Full and incomplete sentences Elliptical offers. Receptions for the translation of elliptical designs of the English language on the example of the work of Stydon Sidney "if tomorrow"

Incomplete offers as full are a means of communication. Incomplete offers are not a special structural type t. The context and the situation of speech. The situation is two factors that cause incompleteness of the offer composition and at the same time help to understand these proposals despite the skipping of those or other members.

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Incomplete and elliptical offers

Incomplete sentences These syntax constructs are called, in which the missing one or another member of the sentence is easily restored from the context or is prompted by the shape and value of cash or by the situation. Incompletes, as well as complete, are a means of communication. However, taken in an isolated, outside the context and the situation, they are not clear, do not express the finished thoughts.

Incomplete sentences are not a special structural type, because The main or secondary member can be missed in any sentence. The context and environmental situation (situation) are two factors that determine the incompleteness of the offer and however, they help to understand these proposals, despite the skipping of those or other members. Depending on the conditions that determine the incompleteness, distinguish between contextual and situational incomplete offers.

The incomplete of contextual incomplete proposals is due to the context. He connects incomplete and replenishing his suggestions. The latter can be separated from incomplete several suggestions and even paragraph. The words that were used in the preceding or subsequent context or in this sentence, in contextual proposals are usually not repeated. May be descended to be leaning, the fact that is subject to both the fault, the complement. More often, the omitted members of the incomplete sentence are in the preceding context, less often - subsequently.

In an incomplete sentence, which makes part of a complex proposal, a member (or a number of members) of the proposal, which is available in another part of a complex proposal is not repeated. In speech, incomplete sentences are found in:

1) a complex or non-union proposal with a passage of the subject, fabulous, additions, several members of the sentence;

2) a complex proposal with the passage of the subject, part of the complex proposal.

The incompleteness of situational incomplete proposals is due to the mainstream of speech, the situation as a whole. Taken in the separation from these conditions, they are incomprehensible. Situal incomplete sentences are characteristic of conversational speech. In artistic speech, the situation is created by the author's remarks, as well as the replicas of the author, the narrator.

In context conditions and the situation, dialogical incomplete proposals are widespread, because The factors defining the nature of the syntactic system of supply are the situation, the overall experience of speaking, intonation, facial expressions, gestures that complement the statement. All this allows you to lower those members of the proposal, the absence of which does not complicate understanding of thought.

Incomplete offers are characteristic of the language of fiction, where they are presented very widely both in the speech of characters and in the author's narration. With the help of incomplete sentences, you can describe the mental state of a person, its appearance.

Elliptical offers - These are such proposals in which the missing member is not restored and is not suggested by the situation. In the elliptical offer "omitted" members are not required to disclose sense of sentence; Such proposals are clear and outside the context, the situation. Most often there is an ellipse of the tag (island on the siege of the river).

Elliptical offers are a laconic form of a description of the place of action, time. They give speech dynamism, liveliness:Champagne! Count arrived! Champagne! (L. Tolstoy).

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Incomplete sentences with unsubstituted syntactic sizes based on the inner context are called elliptic. Internal context is a proposal with its specific filling, which relies with unsubstituted syntactic position. For example, offer I am at the Instituteit has an unsubstituted syntactic position of the verb with the value of movement, Wed: I go (I'm going to go, I goetc.) in the Institute.It is this meaning to be realized because an animated subject - the face and about the standing of the place is the most natural to tie the verb with the value of movement.

Since in elliptic incomplete sentences, all the conditions for unsubstituted positions are laid in the proposal itself, such proposals, in contrast to all other types of incomplete proposals, are understandable by themselves, regardless of the context. These elliptic proposals are similar to suggestions that have zero forms of bundles and existent verb.

In elliptical incomplete proposals, the verb is usually unsubstituted.

Elliptical incomplete proposals are widespread in conversational speech, where the verbs of the most diverse meanings can remain unsubstituted: Are you in the summer south?(Driving); I am tonight in the theater(I will go); I'm not talking about that(I say); And he is also Spanish?(teaches); I'm usually shampoo(mine); Parquet we mastic(rubbed); Water in a bowl?(pour).

In other areas of language, primarily in the language of fiction, elliptical incomplete sentences are usually not

1 gostylistically neutral design, they carry\u003e E expression. The most commonly unsubstituted position of the jigging verbs remains:

Verbs movement: And then somehow our car is sent to Corsica. I'm in her!(K. Fed.); "Easy, soon, to the city,

for lackere! " - Vladimir shouted(P.); Then he blows you with myself(Trick.); [Marat] And suddenly I see, it is not clear - the person crawls to the destroyed house. I'm behind him - stand, reptile ...(Arb.); [Knurov] Other Tassers for Tractors, yes all disgrace(A. sharf.);

Glagols speaking: Oh, yes ... you about her!(Trick.); "Are you about war?" - Yulia Pavlovna asked with innocent curiosity(K. Fed.); What do you mean to me in the morning?(Her);

Verbs with a value close to givingand take: Now you have twenty kopecks ...(Trick.); "Baba, water!" - he shouted(C.); "Supper would now with goose loss or redness in sour cream ..." - flashed in her head(S.-S.).

§ 120. Consumer incomplete sentences

Incomplete offers with unsubstituted positions based on the outer subject environment are called Con sitting. Wedway: Showing some native apples, you can just say: "Huge";watching the first grader, you can say: "It is better necessary"(I need to write more evenly).

Consultation always accompanies the oral ordinary speaking speech. However, consistent incomplete proposals are also possible in written texts, primarily in the language of fiction, where the consumption is described. For example:

Ermine[High Clinic] i pulled out, snorted with a whistle, threw the tail, led the muzzle and glanced at us.

"Socked Bird," I thought(I. T.) (Wed: That Horse Ermine - "Scientific Bird");

White tower gates of the provincial Kremlin have two harsh old women talked in French ... From the church basement, it was cold, beat with an acidic wine smell from there. There, as you can see, potatoes were stored.

- Temple of Savior on Potato(I. I. and E. P.).

Only in colloquial speech is used another type of incomplete sentences. These are such incomplete proposals, the unsubstituted positions of which are based on the consistency of the special kind - for past experience, past knowledge of speaking. For example, if a certain circle of people knows that someone went to make exams, then, returning from the exam, who gave birth can say in his circle: "Five"- And everything will be clear to everyone.

The proposal characterized by the incompleteness of the grammatical structure or the incomplete composition due to the fact that it does not have one or more members clear from the context or situation in it.
Incompletes are divided into contextual and situational.
The contextual are called incomplete sentences with unnamed members of the proposals, which were mentioned in the context - in the nearest sentences or in the same sentence (if it is difficult): young men think about the future, old people about the past (proverb) (missing); "Al'a that Lodody arrived?" - "arrived" (A. Chekhov) (absent subject); Kalinich stood closer to nature. Heart - to people, to society (I. Turgenev) (the absence of the faithful and circumstances); Who was waiting for him? An empty uncomfortable room (B. Field) (lack of a bit and add-on); Turns the Kalmyk Khan residents of Sarkov in slaves, the city - to the smoky fireplace of fires (A. Tarkovsky) (in the second part of the sentence, the main members available in the first part) are not named; I decided to draw fishing birds; It seemed to me that this is good to contact: I will catch, and my grandmother is to sell (M. Gorky) (proposals with an incomplete word or incomplete phrase).
Sitationally called incomplete sentences with unnamed members who are clear from the situation, suggested by the situation. In such proposals, the overall speech situation compensates for the skip, and the form of available suggestions indicates a grammatical connection with them: the boy lowered the yacht on green water. "Does not swim," Mother sighed (A. Stepanov); Alina ordered an old man with a lacquer: "Grandfather - Samovar!" (M. Gorky); Zheadov, turning around, shouted: "Ribbon!" (A. N. Tolstoy); From the end to the end of the column: "By machines!" - reported (A. Tvardovsky); Yes, water, water! - I (K. Powetsky) repeated convulsively.
Incomplete offers are especially typical for a dialogical speech, which is a combination of replicas or unity of questions and answers. The feature of the dialogic proposals is determined by the fact that in oral speech as an additional components, along with the words, unsatual factors: gestures, facial expressions, situation. In such proposals are only those words, without which the thought becomes incomprehensible: the speaker took from me the word that I will come to the lake in the summer when you can swim onto the boat. "And what's in there?" - "Flowers". - "Only?" - "Is it not enough? Flowers! " (V. Soloohin); "What will you live?" - "And the head, and the hands of what?" (M. Gorky); "Then came to make an offer to you." - "Sentence? To me?" (A. Chekhov); "Hey, Baba! Where did you go? " - "In the cellar, Batyushka" (I. Goncharov).
In the dialogues, there may be no members of the sentence, the response replica can be represented by a particle or interjections: "Have you ever changed?" - "Is it?"; "Well, how?" - "BP!"
Elliptic is called independently used proposals of a special type, the specifics of the structure of which is the absence of a verbal fague, and the absence of a factor is the norm.
These proposals do not need in a context, nor in a situation in order to compile an idea of \u200b\u200baction or condition. It is expressed in the entire design as a whole, the purpose of which is the purpose of which is the place, time, method characterizing the action or condition, or indicate the object of action, the direction of action: I am in Kharkov (A. Chekhov); The owner is already on Vibychka Tower (V. Shishkov); I am now in the hotel (A. N. Tolstoy); In the heart - hope of sustained (A. block); For us, the farm (A. Pushkin).


Chapter I. Place of Ellipse in the system of stylistic techniques

1 Definition of the concept of Ellipse

2 Types of Elliptical Proposals

3 Ellipsis in question-response unity

4 Conclusions by chapter I

1 stylistic features of the work

2 types of translation transformations

3 Analysis of translation transmission transmission of elliptical proposals from English into Russian

4 Conclusions on chapter II




Ellipsis is the intentional omission of one of the main members of the proposal (subject to, beyond the faith or part of the facility). It is a characteristic conversational speech and serves as a compensation of a dialogue between people and expresses their relationship to something.

