Aptitude tests. Tests of special abilities Take the test to determine special abilities online

Many people go with the flow of life, get an education and choose a profession, without thinking about what abilities nature has endowed them with. By passing the talent test, you will be able to determine the direction that is most promising for realizing your own potential. Some define it intuitively. Such a test can provide a scientific basis for the choice made.

By answering several questions, you can get a generalized result that determines the area of ​​life in which the possible percentage of success is the highest. At the same time, we should not forget that innate abilities are responsible for only part of the positive result. You will still have to work on yourself and make some efforts.

A test on what talent you have is a tool for identifying hidden capabilities. Each person may have several of them. There is an opinion among psychologists and sociologists that the implementation of just one inclination can make a person happy. Therefore, having learned about your many talents, it is not always advisable to scatter yourself in all promising areas. It is better to choose the type of activity that you like best.

On our website you can find your talent absolutely free in just a few minutes. The result will help you choose a vector for self-realization, regardless of what potential you have: acting skills or mathematical abilities.

It's famous aptitude test. Reveals a person’s creative, mental, intellectual, mathematical, and analytical abilities. Abilities for entrepreneurship, science, creativity.

Draw a square, triangle, circle, rectangle and zigzag on paper. Choose the figure you like the most and label it number 1. Number 2 the figure you like least. Next we will talk about figure number 1.


    You are a reasonable, hardworking and organized person, but sometimes, paying attention to the little things, you miss the most important thing. You are tenacious and persistent, sometimes bordering on stubbornness. It is difficult to convince you of anything. You are quite erudite and do not miss the opportunity to show off your knowledge. You are patient. But you are often indecisive. Because of your frugality, many people consider you greedy. Working on the Internet on .


    You are a leader who knows how to make decisions and is ready to be responsible for other people. You are selfish and love to be the center of attention. You are decisive and intolerant of objections. You quickly grasp the main idea, but do not know how to listen to others. You love to compete and know how to win. You are confident in yourself, but tend to overestimate your own capabilities. You are very energetic and always strive for leadership. Leadership qualities will help you establish. Or open .


    You are prone to psychoanalysis. You know how to listen and understand other people. You are responsive and friendly. You are ready to solve other people's problems and sometimes try to please everyone at once. At the same time, you are fair. More than mathematics, you like history and literature. Your erudition and creativity will help you master such work on the Internet.


    You tend to doubt everything, including yourself. Your interests, opinions and assessments are constantly changing. It seems that you are constantly searching for yourself. At the same time, you are an inquisitive, inquisitive and courageous person. Over time, you can choose another, more stable shape: a square or a triangle. You could achieve success online in the financial industry, for example.


As for the second figure, it shows what type of character you don’t like. It is difficult for you to communicate with people who have chosen these figures (show this test to your spouse). But we still need to show tolerance towards each other, because people are all different.

Diagnostic test

"Schoolchildren's abilities"

primary school teacher at Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 13”, Vorkuta

Test rules

The surveyed schoolchildren are given checklists with question numbers, next to which they need to enter a “+” sign if the answer is positive, and a “-” sign if the answer is negative. The content of the questions is read out by the teacher.


Contents of questions :

Is it true that you loved very much as a child?

1. Do you play outdoor games for a long time?

2. Invent games and dominate them?

3.Play checkers, chess?

4.Break toys to see what's inside?

6. Talk to strangers or ask questions?

7.Listening to music and dancing rhythmically to it?

8.Draw yourself or watch others draw?

Do you like it now?

10.Do you take part in physical education classes or sections?

11.Voluntarily take on the responsibilities of a business organizer?

12.Help the kids solve math problems?

14.Participate in amateur performances?

15.Help other people understand their problems?

17. Study in an art studio, in an art circle?

18.Write essays on a free topic?

Do you get any special pleasure?

19. From participating and competing in sports competitions?

20. From your ability to arrange people, distribute work?

21. From solving difficult mathematical problems?

22.From fixing household electrical appliances or radios?

23. From playing on stage?

24. From communicating with people?

25. From getting to know new musical instruments and pieces of music?

26. From visiting an art exhibition?

27. From retelling some event read or seen?

Do you often feel drawn to it?

28. To long-term physical exercise?

29.For matters in the group that require your initiative or perseverance?

30. To solving mathematical charades?

31.To manufacture any products (models)?

32.Participate in the production of the play?

33.Help people, sympathize with them?

34.Would you like to play a musical instrument?

35.Draw with paints or pencils?

36.Write poetry, prose or just keep a diary?

Are you in love for a long time?

