Tests in physical culture. III

Option 22. FC Test (33)

(the correct answer is allocated, put a sign or emphasize, fill out the answer table)

1. The indicators characterizing the physical development of a person include:

1) the identifies of the physique, health and development of physical qualities;

2) indicators of the level of physical fitness and sporting results;

3) the level and quality of formed vital motor skills and skills;

4) Level and quality of formed sports motor skills and skills.

2. The equipment of physical exercises understand:

1) Methods for performing motor actions, with which the motor problem is solved expedient with relatively large efficiency;

2) methods of performing motor action, leaving aesthetically beneficial impression;

3) a certain orderliness and consistency of both processes and elements of the content of this exercise;

4) A visible shape, which is characterized by the ratio of spatial, time and dynamic (power) motion parameters.

3.Rhythm as a comprehensive characteristic of physical exercise technique reflects:

1) the legitimal procedure for the distribution of effort in time and space, the sequence and measure of their change (increase and decrease) in the dynamics of action;

2) the frequency of movement per unit of time;

3) the interaction of internal and external forces during the movement;

4) motor accuracy and its end result.

4. The methods of physical education are understood:

1) the main provisions that determine the content, organizational forms of the educational process in accordance with its common goals and patterns;

2) those guidelines that disclose certain parties to apply one or another principle of training;

3) concrete motives, reasons forcing the personality to act, perform motor actions;

4) Methods for using exercise.

5. The most favorable (sensitive) period of development of strength in boys and young men is considered age:

1) 10 - 11 years;

2) 11 - 12 years;

3) from 13 - 14 to 17 - 18 years;

4) from 17 - 18 to 19 - 20 years.

6. The most favorable rapid ability is the age of:

1) from 7 to 11 years

from 14 to 16 years;

17 - 18 years;

from 19 to 21 years.

7. The ability to resist physical fatigue in the process of muscular activity is called:

1. Functional stability;

2. biochemical economy;

3. training;

4. Endurance.

8. Endurance towards certain activities is called:

1) aerobic endurance;

2) anaerobic endurance;

3) anaerobic aerobic endurance;

4) special endurance.

9. The most intensive endurance increase is observed aged:

1) from 7 to 9 years;

2) from 10 to 14 years;

3) from 14 to 20 years;

4) from 20 to 25 years.

Which of the physical qualities in excessive development adversely affects flexibility?

1) endurance;

3) speed;

4) coordination abilities.

What is Stretching?

1) the morphofunctional properties of the musculoskeletal system, which determine the degree of mobility of its links;

2) a system of static exercises, developing flexibility and contributing to an increase in muscle elasticity;

3) flexibility manifested in movements;

4) Muscular tension.

12. Under the coordination skills should be understood:

1) the ability to perform motor actions without excessive muscle tensions (stiffness);

2) the ability to own the technique of various motor actions with minimal control by consciousness;

3) the abilities quickly, accurately, appropriate, economically and delicious, i.e., the most absolutely, solve motor problems (especially complex and emerging unexpectedly);

4) the ability to withstand physical fatigue in the complexocarditutional activities related to the accuracy of movements.

13. The most favorable (sensitive) period for the development of motor-coordination Abilities are considered age:

1) 5 - 6 years;

2) 7 - 9 years;

3) 11 - 12 years;

4) 13 - 15 years.

14. Sport (wide understanding) is:

1) the type of social activity aimed at improving man and the development of its physical abilities;

2) actually competitive activities, special preparation for it, as well as specific relationships, norms and achievements in the field of this activity;

3) a specialized pedagogical process built on a system of exercise and aimed at participating in sports competitions;

4) Pedagogical process aimed at the morphological and functional improvement of the human body.

