Make red soup. Red fish soup

Red fish soup is a great alternative to traditional first courses. This stew will diversify your usual diet and give you real pleasure from eating. This soup is unlikely to be suitable as a daily meal, because its main ingredient is very expensive. But pampering your loved ones with an exquisite fish soup on a day off is not only possible, but also necessary. Preparing red fish chowder is not at all difficult, which will undoubtedly delight novice cooks.

The menu of every elite restaurant will definitely have several varieties of red fish soup. Each establishment prepares the soup in its own way: different spices are used, and the types of the main product may also differ. The seafood fish soup has one thing in common - no matter how it is prepared, its exquisite taste will remain in the memory for a long time. To taste a luxurious dish, you don’t have to visit expensive establishments, because you can prepare it in your own kitchen, surprising the whole family with its delicious aroma and appetizing appearance.

To make the soup rich, aromatic and divinely tasty, you need to choose the right main ingredient. It should be remembered that this expensive delicacy is often counterfeited. Its bright color will tell you about an artificial product: having defrosted such a fish at home, you can find a light carcass in a red puddle. High-quality seafood has a pleasant pink color with small light veins.

The smell of fish can also tell a lot. An unpleasant, pungent “aroma” indicates that the product is not fresh; its absence also indicates that the product is spoiled.

In order not to lose money, sellers often soak a spoiled carcass in water with lemon juice and a bite; this procedure helps get rid of mucus and unpleasant odor. After such manipulations, the fish is washed with running water, and it loses any aromas. The fresh delicacy has a pleasant sea scent.

When purchasing a whole fish, you need to carefully look at its eyes: they should be clear, without a cloudy film. Another important sign of a quality product is gills. In chilled fish they have a bright red color, while in freshly frozen fish they have a pale pink tint. Gills of gray, green and white color indicate the process of decomposition of the delicacy.

The color of the scales of red fish can range from light silver to dark gray, but in any case it should be bright. By pressing your finger on the carcass, you will find that it is quite elastic and quickly restores its original shape. If the pulp is soft and the trace does not disappear, the product has already expired.

Fragrant and rich stew

Any type of red fish is suitable for a tasty and rich soup: chum salmon, sockeye salmon, coho salmon, chinook salmon, trout, salmon, pink salmon, etc. Some recipes allow the use of seafood trimmings.

When preparing fish soup, you should know how long to cook the fish for soup, since this product is very delicate and easy to spoil. The delicacy is completely ready within 25 minutes after the water boils. After the specified time has passed, the fish should be removed from the broth so that it does not fall apart into unsightly rags.

Additional ingredients for fish soup can include potatoes, onions, carrots, cabbage, green beans, sweet peppers, herbs, cheese, butter, many types of cereals, cream and sour cream. Using spices, herbs and herbs will allow you to prepare a dish with a dizzying aroma and piquant taste.

Having prepared the necessary ingredients and being in a good mood, you can begin preparing fish soup from red fish. Recipes for the most delicious stews will help you create a dish worthy of the most elite restaurant.

Coho salmon soup with cream

One of the most delicious soups is creamy coho salmon soup. The recipe has a delicate and refined taste. The aromatic stew will decorate the dining table and will delight all family members.



  1. Peel and wash the potatoes. Cut into small cubes.
  2. Peel the onion and finely chop it.
  3. Cut the fish fillet into cubes about 2 cm in size.
  4. Pour water into a small saucepan and add bay leaf. Place over medium heat, bring to a boil, and add salt to taste.
  5. Place the potatoes in boiling water and cook for about 10 minutes without reducing the burner flame.
  6. Add pieces of coho salmon and a little fish seasoning. Continue cooking over medium heat for another 10 minutes.
  7. Add butter and pour in cream. Season with white pepper to taste. Cook for another 10 minutes.
  8. Rinse and dry the dill. Finely chop.
  9. Pour the hot soup into serving bowls and sprinkle with chopped dill.

Tip: You can increase the amount of soup by adding rice. To do this, the volume of water must be doubled. Add rice (0.5 cups) immediately after butter and cream.

Fresh trout with millet

To make the first dish not only tasty, but also very healthy, you should prepare trout fish soup. The stew recipe is very simple and cooking it is not difficult. This soup can be served for children's lunch - kids will definitely love this unusual dish.


