Presentation on biology carbon cycle in nature. Biology presentation on the topic "carbon cycle in nature"

Lesson type - combined

Methods: partially search, problem presentation, reproductive, explanatory and illustrative.


Students’ awareness of the significance of all the issues discussed, the ability to build their relationships with nature and society based on respect for life, for all living things as a unique and invaluable part of the biosphere;


Educational: show the multiplicity of factors acting on organisms in nature, the relativity of the concept of “harmful and beneficial factors”, the diversity of life on planet Earth and the adaptation options of living beings to the entire range of environmental conditions.

Educational: develop communication skills, the ability to independently obtain knowledge and stimulate one’s cognitive activity; ability to analyze information, highlight the main thing in the material being studied.


To cultivate a culture of behavior in nature, the qualities of a tolerant personality, to instill interest and love for living nature, to form a stable positive attitude towards every living organism on Earth, to develop the ability to see beauty.

Personal: cognitive interest in ecology.. Understanding the need to obtain knowledge about the diversity of biotic connections in natural communities for the conservation of natural biocenoses. The ability to choose goals and meaning in one’s actions and actions in relation to living nature. The need for fair assessment of one's own work and the work of classmates

Cognitive: ability to work with various sources of information, transform it from one form to another, compare and analyze information, draw conclusions, prepare messages and presentations.

Regulatory: the ability to organize independent completion of tasks, evaluate the correctness of work, and reflect on one’s activities.

Communication: participate in dialogue in class; answer questions from the teacher, classmates, speak in front of an audience using multimedia equipment or other means of demonstration

Planned results

Subject: know the concepts of “habitat”, “ecology”, “ environmental factors“their influence on living organisms, “connections between living and nonliving”;. Be able to define the concept of “biotic factors”; characterize biotic factors, give examples.

Personal: make judgments, search and select information; analyze connections, compare, find an answer to problematic issue

Metasubject: connections with such academic disciplines as biology, chemistry, physics, geography. Plan actions with a set goal; find the necessary information in the textbook and reference literature; carry out analysis of natural objects; draw conclusions; formulate your own opinion.

Form of organization of educational activities - individual, group

Teaching methods: visual-illustrative, explanatory-illustrative, partially search, independent work with additional literature and textbook, with COR.

Techniques: analysis, synthesis, inference, translation of information from one type to another, generalization.

Learning new material

Carbon cycle

In the carbon (carbon dioxide) cycle, the atmospheric fund is very small in comparison with the reserves of carbon included in numerous organic and inorganic compounds.

It is believed that before the advent of the industrial era, carbon flows between the atmosphere, continents and oceans were balanced. Over the past 100 years, the CO2 content has been constantly increasing as a result of new anthropogenic advances. The main source of these revenues is considered to be the combustion of fossil fuels, but agricultural development and forest destruction also contribute. Forests are important carbon sinks, since their biomass contains 1.5 times more carbon, and forest humus contains 4 times more carbon than in the atmosphere.

Migration of carbon dioxide in the Earth's biosphere occurs in two ways.

The first way is to absorb it during the process of photosynthesis with the formation organic matter and their subsequent “burial” in the lithosphere in the form of peat, coal, oil, oil shale, and sedimentary rocks.

In the second way, the migration of carbon dioxide occurs when it dissolves in the waters of the World Ocean, where CO2 transforms into H2CO3, HCO3, CO3, and then combines with calcium in a biogenic (zoo- or phytogenic) or chemical way, forming huge masses of CaCO3 (calcareous skeletons of some invertebrates , calcareous algae and calcareous silts), resulting in the formation of thick layers of carbonate rocks. According to the calculations of scientist A. B. Ronov, the ratio of buried carbon in photosynthesis products to carbon in carbonate rocks is approximately 1:4.

Except CO2, Two more carbon compounds are present in the atmosphere in small quantities: carbon monoxide (II) - CO and methane (SN 4). Like CO 2, these compounds are in rapid circulation.