15. What is the name of the activity that makes up the basis of physical culture:

1. Physical development

2. Physical improvement

3. Physical exercise

4. Physical training

16. Prevention of posture disorders is carried out using:

1. Endurance exercises

2. High-speed exercises

3. Power exercise

4. Exercises for flexibility

17. With which methods are improved coordination:

1. Using suggestion

2. Using learning methods

3. Using the methods of education of physical qualities

18. Acyclical type of athletics is:

1. Throwing hammer

2. Long jumps

3. Height jumps

4. Running at 100m

19. The types of coordination abilities include:

1. Speed \u200b\u200bforce

2. Active flexibility

3. Arbitrary muscle relaxation

4. Passive flexibility

20. What physical quality of a person is less susceptible to the training:

2. Speed

3. Muscular endurance

4. Power

21. Physical quality is not:

2. Endurance

4. Dexterity

22. The maximum frequency of bending of the hands in the stop lying in men (in the lap on the knees of women) for 30 seconds Determines:

1. Dynamic power

2. Speed-force endurance

3. Total endurance

4. Flexibility

23. Successful speakers athletes in a psychological plan are characterized by more

1. High level:

2. Energetic

5. Treatment

24. Training method, which is not a method that promotes the development of endurance:

1. Method of re-limit exercises

2. Re-training

3. Long continuous operation

4. Interval training

25. The highest flexibility indicators are manifested in:

1. Morning hours

2. Evening hours

3. limits 11-18 hours

4. Do not depend on the time of day

26. Low intensity and a large number of repetitions (8-20) in power training correspond to Preferences:

1. Muscle hypertrophy

3. Power

III. Test tasks to establish the correct sequence.

27. Set the correct sequence of building educationalTraining classes:

1. Preparatory

2. Main part

3. Final

4. Enterprise

28. Arrange the following types of procedures at the order of development when tempering Water:

1. Pouring

3. Wasten

4. Bathing

29. Set the correct sequence of basic hygienic Charge principles:

1. Systematic

2. graduality and sequence

3. Accounting for individual features

30. In which sequence it is necessary to work the warm-up Group

Muscles in the preparatory part of the lesson:

1. Lower limbs

2. Upper limbs

31. Arrange the main phases of the performance process in order:

1. Sustainable condition

2. Reducing performance

3. Works

32. What a sequence of impacts on physical qualities is most effective in the main part Lesson in general physical training:

1. For power

2. On endurance

3. On flexibility

4. On the speed

33. In what sequence it is advisable to perform the following exercises in the complex Morning hygienic gymnastics:

1. Respiratory exercises

2. Pulling

4. Exercises for muscle strengthening and improving flexibility

5. Running with walking

6. Walking with a gradual increase in the frequency of steps

Question Answer Question Answer Question Answer Question Answer Question Answer

1. The International Olympic Committee is ...

but. international non-governmental organization.in. international Association of Physical Traffic.

b. general Association Internationalfederations.g. physical and sports European Union.

2. The metric system of measures for running for the first time introduced at the Olympic Games in ...

but. Athens (1896). b. Paris (1900). in. Saint Louis (1904).g. London (1908)

3. Personalization functions are implemented in the field of ...

but. education and upbringing.in. production activities.

b. interchild contacts.g. Sports of higher achievements.

4. Form of exercises is characterized by ...

but. design inventory, shells, equipment.in. technical preparedness athlete.

b. stage of execution.g. spatio-temporal motion parameters

5. Individual development of the body is indicated as ....

but. Genesis. b. Ontogenesis. in. Phylogenesis. g. Education.

6. Improvement of intellectual abilities during exercise occurs occurs ...

but. purposefully.b. directly. in. indirectly. g. selectively.

7. In what sequence it is advisable to influence the development of physical qualities in the framework of one classes?

    Rapidity .

    Endurance .

    Flexibility .

    Dexterity .

    Force .

but. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

b. . 2, 4, 1, 5, 3.

in. 5, 3, 4, 2, 1.

g. 4, 1, 5, 3, 2.

8. The use of "hard" recreation intervals is characteristic of ... methods for regulating motor activity.

but. repeated b. Continuous in. Circular g. Interval.

9. Optimal pulse regime during the occupation of rhythmic gymnastics is ...

but. 110 and below shock per minute.b. . 110-130 beats per minute.in. 130-150 beats per minute. G. 150-170 beats per minute.