Cooking process:

  1. Pour water into a saucepan, place on the stove and bring to a boil. Add peppercorns, bay leaves and salt to taste. Rinse the fish and place in boiling water. Cook for 20 minutes over moderate heat. If foam forms on the surface, it must be removed with a spoon or slotted spoon.
  2. Remove the finished fish from the broth and cool.
  3. Peel and rinse the onions and carrots. Cut vegetables into thin half rings.
  4. Remove the skin from the tomato and cut into small cubes.
  5. Place a piece of butter in a frying pan and place over medium heat. When the product becomes liquid, add carrots. Sauté for 5 minutes. Add onion and cook for another 5 minutes. The vegetables need to be stirred from time to time.
  6. Add chopped tomato to the vegetable frying, add a little salt and cook for another 2-3 minutes.
  7. Peel the potatoes, rinse and cut into small cubes. Place the root vegetables into the boiling broth immediately after removing the trout. Cook until very soft, about 30 minutes.
  8. Rinse the millet under running water and pour boiling water over it. Leave for 2 minutes, then drain the liquid and add the cereal to the potatoes. This procedure will help get rid of bitterness. Millet and potatoes will be cooked at the same time.
  9. While the potatoes and millet are boiling, you need to disassemble the fish into small pieces.
  10. Using a puree masher, mash the potatoes and millet directly into the pan with the broth.
  11. Add fried vegetables, fish and cook everything for about 5 minutes.
  12. Rinse the green onions and chop finely. Add to soup a minute before it is ready.
  13. Pour the hot soup into bowls, add a little sour cream and serve.

Tip: the taste of the stew will become brighter if you add chopped sweet peppers and green beans. This should be done 15 minutes before it is ready.

Simple ear from scraps

One of the cheapest and easiest to prepare dishes. This soup is in no way inferior to fish fillet soup, except that there will be less pulp in it. A nutritious and satisfying stew can consist of heads, ridges, bellies and other trimmings that are unsuitable for preparing second courses. The fat that floats to the surface will not cause harm: this is real fish oil that has a beneficial effect on the human body.



  1. Pour water into a saucepan, place on fire and bring to a boil. Add bay leaves and fish trimmings. Cook over moderate heat for 30-40 minutes. It is necessary that all the bones are well boiled. At the end of cooking, add salt to taste.
  2. Peel all vegetables, rinse and cut into cubes: onions and carrots - small, potatoes - large.
  3. Using a slotted spoon, remove the fish scraps. Leave until completely cool. If desired, you can strain the broth so that no bones or scales get into the soup.
  4. Add all the chopped vegetables and a little turmeric to the boiling broth. With it, the color and aroma of the food will be brighter. Cook until the vegetables are fully cooked (15-20 minutes).
  5. Remove all edible parts from the cooled trimmings, then place them in a saucepan with the vegetables.
  6. At the end of cooking, add ground black pepper, turn off the heat and cover tightly with a lid. Leave for 20-30 minutes so that the soup is well infused.

Tip: Dill and lemon wedges add incredibly rich flavor. They should be added at the very end of cooking.

Cheese soup with salted chum salmon

A very tender, aromatic and satisfying dish. This soup will appeal to all gourmets. The creamy consistency of the fish soup, delicious pieces of chum salmon, the delicacy of sweet pepper and the freshness of dill will give great pleasure to both adults and children.


  • 400 grams of salted chum salmon fillet;
  • 80 grams of leeks;
  • 2 small carrots;
  • 2 fleshy sweet peppers;
  • 6 medium potatoes;
  • 1.2 liters of water;
  • 300 grams of processed cheese;
  • a bunch of dill;
  • salt, ground white pepper.

Cooking process:

  1. Pour water into a saucepan and bring to a boil.
  2. Peel the potatoes, wash and cut into thin slices. Place in boiling water, add salt and cook for 10 minutes.
  3. Remove seeds and stems from the pepper, rinse and cut into small cubes.
  4. Chop the peeled, clean carrots into thin slices. Do the same with leeks.
  5. Add the prepared vegetables to the potatoes and cook for another 10 minutes.
  6. Remove the cheese from the packaging and cut into small cubes. Add to the soup and wait until the product is completely dissolved.
  7. Cut the chum salmon fillet into large cubes. Place in the stew and simmer for 5-7 minutes.
  8. Rinse the dill and chop finely. Add to other ingredients. Pepper to taste.
  9. Bring the soup to a boil, turn off the heat and cover with a lid. Let it brew for 10-15 minutes.
  10. Divide the soup into bowls, sprinkle with croutons and serve.