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The topic of the lesson is “The carbon cycle in nature and the consequences of its disruption.” Biology teacher Svetlana Ivanovna Rabadanova Municipal Educational Institution Lyceum No. 6, Nevinnomyssk, Stavropol Territory. Identifier - 207-551-965.

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lesson objectives - Find out which organisms participate in the carbon cycle - Draw a diagram of the carbon cycle process. - Monitor and clarify the impact of the carbon cycle on the environment.

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Task No. 1. Programmed graphic. 1. The cycle of substances is the cyclic processes of transformation and movement of substances in nature. 2. There are two types of substance cycles on Earth. 3. Geological and biological cycles are interconnected. 4. The connection between the biosystem and the environment is carried out in the form of three links. 5. Producers are autotrophs that have the unique ability to create complex organic compounds from inorganic compounds and store energy in their chemical bonds. 6. Sulfur is absorbed by plants only in non-oxidized form, in the form of SO4 ion. 7. There are three types of substance cycles on Earth. 8. Producers are heterotrophs that consume organic substances. 9. All constituent components of the biosphere are living matter. 10. All constituent components of the biosphere are bone matter. Answer: 1 2 3 5 9 4 6 7 8 10

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Task No. 2. Diagram of the geological carbon cycle. Carbon. CO2 dioxide Atmosphere Hydrosphere Plants Animals Free carbon Graphite Diamond Earth's crust Natural carbonates Fossil fuels Limestone Dolomites Anthracite, brown coals, hard coals, oil shale, oil, natural gas, bitumen, etc.

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Task No. 3. Diagram of the biological carbon cycle. Diagram of the biological carbon cycle. Photosynthesis Respiration Decomposition

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Task No. 4 The task is a dilemma. Analyze the situation below and make the best decision to protect nature and the health of people living in Nevinnomyssk. When choosing a solution, read point “1” of the instruction card and the following point, indicated by the sign “0”. Select a statement with which you agree and move on to the next step, the number of which is indicated after this statement. You are the owner of a small gas station (gas station, located within the city of Nevinnomyssk). The Ecology Committee has clearly informed you that the work of your enterprise causes significant harm to the health of citizens. As a leader, you immediately make decisions to overcome the situation:

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Work on CMMs. The task of establishing the sequence of processes and objects. Indicate the sequence of stages of the biogenic carbon cycle, starting with atmospheric carbon dioxide A) consumption of plant food by first-order consumers. B) the release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere during the respiration of second-order consumers C) the absorption of carbon dioxide during photosynthesis. D) atmospheric carbon dioxide. D) the formation of organic substances in plants during the dark stages of photosynthesis. E) consumption of animal food by second-order consumers. Answer: G.V.D.A.E.B.

“...on Earth there is no force more powerful in its consequences than living matter...”



Biological cycle how the continuous circulation of chemical elements between living organisms, the atmosphere, the hydrosphere and soil acts as the main force organizing the biosphere into a single self-sustaining biosystem .


  • Any collection of organisms and inorganic components in which the cycle of matter can be maintained is called ecological system , or ecosystem .

Biogeochemical cycles

Biogeochemical cycles is the circulation of chemical elements of abiotic origin that enter organisms from the environment and from organisms to the environment.

V.V. Dokuchaev

Living organisms create cycles of the most important biogenic elements in the biosphere, which alternately pass from living matter to inorganic matter. These cycles are divided into two main groups: gas cycles and sedimentary cycles. In the first case, the main supplier of elements is the atmosphere (carbon, oxygen, nitrogen), in the second - sedimentary rocks (phosphorus, sulfur, etc.).

V. V. Dokuchaev (1846 - 1903)

Main groups of biogeochemical cycles

Gas cycles sedimentary gyres

main supplier of mountain sedimentary

elements – rock atmosphere (F, S, etc.)

(C, O2, N)

Participate in the cycle of substances




Inorganic substances

The water cycle

Water droplets

water vapor

World Ocean,

Evaporation and transpiration

Carbon cycle

CO2 in


soil, water








Org. connections







Nitrogen cycle





bacteria and






The soil





deep sea





Phosphorus cycle

Gyres events occurring in the biosphere are very complex and closely interconnected. By joining the general biological cycle, they form the basis for the existence and development of the global ecosystem, ensuring its dynamic stability and progressive development. Driving force The biological cycle of substances on our planet is the vital activity of organisms.