10. Specify the sequence of performing elements of the pomegranate techniques ...

  1. Preliminary Range .
  2. Holding grenades, initial position .
  3. "Cross" step .
  4. Braking .
  5. "Stopping" step.
  6. Disagreement of grenades .
  7. Final Effort .

but. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 .

b. 6, 1, 3, 5, 7, 2, 4 .

in. 2, 6, 3, 1, 4, 5, 7 .

g. 2, 1, 6, 3, 5, 7, 4.

11. Indicate the rank of the competition as they increase their objective significance.

  1. Departmental .
  2. Internal .
  3. Urban .
  4. Regional .
  5. International .
  6. District .
  7. Regional .
  8. Russian .

but. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.

b. 2, 1, 6, 3, 4, 7, 8, 5.

in. 3, 4, 7, 1, 2, 7, 8, 5 .

g. 1, 2, 3, 7, 6, 5, 8, 5 .

Olympiad Schoolchildren

on the subject of "physical culture"

Theoretical Methodical Task 10-11 Class

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Options for answers

























Test tasks on physical culture for students

9-11 classes

1. The initiator of the revival of the Olympic Games of modernity is ...

a) the Roman Emperor Feodosius I; b) Pierre de Freden, Baron de Coubert.

c) philosopher-thinker of antiquity Aristotle; d) Juan Antonio Samarant.

2. Types of motor activity, which are beneficial to the physical condition and human development, is customary ...

a) exercise; b) physical labor;

c) physical culture; d) physical education.

3. Basic physical culture is predominantly oriented ...

a) preservation and restoration of health;

b) development of human reserve capabilities;

c) physical fitness of a person to life;

4. Compliance with the regime of the day contributes to health promotion, because

A) avoids unjustified physical stresses.

B) ensures the rhythm of the body;

C) allows you to properly plan business during the day;

D) the magnitude of the load on the central nervous system changes.

5. The principle providing for the optimal compliance of tasks, means and methods of physical education of the possibilities of engaged in:

a) the principle of consciousness and activity; b) the principle of accessibility and individualization;

c) the principle of scientific relations; d) the principle of communication of theory with practice;

6. The system of organizational and methodological measures that make out the direction of the specialization of the young athlete in a certain form of sports, is called:

a) sports selection; b) pedagogical testing;

c) sports orientation; d) diagnosis of predisposition;

7. The posture is called ...

A) a silhouette of a person; b) the usual pose of a person in a vertical position;

C) the quality of the spine, providing good well-being;

D) Spring characteristics of the spine and stop.

8. The reaction of the body engaged in physical exertion during the lesson (classes) is determined by:

a) operational control; b) current control;

C) final control;

d) Rubber control.

9. The first step of hardening the body is hardening ...

A) water; b) the sun; c) air; d) cold.

10. According to the "Circular" command, the following sequence of actions is performed:

A) the turn towards the right hand on the right heel, the left sock at 180 and put the left leg to the right;

B) the turn towards the left hand on the left heel, the right toe for 180 and put the right leg to the left; c) the "march" team is expected;

D) Turning is carried out in an arbitrary direction.

11. The developing effect when typing the endurance of schoolchildren is observed when performing exercises that increase the heart rate to ...

A) 100 beats / min; b) 120 beats / min; c) 140 beats / min; d) 160 and above shock / min.

12. The main reason for the disorder of the posture is ...

a) muscle weakness; b) the habit of certain poses;

c) lack of movements during school lessons;

d) Wearing a bag, a briefcase in one hand.

13. A healthy lifestyle is a way of vital activity aimed at ...

A) the development of the physical qualities of people;

b) maintaining high performance of people;

c) preservation and improvement of people's health;

d) Preparation for professional activities.

14. The fundamental principles of modern Olympism are set forth in ...

a) the situation on Olympic solidarity; b) official clarifications of the IOC;

c) Olympic oath; d) Olympic Charter.

15. The system in which the engaged placed one near the other on the same line is called:

a) column; b) rank; c) two-speaking system; d) linear build.

