Is there a snow man. Snow man - legendary man-like creature Sunny man and his parents

Big Foot - unknown science Human creature. In different cultures, he was given different names. Among the most famous: Yeti, Bigfut, Saskvochech. Attitude towards a snowy person is rather ambiguous. There are no officially confirmed data on the existence of Big Foot today. However, many declare that there is evidence of its existence, but official science does not want or cannot consider them as real evidence. In addition to numerous videos and photos, which, honestly admit, are not 100% proof, as they can be ordinary fakes, in the assortment of cryptozoologists, Ufologov and researchers of the snowfall phenomenon have casts of footprints, hair Sasquocho, and in one of Nepal monasteries It is stored allegedly a whole scalp of this creature. However, to confirm the existence of this hominid such evidence is not enough. The only proof that the official science will not be able to argue will become Bigfat, so to speak, with its own person, which will allow themselves to explore and conduct experiments on themselves.

According to some scientists, Yeti is a miracle preserved to the present days, which were expelled by Cryanonians (ancestors of people) in the forests and mountains, and since then they live in the distance from people and try not to show them on their eyes. Despite the drill flourishing of humanity, there remains a huge number of places in the world, where a snowman can hide and until time to exist non-valid. For other versions, Bigfut is a completely different kind of man-like monkeys, which do not treat any ancestors of people or to Neanderthals, but represent their branch of evolution. These are spinning primates that can have a rather developed mind, since for a large number of time skillfully hide from people and do not give themselves to detect. In the recent past, Yeti was often taken for the victorious people who went into the forest, covered with hair and lost her usual human appearance, but numerous witnesses describe clearly unknown people, as people and unknown creatures, if judged by descriptions, differ straightened.

In the main mass of evidence, Saskvochaloi was seen either in the forest areas of the Earth, where there are large forest arrays, either in high-mountainous areas where people rise extremely rarely. In such regions that people are surveyed very little, can dwell with different animals that are not yet open with science, and Bigfat can be one of them.

Most descriptions of this being, and descriptions from different regions of the planet, coincide. Witnesses describe a snowy personAs a large creature, achieving growth of 3 meters, with a strong, muscular physique. Snow man has a pointed skull and face of dark color, long hands and short legs, massive jaw and short neck. Yeti is completely covered with hair - black, red, white or gray-colored, and the hair on the head is longer than on the body. Sometimes witnesses emphasize that a snowman has a short mustache and beard.

Scientists express assumptions that the Yeti is very difficult to find, as they very carefully hide their homes, and a person or people who are approaching their dwellings begin to scare the cracks, however, whether or shouting. Such sounds, by the way, are described in the mythology of the past, in particular, in the mythology of the ancient Slavs, where they were attributed to Lesme and his assistants, for example, the Forest Spirit of Stukach, who depicts a knock to scare away a person or on the contrary - to start it in a swamp or quagm. Researchers argue that forest yeti can be equipped in the dense crowns of trees, and so skillfully, that a person, even passing by and looking at the crown of the tree, will not notice anything. There are also versions that Yeti Roach holes and live under Earth, which makes their detection even more difficult. Mountain Yeti live in the deaf caves that are in hard-to-reach places.

It is believed that these wild creatures of great growth and hair covered with the samples of different characters in the mythology of the peoples of the world, for example, Russians, or ancient Greek satirs, Roman faces, Scandinavian trolls or Indian Rakshasa. It is necessary to think about it, because in Yeti believe almost everywhere: Tibet, Nepal and Bhutan (Yeti), Azerbaijan (Guli-Bani), Yakutia (Chuchunna), Mongolia (Almas), China (Enel), Kazakhstan (Kiik Adam and Albasti) , Russia (Snowy man, Lesy, Shishiga), Persia (Div), Ukraine (Chugayster), Pamir (V. Churala), Tatarstan and Bashkiria (Shurale, Yarymtyk), Chuvashia (Arsuri), Siberian Tatars (Pitz), Ahasia (Abnaaua) , Canada (Saskvochoch), Chukotka (Taryk, Girkychavilin, Mirgada, Kiltany, Arynk, Arys, Rack, Julia), Sumatra and Kaliman (Batatuta), Africa (Agogn, Kakundakari and Ki-Lubb) and so on.

It is worth noting that today the issue of existence of Yeti is considered unless individual, private and independent organizations. However, in the USSR, the problem of finding Yeti was considered at the state level. The number of evidence of the emergence of this being was so big that in its existence they simply stopped doubting. On January 31, 1957, a meeting of the Academy of Sciences was held in Moscow, on the agenda of which only one is the only item "On the Snowman". For several years searching for this creature, sent expeditions to various regions of the country, where the evidence of its appearance was recorded before that, but after fruitless attempts to find a mysterious creature, the program was cooled, and only enthusiasts began to be engaged in this issue. Enthusiasts to this day do not lose hope to meet Big Foot and prove to the whole world that this is not just myths and legends, but a real being, which, perhaps, needs support and help person.

