Sports slang in English. Sports jargon as a type of language

1.8 The concept of slang and jargon

Slang (from English slang, s(sub) - a prefix denoting secondary importance, non-priority; lang (language) - language, speech). Let's look at the etymology of the word. According to an analysis of modern linguistic research in scientific literature, there are doubts about the origin of the word "slang". According to one version, English. slang comes from sling (throw, throw). In this case, one should remember the old to sling ones jaw - “to speak violent and offensive speeches.” According to another version, “slang” originates in slanguage, where the initial letter s is supposedly added to slanguage as a result of the disappearance of the word thieves, which implies that it was originally a question of the thieves language.

When the word slang was recorded in spoken English remains unknown, but it was first recorded in writing in the 18th century in England. In those days it meant “insult.” The term slang began to be widely used around 1850 and was used to designate colloquial "illegal" vocabulary.

In Russian linguistics, the definition most often given by V. A. Khomyakov is: “Slang is a relatively stable for a certain period, widely used, stylistically marked (reduced) lexical layer (nouns, adjectives and verbs denoting everyday phenomena, objects, processes and signs ), a component of expressive vernacular, included in the literary language, very heterogeneous in its origins, the degree of approximation to the literary standard, and possessing pejorative expression.” [Khomyakov V. A., 1971:54]

Another definition of the concept of “slang” can be found in the “Dictionary of Linguistic Terms” by O. S. Akhmanova: “Slang - 1. A colloquial version of professional speech. 2. Elements of the colloquial version of a particular professional or social group, which, penetrating into the literary language or in general into the speech of people who are not directly related to this group of people, acquire in these languages ​​a special emotional and expressive coloring” [Akhmanova O. S. , 1966:198]

As can be seen from the “Dictionary of Linguistic Terms” by O. S. Akhmanova, the term “slang” has two meanings. In the first sense, slang is simply a series of words that are not terms, but are used in a terminological sense, such as “pumping” among bodybuilders. Words of this type are not suitable for official instructions, but are convenient for professional business communication.

In the second meaning, everything is completely different; before us are words that have left the boundaries of the professional sphere and reached wide circles. Perhaps, as an example, one could cite the word “six”, which in the world of thieves has one of the meanings of “a person serving thieves.” In modern Russian, colloquial version, “six” is a contemptuous designation for any insignificant person, possibly (but not necessarily) with a criminal past. Akhmanova also notes a very important quality of such lexical units, that they are all clearly expressive.

To the previously stated, diverse interpretations of slang, one can add equally diverse definitions of English philologists. According to the remarks of the famous American linguist Charles Freese, the term “slang” has greatly expanded its meaning and is used to refer to so many different concepts that it is extremely difficult to draw a line between what is slang and what is not. A number of English linguists use the word slang simply as a synonym for slang, argot or kant. This is the opinion of the famous slang researcher Eric Partridge. [Partridge E., 1976:348]

The author of the slang dictionary, R. Spears, spoke in more detail about the meaning of the term “slang”. According to his remarks, the term "slang" was originally used to refer to British criminal jargon as a synonym for the word "cant". Over time, “slang” expands its meaning and currently includes various types of non-literary vocabulary such as: jargon, dialects, vernacular and even vulgar words. The concept of R. Spears makes it possible to remove slang from criminal jargon, but not to put it on the same level with jargon, but, on the contrary, to emphasize that the concept of slang includes an extensive list of various types of non-literary vocabulary. In this, the position of R. Spears is similar to the position of Charles Freese.

Therefore, we can conclude that, for all its popularity (perhaps precisely because of it), “slang” does not have terminological accuracy at the present time. Thus, when studying scientific literature, it can be stated that slang is a group of special words or new meanings of existing words used in various public associations (age, social, professional).

Another distinctive feature of slang is its secondary formation in comparison with jargon, since it draws its material primarily from social group and social professional jargon. But, in addition to jargon, slang includes vulgar words and certain vernaculars. However, with such borrowing there is a metaphorical rethinking, and then expansion of the meaning of the borrowed units. Slang vocabulary is characterized by: neology, language play and increased expression.