The circulation of chemical elements in nature is called

Biological cycle

Biogeographical cycle

Biochemical cycle

Biogeochemical cycle

The primary source of energy for the circulation of substances in most biogeocenoses


Dead organic matter

Plant food

The biological cycle in the biosphere is ensured

Intensity of reproduction of producers

Adaptation of organisms to living conditions

Movement of substances in trophic chains

The struggle for existence

Thanks to the cycle of substances in the biosphere carried out by organisms

The number of chemical elements in the biosphere is decreasing

Content increases harmful substances V environment

Same chemical elements used repeatedly

The content of elements in the atmosphere accumulates

Nodule bacteria play an important role in the biosphere, participating in the cycle




Deposits of oil, coal, peat were formed in the process of the cycle




The biogeochemical cycles of elements are based on processes such as...

Dispersal of species

Photosynthesis and respiration

Natural selection

According to scientists, the strengthening of the greenhouse effect is greatly facilitated by

Carbon dioxide


Nitrogen oxides

The process of nitrogen fixation by nodule bacteria is called



Nitrogen fixation

Acid rain is caused by increased concentrations in the atmosphere

Carbon monoxide

Water vapor

Nitrogen and sulfur oxides

Bacteria that break down urea into ammonium and carbon dioxide ions take part in the cycle

Carbon and nitrogen

Nitrogen and oxygen

Phosphorus and sulfur

The source of carbon included in the cycle during photosynthesis is


Atmospheric carbon dioxide

Carbon dioxide dissolved in water

Carbon dioxide of the atmosphere and dissolved in water

The process of converting atmospheric nitrogen into nitrates under the influence of bacteria




The process of converting organic nitrogen into inorganic nitrogen by reducing agents

Nitrogen fixation






Paragraph No. 48,

pp. 225 – 229.

Prepare a report on the topic: “Geological history of the continents.”

Maintaining a composition of the atmosphere favorable for life is associated

With interaction of water, carbon, nitrogen cycles,

phosphorus and other substances that CO is formed from, thanks to

solar energy and the activity of living organisms in the atmosphere or in a dissolved state in water, serves as raw material for photosynthesis.

When organisms respire, CO2 is returned to the atmosphere. A certain part of carbon is not decomposed by reducers and accumulates in the form

dead organic matter and the bulk of carbon in the biosphere is accumulated in

passes into fossil carbonate sediments of the ocean floor (limestones and corals).


Concentration of dissolved carbon dioxide in the deep ocean

V several times higher than at the surface. Superficial

CO2 concentration is

V equilibrium with the atmosphere.

When life in the ocean ceases, all concentrations in the depths and near the surface will be almost equal.

At the same time, the concentration of CO2 in the surface layer and in

atmosphere will increase in

repeatedly! It may

lead to catastrophic

changes in the greenhouse effect

Le Chatelier's principle, which characterizes the stability of the system, is expressed in the fact that the rate of carbon absorption by biota (at low relative

environmental disturbances) is proportional to the increase in carbon concentration in the environment relative to the undisturbed

(pre-industrial) state.

Since the beginning of the last century land biota no longer absorbs excess carbon

from the atmosphere. On the contrary, it began to release carbon into the atmosphere , increasing rather than decreasing

Two critical questions arise:

1. Has the biosphere now irreversibly left a stable state, or can it still return to its previous stable state after a significant reduction in anthropogenic disturbance?

2. Is there another stable state of the biosphere into which it can transition with further growth of anthropogenic disturbance?

According to V.G. Gorshkova:

3. The current state of the biosphere is reversible; the biosphere must return to its previous statewith a reduction in anthropogenic disturbanceby an order of magnitude.