For the capture of a snowy person announced a real award. 1 000 000 rubles promises lucky governor Kemerovo region Aman Tuleyev. However, it is worth saying that if you meet the owner of the forest on the forest pathway, then first of all it is necessary to think about how to carry legs, and not to extract profit from this. It may be for the better that people at their time did not plan the Big Foot on the chain or one of the zoos cells. Over time, interest in these creatures disappeared, and now many just refuse him to believe, accepting all certificates for fiction. This, undoubtedly, on hand, forest people, and if they really exist, then meet with curious people, scientists, reporters, tourists and poachers who will definitely spoil their quiet existence, not yet.

Big Foot. Last eyewitnesses

, "Ramayana" ("Rakshasa"), folklore of different nations (Favn, Satir and Silen in Ancient Greece, Yeti on Tibet and in Nepal, Biana-Guli in Azerbaijan, Juchenna, Chuchuana in Yakutia, Almas in Mongolia, Jeren, Maoren and En-Hsung in China, Kiikadam and Albastov in Kazakhstan, Lesus, Shish and Shishiga among Russians, Div in Persia (and Ancient Russia), virles and albasters on the Pamirs, Shuraile and Yarymtyk at the Kazan Tatars and Bashkir, Arsuri in the Chuvash, Pitsen at the Siberian Tatars, Suskvochet in Canada, Tairk, Girkychavilin, Mirgada, Kitanya, Arynk, Arys, Rack, Julia On Chukotka, Batatuta, Sedap and Orangpendek on Sumatra and Kalimantane, Agogwe, Kakundakari and Ki-Lubba in Africa, etc.).

Plutarch wrote that there was a case of the capture of satire by the soldiers of the Roman commander Sulla. Diiodor Sicilian argued that Tirana Dionia was sent several satriots. These strange creatures were depicted on Vases of ancient Greece, Rome and Carthage.

On the silver jug \u200b\u200bof the Etruscans, located in the Roman Museum of the Prehistoric Epoch, the scene is depicted when armed horses hunters pursue a huge monkey man. And in the Psaltre Queen Mary, relating to the XIV century, depicted an attack of pieces of pieces on the coated man's coated.

Eyewitnesses of a snowy man

At the beginning of the 15th century, the Turks captured a European-named Hans Schiltenberger in captivity and sent him to the courtyard of Tamerlane, who handed the prisoner in the Mongolian Prince's match. Schiltenberger was still able to return to Europe in 1472 and published about his adventures a book in which, among other things, mentioned wild people:

A wild tribe does not have anything in common in the mountains, having nothing to do with all other people. The skin of these creatures is covered with wool, which is not only on their palms and faces. They jump in the mountains as wild animals, feed on foliage, grass and everything that can be found. The local ruler was presented to the gift of two forest people - a man and a woman captured in dense thickets.

The Indians of the North-West of the United States and Western Canada believe in the existence of wild people. In 1792, the Spanish botanist and the naturalist José Mariano Mosigno wrote:

I do not know what to say about Matlose, a resident of the mountainous terrain, leading to all in an indescribable horror. According to the descriptions, it is a real monster: its body is covered with a rigid black bristle, the head resembles human, but much large sizes, fangs are more powerful and sharpering the bear, the hands of an incredible length, and on the fingers and legs - long curved claws.

Turgenev and President of the United States personally faced a snowman

Our compatriot, Great Writer Ivan Turgenev, hunting in Polesie, personally faced a snowman. He spoke about this Flaub and Moopassana, and the latter described it in his memoirs.

« Being still young, he (Turgenev) somehow hunted in the Russian forest. He wandered all day and in the evening went to the coast of a quiet river. She flowed under the shadow of trees, all overgrown with grass, deep, cold, clean. The hunter covered an insurmountable desire to plunge into this transparent water.

Understanding, he rushed into her. It was high height, strong, strong and fastened well. He calmly surrendered to the will of the current, which was quietly carried away. Herbs and roots hung his body, and a slight touch of stems was nice.

Suddenly, someone's hand touched his shoulder. He quickly turned around and saw a strange creature that looked at him with greedy curiosity. It looked like a woman, not the monkey. He had a wide wrinkled grimacing and laughing face. Something indescribable - two of some bag, obviously chest, - came in front. Long-matted hair, stretched from the sun, framed the face and fluttering behind her back.

Turgenev felt wild, chilling fear of supernatural. Without thinking, not trying to understand, to comprehend what it is, he walked his best to the shore. But the monster sailed even faster and with joyful squeal concerned his neck, back and legs.

Finally, the young man, distraught from fear, got to the shore and rushed to run through the forest, throwing clothes and gun. A strange creature followed him. It ranks just as quickly and still had time.

Exhausted fugitive - his legs were drunk from horror - she was already ready to fall, when the boy was sought armed with a whip, her flock of goats. He began to whip the disgusting human-like beast, which was empty, making cries of pain. Soon this is a creature similar to the female gorilla, disappeared in the thickets».

As it turned out, the shepherd has already seen this creature. He told Barina that it was just a local youting, which had long gone to live in the forest and completely there was a wild. Turgenev, however, noticed that it does not grow wool on the whole body.

Mets with a snowman and US President Theodore Roosevelt. He included this story, artistically processed, in his book "Wild Beasts Hunter". The action of the story takes place in the beet clocks, between the states of Idaho and Montana. From there, by the way, there are still evidence of meetings with snow people.