As a result, “slang” is one of the most interesting phenomena of modern linguistic science. Firstly, it is perceived as something redundant and alien to the language, not characteristic of an intelligent person. Secondly, one can observe the “expansion” of slang vocabulary into all spheres of human activity. Currently, slangisms are used in the media: television, radio, Internet, also in literature, not to mention oral, everyday communication of people of almost all ages, social groups and classes.

Jargons are words used by certain social or interest groups that carry a secret meaning that is incomprehensible to everyone.

Let's figure out what slang vocabulary is. These are words whose use is limited by social factors: the speakers belonging to the same social environment, profession, the same age, as well as spending time together, common interests, etc., i.e. words that are used in slang. Jargon tends to arise in any fairly stable group. One can distinguish the jargon of schoolchildren, students, youth and army jargon, sports and musical jargon, alcohol lovers, jargon of criminals, jargon of traders, etc.

The word “jargon” recorded in Dahl’s dictionary is perceived as borrowed from the French language and, accordingly, is simply translated as “adverb”, “dialect”, “pronunciation”, “local speech”. This interpretation emphasizes the difference between jargon and codified language, but the meaning of the term is not derogatory. Brockhaus and Efron add a new one to this understanding: “spoiled adverb”, as well as the explanation “jargons are sometimes invented for a known purpose, for example: jargons of thieves, beggars, etc.” “Known purpose” here clearly means “sealing verbal communication.” In addition, the term takes on a negative, evaluative connotation. Nowadays, jargon is often presented as the opposite of speech culture. As a rule, it “is used in the context of social stratification (“jargon of thieves,” “jargon of students, athletes,” etc.) and is devoid of a generalized cultural background.” The tradition of studying professional jargons, which developed back in the 19th century, is joined by a new direction: social and age jargons. Moreover, if it is not difficult to draw the line between professional jargon and national vocabulary, then defining the framework of social and age jargon seems problematic.

Summarizing what was described above about slang and jargon, as a phenomenon in modern linguistics, we can say that in linguistics there is no clear concept of slang. All vocabulary of a language is divided into literary and non-literary. Literary ones include:

book words

standard spoken words

neutral words

All this vocabulary is used either in literature or in oral speech in an official setting. But, there is also non-literary vocabulary, which is divided into:

professionalisms (these are words used by small groups of people united by a particular profession)

jargons (these are words used by certain social or interest groups that carry a secret meaning that is incomprehensible to everyone)

slang (these are words that are often seen as a violation of the norms of standard language. These are very expressive, ironic words that serve to designate objects that are spoken about in everyday life)

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Studying youth slang in Russian and English languages

This includes, first of all, lexemes that are used in jargon only as emotional exclamations. Words like “fly away”, “plague”, when used...

Studying youth slang in Russian and English languages

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The use of jargon in the speech of teenagers

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English slang has been gaining momentum lately, so only the lazy do not use it in their speech. And if a few years ago it was not necessary to know all the most common expressions, today you may not understand the interlocutor who actively uses slang in his speech.

Everyone knows that English slang is nothing more than an opportunity to express thoughts more clearly, using pepper in speech, it is an opportunity to stay “on topic”, and also to avoid tactlessness. And if you still think that slang is not for you, then take a look at the English slang dictionary:

After visiting for a few minutes, you will hardly be able to tear yourself away from reading modern expressions that are actively used in the English language. Take at least "abysinnia!"(I'll be seeing you!) And if today slang is born by chance, then earlier the appearance of fashionable words was associated with the movements of hippies, goths, underground, informals, and a little later with the age of computerization.

If you want to master English slang with translation, it is better to do it by topic, for example, money slang, financial slang, sports slang, etc.

Financial and money slang

  • Black Monday is the day the stock market crashed in 1987.
  • In the black - no losses.
  • In the red - to get into debt.
  • Scalpers are speculators aimed at immediate success.
  • Fill and kill - a situation in which the customer's order is either completed immediately or not completed at all.

When learning the language, remember that English slang has long been part of the culture, but you need to use it carefully, weighing the situations in which you are in advance. Do you want to learn English on your own? Check out the website. Here, each of you will find useful materials for each level of language learning, as well as online tests, grammar tasks and much more.