4. There is no other stable state of the biosphere.


Venus is sometimes called "Earth's sister" because the two planets are similar in size, gravity and composition. However, conditions on the two planets are very different. Venus has an extremely dense atmosphere, consisting mainly of CO 2. There is no carbon cycle on Venus and no life that could process it into biomass, accumulating carbon in sediments.

Eventually: Atmosphere pressure on the surface of Venus is 93 times greater than on Earth; the temperature is about 475 °C, which exceeds average temperature the surface of Mercury, located twice as close to the Sun; calculations show that in the absence of the greenhouse effect, the maximum surface temperature would not exceed 80°C; clouds on Venus presumably consist of drops of concentrated sulfuric acid, sulfur and chlorine compounds; the atmosphere is a giant hurricane (up to 120 m/s at the top of the clouds).

MARS is another planet without a biosphere



1. A.K. Brodsky. Biodiversity: a textbook for students. institutions of higher education prof. education. – M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 2012. – 208 p.

2. A.K. Brodsky. General ecology: a textbook for universities in the direction of “Biology”, specialty “Bioecology”, direction “Ecology and environmental management”.

– 5th ed., revised. and additional – M.: ACADEMY, 2010. – 256 p.

3. Yu. Odum. Ecology: in 2 volumes. Per. from English – M.: Mir, 1986. Volume 1, 329 p.

4. V.G. Gorshkov. Physical and biological foundations of life sustainability.

Rep. editor K. S. Losev. – M., 1995, 470 p.

5. Zachos, James, Mark Pagani, Lisa Sloan, Ellen Thomas, and Katharina Billups (2001). "Trends, Rhythms, and Aberrations in Global Climate 65 Ma to Present." Science 292 (5517): 686–693.

6. Fundamentals of space biology and medicine in 3 volumes. Ed. O.G. Gazenko and M. Calvina. – M.: Nauka, 1975. Volume 1, 432 p.

7. – website of the Biosphere 2 project.

8. Wikipedia

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Slide captions:

Purpose of the lesson: to develop ideas about 2 forms of existence of carbon: an atom and a simple substance; increasing the prestige of knowledge. Objectives: 1 (educational). Study of the structural features of the carbon atom, connections with chemical properties; structural features of a simple substance, allotropic modifications of carbon, their practical significance. Familiarization with the types of connections, biological role carbon, the essence of its natural cycle, the consequences anthropogenic impact. 2 (developmental): broadening the horizons of students, developing the OUN (work with the textbook, comparisons, generalizations, etc.) 3 (educational): nurturing cognitive interest, patriotism (pride in domestic science), independence, self-organization.

Carry out the transformations: M gP 3 PH 3 PP 2 O 5 H 3 PO 4 Ca 3 (PO 4) 2 Write the names of phosphorus compounds, indicate which ones can be used as mineral fertilizers

Origin of the name Finding in nature Biological significance Features of the structure of the atom, possible oxidation states. Chemical properties. The structure of simple matter. Allotropic modifications. Practical significance of the cycle in nature. Ecological problems.

Working with the textbook How did the name of this element come about? What is it connected with?

Carbon (Russian) - “giving birth to coal” Carboneum (Latin) - “coal”

Carbon is a bioelement, one of the macroelements. A special chemical element is the basis of the diversity of organic substances! Remember from biology course chemical composition cells and explain these expressions.

Tasks: 1. Make a diagram of the structure of the carbon atom. 2. Write down the electronic formula 3. Make a diagram of the arrangement of electrons in orbitals 3. Determine the possible oxidation states in compounds

C 6 E C (exc. ​​state) 2 4 2 2 2 2 1 3 1S 2S 2p 1S 2S 2p E c.o. E s.o. 2 4 4

Independent work with the textbook Tasks: 1. What substances does carbon react with? 2. Consider the given reactions from the point of view. ORP, determine what properties carbon exhibits. 3. Fill in the table: Reducing agent: C(o) C(2, 4) Oxidizing agent: C(o) C(4)

