

To solve this problem, manufacturers have "shifted" the palmitic acid molecule on olein so that it can no longer bind calcium.

If the package contains “modified palm oil”, this mixture does not cause any harm. It is useful and can be confidently used as a complete substitute for breast milk.

Dr. Komarovsky about palm oil

The famous doctor Komarovsky does not share the parents' concerns. He speaks positively about all milk formulas. In his opinion, it is harmful not to use baby food when there is no mother's milk. Both formula and natural breast milk may not always be 100% digestible. Many mothers who conscientiously breastfeed their babies exclusively are forced to constantly struggle with constipation, gas, allergies and other unpleasant phenomena.

Baby formula or cow's milk

Dr. Komarovsky believes that high-quality milk formula, including with palm oil, is much healthier than just cow's milk. Unprocessed pure milk protein can cause great harm to a child. It is dangerous to use due to the high risk of allergic reactions.

When is palm oil in infant formula beneficial?

Palm oil is used in infant formula not to make the product cheaper, but to make it as close as possible to mother's breast milk. For this reason, it cannot cause harm. It is better to buy mixtures that indicate “modified palm oil” in the composition. They are somewhat more expensive, but they have higher calcium absorption.

Palm oil is now one of the most common vegetable fats, which is actively used in the food industry, and in particular, in infant formula. Opponents of palm oil argue that baby food manufacturers, by adding vegetable raw materials to the milk formula, seek to reduce the cost of production. However pediatrician Vladimir Chikunov I am sure that the oil palm fruit product does not pose a danger, as it is thoroughly processed. Moreover, adding this ingredient to baby food is completely justified from a medical point of view.

“Unlike other industries, highly refined palm oil is used in the production of baby food. It goes through many stages of processing and control, which increases the cost of palm oil in baby food compared to other products, but guarantees its quality and safety,” says the doctor.

Breast milk is the best nutrition for a child, and, according to the expert, with the help of palm oil, manufacturers are trying to get closer to its fatty acid profile.

“The fact is that a quarter of breast milk fat is palmitic acid, and palm oil is its main source,” explains the doctor.

Fats provide from 30% to 50% of the daily needs of the child's body. Participate in the formation of the brain, visual organs and in the synthesis of hormones. According to available scientific data, palmitic acid accounts for up to 26% of the total fatty acids in the fat profile of breast milk.

“Palm oil is a rich natural source of fatty acid (about 45%). There are other sources, but the content of palmitic acid in these fats is lower: milk fat (~26%), cocoa butter (~26%), cottonseed oil (~25%), lard (~25%),” says Chikunov .

Most palm oil is produced in Indonesia and Malaysia. It is obtained from oil palm fruits, after which the raw materials undergo thorough cleaning (refining). Despite numerous articles about the dangers of the herbal ingredient, there is no scientific evidence that consuming the product obtained in Asia has a bad effect on the child’s body.

“There is no ban on the use of palm oil in any country in the world - neither for adults nor for children's food. The requirements for its safety in Russia and Europe are the same. The quality and safety indicators of palm oil established by Russian legislation comply with the Codex Alimentarius standard adopted by the FAO/WHO International Commission (Codex Stan 210),” explains the expert.

In Russia, the use of palm oil in baby food is controlled by the sanitary rules and regulations of the Russian Federation “Organization of baby food”, as well as the GRAS status (designation for food and medicine, confirming the absolute safety of a substance used in food production), assigned by the Administration by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

One of the main arguments against palm oil is its high melting point. Unlike olive or sunflower, it remains solid at room temperature and becomes liquid only at 42 degrees, while a constant body temperature rarely exceeds 37. However, the melting point does not affect the digestion process.

“Palm oil is absorbed in the same way as other foods. After all, you need to remember that any product that enters the stomach does not melt, but is digested with the help of enzymes!” - Chikunov refutes the common myth.

According to the doctor, products enter the digestive tract in the form of an emulsion and are easily digested. Palm oil also helps the colon, absorbing large amounts of harmful substances such as cholesterol, bile salts, fats, excess carbohydrates and even toxins.

Thus, the expert comes to the conclusion that palm oil is the main source of fatty acids, allowing the composition of infant formula to be as close as possible to the gold standard of breast milk. Meeting strict quality and safety requirements, palm oil is easily absorbed by the child’s body and promotes its growth and development.

Low cost and pleasant taste make palm oil an indispensable component of baby food for many brands. To improve the quality characteristics of the final product, manufacturers artificially make changes to the stationary position of palmitic acid in the palm olein formula.

The harm of palm oil in children's diets

The danger of palm oil contained in infant formula and other food products for the body of babies is that due to its regular use:

Calcium is poorly absorbed, because of this, bone strength decreases and skeletal growth slows down;

Under the influence of additional elements of palm oil, the functioning of the digestive system deteriorates and constipation occurs.

