Production calendar in the 1s 8.3 program. Accounting info

How to open a production calendar in 1C Accounting 8.3 (edition 3.0)


In the new edition of 1C accounting, as in the old one, of course there is a production calendar. But finding it if you need to fill it out or make adjustments is not at all easy.

How to find the production calendar in 1C Accounting 3.0 below.

  1. Open the "All functions" item (about this).
  2. In the window that opens, find the "Directories" item. Expand this item to a plus sign.
  3. Among the reference books, find "Production calendars". Open them.
  4. If the calendar is not full, this list will be empty. Click the "Create" button.
  5. In the calendar that opens, enter the name: “Russian Federation”, code: “RF”, year: the one you need.
  6. Click the "Fill as Default" button ( attention, weekdays and holidays will be refilled).
  7. Check the coincidence of holidays and weekends with those officially approved for this year.
  8. If you need to adjust the calendar, right-click on the desired day and select the desired value.
  9. Click the "Save and Close" button.
  10. Ready!
Sincerely, (teacher and developer).

Not everyone knows that the 1C 8.3 Accounting program has a built-in production calendar. Despite its invisibility, the calendar takes an active part in the formation of the most important documents of the section Salary and personnel .

Our article will tell you:

  • why do we need a production calendar, including in 1C;
  • where to find the 1C production calendar in the Accounting 8.3 program;
  • how to set up a production calendar in 1C 8.3;
  • where to find work schedules in 1C 8.3 Accounting.

An employment contract, as a rule, stipulates that the employee is paid remuneration in the amount of his salary, while he has fully worked the standard working hours.

The normal working hours are limited by the Labor Code to 40 hours per week (Article 91 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). There are other working time standards for certain categories of workers (Article 92 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation):

  • at the age of 16 years - no more than 24 hours a week;
  • at the age of 16 to 18 years - no more than 35 hours per week;
  • for disabled people of groups I or II - also no more than 35 hours per week;
  • for workers with harmful (grade 3 and 4) or dangerous working conditions - no more than 36 hours per week.

The production calendar is necessary for accountants and payroll clerks to determine the standard working hours for the period: week, month, quarter, year. The procedure for calculating working time norms has been established. In accordance with it, the Government of the Russian Federation annually approves postponements of weekends due to holidays.

Based on these two documents, a unified production calendar of federal significance is compiled. This is the calendar that is loaded by default in 1C Accounting 8.3.

Where to find a production calendar

You can get to the production calendar in 1C 8.3 Accounting from Main Menu – All Functions

Will open Production calendar , drawn up in accordance with the Government Decree.

How to set up a production calendar in 1C 8.3

In the program we work with a ready-made production calendar, compiled in accordance with Government Decrees on the transfer of days off.

The production calendar for 2019 has already been formed (Government Decree No. 1163 dated October 1, 2018).

To display the calendar, you must select:

  • Year - 2019 .

All days, depending on their meaning, have different colors:

  • black – working day;
  • brown - Saturday;
  • red – Sunday;
  • lilac – holiday;
  • blue – pre-holiday day.

If the Government Decree on postponing holidays to the next year has not yet been issued and the calendar is not full (all days are colored red), click the button Fill as default , and it will be formed according to the rules established by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated August 13, 2009 N 588n.

In this case, you will have to monitor the calendar and update it when the information about the days off is approved.

The production calendar can be printed using the button Seal .

How to change the production calendar

The production calendar, as a rule, is not subject to change. But the federal calendar does not take into account, for example, national holidays. Therefore, if necessary, it can be edited.

August 21, 2018, in accordance with the law “On holidays and memorable dates of the Republic of Tatarstan”, was declared a holiday (Kurban Bayram) on the territory of the republic.

It is required to configure the production calendar in 1C 8.3 Accounting in accordance with these dates.

  • Change day .

Or in the calendar header, click the button Change day while the cursor is on the date August 21.

In the menu that opens, select:

  • Holiday .

The day will turn lilac, it has acquired meaning - Holiday.

Perform the same actions with the date August 20 to assign a value to it - Pre-holiday.

It is required to set up a production calendar in 1C 8.3 Accounting in accordance with this order.

  • Reschedule the day .

In the opened form Selecting a transfer date select the date December 22nd. Click OK .

The dates have been swapped:

  • December 22 - Pre-holiday day;
  • December 29th - Saturday(day off).

The production calendar is approved annually by government decree. This resolution also postpones holidays if necessary.

In the program, filling out the production calendar is mandatory, since otherwise the system will not be able to correctly perform many of its functions. If you try to use a functionality that requires a completed production calendar, the program will generate an error. The work schedule is used when making payments to employees, maintaining staffing tables, calculating working and banking days, and in many other actions.

In our article we will show an example of filling out a production calendar in the 1C 8.3 Accounting 3.0 program. The mechanism is standard and is universal for most configurations and versions of platforms. Using it, the employee work schedule is filled out in 1C.

Where can I find the production calendar in 1C 8.3? Go to the "All functions" menu if it is available to you. Otherwise, your account may not have all the rights, or this menu may not be enabled in the settings (in the main menu: Options - Tools).

In the window that opens, go to the directories and open “Production calendars”.

You will see a list of previously created work schedules. By default, we already have one called “Russian Federation”. We will open it exactly. This calendar is national, is filled out on the basis of current legislation and stores data for several years at once.

In the form that opens, indicate the year for which you want to fill out the production calendar in 1C. In our case, this is 2017.