16. Name the component of the physical culture disclosing the psychophysical abilities of a person at the limit levels.

A) physical recreation; b) physical education;

C) sport; d) physical rehabilitation.

17. The ability to hold the maximum speed as long as possible, is called ...

A) high-speed index; b) the absolute margin of speed;

c) the coefficient of manifestation of high-speed abilities;

d) high-speed endurance.

18. The International Olympic Committee as a city hosting the Olympics Games chose in 2016 ...

a) Tokyo; b) chicago; c) Rio de Janeiro; d) Madrid.

19. The process of learning a motor action is recommended to start with development ...

A) of the initial position; b) summarizing exercises;

c) the basics of technology; d) the main unit of technology.

20. The process aimed at improving the motor abilities necessary in life is referred to as ...

A) physical training; b) physical education;

C) physical perfection; d) physical exertion.

21. Health condition is due to ...

A) lifestyle; b) lack of diseases;

C) level of health; d) reserve capabilities of the body.

22. The likelihood of injuries in exercise classes is reduced if students ...

A) overestimate their capabilities;

b) follows the instructions of the teacher;

C) own the skills of performing movements;

D) do not know how to own their emotions.

23. The most important consideration of a healthy lifestyle is ...

a) motor mode; b) rational food

c) hardening the body; D) Personal and Public Hygiene

24. A document representing all aspects of the organization's organization is ...

a) competition calendar; b) Competition Rules;

c) the provision on the competition; D) Competition Program

25. Sports and gaming activity characterizes ...

a) the desire for the maximum result; b) conflict of situations of fights;

c) the presence of a specific plot; d) High significance of the quality of the role of the role.

26. The difference between the values \u200b\u200bof active and passive flexibility is called:

a) the amplitude of movement; b) mobility in the joints;

c) flexibility index; d) active flexibility deficit

27. What is hardening?

A) swimming in cold water and walking barefoot;

B) increased body stability to adverse external influences;

C) performing morning hygienic gymnastics;

d) a combination of air and sunbathing with gymnastics.

28. In what sequence it is advisable to perform listed
below exercises in the complex of morning hygienic gymnastics?

1. Respiratory exercises.

2. Exercises for muscle strengthening and improving flexibility.

3. Pulling.

4. Running with walking.

5. Walking with a gradual increase in the frequency of steps.

6. Jumping.

  1. Alternate tension and muscle relaxation.
  2. Running in calm pace.

a.) 3.7, 5, 8, 1, 2.6, 4, 1; b) 1,3,5,2,6,8,7,4; c) 7, 5, 8, 6, 2, 3, 2, 1, 4; d) 1,2, 3, 4, 5,6,7, 8.

29. In what sequence it is advisable to influence the development of physical qualities in the main part of the lesson dedicated to general physical training?

1. Power.

  1. Rapidity.
  2. Flexibility.

4. Fuckingly.

A) 1,2,3,4; b) 2.3, 1.4; c) 4, 3,2, 14; d) 3,2,4, 1.

30. Specify the preferred sequence of exercises for
physical traffic or pause.

1. Ssed, jumping, running, go on walking.

2. Exercises in the relaxation of muscles torso, hands, legs.

3. Exercises for accuracy and coordination of movements.

4. Exercises in sinking, prevention of posture disorders.

5. Exercises in stretching muscles torso, hands, legs.

6. breathing exercises.

7. Exercises of handicrafts for various muscle Group.

A) 1,2,3,4,5,6,7; 6) 4,5,7,1,6,2,3; c) 3, 1,2, 6,7,5, 1; d) 5,7,1,6,2,3,4.

31. Prevention of posture disorders is carried out with the help of ...
a) high-speed exercises; b) exercises "on flexibility";

C) strength exercises; d) exercises "on endurance".

32. The basis of the methodology for education of physical qualities is ...

A) age-related adequacy; b) teaching motor actions;

C) performing exercise;

D) gradual increase in force of impact.