And in conversations at an exhibition or in a bar, you can increasingly hear words like “hyperextension” and “cheat meal.” Fitness terms are used not only for the sake of a catchphrase: training programs are entirely supersets and drop sets, and even the instructions of an aerobics instructor seem vague at times. There is a need to find out what the most common words in sports jargon mean. It’s not a fact that the jokes of amateur bodybuilders about gaining mass will now seem funny, but it will certainly become clearer what the coach is talking about.

Exercises with short-term effort, when energy is produced not from oxygen supplied to the muscles with the blood, but from the reserve of “fuel” substances in the muscles. True, after 8–12 seconds the body begins to use oxygen and the exercise becomes aerobic (hence the popularity of interval anaerobic training, in which each set is followed by 8–20 seconds of rest). Anaerobic exercise predominates in powerlifting, bodybuilding, and sprinting, while aerobic exercise predominates in long-term endurance training, from cycling to cardio training and aerobics itself.


This is the name given to both the exercise machine in the gym, and a small “home” expander, and the exercise itself with this equipment. The main effort is bringing the arms together, in which the load occurs on the chest muscles and anterior deltoid muscles.


(English burpee)

This exercise came to CrossFit from the arsenal of American military standards and in its classic form includes the following sequence: push-ups from the floor from the “plank” position, “jumping” the knees to the chest, jumping up, “plank” again - and so on ad infinitum. There are different modifications - without jumping, with twisting, etc.


The actual “weight” of the barbell is a round plate that is placed on the bar and secured with a lock. Advanced bodybuilders and powerlifters use compound barbells: they string several plates together and thus adjust the weight.


(English gain - to extract, receive)

A sports nutrition product with a high content of carbohydrates (simple or complex) and some amount of protein, which is used to gain muscle mass: carbohydrates are the best fuel for physical activity in the gym, and protein is an essential building material for muscle growth.


Exercise for developing the erector spinae muscles, as well as the gluteal muscles and hip flexors. A person lies on his stomach on the exercise machine, his feet are fixed under special bolsters; The body is alternately tilted down and raised up to a position in which the body represents a straight line.


The slang name for the deltoid muscles - the superficial muscles of the shoulder - comes from the similarity of the triangular muscle with the Greek letter Δ (delta). Referring to the different deltoid bundles, they say “front”, “middle” or “rear delta”.


Lifting a barbell or dumbbells up with straightening your arms from a standing, sitting or lying position. The press can be done from the chest or from the shoulders; in bodybuilding it is used to develop the pectoralis major and minor muscles, triceps and the anterior deltoid muscle.


A series of light exercises and stretches to complete the workout, sometimes with some cardio. With gradual inhibition of the nervous system and a decrease in heart rate, exit from training occurs smoothly, and stretching helps “clogged” muscles recover faster by normalizing blood supply and reduces pain from exercise the next day.


(English: crunch)

The fashionable name for good old abdominal exercises comes from the English language. The literal meaning of the word crunch is “crack”, “crunch”, but with the correct technique, crunch should not be accompanied by either a crack or a crunch: lifting and/or twisting of the upper body is performed not by inertia, but by muscle contraction.


If someone tells you that they are currently “bulking,” you can safely invite her or him to a hearty lunch: during this stage of the training cycle there is an active gain in muscle mass, which is most often accompanied by some increase in fat tissue - nutrition during this period often has excess calorie content.


Something to which it is not at all necessary to bring the training, even if the trainer advises the opposite. We are talking about working “all the way”, that is, until the moment when it seems that there is no strength for the next repetition of the exercise: the neurons are damaged and lose the ability to transmit an electromechanical impulse. Withdrawal training reduces plasma insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1) levels, increases cortisol production, and can damage the endocrine and nervous systems in the long term.


Dumbbells, barbells, kettlebells - in general, any additional weight, the use of which involves resistance (tension) of the muscles. Weights are also called “free weights”.


(English pump - pump up)

Functional interval training with a strength bias, popular in fitness clubs, or a series of exercises with a barbell. Depending on the muscle group being worked, the weight of the barbell in pump aerobics is increased or decreased.


In the world of fitness, it is a sports nutrition product based on protein mixtures that serves to reduce body fat, stimulate muscle growth and maintain physical fitness. Depending on goals and preferences, they use whey, egg, soy, rice or other protein with different flavors. In addition to protein powder, there are not only familiar bars on sale, but also protein yogurts, cereals and even ice cream.