Elliptical offers and structures are used not only in the dialogue, dialogic unity, they can also occur in descriptions, in complex proposals, as well as in newspapers headlines. The problem of the ellipse is one of the most controversial in linguistics, and this or that of her interpretation depends on the explorer of the essence of the language units in general.

This appearance was carried out in line with modern linguistics and is devoted to the study of Ellipse in the work of Sidney Sheldon "if tomorrow is coming."

Relevance The research topics are due to the need for a comprehensive theoretical consideration of Ellipse, determining their status and methods of use in proposals.

Basic target This appearance is to study the receptions of the translation of elliptic structures based on the work of Sidney Sheldon "if tomorrow is coming."

To achieve the goal of theoretical and practical, we are determined by the following tasks:

Consider the concept of ellipsis and types of elliptic structures;

Study the receptions for the transfer of elliptic structures;

Analysis of the transfer of elliptic structures on the material of the work of Sidney Sheldon "If tomorrow is coming."

Thing Studies constitute lexico-semantic and grammatical features of elliptical proposals.

Object Studies of this diploma work is the elliptical proposals from the work of Sidney Sheldon "If tomorrow is coming."

During the study, methods were used:

Analysis and interpretation of materials from various sources.

Method Removing Material.

A relatively comparable analysis of the text of the original and the text of the translation of the work "if tomorrow will come" into Russian.

Method of quantitative counts.

Scientific novelty Research is that the proposed work establishes a qualitative originality of elliptic structures, their difference from incomplete proposals, as well as methods for their translation.

Research material Served elliptical proposals (178 examples), selected from the novel Sidney Sheldon "if comes tomorrow."

The objectives and objectives of the study identified it structure. Thesis consists of introduction, two chapters, conclusion and literature of the used literature. The introduction indicates the objectives and objectives of the study, the relevance of the study. The first chapter called "Place of Ellipse in the system of stylistic techniques" is devoted to the study of Ellipse. This chapter discusses the points of view of many authors. It also addresses the types of elliptical structures, there are different points of view regarding ellipse in the style. The second practical chapter discusses the types of translation transformations and the study of elliptic structures on the material of the work of Sidney Sheldon. In conclusion, the results are summed up and conclusions are made.

Chapter I. Place of Ellipse in the system of stylistic techniques

1 Definition of the concept of Ellipse

According to the definition of this in the dictionary of linguistic terms O.S. Akhmanova Ellipsis is a skipping element (member) of statements, easily restored in this context or situation. Elliptical statement is a statement, which, in contrast to the deployed, has a reduced appearance and is used in specific situations, such as in fluent dialogical speech.

J.A. Golikova gives the following definition "Ellipsis" - skip in speech any easily implied word, a member of the sentence.

By definition L.L. Ellipsis, or ellipse, is a stylistic figure, which consists in passing any implied supply element.

For example: Couldn t Come Any Sooner. Been on My Feet Six Six Oclock This Morning.

P.A. Leklant emphasizes that Ellipsis is a reduction in the verb phrase in the proposal, eliminating the verb component (without refund in the context). Ellipsis is characteristic of a relatively small number of widely used groups of phrases, in which the forms of subordinate words are uniformly, and the dominant word belongs to a certain semantic group of verbs (for example, movement verbs, etc.).

Ellipsis is a typical phenomenon in a conversation arising outside the situation. But this typical feature of the spoken language takes new quality when used in writing. It becomes a stylistic technique, as it supplies with topless information. Elliptical proposals in direct communication is not a stylistic reception. This is a simple norm of spoken language. In cases where the ellipse is used as a stylistic technique, it always imitates the general features of the spoken language, where the situation predetermines not the omission of a certain member of the sentence, but their absence. Such proposals can be called "incomplete sentences". Thus, suggestions: "See you tomorrow" "HAD A GOOD TIME." They are typical in spoken language. They are not omitted in them. In colloquial language, this is the norm of the syntactic structure and they are called elliptical.

Also in the book P.A. Redeante We find the following statement: "The pass of the logically necessary elements of the statement can take different forms and have different stylistic functions. This includes the use of single-main and incomplete sentences - Ellipse, Nezoryuzie, default. "

Also N.M. Raevskaya emphasizes that ellipsis in the structure of proposals is a natural process in linguistic development is present as a normal process in many languages. In traditional grammar, under the term, elliptic offers are understood as suggestions with lowered to be or tamed. Some grammar for elliptical proposals include proposals with secondary sentences of suggestions.

What is omitted as an implied element in elliptical suggestions:

1)directly from context, for example: How Was the Play? "She Inquired.


2)Full grammatical structures from this part, for example:

"Doing Well, I Suppose?"


"Glad to Hear IT."(Dreiser)

Ellipsis is a design or even parts of the structures that can be easily detected when analyzing offers.

It seems more appropriate, the ellipsis is considered as a stylistic category. In fact, in a dialogical speech, we are not omitting any member of the sentence, but its natural absence. In other words, there is no conscious literary processing of the facts of language in a lively conversational dialogical speech. But, being transferred to another Wednesday, from the oral conversational type of speech in the literary and book written type of speech, such a lack of any member of the sentence is the fact that was conscious.

I.R. Halperin in his work notes that Ellipsis is a typical phenomenon in conversation, referred to from the situation. But this typical spoken feature takes new quality when used in writing. It becomes a stylistic reception because it provides topless information. A brief proposal in direct communication is not a stylistic reception. It is just a norm of a spoken language.

Ellipsis, when used as a stylistic admission, always imitates the general peculiarities of the spoken language, where the situation predetermines not the omission of any member of the sentence, but their absence.

At the same time, the ellipsis in linguistics is the intentional passing of irrelevant words in the proposal without distorting its meaning, and often - to strengthen the meaning and effect.

Elliptical turnover is a completely legalized norm of oral speech. Offer type "WHERE TO?" As a question asked the interlocutor after the last "I" M LEAVING TOMORROW ", represents the norm of the language and is not a special expressive language of the language. This norm is an oral type of speech. But the elliptical turnover can become a stylistic reception under certain conditions.

According to many authors, including M.K. Latysheva The problem of Ellipsis is one of the most controversial in linguistics, and this or that of her interpretation depends on the understanding of the essence of the linguistic units in general. For traditional school and regulatory grammar of English language It seemed undoubted that any proposal was characterized primarily, first of all, the presence of a subject-beyonded structure and that any apparent deviation from this structure should be explained as a phenomenon of an ellipse, that is, "omission" or "implity" of those or other elements of the proposal structure.

In the course of work it was found that under the ellipsis it is understood as an intentional omission of a member of a sentence in the literary and writing type of speech. Consequently, not any omission of members of the sentence acts as a stylistic reception, but only this that appears in the literary and writing type of speech.

I.R. Galperin puts forward his theory opposite to the opinion of most authors: The term "Ellipsis" does not apply to incomplete proposals that are characteristic of the oral type of speech, since nothing is lowered. The term "incomplete sentences", although inadequately expressing the essence of the phenomenon, still more accurately characterizes the structural type of sentence, characteristic of oral speech than the term "ellipsis".

Ellipsis applies only to such cases where there is no absence of any member of the sentence (understandable from the situation of statements), and the intentional omission of any member of the proposal in certain stylistic purposes. For example:

See You Tomorrow!


In such suggestions there are no various members of the sentence. The lack of members of the sentence in the above examples is caused by various reasons. For example, in the first two examples, the absence of the subject and part of the facility is due to the situation in which communication occurs and which allows this kind of construction. In the third example, the absence of a subject caused by some negligence, characteristic in general for oral live communication. The last example is caused by the excited state of the speaker, as evidenced by an exclamation mark, graphically prompting the corresponding intonational registration of an excited statement.

A PA Leklant believes that incomplete proposals are in which any member (or a group of members) is missing; The passage is confirmed by the presence of dependent words in the proposal, as well as the context data or speech situations.

The reasons that caused omit no longer be identical to the reasons that cause the absence of individual members of the proposal in the live speech. Here is the omission, although based on the typical speech based on a conscious impact on the reader. In other words, if the lack of members of the proposal in a live speech does not have the purpose of impact on the reader and the listener, but only characterizes either the conditions in which communication proceeds, or the internal state of the speaker, in this case, that is, when we are dealing with A stylistic reception, acts as another quality, namely, a predetermined and implemented emotional impact on the reader. Another example:

King Stalked Round Them Impatiently, But The World Was Theirs. The Earth and Everything IT Held, And The Beauties of the Earth, The Kind and The Warm Things.

Here we are dealing with a controversial case. This is a direct speech of the hero and the statement of the author. But even in the direct speech of the hero, the features of literary and book speech are clearly made here, so the omission of the IS bundle can be considered as a stylistic technique, that is, ellipsis. Such omission contributes to a much more emphatic release of the predicative part of the tag, like the entire turnover by receiving the separation.

In the definitions of the ellipsis, the omission is important. Under the method of omitting is understood to refuse to transmit semantically redundant words, whose value is irrelevant or easily restored in the context.

Along with this, the omission of the subject (often together with the verb ligament), the nominal part of the taped or auxiliary verb is the most common form of the conversational speech ellipse. For example:

Ellie: ...Are You Very Rich?

Capitain Shotover:No. Living from Hand to Mouth.

(B. Shaw. Heartbreak House.)

In contrast to the German language, in which the locomotive subject falls only in some cases - in emotionally increased speech with the corresponding context, in English, this is a typical phenomenon of spoken speech at all, and not only emotionally elevated. Some of these elliptic revolutions are enshrined by public practice and are used as a kind of colloquial speech stamps. (Eg, Glad to MEET You. Most Proper.)

In other words, they are not anew, but repeated in speech and thus approach to some extent to phraseological units.