Reductant: C(o) C(2, 4) Oxidizing agent: C(o) C(4) With oxygen: C + O 2 = CO 2 + Q (in excess) 2C + O 2 = 2CO + Q (incomplete combustion) What are the reactions based on the thermal effect? Where are reactions used? 1. With active metals: Ca+C=CaC 2 CaC 2 + H 2 O=Ca(OH) 2 + C 2 H 2 (acetylene) 4Al+3C=Al 4 C 3 Al 4 C 3 +12Al(OH) 3 +3 CH 4 (methane) ! Obtaining organic substances Where are they used? 2. With water: C+H 2 O= CO+H 2 (water gas) t more than 1200 0 C 2. With hydrogen: C+2H 2 = CH 4 3. With metal oxides: C+2ZnO=2Zn+CO 2 C+ 2CuO=2Cu+CO 2 Where is this property of C used? (What is coke?)

Fill out the table using the main text of the textbook (p. 29) and additional material * (p. 244-245), models of crystal lattices Purpose: to establish a logical connection between the structure, properties and application of the substance. What is the chemical bond in simple substances, formed by C atoms? What type of crystal lattice is in these substances? modification * * Form (structure) Physical properties Practical significance

Modifications diamond graphite carbyne fullerenes Molecular shape (structure) tetrahedral Planes of hexagons connected to each other Chains of carbon atoms Macromolecules, polyhedron in shape, spherical, contain an even number of at. C Football (C 60) Physical properties Hard (10b. on the Mohs scale), transparent, high light-conducting and light-refracting ability C (Dark gray), metallic luster, soft, opaque, refractory, conducts heat and electricity. current Black powder, semiconductor, most stable Superconductivity Practical significance Jewelry (diamonds), production of drills, drills, tools for grinding, glass cutting Graphite lubricant, pencils, electrodes Possible unique catalytic systems, promising compositions for creating superconductors

Working with the textbook (diagram 99, p. 169) What uses does carbon have: - in industry; -at home; -in medicine? Are you aware of carbon applications in other industries?

late 18th century T.E.Lovitz N.D.Zelinsky Reason - porosity of coal - heating Charcoal hot steam activated carbon Application for respiratory protection - For purification of substances in medicine of the harmful tract (Sugar, alcohol) (active carbon) gas mask N.D. Zelinsky , 1915 A. Kumant

New modifications of carbon - the basis of nanotechnology Applications: superconductors, universal separation devices, reduction of electronic devices, “sieves” for isotopes

Working with the textbook (diagram 100 P.170)! plants; !carbonate system of the sea

The main reasons for the disruption of the carbon cycle: Extraction of minerals (calcite) and combustible carbon-containing substances (coal, oil, natural gas etc.) Combustion of carbon-containing fuel is the main reason for the increase in CO 2 concentration in the atmosphere Deforestation - natural regulators of air composition Environmental problems: “greenhouse effect”, air pollution with carbon monoxide

What does its name mean? Why is carbon considered the most common element in living nature? In what form does carbon occur in nature? How are hard coal, brown coal and peat used? What chemical property of carbon is the application based on? How does the structure of a carbon atom affect its Chemical properties? What application can carbon be found due to its: a) oxidizing properties, b) reducing properties? What allotropic modifications of carbon exist? What explains the difference in properties? * which modifications are very promising?

What practical significance do diamond and graphite have? What is the practical significance of porous carbon? Why is it an essential component in the first aid kit? What property is its use in medicine based on? Who invented the gas mask, and thereby saved the lives of thousands of people in the first world war? How does the carbon cycle occur in nature? What are the most important factors influencing the carbon cycle in nature? * How do humans disrupt the natural carbon cycle? ! Using the knowledge gained, comment on the expression of M.V. Lomonosov: “Chemistry spreads its hands wide into human affairs”

P.29 Task 1: Help metallurgists! How much coke is needed to reduce iron from 1 ton of magnetite (study page 78), containing 23% impurities? What property of carbon is this process based on? Task 2: Help the geologists! When burning a coal sample weighing 5.4 g. They obtained 9.576 liters (n.s.) of carbon dioxide. Determine the mass fraction of impurities in the coal, taking into account that the practical yield of carbon dioxide was 90%. Guess what type of coal this sample belongs to.