Consecutive performance of two strength exercises, without rest between them. Typically, a superset includes a basic and isolating exercise for the same muscle group (for example, the bench press and fly raises use the pectoral muscles), but sometimes it also uses exercises for conditionally opposite groups (back and chest, quadriceps and hamstrings). A triset, respectively, includes three exercises, and a drop set means several approaches with a gradual reduction in weight.


The stage of the training cycle during which the athlete gets rid of excess fat and water in the body, achieving the deepest possible muscle definition or weight loss to get into a given weight category. Drying is considered a serious stress for the body and is contraindicated without the supervision of a qualified trainer and doctor.


Slang name for the trapezius muscles located in the back of the neck and upper back. There is an even less clear word - “hood”.


It means nothing more than lifting weights in every possible way. Only within the framework of the deadlift, a distinction is made between the classic deadlift, the “dead” or Romanian (on straight legs), the sumo-style deadlift (with a wide stance of the legs) and the trap bar deadlift (with a diamond-shaped bar with parallel grip handles inside).


(English: cheating)

A technique in bodybuilding and powerlifting in which the weight of the apparatus in the positive phase of movement, that is, in the phase when muscle contraction occurs, moves from the engaged (and tired) muscle group to other, not fatigued ones. Cheating is also called certain “loading days”, when the usual amount of calories consumed is 50–70% higher in order to “hint” the body that it does not need to store energy reserves in the form of fat. According to many nutritionists, situational overeating, including cheat meals, is not good for the digestive system.

The English language is currently a cultural phenomenon, has an international status and, therefore, thanks to language contacts, penetrates other cultures and finds its place in many public spheres. The sports industry has not been spared the language. In our work, we considered the field of fitness, and the English language acts as the main tool for replenishing the vocabulary of the Russian language, since initially, the powerful development of the sports industry comes from the West, therefore Russian culture is a reflection of American culture.

In the first chapter, we examined the concept of communication, since it is the main source of borrowing lexical units through language contacts. Also for the sports industry, in commercial terms, the main role of communication is persuasion, since the process of persuasion is an excellent tool for attracting people and popularizing sports. Considering sports slang as the language of a certain “subculture”, it is worth mentioning such a concept as a language for special purposes, since this concept is widely used in linguistics and is used to designate a functional variety of language to ensure effective communication of specialists, in our case, in the sports field.

In our work, sports slang and slang as a linguistic phenomenon come under close attention. In modern linguistics there is no precise concept of slang. All vocabulary of a certain language can be divided into literary and non-literary. Literary vocabulary includes: 1) book words, 2) standard, colloquial words. Used in literature or in formal settings. Non-literary vocabulary is: 1) professionalisms (words used by people united by one profession), 2) slang (violation of the norms of standard language, are very expressive lexical units).

In our work, we set a goal - to give a comprehensive description of sports slang words in the field of fitness from the position of structural-semantic analysis. It was also necessary to highlight the sources of replenishment of the slang system and highlight the main nodes of the nomination of sports slang units, analyzing sports terminology.

In modern English there are many word-formation methods, these include: conversion, compounding, abbreviations, substantivization, lexical-semantic method, alternation of sounds, etc. But it is worth noting that existing methods of forming words are not used equally. The field of fitness started in the early 1980s and introduced a large number of special words and expressions, as well as rich terminology, into the English language, and has not ceased to develop to this day.

Currently, sport is becoming extremely popular in our country, the role of a healthy lifestyle is gradually entering our daily life, and at this stage it could not be done without the media. Such a surge was caused by the dynamic development of sports slang. It should be noted that sports slang is used not only in communication between specialists and professional athletes, but also by people of various levels of physical fitness, especially beginners. The main tool for nominating sports slang is metaphorical transfer, which, in principle, is the most productive way of forming slang expressions in sports circles.