37.Do sports or physical labor?

38.Work energetically with others?

39. Do drawing or chess combination?

40. Delve into mechanisms and devices?

41.Take care of younger, weaker or sick people?

42. Think about the fates of people, heroes of books you like?

43.Perform musical pieces?

44.Perform musical pieces?

45.Prepare for a report, message, essay?

Processing the results

Each vertical column characterizes one of the directions in the development of individual abilities:

I- physical (sports)

II- organizational

III- mathematical

IV- design and technical

V- emotional and visual (artistic)

VI- communicative

VII- musical

VIII- artistic and visual

IX- philological

When processing data, the sum of positive answers for each column is calculated.


“Determination of creative inclinations of schoolchildren”

primary school teacher at Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 13”, Vorkuta

Test rules:

Read each question carefully. Circle the word “Yes” if you agree with what is written if it is true of you. Circle the word “No” if what you write does not apply to you.

Yes. No. 1.I love composing my own songs.

Yes. No. 2.I like to walk alone.

Yes. No. 3.My dad and mom love to play with me.

Yes. No. 4.I ask a lot of questions.

Yes. No. 5. Writing stories and fairy tales is a waste of time.

Yes. No. 6.I like to have only one or two friends.

Yes. No. 7. I have nothing against if the rules of the game change sometimes.

Yes. No. 8.I have some really good ideas.

Yes. No. 9.I love to draw.

Yes. No. 10.I like things that are difficult to do.

Yes. No. 11.The sun in the picture should always be yellow.

Yes. No. 12.I like to take things apart to understand how they work.

Yes. No. 13.I like coloring pictures more than drawing myself.

Yes. No. 14.Easy problems are the most interesting.

Yes. No. 15.Sometimes dad or mom does something with me.

Yes. No. 16.I love learning new things about animals.

Yes. No. 17.My dad likes to do things around the house.

Yes. No. 18.I don’t like it when other children ask a lot of questions.

Yes. No. 19. It’s hard to find something to do when you’re alone.

Yes. No. 20.My dad thinks that I usually do the right thing.

Yes. No. 21.I love stories about the distant past.

Yes. No. 22.I play old games more willingly than new ones.

Yes. No. 23. When I want to do something, but it’s difficult for me, I give up on this idea and take on something else.

Yes. No. 24.I always play with friends, but I don’t like to play alone.

Calculation of results

For every positive answer("Yes") 1 point is awarded for negative answers("No") – 0 points.

In points 5, 6, 11, 13, 14, 18, 19, 22, 23, 24, 0 points are awarded instead of 1 point, and 1 point is awarded instead of 0 points. This is done because the indicated points state a characteristic opposite to what is being assessed.

1.Diversity of interests .

Let's calculate the total points for answers in points 1, 5, 9, 16. 21.


IIdegree – 2-3 points (moderately expressed)

IIIdegree - 4-5 points (explicitly expressed)


Let's calculate the total points for answers in points 2, 8, 11, 13, 19, 24

Idegree – 0-2 points (weakly expressed)

IIdegree – 3-4 points (moderately expressed)

IIIdegree – 4-5 points (explicitly expressed)

3.Flexibility, adaptability

Let's calculate the total points for the answers in paragraphs 6. 7. 22

Idegree – 0-1 point (weakly expressed)




Let's calculate the total points for answers in points 4, 12, 18

Idegree – 0-1 point (weakly expressed)

IIdegree – 2 points (moderately expressed)

IIIdegree – 3 points (explicitly expressed)


Let's calculate the total points for answers in points 10, 14, 23

Idegree – 0-1 point (weakly expressed)

IIdegree – 2 points (moderately expressed)

IIIdegree – 3 points (explicitly expressed)

6. Information about the family situation

We calculate the total points for answers in points 3, 15. 17, 20

Idegree – 0-1 point (little contribution)

IIdegree – 2 points (medium assistance)

IIIdegree – 3 points (clearly contributes to the degree of influence of the family environment for the development of students’ creative inclinations)