In the first half of the XIX century, the trapper (that is, the hunter, the capacanis) Bauman and his comrade investigated the wild gorge. Their camp constantly ruined some kind of huge creature, moving to two, and not on four legs. The attacks took place either at night or during the day in the absence of hunters, and therefore it was not possible to consider the creature. One day, Comrade remained in the camp, and Bauman, returning, found him confused. The traces surrounding the body were identical to human, but looked much more.

Children of a snowy man

A very curious meeting with Big Foot in 1924 was expected by Lesoruba Albert Islant. He spent the night in a sleeping bag in the forest under Vancuer. Big Foot Grabbed him, right in the bag put himself on his shoulder and carried. He walked three hours and brought Islant to the cave, where, besides his wife, his wife and two children were still.

There is a lumberjack, but they accepted quite hospitably: they offered to eat spruce shoots, which snow people were fed. Ostman refused and lasted a week on canned from his backpack, which big Foot Prudently captured with me.

But soon Ishman realized what the cause of such hospitality was: he was prepared in the husband of the already grown daughter of the head of the family. Representing warm night, Ostman decided to risk and sank into the food tobacco's hospitable owners.

While those rinsed their mouths, he rushed from the cave from all his feet. For many years he did not tell anyone about his adventure and questions where the whole week disappeared, simply dismissed. But when we went to talk about snow people, the language of the old man unleashed.

Yeti woman

It was documented that in the XIX century in Abkhazia in the village of Tyn, there lived a woman in the village, similar to a snowy man and had several children from people, subsequently normally integrated into human society. This is how her eyewitnesses described:

The reddish wool covered her grayish-black skin, and the hair on his head was longer than on the whole body. She published inseparable shouts, but he could not learn speech. Her close-up with protruding cheekbones, strongly outstanding jaws, powerful abrasion arcs and large white teeth was distinguished by a fierce expression.

In 1964, Boris Porshnev, the author of the book about the relic hominide, met with some granddaughters. According to his description, the skin of these granddaughters - the name of their chalikwa and Taya was a dark, nozzide type, chewing muscles are highly developed, and the jaws are extremely powerful.

Pisthen even managed to ask the villagers, which, being children, attended the funeral in the 1880s.

The Russian zoologist K. A. Satunin, who in 1899 saw the female of the relic hominid in the Talysh mountains in the south of the Caucasus, draws attention to the fact that "the movements of the creature were completely human."

Snowy man in captivity

In the 20s of the 20th century in Central Asia Several were caught yet., imprisoned and after unsuccessful interrogations are shot like Basmachi.

Known story of the supervisor of this prison. He watched two big Futilocated in the chamber. One was young, healthy, strong, he could not accept non-free and raging all the time. Another old, sitting calmly. They did not eat anything other than raw meat. When someone from the commanders saw that the warden feeds these prisoners only raw meat, he stuck him:

- It is impossible so, after all, people ...

According to people who participated in the fight against Basmachs, there were still about 50 such subjects, which, as a result of their "wild" hazard, did not imagine the danger for the population of Central Asia and the revolution, and they were very difficult to catch them.

It is known evidence of the Lieutenant Colonel of the Medical Service Soviet army B. C. Karapetyan, who in 1941 made an inspection of a living snow man caught in Dagestan. He described his meeting with Yeta so:

« Together with the two representatives of the local authorities, I entered the barn ... So far I see, as if I reveal, which arose in front of my male creature, completely naked, barely.

Without a doubt, it was a man with completely human bodyDespite the fact that his breasts, back and shoulders covered the rude wool of a dark brown color with a length of 2-3 centimeters, very similar to the bear.

Below the chest the wool was less likely and softer, and on the palms and soles it was not at all. On the wrists with the furnace leather only rare hair, but the magnificent head of the head, very rude to the touch, went down to the shoulders and partly covered the forehead.

Although the whole face covered rare vegetation, beard and mustache were absent. Rare, short hair also grew around the mouth.

The man stood completely straight, dropping his hands on the seam. His height was slightly above average - about 180 cm, however, he seemed to be touched by me, standing with a mighty chest. And in general, he was much larger than any local resident. His eyes did not exceed absolutely nothing: empty and indifferent, it was an animal's eyes. Yes, in fact, he was an animal, no more».

Unfortunately, during the retreat of our army, the hominid was shot.

Snowy man in the Himalayas

But the snowy people from Himalayas became most famous, relic hominids are called the objective "Yeti".

For the first time on these unusual inhabitants of the mountains, it became known from the notes of English officers and officials who served in India. The author of the first mention is considered B. Khodjson, from 1820 to 1843 the Plenipotentiary representative of Great Britain at the court of the King Nepal. He described in a detail in detail how, during his journey along the Northern Nepal, the porters came to horror, seeing a hairy elderly creature similar to a person.

Several Buddhist monasteries claim that they keep the remains of Yeti, including scalps. Western researchers have long been interested in these relics, and in 1960, Edmund Hillary managed to get a scalp from the Humbung Monastery for scientific expertise.

At about the same time, relics were investigated and from several Tibetan monasteries. In particular, a mummified hand of a snowy man. The results of the examination many were questioned, and there were supporters of versions of both fakes and incomprehensible artifact.