At the same time, the omission is actually opposite to the addition and implies refusal to transmit semantically redundant words, the values \u200b\u200bof which are irrelevant or easily restored in the context. An example of semantic redundancy can be the use of so-called "paired synonyms" in the English language - parallel to the words with a close value. Russian language This phenomenon is unusual, and when transferring one of the synonyms, as a rule, it is descended: Just and Equitable Treatment is a fair attitude, The Treaty Was Ponounced Null and Void. - The contract was declared invalid, The Proposal Was Rejected and Repudiated. - The offer was rejected, The Government Reeded to Force and Violence. - Government resorted to violence.

Excess elements in the text are not reduced to pair synonyms. Other parts of the statements can be descended when translated: SO I PAID My Check and All. Then I Left the Bar and Went Out Where The Telephones Were. - I paid out and went to the machine guns.

But at the same time, the reception may not be associated with the desire to eliminate excess elements of the original. One of the reasons for its use can be excessive concreteness of English text, expressed in the use of numerical, titles of measures and weights, etc. Where it is not enough to be motivated by the content: About a Gallon of Water Was Dripping Down My Neck, Getting All Over My Collar and Tie. - Water pulled me for a collar, the entire tie wet, the whole collar.

Another consideration in favor of accepting omission is the need to implement, as far as possible, the text compression when translating, given that during the translation process, various additions, explanations and descriptions used by the translator can significantly increase the transformation volume compared to the original. Therefore, the translator to balance this tendency seeks to reduce the total text of the translation, lowering excess elements, where possible within the linguistic and stylistic standards of the translating language.

You can only talk about passing a member only if it is verbally expressed in context or is clear from speech situation. In a proposal with the missed member, not only there is no continuity of syntactic bonds, but the syntactic relationship system is broken.

The simplest form of pass is nonsenous, or asyndandon. Skipping unions can be dictated by rhythm requirements. With long listings, it gives a rapid change of paintings or emphasizes the urgency of individual private impressions within the overall picture, it is impossible to list them all.

In linguistic literature, the term "elliptical offers" is used in different values: it is used instead of the term "incomplete sentences"; denotes a kind of incomplete sentences; Finally serves as the title of the type of proposals adjacent to incomplete, similar to them.

For written speech in English, the use of involved (revolutions) of gerundial and infinitive revolutions is a significant role. In contrast to the norms of syntax of spoken speech, a written speech is characterized by the absence of elliptic structures, if these elliptic revolutions do not carry a predetermined stylistic function.

It can also be noted that nominative single-delivery proposals have a large expressive potential, since the nouns that are their main member combine the image of the subject and the idea of \u200b\u200bits existence. They are used at the beginning of the novel or chapter, in the author's remarks at the beginning of the plays, in any descriptions, where the overall picture is made up of individual elements, as well as in a dynamic narration.

Ellipsis can also be expressed by incomplete sentences. Incomplete sentences are called a simple two-part proposal, the positional model of which is not fully expressed by verbal forms, i.e. This, in which one or both of the main positions is pronounced negatively. The missed elements are easily restored in this context. Being especially characteristic of the conversational speech, the ellipse even outside the dialogue gives the utterance of the intonation of live speech: dynamism, and sometimes some confidence simplicity.

The passage of the logically necessary elements of the statement can take different forms and have different stylistic functions. This includes the use of single-main and incomplete sentences - Ellipse, Nezuzuzie, default.

The doctrine of incomplete proposals reflects the difficulties and contradictions that arose in the interpretation of the proposal at all, in determining its grammatical nature.

In the works of Russian lingules of a logical school for a sample of a proposal, a scheme of the logical judgment "Subject-bunch-predicate" was adopted. From here, the requirement of mandatory three-time or two-headed suggestions. In the other case, the mandatory presence of a bundle was assumed in the proposal - some considered it with an independent member, others included in the lean. The absence of a bundle in the form of the present time was considered as "omission", and any suggestion deviated from the ideal scheme "Subject - a bunch - predicate" - as incomplete.

As writes, I.R. Halperin In the 18th century, artistic speech styles norms do not allow the use of characteristic features of the oral-type speech with its living intonation, elliptic turnover, nonsense and other typical features. It is enough to take for an example any passage from the artwork of the 18th century, which transmits the character's direct speech to make sure that the difference between the norms of oral and written speech is missing. Oral speech was usually customized under the norms of written speech. Therefore, the differences between the indirect and direct speech was erased in the style of artistic speech. In modern English artistic prose, this reception was greatly distributed.

However, the bulk of incomplete proposals in any studies make up the proposals of a dialogical speech, where all those forms that are easily guessed due to the context and the situation are passed.

Very important for the development of the theory of incomplete proposals was the teaching A.A. Shahmatov about single-main and two-part offers. He first proved to exist in the Russian language of single-part proposals as an independent structural type corresponding to the syntactic rate that was equal with twisted; Allocated and described such types of complete single-maintenance proposals, as definitely personal, unforeseen personal, nominative (they were all previously considered incomplete).

Thus, A.A. Chess, compared with grammar 19th century, significantly narrowed the circle of incomplete proposals. Incomplete, he recognized proposals in which the main member was omitted, distinguished the single-maintenance and two-part incomplete proposals. The passage of the main member in most cases was established on the principle of "implity".

Under the term "incomplete" A.A. Chess united various proposals in structurally. Members are really missed - this is confirmed by the context data, forms of available members (sentences with missing). Other suggestions fully express the meaning in them with their own funds and do not need to "restore" any members; Does not confirm the implies and context. These are sentences of spoken speech.

The doctrine of incomplete proposals was developed by A.M. Peshkovsky. Among the incomplete offers of A.M. Peshkovsky find various structures, the incompleteness of which the author establishes on the basis of the context data, the features of intonation, the forms of available members, etc. A.M. Peshkovsky described "factors creating incompleteness" - context, situation, intonation.

An analysis of elliptic proposals shows that there are no clear boundaries between full and incomplete offers. Structural proposal schemes are created in speech and when stabilization becomes language models. The factors that determine the place of such structures on the "transition scale" is the presence of synonymic and modal-time series, as well as vocabulary-grammatical values \u200b\u200bof the word forms, etc. The structures are adjacent to the structures that are stable phraseological combinations, as well as some familiar word form: Merry Christmas; Happy New Year; Many Happy Returns, etc. Such structural and incomplete designs are semantically complete.

According to I.R. Halperin for oral type speech is also characteristic of the incompleteness of the statement. The situation in which communication takes place, in some cases does not require a logical completion of thought, since this completion directly follows from the situation itself. It turns out a kind of disconnection. For example: if you don`t come. I`ll ...

Such proposals cannot be considered as elliptical, because they have no omission of any member of the proposal, which is from the context of the statement. The content of the statement in such a proposal is pushing directly from the whole situation of communication.

Forms of elliptical revolutions are typical in conversational speech - IT WAS Cherry Brandy (THAT) KILLED ... - connecting direct and indirect speech: ... What Did He Think Wed Been Having It for and others.

Only intonation makes it possible to determine the existence of elliptic turnover in this example. Only intonation can make a formally grammatically unfinished sense finality.

Ellipse is widely used not only in colloquial speech (domestic communication styles and fiction), but also in official-end-based and scientific and technical styles of speech (telegraph messages, reference books, dictionaries and others), as well as in the style of journalism and press (newspaper ads , advertising, headlines).

Particularly often elliptic turnover we find in poetic works. Here, the ellipse is not always the result of stylistic justified use. In some cases, the elliptical turnover is caused by rhythmic melodic conditions. So, for example, in Example Each Kiss A Heart-Quake - For a Kiss s Strength; I Think, It Must Be Reckoned by IT Length (Byron).

The omission of the IS bundle is possible caused by rhythmic melodic considerations. This is confirmed by the fact that in two quoted lines we have two mutually exclusive stylistic techniques: ellipsis on one side and the antipode of the Ellipse - Pleepskoye subject to Strength and IT. Thus, on the one hand, the omission to achieve the compression of the statement, on the other - repetition, stretching the statement.

Any elliptical proposal should be interpreted as a transform of the non-elliptical proposal, formed by transformation of an ellipse or "erasing", the essence of which is to replace the explicit version of any word or words with a zero option of the same word. This ellipse operation can be subjected to any word - both significant and service.

As you know, many lingules insist that it should not be mixed with alpine proposals with elliptical: elliptical proposals in their opinion should be considered as two-way proposals with "lowered" by the second composition (it is "meant" from context), and single-maintenance proposals of any contextual omission of the second The composition does not intend. However, the review of the material shows that there is no strict distinctive line between separated by two-stroke and single-parting types of proposals. Moreover, even the most clear cases of the "strictly monasignation" proposal are detected by more hidden and less hidden associations with the corresponding two-part offers. For example: Night. Silence. NOT A WORD!

By virtue of this, it seems more reasonable to attribute all proposals with one pronounced composition, regardless of the degree of "implities" of the second composition, to the total type of single-part, and inside this type of subtypes of "fixed" single-part proposals and "free" (context-elliptic) of single-service proposals .

It should be noted that the selection of expressive means of the English language is not yet enough, and the analysis of these funds is far from completed. There is still a lot of unclear, since the criteria for selecting and analyzing are not yet established. Therefore, among the expressive means of artistic speech, all kinds of elliptic turnover are often mentioned, where, where, in what conditions, and for what purposes it is used. However, the elliptic turnover is a completely legalized norm of oral speech. Where To? "As a question specified by the interlocutor after the last" I`m Leaving Tomorrow "represents the norm of the language and is not a special expressive language of the language. This is the norm of oral speech type. But the elliptic turnover can become a stylistic technique under certain conditions.

2 Types of Elliptical Proposals

L.S. Barhudarov highlights the classification of elliptical proposals based on the word explication method represented by the zero option. Under the "explication" or "replenishment" we mean the transformation, the opposite ellipse ("erasing"), namely, the replacement of a zero version of a word with an explicitly pronounced option. If the word or word presented by the zero option is explicated, i.e., be restored in its sounding version from the surrounding context, i.e. from the preceding or subsequent text, then such an elliptic offer can be called syntagmatically replenished (SyntagMatically Restored Elliptical Sentence). If the explication of this word or words is possible only on the basis of other similar constructions found in the language, but not registered directly in the contextual environment of this elliptical supply, then such an elliptical offer is called paradigmatically replenished (Paradigmatically Restored Elliptical Sentence).