As mentioned earlier, sport, especially fitness, is penetrating the masses and becoming more and more popular every year, which determined the relevance of the study of the chosen topic. The object of the study was sports lexical units (116 in total), obtained by sampling from sports forums and sports literature (Muscle & Fitness; Flex), including words that appeared relatively recently and are actively used in communication and social networks, and those that are already fixed in dictionaries. According to the study, suffix units are more common in everyday communication. The most common suffix is ​​“-ion” Flex (to bend, bend) + ion > Flexion flexion (of limbs), and the suffix “-ic” Aerobe + ic > aerobic with the meaning of composition, structure or relationship to something, in this case attitude to breathing exercises, since Aerobe (an organ whose vital functions require oxygen). Complex units include words that are formed with the help of particles and adverbs, which is especially typical for adjectives and verbs, laid - back - relaxed. All these language processes lead to the enrichment of the lexical component.

Also, sports vocabulary is enriched by borrowing terminology from biology and biochemistry, such as: Adenylic acid - AMP.

During the quantitative analysis of the selected names in the field of fitness, the percentage of models and means of replenishing sports terminology was established. Word production (affixation, compounding, abbreviation) amounted to 48%, borrowing (realities) - 9.1%, and finally, metaphorization amounted to 43%. As you can see, the morphological process of word production is the most used in replenishing the vocabulary of sports vocabulary. Using metaphorization, 38 (100%) units were formed, which were divided into thematic groups. The leading position was taken by the group “Nomination of states and processes” - 31.25%, followed by “Nomination of techniques and exercises” - 25%, the third group “Nomination based on the contiguity of images” - 13%, the fourth group “Nomination of qualitative aspects and parts of the human body” - 11%, and the smallest group “Nomination of units indicating the performance of various exercises” - 8%. Also during the analysis process, 45 units of terms were identified. The largest percentage fell on general terms, i.e. those directly related to fitness and bodybuilding - 50%. Subgroups follow: borrowings from the field of biochemistry - 27%, designations of parts of the human body - 11%, designations of sports equipment - 9%, designations of exercises - 7%.

Thus, a comprehensive study of new lexical units in the field of fitness allows us to conclude that the lexical units of this thematic group represent a large, actively developing layer of vocabulary, being diverse in structure and semantic features. So, the active promotion of sports and its rapid development became the reason for the emergence of new lexical units, including slang units in the field of fitness, reflecting certain processes. Our task was to search and systematize such units, which was done in this thesis.

Slang can be called a part of the language that consists of very informative phrases and words. Such words are usually used in a specific context by a specific group of people. Since slang usually arises in a group of professionals, it is also found among athletes and all those who are in one way or another connected with sports. The issue of sports slang is very relevant these days, in particular due to the growing role of the English language in the National Olympic Committee. Therefore, this topic deserves special attention.

Some features of sports slang

The idioms found in sports slang are significant for their sharpness, diversity and sometimes unexpectedness. You should definitely pay attention to the fact that a large number of idioms came to us from completely different sports. For example, abscond from one's responsibilities means “to play in halfback”. If translated literally, it will sound like “hiding from responsibility.” Or to fail some opportunity- “to let the puck pass”. Literally, this phrase can be translated as “missing someone’s opportunity.” This type of play on words is used every day in sports slang, but there are also more established phrases. The table provides some examples.

Slang Analogue Translation Verbatim

the pill shoot the ball

take it to the house score a touchdown

put the biscuit score a hockey goal

The entire American nation is completely obsessed with sports. They love to participate in sporting events and watch them on TV. Over the years, many slang expressions have entered American English specifically from sports topics. The most important words are “football”, “basketball”, “baseball”. Please note that these words made their way into our language without any changes.

Oh, this is not an easy job...

It's not easy to be a translator in the sports field. This requires the specialist to have special knowledge and training specifically in the field of sports. Here the translator may encounter difficulties precisely because of unfamiliarity with sports slang. In order to succeed in this area, a specialist will have to have not only the skills for quick translation, but also participate in sporting events every day (perhaps even play this sport himself), and, of course, remember slang idioms, their relationship to each of the kinds of sports. For example, bougie- in volleyball means “to hit the ball with your head”, big dance- “an important sporting event”, which is prepared for a very long time by holding a series of small events (for example, a racing tournament).


Let's also look at some phrases from sports jargon that you may already know. They are often found in different sports.

