How long should you do Pilates to lose weight? Pilates: what to expect from training? Pilates is a panacea for office workers

What time of day is it better to do Pilates - in the morning or in the evening?

It is better to exercise in the morning at sunrise, before breakfast - this gives the body lightness and vigor, including it in the cosmic rhythm.

Please tell us about your diet during Pilates training. What is possible before and after, for how much, after how long.

Before classes, it is better not to eat for two hours, and if you have a heavy lunch and then want to do Pilates, then it is better not to eat for 4 hours. Of course, if you eat an apple, for example, or some fruit an hour before class, it won’t hurt - that is, if you are hungry. But it is better to consume dairy products, as already said, two hours before. And more difficult to digest food - 4 hours before classes. We must remember that it is better to exercise when slightly hungry. After training, it is better to wait 30 minutes so that the euphoria of adrenaline subsides a little - then you will gain less weight. After half an hour you can eat easily. Flour, meat and fatty food, eaten immediately after exercise, contributes to weight gain, so it is better, if you are hungry and can’t bear it, to eat yogurt after Pilates, drink sour milk or eat cheese, lean fish, and in the heat you can drink kvass...

I myself do Pilates at home, please write briefly how to warm up at home before the main part of the class. I'm having trouble with this.

Warm-up aims to warm up the muscles and prepare our body to perform the main set of exercises, which require good stretching and increased strength load. It is enough to warm up for no more than 7-10 minutes. This can be bending forward, stretching back while bending, lightly stretching the legs in a squat on one leg, while taking the other as far back as possible, turning to the sides with outstretched arms, etc. Focus on your well-being and desire to move, what your body tells you, where your muscles are stiff and your joints are numb, then you need to stretch it depending on your lifestyle and what kind of work you did before. The laws are flexible, just as the need to warm up is individual. The main thing is to achieve the effect of warming up the muscles and being filled with vigor if you perform the Pilates complex after sleep.

What music is best to practice to? If possible, examples of compositions.

For warming up, increasing the elasticity of muscles and ligaments and warming up before a set of exercises: “On the Beautiful Blue Danube” and “Tales of the Vienna Woods” by Johann Strauss Jr. It is better to start a set of exercises with the composition “Norwegian Dance No. 2” by Edvard Grieg. For exercises like “Roll Up, Roll Down,” “Danube Waves” by Iosif Ivanovich is well suited. Also suitable for exercises are: “Bolero” by Maurice Ravel, “Trick Truck Polka” by Johann Strauss, “Military March” by Franz Schubert. To the music of “Spring Voices” by Johann Strauss, you will perform exercises with ease; it does not tire you, but creates the necessary muscle tension. While listening to the Overture to the opera “Carmen” by Georges Bizet, it is better to perform exercises that require great physical effort from you, for example, strengthening the abs, etc. It is better to complete the set of exercises with a cancan from the operetta “Orpheus in Hell” by Jacques Offenbach. The music “Peter and the Wolf” by Sergei Sergeevich Prokofiev helps when you are already tired of exercises. The last melody invigorates and strengthens patience, gives endurance and increases physical endurance. She also better finish her gymnastics. I named it from the classics.

I think that it will be easier for you to choose modern melodies, since they are rhythmic and aimed at emotional perception, there are many of them and they are easy to hear, although sometimes they quickly tire. As an example of songs suitable for physical exercise, we can name the famous Beatles tunes - “Love Me Do” and “I Want To Hold Your Hand”.

The Pilates trainer at our club has changed. The first trainer said that during exercises you need to keep your legs a little turned out (from the hip, ballet style), but the new one says keep them straight. I'm already used to the first coach. Which one is right?

This debate reminds me of the debate about how to walk correctly: people walk as best they can and as best they can. But the first-grader girl was taught choreography and she walked like a ballerina, and a friend remarked: “How do you walk like that? Wrong!" The girl felt a little ashamed that she was not like everyone else. But she could become a ballet star!

You can’t blame either one or another trainer who teaches you Pilates, they just have different schools. The current coach teaches you the simplest way - she was not brought up in a ballet school like Ilze Liepa, who, by the way, also teaches Pilates classes. I prefer to stick and follow the first teacher, plus it's beautiful. But straining the atmosphere in class can sometimes lead to not entirely pleasant consequences...

So, whether to advise you to retrain or find another trainer is your choice.

Is it possible to combine Pilates classes with light activities weights? I'm about 10 kg overweight. Is it possible to then switch from 8 kg weights to 16 kg? I'm working out and my joints are cracking.

Of course, you can combine Pilates with other types of physical activity as you like. I think it won’t do any harm, Pilates gymnastics is democratic. But, it seems to me that lifting weights will not only help you lose weight, but it will add muscle mass, and due to this, weight may increase. In my opinion, it is better to exercise for weight loss active species sports such as running, race walking, cross-country skiing, aerobics, dancing, etc. If you say that your joints are cracking, then an even greater load, the weight of weights, will not eliminate this, but on the contrary, it may worsen it.

How to lose weight by doing Pilates?

You need to practice every day in the morning or evening. Rhythm not only gives you good physical shape, but daily exercise helps maintain a stable weight. Before classes 2 hours and after classes for an hour, try not to eat anything. If you exercise in the morning, do it on an empty stomach. And if you study in the evening, then it is advisable not to eat after class until the morning. Before exercising, it is good to take a cool shower; you should exercise in a ventilated room - this enhances breathing and blood circulation and, therefore, burns excess subcutaneous fat. After exercise, if you exercise in the morning, an hour later, have breakfast with unsweetened yogurt, sour milk, cottage cheese or fruits - they are least likely to contribute to the deposition of excess fat and contribute to better work digestive tract.

I am a nursing mother. Is it possible to reset excess weight when doing Pilates, or is some kind of diet also necessary?

Your weight can gradually decrease even without Pilates exercises if you work for your child throughout the day, and not just doing physical exercise. Usually, young mothers lose weight already in the first year of raising a child because it is a big burden for both the child and the mother. Many mothers cannot afford to diet when they have infants because it affects the baby's health through breastfeeding.

What exercises from callanetics can be performed on different stages pregnancy?

Callanetics classes require a lot of workload and it is usually said that it should be carried out until extreme fatigue, which is highly undesirable during pregnancy!

It is unlikely that Joseph Pilates, who developed his own health system at the beginning of the last century, counted on its durability. Nevertheless, today Pilates is one of the most popular health practices. This is explained not only by the fantastic form (or rather, forms) of its main adherents, among whom are the famous American actress Jennifer Aniston (who has a luxurious figure in contrast to her forty-something years) or our Vera Brezhneva, who again fluttered onto the stage almost from the maternity ward.

Pilates is one of the most popular fitness trends. The exercise system is designed in such a way that it is almost impossible to get injured, of course, if you know when to stop.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the German-American sports specialist Joseph Pilates, who was a very sick child constantly suffering from asthma, overcame his illness through physical exercise and became a professional athlete. Already in adulthood, he developed a system of exercises that consistently affects all muscle groups. And if you are interested in Pilates, then do not neglect these five tips that will help you tighten your figure, develop flexibility and lose a few extra pounds.

1. Frequency

As in any business, to achieve results, the correct frequency is important. Doing Pilates once a week will definitely not improve your physical condition, because your muscles will not be able to get used to the load. For a visible effect, exercise at least 2-3 times a week for an hour, and the inventor of the system recommended hourly exercise at least 4-5 times a week.

2. Warming up the muscles

Before starting the intensive, you need to thoroughly warm up your body with the help of special exercises that the trainer will recommend, be it an online or real-time class. This is especially important for beginners, because the body will initially react painfully to any load. Proper heating will reduce soreness.

3. Maintain your posture

Throughout the entire session, it is important to maintain correct posture: shoulders back, head raised, stomach pulled in, gluteal muscles tucked (if we are talking about the starting position). When performing exercises while lying on your back, do not relax.

You need to ensure that your stomach is tense at all times and your lower back is pressed to the floor. If you keep your body tense all the time, you will have a better chance of getting perfect abs. Otherwise, the entire load will be placed on the lower back, which will then “thank” you with pain in the lower spine.

4. Correct breathing

Proper breathing is an integral part of training. You yourself will never guess how to breathe correctly while performing a certain set of exercises, so listen carefully to the instructor.

5. Stretching

The correct end to the workout is the stretching exercises that you have already done after warming up: this will help avoid excessive muscle tension and contribute to the formation of a harmonious figure.

Remember that when practicing Pilates, it is not the quantity of exercises that is important, but the quality of their implementation. “Participation, not victory” is the main principle for this type physical activity. At first, you are unlikely to be able to complete all the exercises in full, but you remember that patience and work will grind everything down. So breathe correctly, straighten your back and move forward to your ideal body!

Fitness for dummies

Pregnancy is not the best time for intense sports activities, although there are exceptions to this issue. So even those young mothers who nine months ago could boast of a toned figure often look at themselves in the mirror after giving birth with disappointment. However, returning to the gym after such a long break and such serious physiological changes is not so easy. Circumstances have changed, your body has changed, old patterns may simply not work for you! And if you weren’t particularly familiar with step machines and exercise machines before pregnancy, then after giving birth you shouldn’t rush to the barbell first. And this is where Pilates comes to the rescue. Why?

    Firstly, exercises in classical Pilates give soft and gentle load, suitable for a person who has returned to training after a long break (or for someone who has not previously been involved in fitness at all). Each exercise has several options, so you can start with the simplest one. You can do fewer repetitions or perform the exercise with a lower amplitude.

    Secondly, in classical Pilates there are many exercises that are aimed at relieve tension and strengthen back muscles and the middle part of the body. Strong back and strong core muscles - best friends a woman who has to carry a toddler in her arms. And the importance of relaxing strained muscles is difficult to overestimate!

    Thirdly, Pilates belongs to the group of mind&body fitness areas. In training work not only with the body, but also with the mind. No, no esotericism - Pilates just teaches you to listen to your body and concentrate on your sensations, think only about what’s in you. this moment makes the body. This means that for the duration of the workout (one hour) we disconnect from all worries and worries. An excellent opportunity to restore peace of mind and return to family and household chores with renewed vigor!

Classic is the best choice for Pilates

I would like to draw the attention of readers to the phrase “classical Pilates”. For people who have not done Pilates before or are planning to return to classes after a break, I advise them to start with classical Pilates (also called “basic”). The load is the most gentle, the explanations are the most detailed, the exercises are aimed specifically at recovery and awakening the muscles. And here we come to interesting question, but how to find this classic Pilates?

In our city, such classes are taught either by graduates of the Varvara Medvedeva School of Instructor Skills, or by graduates of the Siberian Pilates Center. For the classics - to those who studied at the Siberian Center. At the Varvara Medvedeva School they study (and then teach) Pilates Art. Interesting option, but it is suitable for those who already have fitness experience and are back in shape.

There are, of course, amazing instructors (for example, the wonderful Dasha Rylkova from the “Be Fit” club) who approach their work responsibly and very thoughtfully, and after the Pilates Art course they can teach the classics. But there is no guarantee that you will come across just such a nugget. But Pilates Art itself is still a strength training that is not suitable for beginners.

So, I suggest focusing on instructors who studied at the Siberian Pilates Center. If you are embarrassed to ask, look at the information on the club’s website, they usually write there where this or that instructor studied.

Let's get started with Pilates training

You can start classes two months after a natural birth that took place without complications, and six months after caesarean section. If the birth had complications or the recovery period did not go very smoothly, you should consult a gynecologist. Many gynecologists already know what Pilates is. When you come to class for the first time after giving birth, be sure to tell the trainer that you recently became a mother, when it happened and how (in general terms, of course).

Remember that the most important person responsible for your health is yourself! At first, choose the simplest version of the exercise, even if you feel that you can “faster, higher, stronger.”

Listen to your feelings, respond to the signals your body sends. Try to perform the exercises clearly and cleanly, but don't hesitate to do fewer reps than the rest of the group if your body says it's had enough.

Figure isn't everything

It's no secret that many women, when thinking about fitness, first of all want to lose weight. Here Pilates is a weak helper. Yes, with regular exercise a couple of times a week and with controlled nutrition, the body will look better, but the process is very long. But most people want to see results as quickly as possible. And how many women who have small children have enough mental strength to survive? proper nutrition? I think not many. What should I do?

I suggest combining Pilates classes with cardio exercise. Those who visit fitness clubs can walk on an elliptical or an uphill treadmill. If the club’s schedule includes cycling (classes on simulators that simulate cycling), you can include them in your program.