In the artistic literature and language of the newspaper, various types of incomplete and elliptical proposals are widely applied as a fact of live speech. Elliptic structures give a rich material to generate headlines structure. Ellipsees are extremely economical from the point of view of the means of expression. The following types of elliptic structures are distinguished.

Elliptical structures of the IF Any, IF AnyThing are expressed and enhanced and transferred to the Russian language with apparent conditional proposals, as well as in words almost, perhaps at all, in general, etc.

Objections to this Plan, If Any, Should Be Reported to the Committee at once. - If there are objections against this plan, they must be immediately represented by the Committee. (Objections, if they are ...). For example: Very Little, If Anything, Could Be Advanced in the Defense of His Policy. - Nothing could not be said in support of his politics. IF Anything It Will Be in Their Interests to Follow This Course. - BO any case, in their interests follow this course.

Elliptical designs also include graded petitions introduced by WHATEVER, HOWEVER unions, in which there is no leaky (sometimes subject to). In Russian, such gradual appendage offers are translated by complete seignable departies with alliances, whatever, whatever (the lean and subject to full offer is restored): The British People Have to Submit to New Taxation, However High. -Anglish people have to reconcile with new taxes, no matter how high they are.

Union Though can stand at the end simple sentencefollowing the other simple proposal, closely related to it in meaning. The final though corresponds to the Russians, however, still, it's still, after all: not Didn "T Tel those Where He Had Been, But I Know, Though.- He did not tell me where he was, but I don't care I know.

Elliptic structures include a combination of if + Communion II (or adjective). In Russian, this combination is translated by a pressing sedentary offer: If Considered From This Point of View, The Problem Takes On a New Aspect. - If we consider the problem from this point of view, it acquires (accepts) another character: But The Decision, if Logical, Requires a Measure of Courage. - But this decision, although it is logical, requires well-known courage.

R.K. Minyar Beloruchev highlights elliptical designs with the commander of the past time and the WHEN or IF unions are usually transmitted by a complete pressing proposal, since the turnover with the Temply "Being" is archaic and book: WHEN ASKED ABOUT THE SITUATION IN NORTH AFRICA, HE ANSWERED THAT THE GOVERNMENT WERE CONSIDERING IT . - When he was asked about the situation in North Africa, he replied that the government examines this question.

Mr. Nelson (Labour) SAID IF Elected He Would Support The Workers "Wage Demand. - Laborist Nelson said that if he is esbared, he will support the workers' requirement to increase wages.

The following example of an elliptical design with the commander of the past time is interesting: it can be transmitted by a certain turn:

The Tribunal "S Decisions, When Arrived At, Reflected The Opinions of the Members. - Decisions taken by the Tribunal reflected the opinion of its members.

Such involved structures may be non-union:

Questioned About His Reaction To the Announcement He Replied ... - When asked, what he thinks about this statement, he answered ...

Elliptical designs with communion are often used in headlines. For example: Textile Pay Rise Asked.

Such headlines are usually transmitted in accordance with the peculiarities of Russian newspaper headlines: the requirements of textiles on raising salary.

Thus, it can be concluded that the elliptical involvement of turnover can be transmitted in various ways: the impartial offer, involved in the turnover, the verb in personal form with the complete restructuring of the supply or nouns with the pretext.

It should be noted that the elliptic structures are quite widely used in the scientific and techniques, which is reflected in the selection and use of language means, is also in its desire for brevity and compactness of the presentation. Incorrect understanding of these designs often leads to ridiculous errors in translating. Having encountered a combination of a remote crane or a Liquid Rocket in the text, the translator must recognize in them elliptical norms of combinations A Remote-Operated Crane and A Liquid-Fuelled Rocket.

You can also note numerous cases of omitting in scientific and technical materials of the article, especially certain, where in the texts of another type of its use is considered absolutely required: General View Is That ..., First Uranium Mine In The Region Was ...

Article is often absent in front of the names of specific details, technical descriptions, instructions, etc.: Armstrong Traps Have Long-Live Parts, Valve and Seat Are Heat Treated Crome Steel, Lever Assembly and Bucket Arc Stainless Steel.

According to M.K. Latyshev kinds of incomplete sentences are allocated taking into account the following factors:

a) spheres of use (oral or written speech);

b) the nature of communication (monologue or dialogue);

c) the interaction of proposals with the context;

d) features of reproducing the proposal or free construction in speech.

Two types of incomplete sentences differ - contextual and situational. Contextual proposals are incomplete sense proposals (non-response) or incomplete sentences of dialogical speech (dialogue replica).

Unfinished are the proposals of a connected intercom of monologic speech, in which any member is missing in the previous or subsequent context; eg: Roth commanders nothing responds. Stand and look in the ground; The second proposal is non-optical, as there is no subject to commanders.

The non-response offer has predicatence, has complete intonation (end intonation) and expresses the basic elements of the form of thought. However, it should be borne in mind that it expresses relatively completed thought, perhaps only due to the context in which the missed member is verbally indicated. The most frequently used non-response proposals in which the subject is omitted. The subject falls, if it is named in a neighboring sentence and is also a member of a sentence. The passage of the repeating subject is natural, especially in colloquial speech.

The passage of the leakage is the context in which it is designated; Inside the non-optical proposal for skipping, the dependent forms of secondary members belonging to the legend are indicated; eg: Suddenly, the door of the Kamorka quickly swung open, and the whole of the jelly immediately rolled down from the stairs. Gavrille before all- omitted verb-led ritsted, named in the previous sentence.

3 Ellipsis in question-response unity

As is known, the main sector of elliptical designs is a dialogue: it is in the dialogue replicas part of the proposal, as a rule, is descended, since either it is already clear from the previous replica belonging to the interlocutor; Or in the case when a part of the sentence can be easily omitted if it is not essential. Example: And by The Way, Before I Forget IT, I Hope You "LL Come to Supper to Night - Here. Will You? After the Opera. (The second offer means:" Will You Come to Supper Tonight? "- and By the way, until I forgot, I hope you come today for dinner. You will come? After the Opera.)

Delighted! - I agree! (Captain's answer implies: "I SHALL BE DELIGHTED TO COME!")

Depending on whether all members are given in this sentence or part of them restored from the context of the proposal may be complete (elliptical) or incomplete (non-elliptical).

In incomplete offers, missing members are easily restored from the surrounding context.

Incomplete offers are very characteristic of conversational dialogical speech, especially as answers to questions.

I.R. Halperin emphasizes that the most characteristic syntactic feature of the oral (conversational) speech is the presence of elliptic revolutions. The omission of individual parts of the sentence is the norm of dialogical speech, since the situation itself does not require the mention of the omitted. Full sentences in the oral type of speech can sometimes be considered as a kind of violation of the norm. They can be used for specific purposes, for example, to express in the dialogical speech of irritation, emphasized official tone, polite, but persistent orders, hidden threat, etc.

As examples of elliptic revolutions, fixed in the language as typical norms of direct lively everyday communication, the following expressions can be given:

See you Tomorrow.

PITY YOU DIDN "T Come.to Meet You.

B.A. Ilyash also claims that the main sector of elliptical proposals is a dialogue, because Parts of proposals may be absent, but they are clear from previous proposals (owned by another speaking) and can easily be restored. But elliptical offers may occur outside the dialogue. But the problem is that without the context, it is difficult to understand the meaning of elliptic structures, sometimes in the absence of this and not at all. There are characteristic of a particular language features, on the basis of which a dialogical unity is built, the construction of which is accompanied by the correct and relevant use of structures using elliptic proposals - those designs that are used in Russian are often incorrectly used in English.

V.A. Kukhachenko notes that in modern prose Ellipsis, mainly used in a dialogue, where it is consciously used by the author to reflect the natural omissions characterizing the oral speaking speech. Often, Ellipsis is used close to the dialogue in the entrance observations of the author, commenting on the speech of the characters. Brief comments in prose resemble remarks in drama. They save only the most important information released those parts of this that can be easily understandable from the situation. This is the situational nature of our everyday speech, which is largely relies on the understanding of the speakers of the conditions and the details of the communication act, which promotes regulatory spoken omissions. The imitation of these oral conversational rules was created by the author through an ellipsis with the main function of reaching the authenticity and the likelihood of a fictitious dialogue.

In contrast, the incompleteness of the statement is also characteristic of the oral type of speech. The situation in which communication flows is in some cases does not require the logical completion of thought, since this completion directly follows from the situation itself. It turns out a kind of disconnection. For example: if you don "T Come i" LL .... Such suggestions cannot be considered as elliptic because they have no omission of any member of the proposal, understandable from the context of the statement. The content of the statement in such a sentence implies directly from the whole situation of communication. Indeed, the thought set forth in the above example, without disclosing the situation remains incomprehensible. What should follow I "LL can only be the subject of guesses.

Noodynakov composition of elliptical proposals for the general and special type. The general for them is to preserve in an elliptic questionnaire of structurally and semantically most essential elements of a complete question. For a general question, this is a combination of auxiliary verb with subject, usually placed, as the substituents of the group of the facility and subject.

The elliptical special question may be limited to a questional word, which indicates the informational lacuna, requiring filling:

Are you in a hurry?, Sir, Came The Answer, That Sent a Flash, Through the Listener. What?

Naturally, elliptic questions cannot be initial in the dialogue.

Another thing is the elliptical turnover, which arise only in the dialog itself. For example:

"You may Lose More Than Your Fees!" "CAN" T! "(G. GalSworthy).

The dialogic speech, due to the conditions specified above, is also characterized by another property: the process of formation of thought proceeds almost simultaneously with the process of direct communication, as if "on the go." Syntax, therefore, receives the nature of inconsistency, is a consequence of ill-impaired. This inconsistency, in particular, affects both the syntactic norms.