Snow people hiding in Pamir caves

Major General of the Soviet Army M. S. Topilsky recalled, as in 1925 he pursued with his part of the snowy people who hid in the Pamir caves. One of the prisoners told that in one of the caves on him and his comrades, several creatures were attacked, similar to human monkeys. Topilsky examined the cave, where he discovered the corpse of a mysterious creature. In his report, he wrote:

« At first glance it seemed to me that this is really a human monkey: wool covered the body from head to feet. However, I know perfectly well that manoid monkeys At the Pamir are not found.

Looking around, I saw that the corpse resembles human. We twisted wool, suspecting that it was a masking, but it turned out to be natural and belonged to the creature.

Then we measured the body, turning it on his stomach several times and again on the back, and our doctor examined it carefully, after which it became apparent that the human body was not.

The body belonged to the creature of the male floor, the growth of about 165-170 cm, judging by the promise of several places, - medium or even old age ... his face was dark color, without mustache and beard. On the temples were gallows, and the head was covered with thick, tangled hair.

The dead man lay with open eyes, poking teeth. The eyes were dark color, and the teeth are large and smooth, in the form resembling human. Low forehead, with powerful abnormal arcs. Strongly protruding cheekbones did the face of the creature of the Mongoloid. The nose is flat, with a deeply concave nose. Ears without hair, pointed, and the mushcies are longer than a person. The lower jaw is extremely massive. The creature possessed powerful chest and well-developed muscles».

Snowy man in Russia

There were many meetings with a snowman and in Russia. The most remarkable, perhaps, occurred in 1989 in the Saratov region. Storesby the collective farm garden, having heard a suspicious noise in the branches, caught a squeaking apples a kind of man-like creature, in all signs similar to the notorious Yeti.

However, it turned out when the stranger was already connected: before that, the guard thought it was just thieves. When they were convinced that the stranger does not understand the human language, and indeed it is not too similar to a person, they plunged him into the trunk "Zhiguli" and caused police, press and power. But Yeti managed to unleached, opened the trunk and ran away. When after a few hours all the arrived arrivals in the collective farm garden, the guard was in a very awkward position.

Snowy man shot on video

Actually, certificates of meetings of different proximity with a snowman hundreds. Much more interesting testimony material. Two researchers managed to remove a snowy person in 1967 on the film. These 46 seconds have become a real sensation in the world of science. Professor D. D. Donskoy, Head of the Department of Biomechanics of the Central Institute of Physical Education, comments on this short film like this:

« After multiple consideration of the gait of a two-legged creature and a detailed study of poses on photographic printing with a film, it remains an impression of a well-automated, high-entertaining system of movements. All private movements are combined into a single integer, in a well-established system. Sophisticated movements are repeated equally from step to step, which can be explained only by the steady interaction of all muscle groups.

Finally, it can be noted such a sign that is not amenable to the exact description as expressiveness of movements ... This is typical for deeply automatic movements with their high perfection ...

All this together takes place to estimate the nature of the creature as a natural, without noticeable signs of artificiality characteristic of various kinds of deliberate imitation. Considered walking of a creature for a person is completely atypical».

English Biomechanics Dr. D. Griev, quite skeptical about relic hominids, wrote:

« The possibility of fake is excluded».

After the death of one of the authors of the film, Patterson, his film was declared fake, but no evidence was presented. It is worth a recognition that the notorious yellow press in pursuit of sensations is often not only inventing them, but he loves and expose past, both imaginary and valid. Do not recognize this film with documentary yet no reasons.

Despite the set of evidence (sometimes from people who deserve absolute confidence), the absolute majority scientific world Refuses to recognize the existence of a snow man. The reasons are that so far, the bones of wild people have not been discovered, not to mention the lively wild man.

Meanwhile, a number of examinations (we talked about some above) allowed to conclude that the remains presented could not belong to any recognized science. What is the matter? Or again we come across the progressive lies of modern science?

Many people believe in the existence of Yeti. The question has repeatedly raised by scientists, but there were no direct evidence of the life of such creatures on the planet. The view is most common that a snowman is a mythical person, living in snow-covered forest and mountain arrays. But the Myth of Yeti or Reality - no one does not know.

Description of a snowy man

Prehistoric hominid, moving on two limbs, Karl Linney called Homo Troglodytes, which means "caveman." Creations refer to the instrument of primates. Depending on the habitat, they received different names. So Bigfut or Saskvochech is a snowy man in America, in Asia Homo Troglodytes, Master Yeti, in India - Barunga.

Outwardly, they are something mean between a huge monkey and man. Creatures look awesome. Their weight is about 200 kg. They have a large physique with a big muscular mass, long hands - to knees, massive jaws and a small frontal part. The creature has native, muscular legs with short hips.

All Big Foot Body covers a long (with palm) and a dense hair cover, the color of which is white, red, black, brown. The face of a snowy person in the lower part protrudes and also has wool starting from eyebrows. Head of conical shape. Wide feet, with long moving fingers. The growth of the giant is 2-3 m. Traces of Yeti are similar to human. Usually eyewitnesses tell about the unpleasant smell, which accompanies suskvoches.