Despite the obvious disadvantages of palm oil, manufacturers do not think about the consequences and add palm oil in different fractions to infant formula. All responsibility for the consequences of consuming such products lies with the parents, so before buying and using formula for children, it is worth weighing all the possible risks.

Benefits of palm oil

Vitamins A and E, palmitic acid contained in palm oil ensure the active growth of babies from birth within normal limits. Coenzyme Q10 is responsible for removing toxins and cholesterol from the body. Due to its diverse effects on the children's body, palm oil is one of the key components of baby food.

The recipe for high-quality food for children from popular brands provides for the use of modified oil, which in its composition and chemical formula is closest to the milk of a nursing mother, and the digestibility of calcium is at the required level.

What Dr. Komarovsky says about palm oil

The opinion of a well-known pediatrician regarding whether palm oil in baby food causes significant damage to the health of babies is unequivocal: any mixture is preferable to unprocessed pure milk protein contained in cow or goat milk, which inexperienced mothers love to give to children.

According to Komarovsky, for parents, the main criteria for assessing the benefits or harm of food should be the child’s appetite, health status and behavior.

If the baby’s appetite does not change, he is active and mobile, and the food is well digested, then the nutrition was chosen correctly.

The possibility of any deviations from the norm always exists, and a striking example of this is the fact that even mother’s milk is not always completely absorbed by the child’s body, which is why it is quite rare to avoid troubles with establishing digestion in the first months after the birth of the child.

GMOs in baby food

Since the version about the complete safety of GMO products has not been confirmed, it is not recommended to introduce them into a child’s diet. In addition, many specialized experts say that genetically modified ingredients obtained from the processing of GM organisms are fraught with various dangers.

For example, the occurrence of allergies is significantly increasing; resistance to antibiotics occurs; The frequency of food poisoning is increasing, etc.

The best source of proteins, vitamins and other nutrients for children is mother's milk. But if for some reason there is not enough breast milk, or it is not possible to breastfeed the baby, then it is best for these purposes to choose adapted formulas intended for newborns (without including palm oil).

If this is not possible (not available in a store or pharmacy, high price, etc.), then stick to those products where the oil comes in a modified form (beta palmitate).

Each manufacturer is required to indicate the detailed composition of the product on the packaging, to which every interested buyer has access in order to find out which of the infant formulas of different prices does not contain palm oil.

Mothers who cannot breastfeed are forced to use ready-made formula. As a rule, their manufacturers try to reproduce the composition of human milk as much as possible, but this is very difficult; for example, cow's or goat's milk will not work - their fat content and set of acids are completely different.

So is there any benefit or harm from palm oil in baby food? Manufacturers of baby food claim that the closest thing to breast milk is vegetable oils - palm, coconut, sunflower, soybean, or rather, a combination of them.

Each of these extracts contains only some vitamins and fatty acids, as a result, only the use of all vegetable fats will ensure the maximum benefits of the mixture! Below we will discuss the features of using palm oil in infant formula, harm and benefits.

Features of application

The plant extract is produced in large quantities from the available pulp of oil palms, and therefore has a relatively low cost, which explains its popularity among manufacturers of various food products. In addition, the substance has a pleasant taste and noticeable sweetness, which makes this food a favorite among children.

An equally important property for manufacturers is the high resistance of palm oil to external factors: it does not spoil for a long time, and when added to a mixture, it significantly extends its shelf life.

The benefits and harms of palm oil in baby food

This vegetable fat contains vitamins A and E, coenzymes and palmitic acid - the last ingredient is the most important, because this substance is found in large quantities in breast milk, but in nature its only source is palm fruits.

Coenzyme Q10 is an important antioxidant that removes cholesterol and toxins from the body, while vitamins and fatty acids ensure normal growth of the baby!

Despite all the apparent advantages, palm oil in infant formula is not as healthy as it seems at first glance! This circumstance is due to the fact that its melting point is very high - this prevents the normal digestion of fat in the baby’s intestines.

In addition, in addition to the advertised palmitic acid, this oil also contains other components that interfere with the digestion process - because of this, the baby may have constipation and intestinal colic. In addition, the connection between palmitic acid and mineral balance has been proven: this substance binds calcium, prevents it from being absorbed into the intestines, and is excreted in feces.

Regular intake of infant formula with this component provokes a decrease in bone strength and slower skeletal growth.

The issue of palm oil in infant formula, its benefits or harms, is still controversial even for experienced pediatricians! Some are confident that this product is simply indispensable for replenishing baby food with fatty acids, while others are afraid of problems with bones and intestinal diseases.

Here is a quote from the famous pediatrician, Dr. Komarovsky, about the content of palm oil in children’s diets, his opinion about the benefits and harms of a child’s diet.

Whether or not to buy food with palm oil is the parents’ choice, but if possible, it is better to abstain from such products, because the baby’s health is established in infancy!