For oral speech in modern English, the use of the question in the syntactic form of an affirmative offer is also characteristic. For example:

"You have Been to School?"

"YES, SIR," I Answered; "FOR A SHORT TIME." (CH. Dickens)

Sometimes a question offer is used in an elliptical form: the auxiliary verb to do is lowered for example: Miss Holland Look After You and All That?

Such proposals are on the verge of non-leafy, integral revolutions that are used in a live speech.

4 Conclusions by chapter I

Having studied theoretical questions Ellipse functioning, we came to the following conclusions:

Many lingules define an ellipsis as an intentional passing of irrelevant words in a sentence without distorting its meaning, and often - to strengthen meaning and effect. Studying the definition of the concept of "Ellipssis" shows that this is a typical phenomenon in a conversation that occurs out of the situation. But this typical feature of the spoken language takes new quality when used in writing. It becomes a stylistic reception. Elliptical proposals in direct communication is not a stylistic reception. This is a simple norm of spoken language. In cases where the ellipse is used as a stylistic technique, it always imitates the general features of the spoken language, where the situation predetermines not the omission of a certain member of the sentence, but their absence. Such proposals can be called "incomplete sentences".

With regard to the classification of elliptic proposals, two types are isolated:

) syntagramically replenished elliptical offers

) paradigmatically replenished elliptical offers (classification by L.S. Barhudarova)

Also isolated various kinds of elliptic structures. (J.A. Golikova, R.K. Minyar-Beloruchev, M.K. Latyshev). They give a rich material to generate headlines. Ellipsees are extremely economical from the point of view of the means of expression.

Many authors argue that the main sector of elliptical use is a dialogue, because parts of the proposals may be absent but they become understandable from previous proposals. Also in some cases, the verbal speech is characterized by the incompleteness of statements. But elliptic offers cannot be initial in the dialogue.

Chapter II. Translation of elliptical sentences on the example of the work of Sidney Sheldon "If tomorrow is coming"

1 stylistic features of the work

elliptic offer translation English

Sydney Sheldon most often worked in the genre of the criminal thriller, but the bulk of his reader audience was women, as a result of which his novels were often ranked to the category of so-called female prose. The heroines of his novels often became strong, bold and confident women who are forced to fight for their place in life in a cruel world. For merits in front of literature and cinema Sidney Sheldon received a registered star on the Hollywood Alley of Fame. In addition, his name is present in the Guinness Book of Records: Sheldon - the most "translated" author in the world. He brought the greatest popularity to him "if tomorrow will come."

Roman Sheldon S. well read on vacation. They do not carry a special semantic load, of which they rarely endure something, but these they are written in such a way that it is difficult to tear away from them.

It is impressive how the characters, their feelings, thoughts are described in detail. They really believe. And, which is important, despite the large number of descriptions of the sensations of heroes, it does not become boring.

The book of Sydney Sheldon "If you come tomorrow" can be attributed to the books - Easy Chivo, Roman, Detective. When you can safely sit and read. The author comes everything to the reader - easily, relaxed. There are no these long descriptions.

In the novel, there is everything - friendship, love, detective, bright culminating moments, which are kept in tension to the very interchange.

In this novel, the author uses all sorts of stylistic techniques to interest readers and enrich the language. It is very often found to use such stylistic techniques like a metaphor, punctuation, inversion, parallel structures, separation, default.

2.2 Types of translation transformations

The main goal of translation is to achieve adequacy. Adequate, or as it is also called, the equivalent translation is such a translation that is carried out at the level required and sufficient to transmit the continued content plan when complying with the corresponding expression plan, i.e. Norms of the translating language.

By definition A.V. Fedorova, adequacy is "an exhaustive transfer of the semantic content of the original and a complete functional and stylistic compliance with it."

Achieving translation equivalence ("adequacy of translation"), contrary to discrepancies in the formal and semantic systems of two languages, requires a translator first of all the ability to produce numerous and qualitatively varied intersective transformations - the so-called translation transformation - So that the text of the translation with the highest possible fullness passes all the information concluded in the source text, with strict compliance with the rules of the translating language.

Conversion, with which you can make a transition from the units of the original to the translation units in the specified sense, are called translational (interlentist) transformations. Since the translation transformations are carried out with language units that have both a content plan and an expression plan, they are formally semantic, transforming both the form and the value of the initial units.

"Transformation - the basis of most translation techniques. It is to change formal (lexical or grammatical transformations) or semantic (semantic transformations) of source text components when saving information intended for transmission. "

As part of the description of the translation process, translation transformations are not considered in a static plan as a means of analyzing relations between identities and their vocabulary, and in terms of dynamic as a translator methods that can use the translator when translating various originals in cases where vocabulary is missing or not Can be used by context conditions.

Currently, there are many classifications of translation transformations offered by various authors. Consider some of them.

L.K. Latyshev gives the classification of translation transformations by the nature of the deviation from intersective correspondences, in which all translation transformations are divided into:

  1. morphological - replacement of one categorical form by another or several;
  2. syntax - the change syntactic function words and phrases;
  3. stylistic - Changing the stylistic color segment text;
  4. semantic - Changing not only the form of expression, but also the content itself, namely, those signs that the situation describes;
  5. mixed - Lexico-semantic and syntactico-morphological.

In the classification of LS Barhudarov, translation transformations differ in formal features: permutations, adding, replacing, omit. At the same time hp Barhudar emphasizes that such a division is largely approximate and conditional. .

The permutation as a type of translation transformation is a change in the location (order of the following) of the language elements in the text of the translation compared to the text of the original. The elements that can be subjected to permutation are usually words, phrases, parts of a complex offer (Clauses) and independent offers in a strict text.

Under replacements, refer to both changes in the translation of words, parts of speech, members of the sentence, types of syntactic communications and lexical substitutions.

Additions imply use in translating additional words that do not have compliance in the original.

Output is a phenomenon, which is exactly the opposite to add. When transferring omitting, most often words are semantically redundant, that is, expressing values \u200b\u200bthat can be extracted from the text and without help them.

Depending on the nature of the IA units, which are considered as initial transformations in operations, translation transformations are divided into lexical and grammatical. In addition, there are also complex lexico-grammatical transformation, where transformations or simultaneously affect the lexical and grammatical units of the original, or are inter-level, i.e. Carry out the transition from lexical units to grammatical and vice versa.

The main types of lexical transformations used in the process of transfer with the participation of various foreign languages \u200b\u200band translating languages \u200b\u200binclude the following translation techniques: concretization, generation, modulation. The most common grammatical transformations belong: syntactic fogging (literal translation), sentence membership, combination of proposals, grammatical replacements (words, part of speech or member of the sentence). Complex lexico-grammatical transformations include antonymic translation, explication (descriptive translation) and compensation.

The lexical meaning of phrases is due to the lexical meanings of the words included in these phrases. And the grammatical value is more general, abstract value, the value of the syntax relationship.

Lexical techniques are applicable when there is a non-standard language unit at the level of the word in the source text, for example, any name of its own, inherent in the original language culture and missing language in the translating language; The term of a particular area; The words denoting objects, phenomena and concepts characteristic of the source culture or for the traditional naming of elements of the third culture, but missing or other structural-functional orderliness in translating culture.

Syntactic approach or literal translation is a translation, reproducing a multilingual proposal structure without changing the order of words, this word translation into the word.

However Far It Is, I Intend to Drive There Tonight. - How far is it, I intend to go there tonight.

Nevertheless, according to A.V. Fedorova "Any kind of attempt to translate literally, one or another text or segment of the text leads if not to the complete incomprehensibility of this text, then, in any case, to heavyness and ambiguity. This is what can be called" translation style "(or, like sometimes Specified, "translation").

By definition R.K. MINYAR-BELOROCHEVA Syntax approach (literal translation) is a translating method in which the syntactic structure of the original is converted into a similar structure of the translating language. This type of "zero" transformation applies in cases where parallel syntactic structures exist in a foreign language and translating language. Syntactic rigging can lead to full compliance with the number of linguistic units and the order of their location in the original and translation:

I ALWAYS REMEMBER HIS WORDS. - I always remember his words.

As V.N. writes Comisurov, this reception is quite simple, but deserves mention for two reasons. First, because it should be emphasized by "legitimacy" of its application: novice translators sometimes detects the desire to change the syntactic structure even where the best choice would be a literal translation. Secondly, it is necessary to clearly distinguish this technique from the literal translation already known to us, which also transmits the original "Word for Word", but at the same time he distorts its meaning or violates the norms of translation language.

A sentence membership is a translating method, in which the syntactic structure of the sentence in the original is converted into two or more predicative structures of the translating language. The transformation of the membership leads either to transform a simple sentence of a foreign language into a complex proposal of the translating language, or to transform a simple or complex offer of a foreign language in two or more independent proposals in the translating language:

The Annual Surveys of the Labour Government Were Not Discussed with the workers at any stage, But Only With the Employers. - The annual reviews of the Labor Government were not discussed among the workers at any stage. They were discussed only with entrepreneurs.engine Crews Leaped to Safety from a Collision Between A Parcels Train and a Freight Train Near Morris Cowley, Oxfordshire. - near the station Maurice Cowley in the County of Oxfordshire there was a clash of postal and commodity trains. Members of both train brigades remained unharmed, jumping on the go from the train.

V.N. Komisarov notes that the reception of the proposal membership is that one proposal of the original is divided into two or three sentences translated. The use of this reception may be caused by semantic or stylistic causes. For example, in english newspapers Often there are brief messages consisting of one sentence, but containing a large amount of information type: "Both Engine Crews Leaped to Safety from a Collision Between A Parcels Train and a Freight Train Near Morris Cowley, Oxfordshire". This proposal contains a whole story: it is reported and what happened, and where it happened, and with whom it happened, and how the participants in the incident were saved. In Russian translation, it will be natural to break the message into two parts and first say about the event itself, and only then about its consequences.

To achieve adequacy, a translator often has to turn one sentence in several sentences (external membership) or replace a simple proposal to be complex (internal membership).