Initially, our calendar was not full. This is evidenced by the fact that all dates are marked in red. To automatically fill out the calendar, click on the corresponding button.

For the current year, the calendar is automatically filled out from approved information about working days, holidays and transfers of holidays; for future years - in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

The default completed production calendar will look like the image below. Day transfers are displayed on the right side.

  • Working days are marked in black;
  • dark red - Saturdays;
  • red - Sundays;
  • blue – pre-holiday shortened days;
  • and pink ones are festive.

Sometimes enterprises approve their own production calendars and postpone holidays. Below we describe how this can be done in 1C.

Changing days

To change a day, select it and click on the “Change day” button. After this, a drop-down list will open in front of you, where you can select a new view.

Transfer days

To transfer a day, also select it in the calendar and click on the button of the same name. A form will open in front of you in which you need to indicate on what day the transfer will be made, and then click on the “OK” button.

Hello, our dear partners, friends and random visitors to our site. Today I want to talk to you about another interesting and important change in the 1C Accounting 8.3 program, which went unnoticed for many of you. Namely: did you know that now in order to print a “Time Sheet” you do not have to buy a separate program or download a form on the Internet. Now this document will help you make Accounting 8.3!

Let's see where to find it and how it is filled out in the program.

In the “Salaries and Personnel” section in the “Personnel Accounting” menu, open “HR Reports”.

In the window that opens, select the “Timesheet” report

The report allows you to select a specific department. If the “Division” flag is not set, then the Time Sheet will be generated for all departments. Each division is on a separate sheet.

In this case, information on employees is filled out in accordance with the production calendar and the “Sick Leave” and “Vacation” documents entered in the program.

By default, the program does not fill in data about the employees signing the document. To print information about signers, use the “Settings” button.

In this case, the entered data will be reflected in the Timesheet for all departments.

In addition, the program has the ability to generate a Time Sheet only for selected employees. To do this, in the report settings, you need to check the appropriate box and select from the list of employees those for whom you want to print the document:

That's all I wanted to introduce you to today. WITHStay tuned for updated articles on our website. Join our social groups. networks and always be aware of all changes in the program. Work in 1C Accounting with pleasure.

The production calendar is the basis for creating an organization’s work schedule, an indispensable assistant for an accountant and HR specialist. It helps plan work, correctly calculate working hours, calculate salaries and vacation pay. The article contains instructions for setting up a calendar in the 1C:ZUP program, edition 3.


At the beginning of 2018, long New Year holidays await us from 12/30/2017 - 01/08/2018. In honor of Defender of the Fatherland Day, we are taking a break from 02/23/2018 to 02/25/2018. International Women's Day - from 03/08/2018 to 03/11/2018 inclusive. Also, three days of rest await us in June from 10 to 12 and from 3 to 5 November.

In 2018, holidays are postponed:

  • from January 6 (Saturday) to March 9 (Friday);
  • from January 7 (Sunday) to May 2 (Wednesday);
  • from April 28 (Saturday) to April 30 (Monday);
  • from June 9 (Saturday) to June 11 (Monday);
  • from December 29 (Saturday) to December 31 (Monday).

Employees have 3 working Saturdays, one of which falls on New Year's Day - December 29.


The calendar is located in the “Settings” section of the “Production Calendars” directory. We remind you that in version 3.1, production calendars are created taking into account regional legislation. About other new features of 1C: Salaries and personnel management, 3 editions - . More details in Fig. 1.



The calendar interface is simple and intuitive. The production calendar in 1C is compiled taking into account the legislation of the Russian Federation, is updated and filled out automatically.

For convenience, color codes for days have been introduced. Days before holidays are marked in dark blue, holidays are marked in purple, workdays are in black, Saturdays are in burgundy, and Sundays are in bright red.

In 1C: Salary and HR management, information about postponing holidays is displayed in the window on the right. As shown in Fig. 2.

Rice. 2

How to add a new production calendar

  1. Click the “Create” command.
  2. Fill in “Name” - this field reflects the name of the calendar.
  3. Fill in the “Code” field and the year for setting up the calendar.
  4. Next, select the “Fill by default” command. 1C will fill out the calendar according to the 5\2 schedule and without taking into account holidays. You will need to set up the calendar yourself: manually select holidays, pre-holidays and weekends, and correctly mark the transfer of holidays and non-working days.

Add regional calendar

For large organizations located in different regions, a regional production calendar is provided. For example, the republics of Tatarstan and Bashkortostan have holidays that are not marked in the all-Russian calendar. See Fig. 3 and follow the instructions:

  1. Add a calendar.
  2. Check "Is a regional calendar".
  3. Select the desired calendar from the drop-down list.
  4. Next, select the “Fill as default” command.

Rice. 3

Reschedule a day off that coincides with a holiday

  1. Right-click on the desired day.
  2. Select “Reschedule day”. The same command can be executed if you use the button at the top of the calendar, Fig. 4.
  3. Specify the transfer date.
  4. To save the settings, click on “Save” or “Save and close”.

Add a regional holiday

  1. Type of day - “Festive”.
  2. To save the settings, select “Save” or “Save and close”.

Designate a working day before a holiday

  1. Right-click on the desired day.
  2. Click "Change day". The same command can be executed if you use the button at the top of the calendar, Fig. 4.
  3. Type of day - “Pre-holiday”.
  4. To save the settings - “Save” or “Save and close”.