Sirtuins in foods. Sirtuins and resveratrol prolong life - is it too good to be true? What is the essence of the sirtuin diet?

According to English nutritionists, the basis of the diet is the consumption of Sirtfoods, which reduces appetite and triggers the work of the “thinness gene.”

Take a closer look at the thin faces of these two guys! This is Aidan Goggins and Glen Mattern - the creators of the new trendy diet Sirtfood. Hollywood stars have already appreciated the benefits of the new diet.

What is a diet Sirtfood?

This is a new super trendy diet based on the consumption of food that activates the protein sirtuin, which protects cells from inflammation and death. Sirtuin, according to nutritionists, is involved in metabolism and the process of healthy aging.
Another interesting discovery is the so-called “thinness gene.” Clinically known as SIRT1, it actively reduces weight by inhibiting the formation of fat, triggers metabolism, supporting living organisms (primarily mammals) during periods of “starvation.” Research confirms that by activating the protein sirtuin, it is possible to prevent weight gain in old age.

How to trigger the thinness gene? New fashionable diet Sirtfood.

A new fashionable diet for the production of sirutin. Weight loss hormone.

This diet should include plant foods: kale, berries, dark chocolate, capers, green tea, apples, turmeric, parsley and even red wine. The diet limits the number of calories to 1000 per day (the first phase of the diet is 3 days), then 1500 calories in the second phase. Nutritionists promise weight loss of up to 7 kg in 7 days.

The stars fell in love with the new diet Sirtfood.

There are persistent rumors that the absolutely enchanting weight loss of singer Adele, who has repeatedly admitted in interviews that she is not going to limit herself to anything, is all thanks to the new Sirtfood diet. Have you seen the singer in her new video Send My Love, where Adele looks simply stunning in a thin floor-length silk dress from Dolce&Gabbana?

Adele is beautiful and slim in the new video Send my Love.

Is the plan too good to be trusted?
Scientists have found confirmation of the influence of genetic factors on weight loss, however, the nature of the work of genetic mechanisms has not yet been fully studied and requires careful testing. Simpler recommendations are to limit your intake of sugar and high-calorie foods, replacing them with a healthy diet. A normal, healthy diet is needed as the main weapon against aging, to restore muscles and strengthen the functioning of the body.

10 simplest foods that activate Sirtuin.

- Green tea
— Dark chocolate (at least 85% cocoa)
- Apples
- Citrus fruit
- Parsley
— Turmeric
— Kale cabbage
- Blueberry
— Capers
- Red wine

A Brief Summary of What the Sirtfood Diet Is

There are two phases to the Sirtfood diet. The first, most important, is the first week, when you severely limit your diet to 1000 calories per day, for a period of 3 days. During this period, you should drink green smoothies made from the ingredients listed in the list above and eat one meal, also from the list of sirtfood products.

The second phase, from days 4 to 7, you increase your diet to 1500 calories. Your menu should have the following compromise: 2 green smoothies with Sirtfood (kale, celery, capers, green tea) and 2 hearty Sirtfood meals. For example, it could be wholemeal noodles with shrimp.

We'd also try adding a glass of red wine! It's from the list, isn't it? ;)))

Russian superfood

Look at the latest news from the world of celebrity diets: Gwyneth Paltrow confesses
in love with buckwheat, Demi Moore drinks nettle tea, and Miranda Kerr eats sauerkraut for breakfast. Russia has superfoods that have been proven for centuries and are just beginning to conquer the Western health food market.
It's time for us to remember them.