Norwegian traveler Tour Heyerdal offered the classification of Big Foot:

  • dwarf Yeti, who are found in India, Nepal, Tibet, taking up to 1 m;
  • true bigfoot has an increase of up to 2 m, thick hair cover, long hair on the head;
  • giant Yeti - 2.5-3 m growth, traces of the savage are very similar to the human.

Nutrition Yeti

Cryptozologists engaged in the study of non-open science of species suggest that a snow man belongs to primates, therefore it has a similar diet with monkeys. Yeti is eating:

  • fresh fruits, vegetables, berries, honey;
  • edible herbs, nuts, roots, mushrooms;
  • insects, snakes;
  • small animals, bird, fish;
  • frogs, other amphibians.

It is safe to assume that this creature will not disappear in any habitat and will find something that can be enjoyed.

Habitat of a snowy man

Try to catch bigfut each. To do this, just need to know what a snow man looks like and where it lives. Messages about Yeti come mainly from mountain areas or forests. In grumps and caves, among the rocks or in impassable thickets, it feels most safe. Travelers claim that they saw saskvoches or their traces in certain places.

  1. Himalayas. This is a snowmobile house. Here for the first time in 1951, a huge trail of the foot was recorded on the camera, similar to the human.
  2. The slopes of the Tien Shan Mountains. The climbers and the merger of this area do not cease to argue about the existence of Big Foot here.
  3. Altai mountains. Witnesses recorded a snowy person approaching human settlements in search of food.
  4. Karelian shells. The military testified that they saw in the Mountains of Yeti with white hairproof. Their data was confirmed by local residents and an expedition organized by the authorities.
  5. Northeast Siberia. Traces of Big Foot discovered during the conducted studies.
  6. Texas. According to eyewitnesses, Yeti lives in the local reserve Sam Houston. Regularly here comes to catch it, but so far no hunting was crowned with success.
  7. California. A resident of San Diego Ray Wallace took off the film in 1958, in which he showed the Saskvochoch female, which lives in the mountains in this area. Later, information about the falsification of filming, Wallace's wife played the role of Yeti, dressed in a fur suit.
  8. Tajikistan. In the summer in 1979, a photo of a 34cm long trail appeared, found in the Gissar Mountains.
  9. India. Here often meet a three-meter growth monster coated with black hair. Locals are called His Barung. They managed to get a sample of animal wool. It has similarity with the hair of Yeti produced by British climber E. Hillary on the slope of Mount Everest.
  10. Also evidence of the existence of Big Foot in real life Found in Abkhazia, Vancouver, on Yamal and Oregon USA.

To understand, the existence of a snow man is a myth or reality, quite difficult. The chronicles of Tibetan monks contain records of the churches of human-like animals covered with wool. In this region first discovered traces of a snowy person. IN printed publications Stories about Suskvochov appeared for the first time in the 50s of the last century. They were told the climbers who fed Everest. Immediately there were new adventurers who wish to see gigantic wild people.

Big Foot Family and Descendant

On the existence of the tribes of snowy people and the children found by the hunters, the stories of Tajikistan are evidenced by the stories of the residents of Tajikistan. Family of wild people - a man, a woman and a child - was seen near the lake of Paren. Local called them "Obi Ob", i.e. water people. The Yeti family approached the water and repeatedly scared the Tajiks from his housing. There were also numerous traces of Big Foot stay. But due to the dusty sandy soil and insufficient clarity of the contour, it turned out to be plaster casting. There are no real confirmations of these stories.

The analysis of the DNA of the present female of a snowy person wrote the newspaper "The Times" in 2015. It was about the legendary wild woman in Zane, living in the nineteenth century in Abkhazia. The story states that Prince Achba caught and kept her in his cage. It was a high woman with dark gray skin. Hair covered all its massive body and face. The cone-shaped head was characterized by a protruding jaw, a flat nose with raised nostrils. Eyes had a reddish hue. The legs were strong with thin legs, wide feet ended with long flexible fingers.

The legend states that over time, the women quarreled and she lived freely in the pit, died with her own hands. Walked around the village, emotions expressed cries and gestures, he did not learn to human tongue until the end of the life, but responded to his name. She did not use the objects of life and clothing. She is attributed to extraordinary power, speed and dexterity. Her organism has retained young traits to old age: the hair did not be saddles, the teeth did not fall out, the skin remained elastic and smooth.

Five children from local men were born. She drowned her firstborn, so the rest of the descendants were selected from a woman immediately after birth. One of the sons of the city stayed in the village of Thin. He was born a daughter, which researchers were interviewed in search of information. The descendants did not have signs of the hominid, they were attended only the features of the Negroid race. DNA studies have shown that a woman has West African roots. Her children did not have hair cover on the body, so there were assumptions that the residents of the village could embellish the story to attract attention.

Snowy Man Frank Hansen

At the end of 1968, the body of a snowy man frozen in an ice bluer appeared in Minnesota in one of the stray Balagans. Yeti demonstrated to the audience for the purpose of profit. The owner of an unusual being resembling a monkey was the famous showman Frank Hansen. A strange exhibit attracted the attention of the police and scientists. Zoologists Bernard Avelmans and Ivan Sanders urgently flew to the city of Rollingstone.