You can ride a regular bike, or you can just walk! Walking is an easy and accessible form of physical activity, which is probably why they are often underestimated. And in vain - walking works wonders. The main thing is to remember the pace (you can imagine that you are in a hurry to get to work, but you are not yet late) and forget about communicating with acquaintances you meet along the way. Forward and only forward! At least 40 minutes, or better yet an hour. You can do more if you have the strength and desire.

Still, you need to try to monitor your diet, or at least eat according to the diet you followed before starting classes, even if inner voice will tempt you: “Well, you’re working out, you can afford a little extra.” IN in this case the inner voice is wrong.

Pilates at home

I know that many women find it difficult to get out to workout, and they prefer home workouts. Pilates is a fitness activity that you can practice on your own. But there are a number of nuances that need to be taken into account for the training to be effective. What should you pay attention to?

Proper breathing during Pilates classes

Pilates uses chest lateral breathing. The pace is calm. No holding your breath! Usually we exhale at maximum effort (the trainer gives precise instructions for each specific exercise). I wrote a little more about breathing

Body position during Pilates classes

Controlling abdominal tension during Pilates classes

Throughout the entire workout (or better yet, all the time!), your stomach should be slightly tense, as if you were wearing recently washed jeans that have slightly shrunk.

Feeling of traction during Pilates classes

Regardless of what we do at a particular moment in training, we need to imagine (and try to feel) that we are constantly growing, lengthening the spine, stretching it (this is, of course, visualization, but it will help you catch the right feeling).

Smooth movement during Pilates classes

All exercises in Pilates are performed at a fairly slow pace and very smoothly. You can imagine that your body is a stream of water, which slowly bends in one direction and then in the other (yes, and again visualization: working with images is one of the features of classical Pilates).

By the way, you can evaluate an instructor by how clearly and clearly he explains the subtleties listed above, and whether he controls them during the exercises. For women who want to study on their own, this knowledge will help them choose an adequate program from the many available online (and it doesn’t matter whether it’s a video or a book).

Difficulties with independent training are usually associated precisely with insufficient understanding of the intricacies of Pilates. Above, I tried to highlight the moments that cause the most difficulties for beginners.

If you have not done Pilates before and are going to train on your own, I highly recommend choosing a time, finding the means and attending at least 2-3 classes (ideally, of course, personal ones) in order to receive the most important and valuable information directly from the instructor and perform under his supervision exercises and feel them.

I suggest attending 2-3 classes, not just one, so that both you and your muscles can remember both the information and the sensations during the workout. By the way, if you come to a group training session, don’t hesitate to ask questions! Before, after, and even during class. And during personal training, you can (and should!) “squeeze” all the necessary information from the instructor to the maximum.

When can you expect results from Pilates?

Of course, everyone wants their training to bring results. What results can you expect from Pilates? And when?

    If we talk about classical Pilates, the result can and, I would even say, should be felt after the first workout. Peace and harmony in the soul and the feeling of a living body - this is what will come after the first lesson.

    The muscles come to life, wake up, it becomes easier for you to keep your back straight - this is what you can and should expect after several workouts.

    With regular exercise in 1-2 months The frequency and intensity of back pain, lower back pain and headaches caused by overstrain of the neck muscles may decrease (if, of course, such misfortunes haunt you; if not, all that remains is to be happy for you). Also, with regular exercise, the emotional background stabilizes and the mood becomes more even.

    In 3-4 months regular exercise (if you do not overindulge in gastronomic delights), you can already look at yourself in the mirror and look for positive changes in your figure. Most likely, your body will look better and your figure will become more toned. The muscles of the middle part of the body (including the abdominal muscles) will become stronger, the stomach will become flatter (however, you should not look for the notorious “cubes”: a flat stomach with spectacular muscle relief is the fruit of a strict diet against the backdrop of serious training). Also regular classes Pilates helps develop flexibility and coordination, movements become more elegant and graceful.

Play sports, be healthy and beautiful!

Fitness can be done for various reasons. Some people maintain health, others relieve stress, but many use it as a means of fighting extra pounds. And, contrary to what many people think, Pilates is ideal for weight loss.