This year's most talked about bestselling diet book is called the Sirt Food Diet. The authors are Aidan Goggins and Glen Mathen, serious people with advanced degrees. Among the fans are all beautiful people: the famous British cook, former model Lorraine Pascal, the most titled yachtsman
Ben Ainslie, model and TV presenter Jodie Kidd, heavyweight boxer, world champion David Haye and, of course, Adele, who lost 5 kilograms “through Sirtfood” without damaging her skin and muscles. What is Sirtfood? These are products that enhance the effect of sirtuin proteins - SIRS (Silent Information Regulators), which have many fantastic abilities: from restoring diseased cells to burning fat. In 2003, this feature was discovered in the skins of red grapes; now the list has been supplemented by olive oil, red wine, black coffee, dark chocolate, strawberries, blueberries, turmeric, green tea, arugula, walnuts, red onions... And buckwheat, which is like quinoa , not cereal at all, but seeds.

Who doesn’t remember the February article in American Vogue with the intriguing title Is Buckwheat aka Grechka
the Next Big Gluten-free Super Food? Fashion news editor Liana Satenstein often travels to Moscow and Kyiv, so she generously shares her good memories of kefir and buckwheat, which help her after our fatty foods. Liana wrote,
that buckwheat was brought to Russia by a Greek monk, although this is not entirely true, since buckwheat spread from the Himalayas to Altai several centuries ago, and from there to Kievan Rus. And its name comes from the word “warm”. The author also mentioned the crisis boom in buckwheat and consulted with nutritionist from Vancouver Michaela Reben, who pleased both Russians and Americans: yes, buckwheat is truly unique,
because it does not contain gluten (today’s enemy number 1), but it contains “specific carbohydrate molecules that regulate blood sugar levels after meals.
It also contains a lot of dietary fiber, which our body cannot break down, and this fiber cleanses the body and helps digestion.”

Thanks to these properties, buckwheat is one of the favorites of the notorious Dr. Perricone. Celebrity nutritionist Ella Woodward, author of Deliciously Ella, uses buckwheat instead of other grains and gives recipes for fantastic porridges, granola, risotto and warm winter salads. “This wonderful gluten-free superfood adds variety to any menu, and buckwheat flour is ideal for baking,” says Ella. Gwyneth Paltrow agrees with her, among whose favorite dishes are buckwheat cakes and Japanese buckwheat noodles. However, the main promoters are the most famous television chefs Nigella Lawson and Jamie Oliver.

Almost simultaneously with Vogue, the Daily Mail wrote: "Move over, quinoa: buckwheat is now the choice of celebrity chefs and sophisticated shoppers." Sales of the new pseudograin are increasing weekly in Britain, but were once bred only to feed pheasants. By the way, thanks to foreigners: they helped us discover new facets in a long-familiar and slightly boring product. Now I have more “buckwheat” recipes than meat ones. For example, from the Hollywood Diets website - buckwheat with asparagus and shiitake mushrooms. On Superfoodlists, the cheapest buckwheat is called Russkoe Pole and costs almost $9. Organic is twice as expensive. For your information: any buckwheat grows without fertilizers, so there were no pesticides in it and there will not be any.

What else can be called Russian Superfood?


That dark blue berry is recognized as one of the most valuable fruit crops: it contains organic acids, pectin, antioxidants and vitamins C and PP. Pectin promotes detox, antioxidants rejuvenate, PP strengthens the walls of blood vessels. It contains neither proteins nor fats - only healthy carbohydrates. Irga was used in ancient times to “increase skin elasticity in older people”; it is a recognized anti-age product - for both external and internal use. True, only those who are not prone to allergies will receive health, beauty and youth. And most importantly, the serviceberry should be home-grown, not grown near highways or large enterprises.

Today, this berry is being intensively studied because of its ability to improve vision and relieve stress. A new eye disease - the so-called Digital Eye Strain - affects everyone who spends their life among gadgets. The disease begins with eye discomfort, other symptoms: fatigue, headaches and neck pain, dry eyes, blurred vision... As I write, I understand that three out of five symptoms are very familiar to me. Limiting digital contacts is one thing, you need support, and first of all food. And here there is little that compares with irga.