Researchers have made photos and sketches of Yeti for several days. The snowy man was huge, had large legs and hands, a flat nose, brown fur. Large finger legs to the rest, like people. The head and hand were punched with bullet wound. The owner responded to the comments of scientists calmly and argued that the body was taken by smuggling from Kamchatka. The story began to acquire increasing popularity among journalists and the public.

Researchers began to insist on defrosting and further studying the corpse. Hansen offered a huge amount for the right to explore a snowy man, and then he admitted that the body was a skillful uluage made at the Monster Factory in Hollywood.

Later, when the noise subsided, Hansen again declared the reality of a snow man again and told him how he personally shot him, hunting on deer in Wisconsin. Studied on the truthfulness of Yeti Zoisti Bernard Avelmans and Ivan Sanders, stating: they heard the smell of decomposition, when they examined the creature, therefore, that it real could not be doubt.

Photo and video Proof of Big Foot existence

To this day, no real evidence of the existence of Big Foot was found. Samples of wool, hair, bones, granted eyewitnesses and owners of private collections, have long been studied.

Their DNA coincided with DNA of famous animal science: brown, polar and Himalayan bears, raccoons, cows, horses, deer and other forest inhabitants. One of the samples belonged to a regular dog.

Skeletons, skins, bones or other remains of snow people were not detected. In one of the Nepalese monasteries, the skull is stored, allegedly belonging to Big Fut. Laboratory analysis of the hair on the skull pointed to the morphological signs of the DNA of the Himalayan goat.

The witnesses are given numerous videos and photos of the proof of the existence of Saskvochaloch, but the quality of the pictures leaves the best every time. Eyewitnesses explain the lack of clarity on images in an inexplicable phenomenon.

The equipment ceases to work when approaching Big Foot. A view of a snowy person has a hypnotic action that is introducing those present in the unconscious state when it is impossible to control their actions. Yeti can also be fixed clearly due to its high speed of movement and overall dimensions. Often make a normal video or photo to people prevent fear and bad well-being.

Discover the stories about Yeti

Zoologists are inclined to the fact that the stories about the existence of Bigfort are unreal. There are no unexplored places and territories on Earth. The latter case, when scientists opened a new large animal, occurred more than a century ago.

Even the opening of an unknown type of fungus now consider a huge event, although they are about 100 thousand. Opponents of the existence of the existence of Yeti indicate a well-known biological fact: so that the population has survived more than hundreds of individuals, and this amount cannot be noticed.

Numerous eyewitness evidence in mountain and forest arrays may be caused by the following facts:

  • oxygen starvation of the brain in conditions of highlands;
  • bad visibility in foggy areas, twilight, observer errors;
  • intentional lies to attract attention;
  • fear of blowing the game imagination;
  • resets of professional and folk legends and faith in them;
  • footage of the Yeti can be left by other animals, for example, a snow leopard puts the paws into one line and his imprint looks like a huge barefoot footprint.

Despite the fact that the real evidence of the reality of the Yeti, confirmed by genetic examinations was not found, rumors about mythical beings do not subside. There are all new testimonies, photos, audio and video data, which have dubious quality and can be fake.

DNA of the study of the provided samples of bones, saliva and hair, which always coincide with DNA of other animals continue. A snowman, according to eyewitness statements, is approaching the settlements of people, expanding the boundaries of their range.

There are many unknown and unexplored in the world. One of the controversial topics for scientists is a snowy person, disputes are being conducted, who he is from where it appeared. Various opinions and versions are expressed, and each of them has its rationale.

Is there a snowman?

And and no, it depends on whom and for what features include this category of living organisms:

  1. There are several of its names, for example, Saskvochech, Yeti, Almate, Bigfut and a number of others. It dwells high in the mountains in the territory of Central and Northeast Asia, as well as in the Himalayas, but there is no reliable confirmation of its existence;
  2. There is an opinion of Professor B. F. Porshnev that it is the so-called relict (preserved since ancient times) hominid., that is, refers to the instrument of primates, which includes a person as a biological genus and kind;
  3. Academician A. B. Migdal in one of his articles brought the opinion of the ocean scientist regarding the reality of the Loch Nesky monster and a snowy person. The essence was that there is no reason to believe in it, despite the fact that I would like to: the basis scientific approach consists in its proof;
  4. According to the Paleontologist K. Yesakova, this subject in principle can dwell in certain natural ranges. At the same time, according to the zoologist, the location of the beings in this case should be known and studied by professionals.

It is also expressed by the view that snow man is a representative of an alternative branch of the evolution of the human race.

What does a snow man look like?

The descriptions of the Yeti do not differ in a large variety:

  • The creature has a similar human face with dark skin, rather long hands, with a short neck and thighs, heavy lower jaw, a pointed shape of the head. The muscular and dense body is covered with thick hair, which in length is shorter than the hair cover on the head. The body length varies from the usual average human growth and up to about 3 meters altitudes;
  • There is a big dexterity at climbing on trees;
  • The length of the feet, according to the available information, is up to 40 cm in length and 17-18 and even up to 35 cm in width;
  • In the descriptions there are information that the palm of the yeti is also covered with wool, and they themselves are like monkeys;
  • In one of the districts of Abkhazia in the second half of the 19th century, a wild woman who overgrown with his hair lived, which had children from men from the local population.