A sentence of a sentence when translating from English to Russian is called, as a rule, one of the following reasons: a) features of the grammatical structure of the English proposal; b) the peculiarities of the semantic structure of phrases in English; c) genre and stylistic features of the English offer.

Combining Proposals - A method of translation in which the syntax structure in the original is converted by connecting two simple proposals to one complex.

That Was a Long Time Ago. IT Seeemed Like Fifty Years Ago. - It was a long time ago it seemed that fifty years had passed.

Often, the use of combining transformation is associated with the redistribution of predicative syntagms between adjacent proposals, i.e. The simultaneous use of unification and membership occurs - one sentence is divided into two parts, and one of its parts is combined with another proposal.

It should be emphasized that receiving the combination of proposals is exactly the opposite of the previous one - two or three proposals of the original corresponds to one sentence in translation. The use of this reception may be forced due to underestimation of one of the translatable proposals: "The Marchers Did Not Intend to Go to Parliament. Nor to Petition Their MP "S" - "The demonstration participants were not going to go to parliament, nor submit the petition to their deputies." For scientific and technical texts in English, the predominance of simple proposals is characterized, which is less characteristic of the relevant Russian style, where it is very widely used Complete offers. In this regard, in the English-Russian technical translations, two or more simple proposals of the original corresponds to one complex offer in translation, for example: "This Condition, However, Changes at Certain Critical Energies of the Electrons. atne Critical Energies The Gas Atoms DO ABSORB ENERGY. "-" However, this condition is broken in some critical energies of electrons when the gas atoms absorb energy. "

Grammatical substitutions are a method of translation in which the grammatical unit in the original is converted into a unit of the translating language with a different grammatical value. Replacement may be subject to a grammatical unit of a foreign language of any level: a word form, part of speech, a member of the sentence, a proposal of a certain type. It is clear that when translating, a foreign language forms will always be replaced on the form of a translating language. The grammatical replacement as a special way of translation implies not just use in translating the forms of the translating language, and the refusal to use the forms of the translating language similar to the original, replacement of such forms to other, differ from them to expressed content (grammatical value). So, in English and Russian, there are shapes of a single and multiple number, and, as a rule, correlated nouns in the original and in translation used in the same number, except in cases where the shape of a single number in English corresponds to the form of a plural number in Russian ( Money is money, ink - ink, etc.) Or, on the contrary, the English multiple corresponds to the Russian one (Struggles - Fighting, Outskirts - outskirts, etc.). But under certain conditions, the replacement of the form of the number in the translation process can be used as a means of creating occasional conformity:

We are searching for talent everywhere. - We are everywhere looking for talents.Invaders Resorted to Violence and Atrocity to Crush The Resistance of the Native Population. - The invaders resorted to violence and atrocities to suppress the resistance of the indigenous population.

In many cases, the transition from the original to translation is carried out using various grammatical substitutions, which implies a refusal of using similar grammatical forms. Replacement may be subject to grammatical category, part of speech, a member of the sentence, a proposal of a certain type. Consider several examples of applying this reception. Usually, the category of numbers persists, that is, correlated nouns in the original and are used in the same number, except in cases where the form of a single number in one language corresponds to the form of a plural number in another (comparing "Money" - "Money", "Outskirts" - "Outside", etc.). But under certain conditions, the replacement of the form of the number can be applied as receiving the translation.

Specification - the lexico-semantic replacement of a foreign language unit, which is widespread, the unit of the translating language with a narrower value. The specification of the initial value is used in cases where the measure of information ordering of the source unit is lower than the order of ordering of the corresponding one in the meaning of the unit in the translating language. , WE HAD A TALK. We Really Did. - Yes, we had a conversation. Talked.

Specification can be linguistic and contextual (speech). With the language specification, the change in the word with a wide meaning of a word with a narrower value is due to discrepancies in a number of two languages \u200b\u200b- or the absence of a lexical unit in the language that is as widespread importance as the foreign language unit or discrepancies in their stylistic characteristics or the requirements of grammatical order. So, the English noun Thing, having a very abstract value, almost placed translated by specification: thing, subject, business, fact, case, circumstance, work, creature and etc.

Specified when translating into Russian, the verbs of the Come and GO movement: they, unlike the Russian verbs of the movement, do not include in their semantics of the component pointing to the way of movement, so Come is specified when translating how to come, arrive, come, approach, run, sail , arrive, etc., a go - how to go, walk, go, go, go, pass, swim, fly etc. Normal is specifying the verbs of Say and Tell speech verbs that can be translated not only how to talk and (races), but also how (about) to pray, repeat, notice, note, say, report, speak, ask, argue, order , Title etc.

As for contextual concretization, it is due to non-systemic-structural discrepancies between the foreign language and the translating language, but the factors of this particular context, most often, with stylistic considerations, such as the need for the completion of the phrase, the desire to avoid repetitions, achieve greater image, visibility and pr. For example,

WE HAD STROLLED OVER - We come to her fence .

As V.N. writes Comisurov, the reception of the semantic concretization is that the translator selects a word to translate in the original with a more specific meaning in the translating language. In any language there are words with more common or with a more specific value, expressing generic or species concepts: the word "dog" calls a greater class of objects than the word "Bulldog", "move" covers all private traffic - walk, run, fly, and Ave. At the same time, the ratio of such words in different languages \u200b\u200band their consumption often does not match, which causes the need for transformations when translating. Application of taking concretization is appropriate in two basic cases. First, in the translation language, the word with the general value in the original can correspond to a few words with more private values. When translating the English word "Meal" to Russian, it is usually necessary to choose between more specific names of food meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner, etc.). Similarly, translating Russian to English "to swim", it will be necessary to figure out who floats and how swims to make a choice between the more specific verbs of SWIM, Sail, Float, Drift. Secondly, the use of the same general words, as in the original, may be unacceptable for the described situation.

Generalization is called a phenomenon, reverse concretization - replacement of a foreign language unit that has a narrower value, the unit of the translating language with a wider value.

The use of this reception may be forced or optional. In the first case, the required word with a specific value is missing in the translation language. So, the differences between the Russian "mother-in-law and mother-in-law" or "Shurin and Devir" are generalized in English translations with uniform "Mother-in-Law" and "Brother-in-Law". In the second case, the translator prefers a more general version for stylistic considerations. In artistic works in Russian, it is not customary, for example, in contrast to the English to indicate the growth and weight of the characters, and the usual offer "I Saw a man 6 Feet 2 Inches Tall" in the original can be replaced in Russian translation: "I saw a high guy "

Antonymic translation is a replacement for a negative or question mark of a proposal for the affirmative or vice versa. The conditions for the application of such a transformation are usually associated with the lexico-semantic composition of the faith. When transferring to Russian, from English most often, the negative form of supply changes to the affirmative, less often on negative:

Very Little, If Anything, Could Be Advanced in The Defense of His Policy. - Almost nothing could be said in support of his politics.

In the theory of translating "Antonymic translation" covers a wide range of phenomena. The concept laid in its foundation includes both values \u200b\u200bcovered by the term "antonym":

) words that have a qualitative sign in their meaning and therefore capable of opposing each other as opposed to the value;

) Words, opposed to each other as oppositely directional action.

An antonymic translation in the first sense is called antonymic itself, and in the second - converseable. The actual antonymic translation is based on a simple logical rule, according to which the denying of any idea can be equated to the approval of the semantically opposed opposite concept. In fact, such vocabulary equivalents as incorreve are based on intra-speaking antonymic translation. erroneous, low i low, near! close. The most often antonymic translation is implemented as replacing the language expression (words, phrase) by its antonym with the simultaneous replacement of the affirmative design of the negative and vice versa. The combination of lexico-semantic and syntactic operations gives this type of translation transformation complex. Sometimes the need for antonymic translation arises when translating phraseologism. Thus, the phraseological unit Keep A STIFF Upper Lip is translated into the "English-Russian phraseological dictionary" A.B. Cunin as "not to lose courage", "do not fall the spirit", "not hang nose." Along with these "negative" options, "Affirmative" - \u200b\u200b"maintain the presence of the Spirit", "show exposure".

For "antonyms", which are opposed to each other, at the antonymic translation, it is sometimes characteristic not so much the polar oppositeness of signs, as opposition to the presence of this feature of its absence.

A special kind of antonymic translation is the replacement of adjective or adjects in a comparative or excellent degree adjective (adult) to a positive degree or vice versa, accompanied by the replacement of the "sign" of the design of the affirmative on a negative or vice versa.

Explanation or descriptive translation is a lexico-grammatical transformation in which the lexical unit of a foreign language is replaced by the phrase explicating its value, i.e. Giving a more or less complete explanation or definition of this value in the translating language. With the help of explication, you can transfer the value of any non-equivalent word in the original: conservationist - a supporter of environmental protection, Whistle-Stop Speech - Candidate's speeches during the election campaign. The disadvantage of the descriptive translation is its bulkiness and multi-resistance. Therefore, this method of translation is most successful in cases where you can do a relatively brief explanation:

Saga Owners from the Midway Towns Ran A Shuttle Service for Parents Visiting The Children Injured in the Accident. - Owners of cars from cities lying between these two points continuously brought and diverted parents who visited their children affected during a crash.

The lack of a descriptive translation lies in its verbs. Therefore, this method of translation is most successful where you can do a relatively brief explanation.

The descriptive translation consists in transmitting the value of the English word with a more or less common explanation. Such a descriptive translation can be used both to explain the word value in the dictionary, and when translating words that are not direct compliant in a specific text. The nature of the descriptive translation used in the context is very rarely completely reproduces the translation-explanation of an isolated word. The usual complete explanation of the word value is not "stacked" into the context framework, and the translator has to reduce the explanations to a minimum, giving only part of the description.

Often, the translator has to resort to a descriptive translation, not because the English word does not have compliance in Russian, and due to the singularities of the use of this word in the context.

Compensation is a method of translation, in which elements of meaning, lost when translating a foreign language unit in the original, are transmitted in the translation text by any other means, and optional in the same place text as in the original.