The Saskatoon Berry Institute opened in Michigan, where at a conference in January of this year they discussed the question of what benefits do serviceberry berries bring and what they look like, aka saskatoons, juneberries, sugarplum, chuckley pear and shadbush (the June flowering of this shrub means that the herring migration has ended) . In the village,
where I spent my carefree childhood, there was a lot of serviceberry, and everyone ate it - from kids to old people, so it’s funny for me to read how Americans talk about it in the spirit of “Yes, it blooms beautifully, and I recently read that its berries can be eaten, they even taste like blueberries.” But the author of the blog The Forage Foodie gave the most beautiful description of the taste of serviceberry: “a mixture of grapes, cherries and blueberries.” Last year, Modern Farmer wrote: “Although serviceberry is gaining popularity among commercial growers, consumers should not look for these berries in the supermarket... The best way to bring this fruit home is to grow it yourself.” It is interesting that the Cheyenne Indians in the century before last brewed medicinal tea from serviceberry - Tall Buffalo himself, the leader of the Dog tribe, considered it “a drink that can cure everything,” but the secret recipe was lost. However, nothing prevents us from coming up with our own version.
So, in the absence of allergies, improve your health (especially your eyesight), maintain skin elasticity and lose weight with the help of serviceberry.


that plant has been destroyed for decades not so much because of the lack of information about its beneficial properties, but because of the uncontrolled instinct of reproduction of this weed: it lives everywhere, in a week it can grow a meter and from beautiful curly leaves of emerald color turns into a prickly dirty green monster. But what is simpler: while it is young and soft, pick as much as you can, pour boiling water over it, make soup, salad, pie... Interestingly, in the Russian village of Krapivino, on the first Saturday of summer, they celebrate the International Nettle Festival, where you can taste the best pies with nettles and even learn how to weave nettle fabric, which was once used to make sails for ships. The canvas is, of course, exotic. But last year British Glamor called nettle tea or just a decoction one of the best remedies for cleansing the skin of blemishes, acne and even eczema. True, the British suggest going to a health food store or Amazon for nettles. And we can go down to the garden. Or go to the nearest pharmacy.
Or get dried nettle from your home medicine cabinet. There is an incentive: on the eve of her 50th birthday, Demi Moore regularly drinks nettle and dandelion teas, and her skin is gorgeous (by the way, plastic surgery removes wrinkles, but does not guarantee clear and radiant skin).


“Nettle gives you everything you need with a minimum amount of calories,” says Hollywood nutritionist Lauren O’Connor. - In addition to potassium, calcium, iron and vitamins A, B
and C, nettle reduces appetite, releases neurotransmitters, dispels congestion in the body and purifies the blood.” In addition to tea, nettle can be put everywhere, like spinach - in scrambled eggs, cottage cheese or pasta. As for the pasta: tortellini with ricotta, soybeans and nettles (you can even
no soybeans!) - simply a gourmet masterpiece. And if you didn’t already know that nettle restores or improves hair growth, then you’ve never had a Russian grandmother.

Nettle is on American Shape's list of "top foods to help you lose weight and stay beautiful and healthy." This also includes sauerkraut.


I suspect that the new generation will call it “fermented” (that is, prepared using fermentation), like the Americans, but for now for us it is still pickled, or sour. Not a single festive Russian or Soviet table could do without it. Our great-grandmothers added garlic, beets, cranberries, herbs, apples, grapes to it... And today fermented cabbage (sauercraut) in America is a recognized superfood. It brightened up Mila Kunis's pregnancy, is a regular part of Miranda Kerr's breakfast (with eggs, avocado and macadamia nut butter), and Katherine Heigl makes it with pork.

The Sirtfood diet is a way of eating that is based on switching to foods that are rich in polyphenols. Polyphenols from foods trigger the activation of sirtuins, proteins called the “anti-aging gene” and the “slim gene” that are designed to promote weight loss, well-being and health.

Sirtuins may have beneficial effects on the body.

Sirtfood diet - a new fashionable way of eating

The Sirtfood diet was developed by two graduates of the University of Surrey in England who received master's degrees in food science - Aidan Gogins and Glen Matten. Their plan involves a combination of calorie restriction and green smoothie drinking with an increased intake of foods rich in sirtuin activators.

Sirtuin is a type of protein present in mammals with potential implications for quality and longevity of life. They even called it the “longevity gene” and the “slimness gene.” The enormous interest of researchers in sirtuins began at the beginning of the twenty-first century, when it became clear that their increased concentration is associated with prolongation of the life of yeast. The authors used the Sirtfood Diet in a scientific report and developed a plan based on this in their book, The Sirtfood Diet, published in January 2016. Since then, the diet has become increasingly popular, especially due to celebrity use.

The basis of the Sirtfood diet is vegetables, fruits, nuts, spices rich in polyphenols, which activate sirtuins in the body, so that there is a more efficient use of energy, faster burning of fat in the body.

The 20 strongest sirtuin activators are:

  • paprika chili bird's eye
  • buckwheat
  • capers
  • celery with leaves
  • cocoa
  • olive oil
  • green tea
  • lovage
  • Date palmate
  • parsley
  • red chicory
  • Red onion
  • red wine
  • arugula
  • strawberry
  • turmeric
  • walnuts

In collaboration with the authors of the diet cookbook, they offer dishes rich in seafood, such as sirtkasha, chicken breasts with cabbage, red onions and tomato-chili salsa or truffles with walnuts and dates. Many people who follow different diets may like the fact that the Sirtfood diet is considered long term and is not restrictive, and even allows for the inclusion of red wine and dark chocolate containing more than 85% cocoa.

Sirtfood diet - rules

The Sirtfood diet involves a strict eating plan only for the first three weeks of the diet. The next step is not to focus on calories and macronutrient proportions in your diet, but by choosing the best foods for your health.

Although the authors emphasize that the Sirtfood Diet does not count calories, the first phase of the diet involves greater restrictions. The diet begins - for three days of the diet, provide yourself with 1000 calories - 3 green smoothies, which can be made with cabbage, celery, parsley, green tea and lemon, as well as one full meal, suggested by the authors of the book. On the fourth day - it is 1500 kcal and consists of two cocktails and two products rich in sirtfoods. During the first week, you can lose three kilograms.

The second phase of the diet lasts 14 days, in which you eat three meals and drinks (cocktails) daily. According to the authors, this guarantees stable weight loss. The intervals between meals should be at least 1.5 hours. It is important to avoid foods typically considered unhealthy: store-bought sweets, fast foods, fast food products and those processed with white flour.

Stages of the sirtfood diet:

stage I

  • 1-3. day - 1000 kcal; 3 cocktails + 1 food
  • 4-7. day - 1500 kcal; 2 cocktails + 2 dishes
  • 8-14. day - no signs of calorie content; 1 cocktail + 3 meals a day
  • From the 15th day there are no strict recommendations; the biggest part of consuming sirtfoods

Can you really lose weight from sirtfood?

An experiment was conducted that showed that people who are physically active and using the sirtfood diet on average lose 3 kg per week without losing muscle mass. Some even reported an increase in muscle mass, and all study participants reported significant improvements in well-being.

Nutritionists, however, are skeptical about the result of the experiment, because fat loss is a long process, and reducing its content in the body by 3 kg in such a short period of time is almost impossible. They suggest that much of the weight loss is due to loss of glycogen and water. In addition, using a diet up to 1000 kcal and 1500 kcal and exercise always leads to weight loss, and the effect is mainly due to the reduction in caloric content of foods and non-sirtfoods.

Of course, eating a diet based on foods rich in polyphenols is very beneficial for your health, and certainly won't hurt anyone. Polyphenols have a very wide range of positive effects on the body, which has been confirmed by numerous scientific studies. According to experts, for weight loss, the effect of the diet is mainly responsible in the first week, which imposes calorie restrictions.