Tip: you can use smoked chum salmon, then the taste of the soup will be more original. It is better to take peppers of different colors for the soup - this way the dish will look more elegant.

How to cook an unforgettable fish soup

Having realized that preparing a first course from red fish is not only very simple, but also quite quick, many will become interested in this luxurious dish. After all, everyone wants to pamper their closest and beloved people, but sometimes there is not enough time for this. So that the food gives real pleasure and is remembered for a long time, simple rules should be followed:

Don’t be surprised if, after tasting a delicious fish dish, your family asks for more. After all, such a stew is incredibly tasty and original.

Having decided to cook such fish soup, it is better to immediately increase the number of servings so that your loved ones can fully enjoy the unusual dish. Bon appetit!

Attention, TODAY only!

Red fish makes a very tender and aromatic soup. To prepare it, use fish steaks, head or tail. The fat content and richness of the taste of the soup depends on the type of red fish. Trout or salmon can be used to prepare a rich soup, while pink salmon or salmon can be used as a dietary soup.

Red fish soup with tomatoes

We need: sieve, pans.


How to choose the necessary ingredients

  • When choosing red fish, you should pay attention to its color. If the color of the fillet is too bright, it indicates that harmful dyes were used.
  • When cut into fillets, fresh fish should have streaks of a light shade, since the uniform shade of the entire fillet is also an indicator of the use of various types of dyes.

Step-by-step preparation

  1. Cut 3-4 medium potatoes and 95 grams of peeled carrots into small cubes.
  2. Cut 65 grams of onion into small pieces.

  3. Place 2-3 red fish steaks in a pan, add 2.7-2.8 liters of water and cook until boiling. If foam appears during the process, it must be removed.

  4. When the water boils, take out the fish, transfer it to a separate plate and let it cool slightly. Then we disassemble the steaks into small pieces, remove all the bones and skin.

  5. Strain the broth into a clean saucepan and bring to a boil.

  6. Place pieces of red fish, chopped carrots, potatoes, and onions one by one into the boiling broth and cook until half cooked.

  7. Cut 45 grams of tomatoes and half a sweet pepper into small cubes. Add them to the soup, add salt to taste and cook the soup until all components are ready.

  8. Add chopped herbs (6-7 sprigs) to the finished soup and serve.

Video recipe for making red fish soup with tomatoes

You can clearly see the entire step-by-step recipe for delicious red fish soup in the next video.

Red fish soup with rice

Cooking time: 60-65 minutes.
We need: sieve, pan.
Number of servings: 4.


To prevent your soup from turning into an unattractive porridge, it is best to use medium-grain or short-grain rice.

Step-by-step preparation

Video recipe for making red fish soup with rice

In order not to miss anything important from the process of preparing fish soup, watch the following video carefully.

Red fish head fish soup recipe

Cooking time: 70-75 minutes.
We need: grater, saucepan, frying pan, sieve.
Number of servings: 6.


Step-by-step preparation

Video recipe for making red fish head soup

You can clearly see all the details of preparing aromatic soup from the head and tail of red fish in the next video.

  • If you missed the moment of removing the foam and it sank to the bottom, then add a glass of cold water to the pan.
  • Before adding potatoes to the soup, we recommend immersing them in cold water for a few minutes to release excess starch.
  • Adding a small amount of rosemary, curry or marjoram will help make the soup even more flavorful.

How to serve this dish

  • Before serving, the soup can be garnished with fresh herbs or a slice of lemon.
  • Red fish soup turns out to be quite filling, so it’s perfect for lunch.

You can prepare many delicious and affordable dishes from different types of fish. For example, it is baked with lemon, which helps highlight the aroma of fish. If you like smoked fish, we recommend trying it. You can also cook it, which will be an excellent alternative to store-bought herring.

We have shared with you several affordable red fish soup recipes.. If you have already prepared such a dish, be sure to share your experience in the comments. Bon appetit and only positive emotions from culinary experiments!