Methods that diagnose the level of development of general and special abilities that determine the success of training, professional activity and creativity. The technique is used to study the characteristics of thinking, the ability to differentiate essential features of objects or phenomena from unimportant, secondary ones. By the nature of the distinguished features, one can judge the predominance of one or another style of thinking: concrete or abstract. The technique is designed to assess a child’s vocabulary and thinking fluency. This type of memory appears and develops in children one of the first in ontogenesis. The development of other types of memory, including memorization, preservation and reproduction, significantly depends on the development of this type. Can be used individually or in a group. The ability to find commonality in objects and various kinds of phenomena, the ability to express the found commonality in the form of a specific concept are among the most important. The technique is designed to identify the test subject’s ability to generalize, the level of his conceptual thinking. The ability to find commonality in objects and various kinds of phenomena, the ability to express the found commonality in the form of a specific concept are among the most important. The technique is intended primarily to identify combinatorial abilities, the level of fluency of abstract logical thinking. The result is also greatly influenced by the ability to generalize, the ability to identify essential features, and the volume of the subject’s vocabulary. The result is also greatly influenced by the ability to generalize, the ability to identify essential features, and the volume of words. The technique is intended mainly to identify combinatorial abilities and the level of fluency in abstract logical thinking. The result is also greatly influenced by the ability to generalize, the ability to identify essential features, and the volume of words. The technique is intended mainly to identify combinatorial abilities and the level of fluency in abstract logical thinking. The result is also greatly influenced by the ability to generalize, the ability to identify essential features, and the volume of words. The technique is intended mainly to identify combinatorial abilities and the level of fluency in abstract logical thinking. The result is also greatly influenced by the ability to generalize, the ability to identify essential features, and the volume of words. This psychological test is designed to diagnose analytical mathematical abilities. Analytical math skills are considered academic skills. That is, first of all, they allow a person to better assimilate educational material, in this case mathematics. The technique is intended to study the ability to generalize and abstract, the ability to identify essential features. The level of general awareness of the subject has a fairly large influence on the result. Therefore, this technique is a chorus The technique is designed to study the ability to generalize and abstract, the ability to identify essential features. The level of general awareness of the subject has a fairly large influence on the result. Therefore, this technique is a chorus The technique is designed to study the ability to generalize and abstract, the ability to identify essential features. The level of general awareness of the subject has a fairly large influence on the result. Therefore, this technique is a chorus The technique is designed to study the ability to generalize and abstract, the ability to identify essential features. The level of general awareness of the subject has a fairly large influence on the result. Therefore, this technique is a chorus. This psychodiagnostic technique is intended to study the level of concentration and stability of attention of the subject. Otherwise, it won’t hurt you to find out for yourself whether you are a good driver or not. A short questionnaire consisting of twelve pairs of judgments. It will help determine the level of rationality of a person. The test is designed to diagnose the level of development of “effective intelligence,” that is, the general ability to solve practical intellectual problems. Most common intelligence tests have a "tendency" to diagnose "academic and The test is designed to diagnose the level of development of "effective intelligence", that is, the general ability to solve practical intellectual problems. Most common intelligence tests have a "tendency" to diagnose "academic and The test is intended to diagnosing the level of development of “effective intelligence”, that is, the general ability to solve practical intellectual problems.

Have you ever dreamed of acquiring super powers? But what if you already have them but don't know it? With this free online testing, you can assess your energetic potential, as well as receive recommendations regarding occult development and self-improvement.

Despite the fact that this test for magical abilities is compiled in a somewhat frivolous comic manner, it allows you to fairly accurately determine a person’s natural inclinations. As you know, there is some truth in every joke... The effectiveness of developing beyond one's abilities largely depends on the magician's ability to interact with the forces of nature. Therefore, one should not neglect her support in such a difficult matter as acquiring magical abilities.

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Unleash your super powers!

Each magician has his own patron who helps him in all ceremonies and rituals. With this magical ability test you will find out who your patron is. Perhaps this is the legendary sorcerer Merlin? Mysterious Isis, keeper of the secret sciences? Or is Shiva the goddess of destruction and chaos? Take advantage of the free online testing "Am I a magician or what" to find out immediately!

Human superpowers include not only the obvious manifestations of magical powers, such as telepathy, telekinesis and clairvoyance. They are beyond the control of many magicians, who have successfully replaced the lack of superpowers with astrology and the practice of fortune telling using Tarot cards, runes, etc. Through the free online testing presented here, you will find out in which direction you should develop your super abilities that nature has endowed every person.

Sometimes abilities such as clairvoyance or telepathy develop spontaneously, or as a result of a sharp emotional shock. However, more often they appear as a result of a special set of training, including meditation and special practices. But the first step in unlocking your potential is to explore your abilities and inclinations.

By using the magical abilities test, you will save yourself time, which is so valuable for every magician. After all, it is much easier to develop those talents for which a person has an inclination than to try to master something “from scratch.” Remember - beyond ability is not a gift from the gods or a privilege of the chosen few, but human properties that are rudimentarily present in each of us. Therefore, do not hesitate, take the test for magical abilities, identify your talents, and start developing them. It's time