The problem of insufficient weight in patients with gastritis

The problem of weight gain competes only with obesity. Men and women with the same frequency suffer from this. And if for weight loss to a person enough to adjust its food and play sports, then in the question of how to gain weight when gastritis, do without a physician hard. Internal processes are invisible, so it is impossible to deal with such a problem.

Gastritis is accompanied by a significant weight loss

Pancreatitis and gastritis arise for various reasons. This can be bacterium Helicobacter pylori or constant violation of the power mode, a large number of stresses, excitement and experiences. All this leads to the development of the inflammatory process on the gastric mucosa. Symptoms affect the appetite and suction of the beneficial substances. A person with reduced acidity is observed.

Irritating slimming factors

Gastritis can provoke different reasons. In addition to bacterial, medicine is known mechanical and chemical. All this leads to an acute or chronic form of illness. Depending on the combination of patient's factors and behavior, it can diagnose such types of gastritis:

  1. Erosive. The formation of numerous ulcers and erosions.
  2. Catarial. The initial stage of the non-complicated disease.
  3. Eosinophilic. An irritant is a product to which a person develops allergies.
  4. Granulomatous. Roads with the same damage to neighboring organs.

In erosive gastritis on the gastric mucosa appear ulcerative lesions

And these are far from all types and forms under which the failures of the digestive tract occur. As a result, a person displaces the necessary vitamins, beneficial substances, minerals. This process prevents the presence of ulcers, erosions and inflammation. Weight loss with gastritis are inevitable.

It will not work quickly, after all, increasing the volume of food, a person seeks the opposite effect. The pain is growing, and the appetite disappears completely. In addition, with gastritis, patients are categorically forbidden to have a large number of products:

  1. Bread and baking.
  2. Chocolate and soda.
  3. Sausage products, as well as smoked.
  4. Fried, acidic and sharp food.
  5. High fat products.
  6. Some types of croup.

Jack with gastritis under the ban

These dishes are the same calories. With their help, it would be possible to dial a lot.

Get correct

  1. Determination of the level of hormones of the thyroid gland.
  2. Fluorography.

A huge impact on weight loss has insufficient hormone production. Problems with the functioning of the thyroid gland are closely intertwined with the pathologies of the digestive tract.

During the diagnosis, the doctor conducts the ultrasound of the thyroid gland

After the stomach is tested and the type of gastritis is revealed, the physician will translate the patient to a special diet. In addition, the patient must increase sufficient amounts of fat and muscle tissue, strengthen the bones. Therapy should be comprehensive, because it will be necessary to recover, strengthen the immunity, cure against concomitant diseases. It should be properly stopped the negative process, restoring appetite and strength.

A sharp weight loss requires immediate action. To the campaign to the attending doctor, you need to move a gentle diet. Power must be balanced, it is impossible to completely abandon fats, because without them the body cannot function.

The menu necessarily includes dishes with an optimal set of beneficial substances. Fats should be correct.

Patient Requires a gentle diet

Permitted version of the ration

If the colitis is a frequent symptom, from which it is difficult to get rid of, you need to urgently compile a special gentle menu. Atrophic gastritis, like any other form of illness, requires an optimal complex of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Their ratio ideally is 15%: 35%: 50%, respectively.

Selecting the diet, you need to remember that the daily portion of the protein should not exceed 100 g. The only possible option during gastroduodenitis is chicken meat. For a set of mass, it is necessary to remove the fatty foods from the menu, as well as the dishes with a high carbohydrate content.

Power option for 1 day may look like this:

Be sure to eat 5 or more times a day. Dishes must be unspecified and warm. During food, the patient carefully chews food and is not in a hurry.

Sport in treatment

Such a diet gentle physical activity, as a healthy lifestyle, walks and jogging improves well-being, lift the mood and appetite. A person has a desire to live. As a result, weight loss will suspend.

Morning jogging has a beneficial effect on the health of the body

Some people painfully perceive their appearance and try to increase body weight in every way, choosing bodybuilding. After a while, patients note the absence of the result. There are limitations here, and it is dangerous for their frames.

When choosing a sport based on the type and form of gastritis. Only the catarrhal species has no prohibitions, and in other cases you need to carefully approach the choice of training. Exemplary list of prohibited sports options:

  1. Stogging classes.
  2. Martial art and disk throwing.
  3. Long trips with overnight stay.

Engage in weightlifting during gastritis is prohibited

Ezophagitis, erosive type and other forms do not allow a patient a lot of time being out of the house. Impact weight in Spartan conditions is impossible. Food is incorrect, the diet is not respected.

Medical assistance in weight set

Magic means to increase the mass does not exist. Long-term diet, the correct diet and permissible physical activity along with an excellent psycho-emotional background will help restore lost forms. But you can enhance the result by some options for medicines:

  1. Badic.
  2. Vitamin complexes.
  3. Means for stimulation of desire to eat.
  4. Vegetable preparations.

Medical therapy will help normalize weight

It is not worth buying such medicines to yourself, it is better to entrust the appointment to the doctor. Medic will select a tool with the desired set of enzymes, which will improve the process of appropriate food, increase appetite.

With the power rules with gastritis, you will introduce the video: