The dream was betrayed by a friend. Why do you dream about Betrayal? Why do you dream about a guy cheating?

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

If you were betrayed- to acquire a reliable friend; you betrayed- to slander against you.

Women's dream book

If you dream that you have been betrayed- beware of robbery.

If in a dream someone considers you a traitor or you really became a traitor- this means don’t expect anything good from life in the near future.

If you dreamed:

Dreams from Sunday to Monday

If you had a bad dream:

Don't be upset - it's just a dream. Thanks to him for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Say out the open window: “Where night goes, sleep comes.” All the good things stay, all the bad things go.”

Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

Turn your bed linen inside out.

Don't tell anyone about your bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

If in a dream you saw the betrayal of friends, then it is likely that in reality you have some disagreements with them, popular dream books assure. Although some interpreters give a different explanation for why such a plot is dreamed of, considering it a symbol of quick success and joy.

Miller's Dream Book

In the dream book of the famous dream interpreter Gustav Miller there are several interpretations of a dream about such an unpleasant thing as the betrayal of friends.

So, for example, to see in a dream how you are betrayed is a signal that your property is in danger. But having a dream in which you yourself are a traitor means impending humiliation and shame.

And if in a dream you are trying to hide your betrayal, then this is a sign that in reality you will be disappointed in some ideal, the interpreter is upset.

Sadness and loss

The Wanderer’s dream book also speaks about losses, deciphering what dreams of betrayal of friends and loved ones mean. Remember what exactly the betrayal was.

If you see in a dream that your beloved girlfriend or boyfriend has cheated on you, then such a vision means the loss of a warm and trusting relationship with this person in real life.

Did you dream that a colleague in a common cause or a business partner betrayed you? It is worth holding off on gambling and betting, because there is a high probability that you will lose.

Competition will make itself felt

The Eastern oracle, solving a dream about the betrayal of friends, hints that this plot, when dreamed, is a signal of the birth of a sense of competition in the soul of a sleeping person. It seems to you, the dream book is telling you, that you have been undeservedly forgotten or brazenly “pushed over” by one of the people whom you trusted.

If the betrayal that happened in a dream did not bring any emotional excitement, then this means that you yourself will become the instigator of an unspoken struggle with one of your friends or a good acquaintance. And you will do this because of boredom or suddenly awakened excitement.

Imaginary priorities

Pastor Loff's dream book gives the following explanation for why you dream about betrayal of friends: it is likely that you have set your priorities incorrectly, which is why you have recently been experiencing a “crisis” of communication and feel like an outcast.

Think about how you can look at some things, habits, people differently - this will help you understand where you made a mistake and bet on the wrong “horse,” the “spiritual dream guru” suggests.

The women's dream book also advises to reconsider your life, but advises you to start with your own moral principles and attitude towards others.

Joyful Events

Along with negative interpretations of what dreams of betrayal by friends mean, some “dreamtellers” also give very joyful and positive interpretations - it all depends on your reaction to what is happening. So, to dream that you:

  • did not attach any importance to what happened - you are a self-sufficient person, it is better not to quarrel with you;
  • took revenge on the traitors - in reality, unexpected support awaits you in the person of those who you dreamed of;
  • you have stopped all relationships with them - you want to surround the “figures” of the dream with care;
  • lectured them and made them repent - to discover new talents in themselves.

If you dream that you have been betrayed, beware of robbery. If in a dream someone considers you a traitor or you really have become a traitor, it means that in the near future do not expect anything good from life.

Interpretation of dreams from the Modern Dream Book

Dream Interpretation - Betrayal

Wow, what a rich dream!.. Reflects your emotional problems and difficulties with trust. Moreover, both women and men. Perhaps something insignificant happened the other day related to money, but it stirred up these difficulties and served as a trigger for sleep. It is possible that money plays a significant role in your self-esteem as a man and gives you a sense of control over life. In your relationship with a girl, there is a hidden crisis, during which you feel that you have lost control over the relationship, because you do not understand her motives for behavior and are afraid that she is able to behave as she pleases, without letting you in on her plans and desires. You tend to call it that she is using you financially, but at the same time, this is not an accurate definition. Calling it that way will only make things worse. In relationships with friends (this friend as a representative), you tend to trust blindly and at the same time strive for dominance. It’s a pity that you didn’t remember the end of the phrase - I think it had a lot of meaning...