  • Red salmon fish - 1 steak or any other part of the fish.
  • Potatoes - 4-5 pcs.
  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • Salt - to taste.
  • Dill and parsley - optional.

I love soups for their versatility and simplicity. I threw the beans into a pan of water and it turned out. I threw in chicken meat with vegetables and noodles and it turned out... I threw in some fish and vegetables and it turned out. And so, depending on the components, they turn out completely different in taste and composition. The recipe for today's salmon soup, but given that it is fatty and allergenic, it is not recommended to cook it for children under 1-1.5.

Recipe for red fish soup Salmon:

1. Ingredients for soup: a piece of red fish - for me it’s steak. There was nothing else in the refrigerator. But the tail and head from this fish are good for soup (and cheaper). 5-6 small potatoes, 1-2 carrots, 1 onion and salt. If the child is favorable towards greens, you can cook them too.

2. Fill the salmon with cold water and put it on the fire.

3. Cut potatoes and carrots into small cubes.

4. Let the water boil, then add it along with the foam. Wash the fish and remove all the bones. We will also wash the pan to remove excess scale. Then we put it again in a pan with hot, boiled water. Season with salt, add finely chopped vegetables and a whole onion. In general, you can also chop the onion - it’s not for everyone.

5. As soon as the potatoes become soft, you can turn off the soup. We catch the onion and throw it away, and everything else can be poured into plates.

6. You can add fresh herbs to the finished salmon soup.

Bon Appetit!

Why does the soup need to be cooked in a second broth:

Meat, poultry and fish that are sold to us in the store may contain various chemicals. substances and antibiotics. They are added to food to protect against various infections and provoke weight gain. But for children and even adults, these are undesirable additives. During cooking, most of these harmful substances settle in the broth. To prevent the child from getting all this “harm” into the body, the first broth should be drained and the soup should be cooked in the second broth.

Red fish soup is a low-calorie dish with a delicate taste.

There are many variations of this dish, but each of them retains the same cooking principle.

General principles for preparing red fish soups

Red fish soups are prepared from an unlimited range of products. It all depends on desire and imagination. Red fish is the main ingredient of the dish. Pieces of salmon, trout, and salmon are most often thrown into the soup.

If fresh product is used for soup, it must be thoroughly washed and properly divided. And if only fish fillet is added to the dish, the ingredient should be cut into portions.

Fish broth from the head, tail and large bones can be used as a base for soup.

The vegetables required for the recipe should be washed, peeled and chopped. It is better to sauté the onions and carrots and place them in a saucepan. Next, add potato slices, vegetables, cereals and other additional products. You can add rice, millet, and pearl barley to red fish soup.

Red fish should be added to the soup only when all the ingredients are almost ready. You should let it cook for a few minutes. Add spices. At the very end you can add chopped garlic. Cover the container with a lid and remove from heat. The aromatic dish must be allowed to brew for some time.

You can garnish the delicately flavored red fish soup with lemon slices. Pieces of citrus should be placed on the surface of the dish.

Red fish soup with cream


parsley – 4 sprigs

red fish – 320 g

onion – 65 g

large carrots – 55 g

tomato – 115 g

celery – 45 g

low-fat cream – 90 ml

butter – 55 g

crushed black pepper - a pinch

Cooking method

1. Remove scales from a piece of fish. Remove bones.

2. Pour water into the pan.

3. Add salt.

4. Add pepper.

5. Boil the liquid.

6. Add chopped celery root.

7. Remove the skins from the potatoes. Cut into small strips. Place into boiling liquid mixture.

8. Cut the fish fillet into strips. Place in a container with broth.

9. Boil the soup until the potatoes are ready.

10. Remove the skins from the onion. Finely chop.

11. Peel the carrots. Grate on a fine grater.

12. Melt butter in a hot frying pan.

13. Sauté vegetable slices until soft.

14. Dip tomatoes in boiling water. Remove the peel. Get rid of seeds.

15. Chop the tomato pulp finely. Add to vegetables.

16. Simmer the aromatic mixture under the lid over low heat.

17. Combine broth and stewed vegetables. Mix.

18. Cook the dish for another 7 minutes.

19. Pour in the cream.

20. Bring the soup to a boil.

21. Remove the pan from the heat.

22. Pour the red fish soup into bowls.

23. Place chopped parsley on each plate.

24. Serve the dish with white bread.

Red fish soup with millet and vegetables


red fish (tail, ridge, fillet)

millet – 175 g

bay leaf – 1 pc.