  • gain- win, win, gain an advantage;
  • also ran- a person whose results in sports are not entirely successful, who constantly loses;
  • batting average— personal achievements, success in any sport;
  • hit the ball- work hard in order to achieve results in any sport, rush like mad across the field;
  • - kick the ball into your own goal;
  • saved by the bell- avoid a knockout in boxing due to the end of the round;
  • hit below the belt- use prohibited techniques;
  • skin the cat- somersault on the horizontal bar (about gymnasts);
  • make a comeback- return to its former glory;
  • be out from the count- lose, knockout (in boxing);
  • down and out- tired, exhausted;
  • play the field— scattered on the field, doing a lot of unnecessary things on the field (football);
  • get home- get what you strive for, achieve a goal, win;
  • send somebody to grass- knock someone down;
  • beat the gun- get ahead of events;
  • take the lead- take responsibility for someone;
  • love all- zero draw;
  • buy money— bet on someone who usually wins;
  • as hard as nails- an athlete in excellent shape, resilient;
  • neck and neck- in an equal position;
  • dead heat- draw; long odds - small chances that a win will occur (horse racing);
  • short odds- there is a high probability that a win will occur (horse racing);
  • fight back to the ropes- fight to the end, resist strongly.

A bit of football jargon

  • the beautiful game— football;
  • first touch— the first contact of the player with the ball;
  • back four- a line of four defenders;
  • possession- holding the ball between players of the same team;
  • finishing— successfully bringing the attack to a goal;
  • lose possession- let the other team intercept the ball;
  • break- break away from the opposing team with the ball and run towards their goal;
  • a goalless draw- game without goals;
  • good in the air- a player who knows how to head well;
  • matchwinner- the player who scored the winning goal;
  • shot on goal- attempt to score a goal;
  • climb- jump to hit the ball with your head;
  • collect- receive a pass.

In conclusion, I would also like to draw attention to the word “sport” itself. It turns out that this word has several additional meanings and can be used in completely different contexts.

  • sport- This is a form of address to a boy. For example: “hey, Sport. How are you?” - “Hey sports, how are you?”;
  • to sport- means “to wear something”. For example: “I’m sporting my new jacket.” - “I’m wearing my new jacket”;
  • good sport- “a person who can turn any bad situation into his favor.”

So remember that sports can be extremely exciting not only in the stadium, but also when you're just talking about it. And our online school EnglishDom will help you learn to speak about it in English. Good luck!

List of useful phrases

the pill / shoot the ball to the basket- score the ball into the basket (basketball)
take it to the house / score a touchdown- count the touch
put the Biscuit in the basket / score a hockey goal- score a goal in hockey
bougie- hit the ball with a goal (volleyball)
big dance- important sporting event
gain- win, win, gain an advantage
also ran- a person whose results in sports are not entirely successful, who constantly loses
batting average- personal achievements, success in any sport
hit the ball- work hard in order to achieve results in any sport, rush like mad across the field
shoot the ball into one's own goal- kick the ball into your own goal
saved by the bell- avoid a knockout in boxing due to the end of the round
hit below the belt- use prohibited techniques
skin the cat- somersault on the horizontal bar (about gymnasts)
make a comeback- return to its former glory
be out from the count- lose, knockout (in boxing)
down and out- tired, exhausted
play the field- to be scattered on the field, to do a lot of unnecessary things on the field (football)
get home- get what you strive for, achieve a goal, win
send somebody to grass- knock someone down
beat the gun- get ahead of events
take the lead- take responsibility for someone
love all- goalless draw
buy money- bet on someone who usually wins
as hard as nails- an athlete in great shape, resilient
neck and neck- in equal position
dead heat- draw
long odds- small chances that a win will occur (horse racing)
short odds- there is a high probability that a win will occur (horse racing)
fight back to the ropes- fight to the end, resist strongly
the beautiful game- football
first touch- first contact of a player with the ball
back four- line of four defenders
possession- holding the ball between players of the same team
finishing- successfully bringing the attack to a goal scored
lose possession- let the other team intercept the ball
break- break away from the opposing team with the ball and run towards their goal
a goalless draw- game without goals
good in the air- a player who can head well
matchwinner- the player who scored the winning goal
shot on goal- attempt to score a goal
climb- jump to head the ball
collect- receive a pass
sport- person (colloquial)
sport (v)- wear clothes)
good sport- sociable person

Big and friendly EnglishDom family