A Little Table with a Dinner Was Laid Out - and Wine and Plate. - The small table was covered for lunch - it blew the silver and decanter on it.

HELL. Scripture writes that: "In the practice of translation, a number of cases are found when it is not reproduced at all or is replaced formally distant one or another element of the script, this or that word, phrase, etc., is passed, but the impossibility of transferring a separate element, a separate feature of the original too does not contradict the principle of transfers, since the latter applies to the whole work, as a whole. Of course, the whole exists not as some abstract concept, it consists of specific elements, which, however, are not significant individually and not in the mechanical totality, and in the system formed by their combination and component of unity with the content of the work. From here - the possibility of substitution and compensation in the system of a whole, which opens various paths for this; thus, the loss of a separate element that does not play the organizing role may not be felt on the background of extensive integer, It is as if dissolved in this whole or is replaced by other elements, sometimes not specified. Original.

The starting point for determining the role of a separate element in the original, the need for exact transmission, as well as the possibilities or patterns of its skip or replacement is the ratio of content and form in their unity. "

Thus, compensation in translation should be considered the replacement of an indescribable element of the original element of a different order in accordance with the general ideological and artistic character of the original and where it seems comfortable under the terms of the Russian language. Compensation may have semantic or stylistic character. In the first case, the milked-missed component is replenished for completeness of meaning.

Incorrect consumption of a form of pronounter than a third party in the original plays an important communicative role and should be somehow reflected in translation. But an attempt to reproduce such malfunction in Russian is clearly impossible. At the same time, the lost element of meaning can be successfully compensated.

L.S. Barhudarov notes that one of the techniques to achieve the equivalence of translation is a particular variety of replacement, which is called compensation. This technique is applied in cases where certain elements of the text in a foreign language for one reason or another have no equivalents in the translating language and cannot be transferred to its means; In these cases, to fill ("compensate") the semantic loss caused by the fact that the order of a foreign language remained unsecured or not fully translated (not in the entire amount of its value), the translator transmits the same information to any other means , moreover, it is not necessary in the same place of the text as in the script.

2.3 Analysis of translation transmission transmission of elliptical proposals from English into Russian

The main task of this study was the detection of elliptic structures on the example of the work of Stydon Sydon "if tomorrow". Thus, the method of sampling from this work we selected 178 elliptic structures.

According to the classification given by L.S. Barhudarov, elliptic structures are isolated syntagmatically replenished and paradigmatically replenished elliptical.

Most often in the work occurs syntagmatically replenished elliptic structures. Such examples were detected in the amount of 109 units. These are such structures in which:

)ellipsis is restored from the same offer:

Time to Think, Time to Plan Her Next Move. - Time to think, time to plan further actions.

)Ellipsis is restored from the preceding supply. This may be an offer pronounced by the same speaking face (or in the limits of one author's speech):

Adolf Zuckerman Had A Problem. A Very Large Problem. - The Adolf Zuckerman has a problem. Very big problem.

The proposal from which the ellipse is restored may also be pronounced by another speaker person (dialogue):

ANY PROBLEM? - Some problems?

None, Gunther. - No, Günther.

) Ellipsis is restored from the subsequent proposal. This is a rarely case; However, in English, this kind of design is still found:

Very Rich, ISN`t He. - He is very rich, isn't it.

There You Are. Four Hundred Blank Checks. Will That Be Enough. - Here they are. Four hundred pieces. This will be enough.

Paradigratically replenished elliptical structures were detected in the work in the amount of 69 examples.

Sometimes the words represented by the zero version of the word elliptical offer cannot be restored from the surrounding context. In this case, the replenishment is made on the basis of no longer syntagmatic, but paradigmatic connections.

Out of the Question. - This is not essential. Chorses and Won Cups. - Loves horses and win prizes.

Tooo dangerous. - This is dangerous.

These data are presented in Table No. 1.

Table 1. - Types of Ellipse

Types of elliptic designsSintagmatically fill elliptic structural structigmatically replenished elliptic structuresAgocolism10969178

The most commonly lowered element in proposals is subject to. 62 examples were identified:

I`ll Deal With Later. - I'll deal with you later.

And to be pleassed. - And they thanked him.

Perhaps Get A Cruiser. - Perhaps he goes into a cruise.

Go Back to My Old Job At The Bank. - I want to return to the old job in the bank.

Rich, with the Same Social Background As Charles. - Rich, from the same society as Charles.

In 42, the examples are omitted:

But An Exciting One. - She was defenseless and vulnerable.

What a Nice Surprise, Mother. - This is a surprise, mommy.Police headquarters Why What's Had Happened. - Why Main Police Management. Why? What happened.

The next, most frequently lowered member of the proposals is the addition. 31 examples were selected.

One of Life`s The Ironies. - Here is the irony of life.

Seated in the office with Him Were Detectives from England, Belgium, France and Italy. - With him in the office there were detectives from England, Belgium, France and Italy.of Time to Load The Gold Onto The Barge and Be On Their Way Before Anyone Suspects Is Wrong. "They are enough time to drag gold from a barge truck and disappear somewhere until something is suspected. Table No. 2 presents a statistical analysis of elliptic structures with lost elements.

Table 2. - Elliptic structures with lost elements

lost elements of the ellipsisaesecake-up-beened-based accomplishment of the vessels of the places of magicianship6342312320178

According to the method of translation, elliptic structures can be transmitted differently. By the translation method in this work, the translation of elliptic structures is found using syntactic adjacent:

A Matter of Simple Logic. - It's all about simple logic. (In this example, when transferring to Russian, the order of the words) is preserved)

Go Back to My Old Job At The Bank. - I want to return to the old job in the bank. (In English proposals, the word "I want")

Rich, with the Same Social Background As Charles. - Rich, from the same society as Charles. (English phrase "With the Same Social Background" is paraphrased as "from the same society")

With it His Promotion His Raise and a Blissful Orgy with Silvana Luadi.-Together with its enhancement and a happy date with Silvana Luadi (in this example, the order of the words and their translation are preserved).

Not the night of the game. (In this example, the syntactic structure of the original is converted into a similar structure of the translation language while maintaining a set of full-known words and the order of their location in the original and translation.)

The next translation is the combination of proposals.

She Could Hear The Phone Ringing. And ranging. - She heard how the phone rang and called. (When transferring, English proposals are combined into one sentence)

He Watched Delgado. Lift The First Cotton Ball and Gently Touch It To the G In Goya`s Signature. "He watched Delgado raised the first tampon and gently touched them the letters G in the signature of Goya. (In this example, two suggestions are combined into one sentence in PLA due to syntactic differences)

I`m Talking to You. Are You Deaf for Christ`s Sake. Let`s go. - "I say with you, you save the Lord, deaf go. (In the Russian version there is a combination of ordinary proposals in one complex offer).

If The Bank Had Used Television Commercials, He Would Have Been The Perfect Spokesman. DRESSED CONSERVATIVELY, WITH AN AIR OF SOLID, OLD-FASHIONED AUTHORITY ABOUT HIM, HE LOOKED LIKE A PERSON ONE COULD TRUST. - If the bank had to commercial advertising, the Desmond was fully consistent with global standards, conservatively dressed, in an aliens of solidity and authority, causing bouts of absolute confidence in an outsider. (A combination of proposals occurs due to the lack of a second proposal in the English version of the second)

Without Thinking. Tracy Began Teaching Amy The Games Her Mother Had Played With Her. "Slowly, Tracy began to learn Amy games in which her mother played with her." (proposals are combined in the Russian version due to the lack of semantic elements in the first sentence)

But The Were Only Rumors, Because The Victims Were Always Silent Afterward. Or Dead. "But these were only rumors, because the victims always stored silence or dying. (In this example, two suggestions are combined in one difficult)

The next reception of the translation of elliptic structures used in the work is membership of proposals. In the reception party membership, the syntactic structure of proposals in the original is converted into two or more predicative structures in the translation language.

About Me Why. - About me. Why. (In this offer, the English offer is transformed into two simple sentences)

Just Clean Up the Place, Tell Your Ladies to Smile Pretty and We lL Get Our Budget Increased Again. - Take a place. Tell your ladies to smile with a lot of ladies, and we again get an increase in our budget. (In the Russian version of the proposal is transformed into two sentences due to excessive amounts of appropriate proposals)

There are few sentences translated in the work with an anthony translation.

Antonymic translation is a replacement for a negative or question form of a proposal for affirmative and vice versa.

IT Don`t Matter If It Ain`t Real or Don`t Last. - It was not important whether it was before or is now. (In this example, the English expression "Don`t Last" is replaced in the Russian version of the affirmative design "There are now")

The most often antonymic translation is implemented as a replacement of a language expression (word, phrase) of its anthony with a simultaneous replacement with the affirmative design of a negative and vice versa.

Concretization is a translating method at which the word or phrase of a foreign language is replaced with a wider objective logical value for a word with a narrower value. The specification of the initial value is used in cases where the measure of information ordering of the source unit is lower than the order of ordering of the corresponding one in the meaning of the unit in the translating language.

This technique is quite widely used when translating such words like: to be, to have, to do, to get, to give, to take, to go, to come, to make.zuckerman HAD A PROBLEM. A Very Large Problem. - The Adolf Zuckerman has a problem. Very big problem. (In this example, the English verb "To Have" is translated into Russian with a word - "originated")

No more Snowball. Get The Picture. - And there is no snowball. The picture is clear. (English verb "GET" in this example is translated as the adverb "clear")

Perhaps Get A Cruiser. - Perhaps he went to the cruise. (In this example, the "HE" is missing, the GETI verb is translated as "went")

To Hell With Them. - Damn with them.as An aftershought, That IS, if that s Acceptable to You - And, as it were, thinking - if it is acceptable to you.

Reception of semantic development is to replace dictionary compliance with contextual, logically associated with it. This includes various metaphorical and methanical substitutions produced based on the category of crossing.