onion bulbs – 135 g

fresh parsley – 220 g

carrots – 280 g

black peppercorns – 2 g

potatoes – 310 g

tomatoes – 90 g

salt – 8 g

Cooking method

1. Rinse the fish under running water. Place in a saucepan. Fill with cool water.

2. Boil the broth. Get rid of foam.

3. Place a whole peeled onion.

4. Sprinkle in the peppercorns.

5. Add salt.

6. Cook the mixture over low heat for about 25 minutes.

7. Chop the remaining onion into small strips.

8. Grind the carrots using a grater.

9. Cut the potatoes into strips.

10. Chop the tomatoes into small slices.

11. Remove the fish from the pan.

12. Strain the broth. Pour into a clean saucepan.

13. Separate the fish meat from the bones. Take it apart into pieces.

14. Place vegetables in broth.

15. Add tomatoes.

16. Place a laurel leaf.

17. Cook the dish for 10 minutes.

18. Rinse the millet under cool running water.

19. Pour into a container with broth.

20. Put chopped parsley and pieces of fish there.

21. Turn off the fire. Let the red fish dish brew for 16 minutes.

22. Serve warm with croutons.

Red fish soup with olives


salmon – 165 g

sturgeon – 120 g

pike perch – 90 g

pitted olives – 25 g

pickled mushrooms – 40 g

lemon – 6 slices

pickled cucumber – 50 g

onion – 80 g

vegetable oil – 35 ml

capers – 24 g

flour – 22 g

cucumber pickle – 145 ml

spices – 14 g

Cooking method

1. Clean the fish from scales and bones. Grind into medium-sized pieces.

2. Prepare 900 ml of strong broth from pike perch.

3. Fry finely chopped onion in oil in a saucepan.

4. Add flour there. Mix.

5. Add broth without fish.

6. Pour in the brine. Bring the mixture to a boil.

7. Pour boiling water over pieces of salmon and sturgeon. Fry in a frying pan with oil.

8. Peel the cucumbers. Chop into strips. Add to fillet.

9. Put tomato paste there.

10. Pour the mixture into a saucepan.

11. Cook red fish soup over low heat until the fish meat is completely cooked.

12. 3 minutes before readiness, add spices.

13. Serve with lemon slices, olives and herbs for lunch.

Red fish soup with cognac


Dry rice – 85 gr.

Cognac – 75 ml

Potatoes – 175 gr.

Bulbs – 3 pcs.

Tomatoes – 1 pc.

Carrots – 2 pcs.

Trout fillet – 210 gr.

Bay leaf – 3 gr.

Black peppercorns – 6 pcs.

Fresh greens – 110 gr.

Cooking method

1. Rinse the trout meat. Place in a saucepan.

2. Pour in cool water.

3. Wait until the broth boils. Remove foam.

4. Cook the broth for about 50 minutes.

5. Add peeled whole carrots and onions.

6. Pour in spices.

7. Remove the fish from the container.

8. Chop the greens coarsely.

9. Cut the skin off the potatoes. Cut into strips.

10. Chop the remaining carrots.

11. Chop the tomato into circles.

12. Place the prepared products into the broth.

13. Rinse the rice in several waters.

14. Add to soup. Boil for 12 minutes.

15. Throw in fish fillets.

16. Pour in the cognac. Boil.

17. Remove the pan from the heat.

18. Infuse red fish soup under a closed lid for about 20 minutes.

19. Pour into plates.

20. Sprinkle with herbs.

21. Serve with vegetables.

Soup with seaweed and red fish pieces


salmon – 85 g

trout – 60 g

salmon – 55 g

round rice – 125 g

nori seaweed without additives and salt – 30 g

fish and soy sauce - 10 ml each

greens - bunch

marjoram powder

Cooking method

1. Pour water into the container.

2. Bring to a boil.

3. Pour in rice cereal.

4. Cool the finished rice.

5. Boil 1.75 liters of water in a separate container.

6. Place fillets of each type of fish, cut into portions, into boiling water. Cook for 4 minutes.

7. Remove the fish.

8. Pass the broth through a sieve with gauze.

9. Add fish sauce to the clear broth.

10. Pour soy sauce into it.

11. Add salt.

12. Cook for another 2 minutes.

13. Cut the seaweed into strips. Throw into the pan.

14. Add rice.

15. Place fish slices.

16. Sprinkle with marjoram.

17. Place several cubes of crackers into plates.

18. Add chopped green onions and parsley.

19. Pour red fish soup into bowls.

Soup with green peas and red fish


half a fish carcass

water – 1.4 l

laurel leaves – 2 pcs.