33. The re-exercise method using unsaturated burdens when performing actions performed before refusal is the main in education ...

but) forces; b) speed; c) endurance; d)high speed.

35. In which year, the Olympic Games were held in our country:

A) in 1976; b) in 1980; c) in 1984; d) have not been held yet?

36. Human endurance does not depend on:

A) willpower; b) the possibilities of respiratory and blood circulation systems;

C) muscle strength; d) the strength of the links of the musculoskeletal system.

37. Specify the rate of heart rate (heart rate) alone in a healthy untouched person:

A) 60-80 UD. / Min.; b) 80-85 wt. / min.; c) 55-90 wt. / min.; d) 75-100 Д. / min.

38. How do you mean flexibility exercises:

A) before the appearance of sweat; b) before the appearance of pain;

C) before reducing the amplitude of the movement; d) 8-16 exercises in the series.

39. Physical preparedness is characterized by:

A) high-resistant body to stressful situations;

B) the level of physical qualities;

C) a good development of respiratory and blood circulation systems;

D) high results in educational and work activities.

40. The basis of physical culture is a person aimed at:

A) adaptation of the body to the surrounding conditions;

B) transformation of own physical capabilities;

C) physical training;

D) Changes in the outside world, the surrounding nature.


to test tasks in physical culture

for students of grades 9-11

1-b 16-in 31-in

2-A 17-g 32 -g

3-in 18-in 33

4-b 19-g 34-g

5-b 20-A 35-b

6-in 21-C 36

7-b 22-b 37-A

8-A 23-A 38-B

9-in 24-in 39-b

10-b 25-A 40-b

11-g 26-g

12-A 27-B

13-in 28

14-g 29-b

the main part of the lesson in general physical training:

1) for strength 4 2) on endurance 1 3) on flexibility 2 4) on speed 3

In what sequence it is advisable to affect the development of physical qualities

in the main part of the lesson dedicated to general physical training:

1) strength 4 3) flexibility 2

In which sequence it is advisable to perform the exercises listed below

in the complex of morning hygienic gymnastics:

1) breathing exercises 2 4) jumps 6

2) Pulling 1 5) Exercises for muscle strengthening and increase flexibility 4

3) Running with walking on walking 5 6) Walking with a gradual increase in steps 3

In which sequence it is advisable to influence the development of physical qualities in

the main part of the lesson dedicated to general physical training:

1) strength 4 3) flexibility 2

2) speed 3 4) endurance 1

IV. Test task for the addition.

The science of human health is called Valeology

The ability to perform movements with a large amplitude is called flexibility.

Temporary reduction in human performance is called fatigue

The purpose of the physical education of students is the formation of a physically developed personality

Sharply pronounced bend-curvature of the spine back called kyphosis

A sharply pronounced bend-curvature of the spine is called Lordoz

Sharply pronounced bend-curvature of the spine in the side is called scaliosis

The position engaged in fully bent legs is called priest

The position of engaged in which legs bent in her knees are tightened by hand to the chest and brush

z.castle the knees, in the gymnastics is indicated as a grouping

The transition from Visa to the stop or from a lower position in highly gymnastics is indicated as a rise

The position of the dealing on a projectile at which his shoulders are below the gymnastics, in gymnastics

denoted as V.

In an athletic, the projectile, whose throwing is performed after the "jump" called the kernel

The impact on the human body of the external factor violates the structure and integrity of tissues and

the normal course of physiological processes is called injury.

The condition of the body, characterized by the perfect self-regulation of organs and systems, harmonious

the combination of physical, moral and social well-being is called hemostasis

Rotating movement through the head with a consistent touch of the supporting surface by separate

parts of the body in gymnastics is indicated as a known

V. Setting conformity.

The list of used literature

1. Testing the level of knowledge in physical culture.

Educational and methodical manual. N.N.Chsnokov, A.A.Krasnikov

2. 500 tests on the discipline "Physical Culture"

B.V. Ermolaev, KG Habelian

3. Olympiad for the subject "Physical Culture"

N.N.Resnokov, V.V.Kuzin, A.A. Krasnikov