Dream Interpretation - Betrayal

The struggle between consciousness and subconscious (cousin and you). The consciousness strives to be with a friend - the subconscious has not forgiven the insults. It is the subconscious that rules the roost in our lives and creates situations. Therefore, no matter how tender your relationship is in the present time, in the future the subconscious will throw out all its grievances. Finale of the dream “I fall from her, and I understand that I died, and I understand that all this is because of his presence here, and in general in my life in general.” It speaks of the seriousness of the intentions of your subconscious.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Dream Interpretation - Betrayal

The angel warns you of unfavorable developments if you maintain a relationship with this person. You won’t like his hobbies (friends), loved ones will protect and warn you. His interest in you will disappear as soon as you become pregnant. An empty car is his World, and your Soul is not there.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Dream Interpretation - Betrayal

The dream speaks of the futility of the Dreamer's hopes for personal happiness, since her personal life is in reality not at all what she would like (a gentleman with flowers in a blue naval uniform, which is not there, waiting for another lady). Sincerely, LIVIA.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Dream Interpretation - Betrayal

The dream is very difficult with many images, intertwined symbols, which must be individually deciphered and assembled into a plot that clearly indicates a generational curse, I will explain why - the image of a fish (genus, reproduction), then - a rash on the skin, blood (to grow and burst with blood), that is, negative signs spread with great speed.. Remember your past path, an image from a dream will help here (one even grabbed my finger, I tore off her head and threw it away), female negative influence can be traced, distant old relationships, grievances, as a result of which you were considered guilty and wished curses on your back, which could affect your son and continue down the family line. The island is part of your life, a hopeless situation where there was nowhere to escape is known. That it is impossible to escape only from yourself. The point is in your memory, you need to spin the film back and return to those relationships that you did not complete, abandoned and forgot. In your case, it is better to seek help in person; you cannot cope on your own. As a last resort, you need to engage in introspection alone, think through your personal and secret actions.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Dream Interpretation - Betrayal

The dream speaks for itself and shows the Dreamer’s attitude towards her ex-husband after all sorts of ups and downs, where the late Father-in-law, on the one hand, symbolizes the spiritual side of life, and the husband and Katya symbolize the purely emotional side of life. So, the Dreamer is still dominated by her personal emotional perception of events related to her ex-husband, but you can think differently, from the conscious position of a legal wife. This is what this difficult dream is about.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Dream Interpretation - Betrayal of a former friend, mayor

And the dream warns never to get too close and not to separate too harshly - and there will be fewer consequences in Society. Any connection that is too close and then broken is an intertwining of Fates, a karmic knot, since the Emotional sphere suffers (which for the majority is not controlled and this is where all sorts of different things begin). And in the Dream there is a significant hint for the Dreamer (in his favor, so that his friend does not fool him around his finger).

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Find out from the online dream book what Betrayal is in a dream by reading the answer below as interpreted by the interpreting authors.

What does betrayal mean in a dream?

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream of Betrayal in a dream?

Betrayal - If you dreamed of a traitor, it means they want to rob you. If in a dream someone calls you a traitor, or you yourself know that you are a traitor, it means that you don’t expect anything good in the near future.

Dream book of Simeon Prozorov

Why does the dreamer dream about Betrayal?

If you saw betrayal in a dream, your enemies will try to harm you in the near future. Imagine that you expose a traitor and kill him.

Miss Hasse's Dream Interpretation

Dream interpretation:

Betrayal over you is marital happiness; to do it yourself - danger of fire, loss of property; promote - to do an unseemly act.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Why do you dream about Betrayal?

To dream about the treachery of friends is a sign that in reality you will be surrounded by their attention and respect. For lovers, betrayal is a harbinger of a happy ending to their romance.

Great modern dream book

Betrayal - why does the dreamer dream?

Betrayal - You see a traitor in a dream - in real life they will try to rob you. In a dream, you yourself seem to be a traitor - you will have friction with loved ones; you will be left either in the minority or completely alone.

Dream book for the whole family

Seeing Betrayal, how to unravel the symbolism

Betrayal - If you saw a traitor in a dream, beware of ill-wishers, you may be robbed (not necessarily in monetary terms, they may steal your idea or your beloved woman). If in a dream you see yourself as a traitor, do not commit rash acts that could cause pain to people close to you.

Everyday dream book

Everyday interpretation of a dream about Betrayal

Betrayal - Seeing betrayal in a dream means that in reality you are a very distrustful person who is looking for a catch in everything - try to change your attitude towards the people around you, and soon your life will improve.

If you dreamed of betrayal towards you by people close to you, then in real life your close friends are very unhappy with your behavior and you can soon expect an explosion of emotions, quarrels and scandals.

If you had such a dream, you should urgently try to sort things out with your friends while there is still a chance to save your friendship. If you had a dream that you betrayed someone, then in reality you are a very responsible person who is very sensitive to his promises and tries to never let down those people who asked him for something.

If you had such a dream, it may mean that in real life you have taken on a lot of obligations that you simply are not able to fulfill without outside help.

Don't be afraid to ask people close to you for help - even if they refuse you (which is unlikely), you will know that you did everything to achieve your goal.

Let’s figure out what betrayal in a dream means, what dreams of betrayal mean according to dream books. First of all, you need to establish what betrayal is.

Betrayal is a violation, breaking into your personal space from the inside, creating vulnerability. Betrayal can only be carried out by a close person who found benefit in spreading your secrets or found it necessary to report your behavior to higher authorities. Betrayal is not always associated with lies, but it always entails a conflict of interest, separation and the danger of retribution.

What does false betrayal mean and its main meanings?

Battered women withdraw their reports of abuse from their spouses, since seeking protection from within the family outside is considered a betrayal. Interaction within the family becomes depersonalized; it is not a conflict between two people with different views, but some kind of internal process. Turning outside threatens the existence of the family as a community. But the husband broke his vow of marriage earlier when he began to harm family members.

Cult members endure various humiliating techniques and do not dare to complain or escape - this is a betrayal that can create vulnerability for the entire group. But society itself creates hell instead of prosperity, thereby violating its own oaths. A retaliatory violation is considered a false betrayal. you are not obliged to follow the rules and care about the health and reputation of those who are already deceiving you.

Betrayal is a betrayal of the oath. Marital, state, friendship oath, military, corporate, community oath, professional oath.

  • Adultery in a dream is an undoubted betrayal. Perhaps you are afraid of betrayal, assuming your worst nightmare will come true. Most likely, the family really is hanging by a thread.
  • Corporate betrayal, violation of internal secrets. While you, bypassing the official instructions, are measuring salaries in the smoking room, these are minor internal violations. But if you dream that you open the board’s safe, take out constituent documents, patents, design schemes and bank documents from there and go to your competitors - this is betrayal. Telling journalists the honest truth about fraud in your office is a betrayal. First, quit and leave the community, and then proceed with devastating revelations. By the way, blackmailing one’s own leadership and threatening to expose them is not a betrayal, but a clear hint of its possibility. If you see in a dream a betrayal of your company in which you serve, do not rush to run to the security service. It will be enough if you strengthen control in your area.
  • Betrayal of a friend in a dream can take many forms. From sexual intercourse with your own partner to spreading damaging rumors or overly revealing truthful tales of childhood mischief. Revealing a secret is an absolute betrayal. You will probably experience bitterness and disappointment in your dream. If you understand that such a scenario is quite possible in reality, try to explain to your friend the importance of keeping secrets and revelations. If this fails, your fears were justified.

Meanings of betrayal in a dream according to authoritative sources

  • According to Loff’s dream book, if you dream that you are in the process of adultery and betrayal, your behavior in real life is contrary to recognized norms. You may have gone astray. If you see that you are being deceived, it is very likely that you should moderate your gullibility.
  • The women's dream book warns against visions of treacherous betrayal with friends and colleagues of the spouse. Betrayal in a dream means a cooling of relationships, searching and choosing a new partner among available targets. It is worth changing your social circle so as not to be exposed to temptations.
  • Miller's dream book explains the betrayal of friends in a dream by rivalry, the desire to assert oneself at the expense of others. It is quite possible that the dream has a real basis. In any case, old revelations will soon stop working, don’t make mistakes and stick to neutral topics of conversation. Talk about football or manicure, new films. You should not tell your life story, even as a sign of the highest trust. You don't quite have the right to count on him.
  • Betrayal by loved ones, family members, is typical for the teenage age of protest. If in a dream you insult and betray your parents, perhaps you fall into self-pity, depression, despair, and demand attention to yourself through available means. As an adult, you can solve this problem. Buy gifts and go to visit your parents, spend the evening together.


Betrayal, real or in a dream, always leaves behind a trail of complex emotions. Distrust, joy that this is just a dream, fear, doubt, disappointment, resentment - everything is mixed into a single cocktail. Perhaps the fault of the dream is your own suspicion or excessive talkativeness.

Maybe your consciousness itself is looking for vulnerability so that you can protect yourself. But it is quite possible that small observations formed into a harmonious picture that you saw in a dream. Seeing a dream about betrayal is an alarming sign and you should pay attention to it.

Reduce the degree of gullibility, check the facts, do not make excuses for other people, protect your secrets. Be thoughtful about the information you provide to other people. With the help of true stories, you can cause no less harm than when hacking a bank safe deposit box. Talk about the weather, theater releases, books read and interesting magazine articles. You will become a pleasant conversationalist without revealing your personal secrets.