onions – 45 g

allspice peas – 4 g

dill, basil - 2 branches each

canned green peas – 80 g

rice groats – 90 g

canned olives – 70 g

Cooking method

1. Rinse the rice grains. Soak in boiling water.

2. Pour the required amount of water into the casserole.

3. Place the fish divided into pieces into it.

4. Bring to a boil.

5. Make the fire weaker. Remove foam. Cook for 8 minutes.

6. Add onion.

7. Sprinkle in allspice peas.

8. Place bay leaves.

9. Add green stems.

10. Cook over low heat for 9 minutes.

11. Strain the liquid through a colander.

12. Place the fish pieces aside.

13. Pour clean broth into a bowl.

14. Put on fire.

15. Place rice there.

16. Bring the soup to a boil. Reduce heat. Cook until the rice is ready.

17. Add some water.

18. Remove the bones from the fish. Place the meat in the soup.

19. Sprinkle in green peas.

20. Add the olives cut into pieces.

21. Add salt.

22. Cook red fish soup with peas for another 2 minutes.

23. Turn off the fire.

24. Cover the container with a lid. Let stand for 12 minutes.

25. Serve the soup in a deep dish. Add a spoonful of butter and chopped herbs.

Red fish shrimp soup


Fish – 580 gr.

Red tomatoes – 160 gr.

Shrimp – 210 gr.

Onion – 95 gr.

Olive oil – 78 ml

Green onion – 55 gr.

Dill – 60 gr.

Vegetable broth – 1.9 l

Dried thyme – 4 gr.

Dried rosemary – 5 gr.

Salt and pepper

Cooking method

1. Place tomatoes in boiling water. Remove the skin. Cut the pulp into pieces.

2. Peel the bulbs. Chop into pieces.

3. Wash and chop the green onions and dill.

4. Pour oil into a thick-bottomed pan. Fry onions.

5. Add fish slices. Fry on all sides.

6. Place chopped tomatoes.

7. Add green onion slices.

8. Add dill.

9. Simmer for another 4 minutes.

10. Pour in the boiling broth.

11. Send peeled shrimp there.

12. Sprinkle with salt.

13. Pepper.

14. Bring to readiness.

15. Pour the finished red fish soup with shrimp into plates. Serve with black bread.

Delicate broccoli and red fish soup


broccoli – 160 g

carrots – 105 g

onion – 75 g

cream – 220 g

salted red fish – 70 g

salt and spices - optional

Cooking method

1. Divide broccoli into florets.

2. Place in a saucepan with a little water. Add salt. Boil.

3. Place the finished inflorescences in a separate bowl.

4. Leave the broth.

5. Chop the onion without peeling.

6. Wash the carrots. Grind using a grater. Simmer until done.

7. Place the stewed vegetables in a container with broccoli.

8. Pour in 240 ml of broth.

9. Puree using a blender.

10. Place the container on fire.

11. Add a small amount of vegetable broth.

12. Put cream there.

13. Sprinkle with salt.

14. Add spices.

15. Bring the mixture to a boil. Remove the container from the stove.

16. Chop the salted fish into small pieces.

17. Arrange on plates.

18. Pour in the puree soup.

    For the broth you can use the ridge, head, fillet of red fish.

    You need to cut fresh fish like this: start with the head, then cut it into 2 parts, separate the backbone and remove small bones, cut off the skin. The fillet needs to be cut into several parts and placed in a pan.

    You can add both fresh and salted fish to red fish soup.

    If you add chopped herbs to a hot soup with fish, the dish will acquire a unique aroma.

    Fish of any kind should be thrown into the container at the end of cooking.

    Overcooked fish will fall apart into small pieces.