In the press and on television you can often hear about the dangers of palm oil, especially for children’s bodies. At the same time, palm oil continues to be added to most infant formulas as a source of fat. This causes concern for parents. They are trying to find blends without palm oil. Let's try to figure out whether it's worth looking for a formula without palm oil for your child, or whether it doesn't make sense.

What is palm oil?

Palm oil is a vegetable oil that is obtained from the pulp of the fruit of the oil palm tree. According to its chemical structure, it is a mixture of triacylglycerols - compounds of glycerol and fatty acids: palmitic (44%), oleic (39%), linoleic (10%), stearic (4.5%), other fatty acids are contained in palm oil in small quantities . Palm oil is the champion among vegetable and animal oils in terms of the content of palmitic acid and fat-soluble vitamins A and E. In the adult body, it is absorbed by 96%, for comparison: cow's milk fats are absorbed by 90%.

Why is palm oil added to baby formula?

In the production of infant formula, whey is used to bring the content of whey proteins and casein closer to their content in breast milk. But, in the process of obtaining whey, the content of milk fats decreases; in order to compensate for the lack of fats and bring their composition closer to the composition of human milk fats, vegetable oils are added to the mixture, incl. Palm.

Palm oil in infant formula is a source of saturated fatty acids and fat-soluble vitamins. Saturated fatty acids are needed by the child's body as a source of energy, as well as for the construction of hormones and cell membranes. In case of a lack of these acids, the human body can synthesize them from carbohydrates, but this requires additional energy expenditure.

The harm of palm oil

The press discusses the dangers of palm oil for people in general and specifically for infants.

Harm for everyone

The harm for everyone is that palm oil, like animal fats (butter, lard, etc.), contains large amounts of saturated fatty acids and cholesterol. Regular excess consumption of such products increases the risk of heart disease. -vascular diseases and excess weight gain.

At the same time, for children, including infants, cholesterol and fatty acids are needed in certain quantities as a source of energy, and also as material for the construction of hormones and cell membranes.

Therefore, from this point of view, a child’s consumption of palm oil in an age-appropriate amount will benefit him and not harm him.

Harm to infants

The harm to infants is that palm oil reduces the absorption of calcium from infant formula. A number of studies have been conducted showing that calcium in the body of children who were fed formulas with palm oil is absorbed 15-20% worse than in children who were fed formulas without palm oil.

This is due to the unfavorable lateral position of palmitic acid in the fat molecule. In this position, it is easily cleaved off under the influence of the lipase enzyme. Free palmitic acid in the child’s intestines combines with calcium, forming insoluble complexes that are not absorbed and are excreted from the body. Thus, in mixtures containing palm oil, the absorption of not only calcium but also fat is reduced. The presence of such calcium salts in the intestines adversely affects the character of stool and contributes to the development of constipation.

Such effects of palm oil are undesirable for a child.

Why do they continue to add palm oil to baby formulas?

Palmitic acid is found in most vegetable and animal fats; palm oil contains approximately 39-47%, lard - 30%, butter 25%, soybean oil - 6.5%. In all of these products, palmitic acid is found primarily in the unfavorable side or alpha position, and only in human milk is palmitic acid found in the central or beta position. In this position, lipase does not act on it and calcium salts are not formed.

It is impossible to make a product absolutely identical in composition to human milk. Children who were and are formula-fed develop absolutely normally with palm oil. Therefore, palm oil in infant formula is permitted by all nutrition institutes.

But manufacturers of infant formula are constantly working to improve their composition.

What are formula manufacturers doing to reduce the unwanted effects of palm oil?

For the production of infant formulas, palm olein is used - a liquid fraction of palm oil, which has a slightly lower content of saturated fatty acids (40%). Modern infant formulas add palm oil in significantly smaller quantities than before research (most of the research in this direction was carried out in 1994 -2000). Some manufacturers add a little more fat to the mixture than is contained in human milk. (Humana, Hipp, Nan, Nutrilak), All infant formulas contain approximately 1.5 times more calcium than human milk, taking into account the fact that it is less easily absorbed from the mixture. Vitamin D is added to all infant formulas for better calcium absorption ,To prevent constipation, prebiotics are added to most infant formulas. Formulas without palm oil

There are mixtures completely without palm oil: Nanny and Similak. But these mixtures have their drawbacks. They are not whey, but casein. These mixtures are less close to human milk in terms of protein composition. What is best for the child is up to you, dear parents, to choose.

Beta palmitate

Finally, the latest achievement in this area.

Some manufacturers have learned to artificially change the position of palmitic acid in palm olein. The result is structured palm oil or beta palmitate. Palmitic acid occupies a central position in it, just as in human milk. From such mixtures, calcium and fats are absorbed much better and they do not cause constipation.

If you want to buy such a mixture, look for beta palmitate in the composition. This group includes mixtures Nutrilon, Heinz and Kabrita.


There is still no ideal formula for an infant. Feed your baby breast milk; the best nutrition for babies has not yet been invented.