Sirtuins, which are activated polyphenols in the body, can speed up metabolism and promote fat loss. Participates in the metabolism of fats and glucose and plays a large role in extending the life of cells associated with insufficient energy supply. These reports sound very promising, but so far there have been few studies that have been able to confirm weight loss from sirtuins.

Good to know

Sirtuins play an important role in the aging process and the regulation of life expectancy, are involved in the replication and repair of defective genetic material, the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates, deactivate free radicals, and under suitable conditions slow down the aging process. Sirtuins are activated in the case of a low-calorie diet, which provides about 30-50% less energy than the body needs.

Aidan Goggins and Glen Matten, the developers of this nutritional principle, claim that foods containing a special type of protein (sirtuin activators) trigger the fat burning process in the body. This means that we should eat them more often and in larger quantities!

How does the sirtuin diet affect your health?

According to Goggins and Matten, the diet will not only help you feel a burst of energy, but will also help you increase muscle mass, get rid of extra pounds, and improve your metabolism.

Side effects

Despite the fact that the authors of the method claim that their diet is more a story about a healthy lifestyle than about any noticeable changes in weight, especially observant critics notice that the book by Goggins and Matten is accompanied by the slogan: “Lose 7 pounds in 7 days!" One pound (about half a kilogram) is already quite a noticeable weight loss, which may not have a very good effect on your health. In addition, wine contains toxins, which means that it may work well as a sirtuin activator, but it is still not suitable as a daily element of the diet.

As is clear from the slogan, the authors propose to lose weight in a fairly short period of time - one week. Moreover, the book indicates a strict number of calories that we should receive daily. In the first three days - 1000 calories, then - 1500, and fill the remaining time with green juices and sirtuin-rich foods.

10 Foods Containing Sirtuin:

Red wine, dark chocolate, green tea, capers, citrus fruits, apples, blueberries, parsley, turmeric, kale.

Celebs who follow the sirtuin diet

Famous sirtfood dieters

Everyone, without exception, including members of the royal family, wants to look especially irresistible on their wedding day. Recently, paparazzi often catch Prince Harry in Chelsea at the doors of the KX fitness club. Here, a year ago, Pippa Middleton perfected her figure before her wedding, but modern royals and the cream of British society prefer the establishment not only because of modern equipment and professional trainers. Visitors here are offered a special diet - Sirtfood Diet.

Prince Harry on his way to the fitness club (April 2018)

The Sirtfood nutrition system, developed by nutritionists Aidan Goggins and Glen Matten, is positioned not so much as a diet, but as an anti-aging express program that will bring the body, as they say, to its peak form. Goggins calls it a “performance stimulant” and especially recommends it to football players, rugby players and participants in sea regattas (in the early stages of popularizing sit-food nutrition, this was its main audience). An ideal option for newlyweds, taking into account the length and energy consumption of the wedding marathon!

Alex Corbisiero, rugby union player, one of the leaders of the England team

The main thing about sirtfoods

Goggins and Marten, certified nutritionists (and Aidan is also a pharmacist), formed the basic principles of the diet after carefully studying the beneficial properties of the biologically active substance resveratrol. Resveratrol is found in the skins of grapes, and therefore in red wine, and gives the drink a bouquet of beneficial properties - antioxidant, hypocholesterolemic, cardioprotective and even anti-cancer. Of course, we are talking about drinking wine in reasonable quantities and in compliance with age and therapeutic indications.

"The Last Supper", Juan de Juanes (circa 1562)

Resveratrol belongs to the sirtuin class of cellular enzymes. World scientists have long assumed that citruins are responsible for the body’s ability to withstand stress, regulate the aging process, ensure the prevention of age-related diseases, and are responsible for life expectancy.