    If the fish fillet is cooked, but the other ingredients are not, the pieces of fish should be removed from the soup and placed on plates.

    Potatoes need to be cut very small so that the product cooks faster and more uniformly.

    To remove any remaining foam from the broth, the liquid must be strained: put a linen napkin in a colander and pour in the broth.

    After straining, the fish broth becomes lighter and more transparent.

    A small amount of red fish produces a rich and strong broth.

    The onion must be sautéed until soft.

    You can add marjoram, rosemary, cloves, saffron, and ginger to the broth.

    Red fish soup is served for lunch or dinner with croutons and herbs.

    It is better to salt the broth after boiling. The salt must be placed together with the bay leaf, then the potatoes will also absorb the salt.

    To prepare soup with red fish, the cereal is cooked in advance. You need to boil it, put it on a sieve and add it to the container with the broth at the very end of cooking. You can pour the cereal with water several hours before use or fry it in a saucepan without fat.

    If you plan to cook the grains before starting to cook the soup, it is recommended to use a 2:1 ratio of liquid to grains.

    When preparing the cereal, you can put a small amount of butter in it, it will turn out crumbly.

    Parsley root will help the dish acquire a more pleasant aroma.

    Almost every version of fish soup suggests removing the finished fish fillet and adding it only when serving the delicacy. Slices of prepared red fish can be used for other dishes, and the soup can be consumed without them.

Red fish soup is an ideal solution for lunch. It cooks quickly, turns out tasty and healthy. The set of products is minimal.


  • red fish fillet (300-400 grams);
  • 3 carrots;
  • rice (4 tablespoons);
  • 1-1.5 water;
  • 2 table. spoons of flour;
  • red pepper;
  • vegetable oil;
  • cream – 0.25 ml;
  • greens – spinach, dill.
  1. Throw fish into boiling water on the stove and salt it.
  2. Rice grains are washed in a saucepan and left to drain. Then add it to the soup along with grated carrots.
  3. Let it boil.
  4. Pass the flour in a frying pan with butter, sprinkle with cream, mix and add the rest of the cream. Add the flour mixture to the broth.
  5. Sprinkle red fish soup with cream with fresh, finely chopped herbs and peeled, diced pepper.

With melted cheese


  • salmon fillet – 350-500 grams;
  • a pan of water;
  • potatoes (2-3 pcs.);
  • carrot;
  • bulb;
  • frozen processed cheese;
  • salt, bay leaf.
  1. In a deep saucepan, bring the required volume of water to a boil.
  2. Salt, add chopped pieces of fish.
  3. Peel the potatoes with a vegetable peeler, peel them, cut them into cubes and add them to the broth.
  4. The carrots are peeled, grated and fried in oil along with chopped onions.
  5. Vegetables are thrown into the broth. Add spices.
  6. Frozen processed cheese tinder. 60 seconds before the end of cooking, pour into the soup.
  7. Soup with red fish and melted cheese is ready to serve and taste!

To make the fish soup especially rich and tasty, use red fish of various types - trout, salmon, salmon and others.
Do not pour the finished soup into portioned bowls immediately; let it simmer with the lid closed for ten minutes.

Cooking in Finnish


  • salmon – 500 grams;
  • 3 onions;
  • 3 pods of bell pepper;
  • 2 carrots;
  • 2 tomatoes or 1 table. spoon of tomato puree;
  • sunflower oil (4 tablespoons);
  • 7-8 potatoes;
  • 5 table. spoons of cheese (grated);
  • dill, salt.
  1. Spring or purified water is poured into the pan. The salmon varieties are cut up and thrown into the pan. Bring to a boil.
  2. The onion is peeled and chopped. Peel the carrots with a vegetable knife and chop them on a coarse grater. Place the vegetables in a frying pan with oil and sauté. Add tomato puree or diced tomatoes. Combine the roast with the broth.
  3. At the same time, add potatoes and bell peppers cut into strips and simmer until done.
  4. Grated cheese, which can be sprinkled onto the soup already in portioned bowls, will give the dish a special piquant taste.