Modulation or semantic development is the replacement of the word or phrase of a foreign language, the values \u200b\u200bof which can be output from the initial value.

The Bigger The Better. - The bigger, the better. (In this example, in the Russian version of the sentence, the words of the comparison "What ... Topics ...")

How Many Epochs Ago. How Many Planets Away. - On which planets it happened. How many epochs back. (In the English version of the sentence, the verb "occurs")

Compensation is used where it is necessary to transmit the purely linguistic features of the original, which do not always have conformity in the translation language - not separate text elements are adequately transmitted, but the entire text as a whole. In other words, there are intuitionable particular, but there are no untransit texts.

A Whole New Life. - Ahead of a whole new life. (In this example, in the Russian version of the offer compensated for the missed element "Ahead")

Tomorrow Would be Easier. - It may be possible to meet tomorrow. (In the Russian version of the offer, the word "maybe" who missed in the English version of the sentence)

How`s that. - Well, it is satisfied. (The English expression "How`s that" is compensated in the Russian version of the proposal of the design "Well, how, suits")

Without Thinking. - Slowly. (In this example, the English expression "Without Thinking" is paraphrased in the Russian proposal to the expression "Slowly")

GENERALIZATION (Returning process) of the initial value occurs in cases where the measure of information ordering of the initial unit above the order of ordering of the unit corresponding to it in the sense of the unit in the translating language, and is to replace the private general, species concept of generic.

Help You. - How can I help you. (In this example, the English offer is expanded when translated into Russian)

PLENTY OF TIME TO LOAD THE GOLD ONTO THE BARGE AND BE ON THEIR WAY BEFORE AnyONE SUSPECTS IS WRONG. "They are enough time to drag gold from a barge truck and disappear somewhere until something is suspected. (in this example in the English offer to be omitted)

Round Trip. - Welcome back. (English proposal is reflected when translated)

A Hat, Gloves and Purse Appeared AS IF by Magic. - Hat, gloves and handbag appeared as a magic wand.

Grammatical substitutions are a method of translation in which the grammatical unit in the original is converted into a unit of the translating language with a different grammatical value.

Replacement may be subject to a grammatical unit of a foreign language of any level: a word form, part of speech, a member of the sentence, a proposal of a certain type.

Lived Next Door. - Lives near. (In this example, the verb in the "Lived" in Past Indefinite is replaced by the transfer)

No Comment. - No comments.

Still Not a Word from the Black Woman. - Black silent. (replacement of negative supply in the original language for the affirmative translated.)

Explanation or descriptive translation is a lexico-grammatical transformation in which the lexical unit of a foreign language is replaced by the phrase explicating its value, i.e. Giving a more or less complete explanation or definition of this value in the translating language.

Using the explication, you can transfer the value of any non-equivalent word in the original:

Seated in the office with Him Were Detectives from England, Belgium, France and Italy. - With him in the office there were detectives from England, Belgium, France and Italy. (In this example, in the English version of the proposal is missing)

But An Exciting One. - It turned out to be defenseless and vulnerable. (lack of common components between the English phrase and its Russian compliance);

With Dogs and Helicopters After Her. - with dogs and helicopter ... (In this example, there is no failed in the sentence)

First Class. An Aisle Seat. Smoking, Please. - First grade. Place near the passage. Smoking salon, please.

These studies on the method of translating elliptic structures are reduced to Table No. 3.

Table 3. - Translation of elliptical structures

Methods of translated attacking approaching suggestion Proposal Antonimical translationrecticizationModulation or semantic developmentComaticsGeneralizationGrammatical substitutions Explication or descriptive transfers

4 Conclusions on chapter II

Receptions using when transferring elliptical proposals from one language to the other are grammatical(syntactic approach, membership of proposals, combining proposals, grammatical substitutions), lexical (concretization, generalization, modulation or semantic development) and lexico-grammatical(antonymic translation, explication or descriptive transformation, compensation) transformation.

The lexical transformations are applied when translated in the event that there is a non-standard language unit in the source text, for example, any name inherent in the original language culture and the missing language; term in one or another professional region; Words denoting objects, phenomena and concepts characteristic of the initial culture or for the traditional naming of third culture elements, but missing or other structural and functional orderliness in translating culture. And grammatical transformation consists in converting the supply structure in the translation process in accordance with the standards of the translation language.

After studying the examples of the novel Sidney Sheldon "If tomorrow comes," we can conclude that, mostly, elliptic proposals become understandable from the surrounding context, i.e. are syntagmatically fill.

The classification of elliptic proposals from this novel made it possible to identify that the proposals most frequently lowered element is subject to.


In this paper, various elliptic structures and receptions of their translation were considered, and an analysis of the translation of elliptic structures was carried out. With this, we were able to explore some of the features of the translation of the work "if tomorrow" into Russian.

In the process of analyzing the practical material under study, we concluded that the most frequency desired element in proposals is subject to, and then the lean.

Even a significant part of the formally complete proposals of a connected speech, taken out of context, does not express the completeness of the thought they possess in the context. The meaningful connection of proposals and the relative incompleteness of a separate proposal is also a formal expression: these are personal and index pronouns, index locomotive words, allied particles ("also", "also", etc.), introductory words indicating the relationship to previous speech. And although this offer is grammatically complete, this completeness is formal and relative, since the real meaning of the message is found only from the context.

Thus, it can be concluded that elliptic structures and suggestions are used to avoid an excessive or stylistically inadequate number of apparent or other syntactic revolutions. Knowledge of translation techniques allows you to better understand, analyze, and, therefore, create equivalent statements in the translation language.


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Sheldon S. If tomorrow comes

36. Sheldon S. If Tomorrow Comes


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1861 year. The novel "Molded" is written. Victor Hugo sends the publisher of the Roman's manuscript with the following accompanying letter: "?" The answer followed immediately: "!" ... Of course, the elliptical speech of which will go in this article, not so brief, but no less dynamic, bright and emotionally saturated. This once again confirms the fact that brevity is the sister of talent. So, today, elliptical offers are our "hero", our main acting person who is confused with other, equally important characters - incomplete offers. Elliptic offers mistakenly consider them a variety, but in modern linguistics they are considered separately. They are really easy to confuse. What are their differences? Let's figure it out ...

Elliptical and incomplete sentences

Incompletes are called proposals that have lack of main or secondary members. But they are easy to understand, to restore thanks to for example, in the proposal "This fertilizer needs rain, then - black currant, then the apple tree" only in the first part is not broken in the second and third part of the main members of the sentence - "fertilizer needs" - omitted, However, they are clear from the context, so they can be safely called incomplete.

Most often, such proposals are used in dialogs and in descriptions. Elliptical proposals are particular in the structure of which there is no only legend, expressed by the verb. To recreate the action or make an idea of \u200b\u200bthe state, you do not need a context: "The seller is after him, loudly: - Come else!" - "In the dark sky - billions of bright stars." The verbs "said" and "are" are lowered in the examples. They are easy to understand, but not from the situation, but thanks to the whole design as a whole. It follows that, despite the formal lack of major members, they take an active part in building a sentence, and it brings the elliptical proposals with incomplete. In other words, incomplete and elliptical proposals are similar only in one - in the structure of construction, the absence of one of the members of the sentence. However, the first random is incomplete and depends on how the text is being built, and the second is its norm, its feature. The table below will summarize the said and help not confuse these concepts:

Incomplete and elliptical suggestions, examples



According to the sense of sentence finished, understandable

Understand only thanks to the context or situation

Understandable regardless of the context or speech situation

No members of the sentence

The main and secondary, which are restored due to

Only the verb-fag, the absence of which is the norm, its value is prompted by the structure and content of the proposal


speech situation

  1. The missed member of the sentence was already named, usually in one of the parts of a complex sentence: In one hand he kept a book, and in the other - a pointer.
  2. The missing members are the same as in the previous replica of dialogue:

- You deceived and betrayed him?

- No, he is me.

1. It is raining outside. I am rubber put on. (The situation suggests that it is about boots).

2. We must quietly knock and ask: it is possible? (A person usually utters this phrase when it comes to the room)

1. Watching offers: Early up! All come here!

2. Verb-faithful with the meaning of being, availability, perception: Above the city is a thick white fog, in the hands of a ocher wildflower.

3. Verb-faithful with the meaning of thought, speech: I am a word him, and he is ten me.

4. Verb-leaving with the value of movement, movement: Boy in the forest, and she is behind him.

5. Verb-faithful with an energetic value, such as throw, hit, grab: Started to replace justice: whom for the hair who for ears

Eleptic sentences

In conclusion, I would like to say that expressive, spectacular, emotionally painted elliptic offers are widely used both in colloquial speech and in artworks - in the description, in the narration, in the dialogues. There are often cases of their use in the most interesting cases of ellipse use in newspapers and magazines. The maximum compressed form, on the one hand, helps save "on ink", and on the other - it is uncomply and brilliantly attracts a record number of readers: "Our children are in our families", "on the will - with a clear conscience?", "Salvation - in Covenants "," Poetry - first of all, "" And behind the crusts - in the transition. "

ATTENTION, only today!

All interesting

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In case of parsing, it is first necessary to find its foundation. Thus it becomes clear the structure of the phrase, as well as both where and how it is necessary to arrange punctuation marks. Therefore, anyone who wants to write competently, it is advisable to be able to ...

Suggestions that have an incomplete grammatical structure or composition due to the lack of one or more members of the sentence, both the main and secondary, are called incomplete. Most often such members are easy ...

Subsequently, this is the main members of the proposals that form its grammatical framework. It is they who carry a major semantic load in the proposal and it is from them that questions are asked for secondary members. Substant - this ...

How to distinguish a common offer from unpropered? Sooner or later, the schoolboy in the lesson of the Russian language will face this task. And the task is not so complicated! Consider some examples of common and unprofitable ...

In the lessons of the Russian language, schoolchildren must master not only the skills of the competent letter, but also the ability to see the structure of the sentence, allocate its members. To do this, you need to learn to allocate the main and secondary members. How to find to be in ...