Many women ask on forums and communities whether Pilates helps lose weight. Such interest is quite understandable, because it is difficult to believe that slow and smooth movements can become effective tool in the fight against extra pounds.

What makes the situation even worse is the fact that the calorie loss during an hour-long workout is only about 250 kilocalories, which is even less than jogging. And considering that more than 9,000 calories are “hidden” in one kilogram of adipose tissue. It turns out that you need to exercise every day for an hour for a month to get rid of just one extra kilogram. Not a very pleasant prospect.

Those who provide such data have never practiced Pilates and do not understand the features and principle of its work. It really helps you lose weight overweight, but does it in a completely different way.

How does Pilates work?

To understand how Pilates works, you need to remember its history. This type of fitness was used as a rehabilitation technique for military personnel injured in the First World War. After severe injuries, there was no question of any intense load, so I had to develop completely new complex exercises. This is how Pilates appeared, in which breathing exercises are combined with the principles and exercises of yoga and classical fitness.

But then it turned out that Pilates is also effective for losing weight. The following mechanisms operate here:

  1. Deep breathing combined with certain exercises normalizes metabolism, causing the body to burn more energy between workouts.
  2. The muscles are gradually trained and their volume increases. And even in normal times, they require more calories for normal operation. The result is increased energy consumption.
  3. The workout tones and activates the muscles, and for several hours afterwards they burn calories more intensely than usual.
  4. Regular exercise helps reduce appetite, which reduces the amount of calories consumed. This manifests itself especially well immediately after training.
  5. Pilates exercises for weight loss teach you to keep your muscles focused and “pull” your body inward, which makes your silhouette slimmer.
  6. This technique improves blood and lymph circulation, which reduces tissue swelling. As a result, its “volumes” decrease.

Pilates is a system of physical exercises that was developed by the German-American sports specialist Hubertos Joseph Pilates at the beginning of the 20th century. Initially, Pilates was used to train pilots and, a little later, professional athletes, but over time the system became so popular that today it can be found in the schedule of every fitness club.

The main advantage of Pilates is that it has no age restrictions and is suitable for people with any level of physical fitness, since the risk of injury is minimized. We tell you everything that is important to know before going to training.

What is Pilates?

Pilates is a series of slow-paced exercises designed, similar to yoga, to connect the body and mind. The main focus is on the central areas, including the abdominal muscles, thighs and back muscles. Most of the exercises are performed in 5-10 repetitions.

What are the benefits of Pilates?

If you attend training regularly, you will definitely notice positive changes in your body. In particular, Pilates improves posture and balancing abilities, affects overall physical training, endurance and helps reduce the body's susceptibility to stress. Not to mention that, like any physical activity, these workouts will have a positive effect on your figure and your mood.

When will the results be visible?

Beginners are often surprised by the fact that with relatively few repetitions of each exercise, Pilates promises large-scale changes. The secret is that the system suggests focusing not on the quantity, but on the quality of the exercises, while the slow pace makes the exercise even more physically difficult than an intense workout in the gym. As for the results, experts note that if you exercise 2-3 times a week, they will be noticeable within 4-6 weeks.

What is the difference between yoga and Pilates?

On basic level Yoga is primarily a story about stretching, while Pilates is a story about strengthening the entire body. And yet, in many respects, these workouts are really similar: they emphasize the connection between body and mind, help to concentrate and have a number of similar poses (by the way, Joseph Pilates himself practiced yoga and never hid that he relied on it when creating his own technique ).

In some fitness clubs, these classes are combined, which is not entirely correct, according to adherents of each direction, but is not critical either. Ultimately, combining yoga and Pilates, either in one class or as part of your own fitness plan, will help you not only strengthen your muscles, but also develop flexibility.

Is it possible to lose weight with Pilates?

When answering the question whether it is possible to lose weight with Pilates, trainers warn that there are several points to keep in mind. Firstly, Pilates can really replace the gym and do it effectively, but you will have to do it at least twice a week. Secondly, if you do not follow a diet, monitor your sleep quality and psychological health, then proper weight loss out of the question.

On the other hand, Pilates helps to tighten muscles, so if you are not striving for a sculpted body, you can do without even strength exercises. In addition, pay attention to special fitness programs “Pilates for weight loss”, which are designed in such a way that extra pounds disappear as quickly as possible.