Red fish cream soup


  • 950 grams of red fish;
  • several potato tubers;
  • 3 onions;
  • sunflower oil (3 tablespoons);
  • leek;
  • dill greens;
  • laurel (leaves);
  • pepper, fine table salt.
  1. The fish is washed and carefully cleaned with a cleaning knife. Free from entrails. Place the fish in a saucepan, add water and let the broth simmer.
  2. As soon as it is cooked, take it out and let it cool.
  3. Potatoes are peeled, washed and cut into cubes. Throw into freshly brewed broth.
  4. Remove the husk from the onion, wash it, cut it in half and finely chop each half.
  5. To obtain a beautiful color of the soup, they can be fried in sunflower oil. Add to soup.
  6. Place boiled fish in the cooked soup and grind it with a blender.
  7. Served with croutons or crackers. Before serving, the cream soup is sprinkled with herbs.

With olives, pickles and capers


  • 1-1.5 kg of fish;
  • 5-6 potatoes;
  • 2 large carrots;
  • half a glass of millet cereal;
  • green parsley root;
  • 150 grams of green peas;
  • 2 onions;
  • 2 pickled cucumbers;
  • several olives;
  • 2 table. spoons of capers;
  • lemon;
  • parsley, salt.
  1. The fish is cut: the head, tail, and bones are separated. A rich broth is made from fish waste. When ready, it must be poured through a sieve or two-layer gauze.
  2. Pieces of fish are sprinkled with salt, sprinkled with lemon juice and returned to the pan. Then pour in the strained broth and continue cooking.
  3. When boiling, pre-soaked millet and potatoes cut into bars are placed in it.
  4. Pre-prepared vegetables - chopped onions and parsley, chopped carrots, peas, peppers, capers, cucumbers are also added to the soup when it boils with potatoes. Don't forget to add salt.
  5. Before the end of cooking, add olives cut in half.

Do you want to serve red fish soup beautifully? Don't forget to chop the greens into it. Cut the lemon into slices and place in portioned bowls with soup.

From the ridges of red fish


  • 0.5 kg of salmon ridges;
  • 0.5 kg of greens (fresh);
  • bulb onions;
  • parsley root;
  • eggs (C1) – 5-6 pcs.;
  • 100 grams of millet cereal;
  • 100 grams of sour cream (medium thickness);
  • iodized salt.
  1. The ridges of the fish are washed and broth is made from them. The onion is freed from the husk and thrown into the pan along with the parsley root.
  2. The broth is filtered, salted, well-washed millet is added to it and the cooking continues.
  3. Be sure to add fresh herbs and chopped hard-boiled eggs to the soup.
  4. The finished soup is seasoned with salted sour cream.

Vegetable first course


  • 1.5 kg of salmon or trout (you can take several types of red fish);
  • margarine (table) – 25 grams;
  • small onions – 3 pcs.;
  • 5 red fresh tomatoes;
  • parsley and celery roots (if possible);
  • flour (4 tablespoons);
  • 5 cloves of garlic;
  • carrot;
  • 300 grams of fresh herbs;
  • half a glass of low-fat sour cream;
  • bay leaves;
  • a few black peppercorns;
  • one clove;
  • red pepper (ground);
  • table salt.
  1. The fillet is separated from the fish, boned and cut into pieces.
  2. Broth is made from fish waste with the addition of whole onions and spices.
  3. Then the broth is poured through a strainer or gauze cloth into another pan, combined with the fish fillet and boiled.
  4. After boiling, do not forget to add grated carrots, celery, parsley to the soup and continue cooking.
  5. The flour is sautéed in margarine and combined with broth.
  6. At the end of cooking, add tomato cubes, chopped garlic, sour cream, salt and pepper. Use a slotted spoon to remove the boiled onion heads.

Salted red fish soup


  • 200 grams of lightly salted red fish;
  • potatoes – 5 pcs.;
  • young carrots;
  • onion – 2 pcs.;
  • half a glass of rice cereal;
  • iodized salt, bay leaf.
  1. Prepare the vegetables. Potatoes and carrots are peeled, washed and chopped. Potatoes are cut into cubes, carrots into strips.
  2. Throw the vegetables into boiling water and cook the broth. As soon as it boils, add washed rice, a whole peeled onion, and spices.
  3. After fifteen minutes, add the fish, cut into pieces.
  4. They let the soup simmer, add spices, and turn it off after ten minutes.
  5. Serve in portioned plates, topped with sour cream.