Sirtfood diet authors Aidan Goggins and Glen Matten

Each sirtfood has its own combination of biologically active substances that are already beneficial for the body, but nutritionists have gone further. They discovered that the combination of several foods high in sirtuins greatly enhances the effect, so they began to explore combinations and select those from which they could create a daily menu. So Goggins and Matten simultaneously found out that the composition of some products prevents the formation of fatty deposits, while others activate the utilization of existing ones (of course, with the necessary physical activity). They were impressed by the results: "We expected the subjects to lose weight, but we didn't think the average weight loss would be 50%."

Based on the results of research and reflection, nutritionists have compiled a seven-day nutrition plan based on sirtfoods. It is designed to help not just quickly lose weight, but to activate the body’s hidden reserves and give it a good boost, literally rebooting it. The good news is that many of the foods Goggins and Matten recommend appear on our table every day, and some (like chocolate, coffee and wine) don't even have to be given up.

So, the main sirtfoods are buckwheat, capers, celery, chili, dark chocolate (containing at least 85% cocoa beans), coffee, olive oil (of course, Extra Virgin), green tea (ideally matcha), kale (what they are, read here - “6 popular superfoods that can harm you”), garlic, dates, arugula, parsley, chicory, red onion, red wine (ideally Pinot Noir), soybeans, dark berries (cherries, strawberries, blackberries, blueberries, raspberries), turmeric, walnuts.

Sirtfood diet plan

It is conventionally divided into two phases. The fast phase, like a kind of forced march, will allow you to lose 3-3.5 kg in a week and quickly reboot your body.

It is recommended to repeat it once every three months, even for those who constantly adhere to the principles of Sirtfood nutrition.

First, second and third day

You should drink three servings of green juice a day and have one full meal of sirtfoods. Maximum calories per day – 1000.

Fourth to seventh days

You need to stick to the following plan: two servings of green juice per day and two Sirtfood meals. Maximum calories per day – 1500. General rules: drink juices 1-2 hours before meals; do not eat after seven in the evening; do not drink alcohol (instead - plenty of water, coffee and green tea); for dessert - a piece of dark chocolate.

Mix 2 handfuls of kale, handfuls of arugula and parsley sprigs in a blender and puree well. Add a little celery (leaves are fine), half an apple and the juice of half a lemon and beat again. Season the green mass with ½ tsp. matcha tea powder and, if desired, dilute with water to a comfortable consistency.

The guys have already launched their own sirtfood service

The second phase is consolidation of the result. General rules: one serving of green juice per day (30 minutes before breakfast or instead of a pre-lunch snack) and three meals with maximum Sirtfood content. You need to have dinner no later than 7 pm. Semi-finished products are excluded from the diet, the amount of red meat is reduced (up to 500 grams per week). You can eat bread and rolls (whole grain) and drink red wine (2-3 times a week). Dinner no later than 7 pm.

The effectiveness of the Sirtfood diet

How effective is the sirtfood diet? If you believe sirtfood adherents (and judging by the changes in appearance - be it Adele, or Pippa Middleton, or Prince Harry), it is a great way to quickly get in shape, including losing a couple of extra pounds before an important event. But here it is necessary to take into account that the Sirtfood diet has been harshly criticized by the nutritionist community as not complying with the EatWell Guide - the recommendations of specialists from the National Health Service in England.

Adele, who lost more than 13 kg through diet, is also a fan of sirtfoods

Firstly, it is confusing to sharply limit the caloric intake of the diet, which will certainly entail a slowdown in the metabolic rate. Honestly assess your strength: if you reduce your caloric intake by half and at the same time love to eat, be prepared that when you return to the previous nutritional parameters of the menu, the weight may return, and even with an increase. Secondly, the “taste” value of the diet ─ maybe wine and chocolate ─ is very insignificant, because given the calorie content of these products, their quantity will be minimal (if you follow the indicated range of 1000-1500 kilocalories). Thirdly, nutritionists advise not to forget that sudden weight loss in the first week is mainly due to the removal of excess fluid from the body. This means that the fat stored in reserve by the body will begin to melt only after the 7th day of the diet and subject to regular visits to the gym.

Photo: Getty Images, press service archives