Stories about the meetings with a snowman are accompanied by a description of huge, overgrown wool creatures, which suggest fear and horror, from which people can even lose consciousness or get psyche disorder.

Who are cryptosisologists and what do they do?

The term is formed from the words "Cryptos", which from Greek translates as hidden, secret, and "zoology" - all famous science About the animal world, which is a person:

  • In the late 80s of the last century, in our country, enthusiasts created a society of cryptozoologists engaged in the search and study of a snow man as a special branch of human-like creatures, preserved from ancient times and existing in parallel with the "intelligent man";
  • It is not part of academic science, although at one time it was "assigned" to the Ministry of Culture Soviet Union. One of the most active founders of the society was the doctor M.- J. Cofman, the participant of the expedition to the Pamir on the search for a snowman organized through the Academy of Sciences in 1958, and a member special Commissionwhich included well-known scientists in the field of geology, botany, anthropology, physics;
  • Professor B. F. Porshnev, who considered this problem not only from the point of view of paleontology, was played a huge role in the issue of relic hominids, but also included a worldview approach. modern manIn contrast to its purely biological functions.

This society exists and today, and its members publish their work.

How to call hominids correctly?

The name "Snowman" appeared in the 20s of the last century, and on one of the versions, due to the inaccuracy of the translation:

  • It does not suggest that the creature constantly lives in the snow of the highlands, although it can appear there during their movements and transitions. At the same time, food finds below this zone, in forests and meadows;
  • Boris Fedorovich Porshnev believed that this creation attributable to the family of hominids, not only can not be associated with snow, but also, by and large, no reason to call a person In the sense, as we understand it. Residents of the districts in which studies were conducted are not consumed. The scientist generally considered this term random and not corresponding to the essence of the subject of study;
  • Professor Geographic E. M. Murzaev mentioned in one of the works that the name "Snowman" was the literal translation of the word "Bear" from some languages \u200b\u200bof the peoples of Central Asia. Many it was found in the literal sense, which brought the well-known confusion of concepts. It quotes in its work about Tibet L. N. Gumilev.

In different regions of the country and the world, he has many local "names".

Theme of a snowy person in art

It is present in various legends and legends, is the "hero of" artistic tapes and animated films:

  • In the role of a snowy person in folklore northern Peoples Siberia performed half a fantastic "Stray Chukchi." The indigenous and Russian population believed in its existence;
  • About wild people called chuchuns and mülenami, Says Yakut and Evenki folklore. These characters wore animal skins, had long hair, high growth and inseparable speech. They were very strong, quickly ran, wearing onions and arrows with them. Could steal food or deer, attack a person.
  • Russian scientist and writer Peter Dranhert in the 1930s based on local stories published an article about these, as he called, primitive, people. At the same time, its reviewer of xenophon believed that this information relates to the field of vintage belief of Yakuts who believed in spirits;
  • On the topic of a snowy person, several films belonging to different genres were shot: from horrors to comedy. These include the film Eldar Ryazanov "Man nowhere", a number of American paintings, a German cartoon "Star in Himalayas".

In the city of Bhutan, the tourist route is laid in the mountains, called the "Snow Man's Path".

Straight, as in the verses of Marshak about an unknown hero, whom everyone is looking for, but can not find. Even know how his name is a snowy man. Who is this - just until it is not possible to determine, and whether it exists in principle.

6 rare rollers about Yeti

In this video, Andrei Voloshin will show rare personnel, proving the existence of a snow man:

Snowy man (Yeti, Suskvochech, Bigfut, Ange, Avdochka, Almar. Bigfoot) - the legendary human-like creature, allegedly found in various high-mountain or forest areas of the Earth. Its existence is approved by many enthusiasts, but is currently not confirmed. It is believed that this is a relic hominid, that is, a mammal belonging to the instrument of primates and the human race, which has been preserved to the present day from prehistoric times.

Frame from Ryrolar Patterson's video.

Currently, there is not a single representative of the species living in captivity, not a single skeleton or skins. Nevertheless, allegedly there are hair, footprints and several dozen photos, video recordings (poor quality) and audio recordings. The accuracy of these evidence is in doubt. For a long time, a short film shot by Roger Patterson and Bob Gimlin in 1967 in Northern California was considered one of the most convincing evidence. On the film, as stated, a snowy female is captured. However, in 2002, after the death of Ray Wallace, for which this shooting was made, testimonies of his relatives and acquaintances, who told (however, without presenting any physical evidence) appeared, that the whole story with the American Yeti was from the beginning and to the end is falsified; Sorokasantimeter "Traces of Yeti" was made by artificial forms, and a filmmaker - a staged episode with a man in a specially sewn monkey costume .

He was named a snowy man thanks to a group of climbers who conquered Everest. They discovered the disappearance of food reserves, then heard a heartbreaking cry, and a chain of traces similar to human ones appeared on one of the snow-covered slopes. The tenants explained that this is a Yeti, a terrible snowman, and categorically refused to break the camp in this place. Since then, Europeans call it a snowy creature.

In the testimony of meetings with "snow people", the creatures that differ from the modern man with a more dense physique, a pointed shape of the skull, longer hands, low neck and massive lower jaw, relatively short hides, with thick hair around Body - black, red, white or gray-colored. Dark face. On the head hair is longer than on the body. Mustache and beard are very rare and short. Good climb on the trees. Express the assumptions that the mountain populations of snowy people live in the caves, forest build nests on the branches of trees. Karl Linney marked him like Homo Troglodytes (cave man). Very fast. It can overtake the horse, and on two legs, and in water - the motor boat. Omnivore, but prefers vegetable food, apples love very much. Eyewitnesses described meetings with specimens of various growth, from the middle human up to 3 m or more.

Most of the modern scientists are skeptical about the possibility of the existence of a snow man.

... He said about a snowy man: "I really want to believe, but there is no reason." The words "no reason" mean that the issue has been studied, and as a result of the study, it was discovered that there was no reason to trust the initial statements. This is: And there is a formula of a scientific approach: "I want to believe", but once "there is no reason", then you need to refuse this faith.

Academician A. B. Migdal from guess to truth.

The image of a huge terrible person can reflect the inborn fears in front of darkness, unknown, relations with mystical forces from different nations. It is possible that in some cases, people with unnatural hair cover or wild people were taken for snow people.

The USSR was the only country in the world where the problem of searching Yeti was considered at the highest state level. The Academy of Sciences of the USSR also showed interest in the snowman. On January 31, 1957, a meeting of the Presidium of Ann was held in Moscow. The average paragraph was the only paragraph: "On the" Snowman ". In 1958, the Commission of the Academy of Sciences on the study of the issue of a" snowy person "was established. It was the famous scientists - a geologist, corresponding member S. V. Obruchev, Primatologist and anthropologist M. F. Nesternh, Botanist K. V. Stanyukovich, Physicist and Mountaineer, Nobel Laureate, Academician I. E. Tamm. The most active members of the commission were the doctor J.-M. I. Kofman and Professor B. F. Porshnev . The working hypothesis, which was guided by the Commission, was reduced to the fact that a snowman was to wait to the present days from the degraded branch of Neanderthals. The work of the Commission was soon turned out, but the results of its work were not revoked by subsequent studies of the USSR Academy of Sciences and RAS. Hypothesis, from Which came the Commission, later set forth in the official reference benefits of the Academy of N. F. Reimers and other authors.

Members of the Commission Zh.-M. I. Kofman and Professor B. F. Porshnev and other enthusiasts continued to actively engage in the search for a snowy person or his traces.

In 1987, the efforts of J.-M. I. Kofman and other enthusiasts of the search for a snow man were established by the Russian association of cryptozoologists, or the society of cryptozoologists. The Company had official status under the Ministry of Culture of the USSR and received great help from the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper, which financed the purchase of night vision devices, communications, cameras, medicines for immobilization and ensured support for government officials. The Company continues its work, publishing his members.

Numerous images of creatures like a snowman (on the subjects of art of ancient Greece, Rome, ancient Armenia, Carthage and Etruscans and medieval Europe) and mention, folklore of different nations (Favn, Satiri Silen in ancient Greece, Yeti on Tibet, in Nepal and Bhutan, Guli-Baths in Azerbaijan, Juchenny, Chuchuana in Yakutia, Almam in Mongolia, Enemy, Maown and Zeensyun in China, Kiik -Adam and Albaste in Kazakhstan, Leshel, Shish and Shishiga among the Russians, Div in Persia (and Ancient Russia), Chugayster in Ukraine, virgins and Albasters on the Pamirs, Shuraile and Yarymtyk at Kazan Tatars and Bashkir, Arsuri in Chuvash, Pitin from Siberian Tatar, Abnauau in Abkhazia, Saskvochech in Canada, Taryk, Girkychavilin, Mirgada, Kitanya, Arynk, Arysa, Rack, Julia on Chukotka, Batatuta, Sedap and Orangpendek on Sumatra and Kalimantane, Agogn, Kakundakari and Ki-Lubba in Africa, etc. P.).

In the folklore appear in the form of satirs, demons, devils, led, water, mermaids, etc.

Russian Zoologist K. A. Satunin argued that in 1899 he saw the female of Biang-Guli in the Talysh mountains. In 1921, the existence of Yeti was told Howard-take, a famous climber who headed the expedition to Everest. In the 20s of the 20th century, several Yeti were allegedly caught in Central Asia, and after unsuccessful interrogations and torture were shot like Basmachi. Velocol of the medical service of the Soviet Army BC Karapetyan in 1941 allegedly made a direct inspection of a live wild man caught in Dagestan The animal was soon shot and eaten. Evidence of this case has not been preserved, as Soon Karapetyan and its accomplices were shot like spies. In total, in the 20th century, several hundred memories of the observation of a snow man were recorded.

For the capture of a snow man, the governor of the Kemerovo region Aman Tuleyev promises 1,000,000 rubles.

Among those who believe in the existence of a snow man, the most popular versions on which he is a descendant of certain hominids, who have a big growth or a centering physique. Among the candidates:

giantopitek- probable relative of orangutan;

megantrope- a large anthropoid monkey Pleistocene;
neanderthal- The view of Homo, who possessed the chorean physique and the longest of everything delayed in the mountainous regions of Europe.

A fragment from the Soviet comedic art film "Man is nowhing" filmed by the director Eldar Ryazanov in 1961 on Mosfilm's film studio.